Garden flower yucca. Yucca garden: planting and care. Yucca - home care

Indoor plants are used to add a unique note to the design of the room. One of them is yuca, a flower that grows naturally in central and southern North America. The use of this plant in interior design is mainly due to its high decorative qualities and rather unpretentious properties, both in terms of environmental conditions and care.

Exotic plant

Yucca is a genus of monocotyledons, mostly tree-like perennials belonging to the agave family, although until recently yucca was classified as a member of the lily family.

At the top of the erect stem, which has scars - a trace of fallen leaves, there is a plume of long, flat or groove-shaped, hard leaves, usually prickly, sometimes serrated. Some types of yucca do not have a trunk, and the basal rosette of leaves forms a lush bunch with long, sword-shaped and erect or drooping leaves. The color of the leaves, depending on the type of plant, ranges from pale green to dark green with a bluish tint.

Blooming yucca is a magnificent sight. A tall panicle-shaped inflorescence with numerous bell-like flowers, white or pale cream or slightly yellowish in color. The fruits are juicy or dry fruit-pods with seeds.

Today, about 30 species of this amazing plant are known; in their homeland, some species are grown on an industrial scale to produce especially strong fiber, the so-called pita. Interesting fact: the first jeans were made from fabric woven using this fiber, and only much later, when denim gained worldwide popularity, cotton fiber was added to it.

But better known decorative varieties yuccas, which serve as decoration for parks, gardens, personal plots and, of course, cultivated indoors.

Yucca - elephant leg

More recently, elephant yucca (Yucca elephantipes), which got its name due to its thick trunk, surprisingly similar to an elephant’s leg, has gained particular popularity among indoor floriculture enthusiasts. Under natural growing conditions, this tree-like perennial reaches 8 meters in height. It has long (up to 80 cm), sword-shaped, dark green leaves with a bluish tint. The flowers are collected in racemes, about 6 cm long, white with a slightly greenish color.

In indoor conditions, elephantis, of course, has a more modest size. It grows quite slowly and reaches a maximum of 1.5-2 m in height. This is an extremely advantageous quality for indoor floriculture. If we add to this the simple care of the plant, then its popularity in the art of interior gardening becomes clear.

Features of caring for indoor yucca

But still, this exotic has some specific qualities: the indoor plant yucca is very demanding on lighting and heat, especially in summer time. This is explained by the fact that under natural conditions it grows in semi-desert and desert zones, where the maximum solar lighting and very high ambient temperatures. Therefore, the plant must be placed in front of windows with southern, south-eastern and south-western exposure, thus providing it with maximum sunlight. When there is insufficient light, the plant becomes stretched and the leaves gradually turn pale. In order for the southern guest to develop evenly, the plant must be turned to the light with its dark side from time to time. Or add additional lighting.

It would be nice to keep the temperature in the room where indoor yucca lives within +20-26°C. However, you need to know that yucca absolutely does not tolerate any drafts!

Since our southern guest moved to us from the semi-desert lands of Mexico, the dry and not very humid air of the apartments is quite comfortable for her. But still, on hot summer days, lightly spraying or wiping the leaves from dust with a damp rag will not be superfluous. After spraying, it is best not to place the indoor flower in direct sunlight, but to wait until the leaves dry.

Proper care of yucca at home is first and foremost proper watering indoor flower. The plant is not capricious, but does not tolerate excess moisture and stagnation of water. Watering must be done very carefully and rarely, but abundantly. And only when the surface of the soil in the container dries out by at least 5 cm. Excess water from the pan must be drained. Water for irrigation should first be kept at room temperature so that the disinfectant additives evaporate from it.

Feeding and fertilizer

It is known that Yucca elephantis, being a plant of the semi-desert zone, is not spoiled in terms of high nutritional value of the soil, therefore it should be fertilized or fed less than others indoor flowers, diluting the specified norm of complex mineral fertilizer on the package with double the amount of water.

The plant responds well to foliar feeding; for this, during the active growing season, it is enough to spray the lower part of the yucca leaves with a liquid fertilizer solution. You should not overuse frequent feedings; it is enough to carry them out 2 times a month, or even once every 3 weeks, making sure that the plant has adapted to the conditions and is healthy. You can also fertilize yucca with organic liquid infusions of mullein or compost.

Feeding or fertilizing is carried out only in spring and summer. From the very beginning of autumn, it is time to prepare the flower for the winter dormancy period and gradually reduce feeding until it stops completely. In autumn winter period The plant should not be fertilized.

Care and maintenance of yucca at home

Quality care comes down to more than just the right choice place and timely watering, but also proper pruning, as well as replanting this plant.

Trimming. Time passes, and the yucca tree grows, losing its decorative qualities. In order to return the plant to its magnificent appearance, it is necessary to trim the grown flower. Pruning is carried out in early spring or in the first month of summer. The trunk is cut almost to the base, leaving only 2 to 4 buds, pruning with a sharp knife or blade. The cut area should be treated with crushed activated carbon or covered with garden varnish. The cut part should not be thrown away. It can be rooted, thereby obtaining several more plants.

Transfer. As noted above, the yucca tree grows quite slowly at home. Therefore, it requires replanting extremely rarely - once every 4 years is enough for an adult plant. The only exceptions are young, well-developing or diseased plants. Young ones are transplanted once a year, and sick ones - as needed.

It is advisable to do replanting, as well as pruning, in the spring, before the start of the active growth period. As a rule, the signal for transplantation is an overgrown root system elephantis.

The new container for the plant should be significantly larger than the previous one. It is advisable to use ceramic pots, since in plastic containers rotting of yucca roots occurs much more often.

Required condition good growth is high-quality drainage and the composition of the soil mixture. At the bottom of the new pot you need to pour a layer of special materials intended for this purpose - agroperlite, vermiculite or expanded clay. These products undergo special processing, are sterile and have excellent protective properties: they adsorb harmful substances from the soil and conduct moisture well, promoting air exchange of roots. Drainage material is sold in specialized flower shops.

You can prepare the soil mixture yourself at the rate of: 3 parts turf soil, 2 parts leaf soil and 3 parts coarse river sand. But you can also use a ready-made soil mixture, remembering that it should have a neutral pH and not exceed 5.9-6.6, since yucca does not tolerate acidic and alkaline soils.

It is advisable to replant yucca by transshipment, carefully preserving the earthen ball, trying not to damage the root system. Carefully inspect the roots of the plant for rotting, and if any, remove immediately.

Self-propagation of yucca

Yucca palm, although this name is not entirely correct - this plant is classified as an agave plant, and is called a palm tree only because it is very similar to this woody plant, propagated by cuttings, seeds and root shoots.

For example, cuttings. The trunk remaining after pruning is divided into 10 cm sections. The apical part is slightly dried and placed in a vessel with boiled water, or in a light, slightly moistened substrate until the first roots appear. After this, the top is transplanted into the prepared pot. You should not delay replanting and wait for a full-fledged root lobe to grow, otherwise the cutting may rot.

The stem segments are laid out horizontally in a previously prepared container with moistened soil or sand, slightly deepening them. Cover with glass or film and place in a bright and very warm place. The mini-greenhouse must be ventilated periodically and the soil with cuttings must be sprayed warm water. Condensation on glass or film must be wiped off. After the shoots appear, the cuttings are removed from the soil, the shoots are separated and planted in small pots. The cuttings germinate within one and a half months.

Propagation by seeds is practiced much less frequently. Freshly harvested seeds are sown in a light mixture of sand and turf and leaf soil. Cover with glass and place in a warm, well-lit place, periodically checking the moisture content of the substrate and ventilating the crops. Temperature for seed germination is 25-30°C. Shoots appear within a month. They are scattered into small pots when the sprouts have formed 2 full-fledged leaves. After a week, carry out 1 fertilizing with a very weak solution of nitrophoska (1 g per 1 liter of water). Sprouts with 5 leaves are considered complete plants, suitable for normal care.

Winter period

How to care for yucca in winter? The specificity of the plant is such that, being a plant of southern latitudes, elephantis tolerates winter temperature drops of up to 10°C well. But at lower temperatures, the exotic dies. And keeping yucca in winter at high room temperatures and insufficient winter lighting will cause damage to the root system and yellowing of the foliage. To avoid such troubles and create the most comfortable conditions for the plant in winter, it must be placed on a well-insulated loggia, where there will be enough light, but not a lot of heat. In this case, watering should be reduced to a minimum so that excess moisture does not lead to the death of the plant.

Yucca blooms extremely rarely in indoor conditions. But some gardeners manage to achieve this result. If a yucca stands in front of a sunny window and pleases with its flowers, the owner took care of it impeccably.

Interesting! Astrologers believe that the yucca flower neutralizes negative emotions and thereby improves the atmosphere of relationships between people. Is this so, you can check own experience: just have this amazing plant at home.

Video - Yucca, propagation and care

Yucca is a truly unique plant. Not only does it bring beauty and freshness to the home, but it is also a very multifunctional plant. In addition to the listed, fairly standard properties, yucca can be used for food and in technical production.

She is very unpretentious in care, but you still have to make an effort to get a decent result. Yucca itself comes from North America; few people know about the fact that the first jeans contained fibers from this amazing plant.

Yucca will easily fit into the interior of any home and you will be amazed at how harmoniously it turns out.

How to choose suitable variety, how to care for it and much more you will learn further.

Description of Yucca

Yucca (lat. Yucca)– perennial tree-like plants native to the subtropical zone of North America; It belongs to the agave family and has up to forty species. In the homeland of yucca (Yucca), it is used in various fields. Juice with a high sugar content is obtained from cut yucca flowers.

  • Yucca filamentosa produces very strong fibers, from which the first jeans were made, even before the use of cotton.
  • Although in the USA, yucca fibers are still added to jeans to this day, which makes them more durable and resistant to wear.
  • In addition, paper and rope are made from yucca fibers, and in addition it is used for medicinal purposes.

Yucca- These are evergreen plants with a low stem that either does not branch at all or branches slightly. In some species, the stem is practically invisible, and large ones rise immediately above the ground. beautiful leaves, arranged in a spiral.

The inflorescences are erect, large, up to 2 m long, emerge from the center of the rosette of leaves and look like panicles. Drooping flowers (up to 7 cm long) are bell-shaped and white in color. The 10-centimeter fruit is a box with black seeds (up to 1 cm in diameter).

In indoor conditions, it is best to place yucca in spacious rooms or a hall, because it grows up to 4 m in height. Externally, yucca looks like a false palm.

Will bloom homemade yucca white flowers that look like bells, but this will not happen soon, because flowering is possible only in adult specimens.

Indoor yucca is very often used to decorate the interior, and specimens with several growth points - in which the trunk branches - are of particular value.

Types of Yucca domestica

Yucca indoors.

Yucca indoors is grown as ornamental plant, it can also be used for medicinal purposes. The plant is similar to a palm tree, its height can reach 4 m, so it is suitable for placement in large halls.

  • Planting this type of yucca requires a deep pot with good drainage.
  • In summer, yucca is taken out into the open air, in winter it is kept indoors with a cool air temperature and sufficiently bright lighting.
  • Indoor yucca will bloom with white flowers after many years.
  • It has green, slightly bluish, sword-shaped, linear leaves, collected in a bunch at the top of the trunk.

An incredibly beautiful decorative yucca decorates a flowerbed with its sharp evergreen leaves in the shape of a sword, and during flowering it attracts with a tall peduncle with large white bells.

It can be grown in pots without much difficulty, where it looks very impressive. Young specimens of three years of age are placed in three-liter pots; for an older representative of the agave genus, a ten-liter container is suitable.

Yucca aloefolia.

This is the most popular yucca among amateur plant growers. Its main difference from other species is that it does not have side shoots.

On its tree-like trunk, planted with notches left over from fallen leaves, grow rather hard, green leaves with a bluish tint, collected in the form of two or three sparse rosettes.

They are very sharp, you can even cut yourself on them, so it is better not to keep such plants in places where people move. When choosing this type, you must comply correct mode watering, and then you will be able to grow a healthy and beautiful tree.

Yucca filamentosa.

The inhabitant of eastern North America takes root well at home because it is resistant to pests and tolerates heat and drought well.

This is a stemless plant with bluish-green leaves with a pointed apex, with edges covered with numerous white, thin, curling threads.

A flower panicle, composed of yellowish-white, drooping flowers, grows approximately 200 cm in height. The fruit has a round shape. The plant grows quickly and likes to produce shoots (stolons). Under the conditions of the botanical garden, breeders managed to obtain several varieties of this species.

Yucca elephant.

This is the most interesting species, its height reaches 10 m. Amazing plant, care for which consists of performing some simple rules, is widely used in industry and medicine.

Rope is made from strong fibers, and the juice of the leaves of the plant is used as a basis for some hormonal preparations.

The native places of growth of this indoor plant are Mexico and Guatemala. The imported stems are cut into fragments, planted in flower pots, they can be bought at any flower shop.

The soil

This plant needs soil whose acidity ranges from 5.7-7.4 pH. It is difficult for yucca to absorb many microelements from alkaline soils. There are two soil recipes for this representative of palm trees.

To prepare the first mixture, you need to mix one part each of compost, sand (perlite), turf soil, and humus. To prepare the substrate according to the second recipe, you need to mix one part of pebbles or dolomite crushed stone (1.2 cm fraction), pine bark (2 cm), coarse peat, coarse perlite, charcoal(1 cm), pumice, and 0.1 parts of bone meal.

This composition ensures very good water drainage and prevents soil salinization. It is better to use slowly dissolving granular fertilizers as a fertilizer for yucca. It is better to apply them once a year in the spring.


Yucca requires a lot of light and sun. The best place for it is windows facing south, southeast and southwest.

  • Good lighting is especially important for young plants to ensure they correct formation. Wherein young plants are more sensitive to sunlight than adults, so in the hottest time they need to be shaded or moved away from the window.
  • Lack of light has a detrimental effect on the plant. The shoots stretch out and bend unsightly. The leaves become thinner, turn pale, begin to turn yellow and fall off. The plant becomes weakened and pests, such as mealybugs or spider mites, may appear on it.

Yucca needs enough light in winter too, therefore, during this period it is advisable to organize additional artificial lighting for the plant, increasing the daylight hours to 16 hours a day.


During the growing season (from March to September), the comfortable temperature for yucca is 20-24 degrees. In hotter conditions, increased air humidity is necessary (spraying, placing on a tray with wet expanded clay). The higher the air temperature, the higher its humidity should be..

  • The problem when caring for yucca at home is the need to keep the plant cool in the winter (from October to February), at a temperature of 8-10 degrees Celsius.
  • It’s good if the house has a suitable room, for example, a heated loggia, where you can place the yucca at this time.
  • If not, then place the pot on the windowsill, moving it closer to the glass, and periodically open the window slightly, and if the design of the windows allows, open the doors for winter ventilation.

It must be remembered that yucca tolerates sudden changes in temperature and drafts painfully and sometimes dies from this.

How to water yucca?

The answer to this question is given by yucca itself. The size and age of the plant, the type of pot and soil, and the time of year affect the frequency and volume of watering.

On average, you need to water a flower once a week. Leaves and soil serve as watering indicators. Leaves bent down in an arched manner indicate that the plant does not yet require watering.

The leaves begin to curl into a tube around the center line, and the ground becomes dry by 5-7 cm - the yucca needs to be watered. Timely watering can be abundant, but the water must be completely absorbed and not flow into the pan.

  • If the air in the room is dry in winter or the plant is taken out into the open air in summer, then it can be sprayed about every other day.
  • The flower drinks water through its leaves and drops of moisture imitate dew and its natural habitat for it. In any case, sensitive leaves should occasionally be carefully wiped to remove dust.
  • Feed the plant only with settled water. room temperature.

Do not allow excess moisture in the soil. Increased soil moisture can lead to disease in the form of grayish-brown spots on the leaves. Diseased leaves will have to be removed, and the flower itself will have to be sprayed with a fungicide.

Air humidity

Yucca does not require spraying the leaves, but sometimes it is necessary to wash it so that the plant does not become dusty and does not lose its attractiveness. In summer, outdoor rainfall is sufficient. If in winter the yucca is kept in a room with central heating, then it is advisable to spray it at least once a day.

  • When spraying yucca in the sun, spots may appear on its leaves from sunburn.
  • For better decorativeness, the plant must be washed from time to time in the shower or under running water, making sure that water does not get on the substrate (for example, cover the pot with polyethylene).
  • The most common types of yucca in indoor floriculture - elephant yucca (Yucca elephantipes) and aloe yucca (Yucca aloifolia) - do not require spraying.
  • Yucca does not require too much water. In summer, you can water yucca only once a week.

In winter, the number of waterings can be reduced to once every 10 days. In general, the basic rules for watering are as follows: From spring to autumn, the soil is constantly kept moderately wet, it is better to dry out the plant a little rather than overwater it.

In winter, the soil should be moistened from time to time, depending on the temperature. The frequency of watering yucca depends on many factors: the size and material of the pot, the size of the plant, the characteristics of the substrate, temperature and humidity.

In the warm season, yucca is watered abundantly - but only after the top layer of soil has dried to a depth of about 5 cm. In hot summers, yucca is watered more often; but do not forget that the soil in the pot should dry out between waterings. Yucca at home should be kept in a nutrient mixture. In this case, a thick layer of drainage should be poured onto the bottom of the pot.

Top dressing

Feeding: once every 2-3 weeks in spring and summer, with an interval of two to three weeks, with a diluted solution of mineral fertilizers. This plant responds well to feeding with mullein infusion, horse manure, leaf humus. The best results are obtained by foliar feeding (the leaves are sprayed from the underside with a solution of mineral fertilizer).

  • You cannot feed the plant immediately after transplantation, or if the yucca is sick.
  • In general, it should be taken into account that fertilizing is required only from May to September, i.e. during rapid growth plants.

But in winter, the plant should not only be left alone, but also taken to a cooler room. Optimal temperature for wintering the plant it will be 10°C.


Replanting a houseplant is done once every two years. When a plant has more than one trunk, it needs to be replanted. And this manipulation is performed in this way:

  1. The trunk is divided into several parts along with the root.
  2. All cut areas are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or covered with garden pitch.
  3. Each sprout resulting from division is planted in a separate pot.

You can replant indoor yucca at any time of the year. But most optimal time it will be spring. The plant needs to be prepared for transplantation. To begin, cut off a third of the foliage and immerse the root in warm water for a couple of hours.

It is imperative to ensure that the root system is not damaged during replanting. Yucca loves vitamin supplements; they are applied directly to the new soil.

Important. If you follow all the rules of care and planting, a luxurious beauty will grow from a small yucca, which will become the most beautiful decoration housing.


When purchasing a plant, it is replanted within two days. A new pot for yucca is chosen a few centimeters larger than the old one.

  • The best pots for plants are clay or ceramic pots, due to their natural origin and drainage hole, suitable size.
  • Although containers made of plastic are also successfully used, after making an additional hole in them to drain excess water.
  • This type of container is more affordable, and is no worse in use than clay ones.
  • When the pot is chosen, planting begins.
  • Drainage is poured into the bottom of the container, in the form of fine gravel or red brick broken into pieces.
  • Then the prepared soil is poured over the drainage.
  • It can be purchased at a specialty store or prepared with your own hands. The main thing is that there is sand.

Carefully remove the yucca from the old pot. The earthen lump present on the root cannot be removed. The plant is placed in new pot and cover the sides with substrate, compacting it with a spatula. The planted plant is watered abundantly.

Next, the pot with yucca is transferred to a dark place. And they comply temperature regime+25°С. For a week, the yucca is sprayed three times a day with water. After a week of adaptation, a sunny corner in the room is chosen for the flower, and it is moved to permanent place residence.

For compliance with all conditions, the yucca will thank the owner with luxurious beauty. And it will delight you for many years.


Every time the time comes to transplant a yucca, you should be guided by one rule when choosing a pot. The old container fits freely in the new container. And in order not to make a mistake with the size, the ideal distance between the pots is no more than three centimeters in diameter.

Yucca grows slowly. And if you choose a larger pot, the plant’s growth will stop for a long period until the root system becomes denser. And first of all, the crown will suffer. After all, the root will take all the nutrients for itself for growth.


As described above, indoor yucca can be replanted at any time of the year. But it is better not to replant in the fall, but to give the plant the opportunity to prepare for the rest period.

After all, planting it in a new pot will not give the yucca full sleep, but will force it to give up all its strength to take root in its new place of residence. This will lead to flower disease.

They have been replanting yucca since February. The main thing is to adhere to strict rules so that yucca pleases with its beauty and not with diseases.

As for garden plants. Such specimens are planted only in the spring in order to take root well and get used to new conditions.

Yucca cannot be planted in autumn. By frost, it will not have time to grow a root, and may die in frost. And even good insulation won't save her. The main thing for yucca is to observe a period of its slow adaptation to new conditions.


Garden yucca, after purchase, is immediately planted in a flowerbed. Choose a site with good lighting and protected from drafts. Planted early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset.

Dig a hole 60 cm deep and 80 cm wide for the young plant. The recess is made 10 cm larger if the plant is mature. The soil for planting is prepared in advance, for this you will need:

  • fine gravel;
  • sand;
  • compost;
  • black soil

All components are mixed in equal parts and moistened. Part of the substrate is poured into the prepared hole, where the yucca is placed and the rest of the soil is poured on top, compacting it with a shovel. Next, a small hole is made around the plant. Settled warm water is poured into it. In the first week after planting, the plant is sprayed daily.

Basically, garden yucca does not bloom in our latitudes. But sometimes exceptions happen. In the first year, the plant will not produce flowers; during this period, the yucca gets used to new conditions. The plant becomes ready for flowering in the third year.

Yucca care in winter

Caring for yucca in winter is significantly different from summer care. Yucca belongs to light-loving plants and in winter, with insufficient lighting, it may lose its lower leaves.

So in winter you need to choose the most illuminated place in the apartment for it. Caring for yucca in winter is significantly different from summer care.

  • It is necessary to water the plant only when adding the top layer of soil in the pot, but you should remember that yucca does not like excessive watering.
  • The presence of excess moisture in the pot is completely detrimental to its root system.
  • Often, excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system and death of the entire plant.
  • Watering should only be done around the circumference of the pot, and when watering, you should avoid getting water into the outlet and between the trunks of the plant, as this can also lead to rotting of the trunks.

In winter, yucca does not need additional spraying and dry air is not harmful to it, although spraying itself does not cause any harm to the plant.

But spraying the plant in direct sunlight is highly undesirable; this can lead to burns on the leaves of the plant; when spraying, it is also necessary to ensure that water does not get inside the rosette of the plant, this can lead to its rotting and death.

Reproduction methods

Why is the yucca flower propagated? Often in order to acquire a new copy of this beautiful plant or give it to someone.

You can also propagate elephant yucca, for example, to plant several plants of different sizes in one pot so that they create a very impressive composition in the form of several tiers of lush greenery.

It should be remembered that the soil for young yucca rooted using one of the methods described below can be made independently from: leaf soil (2 parts); turf land (2 parts); humus (1 part); sand (2 parts). You can also buy ready-made soil in the store.

It is important to provide the plant with good drainage at the bottom of the growing container, and also do not forget to add up to 30% coarse sand to the substrate. Experienced gardeners recommend propagating yucca using one of the following methods: suckers; rooting of the apex; stem cuttings; seeds; air layering.

Reproduction by offspring

At proper care Yucca can have children in the first year of life. Separating root or stem shoots from a false palm tree is even useful - for normal growth and development, you need to ensure that there are no more than five shoots on the plant at the same time.

The process of rooting children is as follows: it is advisable to sprinkle the cuts on the parent tree and on the offspring itself with crushed charcoal; separated shoots must be planted in containers with moist, clean sand, watered and covered glass jar or plastic bag; It doesn’t hurt to provide young plants with good humidity and a temperature of at least 20 °C.

It is very important to ventilate the “greenhouse” daily and water the plant as needed; root formation will occur in a period of approximately two months; When the yucca has taken root, you need to transplant it into a permanent pot with good soil and pieces of charcoal in it.

Reproduction by rooting the apex

Yucca does not really like to branch and therefore most often grows with one trunk. Mature plant, which is well rooted and at least 30 cm high, can be forced to branch. To do this, you need to perform the following steps.

In spring or at the very beginning of summer, it is necessary to cut off the top of the yucca, 5 to 10 cm long, with a sharp and clean knife or blade. It is best for the plant to do this during the growth of the moon. It is important to leave as many leaves as possible on the trunk of the yucca that continues to grow in the pot.

All cuts must be sprinkled with charcoal powder. The apical cutting needs to be kept in the air for two hours so that the cut dries out a little. Then you need to plant the cutting in damp sand or place it in cool boiled water.

  • To prevent the cuttings from rotting, you can add a little charcoal to the water.
  • If the lower leaves of the cutting are rotten, an unpleasant odor will spread.
  • These leaves need to be removed and the water needs to be replaced with fresh water.
  • It is very important that the stem of the cutting does not begin to rot, so when rooting in the ground you need to water it very moderately.

When the cuttings grow roots, you can plant it permanently. A plant with a cut off top will grow new shoots from awakened buds. Helpful information about the propagation of croton flowers will help make this process fun and effective. The unpretentious fern can be propagated vegetatively and by spores.

Propagation by stem cuttings

Yucca can be propagated by cuttings taken from part of the trunk cut from a healthy plant with a bare stem. Next, you need to perform the following manipulations: A piece of yucca trunk must be placed horizontally on the surface of wet sand or loose soil in a pot.

The cuttings do not need to be sprinkled with soil; you just need to press them lightly into the ground. After some time, the dormant buds of the trunk will become active and release new shoots, growing roots along the way. Next, you need to remove the trunk from the sand, divide it with a sharp and clean knife into parts according to the number of shoots, and sprinkle the sections with crushed charcoal.

You need to leave the shoots in the air for a while to dry them a little. Then each shoot must be planted in a separate container with soil. You can also purchase a piece of yucca stem from a flower shop.

To determine the top and bottom, as a rule, the top of the cutting is filled with wax, which must be removed after planting.


  • Such cuttings root very easily and quickly as follows: to begin with, a piece of stem should be placed with the lower end in a solution of a growth stimulator for two or three days; “Heteroauxin” is perfect for this;
  • Next, you need to plant the cutting with its lower end in the ground, lowering it to a depth of 3 to 5 cm;
  • the soil in a pot with rooting yucca should always be moist, but not wet; after the first leaves appear, watering should be reduced; Then the yucca should be watered as the earthen clod dries out.

If the cutting purchased at a flower shop is not marked with wax, it must be rooted according to the scheme described above, placing it horizontally on the ground, and then separating the resulting shoots.

Propagation by seeds

In indoor conditions, yucca, as a rule, does not bloom. To form flower buds The plant needs a long, cold winter outside. However, if the grower is lucky enough to receive seeds from flowering plant or purchased at a flower shop, you can grow yucca from them according to the following scheme.

  • It is very important to ensure the freshness of the seeds.
  • You need to soak them in warm water for a day.
  • Next, you need to prepare a substrate from the following components: 1 part of leaf soil; 1 part of turf land; 1 part coarse sand.
  • The container with seedlings must be covered with glass or a plastic bag to create optimal conditions for germination - humidity and heat.
  • Every day you need to ventilate the seedlings and wipe the glass with a dry cloth. A month after sowing, you can wait for the first shoots to appear.

Reproduction by air layering

In case of rotting of the roots of an adult and tall indoor yucca, if there are healthy light and hard areas, you can grow new roots for it and propagate it in the following way:

  • On the healthy part of the plant 10 cm above the rotten part and at least 60 cm below the top, you need to remove the bark around the trunk in a strip 0.5 cm wide.
  • The cut area and the area slightly higher should be covered with damp sphagnum moss and tied with polyethylene on top.
  • It is necessary to regularly moisten the moss from a sprayer.
  • After two or three weeks, new roots will appear above the bark cut.

For the next two weeks, you need to continue to grow roots in the same conditions, constantly moistening the sphagnum. Next, you need to cut off the top of the yucca with new roots slightly below the place where the bark was removed.

Then you need to sprinkle the cut with charcoal, dry it a little and plant the cutting in a pot with fresh soil mixed with sand. As you can see, propagating yucca is not at all difficult and even exciting.

Caring flower growers who spare no time and some effort can get healthy and beautiful yucca and even use it to create spectacular compositions that are pleasing to the eye and uplifting.

Pruning and forming a lush tree

Yucca is pruned before active growth begins in late winter - early spring. It is worth remembering that after this procedure the plant trunk stops its growth. Therefore, it would be advisable to prune the flower when its trunk is at least five centimeters thick.

  • For this procedure, use a sharp knife, previously disinfected in alcohol. The cut is made as high as possible from the surface of the earth.
  • In order not to damage the growing points, the crown with leaves must be cut off along the entire diameter of the trunk, without breaking off. The cut is treated with crushed activated carbon to avoid the problem of trunk rotting.
  • The trimmed plant is placed in a well-lit place with sunlight and systemic watering is provided. A leafless plant should not be watered so often - 2 times a week.

After about 3-4 weeks, dormant buds near the cut will begin to wake up. There can be from 2 to 5 pieces. The flower will begin to actively increase the thickness of new trunks.

On plants with a trunk no thicker than five centimeters, it is recommended to leave two buds. If the trunk is thicker, five buds are left.

The cut top can be rooted in a container with a damp substrate. This way you can get another plant.

Diseases of indoor Yucca

Description of palm pests and diseases

There are many insects that can damage a palm tree. For example, among them:

  • thrips;
  • caterpillars;
  • spider mites;
  • scale insects;
  • aphids and the like.

The main mistake that can cause infection is overwatering. To revive a palm tree, it is enough to remove the cause that provokes the decline. natural protection, and also urgently treat the plant using purchased insecticidal preparations. They are used strictly according to the instructions.

Name of the most common Yucca diseases:

  • stem rot;
  • botrytis mushroom;
  • bacterial burn;
  • brown spotting;
  • gray spotting;
  • root rot.

Treating Yucca palm diseases can be difficult, so it's best to put efforts into prevention. It is often recommended to immediately destroy diseased plants without wasting time on their restoration. The absence of problems is a sign of proper care. Under good conditions, the likelihood of disease occurring is almost zero.

The trunk is rotting

Due to oversaturation with moisture, the lower part of the stem often rots. If the plant is affected by stem rot, then the entire trunk becomes soft and covered with red ulcers. Treatment is impossible; usually the palm tree is destroyed.

White spots

Light spots can appear on the foliage from too much light.

  • If white mycelium is visible on the stem or adjacent soil, this is a symptom of bacterial burn.
  • These are fluffy small formations of white color.
  • Then they become hard and dark brown.

Correct agricultural technology is the only preventive method.

Why do the leaves turn yellow and dry?

It has been noticed that as the palm tree grows older, it naturally gets rid of its leaves from below. This manifests itself in the fact that the lower leaves turn yellow. This yellowness is normal. The fact is that there are also painful spots - they are initially yellow oval.

Then they change. After the yellow ones you can see brown spots on Yucca and this indicates brown spotting. To cure a plant from brown spots, you need to use purchased products, but first you will have to organize care.

Many people are interested in why leaves turn yellow in winter. This is due to frequent watering, which the plant does not require at this time of year.

  • There is also a problem: the leaves of the Yucca palm dry only at the bottom of the plant. Apparently she's going to dump them. In most cases this is the norm.
  • You need to think about why indoor Yucca is drying out if the leaves above are also suffering, since this may be a sign of a lack of lighting and a too hot climate.
  • Dryness may occur along with yellowness. When dryness affects only the leaves at the tips, you should increase the humidity of the palm's environment, as well as adjust the care in general.

Falling leaves

The only normal thing is that the leaves fall at the very bottom. When a plant loses other foliage, it indicates wrong mode humidity. We advise you to review the watering schedule and eliminate errors. If the roots are not dead, then the plant can be brought back to life.

No flowering

The palm tree usually does not bloom in apartment conditions, just as certain species of animals refuse to give birth to captive conditions. Flowering can be achieved if Yucca is grown in ideal conditions, where everything is calculated to the smallest detail. All surrounding data should be as close to nature as possible. Then, perhaps, the palm tree will give its owner flowers - wonderful panicles with bells.

So, let's summarize. Indoor Yucca loves temperatures from 8 to 20 degrees and grows comfortably in bright light and moderate watering. Prefers high air humidity and light, well-drained soil. We feed the palm tree in spring and summer, replant overgrown specimens, and propagate by stem cuttings. Flowering occurs rarely, so you can’t count on this miracle at home. That's all we wanted to tell you about the home palm tree, grow it for your health, it is very aesthetic and looks exotic in the apartment.

Chemical composition and medicinal properties of yucca

The chemical composition of yucca is as follows:

    • steroid saponins– have antifungal properties, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effects, anti-edematous effect, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood;
    • enzymes– take part in metabolism;
    • antioxidants– take part in metabolism, neutralize harmful substances in the body;
    • mucus– have an enveloping effect, a carrying effect, they are used for gastritis, ulcers, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • anthraquinones– have anti-inflammatory, astringent and laxative effects on the body;
    • zinc– participates in the synthesis of proteins, enzymes, fats, increases the absorption of vitamin E in the body, regulates blood sugar levels, strengthens dental bone tissue, maintains healthy skin;


  • selenium– has antioxidant properties, improves the absorption of vitamins E, C, protects nucleic acids from damage, good for muscles and blood vessels. Increases immunity, helps in the fight against viruses, and in combination with iodine provides normal work thyroid gland;
  • vitamin A– participates in the synthesis of enzymes, sex hormones, rhodospin in the retina;
  • vitamin C– improves immunity, participates in the synthesis of collagen, cartilage tissue and has antioxidant properties.

Yucca leaves contain large amounts of sapogenins and aglycones. In addition, they contain steroidal saponin in an amount of 1-2%; it is a stereoisomer of sarsapogenin.

Yucca flower extract contains zinc and selenium, steroid sapogenins, and carbohydrates.

The root of the plant has many saponins, which stimulates the production of cortisone in the body and is responsible for the anti-inflammatory qualities of the plant. The root also contains folic acid, vitamin E, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin K, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper.

Important! When grown indoors, yucca blooms extremely rarely. Therefore, when it becomes consistently very warm outside, it needs to be taken outside. Fresh air. Over five years of observing this condition, the plant will accumulate the necessary substances to bloom.

How to prepare and store medicinal raw materials from yucca

  • The yucca flower has medicinal properties, therefore, its different parts are harvested to later be used as raw materials for medicines.
  • Yucca leaves have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. They must be harvested before and during the flowering of the plant.
  • The cut leaves are laid out in a thin layer on the surface, leaving to dry in the sun. They need to be stored in a well-ventilated area.
  • On an industrial scale, yucca harvesting is done mechanically. The collected leaves are dried on currents and stored in well-ventilated areas for up to 5 years.


Yucca root has many beneficial substances, which is why it is also harvested. The root of an adult plant should be used to prepare medicine. When digging up roots, you must remember that they go 50-70 cm into the ground. You need to dig them as deep as possible so that the yucca root system is not damaged.

Yucca blooms in the 3rd year of its life. This occurs between late June and August. At this time, you can collect the flowers of the plant to harvest raw materials for medicine. Dried yucca flowers are stored in a ventilated area.

Did you know? In order for yucca to overwinter and survive, when cold weather sets in, you need to tie its leaves into a bunch. With this technique, the top will not freeze, and the leaves will not break under the wet snow. The roots of the plant go deep, so they are not afraid of either cold or heat.

The use of yucca in folk medicine for diseases

The range of effects of yucca on the body is very wide. This plant is used for the treatment of a large number of diseases: arthritis, gout, intestinal polyps, prostatitis, flatulence, low blood pressure, etc.

IN folk medicine Yucca is used to combat problems such as dry itchy skin, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, lichen planus. For viral rashes, the juice of yucca leaves is effective.

Important! People suffering from urolithiasis and cholelithiasis are contraindicated to take medicines from yucca.

Inflammatory processes

Yucca is useful for inflammatory processes such as arthritis, arthrosis, gout, bursitis. For this purpose the following is used recipe:

  • crushed yucca roots - 1 tablespoon;
  • water – 500 ml.

The crushed roots are poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes. The decoction should be left for an hour, after which you should drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Eczema and psoriasis

To treat psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis, yucca should be taken according to the following recipes:

  • fresh yucca leaves – 50 grams;
  • water – 3-4 liters.

The leaves are poured with water and brought to a boil. After cooling, the decoction is applied in the form of lotions to the affected areas of the skin..

  • Fresh yucca leaves – 10 grams;
  • rendered lard – 100 grams.

Mix melted lard with leaves, heat the mixture in a water bath for 5-6 hours. Filter through cheesecloth and pour into a jar. After cooling, the ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin.

Gastrointestinal tract

Yucca has a good effect on the body for peptic ulcers. For treatment apply leaves of the plant - 10 grams; they are filled with water - 500 ml. The mixture is brought to a boil. This decoction should be drunk 3 times a day.

In this way, peptic ulcers, gastritis, Crohn's disease, and intestinal inflammation can be cured.


With the help of yucca, diabetes is treated. Preparations containing extracts of this plant, sold at the pharmacy. You can also prepare a decoction of yucca at home.

For the yucca decoction for diabetes mellitus you will need plant root and stem. You can also use flowers as they contain zinc.

Raw materials in the amount of 50 grams are poured with 3-4 liters of water, boiled and the broth is allowed to cool, after which it is taken orally.


To get rid of prostatitis with the help of yucca, you will need to prepare mixture, which includes:

  • crushed yucca roots;
  • burdock;
  • Aralia Manchurian;
  • hydrangea.

Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, add 500 ml of water, bring to a boil, and boil for 15 minutes. The decoction needs to be left for 1-1.5 hours and drunk 3 times a day, half a glass. Treatment lasts a month.

Use in cosmetology

Extracted from yucca extract, which has a healing, bactericidal effect. The flower extract of the plant is rich in zinc, selenium, and sapogenins, so it is added as an ingredient to some cosmetic products for skin and hair care.

How is yucca used in industry?

Yucca is used in light industry in the USA. Filamentous yucca is grown as a technical plant for the production of strong fibers. These fibers are added to cotton to make denim. Yucca fibers make jeans more durable.

  • The fibers of this plant are also used in the production of ropes, brushes, fishing tackle, burlap and in the production of paper.
  • Yucca leaves contain steroidal sapogenins, which is why the plant is used in the manufacture of hormonal corticosteroid drugs.
  • There are diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, and yucca, due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, is used as a raw material in the latest drugs for the treatment of joints.
  • It is also included in preparations for the treatment of skin diseases - fungi, acne and other lesions.

Thus, yucca is used in industrial medicine.

Another industrial use of the plant is A natural red dye is extracted from the root.

Contraindications for use

Yucca contains substances that break down into simple compounds that can cause harm to humans. One such connection is hydrocyanic acid, which, with prolonged consumption of yucca as food, can lead to myelopathy and parasthesia.

A single consumption of 400 grams of yucca roots provides a lethal dose of hydrocyanic acid for humans.

Possible side effects of yucca when taken and used:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach upset;
  • diarrhea.

Yucca– a genus of attractive evergreen plants of the family Agavaceae, native to North and Central America.

The genus Yucca has about 40 species.

Yuccas are tree-like plants, with a trunk or rosette (depending on the type). The hard sword-shaped leaves of various yuccas reach a length of 25-100 cm, a width of 1-8 cm, they are collected in a bunch at the top of the shoot or form a basal rosette. Depending on the species, yucca leaves are green or glaucous, semi-hard or hard, erect or drooping, with jagged or smooth edges. The edges of the leaves are often covered with threads and sometimes have a sharp thorn at the end. Fiber is extracted from the leaves of some types of yucca, which is used to make ropes and other wicker products.

Yucca has numerous flowers (about 300 pieces) up to 7 cm in length, bell-shaped or cup-shaped, white in color or with creamy-greenish, yellowish tones. The flowers are collected in a large panicle 0.5-2.5 m long, erect or drooping. In indoor conditions, yucca blooms extremely rarely. The yucca fruit is a dry capsule or a juicy fruit (in some species it is edible).

Yuccas are wonderful plants that have a variety of uses in their homeland. The juice from cut flowers contains a lot of sugar. And the fibers that are extracted from filamentous yucca have good strength. The very first jeans were made from tough yucca fiber rather than cotton. In the United States, about 5% yucca fibers are still added to denim to improve durability. Yucca is used to make ropes and paper; it contains substances with valuable medicinal properties.

Indoor adult yucca resembles a false palm and can reach a height of 4 m, so it is more suitable for decorating a hall or large room. Flowering can only be achieved after many years, when the plant becomes an adult. The yucca will bloom with white bell-shaped flowers. Green, bluish sword-shaped, linear leaves are collected in a bunch at the top of the trunk. On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, many types of yucca grow in open ground. Recently, yuccas and similar plants have become very fashionable and are widely used in interiors. In this regard, many flower farms abroad began to propagate these plants, receiving leafless trunks from America and Holland and rooting them in a loose substrate. Particularly prized are specimens with branched trunks that form several growth points. Plants are undemanding to temperature, grow better in cool rooms; young specimens require a lot sunlight.

Yucca is used as a tapeworm in modern interior hi-tech style or minimalism. She looks good in classic interior. Several plants of different heights, planted in a large container, will decorate the office.

Types of Yucca

. It lives in arid areas in southern North America, Central America, Jamaica and Bermuda. It grows slowly and over time takes the form of a spherical bush or small tree up to 8 m high. The tree-like stem, with traces of fallen leaves, is highly branched in adult plants, with dense rosettes of hard fibrous leaves at the ends of the branches. The leaf blade is elongated-lanceolate, dark green, leathery, up to 50 cm long, serrated along the edges and ends in one prickly spine. In summer, adult plants grow from a rosette paniculate inflorescence 45 cm high with many bell-shaped flowers 3 cm long, the petals are creamy white with a purple tint.

. Grows in the northwestern regions of Mexico, Arizona, and California. A bush-like, slow-growing species with a shortened stem, hard fibrous leaves are collected in rosettes with a diameter of more than 1 m. The leaf blade is elongated-lanceolate, leathery, grayish-green, up to 90 cm long, with jagged edges and a prickly thorn at the end. In summer, adult plants grow from a rosette into a paniculate inflorescence up to 2 m high with many bell-shaped flowers up to 3.5 cm long with a delicate aroma, creamy-white petals with a purple tint. The rosette of leaves is monocarpic: it blooms and bears fruit only once, and then dies, but many shoots are formed at the base of the plant.

Yucca shortleaf (Yucca brevifolia) . Sometimes found like Tree Yucca (Yucca arborescens) , also referred to as Yucca giant . Grows in dry, open areas in southeastern California and Arizona (USA). Trees are 4-9 m tall, trunk up to 50 cm in diameter, highly branched at the top. The leaves are densely arranged, herbaceous, short, 15-30 cm long and 0.6-1.5 cm wide in the middle, almost triangularly widened towards the base, grooved, brownish at the apex and spiny, with serrated pale green edges. Peduncle short; the panicle is dense. The flowers are pale yellow.

. Tree up to 3 m high with a thick trunk and branched crown. The numerous leathery leaves are thin and long, narrow (about 1 cm wide), flat or biconvex. The leaf has a sharp, spiny apex, is striped, with yellow serrated edges. The long peduncle carries a branched panicle inflorescence with white flowers.

Yucca radiata (Yucca radiosa) . Synonym: Yucca elata . A tree that reaches a height of 5-7 m in nature. The leaves are numerous, densely spaced, linear, 45-60 cm long and up to 1 cm wide (in the middle). The leaf tapers towards the base, slightly grooved, with a sharp apex. The leaf margins are white, narrow, covered big amount thin threads. The inflorescence up to 2 m high bears a long branched panicle with flowers.

. Homeland eastern North America. Almost stemless plant. It grows thanks to root suckers. The root system penetrates deeply into the soil. One of the most frost-resistant yuccas, it tolerates short-term frosts down to -20°C, sometimes more. The leaves are bluish-green, up to 70 cm long, 4 cm wide, with a pointed apex, the edges are pubescent with numerous white, thin, curling threads. Viable seeds can only be obtained through artificial pollination. Flower panicle up to 200 cm tall. The flowers are yellowish-white, drooping, up to 8 cm long. The fruit is a round capsule up to 5 cm in diameter.

Has a variegated form "variegata" with yellow or white variegated leaves.

Yucca recurvifolia . Synonym: Yucca gloriosa var. recurvifolia . An evergreen plant with a short trunk up to 1-1.5 m, the trunk is single or branched, hard fibrous leaves are collected in a rosette at the top of the trunk. The leaf blade is elongated-lanceolate, leathery, grayish-green, up to 90 cm long, drooping, with jagged edges and a prickly spine at the end.

. Grows in Central America. The specific epithet comes from two Latin roots: "elephas"- elephant and "pes"- leg. Indeed, this yucca in old age resembles a huge 4-8 meter elephant's leg. It grows slowly and over time takes the form of an upright bush or small tree 8-10 m high. The tree-like, highly branched stem bears numerous rosettes of hard and fibrous leaves at the ends of the branches. The leaf blade is elongated-lanceolate, light green, leathery, 50-100 cm long, jagged along the edges and with a short sharp spine at the end. In summer, adult plants grow from a rosette into a paniculate inflorescence up to 1 m high with many hemispherical flowers 5 cm long. widespread culture variety "Variegata", with leaves having a yellowish-white border.

. Grows in the western regions of the USA. An evergreen plant up to 2 m high with a greatly shortened stem. Leathery and fibrous leaves are collected in dense rosettes up to 90 cm wide. The leaf blade is elongated-lanceolate, bluish-green, up to 60 cm long, the edges are white or gray with exfoliating fibers. In summer, adult plants grow from a rosette into a paniculate inflorescence up to 1 m high with many ring-shaped flowers with creamy-white petals that have a brownish or greenish tint.

Yucca gloriosa , popularly called "Spanish Dagger". Grows in the southeastern United States. Grows slowly in natural environment takes the form of a spherical bush or tree 2 m high. Tree-like stem, single or weakly branched, with rosettes of hard and curved leaves. The leaf blade is elongated-lanceolate, leathery, bluish-green, up to 60 cm long, with smooth or slightly jagged edges and a long sharp spine at the end. In summer, adult plants grow from a rosette into a paniculate inflorescence up to 2.5 m high with many pendulous bell-shaped flowers 5 cm long, with cream petals with a purple tint.

grows in Mexico and the southern regions of the USA. A slow-growing evergreen species with a tree-like, weakly branched stem, up to 5 m high. The bluish-green leaves, straight or slightly curved, are collected in dense rosettes. The leaf blade is elongated-lanceolate, leathery, more than 1 m long and about 7 cm wide, pointed at the end. In summer, adult plants grow from a rosette into a paniculate inflorescence up to 1 m high with many pendulous bell-shaped flowers with creamy white petals, sometimes with a purple tint.


Yucca Schottii . Synonym: Yucca macrocarpa . Grows in sandy gravelly soils of southern Arizona. It has a straight or weakly branched trunk 3-4 m high. Straight, hard leaves are smooth, 20-50 cm long and 2-4 cm wide, bluish. The leaf tapers slightly at the base and is covered at the edges with thin threads. The branches and peduncle are bent; the inflorescence is a loose panicle.

Southern Yucca (Yucca australis) . Synonym: Yucca filifera . Grows in Mexico. This is a powerful, highly branched tree in the upper part, in nature 8-10 m high, with short leathery leaves 25-30 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. The leaves are dark green, with threads along the edges, densely spaced. Long (1-2 m), branched, pendulous multi-flowered inflorescence with cream flowers.

Yucca care

Lighting. Yucca grows well in a bright and warm room. This plant is very photophilous - especially at a young age, yucca requires a lot of sunlight, but it is better to shade it from direct sunlight. Windows with east or west orientation are optimal for it. On windows with a southern orientation, it is better to shade them from direct sunlight during the midday hours.

If there is insufficient light, it can be grown under artificial lighting for 16 hours a day, using fluorescent lamps placed at a distance of 30-60 cm above the plant.

In the summer, yucca can be taken out into the open air, but it should be protected from precipitation and provided with diffused lighting. It should also be remembered that when placed outdoors, the place should not be damp and dark. If it is not possible to place the yucca outdoors, then it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room in the summer.

In winter, it also needs good lighting.

Temperature. Yucca prefers moderate temperatures in spring and summer, 20-25°C. In case of extreme heat, a plant standing in the sun should be shaded; if the plant has been standing in the sun for a long time, it may overheat, so it is put in the shade, and after it has cooled down, it is sprayed. In the autumn-winter period, it is necessary to ensure the temperature is within 8-12°C. When the temperature is too high in winter, combined with a lack of lighting, the yucca grows: the bases of its shoots become very elongated, the leaves become thinner, lighten and droop, losing their natural density and rich color. Pests appear on weakened yucca (,); its leaves turn yellow and fall off. Plants that will not be placed in a cool (10-12°C) place in winter should be kept outdoors for as long as possible, and taken outside to a protected place as early as possible next year. In a protected place, the plant can withstand even short frosts.

Watering. The frequency of watering yucca depends on many factors: the size and material of the pot, the size of the plant, the characteristics of the substrate, temperature and humidity. In the warm season, yucca is watered abundantly - but only after the top layer of soil has dried to a depth of about 5 cm. In hot summers, yucca is watered more often; but do not forget that the soil in the pot should dry out between waterings.

During the rest of the year, watering the yucca should be moderate (watering is reduced in winter), otherwise its roots will rot due to stagnation of water in the substrate, and the plant may die.

Air humidity. Yucca species that are sensitive to dry air should be regularly sprayed with boiled water at room temperature using a fine spray bottle. To increase air humidity, you can place the pot with the plant on a tray with wet expanded clay, moss, and gravel. When yucca is sprayed in the sun, spots from sunburn may appear on its leaves. For better decorativeness, the plant must be washed from time to time in the shower or under running water, making sure that water does not get on the substrate (for example, cover the pot with polyethylene).

Fertilizer. You need to feed yucca in spring and summer, at intervals of two to three weeks, with a diluted solution of mineral fertilizers. This plant responds well to feeding with infusion of mullein, horse manure, and leaf humus. The best results are obtained by foliar feeding (the leaves are sprayed from the underside with a solution of mineral fertilizer). You cannot feed the plant immediately after transplantation, or if the yucca is sick.

Features of cultivation. Yucca often grows with one trunk, but it can also be branched. In order for a yucca to grow several tops, choose a young, well-rooted plant with a height of at least 30 cm (the higher the better). In spring or early summer, the top of the yucca is cut off with a sharp knife or blade (a stalk 5-10 cm long), but leaves should remain on the stem - the more leaves, the better. The sections are sprinkled with crushed coal.

Transfer. It is better to replant yucca in the spring, or, if necessary, in the summer. This plant grows successfully in well-drained substrate. When transplanting yucca, drainage made of expanded clay, fine gravel or broken brick must be poured onto the bottom of the pot. It is better to choose medium earthen mixtures. If a mixture with peat is used, it must be neutralized to neutral values ​​(pH 6.0-6.5). It is advisable to add coarse sand (up to 30% by volume) to the earth mixture.

When replanting yucca, it is desirable to preserve the earthen ball around the roots as much as possible, so it is better to transship rather than replant a healthy plant. Replanting is required when the yucca roots begin to rot due to excessive watering. Rotten roots are very soft and spread under your fingers; such roots give off a rotten smell - they need to be removed when replanting the plant.
Yucca is successfully grown using the hydroponic method.

Reproduction. Propagated by seeds, stem sections, apical cuttings.

Yucca seeds are sown immediately after collection into a light mixture (turf and leaf soil, sand in equal parts). The crops are covered with glass; air them daily, wipe the glass, and moisten them regularly. Yucca shoots appear a month after sowing. Seedlings are planted in 6 cm pots, gradually accustomed to the care conditions of an adult plant, and next year they are transferred to 8-9 cm pots.

Delivered from Holland trunk sections elephant yucca. Leafless cuttings with waxed cuts evaporate relatively little moisture, which allows them to be transported over long distances. Inspect the cutting in the store: it should be elastic, not shriveled or rotten, and its upper and lower ends should be indicated. Propagation by trunk segments also becomes necessary when maintaining the plant for a long time, since yucca grows excessively. For this purpose, in the summer you should cut off an arbitrary number of sections from the trunk, which should be at least 20 cm long. The lower end is stuck into a slightly moistened mixture of peat and sand and taken to a shaded place in fresh air. The cut site on the mother plant should be covered with garden varnish. Cuttings with leaves are covered with a transparent film that protects them from moisture evaporation. The temperature should be at least 20°C, and the substrate should be moderately moistened (overmoistening is dangerous). Rooting yucca is a long process that takes 1-2 months.

If, upon purchase, you received a poorly marked cutting (it is not clear where it is top and where it is bottom), then lay it horizontally and bury it halfway into the substrate. Dormant buds will awaken on the trunk, which after rooting can be separated from the mother trunk.

For rooting apical cuttings cut off the top of the yucca plant (with a sharp knife or blade), sprinkle the sections with crushed coal or powdered activated carbon tablets. The cut of the resulting cutting is dried (left in the air for 2 hours) and then the yucca cutting is planted for rooting in damp sand or placed in a container with boiled water at room temperature. It is useful to put a piece of charcoal in the water as a means of inhibiting the growth of bacteria. During rooting of the yucca cutting, the lower leaves may rot on it, and then an unpleasant odor will appear. Decaying leaves must be removed, spoiled water must be changed; It is important that the trunk of the rooting cutting does not rot. After the roots appear, the yucca cuttings are planted in the substrate.

Possible difficulties

Plant death often caused by either too much watering in winter or too low a temperature. If, due to excessive moisture in the substrate, the roots of the yucca began to rot, and dark spots and softened areas appeared on the trunk - but at least a few leaves and part of the trunk remained light color are hard and elastic to the touch, then you can try to grow new roots in the affected plant in two ways:

1. Rooting a healthy part of a yucca trunk using air layering. On the living part of the stem (at least 10-15 cm above the rotting part, and no lower than 60 cm from the top), remove the bark with a sharp knife in a “ring” 0.5 cm wide. At the place where the bark was removed and a little higher, the trunk is tied yucca with damp sphagnum moss, and on top of it - plastic film so that moisture does not evaporate quickly from the moss. The moisture of the moss should be constantly maintained, if necessary, wetting it with a spray bottle. After 2-3 weeks, the plant usually develops new roots above the area where the bark was removed. The roots are grown for another two weeks without removing the moss and film from them. When the new yucca roots grow and branch, the upper part of the plant with the new roots is cut off below the point where the bark was removed. The cut is sprinkled with crushed coal, slightly dried and the plant is planted in a new pot with fresh substrate. The soil should consist of garden or humus soil and coarse sand (at least a quarter of the total volume of soil).

2. Rooting a healthy part of a yucca trunk in a mini-greenhouse. Using a sharp knife, cut off the living part of the plant from the rotting part. It is desirable that the length of the resulting cutting be no more than 30 cm, and the remaining living part of the trunk can be rooted separately. The cut of the cutting is sprinkled with crushed coal, dried a little and the cutting is planted in a pot with wet coarse sand. To ensure increased air humidity, cover the top of the cutting with a large jar or set up a mini-greenhouse: stick 3-4 thin sticks vertically into the pot with the cutting so that they are higher than the cutting itself, and cover the pot with the cutting with a transparent plastic bag, tying its edges potty The renewed plant takes root in a month and a half; It is important not to over-moisten the soil, but also not to let it dry out.

Yellowing lower leaves- if the leaves turn yellow slowly, this is natural and inevitable for old plants. Yucca plants tend to have green leaves only at the top of the bare stem. This appearance is explained by the fact that their leaves do not live long; after two years they turn yellow and die.

When transplanting or purchasing a plant, it also can reset part lower leaves , this is a natural reaction to changing conditions. If this is widespread, hypothermia or drafts are possible.

Brown tips or edges of leaves- dry air. Most yuccas require high humidity air. Other causes could be cold drafts or insufficient watering.

Brown spots on leaves- insufficient watering. The earthen ball should be wet all the time.

Soft curled leaves and brown edges- temperature is too low. Delicate species exhibit similar signs if left near a window on a cold night.

Light dry spots on leaves- too much sun.

Grayish-brown spots on leaves (leaf spot). Fungal or bacterial disease caused by high humidity air and soil. Affected leaves must be removed. Spray systemic fungicide, reduce watering and stop spraying.

Rot of stems. A disease caused by a fungus. Part of the stem or crown becomes soft and rots. Fungus, plant-infecting usually develops quickly and, as a rule, the entire plant dies. Waterlogged soil and poorly ventilated areas promote the development of fungus. IN initial stage disease, you can try to save the plant by removing all affected tissue. In case of serious damage, destroy the plant along with the soil and pot.


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How to propagate yucca? At home false palm grows about four meters in height. Plant propagation is carried out different ways, each of which deserves special attention.


This method used in rare cases, because yucca does not bloom indoors. You can purchase seeds at a flower shop, or by receiving them from a plant growing in a climate zone that is comfortable for it. Obtaining seedlings can be provided that planting material was fresh.

The seeds are wrapped in a piece of damp cloth and kept for 24 hours. After the expiration date, they are sown in the prepared soil mixture. It should consist of equal parts of turf, leaf soil and high-moor peat. The container is covered with polyethylene or glass on top to create a greenhouse effect.

At least twice a day, crops must be ventilated and accumulated condensation must be removed from the surface of the glass or film.

The substrate is moistened with a spray; it is not recommended to allow the substrate to dry completely.

Shoots will begin to appear in thirty to forty days.


If desired, you can ensure that the yucca has two or three fan-shaped tops. This is done when the false palm has grown more than thirty centimeters in height. Using a sharp knife, cut off the top part of the plant. There should definitely be a few leaves left on the trunk.

Slice sprinkle with crushed charcoal. After a while, where the cut was, young shoots will appear, and the top is used to obtain a new false palm tree. It must be air-dried for two hours, after which it is immersed for rooting in moistened sand or a container of water. Just before use, the water needs to be boiled and cooled.

When the lower leaf plates rot, they are cut off and the water changes. After the roots appear, the top is planted in a separate pot.


Propagation of the yucca palm by stem cuttings. If you look closely, you can see dormant buds, which are located on the lignified trunk of a false palm tree.

There are a lot of them and each, when certain conditions are created, is capable of producing new shoots.

All nutrients received by yucca from the soil are redirected to the development of the crown, so as long as there is a top on the trunk, the shoots will not wake up.

After cutting the crown from the plant, young leaf plates begin to form under the cut. This feature of yucca can be perfectly used for propagation. This the process is done like this:

  • the trunk is cut into pieces, each of which must be at least twenty centimeters;
  • the finished sections are placed in a mixture of peat and sand for rooting;
  • The container is covered with polyethylene or a glass jar.

The best period for cuttings is from February to April.

Use of lateral processes

When to plant and how to grow yucca from a shoot at home? Lateral shoots regularly appear on the trunk of the false palm tree, which can be used to propagate the plant. For these purposes they are cut along with a piece of bark small size and placed in a sand-peat mixture for rooting.

The cut on the trunk is disinfected using activated charcoal or charcoal. Within thirty days, roots appear.

False palm pruning process

Upon reaching the yucca trunk diameter more than seven centimeters, it is cut off. This is done in order to form a correctly shaped crown on the palm tree. We must not forget that after the procedure is performed, the growth of the plant stops.

Need to cut as high as possible from the base of the trunk. The plant needs to be provided good watering every three to four days. The cut part is placed in a moist substrate for rooting. Thanks to the pruning method, the owner forms the height of the plant he needs.

How to plant and grow?

Yucca prefers soil with neutral acidity Therefore, the plant must be planted in a specially prepared soil mixture consisting of leaf soil, turf soil, peat and humus, taken in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. You can buy ready-made substrate at a flower shop. Soil for cacti is ideal for these purposes, palm plants or dracaena.

You need to choose a tall pot, since for good development the plant needs drainage. The layer height should be at least three to five centimeters. Broken brick, small crushed stone or other materials are useful for this purpose. A layer of soil is poured over the drainage, then the yucca is placed and sprinkled with substrate on top.

The plant should not be buried more than three centimeters. The substrate is carefully watered, after which the pot with the plant is placed in its permanent place.

Planting yucca in open ground

How and when to plant yucca outside? Planting and care in open ground in the garden.

There are many types of yucca. In addition to plants grown at home, there are also garden varieties, growing well in open ground.

Plus, this palm tree blooms very beautifully, for which it is valued by flower growers. The necessary conditions for planting yucca are as follows:

  • the place for the plant should be sunny and hot;
  • the optimal temperature during planting should be 18 degrees Celsius daytime and at least seven at night;
  • The plant needs nutritious soil. If the site has poor soil, then you need to dig a hole, the depth and width of which should be at least 50 centimeters and pour into it a prepared mixture, including garden soil, humus, sand and peat in equal parts.

When should it be planted?

The best time to plant yucca is spring, when the threat of night frosts has completely passed and the temperature does not drop below seven degrees. Until the right weather arrives, yucca can grow on a window or in a greenhouse. It is not recommended to plant immediately, as the false palm tree requires gradual hardening.

To do this, they begin to take her out into the open air every day, gradually increasing the time she spends on the street. The size of the hole for planting should be twice as large as the root system.

It is not recommended to plant yucca in the fall., especially if the climatic conditions are harsh. The plant will not have time to take root well before frost and will die from the cold, even if it is provided good shelter for the winter.

How to transplant correctly?

What is the best way and when can I replant indoor yucca? At home, yucca is transplanted no more than once every two years.

If the plant has several trunks, then they can be planted. It's done like this:

  • the trunk is divided into separate parts along with the root system;
  • the cut areas are sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal;
  • Each sprout is planted in a separate container and moistened.

To transplant a false palm tree, choose flower pot bigger size. It must be strong. Best to use ceramic products . It is ideal if the old container easily fits into the chosen one. Any time of year is suitable for transplanting at home, but most often this is done with the onset of spring.

Yucca needs to be prepared for the procedure. A third of the leaves are cut off, the palm tree is removed from the pot, and the root system is immersed in room water for at least one hour. When replanting, you need to make sure that the roots do not break, otherwise they will begin to rot.

The false palm is very responds well to feeding with various types of fertilizers.

With proper care and following planting rules, you can grow beautiful plant, which will look great in your home interior.

Video about yucca: care and propagation of yucca, how to plant yucca at home, how to root.

This video explains how yucca is propagated at home by cuttings.

Video about how yucca grows and how to breed it.

Evergreen yucca has up to forty plant species. Each of them has its own differences in the shape of the leaves (smooth, jagged, with spikes, with threads, in the shape of a sword), their color (gray, green, brownish) and the shape of the buds (bell, bowl).

Unfortunately, indoor yucca rarely blooms at home, but many achieve this.

Optimal conditions for keeping yucca in the house

Yucca is a southern plant, the optimal conditions for it are good lighting, warmth and moderate humidity.

Location and lighting

If you have a heated balcony, the yucca will feel good, where it is provided with the maximum amount of light. On the windowsill in the room, the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight; it is better if they are located at an angle.

In winter, the flower will require additional artificial lighting. If there is a lack of light, the plant develops poorly, the leaves turn pale, and the trunk may become deformed.


For an indoor yucca flower during the growth period, the desired temperature is about +25 degrees. During the dormant period in winter, the temperature can be gradually reduced to +10 degrees. A uniform, without changes, decrease in temperature stimulates the formation of flower buds.

One of the flowering conditionsThis is compliance with the temperature regime. Yucca, like any southern plant, easily tolerates high temperatures, but reacts poorly to sudden changes from heat to cold and vice versa.

Comprehensive care for yucca at home

No less important criteria care than the temperature regime are air humidity, soil and lighting.

Watering and air humidity

Yucca easily tolerates drought and does not require frequent watering. IN spring-autumn period The plant is watered as the top layer of soil dries. In winter, watering yucca is reduced: no more than once every two weeks. Stagnation of water in the soil can cause rotting of the roots and provoke plant diseases.

Many varieties of yucca prefer dry air; they do not need to be sprayed; you can wipe the leaves to remove dust.

Yucca, which loves moisture and regular spraying, should not be placed in direct sunlight after moistening. Wet leaves can cause severe burns.

All types of plants love water procedures in the form of a shower; after such irrigation, before putting the yucca in place, dry the leaves.

Important! Remember that yuccas do not tolerate drafts, and after watering or water treatments, a draft is dangerous for the plant.

Feeding and fertilizing yucca

During the growth period, yucca needs feeding. It is advisable to feed the foliar method with minerals. liquid formulations, diluting with twice as much water as indicated in the instructions for the drug. Spray the underside of the leaves with the preparation - the plant responds well to it.

In the spring-summer period, fertilizing is applied once every three weeks. In autumn and during the winter dormant period, the plant is not fertilized. You can also use organic fertilizer for yucca at home, for example, an infusion of cow manure with leaf humus.

Yucca pruning

If your plant begins to grow while losing decorative look, trim the branch, leaving two or three buds. Treat the cut area with crushed activated carbon. After three to four weeks, the buds under the cut will awaken and send out young leaves.

Do not throw away the cut branch; it can be used as a cutting. Trimming yucca at home will rejuvenate the plant and give it a well-groomed appearance.

Did you know? The Indians of both Americas ate yucca flowers. They were used to cook soups, bake meat and vegetables, and prepare drinks. Yucca fruits are similar in appearance and taste to bananas, which is why they are called “Spanish bayonet”.

Replanting and soil composition

Yucca grows, and along with it, its root system grows. For normal growth and development, the plant is replanted. There are several nuances on how to plant yucca correctly. Transplantation is carried out in the spring so that the plant has time to get used to its new location.

Young intensively growing plants require replanting every year, adult specimens - once every four years. The starting point for replanting will be the yucca root system that has grown throughout the entire space of the pot.

Properly repot the plant by moving it from the pot to minimize root damage and stress to the yucca. For replanting, universal soil with the addition of perlite is suitable. The yucca pot should be larger than the previous one and have drainage so that water does not stagnate at the bottom of the pot.

Attention! The basic rule of replanting: within a month after the procedure, the plant does not need to be fed, pruned or cuttings. During this period, he needs rest to adapt.

Yucca propagation at home

There are several ways to propagate yucca.

For sowing seeds prepare light soil for yucca - this is a mixture of turf and leaf soil with sand. The seeds are sown in a box with moistened soil and covered with glass. Crops are regularly ventilated and soil moisture is checked. When the seeds sprout (in a month), they are transplanted into separate pots.

When propagated by shoots The daughter side shoot is carefully separated from the adult plant. For rooting, it is placed in a container of water or wet sand. When roots appear on the shoot, you can transplant it into a pot with prepared soil.

Cuttings obtained by cutting the trunk of a plant into individual shoots up to 10 cm long. The top is planted in a mixture of turf soil and sand, creating a greenhouse effect. The remaining shoots are deepened into the soil horizontally, lightly sprinkled. When new shoots appear at the cutting sites, the cuttings are taken out of the soil, the shoots are separated and transplanted into pots.
