Recommendations “Recommendations for preventing fires in houses with stove heating” . Extinguishing fires When using stove heating, it is prohibited

1. Fire danger stove heating

The fire hazard of stove heating lies in the presence of high temperatures on the surface of the stove elements (walls, pipes, pipes), which can be a source of ignition of flammable materials and combustible building structures. The temperature on the surface of the elements of non-heat-intensive furnaces depends on the type of fuel burned, the furnace firing mode and can reach more than 600 °C.

The temperature in the firebox of heat-intensive stoves can be more than 1000 °C, and in the smoke channel in the area of ​​the interfloor ceiling - 500 °C. The degree of heating of the side surfaces and overlap of the furnace, as well as smoke channels, depends on the thickness of the walls, the type and amount of fuel burned and the duration of combustion.

Furnace elements heated to high temperatures can be a source of ignition of materials located in the room and combustible building structures (walls, partitions, ceilings, roofs) if they are adjacent to the surfaces of furnaces or smoke ducts.

A fire can also occur as a result of the impact of flame, flue gases and sparks on combustible materials and structures through cracks and leaks in the masonry of stoves and smoke ducts, combustion openings. Possible reasons The formation of cracks is caused by the wrong choice of material for laying furnaces and channels, uneven settlement of the building and furnaces after construction, poor-quality masonry.

The causes of fires from stove heating may be the absence or insufficient size of grooves, offsets and distances between the heated surfaces of the stove elements and combustible (hard-to-burn) building structures, the operation of faulty stoves, smoke channels and grooves, violation of the rules for the safe operation of stoves, overheating of stoves, etc. .

2. Requirements fire safety when operating stove heating

In order to avoid fire in objects with stove heating, citizens before starting heating season It is required to inspect the furnaces, including:

  • whitewashing of chimneys and walls;
  • cleaning stove chimneys from soot;
  • ensure the presence of a pre-furnace sheet made of non-combustible material measuring at least 0.5 x 0.7 meters;
  • ensure the availability of the required fire safety clearances (setbacks) from combustible structures;
  • follow the instructions (instructions) of manufacturers for metal and other factory-made furnaces.

When operating stoves, it is prohibited:

  • leave burning stoves unattended;
  • entrust supervision of stoves to children;
  • leave children unattended in a room where a stove is heated;
  • place fuel, other flammable substances and materials on the pre-furnace sheet;
  • use gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and other flammable and combustible liquids;
  • reheat furnaces;
  • place racks, display cases, counters, cabinets and other combustible materials at a distance of less than 0.7 meters from stoves, and from combustion openings - less than 1.25 meters;
  • Throw away ash and slag removed from furnaces near buildings.

In houses with stove heating, it is necessary to pay attention to compliance with fire safety requirements both when installing stoves and during their operation.

Fires most often occur due to overheating of stoves, when cracks appear in the brickwork as a result of the use of flammable and flammable liquids for kindling, or burning coals falling out of the firebox or ash pit.

The reason for the appearance of cracks and overheating of the walls of chimneys may be the burning of soot accumulating in the chimneys. Building codes require that the design of any furnace meets fire safety requirements.

The rules for operating stoves are very simple. It should be emphasized that fires most often occur when stoves are left unattended during combustion.

In severe frosts, stoves are often heated for a long time, resulting in overheating of individual parts of the stove. If these parts come into contact with the wooden structures of the building, then a fire is inevitable. Therefore, it is recommended to heat the stove two to three times a day for no more than 1.5 hours rather than once for a long time.

Do not use flammable or combustible liquids when lighting the stove. Such cases are rare, but they usually result in burns and death.

Do not store hay or other flammable materials in attics.

Do not throw away unextinguished coals and ash near buildings.

Before the start of the heating season, you need to check the serviceability of the stove and chimney, repair them, clean out soot, seal cracks with clay-sand mortar, whitewash the chimney in the attic and above the roof (this is necessary for visual inspection and detection of cracks during operation).

It is necessary to recall the categorical prohibition of leaving young children near burning stoves without adult supervision.

The firebox is made of refractory bricks.

Homeowners should clean soot buildup from indoor stove chimneys at least once every two months. Furniture and other flammable items must not be placed closer than 0.7 m from the burning stove, and no less than 1.25 m from the combustion openings.

It is the homeowner's responsibility to repair the stove, and the installation of the stove must be done by a qualified professional.

Folding the oven is a science.

Recently, the scale of construction of private houses has increased, and the number of heating stoves installed in places where there are no local heating systems and gas pipelines. It’s no secret that in practice, in newly built and reconstructed residential buildings With stove heating there are many shortcomings that threaten fire.

Pipes must be vertical without ledges, made only of clay brick with walls no less than 120 mm thick or heat-resistant concrete no less than 60 mm thick. The minimum cross-section of the chimney channel is 140x140 mm. The use of asbestos-cement pipes is prohibited. Chimneys should be installed higher than the roof tall buildings, attached to a house with stove heating. Cutting is the thickening of the wall of a furnace or smoke channel (pipe) at the point of contact with the building structure made of flammable or low-combustible material.

The chimney provides normal draft if its height is at least 5 m, counting from the level of the grate.

Where the pipe passes through the ceilings, a fire-resistant horizontal groove is made, which is a thickening of the pipe walls. Another thickening of the pipe walls is done above the roof. This device is called an otter. The otter protects the attic from rain and snow entering through the gaps between the pipe and the roof. The gaps are covered with a collar made of sheet steel, one edge of which is tucked under the otter. The pipe ends with a head in the form of a cornice with two projections. Pipe laying within attic space lead to clay solution, above the roof - on cement or lime. When determining the height of the chimney above the roof, you must be guided by the following:

a) if the chimney is located at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the ridge
roofs horizontally, it is placed 0.5 m above the ridge;

b) if the pipe is within 1.5-3 m from the ridge, it is removed to
ridge level, but not lower than 0.5 m from the roof surface;

Sometimes umbrellas and metal caps are placed over the head of the chimney. But these devices are winter time create favorable conditions for condensation of water vapor and icing. It is best to cover the head with a layer of cement mortar, with a slope towards the outer sides.

The dimensions of furnace grooves and smoke ducts, taking into account the thickness of the furnace wall, should be taken - 500 mm to wooden structures. It is forbidden to support or rigidly connect the furnace section to the building structure. Smoke exhaust to ventilation ducts not allowed. The distance between the top of the furnace floor, made of three rows of bricks, and wooden ceiling, protected by plaster, should be at least 250 mm for stoves with intermittent firing and 700 mm for stoves long burning, and with an unprotected ceiling, respectively - 350 and 1000 mm. For kilns with an overlap of two rows of bricks, the indicated distances increase by 1.5 times. The clear distance from the outer surfaces of chimneys to rafters, sheathing and other roofing parts must be at least 130 mm.

To connect stoves to chimneys, nozzles with a length of no more than 0.4 m are provided, subject to a number of additional conditions. The use of various horizontal chimneys (“hogs”) is prohibited.

The stove must be installed indoors in compliance with the standard deviation, that is, the distance from the outer surface of the stove or chimney to a wooden wall or partition, which depends on the design of the stove and the security of the walls (partitions), must be from 200 to 500 mm.

At gas heating the installation of chimneys must fully comply with the given requirements, as for conventional heating stoves.

Reading time: 4 minutes. Views 366 Published Mar 1, 2018


Stoves are still one of the main sources of heat in both private homes and apartment buildings. Unfortunately, the stoves in our homes do not always meet fire safety requirements, which cause numerous fires. The inspector of the department of supervisory activities of the city district talks about the fires that happened for this reason in 2017 and at the beginning of 2018 in the Yuryevets municipal district. Kineshma, Kineshma and Yuryevets districts A.V. Mishagin.

The cause of the fire is the stove
In 2017, out of 30 registered fires, 15 occurred due to a malfunction or violation of the rules for operating stove heating. So, since the beginning of the year there have been two fires for this reason. One fire occurred in the bathhouse building on the territory of a household on the street. Karpushinskaya, Yuryevets. Here, due to violations of the rules for installing the chimney of a heating boiler, the ceiling caught fire.
The second fire occurred in a residential building on the street. Korolenko, Yuryevets, where, due to a violation of fire safety rules during the operation of the heating boiler, firewood caught fire, which at the time of the fire was drying close to the heating boiler, and subsequently the ceiling.
The owners are to blame
The following violations in the operation of furnaces most often lead to trouble: overheating (long-term combustion); storage of flammable materials (paper, old fabric items) near the walls of stoves; leaving heating stoves unattended.
Furniture, curtains and other flammable items should not be placed closer than 0.5 m from a burning stove. You cannot store wood chips, sawdust, or shavings under the stove; you also cannot dry firewood on the stove or hang clothes over it to dry.
The dangers of “Buleryans”
As for “Buleryan” type boilers, the danger during operation is that tar deposits accumulate inside the chimney. When the pipe overheats, they may begin to burn out.
If there is no or incorrect cutting of the stove at the intersection of the chimney and wooden floor flammable structures may ignite in the pipe.
Proper cutting required
Improper pipe cutting is the most important and common cause of fires. Usually done as it is more convenient and simpler, bricks are produced at 100-150 mm.
According to building regulations and the rules of fire-resistant cutting is 380 mm when protecting wood non-flammable material(asbestos with a thickness of at least 10 mm) or 500 mm in the absence of protection.
and ceramic pipes are dangerous
The second common reason is the use of a metal or asbestos-cement (ceramic) pipe as a stove chimney. In this case, as in the first, if metal pipe crosses the ceiling, the wood quickly heats up (sometimes the metal pipe becomes red-hot) and ignites.
With prolonged use of an asbestos-cement pipe, especially if it is located in a steam room or outdoors, asbestos peels off over time due to temperature differences. As a result, the pipe may burst or explode.
To avoid fires from these pipes, it is necessary to cover it brickwork, which should rise above the roof. And when using metal chimney at the ceiling level with a diameter of one meter there should not be any flammable material around the pipe, and the pipe must not be wrapped insulating material, which begins to smolder when heated.
The height of the chimney is set depending on its distance from the roof ridge. So, when the pipe is located at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the ridge, the pipe is raised 0.5 m above the roof.
Behavior in case of fire
If a fire is detected, immediately report it by phone “01”, “101”, “112” (giving the exact address of the fire site, your last name), and before the firefighters arrive, if possible, take measures to evacuate people and extinguish the fire.
It should be remembered that during a fire in a room, you should not break windows, open doors wide and create a draft, as this contributes to the influx of fresh air and intensive fire development.
The culprits await
Violation of standards due to improper installation of heating stoves and chimneys, violation of the installation of electrical equipment is qualified as a violation of fire safety requirements, for which the legislation provides for administrative liability: for citizens - from 2 to 3 thousand rubles, for officials - from 6 to 15 thousand rubles .
By observing basic fire safety rules, you protect your property, yourself and your loved ones from great disaster. You should always remember that it is easier to prevent a fire than to extinguish it.
Mikhail Krainov, photo from the OND archive

During the cold season, many fires occur from stove heating devices.

On December 30, 2000, a residential building burned down in the city of Tynda. While extinguishing the fire, firefighters found four dead. The owner managed to escape. As follows from the conclusion, a violation of operating rules led to the fire heating stove. The building was heated by a metal stove, the pipe of which went out into the street through the window. The stove stood on the floor, without a foundation, and there was no firebox. It was impossible to avoid a fire when using such a stove. On this day, a resident of Svobodny was left without housing and property. The woman left the burning stove unattended.

March 30, 2001 resident of the village. Dmitrievka of the Svobodnensky district was lighting the stove. To make the fire flare up faster, she poured gasoline into the firebox. Couples flammable liquid flared up. The woman received burns and could not be saved.

Let's try to answer the question: why do such fires occur? There are several reasons:

  1. from the effects of flame, flue gases and sparks on combustible building structures through cracks in the masonry of stoves and chimneys;
  2. upon contact of combustible building structures with the surfaces of the furnace elements having high temperature, due to insufficient thickness of the walls of stoves or chimneys, absence or undersizing of fireproof cuts and indentations, as well as as a result of overheating of stoves;
  3. when flammable objects (furniture, linen, clothing) and materials (firewood, peat, etc.) come into contact with overheated parts of stoves;
  4. when exposed to flame through open combustion and other service openings;
  5. when coals and hot sparks fall on combustible elements of buildings and household items.

In a word, fires occur as a result of improper design and violations of fire safety rules during the operation of stoves.

  1. distance from internal surfaces stoves and chimneys washed by flue gases should be 50 cm from combustible building structures, and 38 cm from fire-protected structures; these cuttings are arranged in combustible floors, walls and partitions;
  2. when installing the stove in close proximity to the surface of combustible walls or partitions, air gaps and fire safety retreats are provided; a distance of 35 cm must be maintained from the upper plane of the stove ceiling to the combustible ceiling;
  3. for guard wooden hearth in front of the firebox there should be a metal sheet made of roofing steel measuring 70 x 50 cm;
  4. oven and chimneys The attic needs to be whitewashed regularly lime mortar: this makes it easier to notice black cracks from smoke passing through them;
  5. You cannot dry firewood near burning stoves, store flammable liquids, or hang linen and clothes over the stoves;
  6. furniture should be placed no closer than 50 cm from the stoves;
  7. You cannot leave a heating stove without adult supervision, much less entrust its firebox to young children;
  8. to avoid overheating, you should not heat the stove for a long time (it is better to heat the stove 2-3 times a day for 1.5 hours);
  9. Under no circumstances should you use gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, etc., as well as flammable plastic materials when lighting the stove, because this may result in flames escaping from the firebox;
  10. to prevent soot from catching fire, it is necessary to clean chimneys at least once every three months;
  11. You cannot pour burning ash near combustible buildings; you can store it only in a non-flammable, tightly closed container;
  12. It is not allowed to install temporary (homemade metal) stoves for heating residential premises, even for a short time;
  13. Persons with appropriate qualifications, confirmed by a special certificate, should be allowed to repair and lay stoves.

If you comply with the given minimum fire safety standards and rules when using the stove, you can be sure that a fire will not happen in the house.

Material damage caused by fires caused by improper operation of brick and metal stoves may seem insignificant in comparison with damage from large man-made disasters. But the number of such incidents is large: statistics show that for every five fires in the Russian Federation, one occurs where there are unsafely used stoves.

Possible risk factors include General requirements Fire safety for stoves includes the following items:

  • operation of faulty and partially damaged stoves (we should not talk about firing completely damaged stoves at all);
  • open doors;
  • heating using fuel that is not designed for this purpose;
  • drying and maintaining firewood, coal, clothing and other flammable materials closer than at a distance of a meter and a quarter;
  • use ventilation (and similar devices) as chimneys.

Detailed instructions are attached to the article. by clicking the DOWNLOAD button, it addresses the following questions:

  • General safety requirements;
  • Safety requirements before starting work;
  • Safety requirements during operation and.

Even when developing a project for a recreational facility, numerous nuances should be taken into account; let’s consider which ones:

  • provide for the construction of the furnace after the period of shrinkage of the structure has passed;
  • include in the project indentations and cuts for the hot parts of the furnace in relation to the walls of the room, as well as covering nearby surfaces with felt or asbestos cardboard impregnated with a clay solution;
  • in the absence of fire-resistant protection, surface brick oven should be located at a distance of 40 cm from the walls, and if there is a metal stove in a bathhouse, then fire safety will be observed only if the interval is increased to 1 m;
  • the room will help avoid fire from heating (with wood this happens at temperatures above 300°), but the stove will not overheat;
  • between the floor and the ash pan it is necessary to provide a space of 13-15 cm, a gap of 20-24 cm should be to the bottom of the chimney.

Fire safety in the home

If there are violations at enterprises fire regulations threaten to punish the manager (if it is arson, then the culprit of the arson), then domestic fires, even if they do not cause human casualties, cause significant damage to the owners of dachas, private houses, garages and outbuildings. In addition, there is always a risk of a fire spreading.

To make your home truly safe, you just need to follow the information from the “Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation.”

Let's consider the basic requirements in detail:

  1. Even at the stage of building a house, it is necessary to accurately determine the location of the stove in the house, taking into account standards and fire safety clearances. This means that the stove must have an independent foundation and not be adjacent to flammable (wooden) walls. The wooden floor must be isolated from interaction with coals falling out of the firebox by means of a metal sheet, the minimum parameters of which are 50 × 70 cm. It is strictly forbidden to stack firewood and kindling on this sheet.
  2. Before the start of each cold season, soot must be removed from the external and internal surfaces of the stove and chimney. Cleaning should be repeated throughout the heating season once every 3 months, or more often.
  3. To easily identify the slightest cracks, it is necessary to periodically whitewash the pipes and the entire surface of the furnace.
  4. The pipes must be equipped with special metal meshes with cell sizes no larger than 5x5 mm; they serve as spark arresters.

It is forbidden:

  • use metal stoves handicraft if they do not meet safety standards;
  • Entrust lighting and maintaining the fire to small children.
  • use too long firewood sticking out of the firebox.

Every homeowner who responsibly strives for complete fire safety must understand that the laying of the stove must be entrusted to professionals who have a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, and not try to construct stove heating on their own.

Carbon monoxide danger

Employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations warn the population against possible errors when heating the oven. Carbon monoxide is toxic, has no odor or color, so people, especially in a state of sleep, will not be able to smell it.

In order not to risk life and health, the stove damper should not be closed completely (it is better to leave it slightly open) only after the blue lights above the coals disappear. In addition, it is recommended to check with a poker whether there are unburnt brands inside the stove. It is better to extinguish them or allow time to burn completely.

Firefighters advise finishing heating the stove three hours before bedtime. Only serviceable equipment should be used.

When operating wood-burning stoves, you need to monitor the chimneys and clean them of soot and deposits. The most important thing is not to close the damper until the coals burn out completely.

It is difficult to establish with what intensity carbon monoxide can enter a room with faulty stove equipment, as well as the time of exposure to the human body, since it depends on many factors. Carbon monoxide is lighter than air when normal conditions in room.

If we take into account the fact that stoves are heated in cold weather, no one will open the windows, since the meaning of all previously carried out measures with stove heating is lost. Therefore, you should follow the recommendations above.
Will it affect or not? open window It is difficult to say the degree of carbon monoxide poisoning in a person, but it will definitely reduce the concentration in the room.

We will provide you with background data taken from open sources and a table; all you have to do is draw your own conclusions.
