Reasoning with descriptive elements. Reasoning as a type of speech. He's so smart

Getting ready for the Unified State Exam


Task 21.

Mikheeva Marina Aleksandrovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature,

OGKOU KSHI "Kolpashevo Cadet Corps"

  • The purpose of the lesson


types of speech

Be able to :

distinguish the main types of speech in texts

Form :

skill in completing task 21 of the Unified State Exam on the topic “Types of speech”

What you need to know:

  • main semantic types: narration, description, reasoning;
  • features of the narrative text;
  • features of the descriptive text;
  • features of the argumentative text;
  • features of the text with elements of different types of speech.


All texts are divided into three semantic types: narration, description, reasoning.


this is a type of speech in which narrated, narrated about any events in their time sequence. Events in the story replace one another .

Narrative composition:

  • the beginning of the action (the beginning of events);
  • action development;
  • climax (the highest tension of the action);
  • denouement.

Features of narrative text

  • a large number of verbs that convey movement, action;
  • in a narrative text we can imagine the movement of action in time and space, therefore there are many adverbs of place and time in it;
  • narration is characteristic of many styles (colloquial, artistic, scientific).

Example of a narrative text

I actually saw a white cloud at the edge of the sky, which I initially mistook for a distant hill. The driver explained to me that the cloud foreshadowed a snowstorm. I heard about the blizzards there, that entire carts were covered in them. Savelich, in agreement with the driver’s opinion, advised him to turn back. But the wind did not seem strong to me; I hoped to get to the next station in time and ordered to go quickly. The coachman galloped off; but he kept looking to the east. The horses ran together. Meanwhile, the wind became stronger hour by hour.

(“The Captain’s Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin)


this is a type of speech in which described anything depicted some phenomenon of reality. The description can list both general and specific characteristics, and express impressions about someone or something.

What can be described?

  • portrait, that is, a description of a person’s appearance, his condition;
  • landscape, that is, a description of nature, a specific corner of nature, or the state of nature in general at a given moment;
  • interior, that is, the interior space of the room;
  • thing, for example, a toy;
  • an animal, for example, a beloved dog.

Description composition

  • general idea of ​​the subject of description
  • individual characteristics of the subject of description
  • may include the author's assessment, conclusion, conclusion

Features of the text - descriptions

  • leading parts of speech - nouns, adjectives, participles;
  • verbs are mainly used in the imperfect form, as they help convey the static, timeless nature of the description. Something is described at a given moment in time;
  • sentences are often simple; incomplete and nominal sentences can be used;
  • The description provides answers to the questions: what is it like? where is it? (right, left, nearby), what is it like here? how does he feel? (good, bad, fun), what sensations and feelings does he have? (joyfully, cheerfully)

Example of a narrative text

His appearance seemed remarkable to me: he was about forty, average height, thin and broad-shouldered. There was a streak of gray in his black beard; the lively big eyes kept darting around. His face had a rather pleasant, but roguish expression. The hair was cut into a circle; he was wearing a tattered overcoat and Tatar trousers.

(“The Captain’s Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin,

description of Emelyan Pugachev)


is a type of speech by which something proven, explained some position or thought, talks about the causes and consequences of something, contains an assessment .

Composition of the text - reasoning

  • a thesis is an idea that needs to be proven or refuted
  • arguments, arguments, evidence, examples
  • Conclusion

Types of reasoning

  • reasoning - proof: why is it this way and not otherwise? what follows from this?
  • reasoning - explanation: what is it? (interpretation of a concept, explanation of the essence of something)
  • reasoning - thinking: what to do? what to do? (thoughts are given on some problem or issue)

Features of the text - reasoning

  • A large place is occupied by introductory words that help to consistently present thoughts, indicate the connection of thoughts (firstly, thus, so, therefore)
  • Quite complex syntax (presence of isolated members, introductory constructions, complex sentences)

An example of a reasoning text

My thoughts on the road were not very pleasant. My loss, at the prices at that time, was significant. I could not help but admit in my heart that my behavior in the Simbirsk tavern was stupid, and I felt guilty before Savelich. All this tormented me.

"The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin

It should be remembered that the boundaries between types are arbitrary. It is rare that a text can be classified into only one specific type. Combinations of speech types in a wide variety of variants are much more common: description and narration; description and reasoning; description, narration and reasoning; description with elements of reasoning; narration with elements of description and others.

These are the types of tasks that often appear on the Unified State Exam: you need to prove the correctness of a statement that names a combination of speech types.

For example:

In sentences 2-8 - reasoning with elements of description.

In sentences 17-25 there is a description with elements of reasoning.

Carrying out a task № 21 , remember what the features of each type of speech are, find them in these sentences.

  • Example text with narrative and descriptive elements
  • I went right through the bushes [ narration ]. Meanwhile, the night was approaching and growing like a thundercloud; It seemed as if, along with the evening vapors, darkness was rising from everywhere and even pouring from above [ description] . I came across some kind of unmarked, overgrown path; I walked along it, carefully looking ahead [ narration ]. Everything around turned black and died down, only the quails screamed occasionally[ description ]. A small night bird, silently and low rushing on its soft wings, almost stumbled upon me and timidly dived to the side. I went out to the edge of the bushes and wandered across the field between [ narration ]. I was already having difficulty distinguishing distant objects; the field was vaguely white around; behind it, looming in huge clouds every moment, rose the gloomy darkness. My steps echoed dully in the frozen air. The pale sky began to turn blue again - but it was already blue nights. The stars flickered and moved on it [ description ].
  • “Bezhin Meadow” by I.S. Turgenev.

Task No. 23. Types of speech

All texts are divided into three semantic types: narration, description, reasoning. Let's look at the features of each of them.


Narration is a type of speech that narrates or talks about any events in their time sequence. Events in the story follow one another.

Narrative composition

  • the beginning of the action (the beginning of events)
  • action development
  • climax (highest tension of action)
  • denouement

Features of narrative text

  • a large number of verbs that convey the movement of action
  • in a narrative text we can imagine the movement of action in time and space, therefore there are many adverbs of place and time in it
  • narration is characteristic of many styles (colloquial, artistic, scientific)

Example of a narrative text


Description is a type of speech in which something is described, some phenomenon of reality is depicted. The description can list both general and specific characteristics, and express impressions about someone or something.

What can be described

  • portrait, description of a person’s appearance, his condition
  • landscape, that is, a description of nature - a specific corner of nature or the state of nature in general at a given moment
  • interior, that is, the interior space of a room
  • thing, for example. toy
  • animal, for example, a beloved dog

Description composition

  • general idea of ​​the subject of description
  • individual characteristics of the subject of description
  • may include the author's assessment, conclusion, conclusion

Features of the text - descriptions

  • leading parts of speech - nouns, adjectives, participles
  • verbs are mainly used in the imperfect form, as they help convey the static, timeless nature of the description. Because something is being described at a given moment in time
  • sentences are often simple, incomplete and nominal sentences can be used
  • The description provides answers to the questions: what is it like? where is it? (right, left, nearby), what is it like here? how does he feel? (good, bad, cheerful), what sensations, feelings does he have? (joyful, cheerful)

Example text - description


Reasoning is a type of speech with the help of which something is proven, some position or thought is explained, the causes and consequences of something are spoken of, and an assessment is made.

Composition of the text - reasoning

  • a thesis is an idea that needs to be proven or refuted
  • arguments, arguments, evidence, examples
  • conclusion

Types of reasoning

  • reasoning - proof: why is it this way and not otherwise? what follows from this?
  • reasoning - explanation: what is it? (interpretation of a concept, explanation of the essence of something)
  • reasoning - thinking: what to do? what to do? (thoughts are given on some problem or issue)

Features of the text - reasoning

  • A large place is occupied by introductory words that help to consistently present thoughts, indicate the connection of thoughts (firstly, thus, so, therefore)
  • Quite complex syntax (presence of isolated members, introductory constructions, complex sentences

Example text - reasoning

These are the types of speech and their features. It should be remembered that the boundaries between types are arbitrary. It is rare that a text can be classified into only one specific type. Combinations of speech types in a variety of variants are much more common: description and narration, description and reasoning, description, narration and reasoning, description with elements of reasoning, narration with elements of description, and others.

These are the types of tasks that often appear on the Unified State Exam: you need to prove the correctness of a statement that names a combination of speech types.

For example:

In sentences 2-8 - reasoning with elements of description.

In sentences 17-25 there is a description with elements of reasoning.

When completing task No. 21. Remember what the features of each type of speech are, find them in these sentences.

Example text with narrative and descriptive elements

I went right through the bushes [ narration]. Meanwhile, the night was approaching and growing like a thundercloud; It seemed as if, along with the evening vapors, darkness was rising from everywhere and even pouring from above [ description]. I came across some kind of unmarked, overgrown path; I walked along it, carefully looking ahead [ narration]. Everything around turned black and died down, only the quails screamed occasionally[ description]. A small night bird, silently and low rushing on its soft wings, almost stumbled upon me and timidly dived to the side. I went out to the edge of the bushes and wandered across the field between [ narration]. I was already having difficulty distinguishing distant objects; the field was vaguely white around; behind it, looming in huge clouds every moment, rose the gloomy darkness. My steps echoed dully in the frozen air. The pale sky began to turn blue again - but it was already the blue of night. The stars flickered and moved on it [ description].

“Bezhin Meadow” by I.S. Turgenev.

Good luck to you!

Melnikova Vera Alexandrovna

  • < Назад

The school curriculum necessarily includes the topic: “Types of speech: description, narration, reasoning.” But after a while, knowledge tends to be erased from memory, so it would be useful to consolidate this important issue.

What are types of speech? What functions do they perform?

Types of speech: description, narration, reasoning - this is how we talk about the subject. For example, let's imagine an ordinary table in the office or at home in the kitchen. If you need to describe this item, you should describe in detail what it looks like and what is on it. Such text will be descriptive in nature, therefore, we are talking about description. If the narrator begins to reason about what this table is for, whether it is too old, whether it is time to change it to a new one, then the chosen type of speech will be called reasoning. A text can be called a narration if a person tells the story of how this table was ordered or made, brought home and other details of the appearance of the table in the apartment.

Now a little theory. Types of speech are used by a storyteller (author, journalist, teacher, announcer) to convey information. Depending on how it is presented, the typology is determined.

Description is a type of speech whose purpose is a detailed story about a static object, image, phenomenon or person.

Narration informs the developing action by conveying certain information in a temporal sequence.

With the help of reasoning, the flow of thought regarding the subject that caused it is conveyed.

Functional and semantic types of speech: description, narration, reasoning

Types of speech are often called functional-semantic. What does it mean? One of the meanings of the word “function” (there are many others, including mathematical terms) is role. That is, speech types play a certain role.

The function of description as a type of speech is to recreate a verbal picture and help the reader see it with inner vision. This is achieved through the use of adjectives in various degrees of comparison, participial phrases, and other speech means. This type of speech can most often be found in artistic style. A description in a scientific style will differ significantly from an artistic one in the unemotional, clear flow of the story, the obligatory presence of terms and

A narrative is characterized by a depiction of an action, situation, or specific incident. Using verbs and short, succinct sentences, this type of speech is often used in news reporting. Its function is notification.

Reasoning as a type of speech is characterized by a variety of styles: artistic, scientific, business and even colloquial. The pursued goal is to clarify, reveal certain features, prove or refute something.

Features of the structure of speech types

Each type of speech is characterized by a clear structure. The following classical form is typical for the narrative:

  • string;
  • developments;
  • climax;
  • denouement.

The description does not have a clear structure, but it differs in such forms as:

  • a descriptive story about a person or animal, or an object;
  • detailed description of the place;
  • description of the condition.

Similar examples are often found in literary texts.

Reasoning is fundamentally different from previous types of speech. Since its goal is to convey the sequence of a person’s thought process, the reasoning is structured as follows:

  • thesis (statement);
  • arguments, along with examples given (proof of this statement);
  • final conclusion or conclusion.

Speech types are often confused with styles. This is a grave mistake. Below we will explain how styles differ from types.

Types and styles of speech: what are the differences?

In Russian language textbooks the concept appears: What is it and are there any differences between styles and types?

So, style is a complex of certain speech means used in a specific area of ​​communication. There are five main styles:

  1. Colloquial.
  2. Journalistic.
  3. Official business (or business).
  4. Scientific.
  5. Art.

To see, you can take any text. The type of speech which will be presented) is present in both scientific and journalistic styles. we choose for daily communication. It is characterized by the presence of colloquial expressions, abbreviations and even slang words. It is appropriate at home or with friends, but upon arrival at an official institution, for example, a school, university or ministry, the style of speech changes to businesslike with scientific elements.

Newspapers and magazines are written in a journalistic style. News channels broadcast using it. The scientific style can be found in educational literature; it is characterized by many terms and concepts.

Finally, the art style. He wrote books that we read for our own pleasure. He is characterized by comparisons (“the morning is beautiful, like the smile of a loved one”), metaphors (“the night sky showers gold on us”) and other artistic expressions. By the way, description is a type of speech that is quite often found in fiction and, accordingly, in the style of the same name.

The difference is this: you can describe, reflect or narrate using different styles. For example, when talking about a flower in an artistic style, the author uses a lot of expressive epithets to convey to the listener or reader the beauty of the plant. A biologist will describe the flower from a scientific point of view, using generally accepted terminology. You can reason and narrate in the same way. For example, a journalist will write a feuilleton about a carelessly plucked flower, using reasoning as a type of speech. At the same time, the girl, using a conversational style, will tell her friend how a classmate gave her a bouquet.

Using Styles

The specificity of speech styles makes their successful juxtaposition possible. For example, if the type of speech is description, then it can be supplemented by reasoning. The same flower can be described in a school wall newspaper, using both a scientific or journalistic and artistic style. This could be an article about the valuable properties of a plant and a poem praising its beauty. In a biology lesson, the teacher, using a scientific style, will offer students information about the flower, and after that he can tell a fascinating legend about it.

Type of speech description. Examples in the literature

This type can be called an image. That is, when describing, the author depicts an object (for example, a table), a natural phenomenon (thunderstorm, rainbow), a person (a girl from a neighboring class or a favorite actor), an animal, and so on ad infinitum.

Within the description, the following forms are distinguished:


Description of the condition;

Examples of landscapes can be found in the works of classics. For example, in the story “The Fate of Man” the author gives a brief description of the early post-war spring. The pictures he recreated are so vivid and believable that it seems as if the reader sees them.

In Turgenev's story "Bezhin Meadow" landscapes also play an important role. Using a verbal image of the summer sky and sunset, the writer conveys the powerful beauty and power of nature.

To remember what a description is as a type of speech, it is worth considering another example.

“We went for a picnic outside the city. But today the sky was gloomy and became increasingly unfriendly towards evening. At first the clouds were a heavy gray hue. The sky was covered with them, like a theater stage after a performance. Although the sun had not yet set, it was already invisible. And then lightning appeared between the dark curtains of the clouds...”

The description is characterized by the use of adjectives. It is thanks to them that this text gives the impression of a painting, conveys to us color and weather gradations. For a descriptive type story, the following questions are asked: “What does the described object (person, place) look like? What signs does it have?

Narration: Example

Discussing the previous type of speech (description), it can be noted that it is used by the author to recreate the visual effect. But the narration conveys the plot in dynamics. This speech type describes events. The following example tells what happened to the heroes of a short story about a thunderstorm and a picnic later.

“... The first lightning did not scare us, but we knew that this was just the beginning. We had to pack our things and run away. As soon as the simple dinner was packed into the backpacks, the first drops of rain fell on the blanket. We rushed to the bus stop."

In the text, you need to pay attention to the number of verbs: they create the effect of action. It is the depiction of the situation in the time period that are signs of the narrative type of speech. In addition, to a text of this kind you can ask the questions “What came first? What happened next?

Reasoning. Example

What is reasoning as a type of speech? The description and narration are already familiar to us and are easier to understand than a text-reasoning. Let's go back to our friends who got caught in the rain. One can easily imagine how they discuss their adventure: “...Yes, we were lucky that a summer resident-motorist noticed us at a bus stop. It's good that he didn't pass by. It's good to talk about a thunderstorm in a warm bed. It wouldn’t be so scary if we were at the same stop again. A thunderstorm is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. You can't predict where lightning will strike. No, we will never go to the country again without knowing the exact weather forecast. A picnic is good for a sunny day, but in a thunderstorm it’s better to drink tea at home.” The text contains all the structural parts of reasoning as a type of speech. In addition, you can ask him questions characteristic of reasoning: “What is the reason? What follows from this?


Our article was devoted to types of speech - description, narration and reasoning. The choice of a specific speech type depends on what we are talking about in this case and what goal we are pursuing. We also mentioned characteristic speech styles, their features and close relationship with types of speech.

Reasoning as a type of speech - definition, purpose and connections

Reasoning is a type of speech in which the causes or consequences of a particular phenomenon or situation are indicated.

The purpose of the reasoning is prove the truth of any position (thesis).

Basis of reasoning are cause-and-effect relationships, evidence.

  1. Beginning - preliminary information about the subject is provided;
  2. Main part: a) formulation of the main thesis, b) division (if necessary, highlighting parts of the argument or subthesis, c) presentation - consistent proof of the thesis (theses),
  3. Ending (conclusion) - conclusion.

Types of evidence in reasoning

1) deductive- from thesis to evidence,

2) inductive— from examples to thesis.

« There is no person who does not love his homeland,”

“Yu. Tynyanov once commented on the possibility of an unambiguous interpretation of the composition. “I take the liberty of asserting,” he wrote in his work “Problems of Poetic Language,” “that the word “composition” in 9/10 cases covers the attitude towards form as static” - L. Kaida,

V) indication of the reasons for the correctness of the thesis put forward:

“Autumn comes in September. Because that’s when the leaves turn yellow and start falling.”

G) giving an analogy or comparison:

“It is impossible to immediately rebuild our economy to market relations. It’s like switching from driving on the right to driving on the left.”

4) indirect- this is proof by contradiction: through refuting the truth of the opposite thesis

“A tolerant attitude towards a person makes our relationship with him better. Let's assume that this is not the case. Then - the more we make comments to the person, the more we teach him, etc., the better our relationship will be. But this is impossible. This means that our first thesis is correct.”

Our presentation on reasoning:

It must be said that pure types of speech (, reasoning) are not so common; usually texts are a combination of all types of speech; the connection is not mechanical; transitions from one type of text to another are sometimes very difficult to determine.

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AND ) - this is a set of speech elements (words and ways of constructing sentences that are special for each style of speech).

A type of speech it is a way of presentation, constructing words and sentences in a logical order.

Depending on the content of the text, the following types of speech are distinguished: narration, description, reasoning.

Let's consider the features of each type of speech.

Narration is a story about an event that occurs in a certain period of time. The actions reflected in the event are sequential and logically related to each other. The narration can come from both the third person and the first, and it is characterized by such elements as the beginning (the beginning of the event), the development of the action and the denouement (the outcome of the event being described).

Since the narrative is an event text, its speech feature is a large number of verbs and a chain development of action. The text answers the questions “what? Where? When?" - What's happened? where and with whom did it happen? when did it happen?

Narration happens figurative(emphasis is on changing images that “show” the event) and informative(the text not only talks about the event, but also explains it and includes interesting facts).

Example of a narrative text:

“At night a strong wind rose and it started to rain. It quietly drummed on the roof and flowed down the glass, turning the world outside the window into a blur. Streams of water washed away dust from trees and sidewalks, gurgled in gutters, and cooled the city scorching from the summer heat. And those who were not sleeping opened the windows, inhaled the damp coolness and exposed their faces to the icy drops. The city had been waiting for rain for two months, and now that it came, people smiled silently, blessing the crying sky...”

An example text - a visual narrative - answers the following questions:

  1. What's happened? – it started to rain in the city;
  2. where and with whom did it happen? – city residents waited for the rain;
  1. when did it happen? - It started to rain in the summer.

Description is a verbal image of an object, phenomenon, event. The description lists and reveals the main features of the selected item. The goal is to present the reader of the text with an image that is easy to imagine in color. The unity of time and place of manifestation of signs is important.

The description text consists of the following parts:

  1. general characteristics of the item, general impression;
  2. signs, details;
  3. overall assessment of the subject.

For example, the description can be portrait, landscape; the object of writing can be anything - a person, his emotional state, an animal, a plant, a place (city, hotel house, park, village), and the weather. Speech feature – predominance of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, minimum action and static text.

Descriptive text answers the questions “which one?” which?" (what object is being described? what does it look like? what are its qualities and properties?).

Example of descriptive text:

“It rained for the third day. Gray, small and harmful. Unpredictable, like a low gray sky. Endless. Endless. He restlessly knocked on the windows and quietly rustled on the roof. Sullen and carefree. Annoying. Bored.”

Sample text answers descriptive questions:

  1. what object is being described? - rain;
  1. what is the subject? – gray, small, harmful, unpredictable, endless, etc.

Reasoning – this is the development and confirmation of thought, an explanation of a phenomenon (properties of an object) and the expression of one’s own opinion. Reasoning answers the questions “why?” For what?".

The reasoning consists of the following parts:

  1. thesis - an idea that needs to be proven;
  2. justification of the thesis, supporting argumentation with examples, evidence;
  3. summary – results, conclusions.

The text of the argument is aimed at convincing, explaining, proving. Reasoning is characterized by the active use of rhetorical questions and introductory words - connectives: firstly... secondly... thirdly... therefore (thus accordingly); meanwhile, because, so.

The reasoning is as follows:

  1. reasoning-proof (why is this and not otherwise? What follows from this?);
  2. reasoning-explanation (what is it? where did it come from? Why is the subject exactly like that?);
  3. reasoning-reflection (what to do? To be or not to be? What to do?).

An example of a reasoning text:

“So, the night will pass, and the rain will stop making noise, the thunder will die down. So, what is next? Again – the sweltering heat of a stuffy summer? Again – hot asphalt? Again - a city choking in dust? Or will the weather have mercy on tired city dwellers and give at least a week of coolness? Since the weather forecasters' predictions are vague and vague, we can only wait and watch.”

An example text – reasoning-reflection – answers the following questions:

  1. Why? – because the rain will stop and the heat that everyone is tired of will return;
  1. For what? - to imagine what to expect from the capricious nature.

Types of speech are methods of presentation that solve the following author’s tasks:

  • narration – dynamically reflects reality, tells about its events; narration is a clip, a movie, a change of frames;
  • description – depicts a static reality, studies the object of interest from all sides; the description is a photograph, a frozen frame;
  • reasoning – looks for cause-and-effect relationships between events and phenomena, expresses the author’s opinion, “because...”; This is a diagram with blocks of theses and evidence and arrows - logical questions.

And finally, a reminder: do not confuse functional styles of speech and types of speech. 😉 After all, for example, a newspaper article in a journalistic style of speech can be narrative (a report from the scene), and descriptive (a note about a missing person; an advertisement for a new building), and reasoning (an analytical article).

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