Industrial and domestic air purification. How to protect air from pollution? Recommendations of ecologists The air in the street is cleared of

It is known that a person can live without food for more than one month, without water - only a few days, but without air - only a couple of minutes. So it is necessary for our body! Therefore, the question of how to protect the air from pollution should be at the forefront of the problems of scientists, politicians, statesmen and officials of all countries. In order not to kill itself, humanity must take urgent measures to prevent this pollution. Citizens of any country are also obliged to take care of cleanliness. It just seems that practically nothing depends on us. There is hope that by joint efforts we can all protect the air from pollution, animals from extinction, forests from deforestation.

Earth's atmosphere

The Earth is the only planet known to modern science on which life exists, which was made possible thanks to the atmosphere. It ensures our existence. The atmosphere is primarily air, which must be breathable for people and animals, free of harmful impurities and substances. How to protect air from pollution? This is a very important issue to be resolved in the near future.

human activity

AT recent centuries we often behave very unreasonably. Minerals are being squandered. Forests are cut down. The rivers are drying up. As a result, the natural balance is disturbed, the planet gradually becomes uninhabitable. The same thing happens with air. It is constantly polluted with all sorts of things that get into the atmosphere. Chemical compounds contained in aerosols and antifreeze destroy the Earth, threatening global warming and catastrophes associated with it. How to protect the air from pollution so that life on the planet continues?

The main causes of the current problem

  • Gaseous waste from plants and factories, emitted into the atmosphere in countless volumes. In the past, this has happened out of control. And on the basis of waste from enterprises that polluted environment, it was possible to organize entire factories for their processing (as they do now, for example, in Japan).
  • Cars. burnt gasoline and diesel fuel form which volatilize into the atmosphere, seriously polluting it. And if we take into account that in some countries there are two or three cars for each average family, one can imagine the global nature of the problem under consideration.
  • Combustion of coal and oil in thermal power plants. Electricity, of course, is essential for human life, but extracting it in this way is real barbarism. When fuel is burned, a lot of harmful emissions are produced that greatly pollute the air. All impurities rise into the air with smoke, concentrate in clouds, spill onto the soil in the form. Trees, which are intended to purify oxygen, suffer greatly from this.

How to protect air from pollution?

Measures to prevent the current catastrophic situation have long been developed by scientists. It remains only to follow the prescribed rules. Humanity has already received serious warnings from nature itself. Especially in last years the surrounding world literally shouts to people that the consumer attitude to the planet needs to be changed, otherwise - the death of all living things. What do we have to do? How to protect the air from pollution (pictures of our amazing nature are presented below)?

According to environmentalists, such measures will contribute to a significant improvement in the current situation.

The materials given in the article can be used in the lesson on the topic "How to protect air from pollution" (Grade 3).

AT air mass What surrounds us contains nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide. Nature has always maintained their balance, while all smells, even unpleasant ones, in normal conditions- environmentally friendly. But the last decades scientific and technological progress in addition to amenities and comfort, they “gave” mankind a variety of harmful chemical compounds.

Nature can no longer cope with such a load, and as a result, due to polluted air, we get a decrease in immunity, allergies and other inadequate reactions of the body. As a result, our immune system spends 80% of its resources on neutralizing harmful factors environment. But can you help her? How to make the air clean at least at home, in the place where we sleep, eat, raise our children?

We've put together simple ways to keep your home safe from harmful contaminants, chemicals, and germs:

1. No combustion products

Wood-burning fireplaces are a charming part of the interior and a romantic place for lovers. They make the house more comfortable and help to relax psychologically after a hard day. But as it turned out, they are harmful to our health, as they produce solid particles that are fed into the lungs and make it difficult to breathe.

2. Away from smokers

Smoking as such is the cause of a large number of diseases. Specifically, in the US, smoking is responsible for approximately 85% of cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Therefore, you should make sure that you are not a passive smoker in your own home?

Smokers poison the air not only around them, but also harm their neighbors, relatives and households. If you stop smoking in time, and thereby clear your apartment of smoke, you can significantly improve air quality.

3. Fight dust mites

Dust mites, which live mainly in human dwellings, can cause an allergic reaction in people - tick sensitization.

The size of ticks ranges from 0.1-0.5 mm. About 200 species are widely distributed throughout the world. These arachnids live in mattresses and carpets and feed on dead skin particles, which a person loses annually in the amount of 350-400 g. Ticks leave behind feces containing digestive enzymes, which can cause severe allergic reactions in people.

To get rid of dust mites, it is necessary to use mattress covers and pillowcases, which create a barrier between the person and the mites living in pillows and mattresses.

4. Reducing the use of chemicals

Almost all household chemicals are harmful. But using chemical substances the situation is not simple. On the one hand, we are forced to use them to do a full cleaning in the house, wipe the dust and collect pet hair. But what more effective remedy, the stronger it smells and the more toxic substances it spreads around itself, and this is already dangerous to health.

In order not to walk around the apartment in a protective mask every time after cleaning, replace chemicals on ordinary vinegar or soap. AT this case, only those things that do not have aroma are safe for the human body.

This also applies to hairspray, perfumes, glues, paints, air fresheners - they all pollute and weigh down the air we breathe.

5. Animal hair

The main trouble of pets is their hair, which fills the apartment, as a result of which the amount of dust increases and you have to clean up much more often. But pet dander is actually much more harmful than fur. Despite the fact that the particles of this dandruff are quite large and cannot get deep into the respiratory tract during breathing, they are also the cause of many diseases. Especially the presence of animals in the house is dangerous for allergy sufferers, who are contraindicated in dogs, cats and even birds.

But if you do already have a pet, be sure to wash your hands after petting it. It is also better to keep your pet away from the bedroom - where you sleep and spend most of your time, it definitely does not belong.

6. Artificial air purification

Various electronic purifiers, ionizers and humidifiers can significantly reduce the amount of small particles that hover around us and enter our lungs. The main thing is not to forget to clean the filters of these devices themselves regularly.

And for hot summer days, it is better to use air conditioners that trap dust entering houses from the street.

7. Keep windows closed

Ozone and various allergens contained in street dust enter our lungs. Especially their number is large in large cities and industrial areas.

To protect yourself from their effects, it is recommended to keep the windows in the apartment closed for most of the day. However, periodically opening windows and ventilating the apartment is simply necessary, especially if you have just cleaned the house and there is a strong smell of chemicals contained in cleaning products around.

8. Normalized physical activity

Oxygen is involved in almost all chemical processes of our body, plays an important role in metabolism, improves blood circulation and the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Any exercise stress increases its consumption, and contributes to the prevention chronic diseases lungs and allergies.

But doctors warn that if you have already been diagnosed with a disease, then you should not overexert yourself - this will knock your breath and aggravate the signs of the disease.

9. Fight mold and mildew

Mold is ubiquitous. Basically, extensive colonies of mold grow in warm wet places, in nutrient media. Many mold fungi produce mycotoxins - these are toxins that have a depressing or toxic effect on other living organisms, including humans.

A variety of pathogenic fungi can cause dermatoses, diseases of the hair, nails, respiratory and genital tract, and oral cavity in humans.

Can help against both mold and fungus good system ventilation in the bedroom and bathroom. It is also necessary to maintain a certain level of humidity in the apartment - about 40%. To do this, do not abuse humidifiers. Increased humidity and air temperature can also lead to a violation of the balance of heat transfer and metabolism.

10. Stove and gas

Radiators, central heating and gas stoves are also fraught with danger. If there is a gas stove in the kitchen, then the air is full of harmful substances formed during the combustion of gas: carbon oxides, sulfur dioxide, carcinogens, and others. When cooking, substances with toxic properties are formed: formaldehyde, ammonia, acrolein and others.

To reduce harm from gas stove, it is recommended to ventilate more often during cooking or keep the window always ajar. It is also important to keep the door to the kitchen closed while food is being cooked and to install a hood that will draw in not only combustion products, but also toxic substances released during cooking.

An important issue in cities is the quality of the air we breathe. Urban industry, transport and the very life of people affect this. After all, we also inhale oxygen, exhale carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) and emit other gases.

1. Atmosphere in cities

"Atmosphere in cities" is a figurative expression. There is an atmosphere of the earth, and this is a somewhat different concept. This is the gaseous shell of the Earth, in which a person can breathe calmly only in thin layer surface air - within 2 thousand meters above sea level. The quality of urban air is significantly different from the air in uninhabited or sparsely populated areas. In natural landscapes, be it a forest, a meadow, a field, or the sea, everyone breathes easily, but sometimes not so much in a city. At the same time, the problem of clean air in cities is becoming more acute. This is primarily due to transport: car exhaust, no matter what gasoline is used, contains toxic gases, including carbon monoxide. Any industry, any pipe in emissions has harmful gases and gaseous compounds. These include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide, methane and many other gases and toxic volatile compounds. How much the human population of the Earth affects its atmosphere, we cannot currently estimate exactly, since there are no points for comparison. The human population of the Earth and technological progress have increased dramatically only in the last 100-odd years. In addition, mixing occurs in the atmosphere, the transfer of air flows, some gases reach upper layers atmosphere, in particular methane, which contributes to the formation of ozone holes. Perhaps the processes of atmospheric pollution have a global impact on human life, in particular on the climate. But if we return to more or less local pollution, if we can call the air pollution of a big city local, then the problem turns out to be quite large, since we are talking about people's health.

2. The role of microorganisms in air purification

Few people think about the fact that surface air is cleaned by microorganisms that mainly live in the upper layer of the soil, where oxygen penetrates. Microorganisms are small creatures that rarely exceed a few cubic microns in volume and are highly specialized. Some of them use gases such as methane, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, etc., as growth substrates, that is, they feed on them, oxidizing the air with oxygen and receiving energy at the same time. Many of them use carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) as a source of carbon to build cellular substance.

In general, the modern classification of microorganisms is carried out according to their phylogeny, this is due to evolution and related genes in the genomes of microorganisms. In addition, there is a classification based on the ability of microorganisms to carry out certain processes. The so-called physiological groups of microorganisms are distinguished. Examples include groups of methane-oxidizing bacteria, carboxydobacteria (bacteria that oxidize carbon monoxide), nitrifying bacteria, etc. Often these classifications coincide, because specialized groups of microorganisms have specialized sections of their genomes that encode certain enzymes, due to which microorganisms can oxidize harmful gases, in particular carbon monoxide. This is harmful carbon monoxide, which replaces oxygen in the hemoglobin of the blood and causes death of a person. This poisonous gas was, until recently, a common component of car exhaust gases.

3. Seasonal changes in the content of harmful gases in the atmosphere and in the surface air

Bacteria that oxidize carbon monoxide, or carboxidobacteria, were isolated from various clean and polluted soils and water bodies and were first studied in detail at the Institute of Microbiology. S. N. Vinogradsky RAS (INMI RAS). The group of carboxybacteria turned out to be very diverse and extensive. Some species of carboxidobacteria are prone to high concentrations of carbon monoxide, while others prefer a low concentration of the substrate (CO). Different species also differed in relation to oxygen concentration, temperature, acidity of the environment, etc. The morphology (cell shape) was also different in different types. As a result of the activity of these bacteria, carbon monoxide is oxidized by oxygen to carbon dioxide, which is physiologically harmless.

Back in the 70s of the last century, a study was made: the cycle of accumulation and decrease in the concentration of carbon monoxide in the Earth's atmosphere in the surface layers and in the high layers of the atmosphere was traced. The fact is that carbon monoxide is involved in the formation of ozone due to photochemical reactions. Scientists from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences on research ships made voyages in the Atlantic Ocean from the northern part to Antarctica, measured atmospheric carbon monoxide at different latitudes. It turned out that in the Southern Hemisphere the content of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere is much lower than in the Northern Hemisphere. It was concluded that this was due to much larger area land mass, population density and industrial enterprises in the Northern Hemisphere. A study of the content of carbon monoxide in the surface air and in the atmosphere as a whole was also carried out at ground stations in the European part of the Russian Federation, in particular in Zvenigorod. The measurements were taken at different times of the year. It turned out that the highest content of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere falls on the spring. With the onset warm weather and an increase in soil temperature by June, the content of carbon monoxide in the surface air and in the atmosphere sharply decreased. Obviously in upper layers atmosphere, solar activity and radical chemistry play an important role. And the purification of surface air is still associated with microorganisms living in the soil. It has been proven that the number and activity of microorganisms that oxidize carbon monoxide increase very sharply in the spring. When studies were carried out using special chambers that study the formation and consumption of gases in the soil, the content of carbon monoxide in this closed space rapidly decreased, which correlated with the gas-oxidizing activity of the soil. New species of carboxybacteria were isolated, and it was concluded that microbial use of carbon monoxide is active in the soil.

Similar results were obtained at INMI RAS in the study of methane emission from the surface of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. Methane is formed as a result of decomposition of the organic fraction of buried MSW by anaerobic microorganisms in the anaerobic zone of the landfill. Solid waste landfills are a powerful source of methane, which pollutes the surface air and atmosphere. The highest rate of methane emission is observed in the cold season (autumn - spring). On the contrary, the abundance and activity of methane-oxidizing bacteria in the aerated layer of the overlying soil of the polygon were the highest in warm period of the year. Thus, soil methane-oxidizing bacteria are a factor protecting the atmosphere from pollution by methane, the most important greenhouse gas. The density of these bacteria in the overlying soil of the landfill is extremely high compared to other habitats such as swamps and natural gas fields. Methane-oxidizing bacteria living in the upper soil layer of the MSW landfill are very diverse. Bacteria that develop even at low temperatures have been isolated. Solid waste landfills are often located near cities and have Negative influence to their atmosphere.

Microorganisms also oxidize other harmful gases, such as nitrogen oxides, methane, hydrogen and various other gases and gaseous harmful substances. In general, for almost any environmental pollution, there are microorganisms, groups or communities of microorganisms, which in the end somehow cope with this pollution.

4. Principles of air purification in cities

Highly an important factor purifying and improving the air quality of cities is to increase the area of ​​parks, squares and lawns, which have an invaluable effect on improving the composition of the air. Lawn grass even more than trees play a role here, since the surface area of ​​the green part of the grass is very large, so a lot of oxygen is produced. On the other hand, root system Grass helps to loosen the soil and the penetration of air into it. At the same time, soil microorganisms oxidize harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide, methane and many other gases and toxic volatile impurities contained in the air.

Stabilized (specially treated) precipitation can be used (and is used all over the world) to fertilize flowerbeds and lawns in urban development. Wastewater generated at water treatment plants. These are wastes rich in organic matter that serve as excellent fertilizer. And even if they contain a small amount impurities of heavy metals, they do not interfere with the growth of grass. Although such precipitation cannot be used for growing agricultural products, they are used in landscaping farms all over the world. Moreover, some plants, on the contrary, pull these heavy metals out of the soil, which get into their green mass. Plants accumulating heavy metals are used for bioremediation of contaminated areas. True, there is a circulation of substances in nature, and all chemical elements on Earth are involved in it to one degree or another.

5. Opportunities to reduce gas pollution

Solid and liquid toxic compounds can be concentrated, processed or hermetically packaged and buried. For example, radioactive waste is buried in mines, in basalt rocks at great depths, with the hope that this will not harm future generations. With gaseous compounds that pollute the air, it is technically difficult to vent. However, with the help of science and technology, their formation can be prevented. Improvement in the quality of gasoline and tight control over the presence of carbon monoxide in car exhaust gases have led to a decrease in its content in them. However, the constant increase in the number of cars in cities reduces this effect. FROM gas emissions industrial enterprises also need to fight. If it is not possible to change the technology so as to reduce the content of toxic substances in the gaseous waste, it is necessary to use gas filters. By the way, microbial filters that use microorganisms, oxidizing gases and their enzymes are very effective. However, at present, the most effective are microorganisms living in the soil, and plants, that is, lawns, shrubs and trees. Thus, it is extremely important to have as many parks and squares as possible in the city and as few areas as possible covered with asphalt, which kills the soil with its living population.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Additional education children

"Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth "Harmony"

Prepared by: Lyubov Alexandrovna Klopova - methodologist, teacher

MBOU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity"

and youth "Harmony"

Lesson - conference "The air must be clean"

(Using the project method for students in grades 3-4)

(Slide 1)

Goals: (Slide 2)

To form knowledge about the significance of the air shell of the earth;

Show the main sources of pollution;

Find out the impact of pollution on the environment;

Propose air protection measures;

To form the ability to formulate problematic questions;

To cultivate a culture of communication, the ability to work in groups;

Lesson type: lesson-conference

Work form: intergroup, intragroup

TCO: projector, screen, computer


presentation (Annex 1);

Whatman sheets;

markers, markers;

task cards;

leaflets with symbols.

Lesson progress

I. Organizing time

II. Lesson topic message

Guys, today we are holding a conference on the very important wealth that nature gives us. And who among you knows what a conference is? (a sign appears on the board with the word "conference" and the teacher explains the meaning of the word if the children find it difficult)

- Conference- this is a meeting, a meeting of any groups of people where some problem is discussed.

What problem will we discuss today, and what kind of wealth will you learn by guessing the riddle.

He is a transparent invisible

Light and colorless gas

Weightless scarf

He entangles us.

Like a healing potion

It smells of resinous freshness,

Smells like oak and pine.

In summer it is warm

blows cold in winter,

When the frost paints the glass

And lies on them with a border.

We don't notice it

We don't say it.

We just breathe it in

After all, we need it.

We will discuss questions: what causes air pollution? What does air pollution affect? What are the consequences of this pollution? What needs to be done to keep the air clean? (Slide 3)

III . Main part. Teacher. Guys! You know that there are 4 oceans on the globe. But there is another ocean - the largest of all - air (Slide 4) in which we bathe every day, every hour. We live at the bottom of this ocean, it envelops the whole Earth- seas (Slide 5) land, mountains (Slide 6) and lowlands (Slide 7). Air is everywhere - on the street, in the room, in the ground and water. Any free space on Earth is filled with air.

The layer of air that surrounds us and our planet is called atmosphere. (Slide 8) Hang the word "atmosphere" on the board

Atmosphere, it's gigantic air envelope, which extends up to a hundred kilometers. The thickness of the atmosphere in different parts planets are not the same . The atmosphere protects the earth from heat and cold, from excessive solar radiation. If it suddenly disappeared, then the water and other liquids on Earth would instantly boil, and the rays of the sun would burn all life.

Knock on the door. Guys, come to us telegrams came. Let's read them.

Lacks fresh air (Slide 9)!

I can not breathe (Slide 10)!

Hordes of cars filled the streets, showered us with their exhaust fumes (Slide 11).

And there is endless smoke from the chimneys of factories and plants. We are suffocating from terrible smoke, caustic burning, poisonous soot (Slide 12).

City dwellers.

Teacher: Sad telegrams. Let's discuss them. Perhaps we can help the people of this city. Why do you think they have nothing to breathe than polluted air?

atmospheric air heavily polluted as a result of an increase in air impurities, for example, carbon dioxide. It becomes more and more in the air! The pipes of large industrial plants emit entire rivers of carbon dioxide into the air (Slide 13) (Slide 14).


Correspondent number 2. Road transport is one of the main air pollutants in large cities. It supplies an average of 60% of all urban air pollution. note (Slide 15). One car a year emits a little more than a ton of exhaust gases, in which there are 200 types of harmful substances. The same car gives 10 kg of rubber dust. Most exhaust gases are heavier than air, so they accumulate in the surface layer, contaminating plants along the roads with heavy metals.

Teacher: Above the industrial part of the city (Slide 16) you can see multi-colored puffs of smoke. Let's listen to a report from one of the aluminum plants.

Correspondent number 3. (Slide 17) grass, bushes died, there are frail trees. The reason is that the plant emits a huge amount of pollutants when burning fuel. When burning 10 tons of coal, 1 ton of sulfur dioxide is released, while, for 1 square meter, 1 ton of dust falls per day. Millions of tons of ash are dumped (Slide 18).

Teacher: What else is an air pollutant?

Correspondent number 4.

I have such data. In 1986, 1/3 of the trees in Holland were affected by acid rain. At the height of summer, the leaves suddenly fell (Slide 19) roots died, trees turned yellow, withered, fish disappeared in half of the reservoirs (Slide 20). Architectural monuments are destroyed due to acid rain.




Correspondent number 5. Air pollution negatively affects vegetation cover cities. Particularly susceptible to the harmful effects of air pollutants coniferous trees: spruce, pine, fir, cedar ( Slide 21). They are the first to die near large industrial areas. Many species of animals disappear in the vicinity of chemical plants (Slide 22). Air pollution has harmful effect on the human body, causing various diseases nervous system, lungs, digestive tract (Slide 23).

Teacher: Guys! What air protection measures should be taken? Let's find out in the course of solving problems. (The children are divided into small groups, counting on the first, second, third. Distribute cards with the text of the tasks).

Card 1.

One enterprise emits 20 tons of soot into the atmosphere per year. After installing the gas recovery system, the amount of soot decreased by 2 times. How many tons of soot does the plant emit after installation treatment facilities?

Children. 10 tons.

Teacher: What method of air protection is laid down in the condition of this task.

Children. Installation of treatment facilities.

Card 2.

One elm per season captures 12 kg of sulfur dioxide, the most common and toxic pollutant of nature, from the air? How much sulfur dioxide will destroy an elm in 3 years.

Children. 36 kg.

Card 3.

Maple gives off 6 kg of oxygen per year, and poplar is 7 times more than maple. How much oxygen does poplar give off per year?

Children. 42 kg.

Teacher: What trees should be planted in the green areas of factories?

Children. Those that give off more oxygen.

What method of protecting atmospheric air is indicated in tasks 2 and 3?

Children. Planting green spaces.

IV. Consolidation.

Teacher. To consolidate this topic, I suggest you decide problem situation How to make the air clean? Now you will be doing mini-projects (Small group work).

1 group decides where to build the plant correctly so that the city does not suffer from emissions. Project "Clean city". (Attachment 1)

2 Group creates 2 squares: at the entrance to the factory and on the street where you live. Project " Two squares". (Appendix 2)

3 group creates a car that produces the minimum amount of emissions. Project " Green car".(Appendix 3)

Each group is given leaflets on which symbols are drawn (Factory, city, forest belt, wind direction, drawings of trees, drawing of a car)

Give children sheets of A3 paper, felt-tip pens. Time 5 minutes.

Each group defends their projects created on sheets of paper at the blackboard. 1 or 2 representatives from the group come out.

V. Summary of the lesson

Guys, what were the goals of our conference? Name the main sources of air pollution (Slide 23)

What ways of air protection can you suggest?

Ways to protect the air

(Slide 24)

and gas collectors

Re-equipment of cars

V. Conclusion

Clean and wash the whole house

And at school they teach you not in vain, there is all hope for you.

We started, you continue, do not give in to anything

Not before the greed of the crowd, nor before the cavity of war,

Not in front of human stupidity.

May the globe be preserved. (Slide 25)

Guys! Today, you all worked actively and solved a very important environmental problem. I hope when you grow up, you will not allow the deterioration of the ecological situation of our hometown. Thank you for the lesson.


    Publishing House "First of September". March. 2004.

    Kukolevskaya G.I., Kurapova I.I. Workbook - an anthology on ecology for students in grades 2.3. – M.; UTs "Perspektiva", 2002. - 176 p.

    Tselousova T.Yu., Maksimova T.V. Lesson developments for the course The world. Grade 3 M.; "WAKO", 2004

Attachment 1.

Project "Clean City"

Imagine that in our city they are going to build a chemical plant.

You must build it in such a way that the air in our city remains clean, and the citizens do not suffer from harmful emissions. (Hand out drawings with symbols)

Target: contribute to the preservation of clean air in the city.

Participation in the project will help us learn how to design and build factories in such a way as not to degrade ecological situation in the town.

Assumption - hypothesis: as a result of the construction of a chemical plant, the city's residents will not suffer from the plant's emissions, because we will take into account the correction of the wind, and we will plant a forest park zone between the city and the plant.

Conclusions: As a result of the construction of our plant, the air in the city will remain clean.

Appendix 2

Project "Two squares"

Imagine that in our village there is not a single square. Let them appear immediately two. One on the street where you live, the other at the entrance to the factory. You must plant trees in every square. Which - choose for yourself.

After all, there are very beautiful trees. For example, oak, drooping birch, small-leaved linden, Norway maple.

And there are trees that, although not very beautiful, but they clean the air well, are dust and gas traps. For example: white willow, Canadian poplar, spruce, pine.

And there are some - moderately beautiful and moderately resistant to smoke. This, for example: common lilac.

Target: to improve the ecological situation in the city.

By participating in this project, we will learn how to design squares and parks taking into account their location on the ground, learn the composition of trees and shrubs used in landscaping, learn how to choose trees that are suitable for planting in the city and near the plant.

Assumption - hypothesis: as a result, two public gardens will appear in our city: one near the plant - it will protect the city from emissions, the other in the city - it will purify the air and improve the mood of the citizens.

(Project protection) To create a square near the plant, we will plant such trees like white willow, poplar, lilac, spruce, pine.

In the park, which will appear on the street in the city, we we will plant birch, maple, lilac

Conclusion: green areas in the city and near the plant must be created taking into account their environmental requirements. Plant trees resistant to dust and gases near the plant, in the city - moderately resistant to smoke and dust and beautifully flowering.

Appendix 3

Green Car Project

You know that cars are the main air pollutants in city streets. Your task: to create a car that will not pollute the atmosphere of our city.

Target: improve the environmental situation in the city.

Participation in this project will help us:

Find out how the car works, what it refuels

Find out what harmful substances are contained in exhaust gases

Find out how exhaust gases affect vegetation and human health

Learn how to create cars that do not pollute the environment

Assumption hypothesis: As a result of the implementation of our project, the air in our city will become cleaner, plants along the roads will not be polluted and die, and the health of the drivers themselves will be better.

Conclusions: if all cars in our city are converted to gas and solar panels, the air in our city will be much cleaner

The floor is given to correspondent No. 1.

Atmospheric air is heavily polluted as a result of an increase in air impurities, such as carbon dioxide. It becomes more and more in the air! The pipes of large industrial plants emit entire rivers of carbon dioxide into the air (Slide 3), and jets of exhaust gases escape from the exhaust pipes of cars, among which there are many harmful (Slide 4).

Teacher: What are the main sources of air pollution? Our correspondent transmits from the streets of the city.

Correspondent number 2. Road transport is one of the main air pollutants in large cities. It supplies an average of 60% of all urban air pollution. Please note (a model of the machine is attached to the board, next to it are cards with digital data). One car a year emits a little more than a ton of exhaust gases, in which there are 200 types of harmful substances. The same car gives 10 kg of rubber dust. Most exhaust gases are heavier than air, so they accumulate in the surface layer, contaminating plants along the roads with heavy metals.

Teacher: Above the industrial part of the city, you can see multi-colored puffs of smoke. Let's listen to a report from one of the aluminum plants.

Correspondent number 3. We are located next to the aluminum plant. There is almost no vegetation around it. (Slide 5) grass, bushes died, there are frail trees. The reason is that the plant emits a huge amount of pollutants when burning fuel. When burning 10 tons of coal, 1 ton of sulfur dioxide is released, while 1 ton of dust falls per 1 square meter per day. Millions of tons of ash are dumped into dumps.

Correspondent number 4. The most important urban air pollutant is sulfur dioxide, which is formed from the combustion of coal and oil. In humid air Sulfur dioxide combines with water to form sulfuric acid.

The wind carries clouds with toxic substances for thousands of kilometers. So fall out acid rain (Acid rain poster on the board). I have such data. In 1986, 1/3 of the trees in Holland were affected by acid rain. At the height of summer, the leaves suddenly fell off, the roots died, the trees turned yellow, withered, the fish disappeared in half of the reservoirs. Architectural monuments are destroyed due to acid rain.

Teacher: Such a gloomy picture was presented to us by a correspondent. Guys! You have questions?

Children. What effect does air pollution have on plants and animals?

Teacher: This question will be answered by our correspondent.

Correspondent number 5. Air pollution negatively affects the vegetation cover of cities. Coniferous trees are especially susceptible to the harmful effects of atmospheric pollutants: spruce, pine, fir, cedar. They are the first to die near large industrial areas. Many animal species are disappearing in the vicinity of chemical plants. Air pollution has a harmful effect on the human body, causing various diseases of the nervous system, lungs, and digestive tract.

Ways to protect the air

Dust installation - Correct placement plant planting trees

and gas collectors

This is how things are on the globe of the earth.

And we urgently need to save the world in which we live

Clean and wash the whole house

and continue to ban uncleaned dirt by law.

Such a law has already been issued, and in order to comply with it, it will take power.

He is a transparent invisible

Light and colorless gas

Weightless scarf

He entangles us.

He is in the forest - thick, fragrant,

Like a healing potion

It smells of resinous freshness,

Smells like oak and pine.

In summer it is warm

Blows cold in winter

When the frost paints the glass

And lies on them with a border.

We don't notice it

We don't say it.

We just breathe it in

After all, we need it.

The guys read the text of the telegram.

Not enough fresh air!

I can not breathe!

Hordes of cars filled the streets, showered us with their exhaust fumes.

And there is endless smoke from the chimneys of factories and plants. We are suffocating from the terrible smoke, caustic burning, poisonous soot.

city ​​dwellers

Ways to protect the air

Installing dust and gas traps Proper plant placement Planting trees

Every person wants to breathe as much as possible clean air- this is included in the basic needs. If the dwelling is not located in a clean suburban residential complex or on the outskirts of the city near the park area, then most likely, in order to breathe clean air, you will have to choose and purchase air purifiers. Modern companies manufacture devices for air purification in large quantities, equipping them with the necessary, and sometimes unnecessary functions.

Water devices

There are a lot of different myths in matters of air purity today. However, most of all cleaning devices are structurally a case with a fan that takes air from the room and passes it through the filters. And here there are a lot of differences. In total, there are two cleaning technologies: using water as a filter and dry.

Air purification systems in an apartment are very often combined with humidifiers. It must be understood that traditional humidifiers cannot clean the air in any way - they are only designed to fill the air space in the room with moisture. Among these devices, only the so-called air washer can be considered a purifier.

Liquid cleaners

This device actually “washes” the air by passing it through a special water curtain. Under the influence of water, dust that is in the air, as well as possible small pollutants, settles on the structural elements of such a sink. The process of air purification with the help of such sinks goes along with humidification, due to which such gadgets have become very popular among consumers.

All air washers on the market have the same principle of operation, and the differences between them are overall dimensions, fan power and various additional functions. A lot of manufacturers equip the air purification system with a disinfection system as well.

In addition to the desire to equip devices with a variety of attractive features, manufacturers also use the principle of compensation. A humid environment is very conducive to the reproduction of various harmful bacteria, mold, fungal colonies, so the device must be constantly carefully looked after so that bad neighbors do not start there. Therefore, air purifiers are necessarily equipped with ultraviolet lamps.

Washing of such a plan works quietly, you should not expect super-performance and high speed of stonecrop from these devices, they will not be able to cope with stubborn odors, and also quickly remove the smallest particles, and especially allergens.

Venta LW25

This model is a water washing of air. It is designed to work in conditions small rooms. Its capabilities allow you to confidently operate in rooms up to 40 m2. The equipment works without any replacement filters. During operation, ordinary water is used, for which there is a special container with a volume of 7 liters. Can also be poured into water various additives for aromatization. There is a special built-in system to protect against bacteria.

Among the main advantages, one can single out the absence of the need to purchase consumables. Air purification with water does not require filters. In the course of work there is no limy raid on furniture and other surfaces in the room. The device is easy to maintain. If the water runs out, the device has a self-shutoff function. To get even more functions from the device, you can optionally connect a humidity sensor. Among the minuses, there is a lot of noise when this sink is running at maximum speed. You can buy this model at a price of 23,000 rubles.

Winia AWI-40

This Korean air purification system is also designed for use in rooms, houses, apartments up to 40 square meters. m. The volume of the water tank is also 7 liters. Among the features of the device are the functions automatic maintenance a certain level of humidity. There are five operating modes. 3D discs with a special antibacterial layer are used. In addition, the sink has an air ionization function, which is implemented on the basis of special filters.

Among the advantages, reviews highlight ease of care and maintenance, the ability to control humidity, antibacterial coating on discs, high efficiency. Among the shortcomings, for some reason, users first of all name the presence of replaceable filters, noise, and inaccuracy of the gyrostat. The price of this device is from 15,000 rubles.

Dry Air Purifiers

If you need air purification from dust, various allergens, unpleasant odors, but at the same time water should not be used for it, then there are much more devices to choose from. This group of models differs in dimensions, more high level performance. The main thing in devices of this class is filters for air purification and their quantity.

In general, dry cleaning equipment is more powerful and more high speed. Structurally, the device consists of a powerful fan, which takes air from an apartment or house with a fairly large force, as well as a filter system.

Types of filters used

Air filters can be of different types and perform different tasks. So, the coarse filter is most often made of mesh or porous materials. It can only retain large enough particles, such as pet hair, dust particles, and the like.

A fine filter is fabric or paper materials that are folded like an accordion. These materials have a huge number of pores, which, due to special bending, seem to be superimposed on each other. In this case, a sieve with a small cell is formed. These filters are able to retain a large number of different allergens, as well as small particles and dust. There are also HEPA filters. They are now the most highly effective among others used for air purification. Such devices are capable of retaining not just small, but the smallest particles that can harm people's health. It can be PM2.5, the smallest allergens, such as, for example, secretions dust mite and similar pollutants. Given this, we can conclude that such a filter is simply necessary even in the simplest system, since without it the air will only seem clean.

Along with these filters, adsorption-catalytic devices are also used. They are designed to remove odors. Inside the product there are special materials that draw particles and gas molecules into themselves. Then this material closes these particles inside itself. Various manufacturers make different variants such products. So, you can select a standard, as well as a reinforced version. The second type of filter is needed if there are very strong sources of odors. The same tasks can be solved by carbon and photocatalytic filters.

Best dry air purifier

The best air purifiers in the house and apartment should be equipped with filters to clean the air space from dust, various allergens, harmful bacteria and particles, and odors. Among the disadvantages of devices using dry methods of air purification, energy consumption and noise can be distinguished. But in fact, these devices use energy in the same way as other household units, and the noise generated by the purifier is aerodynamic. But manufacturers through the use of new materials were able to get rid of this noise. Modern devices so quiet that sometimes many people wonder if they work at all.

Additional functions

When choosing a suitable cleaner for a house or apartment, many people pay attention not only to the number and types of filters, but also to various additional functions. It is worth considering the most popular of them: ionization, aromatization, moisturizing, disinfection.


Due to this function, the air is saturated with useful ions. They are positively and negatively charged. This is a rather widely discussed function, but there are no authoritative opinions about ionization today. Someone claims that ions are very useful, others, on the contrary, say that they are dangerous for humans.


Thanks to this function, the air is filled with various pleasant aromas due to liquids. Aromatization works in the same way as an air freshener. In the premises of an apartment or house, a liquid flavor or composition in the form of a gas is simply sprayed. Is it rational to equip air purifiers with aromatization? This question is still open. Since the devices allow you to remove odors, the air purifier itself will be able to cope with this without any fragrance.


Through this function, the air is filled with water vapor. This is one of the most popular options. Humidity is very important parameter. It depends on whether it will function normally human body. On the other hand, excessive moisture near the filters is impractical. It is there that various harmful bacteria settle. If you create a good environment for them, they will soon begin to multiply, and the air purifier will become the main source of bacteria.


Often this function is confused with air purification. This process is the complete destruction of viruses, various bacteria and other microorganisms. Disinfection is very important in everyday life. Even the most technologically advanced air purification methods only capture harmful bacteria, but do not kill them.

Modern cleaners use two disinfection technologies. These are photocatalytic filters and inactivation of microorganisms. This feature is undoubtedly very useful. UV radiation is quite popular and has been used for a long time, but inactivation is a recent technology. It deprives the bacteria of the ability to reproduce.


These are devices that provide a constant flow of air when the windows to the premises are closed. Before entering the room, the air is cleaned of dust, harmful bacteria and other elements. In addition, the breathers have the function of heating the air to certain temperatures. Modern advanced models can be connected to smart climate systems and they will automatically adjust the fresh air supply. There are models where the recirculation mode is built in.


Now there are many models for houses and apartments. Manufacturers produce devices in a modern design and with a wide range of functionality. When choosing, the area for which the device is designed, the rate of air exchange, as well as the presence of several operating modes are important. What is done to clean the air inside the device is not so important. With any device, the air will be as purified as possible. These elements are able to protect the body from various diseases, which is especially important in large cities.
