Projects of houses with a residential attic. Features of veranda design. Romance under the roof

Families with average incomes are especially interested in houses with an attic and a veranda. They are built in cities, towns, on, they can be single or log, or built from large-format or lightweight concrete blocks. Often residents try to move away from the city noise and bustle. Therefore, today there is a high demand for products that can be sold outside the city.

Project country house 6x8 with a small veranda and attic

The first stage of construction of any structure is design. Construction companies offer. Their most important advantages:

Wooden houses can have a variety of layouts, including any house made of timber with an attic. Construction companies take this into account and offer clients the following developments:

  • They are becoming increasingly popular, the implementation of which is possible both in the city and beyond;
  • Increasing demand for house designs made of profiled timber, giving buildings a fashionable and luxurious look;
  • Projects received no less recognition country houses made of timber with an attic;
  • Those who like to relax in the country are in fashion today.

Designed by individual order the project will cost slightly more. But construction will be carried out taking into account all the wishes and requirements of the customer.

Layout and design of a 6x6 cottage with a veranda and attic

Unexpected difficulties that often accompany the implementation of a typical design development. In addition, it will be carried out in relation to specific conditions land plot.


For a long time in Rus' they built from coniferous trees, which were selected as evenly as possible, processed with an ax, and then the links of the log house were laid out from them. Today, rounded logs or profiled timber are used for the construction of dwellings. This is an almost ideal building material, which has one drawback: a fire hazard.
Advantages wood material:

Types of timber

Produced on the basis of accounting building material, which is used as different kinds timber:

Houses made of timber

All of the listed advantages of wood material are also possessed by wooden houses from timber. They are built by the most different sizes. The future owner of a home has a huge choice:

Almost any capable home craftsman can develop a simple house project from 6x6 timber. He is also capable of bringing his development to life, although additional work force. It is quite possible to do without heavy equipment. In general, building such a home with his own hands will cost him less than hiring a specialized construction team.

Where to start

Regardless of the size, a house made of timber with an attic begins to be built by pouring the foundation. It must be strong and reliable, so before pouring it, they study the soil on which the structure will be built. For loose, silty, deeply frozen soil, use screw piles. IN middle lane In Russia, more often than others, a strip fundamental foundation is being built.

If you are planning a dwelling made of timber with a veranda and an attic, then its foundation must be rigidly connected to the base of the extension to create a single house-veranda structure. But this is optional if the walls of the objects are not connected by a rigid snap. In this case, unequal shrinkage will not harm both buildings. Building a dwelling from timber is less labor-intensive than from round logs. The quadrangular profile allows you to quickly and as tightly as possible connect the links of the log house with each other. And country houses with an attic are built with walls that do not require large expenses for additional finishing.

Layout of the first floor with veranda and attic

In profiled building materials, sometimes the front side is made convex, which makes the entire building seem to be made of round logs. Standard length wooden beam six meters. Then you will have to order building material of the appropriate length from the woodworking enterprise for the walls. They produce beams up to 10 m long and more.

But a residential building made of 8x10 timber with an attic can be built using standard material, and lengthen it during installation. In this case, the horizontal links should be laid so that the joints do not coincide, but are offset relative to each other.

And in order for the walls to be more durable, the crowns must be fastened fasteners, which are most often used as wooden dowels. To familiarize yourself with the layout, you can view diagrams of various residential buildings on the Internet. Developers often choose a home made of 7x8 timber with an attic and a veranda.

Ready-made house project 7x8 with attic and veranda

It looks great and has optimal sizes, which accommodate two bedrooms, a living room, and a hall. The simplest living space with an attic can have the same premises. Its choice is often dictated by the features of the relief or the scale of the land plot allocated for development. will differ slightly in the size of the kitchen, living room, bedrooms in width and length.

Frame houses

Their construction is not complete without the following elements:

  • frame made of metal or wood;
  • sandwich panels consisting of two metal sheets or from PVC, chipboard and an insulating layer between them;
  • facing facade plaster or siding.

Blocks are produced, as a rule, at specialized construction enterprises. But experienced home craftsmen can make them at home.

Projects frame houses with attic and veranda

Typically frame buildings are one-story, but can be built in two floors. They are built using wooden structures, less often metal ones, because they increase financial costs by up to 45%.
Frame houses have the following advantages:

  1. Relatively low cost and short time construction compared to those that would be needed to build a house from timber.
  2. Lightweight construction that does not require a massive, expensive foundation.
  3. Saving wood material. Unlike building a dwelling from timber frame house with an attic it will require half as much wood.
  4. Possibility of construction in any season, with your own hands and without the use of special tools and complex construction equipment.

Most popular on summer cottage uses a 6x8 frame house with an attic.

Layout of all floors of a 6x8 house with an attic

This best option homes outside the bustling city. It provides comfortable year-round accommodation families of 3–4 people. This is the golden mean between construction frame house 6x6 with an attic and the same, at the same time it does not limit the realization of design fantasies.
Can develop a simple project for a 6x8 frame house House master. But you should start from where future construction is expected, and take into account all existing buildings and plantings, especially if you plan to build garden house.

Project and layout of a garden house 6 by 6 meters

Square meters of the first floor are usually allocated for the kitchen and living room, and bedrooms are located in the attic. , built-in garage or basement. To build a 6x8 frame house with an attic, like any other building of this type, choose a construction technology. It comes in two types:

  1. Assembly of residential buildings from ready-made panels - panels, manufactured in a factory in compliance with all technological requirements.
  2. Installation of the frame at the construction site using long parts, which are then sheathed with insulation. It is quite possible to perform all these operations yourself.

The technology for constructing buildings from frames and houses from timber with an attic is strictly prescribed. Its requirements must be strictly followed. Otherwise, the building will have low thermal protection and will not be able to provide adequate heating of the premises for comfortable living. Built frame houses using cheap insulation, materials for interior and outer skin may be harmful to the health of the inhabitants.

The construction of frame houses and the projects themselves are quite diverse. Similar house projects frame technology suitable for the construction of cottages and small economical houses.

Planning frame structure with an attic is a completely simple process, and the terrace is an excellent addition to the building and makes it possible to visit more often fresh air. Inexpensive frame dwellings are becoming increasingly popular not only because exterior finishing, but also internal, and they are deservedly considered the most popular.

Project selection

A well-drafted project is the key to high-quality construction, and when drawing it up, it is necessary to carefully study all the details.

It is necessary to approve the area of ​​the planned building. There is a difference between the area along the external axes and the internal one. Therefore, when drawing up a project, they take into account the desired dimensions of the internal walls.

The project should indicate communication networks: water supply, sewerage, Electricity of the net, heating system, ventilation, other parts. At the time of construction work It may be necessary to install them in parallel with other work.

The project itself should contain information about the load-bearing elements, as well as finishing components.

Since nowadays a large assortment of projects is freely available on the Internet, choosing something worthwhile for the customer will not be particularly difficult.

That's why most people take it already finished form. But at the same time, it makes sense to ask for help from professionals.

Popular projects

High-quality standard and individual projects of frame buildings with an attic and veranda are a guarantee that comfortable living conditions will be created in the home for a long time. Lately, most of the owners have settled on standard projects, because alternative options and others ready-made solutions meet all requirements and make it possible to ensure comfort in the room.

  • Standard project will significantly reduce material costs and speed up the construction of a cottage with an attic as much as possible. Saving will not mean having to choose from 2-3 options. You will be able to choose from a large number of standard designs for frame buildings with a terrace, economical and elite options. In such a project, everything is planned down to the details.
  • Individual option It will be a little more expensive, but the undeniable advantage will be the expression of all wishes when planning it. It will be developed by leading specialists with extensive practical experience.
  • Customized project— the standard one is adapted directly to the client. Changes can be made to them at will, but the style itself does not change radically. Their prices are approximate. Therefore, if the customer is not satisfied with certain details in an ordinary project, he can order an individualized version.

Buy or build yourself?

Most people want to build a frame house with an attic on their own, without the help of professionals. This is justified, since the best option for the construction process is considered to be the ratio of price and quality. Due to the relative ease of construction, a frame structure with an attic is created very quickly, even if 2-3 people are involved in the process, which greatly simplifies management and makes it possible to save money.

Due to the fact that modern technologies allow you to live in a frame house permanently, for a long period of time, there are various projects, according to which it is quite possible to erect a building with both a veranda and an attic with one’s own hands, even without having any construction skills.

There is data on the costs of construction work. In accordance with them, the process of building a home without a project will be approximately 20% higher in cost and 25% longer in time than with a project. The project itself costs up to 5% of the total cost of construction. In addition, there will be no confusion and conflicts on the site.

It is worth remembering that professionals will do this work much better and in certain cases it will come out cheaper than in a situation where construction is carried out independently.

Tips for building a frame house with an attic and veranda

  • The frame structure with an attic is a simple, lightweight and fairly durable structure.
  • People with experience are able to create projects themselves, calculating the amount of building material and area to use it profitably.
  • It is much easier to erect a building if the process is carried out manually.
  • To calculate the length of the vertical supports, you need to calculate the total length of all walls.
  • Additionally, the walls of the frame with the attic are insulated; there are a lot of materials for these purposes: polystyrene foam, mineral wool, organic insulation.
  • Before installation, a waterproofing layer of film is laid in order to collect condensation and excess moisture. A waterproofing layer is laid under the board to prevent liquid accumulation inside the attic.
  • If construction work is being carried out for the first time, then it would be reasonable to apply markings where the distance between the posts is about 2 m.
  • When the length of the attic roof exceeds 7 m, the rafters should be connected in pairs to each other and the ridges of the beams should be secured.

How to properly lay the foundation for a frame house?

Every building begins with a foundation, regardless of whether it contains or simple roof. In any project it is worth paying special attention to the foundation. The peculiarity of such a house is that, due to its lightness, the foundation itself is made of lightweight material. The main varieties suitable for frame construction, which is equipped with an attic, consider: strip, shallow and columnar bases. Basically, the construction of a frame structure and an attic involves choosing 1 option.

  • In such a foundation they dig a trench no more than 70 cm deep. For non-flowing soil, projects allow you to choose a recess of 0.5 m.
  • Then the soil is compacted using a cushion of sand, gravel or roofing felt. The pillow itself should be at least 30 cm wider than the base itself.
  • Afterwards, the formwork is made from support posts. They are mounted with a step of 60 cm between them.
  • Next, the reinforcement begins: 5 rods are taken for the lower and upper chords. And only on last stage The resulting structure is poured with concrete.

The construction of such a foundation will make it possible for frame housing with a built-in attic to serve for a long time and in all weather conditions.

How to build walls correctly?

Projects that involve the creation of an attic and a frame structure are based on the correct creation of walls. Even during construction with my own hands, projects are available in large quantities and of varying complexity. They must be built with special attention, since chips may appear at the junction.

  • The frame itself is made of glued layers of timber, and sheathed on top of it with various materials.
  • To build walls for a frame house with an attic, you will need beams for the frame itself, a fastening system, boards, construction foam, as well as roofing felt as a waterproofing of the top layer.
  • The supports themselves should be placed in increments of 0.5 m. In the place of future window openings you need to make a greater distance.
  • The process of constructing frame housing with an attic requires choosing boards with a thickness of at least 30 mm and a width of at least 150 mm.
  • Before erecting the frame, you first need to lay a layer of waterproofing - roofing felt. It is laid between the base and the walls. The beams themselves are mounted by sawing out the ends.

The result will be a bare frame covered with boards.

Why is it important to insulate walls?

A frame building with an attic or other poorly insulated extension is simply a bare structure made of boards and bars. Naturally, when frost sets in, it will be cold and uncomfortable inside the room. In addition, one should not lose sight of the penetration of moisture inside along with precipitation. Such a house will constantly leak and there will be drafts.

To avoid everyone unpleasant consequences, you need to add an insulating layer. Now there are many thermal insulation materials. The most popular insulation materials are mineral wool and polystyrene foam.

  • They are attached to special glue using dowels.
  • Then the insulation board itself is installed.
  • Finally, reinforcement is done to add strength.
  • Such a device will firmly hold the structure from deformation.

How to make an attic in a frame house

  • The racks serve as the basis for the attic and are upholstered on each side using finishing material.
  • Next, the top beam is mounted using nails or special staples. It is necessary to ensure that all supports are vertical and there is no deformation during operation. After installing the top beam, the installation of the rafter frame is completed.
  • Then it is necessary to mount the Mauerlat, which is the key structure in the attic. This is where the entire roof is secured. Thanks to it, the coating will not be overturned by gusts of wind. It will require boards. They are installed horizontally on the walls.

  • The boards are attached to the walls using staples. Then the Mauerlat itself is treated with an antifungal solution so that the attic has a long service life.
  • Next are installed rafter legs. For them, a step of up to 1-1.5 m is maintained. First, the outer rafters are mounted. You need to stretch construction twine between them. It serves as a guide for others to mount. Since the rafter system is heavy, if it is not secured, it will collapse due to gravity at any time.
  • If the roof is less than 7 m in a frame structure, then ordinary guy wires are used. Then they are used as beams.
  • At the very end, you need to install sheathing and waterproofing to insulate the house, especially a home with an attic.

Veranda in a frame house

The veranda is functional space, which increases the usable living space. The design of such a room must meet the following requirements:

  • High fire resistance of walls;
  • Stability of the frame and the entire structure;
  • High thermal conductivity;
  • Soundproofing;
  • Architectural beauty.

The base of the veranda is made of concrete, reinforcement and blocks. Depending on the soil, the foundation option is chosen.

The total cost of the veranda construction process includes the following costs: the cost of the material used and the price of work. If the construction is done with your own hands, the second point will disappear. The cost of building materials depends on the financial capabilities of the specialist and the availability of materials.

House with attic and terrace

A high-quality standard and individual special project of a frame structure with an attic and a terrace is a guarantee that the premises will provide comfortable living conditions in its premises for a period of time. for long years. Nowadays, most customers choose standard projects, since alternative options meet all their needs and wishes.

The terrace of a wooden building made of timber is a separate structure that has its own posts and load-bearing walls, therefore serves as the base of the loggia. If desired, the loggia can be glazed and insulated. In such a situation, it serves as an auxiliary room.

Where to order a frame house with an attic and veranda

Frame houses differ from the manufacturer in the most high quality And affordable price, since intermediaries are eliminated, often purchasing ready-made kits that are manufactured in violation of technology.

After placing a construction order and selecting a standard project, specialists begin work on the construction of a frame house with an attic and a veranda. Project approval required for signing necessary documents and depositing the required amount in accordance with the estimate.

After placing an order for the construction of frame housing according to an individual project, everything will look different. First, the engineer who draws up the project will begin work, developing it according to a specific order, in accordance with the expressed wishes.

In the future, everything is done in the same way as when constructing a dwelling according to a standard project. At the end, the customer accepts the entire object that meets all requests.


First, it is worth saying that before construction it is advised to study the entire project and make a careful choice that will suit the owner in terms of all quality indicators, as well as the price of construction work.

When comparing the total price of construction work on a frame building with the purchase of an apartment or house, the savings will range from 100 to 500%. Naturally, this gives an advantage in various indicators. The customer also gets an excellent chance to resolve the housing issue quickly and cheaply.

How to build it yourself

Building a frame building with an attic yourself is not difficult and inexpensive. For these purposes, you do not need to have special skills and abilities; it is not necessary to recruit a team of builders. It will be enough to have a high-quality detailed project, 1-2 assistants and knowledge of using ordinary tools on general level, like a hammer, shovel, saw and a simple pencil.


At the time of buying finished project with a conscientious manufacturer, the owner will be spared worries about the quality of the future frame house. In such cases, all details are provided and all risks are eliminated. Naturally, this will cost more.

If you create everything yourself, then you need to familiarize yourself with all the requirements, take into account all unfavorable factors, in order to avoid further damage and defects. You should trust the professionals if you lack the necessary skills and knowledge in the field of frame construction technologies.


Frame houses are definitely considered one of the most reliable, economical, warm and energy efficient houses known today.

Often the owners of country cottages think about increasing their usable area. This can happen by various reasons, for example, if there is a need to frequently receive guests, and there is not enough space.

One of the most effective methods expansion of the structure of the building is the addition of an attic to it. The attic is a room closed type, located along the facade of the building. It is much easier and less expensive to build an attic using frame technology. Moreover, this is the most quick method construction of additional premises.

Frame house with attic and veranda. From design to construction.

Rating: 3.5 2 votes

* Attic - residential mezzanine under an insulated roof.

3. Coziness and comfort
. Attic rooms indescribably cozy, which cannot be said about country premises with flat ceilings, which are no different from city apartments. For romanticism, silence and privacy from common rooms children and youth adore them.
. In our projects of houses with an attic the height of the walls at the lowest point is always more than 1.5 m. This allows you to fully use the entire floor area, conveniently arrange furniture and move freely around the rooms.

Please note: if the design of a house with an attic you have chosen does not quite coincide with the “dream house”, we can always correct it, bringing it closer to your ideal.

Projects of attic two-story houses up to 150 square meters

Attic projects two-story houses up to 150 sq. m. - best option economical housing. They are cheaper than city apartments, but more spacious. If the cottage has a bedroom on the ground floor, then it is as convenient as city housing. This condition necessary for comfort is met in all projects of our houses for permanent residence, both attic and two-story.

Single-family homes are great for many reasons. One of them is the opportunity to provide additional comfort for the family in advance, at the project stage. They do it different ways: they add a garage and an attic, erect a gazebo in the garden, build a bathhouse. And it’s rare that an owner will refuse this architectural element like a veranda or terrace.

The suburban area is increasingly perceived as a place of relaxation and enjoyment of nature, and not of labor feat. Both extensions create comfortable conditions for a good rest; they determine the appearance of the facade, giving it an individual style. A house with a veranda or terrace is much more convenient for those who like to host family dinners or friendly parties.

Civilized holiday with comfort

Veranda and terrace: differences

Projects of one-story and two-story houses can contain both a veranda and a terrace, together or separately. The buildings have a fundamental difference:

    Terrace. Open area; it is often done on a foundation (monolithic or raised on stilts). It can be adjacent to the wall of the house; sometimes it is located on the second floor or on flat roof. Appearance terraces are often determined by local climatic conditions. In the south, this is an open area, often with railings or vegetable fencing. In the middle zone, terraces are equipped with a roof or awning.

    Veranda. Essentially this is an enclosed terrace. It is adjacent to the house with one or two walls, has a roof and is an enclosed space (most often without heating). They try to glaze it to increase it visually and let in more light.

Selecting a project: veranda or terrace

Professional builders advise making a choice at the design stage architectural project, before materials are determined and estimates are calculated. Subsequent changes will mean additional costs of time and money. It is better to choose a project with a terrace if:

    The house is being built in a region with hot summers, in early spring and long, warm autumn.

    The size of the land plot allows you to comfortably arrange a terrace without crowding out other areas.

You can be outside the walls and feel the comfort of home

    The house does not need additional usable space.

    The family loves spending time outdoors.

A veranda is best for you if:

    The place where the housing will be built is a region with snowy, frosty winters, prolonged autumn rains and cool, windy summers.

    The plot is of modest size; the land can be used more rationally.

    Additional closed room- necessary increase in the area of ​​the house.

    You need a multifunctional space where you can not only relax, but also store things, supplies and equipment.

Houses with a terrace: design features

The main thing for which it is valued Vacation home- the opportunity to spend a lot of time outdoors. Projects of houses with a terrace allow you to realize this desire with maximum comfort. The advantages of such buildings are:

    Low construction cost.

    Expanding the space of the house. In warm weather they arrange summer kitchen, receive guests, sunbathe and sleep.

    Order. It is easier to maintain cleanliness in your home by leaving your work clothes and changing shoes on the terrace.

Summer lunch outdoors in a house with a terrace

Project specifics

Designing a house with a terrace has its own characteristics:

    The foundation of the house and terrace can be common or built separately. The height of the structure is calculated so that it remains dry.

    They try to place the terrace on the south side of the house. This is especially convenient in the middle zone, where the canopy is often removable. If the terrace will be used more often in the afternoon, it would be more logical to make it facing west.

    The extension is positioned so that it offers a picturesque view of the surrounding landscapes or the designer beauty of the site.

    If the roofing material of a building is too heavy for a terrace roof, it is replaced with a lighter one, while maintaining the overall style.

Arrangement options

The open terrace is perceived as a link between the enclosed space of the house and nature; most often it is located at the entrance. Such buildings fit harmoniously into the surrounding landscape and look attractive from the point of view of design possibilities:

    Fencing. It can be decorative or protective. In the first case, the fence is low and graceful; flowers are often planted around the perimeter or ornamental shrub. Pergolas (canopies formed by several arches) decorated with climbing plants, or bright flowers in pots. If the decking of the terrace is located high (from 0.5 to 1 m), reliable fencing with railings is necessary.

A winning option is decorating a house project with a terrace with ornamental plants

    Roof. The stationary roof can be replaced with a removable awning, retractable awnings or a portable umbrella.

    The terrace is separated from the house. In this case, they are connected by a path; the path can be decorated with lighting (looks beautiful in the evening), one or several openwork arches, creating the effect of a tunnel.

    Attic with terrace. Attic with access to the terrace - perfect place for morning (or evening) tea, bird watching, children and neighbors.

    House with a high base. An interesting option would be a terrace on columnar foundation, encircling the structure. Supplemented with a roof, it can become a comfortable and spacious place to relax.

Materials for building a terrace

For the construction of country terraces, all kinds of materials are used; the most common buildings are:

    Wooden terrace. The leaders in terrace construction are wooden terraces. They contain a lot of advantages: fast construction, low financial costs, versatility of execution and aesthetics of natural wood. Subsequent care can become difficult - in order to protect the tree from the destructive effects of penetrating moisture, it must be regularly treated with impregnation based on oil and antiseptic.

Two-level wooden terrace

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

    In protection of brick and slab concrete terraces we can say that they are more practical, but require a foundation. Terraces located on the ground are covered with one of the most reliable materials - clinker (high-strength ceramic tiles). On a raised structure, both clinker and ordinary paving slabs are used.

    Stone terrace. It looks stylish and also needs a solid foundation. A stone with low water absorption (up to 3-5%) is suitable for an open terrace. Optimal rocks are shales, granite and basalt. Sandstone or limestone can be used on roofed buildings.

Video description

About the terrace with balcony in the video:

    Floor material must be in harmony with the overall style and be wear-resistant. Common materials are: terrace board, mosaic tiles of different textures (mirror or metallized), artificial Decoration Materials. Fans of eco-design can lay out the terrace with cut roll-up lawn.

The finished terrace is furnished with furniture and lighting, taking care of its waterproofness. Classic terrace furniture - wicker; Eco-style corresponds to furniture made of wood; practical option is plastic furniture.

Modest terrace with plastic furniture

Houses with a veranda: design features

In countries with warm climates, the veranda traditionally serves as a place to relax. In our penates, the possibilities of their use have expanded; Several types of verandas have become widespread, which can be classified:

    By type of construction. Verandas are designed attached and free-standing.

    By type of foundation. It can be separate or be part of a permanent structure.

    By type of use. The veranda can be fully used in winter, for which it will have to be glazed and heated.

The advantages of a project with a veranda include:

    Possibility of increasing the living space (after insulating the walls) without a significant increase in cost.

    Additional room protects the house from heat loss during the cold season.

Photo of a country house with an attic and veranda - practical and cozy place recreation

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Features of veranda design

Customers often decide to build a house with a veranda under one roof, the design of which is subsequently adjusted. When designing, pay attention to:

    Location. A veranda is built into a building or attached to it. As with the terrace, the view from the inside is important for this design. A veranda facing the street is not the best option.

    Usage. If the house has small area, the veranda can simultaneously serve as a hallway, dining room and relaxation area. In some projects there is a staircase to the second floor.

    Convenience. The veranda must be adjacent to the wall in which it is located Entrance door, or connect to the kitchen.

    Glazing. May be permanent or seasonal. Window elements are most often placed around the entire perimeter. For panoramic glazing use regular window units and double-glazed windows (both with plastic and with wooden profile). Veranda with large area glazing provides excellent internal insolation (sunlight entry). To protect against sun rays use curtains, blinds, shutters and screens.

Panoramic glazing allows you to enjoy a sunny day

Arrangement options

    Various designs of houses with a veranda are in demand on the market. Both verandas adjacent to the facade and those encircling the building are popular. The shape can be rectangular, square, with rounded corners.

    If the design of a house with a veranda includes a balcony on the second floor, a veranda that follows its shape looks best.

Video description

About the veranda with a rotunda in the video:

    A common option is house project with veranda and garage. Customers are offered standard projects, the opportunity to refine them or develop an individual version. For residents country houses a car is a necessity. Being able to get into your car without leaving your home is a significant advantage (especially valuable in the winter).

    Window. Installation sliding windows allows without special effort turn closed terrace openly. This can be done manually or using a remote control.

    Fireplace. Open veranda relevant in the summer. When the evenings become indecently cold, the fireplace turns from a decoration into a source of warmth and comfort.

The fireplace creates a feeling of tradition and reliability

Materials for constructing a veranda

When choosing a material for a veranda, they base it on its role: if the extension is intended to be used year-round, it will have to not only be glazed, but also insulated, and heating must be considered. The material of the veranda should be in harmony with the house; if it is wooden, then wood is used for the veranda. Meet:

    Veranda made of brick (stone, foam block). The most durable option. A heavy extension requires a solid foundation, the same as under the house. This will protect the veranda from destruction.

    Veranda made of wood (timber or logs). Has a special charm inherent natural wood, provides an excellent microclimate. She is decorated carved panels and elements.

Video description

About the remodeling of the veranda in the video:

    Veranda made of polycarbonate. It is becoming more common due to its advantages: low cost, durability, excellent sound and heat insulation. Although polymer material can withstand temperatures from -45 to 100°C, it also has disadvantages: high thermal expansion and low abrasive resistance (can be scratched when shoveling snow from the roof). Polycarbonate unprotected by a special UV layer is destroyed by sunlight.

    Combined veranda. The basis is brick or foam blocks, the walls are sheathed with plastic.

More projects of country houses with an attic, veranda and terrace

Attached polycarbonate veranda

Non-standard solution - hydromassage bath

Classic “male” veranda

Terrace in evening light

An elegant holiday surrounded by nature

Functional combination of buildings

The winter garden creates a feeling of summer at any time

A terrace with flowers cannot look boring

Mysterious and alluring LED lighting

Inspiring place - cozy furniture and panoramic views

Stylish country terrace acts as an open living room


Projects of houses with a veranda and terrace are not a luxury, but a functional way to organize a harmonious holiday in the lap of nature without sacrificing comfort modern life. Both extensions are worth the troubles associated with their construction and design. Built with building codes, the terrace (or veranda) will bring a lot of positive emotions to both the inhabitants of the country house and their guests.

Projects one-story houses with an attic have a number of features. A well-thought-out design of a one-story residential building with an attic allows you to almost double the usable area of ​​the cottage. Such opportunities attract many buyers who want to build a country house with minimal costs. But, before ordering plans for one-story houses with an attic, you should find out more about such projects. Attic - features and advantages

The very first attics appeared in the 17th century in France. Architect François Mansart came up with a steep, angled roof, under the rafters of which he began designing living quarters. This roof became known as Mansarova. The idea was liked by many, and became widespread not only in France.

Today best projects one-story houses with an attic are supposed to be placed on additional area bedrooms, children's rooms, offices and even comfortable bathrooms. The premises are illuminated from the gables, through dormers or attic windows.

Here you can arrange a cinema hall or a billiard room. And what is also important: even a small house with an attic looks richer and prettier than an ordinary one-story house with a veranda or terrace. The attic always gives the building an exclusive, catchy look. Modern attics are in no way reminiscent of those damp and gloomy rooms under the very skies that were offered to poor people in past centuries. Projects of small one-story houses with an attic are chosen by quite wealthy customers seeking coziness and comfort. But, of course, in order for the operation of the attic to be safe, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the development of the project.

What does cooperation with Alfaplan give?

All clients of the company are provided with:

  • an extensive catalog of finished projects;
  • the opportunity to make adjustments (redevelopment) of the project you like;
  • polite and attentive service;
  • affordable prices and discounts;
  • prompt order fulfillment;
  • services of qualified, experienced specialists.

The design of a 1-story house with an attic often includes another interesting building element - a bay window. You can find similar options in our catalog. And if you like something exclusive, we are ready to take on the development individual project Houses.
