Holiday according to traffic rules in kindergarten. Methodological development for the Holiday Scenario (senior group) on the topic: Traffic rules in preschool educational institutions

Goals and objectives:

Contribute to instilling children's interest in knowledge of traffic rules;
-instilling caution and attentiveness on city roads;
-develop and instill the ability to act in a team;
- foster a sense of collectivism;
- involving parents in educational entertainment.

Attributes: cones, sandbags, car steering wheels, gymnastic arches, traffic signs, scooters, hoops, broom.

Preliminary work: Learning poems, riddles according to traffic rules; study of road signs; preparing attributes for entertainment.

Progress of the event:

Children walk into the hall to the music.

Leading: Hello, dear participants of our event! Today we have gathered you to hold interesting and educational competitions, where everyone can show how well they know and apply traffic rules. Dear adults, you are an example for your children, so your active participation will help our children. All together we will show how well we are friends with the rules of the road. We wish all participants to have fun and once again conclude that traffic rules should be well known and applied by both adults and children!

Leading: 2 teams are participating today

Competition Greetings

1 team

Our friendly family
This is you and this is me
Traffic rules we know,
We do them well!

2nd team

Don't yawn on the road
Follow all the rules.
So that there is no trouble,
All children should know them!

Leading: And now the guys want to remind everyone of the rules that they need to know.


A pedestrian! Stop!
And don't rush forward!
The passage is closed for you!
Be literate - you are a pedestrian!
The road sign closes the path!
Pedestrian traffic is prohibited!
Think about it, what could happen there?
Let this sign help you. (sign “No pedestrians allowed”)


Leads down from the sidewalk
There is a long entrance under the road.
There's no door or gate
This means transition. (sign “Underground passage”) - show the sign

Child 3

You, driver, don't rush
And slow down quickly.
The sign warns you
What if children are playing here ("Caution Children" sign) - showing the sign

Child 4

There's a land crossing here
People walk around all day.
You, driver, don't be sad,
Let the pedestrian pass (Pedestrian crossing sign) - display the sign

Child 5

Helps for a long time
To the children, our friend, traffic light
Explains without stress
Traffic rules for children.

A TRAFFIC LIGHT appears: That's right, it's all about me! Why do you think it is necessary to know my signals well? (children's answers)

Traffic light: I announce a competition: “Question and answer”

(the traffic light asks questions, the teams must answer quickly and correctly, questions are asked one by one):

—Where should you cross the street?
— Where should I wait for public transport?
— Who regulates traffic on the city streets?
Required item traffic police officer.
— What does a red traffic light mean?
-What does a yellow traffic light mean?
-Where can I play ball?
-Where can you ride a scooter?

Leading: Competition - game: “Get it there, don’t drop it”

(players put sandbags on their heads, take the steering wheel and walk the distance to the music, following the traffic lights, passing the baton to the next player) - the traffic lights are reflected on the screen.

Competition "UNDERGROUND PASSAGE"(obstacle course)

(To the music, the players move around the site, as soon as the necessary signal is displayed on the screen that it is forbidden to cross the road, the players take turns crawling on all fours under gymnastic arches, running around the cones and returning to their place)

Competition "The fastest, the most dexterous"

(11 people form a circle, on chairs standing in a circle lie road signs, to the music, the players run in a circle, as soon as the music stops, you need to quickly take a place, pick up the sign and raise it up. The eliminated player chooses any road sign and asks for an explanation of its meaning.

Competition “And in our yard”

(Each team, to the music, must ride a scooter, going around obstacles in the form of cones, passing the baton to the next player)

Traffic light: Yes, I see that your teams know and are friendly with the rules of the road. And now I suggest you relax and solve my riddles.

  • His eyes are colored, not eyes, but three lights,
    He takes turns with them and immediately looks at me. (traffic light)
  • You won't take this tape
    And you can’t braid it.
    She lies on the ground
    Transport runs along it. (Road)
  • The car won't work here.
    The main thing here is the pedestrian.
    Why not disturb each other?
    You need to keep the path on the right. (Sidewalk).
  • Under this sign, oddly enough,
    Everyone is constantly waiting for something.
    Some sitting, some standing...
    What kind of place is this? (Stopping location)
  • What are the names of those paths?
    On which the legs walk.
    Learn to distinguish them accurately,
    Don't fly like you're on fire.
    Pedestrian paths
    It's just …? (Sidewalk)

Leading: You see, dear Traffic Light, what great fellows our guys are! Traffic light: Indeed, well done! Did a good job on this task too!

Humorous competition “On the Broom”...

(An adult carries a child on a broom, following the traffic rules, avoiding obstacles in the form of placed cones. The task is to quickly and accurately transport all team members, the task is performed to the music: “I’m flying, flying, flying...)

Competition “Did you call a taxi?”

(adults put on a large hoop, put the player in it and go with him to the opposite side of the site, “drop off” the passenger, return for the next “passengers” and so on until they “transport” all the team members.

Final competition for parents

Homework- ditties.

(parents, holding colored handkerchiefs in their hands - red, yellow, green, perform ditties prepared at home)

Dear pedestrians.
Listen carefully.
We'll sing ditties for you
Just great.

Listen guys
What do we want to tell you?
Road rules
Everyone must comply.

Pinocchio, what a shame
Didn't look at the traffic light
Almost got hit by a car
And there the red eye was shining.

For passers-by there is a sidewalk,
Park, alley and boulevard.
Walk here without worry
There is no road for cars here!

The soccer ball is round-sided.
He ran out of the field onto the road,
Play ball, children, to your heart's content.
On the site near the house.

So that there is no friend,
You have misfortunes
Don't you ever play
On the roadway.

Leading: Well done. Now we will ask the teams to come out and stand in a circle.

Dear our participants. Our competition is coming to an end. And of course, I would like to note that today we have no losers, because you showed your knowledge, showed dexterity, ingenuity and once again showed how important it is to know the rules of the road and follow them well! And in conclusion I would like to say:

To live without knowing grief,
To run, jump and play,
Should you follow the traffic rules?
Always and everywhere comply!

Certificates are presented to the participants of the event accompanied by music.

And get a certificate for certification?


- consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street;

— create conditions for understanding that the health and safety of people depends on knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street and road traffic;

— improve coordination of movements, the ability to easily and freely navigate in space;

— consolidate the ability to follow the rules of the game, cultivate self-control;

— clarify and consolidate knowledge about the culture of behavior in public transport;

- develop the prerequisites for the semantic and value perception of verbal and musical works on the topic of entertainment;

- promote the formation of creative activity by participating in musical games, singing and other activities;

- provide an opportunity to feel the joy of participating in the event.

Preliminary work: conversations on the rules of behavior on city streets, in transport; memorization of poems, songs, dance; outdoor game “Red, Yellow, Green”, application “Traffic Light”, watching the cartoon “Uncle Styopa - Policeman”, drawings “Traffic Rules”.

Equipment: costumes of entertainment characters, pictures depicting traffic rules, a laptop, pictures depicting pedestrian crossings, transport, a ball.

Leading. Guys, near our kindergarten there is a road along which different cars pass every now and then. But they only drive along the roadway, next to which there is a sidewalk. And along the sidewalk you and your mother walk to kindergarten every morning. To get to the kindergarten territory, you need to cross the roadway. Tell us how you cross this dangerous distance?

2-3 children tell the story.

Sample answers:

- you need to cross only at a certain place where there is a traffic light or crosswalk;

- you cannot run across the road in front of a moving car;

- you need to hold your mother's hand

To be calm for your life and health, you need to know the rules for crossing the roadway.

1st child

The city is full of traffic

Cars are running in a row.

Colored traffic lights

Both day and night burn.

2nd child

Walking carefully

Watch the street.

And only where possible

Cross it.

S. Mikhalkov

Leading. Well, you crossed the street correctly and came to kindergarten. And the day on kindergarten Every morning begins with a fun dance exercise.

Children perform dance exercises (from T. Suvorova’s program “Dance rhythms for children”).

Buratino enters the music room, limping.

Leading. Hello, Pinocchio! What happened to you, why are you limping?

Pinocchio. I almost got hit by a car. There is a road near the kindergarten, and cars are rushing back and forth, back and forth. But I wanted to run across, but it didn’t work out.

Leading. Where did you cross the road?

Pinocchio. Wherever he wanted, he began to cross, or rather run across.

Leading. Pinocchio, didn’t you think to walk to the traffic light and to the pedestrian crossing?

Pinocchio. How do I know what a pedestrian crossing is? I don’t like to study, and Malvina didn’t tell me that. I was also in a hurry, because I ran away from my book, which is in the library. And now I think it was a waste of time to run away, because I won’t be able to come back, because there are so many dangers on the street.

Leading. It’s okay, the guys and I will guide you, but first we’ll explain what a pedestrian crossing is and how to properly cross the roadway.

Game "Find and Explain"

The pictures show a road with the correct and in the wrong ways passing through it. The pictures lie upside down on the table. The child chooses any picture, turns it over and explains the situation depicted.

Leading. Pinocchio, now you understand how to cross the street correctly, and how not to, so that trouble does not happen?

Pinocchio. I understood a little, but how will I get to my book in the library, suddenly I mix something up and again find myself under the wheels of a car.

Leading. Guys, let's show Pinocchio and explain how to behave in different situations on road. We'll go to the library by bus. Take a seat there.

Children sit on chairs that are placed like on a bus, with a driver's seat in front. Pinocchio sits down with the children.

Children perform the song “Our Bus is Blue” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

Leading. Look, Pinocchio, how many different cars there are on the city streets.

Pinocchio. I see red and small. Here's a big one, and horns on the roof. Oh, what kind of car is this?

Leading. This car is called a trolleybus, and now the guys will tell you about the cars that help people get to work, to the circus, the zoo and other places in the city.

1st child

He is a little clumsy, his tires rustle softly.

Horns are stuck to the wires, the sun is shining in the windows.

And inside it’s all like a toy - there’s a row of soft seats.

I hope you will be happy to give up your place to the old lady.

It's difficult to get to without it kindergarten and in the cinema.

We haven't been able to do without a trolleybus for a long time.

N. Knushevitskaya

2nd child

At work, who can travel all over the city in 24 hours?

A taxi will save us minutes, of course.

He knows best of all every address, every house,

Together with him we will not get lost even in a foreign city.

Here the green light flashes welcomingly to us,

No one will be late with him, the taxi will deliver everyone on time.

N. Knushevitskaya

3rd child

To the cheerful chime, he appeared:

Two trailers with a curve and inexpensive travel.

The path has been paved for him here, just be careful -

Don’t walk on the rails yourself, get off them as soon as possible.

Know that the rails only help the tram run fast.

N. Knushevitskaya

While reading poems, pictures of these types of transport are shown on the screen.

Pinocchio. Look, the old lady got on the bus, she’s so old! (Continues to sit on the chair.)

Old lady (the presenter puts on a scarf). Dear children, who will give up my seat?

Children give way.

The old woman takes off her scarf.

Leading. Well done for giving way to the old lady, but Pinocchio didn’t even get up. Don’t you know, Pinocchio, that you have to give up your seat to elders everywhere, including in transport?

Pinocchio. I didn’t know, but now I’ll give in.

Leading. And now one more game.

Taxi game

Children are divided into two teams, the “driver” in a cap with a hoop in his hands. He runs towards the team, one player joins him, and both run to the stand (stop). The “driver” runs after the next player. The team whose players reach the counter the fastest wins.

Leading. Our bus arrived at the “Library” stop. We get off the bus and cross the street along the zebra crossing.

Pinocchio. I won't walk on the zebra crossing, I'm afraid of it.

Leading. Listen to what they call a “zebra” on the road.


Why at the crossroads

Black and white stripes?

It's a zebra, but not a horse,

And the road through the square.

Pedestrian along the zebra crossing

He walks in safety.

N. Strozhkova

Leading. And in big cities, pedestrian crossings look like this. (Shows pictures.) Underground is the safest. Also, be sure to look at the traffic lights and to both sides when crossing the road.

Children perform “Song about a traffic light” (music by N. Petrova, lyrics by N. Shifrina).

Outdoor game “Red, yellow, green”

Children stand still at a red light, but go at a green light.

I’m walking along the road, leading my mother by the hand.

My friend traffic light has been shining on people for a long time.

He is standing on the street, giving a signal.

And although he is always silent, here he is a general.

We stand at red lights and don’t go to yellow ones,

We'll look at the green one and cross the road.

The green light is on, telling us to look around.

Cars are braking - stop! - We boldly move forward.

O. Kulakova

Buratino plays ball.

Leading. What are you doing, Pinocchio, we are near the roadway, and there are a lot of cars here.

Pinocchio. So what. They will stop if my ball hits the road.

Leading. Guys, tell Pinocchio why you can’t play on the roadway.

Children. Cars cannot stop quickly. Playing on the road is dangerous to life and health.

Leading. That's right, you can't play on the road, or even on the sidewalk, because pedestrians walk on it. There are special stadiums and grounds for ball games. Play them as much as you want.

Game "Who is faster"

Children stand in two teams. The first participant runs with the ball in his hands, runs around the counter, returns to the team and passes the ball to the next player.

Leading. Well, here we are at the library. Pinocchio, have you understood everything about the road, about the dangers that await us on the roadway, and how to behave on the street?

Pinocchio. I got it. Oh, what kind of sign is this?

Children come out with signs and read poems about the sign they are holding in their hands.

1st child

This is a very important sign

It hangs there for a reason.

Be careful, driver,

Nearby is a kindergarten and a schoolyard.

2nd child

There is a road on the boys' way,

Transport travels quickly and a lot.

There is no traffic light nearby

A road sign will give advice.

We need to go forward a little,

Where there is a zebra crossing on the way.

"Crosswalk" -

You can move forward.

A. Weiner

Leading. Pinocchio, so that you remember everything better, the guys and I made drawings. You look at the picture and remember that you cannot cross the street at a red traffic light.

Pinocchio examines the drawings and comments on some of them.

And it's time for us to say goodbye. We get on the bus and go back to kindergarten.

Tasks: Review the Rules of the Road with your children. Familiarize yourself with road signs. Reinforce knowledge about traffic lights. To develop children's knowledge about dangers on the roads.

Equipment: Costumes: Traffic light, Pinocchio, three little pigs, doctor, little pigs' house, road signs, road, tape recorder, three folding beds, bandages.

Dictionary: Pedestrians, road signs, pedestrian crossing, point medical care, pedestrian path, danger.

Music is playing. Children enter the hall and take their seats.


I know all the traffic rules by heart,

I can’t get by on the street without Rules!

Hello, fellow pedestrians! Why are you all laughing? Why are you surprised? Are you walking down the street?

Children. Yes!

Pinocchio. So you can be called pedestrians! And since you are pedestrians, you should know the rules of the road. You agree with me? Do you know these Rules? Children. Yes!

A boy dressed as a Traffic Light slowly enters to the music.

Traffic light.

You need to obey without arguing

Traffic light instructions.

Need traffic rules

Carry out without exception.

S. Yakovlev

Hello guys! I'm glad to meet you. You know about me. And you know how to cross the road. Did I say it correctly - do you know how to cross the road?


Cross the road

We are always on the streets

And they will advise and help

Talking colors.

Red will tell you “no!”

Restrained and strict.

Yellow color gives advice

Wait a little.

And the green light is on -

“Come on in,” he says.

Traffic light. Well done! I'm happy for you. You really know about me. But do you know the road signs? (Children's answers.)

Traffic light. Here are my road signs. I’ll start reading poetry, and you listen carefully, memorize and answer me in unison.

Everyone knows the stripes,

Children know, adults know.

Leads to the other side


The traffic light shows the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign that you brought with you, and explains to the children that the road must be crossed at the pedestrian crossing. The traffic light reads a riddle about the next road sign.

Traffic light.

He is in a circle with a red outline.

What is this?

It's dangerous here.

Here, understand, it’s prohibited

Pedestrian traffic.

The traffic light shows a sign and explains to the children that this sign is prohibitive. You can't walk where it hangs. The traffic light introduces the next road sign.

Traffic light.

Hey driver, look

Be quiet here, slow down.

People know everything in the world:

Children go to this place.

The traffic light shows the "Children" sign. Draws children's attention to this sign.

Traffic light.

And here, guys, it's no laughing matter,

You can't drive anything here.

You can only do it on your own

Only for pedestrians.

The traffic light introduces children to the “Pedestrian path” road sign.

Traffic light.

Something might happen along the way

I didn’t wash my hands, I ate the wrong thing.

My stomach hurts and I feel a little nauseous.

And who can tolerate all this?

Why be sad, why be afraid?

Don't be upset, kids.

After all, there is a road

First aid station.

The traffic light tells the children about the “Medical Aid Station” sign.

Traffic light. Well done! Now you know some road signs.

Pinocchio. Traffic light, the guys want to play with you. You will be very, very useful to us.

The game “Hurry up to leave” is being played. The players form a circle, with a third of the children in the center. They are given a steering wheel (cardboard, plywood; or you can put a sign with a picture of any car around the children’s neck). Children standing in a circle hold hands and walk in a circle to the song “We are going, going, going to distant lands...” They walk and carefully look at the actions of the traffic light. While the children are moving in a circle, the traffic light is green. As soon as the traffic light turns red, the children stop and raise their clasped hands up. Again, when the traffic light turns green, they count loudly to three. Children in the circle must quickly leave the circle when the traffic light turns green. As soon as the red light comes on again, the children lower their clasped hands. The “machine” children, who did not have time to leave the circle, move aside. When the game is repeated, other children come to the middle. The game is repeated several times.

Pinocchio. Well done, kids. Everyone knows and can do everything. Guys, the traffic light told us what it is for and introduced us to some road signs. I have no doubt that you have seen these signs on the road more than once. But I want to warn you that traffic rules must be observed everywhere and always, and not from time to time, otherwise disaster may happen. Look and listen to the tale of the three little pigs.

Children of the preparatory group show the fairy tale “Wonderful Pigs”.

Leading. Of course, you all know the fairy tale about the three little pigs. What were the names of these piglets? That's right, Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf. So, quite recently a very amazing story happened to the piglets.

House of the Three Little Pigs. Road in front of the house. Traffic light. Transition.

Leading. One day, waking up early in the morning, three cheerful piglets saw that a road had been laid past their house. new road. The road was wide. And different cars drove along it. Some were in a hurry to work, some for a walk, some to the hospital, and some to visit friends. The piglets liked to look at the cars, because they were so different. Large and small, cars, trucks, buses. Some cars drove slowly, others rushed at high speed. They really liked the cars.

But suddenly the piglets saw a traffic light that stood near the road. The piglets ran up to the traffic light and noticed: when the traffic light turned red, all the cars stopped. After some time, the cars rushed along the road again.

Nif-Nif. It's strange why the cars stopped?

Naf-Naf. And I wonder why they went again?

Noof-Noof. You don't understand anything. If the cars wanted to stand on the road, they did so. If you wanted to go again, let's go. That's how simple it is.

Nif-Nif. We don't need any traffic lights. When we want, then we will cross the road.

Naf-Naf. And also look, what are these stripes on the road? I heard that this is a pedestrian crossing.

Noof-Noof. Again everything is simple. Someone didn't have any paper, so he painted stripes on the road.

Nif-Nif. We don't need pedestrian crossings. Not needed.

Naf-Naf. Why are there any signs placed near the road?

Noof-Noof. Yes, this is so that the roadside will be beautiful and fun.

And the piglets merrily sang a song.

We don't need a traffic light

Traffic light, traffic light.

We'll cross the road

At least whenever, at least whenever.

The piglets ran out onto the road and sang the song even louder.

We don't need a transition

Transition, transition.

We'll cross the road

Where we want, where we want.

Leading. The piglets liked to dance on the road, because it was so wide and smooth. And nothing happened to them. Only because there were no cars driving on the road at that time.

The piglets continued to have fun and sing:

No signs needed either

Not needed, not needed.

You should know about this

You must, you must.

Leading. The piglets were singing and having fun so loudly that they did not notice how two trucks were rushing towards each other from both sides. Suddenly one of the piglets screamed...

Nif-Nif. Brother pigs, cars!

Leading. But the piglets did not immediately understand what was happening. They didn’t immediately realize that they had to run out of the way. Yes, to be honest, it was already too late. The truck hit the piglets. The cars collided and overturned.

Hospital. The piglets lie on their beds, oohing and ahhing.

Leading. The piglets woke up and saw that they were in the hospital. Heads and ears, paws and heels are bandaged. The piglets are crying.

Naf-Naf. Brothers, what happened to us?

Nif-Nif. Don't you remember?

Nuf-Nuf. We were playing, singing, having fun on the road, and we were hit by a truck.

Naf-Naf. Well, we've done a lot. They themselves suffered and the drivers were let down. The cars are crushed, and the drivers are also in the hospital.

The doctor entered the room. The piglets vying with each other began to ask him...

Nif-Nif. Good doctor, please tell me what we did wrong?

Doctor. You can't play on the roads. You must be careful when crossing the road. You can cross it only at a pedestrian crossing and only when the traffic light is green. When the light is red, you cannot cross the road. Do you understand everything?

Naf-Naf. Yes. When will we leave the hospital?

Noof-Noof. Can we run just as fast and have fun playing?

Doctor. You won't be leaving the hospital anytime soon. Your legs and tails are broken.

The doctor gave an injection to Naf-Nif, bandaged Nuf-Nuf’s head, and gave pills to Nif-Nif.

Nif-Nif. Now I understand why cars drive on the road and sometimes stop. They are waiting for the traffic light to turn green. After all, everyone - both pedestrians and drivers - is allowed to move only when the traffic light is green.

Naf-Naf. And you should never play on the road.

Nuf-Nuf. Now we know what the traffic light is for, where and when we can cross the road.

Nif-Nif. We will definitely follow the traffic rules.


To the Rules of the Road

Must be treated with respect.

There are no worries

For those who don't play on the road.

Leading. That's the end of the fairy tale. Well done to those who listened and watched carefully.

Pinocchio. Which interesting tale. The same story that happened with the piglets will never happen to me, because I always follow the traffic rules. And I advise you.

Traffic rules,

All without exception

Animals should know:

Badgers and pigs,

Hares and tiger cubs.

Pony and kittens.

You guys too

Everyone needs to know them.

Traffic light. You made me very happy with your answers and your playing. I am sure that you will always follow the traffic rules. And trouble will never happen to you. Goodbye, see you again. (The traffic light goes away.)

Pinocchio. Guys, look, some kind of package. What is it? It's probably the traffic light that forgot. Let's get a look. (Children with Pinocchio look at what’s in the bag.)

Look guys

Here are the brushes and paints,

Cardboard and albums,

Coloring books, crayons,

Pencil and sharpener,

Felt pen, paper.

Where does all this come from?

Who gave this to us?

This is a traffic light. Let's go to the group now, I'll hand out paints, pencils and coloring books to everyone. (The children leave. The song “We are going, we are going, we are going...” is played. In the group, the children receive “Road Rules” coloring books.)

Entertainment scenario for older children preschool age according to traffic rules "ABC of the road"

Belyaeva Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher of the MKDOU Central Children's Resource Center d/s No. 24 of the Emanzhelinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region
Target: Consolidating the ability to use traffic rules in various practical situations
Develop the ability to behave correctly on the road
Develop speed and agility
Strengthen knowledge about transport, traffic lights, knowledge about road signs
Continue to introduce children to the work of traffic police officers
The summary is intended for preschool teachers and is suitable as the final event of the project.

Progress of entertainment:
Leading: Hello guys, today we will talk to you about traffic rules. After all, they are created not only for drivers Vehicle, but also for pedestrians. You and I know that failure to comply with traffic rules leads to serious consequences.
Guys, tell me, who keeps order on the roads?
Children: Traffic inspector
Leading: That's right, let's sing a song about him
Song "Traffic Inspector" - Cartoons
After the end of the song, Nyusha runs into the hall.

Nyusha: Oh hello, where did I end up?
Leading: Hello Nyusha, this is a kindergarten, and the guys and I decided to talk about traffic rules.
Nyusha: How interesting, what are these traffic rules for?
Leading: Traffic rules establish the order of movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
Nyusha: Wow, whatever they come up with, you eat for yourself and go, but you go and go.
Leading: No Nyusha, you are wrong, stay with us and you will see everything for yourself.
Let me test your knowledge, WTO, keep the pictures and signs, you need to choose the correct picture for each sign.
Game "Pick up a picture"
Nyusha tries to pick up a picture, but she doesn’t succeed, the presenter asks the children to help.

Leading: You see, Nyusha, how cleverly our guys did everything, and now listen to the poems.

On the road all day
Strong motion,
Can't stop the flow
Even for a moment.

Whatever happens
Dangerous collisions
There are Rules
Road traffic.

The traffic light comes out to the song “Traffic Light” by V. Leontyev

Traffic light: Hello, I'm Traffic Light, and I heard that someone here doesn't know the rules of the road?
Leading: Traffic light, our guys know the rules of the road, but Nyusha wants to learn.
Traffic light: Well then, let's test your knowledge, and Nyusha will listen. I will ask questions and you must give the correct answer.
1.What kind of transport transports people? (passenger)
Traffic light: That's right, I suggest you play the game "Bus"
Outdoor game "Bus"
The game involves 3 people, the driver puts passengers in the hoop and transports them.

2. What type of transport is a dump truck? (to cargo)
Traffic light: And this is the correct answer
Relay race “Move the bricks”
Children transport wooden bricks in trucks, avoiding obstacles.

3.How many signals does a traffic light have? (3)
Relay race “Assemble a traffic light”
Children take turns assembling a traffic light, avoiding obstacles.

4.What is the name of the section of road for traffic (roadway)
5.Where should you cross the road? (at the pedestrian crossing)
6.What types of pedestrian crossings are there? (aboveground, underground)
Traffic light: Well done, you can only cross the road at a pedestrian crossing.
Nyusha: So what, that’s where I want to go and go.
Leading: Nyusha, this is very dangerous, because in front of a pedestrian crossing the driver slows down to let the pedestrian pass. And if there is no pedestrian crossing, the driver may not have time to stop the car.
Let's tell Nyusha some poems about a pedestrian crossing.

Striped transition
There are different types of pedestrians waiting for you:
Mom is walking with a stroller,
A lady walks with a dog (Irina Gurina)

The baby is carrying a toy,
The old man leads the old lady
Two girls are walking
The cars are quietly waiting. (Irina Gurina)

Outdoor game “Pedestrian crossing”
Children crawl through the tunnel (underground passage), then cross along the zebra crossing.

Nyusha: Now I will only cross the road at the pedestrian crossing.
Traffic light: Tell me, is it possible for children to ride in a car without a child seat?
Children's answer: No
Traffic light: That's right, but you must not only sit in the seat, but also be sure to wear your seat belt.
Nyusha: Why bother wearing a seat belt? But what about twisting and turning and playing around?
Leading: It is imperative to wear a seat belt to protect yourself from injury. And if you twist and turn, the driver will be distracted and not carefully monitor the situation on the road, which can lead to an accident.

By the pants and by the car
There are rescue belts.
They are your car
Buckle it tightly to yourself!

Nyusha: And that’s true, but you can play later.
Dance "Bibika" - Barbariki

Traffic light: At what traffic light can you cross the road?
Children's answer: Green
Nyusha: But I don’t look at the traffic lights at all, when I want, then I go.
Leading: Nyusha, this is not correct, because you can only cross the road when the light is green, when the light is red you need to stand, and when the light is yellow, get ready to walk. After all, when the light is red for pedestrians, the light is green for cars. This is done so that the car does not hit a pedestrian while driving. Therefore, cars and pedestrians move in turns.
Traffic light: Or maybe you know poems about me?

The traffic light is waiting for us to visit.
Illuminates the transition.
The red eye lit up:
He wants to detain us.
If it's red, there's no way.
Red light - you can't go. (Irina Gurina)

Yellow light is not very strict:
Wait, we have no way yet.
The bright yellow eye burns:
All the movement is worth it! (Irina Gurina)

Finally a green eye
Opens the way for us.
Striped transition
Waiting for young pedestrians! (Irina Gurina)

Traffic light: I suggest you play a game

Outdoor game “Pedestrian and traffic light”
When the light is green, children walk in place, when the light is yellow they clap their hands, and when the light is red they stand.

Nyusha: Thanks guys, now I will carefully look at the traffic light.
Traffic light: It’s very good that Nyusha understood everything. Look, what is this sign? (shows a bicycle path sign)
Bicycle relay

Traffic light: And now I will ask riddles about road signs, and you must find the right sign.
(the girls are given road signs)

I didn't wash my hands on the road,
Ate fruits and vegetables.
I'm sick and I see a point
Medical assistance.
First aid station sign

Driver brake. Stop!
The sign is a ban in front of you.
This is the strictest sign
So that you don't get into trouble.
You must obey the sign
Don't drive under a brick.
No entry sign

Children's playground near the house
According to the Rules, it is a residential zone.
A sign will tell the driver -
In the yard - be vigilant.
You drive quietly, carefully,
Park where you can.
Residential zone sign

Stop sign. What's the matter?
Brake the driver skillfully,
Don't turn off the engine, freeze
Everything is fine? Continue pressing.
Sign “No stopping without stopping”

Stop, crowd of people.
The bus will arrive soon.
City transport is waiting here,
They go to the office, to the workshop, to home.
Going to school, kindergarten,
On holiday they go to the parade.
In the street cycle
City transport is held in high esteem!
Sign "Bus or trolleybus stop"

We've been driving for a long time, we're tired,
And stomachs began to growl
They admitted this to us
That you've been hungry for a long time.
Less than five minutes have passed
There is a sign - dine here.
Sign "Food station"

Leading: Guys, let's dance.
Dance "Road Signs" Children's show group Samantha

Traffic light: And now I propose to play the game “Run to your sign”
Outdoor game “Run to your sign” Children are divided into teams of 5-7 people, one child takes the sign in his hands and stands in a hoop, the rest of the children from the team form a circle around him. While the music is playing, children walk around the playground (hall), when the music stops, children run to their sign, forming a circle. Children with signs change their place by running to another hoop.

Nyusha: Guys, thank you very much, I realized that it is imperative to follow the rules of the road. I’ll go now and tell my Smeshariki friends about the rules of the road.
Nyusha leaves, the children say goodbye to her.
Traffic light: Guys, you are great, I see that you know the rules of the road, and now I will go to another kindergarten, and I remind you that you do not forget to follow the rules of the road.
The traffic light leaves, the children say goodbye to it.
Presenters: Guys, I suggest you go to the traffic police inspector’s car and take a closer look at it.
After the holiday, a traffic police officer near the car talks about the work of the inspector and shows the car to the children.

Holidays according to traffic rules are compiled in accordance with the program requirements of the preschool institution and age characteristics. Practice shows that classes and entertainment on the rules of the road, which reinforce this knowledge, make an invaluable contribution to the development of a well-rounded personality, a responsible citizen, and an attentive pedestrian.

Scenarios for holidays and entertainment according to traffic rules

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Traffic regulations, road signs. Quizzes, intellectual competitions

Showing publications 1-10 of 3989.
All sections | Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Scenarios for holidays and entertainment

Summary of the entertainment lesson “Travel to the country of traffic rules” in the second junior group Target: Introduce children with safe passage rules roads along the pedestrian crossing. Tasks: Getting to know the road pedestrian crossing markings - "zebra". Reinforce concepts "crosswalk", "signal traffic light» . Give knowledge about signals traffic light. Cultivate awareness...

Sports entertainment according to traffic rules for children of senior preschool age. "Red, yellow, green" Target: Creating conditions for the formation of sustainable skills in preschool children safe behavior on road. Tasks: - consolidate safe behavior skills in road; -fix the designation road signs for pedestrians; - to activate children's knowledge about the features...

Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Scenarios for holidays and entertainment - Scenario for a theatrical production based on traffic rules “Kolobok the Violator”

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“Gingerbread Man the Violator” Script for a theatrical production based on traffic rules Tasks. 1. Reinforce the rules of the road in an entertaining way. 2. Teach children to convey the emotions of the characters, their mood. 3. Independently come up with gestures, characteristic movements for...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Sports entertainment according to traffic rules “Road Trip” MDOU kindergarten in Iskra Oktyabrya Sports entertainment according to traffic rules "Road trip" 2nd junior, middle, senior and preparatory group(3-6 years old) Educator: Smirnova Anastasia Igorevna p. Iskra October 2018 Objectives: - To clarify children’s knowledge about...

In the MDOU "May kindergarten "Solnyshko" for children to consolidate knowledge about various types specialist. transport, traffic rules there was a presentation "Rules for young pedestrians" There are rules everywhere, you should always know them: Without them, ships will not set sail from the harbor. They go out to...

Compiled by teacher: Elena Anatolyevna Zlotnikova. Topic: “Road rules.” Goal: strengthening the rules of safe driving on the road. Prevention of children's road injuries in early preschool age. Objectives: consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights (understand...

Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Scenarios for holidays and entertainment - Scenario for the school-wide series “Initiation into the ranks of the Russian schoolchildren movement”

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Holiday “Young Pedestrian” Holiday “Young Pedestrian” Bubelo O. P. For children of senior preschool age Goal: continue to teach children to observe and follow the rules of the road Objectives: To consolidate the ability to name familiar road signs, traffic lights, as well as signals...

Leisure scenario according to traffic rules “Travel to the land of road signs” in the middle group Leisure scenario according to traffic rules “Travel to the land of road signs” in middle group. Author: Galina Viktorovna Bashkirova, teacher of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 36", Saransk. Goal: to consolidate knowledge and observance of traffic rules by children. Objectives: - consolidate the ability to name familiar...

Prepared by: teachers of MBDOU No. 36 of Salavat Shcherbakova O.M. Kulkindinova R.R., Gaffarova R.Kh., Nasyrova Yu.F. with the participation of pupils junior group. Goal: to introduce children to the rules of the road and the rules of safe behavior on the street. Educational objectives:...

« I highlight only one goal of education - readiness to survive" T.F. Akbasheva

In order to release a child into the world, the task of adults is partially to prepare for the difficulties that he will encounter. One of these important points will become correct behavior on the streets and roads settlement. The responsible role assigned to preschool educational institutions is to prevent child injuries on the road. For this purpose, preschool institutions conduct classes, targeted walks, and activities to familiarize themselves with traffic rules. The purpose of such classes is to systematically familiarize yourself with the rules of safe behavior on the roads and spatial orientation, which will reduce the number of accidents.

The purpose of conducting classes, leisure, entertainment and holidays to study and reinforce traffic rules is:

  • Development of intellectual abilities.
  • Formation of cultural behavior on the streets and roads of the city.
  • Development of psychophysiological qualities of children that will help ensure the safety of the roadway.
  • Formation of self-esteem, self-control, self-organization.