Dedication to young educators. Celebration script for young professionals “Initiation into the Profession”

Scenario “Initiation into the profession”


Fanfare sounds.


We welcome today

Your young friends

Those who are full of strength and knowledge,

Fresh thoughts and ideas.

All of you have chosen the best

Among the many roads,

You have been given a name in life

This name is teacher!

Dear guests, let us welcome our energetic, creative, unique, brave, young specialists. We welcome you, our reliable shift! And we invite them to the stage:

Music is playing. The teachers enter the hall from the stage. (the list is attached)


There are guests at our celebration. Let me introduce them:





Children are the joy of the state,

Real wealth.

They must be educated

Like hope for the country.

There is a preschool

Kindergarten is a child's happiness.

There are kids passing by

All the lessons of life.

And then he goes into battle

The institute is already different

Sciences will be taught to gnaw granite

The world is not easy to know.

Musical number: the song “We love you, your dear faces”, performed by Sasha Mylkova, 6b grade

The floor is given__________________________________________

Leading. City Bratsk is famous for its talented educators, teachers, educators and students. To reach the heights, to reach the goal, you need to show perseverance, hard work and dedication. Today we want to introduce the team of high school cadets, winners of All-Russian cadet competitions in Moscow, Sochi, St. Petersburg, Nizhnekamsk, the pride of school No. 42. Let it be on yours professional path There will be more talented students!

Business card “We are the cadets of our city and the honor of the school”

Performance of the 10-11 grade team

Leading: There are many good, necessary professions in the world, and everywhere you need your own skills. And the profession of a teacher is universal. A teacher must, to some extent, be a doctor in order, for example, to provide first aid to a child. A teacher is also an artist, because we resort to all sorts of tricks in order to keep children’s attention in class. This list can be continued endlessly. Well, weren’t you scared (addressing young specialists)? If you still haven't changed your mind, then turn your attention to the screen.

Video “13 signs that you are a teacher”

Choreographic number: dance of students kindergarten №31.

The floor is given_______________________________________________

Presenter. And now the time has come to test our young specialists.Attention to the screen.

Now we will offer you the game

If you can't cope, we will help you.

Show your wit and cunning

And you will declare yourself.

The tasks will help you

Compose a sentence step by step.

Conducting quest games.

Leading: Now let's do the exam. To carry it out I will need 4 people.

There are tickets and cheat sheets for them on the table. Test takers take a question, read it out loud, then take and read out any answer card.

- Will you tell parents about their children’s bad behavior?
- Will favorites appear in children's groups soon?
- Will you wake up a child who has fallen asleep during your lesson?
- Will you often be late for work?
- May be. I'll think about this some more.
- Yes! I've been dreaming about this for a long time.
- Maybe. It will depend on my mood.
- Why not? Some people can, but I can’t!

Leading: You have passed the test,and now I ask you to take an oath and after each point repeat: “I swear!”

Fanfare sounds.

Solemn oath (insert text)

And the word for congratulations is given to ______________________________

The cadet choir takes the stage.


The profession of a teacher is one of the most important and necessary. After all, it is he who raises future scientists, diplomats, outstanding cultural figures and simply worthy citizens of his state. A good teacher is always a great friend, a role model, a good citizen and a true patriot of his country.

Musical number 7th grade, song “I am a patriot!”

The floor is given_______________________________________________

Presentation of gifts.

Leading: We are confident that smart, kind, inquisitive young people have come to us, in whose hands is the future of the state: children. So be patient, wise, selfless! Happy pedagogical destiny to you!The challenges ahead will not be easy, but if you want to stay in this profession, remember the following words:

I am an educator.

I am love and devotion.

Faith and patience.

I am joy and compassion.

I am the truth and the heart.

Conscience and nobility.

I am a seeker and a giver.

Poor and rich.

I am a teacher and a student.

Educator and pupil.

The anthem of young teachers sounds.

1. We sing a funny song

Let's start the banquet now.

Let's smile at each other

And let’s shout to everyone: “Hello!”

Chorus: Imagine


We'll shout very loudly



We will shout to everyone: “Hello!”

2. We all came to the holiday,

Which means it's more fun

Let's shake hands

And let's sit tighter.

Chorus: Imagine


Let's shake hands.



And let's dance more closely.

3. No matter how many problems you have,

And not a lot of money,

We'll love you anyway

Any baby.

Chorus: Imagine


Even if without money.



Any baby.

4. Even if it is difficult,

Still, don’t worry!

I'll send you now

Air kiss.

Chorus: Imagine


I give you from my heart



Air kiss.

5. Neither on holidays nor on weekdays

We won't be bored.

We know how to work

And we love to relax.

Chorus: Imagine


We know how to work.



But it's better to rest.

6. Let's look at each other

And let's say from the heart:

“Well, really, girls,

Are we very good?

Chorus: Imagine


We are the best in the world!



We are very good!

7. We have a holiday today.

It's high time:

Let's congratulate each other

And let’s all shout: “Hurray!”

Chorus: Imagine


We will congratulate each other.



We shout to ourselves: “Hurray!”

In 2010, I wish you 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 365 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525600 minutes of love and 31536000 seconds of pleasant moments!

Today we dedicate you
To the rank of teacher, an important rank.
First, let's help a little,
And then do everything yourself.
The guys are preparing surprises.
From now on you are priestesses of good.
You will be like kittens
Look for germs of intelligence in them. Teach, develop and educate,
And there is no other way.
And count your nerves and strength,

You came to kindergarten and you are ours.
Endless glory awaits you,
Instead of a salary - a mirage!

There are tickets and cheat sheets for them on the table. Test takers take a question, read it out loud, then take and read out any answer card.

— Will you tell parents about their children’s bad behavior?
— Will there be favorites in the groups soon?
— Will you wake up a child who has fallen asleep during your lesson?
— Will you often be late for work?
- May be. I'll think about this some more.
- Yes! I've been dreaming about this for a long time.
- Maybe. It will depend on my mood.
- Why not? Some people can, but I can’t!

Leading. So, in the Kingdom of Reasonable Teaching, abbreviated as CIA, new reigning persons appeared, and their coronation and registration took place.

Music plays and the recorder comes out.

Registrar. Today, on the eve of Teacher's Day, you are joining the CIA.
Anyone joining the CIA must:

Arm yourself with plans and notes, lists and other papers to prove your professionalism.

Remember what they have long said in Rus': “Talent must be hungry.” Therefore, give up on everything and eat exclusively spiritual food.

Amaze yourself and others with your own invention, imagination, talent, enthusiasm, as well as modesty and politeness.

And now I ask you to take an oath and after each point repeat three times: “I swear!”

Teacher's oath

I, ____________ (full name), joining the ranks of the teachers of kindergarten No. 1 “Solnyshko”, solemnly swear:

1. Get up for work when the alarm clock rings; if someone is holding you in bed, unhook those greedy hands and get up, get up, get up.

I swear!

2. Leave your bad mood at the door of the control room and put on the mask of a happy, businesslike, rich, charming and attractive woman every morning.

I swear!

3. Prepare for classes on time and professionally if the methodologist opens the door to my group.

I swear!

4. I solemnly promise to write weekly plans, like the romance novel that became the best seller of the year.

I swear!

5. Love other people's children more than your own.

I swear!

6. Master the following specialties part-time:

Junior assistant teacher;

Street cleaner;

A carpenter;



Seamstress-motor operator

and other specialties necessary to improve the quality of education in educational institutions.

I swear!

7. Tell the parents of all your students every day that their children are the smartest, most well-mannered, the best in the world, obedient, despite the fact that after work I drink valerian and other sedatives.

I swear!

8. On walks, where all world issues and sexual problems are discussed from neighbors to world stars, at the sight of the administration, take on a working look in time and tear off the fifth point of your support from the bench of the neighboring section.

I swear!

9. Be an active employee of our team, take part in competitions of city, regional, republican and galactic significance.

I swear!

10. Be a role model for your child.

Who looks at himself

He sees his face,

Who sees his face -

He knows his worth.

Who knows the price -

You can be strict with yourself.

Who is strict with himself

He is truly great!

I swear!

Registrar. Colleagues of the new arrivals, congratulate the newlyweds and present them with memorable gifts. Prepare the blackest bread in advance, cut it into slices, put it on a tray with a white napkin. Prepare a comic statement for receiving the first bread earned, comic gifts, in addition - “real” gifts (books, flowers, etc.), decorated work books, which can be issued to “hold” on this very day.

Leading: We welcome today

Your young friends -

Those who are full of strength and knowledge,

Fresh thoughts and ideas.

You all chose the best

Among the many roads,

If soon you are on this

She brought the threshold.

Your first lessons

You have successfully completed -

And they taught me something

And they were able to captivate the children.

You are now worthy of honor

Be called "teacher".

Here is the first tangible one

All efforts come to fruition.

Earned per month

Your first bread, labor!

Receive it and sign it!

Photo for us at such a moment!

Your first payday

You can taste it.

The first bread is much tastier

Than bananas and watermelon!


Here we have a replenishment.

Our business is not easy

We wish you patience

Infinite, at that.

Become your children's best friend

And manage to do everything:

Teach, inspire, force

And at the same time, you won’t get bored.

Yes, even if you had a salary,

So that there is enough for food.

And the surplus goes for travel:

To the sea, to the palm trees, to the cockatoos...

So that fortune smiles,

So that at least by miracle, but luck,

So that our walls are protected from troubles, comfort and warmth.

And now for you gifts,

But it’s not just like that,

With meaning. We'll tell you -

What, to whom, why and how.

1. For the teacher of the younger group - buttons.

Fidgets on panties

Sew on the button

And along the loop - onto the chairs.

You fasten your seat belt and everything is ok.

2. Music. the manager - 2 ropes.

So that from the stage you captivate

Everyone smiles from ear to ear,

Here, take this remedy

And sew on the ties.

3. For the psychologist - a bag of peas.

If a boy looks blankly,

How he became blind and deaf,

Then put it without regret

Put it in the corner, on top of the peas.

Now it will come for you

And the solemn moment:

Get the most important

Your employment document.

(The head hands the young teachers work books)


I chose according to my liking
I made a great choice!
I see great talent in them,
I accept everyone with all my heart.
Today you took an oath,
Congratulations were accepted.
Let there be light in our kingdom
You will all be warm.

Leading: But this is for your memory.

There will be light and shadow in life,

But try harder

This is an important day to remember.

(Diplomas are presented)

Leading: Congratulations to you, colleagues,

Recognition and honor to you.

Be with us, be with your childhood

Not alone academic year!

Congratulations from colleagues

Song to the tune of “They teach at school.”

1. Complete all the classes, go on an excursion,

Feed and write a bunch of papers.

Teacher advice and control

And the salary is almost zero.

And the family sometimes makes a fuss.

2. Be sure to get to the store in time,

Warm your husband with affection,

Prepare a hearty dinner for him and the children.

Read all the newspapers, sketch out a lesson plan,

And you yourself need rest too.

3. You step on the threshold

This fabulous country.

And today we are holding a dedication.

After all, your profession is so important all over the world,

Well, the main weapon is patience!

1 - Today we dedicate you
To the rank of teacher, an important rank.
First, let's help a little,
And then do everything yourself.
The guys are preparing surprises.
From now on you are priestesses of good.
You will be like kittens
Look for germs of intelligence in them.

2 - Teach, develop and educate,
And there is no other way.
Count on your nerves and strength,
Whoever comes to kindergarten cannot leave!

This is reasonable, good, eternal,
You came to kindergarten and you are ours.
Endless glory awaits you,
Instead of a salary - a mirage!

Young specialists are awarded crowns with the inscription “Learning is light” and badges"Teacher."

Leading. So they began to live and live in the preschool kingdom, in the “Sunny” state, for a long time and happily. Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. And therefore, for all the reigning persons on this holiday, a final wish song sounds.

A wish song based on the song “Be Healthy.”

We wish you happiness and success
And we heartily congratulate you on this day.
Master a profession, get down to business,
So that you look into tomorrow with courage.
May you have many good friends,
Friendship with whom would make it brighter.
So be healthy, live richly,
Let your salary triple.


to receive the first

earned bread from labor

teachers of the State Educational Institution "Nursery-Garden No. 1 of Yelsk"

for the month of September 2010

Total amount______________30 gr.

Head of the State Educational Institution “Nursery-Garden No. 1 of Yelsk”_________________

Responsible for compiling the statement: _______________

Diploma young specialist.

2014-2015 academic year


video " C Teacher's Day"

Presenter 1: Hello, dear TV viewers!

Presenter 2: Good afternoon!

Presenter 3: Today we have a significant event - the new TV channel “Teacher” has begun its work. And this event is all the more significant because the launch of our TV channel coincided with a grandiose event - International Teacher's Day!

Presenter 1: And that’s why our today’s episode “Teacher’s Skit” is dedicated to this holiday.

Presenter 2: The entire program in live The presenters are working for you: Nadezhda, Timur and Anastasia.

Presenter 3: Our dear teachers!

On this holiday - Teachers' Day -

Forget all your worries

And look at the world more cheerfully.

After all, today is a happy day for you,

And the guys all, as if by agreement,

They bring you a large, beautiful bouquet.

And for them the shine of your eyes -

The best reward for your efforts,

Better than any of the praise.

Presenter 1: And they always have one desire:

To please, to bring joy to you.

For your sincere smile

And the student and every student

He will instantly correct all his mistakes.

And it will not repeat them in the future.

Presenter 2: You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,

The one that never goes out

May all your wishes come true

And your cherished dream will come true.

Presenter 3: After all, you share your experience with us.

Let bad weather not touch you,

And let it burn over you forever

A bright star of success, fame, happiness.

Presenter 1: Well, now we bring to your attention the weather forecast. Today in Kokhom School No. 7 it is a hot southern summer, sunny with smiles, sea and flower winds are blowing. By the middle of the day, gusts of joyful applause are expected, warm short-term tears are possible, and a front is expected Have a good mood. The Hydrometeorological Center congratulates you on Teacher's Day and gives you a song

Performing a congratulation song

Presenter 2: I would especially like to congratulate Elena Olegovna Barinova and Natalya Vladimirovna Krylova on the holiday, who this year crossed the threshold of the school for the first time as teachers. We invite you to the stage. You assume, of course, how difficult the work of a teacher is. Now you will listen to a lecture on practical pedagogy. The floor is given to the oldest teacher of our school - Elena Vasilievna Semenova.

Semenova E.V.

If you have recently been given a class where there is no order,

Don’t despair too much – they pay for this too!

Even if it’s small, it’s stable!

Enter the classroom confidently and give out slaps,

To be respected!

And then hit the table hard,

So that everything around would immediately tremble!

Talk about something important, such as behavior.

Well, if this doesn’t reach the kids,

Then think about it instantly: who is the “boss” here?

Tell him: “Shouldn’t you and I go out?

For a heartfelt conversation in this quiet corridor?”

And take with you a thick book or a crowbar!

A conversation with a child should begin with a reminder,

That he, the little brat, is doing very badly.

He is disgracing the whole class with his stupid behavior!

If subtle hints have no effect,

In order to promote educational process,

Invite dad to school with or without mom.

Ask about health, success at work,

Praise, ask to influence the evil child.

You can do it right now!

And when a happy boy, having forgotten about all the fun,

Rubbing his buttock and head with his hand,

Your will leave the office, submit to your will,

She will become a good girl and a bunny, don’t worry, calm down:

The classroom will immediately be filled with peace, tranquility and grace!

And now there’s only one little thing left to do: take a solemn oath.

After listening to these tips, remember and understand them.

And never use it in your work at school!


1. Courageously and decisively endure all the joys and hardships of being a teacher, I SWEAR!

2.Follow the director's orders because the director is always right I SWEAR!

3.Do not erase the grades in the journal until the next page I SWEAR!

4. I SWEAR to teach children kindness and the ability to stand up for themselves!

5. Don’t give more than two “Fs” in a lesson, I SWEAR!

6.C bad mood I SWEAR not to enter the classroom!

7. I SWEAR to lend money to colleagues until payday!

Presenter 3: For you, dear teachers, a musical number

Performance of the song “Flame of Passion”

Presenter 1:

The director is a faithful guardian of order.

A guarantor, as they say nowadays.

Has a stern look at everything

And he is completely devoted to the school.

Thunderstorm of pranksters, rake,

Sword of Damocles immodest girls

Doesn't notice languid glances,

Bears his cross with dignity

Over to you, Natalya Gennadievna!

Speech by the school principal

Presenter 2: It’s time for the “According to Your Letters” program. A sea of ​​letters came to our editorial office asking us to congratulate our beloved teachers. Let us read one of them to you: “Dear program! Teacher's Day is approaching. We would really like to visit our home school on this day and talk with our favorite teachers. How much trouble we caused them, but they always treated us with maternal tenderness and shared the warmth of their souls. We apologize for our little pranks and want to tell you that we love and remember all our teachers. Please create a fun day for them entertainment program" Well, dear teachers, today we are fulfilling the wishes of graduates and offering...

The melody of the KVN song sounds

Presenter 3: ...You guessed correctly -

Together: KVN!

Presenter 3: Today in our school KVN a team of teachers plays against a team of high school students. Teams are asked to take their seats.

KVN music sounds. The composition of the teams is announced to the music.

Team of students: team captain - Konovalova Anastasia

(11th grade), Arina Dragunovskaya (11th grade), Viktor Kapustin (11th grade),

Andrey Aslanov (10th grade), Alexey Turlyakov (10th grade).

Presenter 1: Team of teachers: teacher primary classes Grabova Tatyana Dmitrievna, head teacher of the school Napalkova Irina Anatolyevna, physics teacher Zueva Svetlana Viktorovna, mathematics teacher Kiseleva Natalya Nikolaevna and team captain - primary school teacher Klopova Aliya Vakilevna.

Presenter 2: And evaluate our competitive program will be respectedjury consisting of :

School director Natalya Gennadievna Evgrafova

Head teacher of the school Nenasteva Olga Yurievna

Teacher of Russian language and literature Semenova E.V.

Primary school teacher Nadezhda Leonidovna Ostrikova

High school students Anastasia Strunkina and Daria Astakhova

We ask everyone to take their seats.

Presenter 1: We announce 1 competition - "Business card"
According to the good old tradition, the first competition is a greeting. Team greetings: name, motto, wishes to opponents. 3 minutes

The jury evaluates the competition (from 1 to 5 points)

Competition 2 “Entertaining dictation”
Presenter 3 : And now - an entertaining dictation. We invite literate people to a fun event!
One representative from each team is invited to participate in the competition. The task is to write the following text from dictation:

The jury evaluates the competition (from 1 to 10 points)

Presenter 2: While the jury is working, we invite fans to play too - respond to funny questions. Whichever fan team wins will bring an extra point to their team.

Why is a student kicked out of class? (out the door)

When is a fool smart? (when silent)

What branch does not grow on a tree? (railway)

Why buy new boots? (they are not given for free)

In what popular story was there an attempt on the hero’s life three times and only

the fourth time he dies? (“Kolobok”)

What will you never get tired of doing for the rest of your life? (breathe)

Presenter 1:

Where can't you find dry stone? (in a river)

Why does a hunter carry a gun? (over the shoulder)

What will a crow do after living for three years? (live fourth)

In which month do women gossip the least? (in February)

Presenter 3: Well done! The fans of the team…(teachers….students) earned an extra point for their team. Well, we continue KVN and the next competition “New Schedule”.

Competition 3 “New schedule”

Presenter 3: We are announcing a 3rd competition called “New Schedule”. One day a new director was appointed to a school. It was very unusual person, and so he decided to redo and change everything at school. And he began to redo everything from the names school lessons: He was very tired of the old names. So in the school curriculum, instead of reading, letter composition appeared, and instead of drawing, smearing appeared. Help the cheerful director and come up with new names for the lessons.
- mathematics;
- music;
- physical training;
– labor;
– chemistry;
- foreign language.

4 minutes to think! The captains read out the answer options.

The jury evaluates the competition (from 1 to 5 points)

Presenter 1: While the jury is evaluating the competition, for you, dear teachers, a musical number performed by 5th grade studentsclasses .

Performance of the song “Why is this summer”

Competition 4 “Imagine” Presenter 2: We called our next competition “Imagine.”

Teams draw one card 3 times. Each card contains the name of animals, birds, fish, insects. The task is to depict this living creature with the whole team (options: kangaroo, monkey, parrot, woodpecker, frog, locust).

The jury evaluates (from 1 to 5 points)

Presenter 3: While the jury evaluates the teams' performance, we will play with the fans of the teachers' team (4 people).

You will now take the exam. There are tickets in front of you. Everyone takes two tickets. And there are cheat sheets nearby. Let's see how you know how to use cheat sheets.

Teachers read the questions on the tickets and read out the answers from the cheat sheets

(each 2 times).


-Will you write notes to parents about their children’s bad behavior in class?

-Will you soon have favorites in the class?

-Will you wake up a student who has fallen asleep in your lesson?

-Will you call parents to school?

-Will you tell jokes in class from time to time?

-Will you often be late for classes?

-Will you allow students to use cheat sheets in your lessons?

-Are you going to use the pointer as a bladed weapon?


-No way!

-I never even thought about this!

-May be. I'll think about it some more!

-Can't wait!

-Look, what do you want!

-Yes! I've been dreaming about this for a long time!

-Maybe. It will depend on my mood!

-Why not? Some people can, but I can’t!

Presenter 3: Well done! We did great on the exam.

The jury's word.

The jury reads out the results of previous competitions.

Competition 5 “Jumble”
Presenter 1:
What kind of mess is this?
Here they made a mess out of words!
I order you:
Put everything in its place!
The task is to find out the words.
– quinlyka (vacation);
– hand (lesson);
– akbtien (office);
- in advance (change);
– apprat (desk);
– oskad (board).

The jury evaluates the competition (1 correct answer - 1 point)

Presenter 2: While the jury is summing up the results of the whole game, for you, dear teachers, a musical number from the boys of 9th grade.

9th grade performance with the song “Sea, Sun”

Presenter 2: The jury's word.



How time mercilessly flies

And it seems the country is going down...

But only the teacher lights the candles,

When others curse the darkness.

And let the speeches not cease,

Let the eyes of the students shine,

Then we just light the candles,

When love doesn't stop.

And only the teacher is honest, kind, cordial,

And only the teacher is sincere and brave,

That's why he lights the candles

To prevent the darkness from breaking through. (I. Lvova)

Presenter 1: The first broadcast of the Uchitelsky TV channel is ending. But we ask you to stay in front of the TV screens. congratulates you

All together: 11th grade!

11th grade performance

Musical number performed by Yulia Pushikova

Presenter 2:

Our dear teachers!

We will study, we will work,

We will repay your kindness more than once!

For your love, for your worries

Please accept a big thank you from us!

Presenter 3:

Thank you for being inquisitive in your work,

That they are always patient with us, restless people,

Because you couldn’t live without us.

Together: Thank you, dear ones! Thank you very much!

The music sounds “Happy Teacher’s Day to you”

Summary table summarizing the results for the jury.

KVN for Teacher's Day (03.10.2014)



Evaluation criteria

Teacher Team

Team of students

"Business card"

Team greetings:

name, motto, wish to rivals.

3 minutes

From 1 to 5 points

"Entertaining dictation"

The task is to write the following text from dictation:
“At noon, on the plank terrace, the freckled clerk’s wife Agrippina Savvichna treated the collegiate registrar Thaddeus Apollonovich with vinaigrette, shellfish and other dishes, and then gave him tea with lump sugar, adding half a lemon.”

From 1 to 10 points

"New schedule"

Help the cheerful director and come up with new names for the lessons.
- mathematics;
- music;
- physical training;
– labor;
– chemistry;
- foreign language.
from 1 to 5 points


From 1 to 5 points


The task is to find out the words.
– quinlyka (vacation);

– hand (lesson);

– akbtien (office);

- in advance (change);

– apprat (desk);

– oskad (board).

1 correct answer – 1 point

(if young specialists have joined the teaching staff.)
I would especially like to congratulate on the holiday those of our colleagues who this year crossed the threshold of the school for the first time as teachers. But let young teachers know how difficult teaching work is. Now, after a lecture on a pedagogical topic, you will have to pass an exam in pedagogy. Good luck to you, dear colleagues!
The floor for the lecture is given to the head teacher of the school.
If you have just recently
given a class where there is no order,
Don't despair too much!
After all, they pay for this too!
Even if it’s small, it’s stable!
Enter class with confidence
And give out slaps,
to be respected!
And then hit it hard
hard on the table,
So that everything is all around at once
it was shaking!
And start calmly
in a mournful voice
Talk about something important
for example, about behavior.
Well, what if this
it doesn't reach the kids
Then think about it in a moment,
Who's the boss here?
Tell him: Why don’t you go out?
you and me
For a heartfelt conversation
in this quiet corridor?
And take it with you
a thick book or a scrap!
You need to talk to your child
start with a reminder
What is he, a little brat,
acts very badly
With your stupid behavior
he's a disgrace to the whole class!!!
If subtle hints
have no results
In order to promote
educational process
Call dad to school
with or without mom.
Ask about health
about success at work,
Praise, ask
influence the evil child.
You can do it right this very hour!
And when a happy boy
forgetting about all the fun.
Rubbing my buttock
and your head with your hand.
your will leave the office,
Submit to your will
will become a good boy and a bunny
Don't worry, calm down:
in class it will come immediately
Peace, quiet and grace!
And now there is a little left:
take a solemn oath,
Having listened to these advice,
remember and understand them.
And in my work at school
never apply.

- We swear to sow reasonable...
- We swear!
- Do everything thinking...
- We swear!
- Protect the honor of the school
- We swear! We swear! We swear!

There are tickets and cheat sheets for them on the table. Test takers take a question, read it out loud, then take and read out any answer card.
- Will you write notes to parents about their children’s bad behavior?
- Will there be class favorites soon?
- Will you wake up a student who has fallen asleep in your lesson?
- Will you call parents to school?
- Will you tell jokes from time to time in class?
- Will you often be late for lessons?
- Will you allow the use of cheat sheets?
-Are you going to use the pointer as a bladed weapon?
- No way!
- I never even thought about this!
- May be. I'll think about this some more.
- You can’t wait!
- Look what you want!
- Yes! I've been dreaming about this for a long time.
- Maybe. It will depend on my mood.
- Why not? Some people can, but I can’t!

Gifts for young teachers on Teacher's Day

Prepare the blackest bread in advance. For example, “provincial” - it is not only black, but also very small, cut it into slices, place it on a tray with a white napkin, giving it the original shape of a loaf. Prepare a comic statement for receiving the first bread earned, comic gifts, in addition - “real” gifts (books, flowers, etc.), issued work books that can be given out to “hold” on this very day. Choose two presenters.
Host: We welcome today
Your young friends -
Those who are full of strength and knowledge,
Fresh thoughts and ideas.
You all chose the best
Among the many roads,
If you're going to school soon
She brought the threshold.
My first lessons
You have successfully completed -
And they taught me something
And they were able to captivate the children.
You are now worthy of honor
Called 'teacher'.
Here is the first tangible one
All efforts come to fruition.
Earned per month
Your first bread, labor!
Receive it and sign it!
Photo for us at such a moment!
Your first payday
You can taste it.
The first bread is much tastier
Than bananas and watermelon!
Here we have a replenishment.
Our business is not easy
We wish you patience
Infinite, at that.
Become your children's best friend
And manage to do everything:
Teach, inspire, force
And at the same time, you won’t get bored.
Yes, even if you had a salary,
So that there is enough for food.
And the surplus goes for travel:
To the sea, to the palm trees, to the cockatoos...
So that fortune smiles,
So that at least by miracle, but luck,
To protect you from troubles
The school walls are cozy and warm.
And now for you gifts,
But it’s not just like that,
With meaning. We'll tell you -
What, to whom, why and how.
1. To the teacher of the junior group - buttons.
Fidgets on panties
Sew on the button
And along the loop - onto the chairs.
You fasten your seat belt and everything is ok.
2. Vocal teacher - 2 ropes.
So that from the stage you captivate
Everyone smiles from ear to ear,
Here, take this remedy
And sew on the ties.
3. For the teacher-organizer - a collection of anecdotes.
Even if at a concert
This thing is in my pocket,
You can in case of a hitch
You reach into your pocket for words.
4. To the teacher in English in the most younger group- pacifier.
The kids will soon overcome
All English, but understand
That the pacifier is more welcome
Your little ones.
5. To an English teacher in the most senior group- a cigarette inserted into the body of a pacifier.
And in adult group pacifier
For peace of mind you need
But for a different age
She changed too.
6. To the history teacher - a soldier.
This is the beginning of the collection.
You will gather a whole regiment of them -
Then your kids
They will know a lot about battles.
7. To the choreography teacher - a mop.
If suddenly there is nowhere today
Give you a lesson
You can stay here.
There's a lot of space. Here's the machine.
8. For the button accordion teacher - a handkerchief.
Take care of the button accordion from damage,
If you get twos,
So that tears don’t corrode
And the furs did not spread.
9. For the folklore teacher in the junior group - a rattle.
For folk ensemble
Here is the most useful item:
And you can go on stage,
And a toy for three years old.
The rest of the gifts are suitable for teachers of any subject.
10. Dice with numbers (playing, but without a six).
Ah, grades! As it used to be,
A three is a lot, a two is not enough.
What to put? Don't torture your mind
Let chance decide.
11. Bag of peas.
If by your trick
The student disrupted the lesson
Then put it without regret
Put it in the corner, on top of the peas.
12. Stencil with a cut “two”.
If suddenly it’s commonplace
He will start handing out deuces,
Make this job easier
This makes them easier to draw.
13. Belt.
For the placed buttons
And hanging cats
Be threatening with pranksters,
Merciless and harsh.
These comic gifts can be distributed to other teachers, because Teacher's Day is a holiday for everyone. Presenter (continues):
Now it will come for you
And the solemn moment:
Get the most important
Your employment document.
(The director hands over work books to young teachers)
Host: But this is for your memory.
There will be light and shadow in life,
But try harder
This is an important day to remember.
(Gifts are given)
Presenter: Congratulations to you, colleagues,
Recognition and honor to you.
Be with us, be with your childhood
More than one academic year!

An event dedicated to honoring young professionals.

Gorbunova Natalya Alekseevna, teacher - organizer of the MBUDO CDOD in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region
Description. The script is aimed at adults age audience and will be useful and interesting to organizers of city events.

Target: formation of a system of work to attract and retain young specialists in the institution.
Adaptation of young specialists to the position.
Development of young specialists in professional activities.
Assessing the potential of young specialists.
Equipment: Sound design, banners, flowers, ribbons, loaf.
Progress of the concert program.

Fanfare. Exit of the presenters.
Alexander: Hello, dear friends!

Olga: Good afternoon, dear guests of our holiday!
We welcome today
Your young friends
Those who are full of strength and knowledge,
Fresh thoughts and ideas.

Olga: It seems that just recently the guys were happy about graduating from university, accepting congratulations and showing off their diplomas. And here they are - young specialists, for whom the road to professional and career growth.
Alexander: Youth is a time when everything is interesting. Youth is a time when everything works out. Youth is a time when all roads and paths are open.

Olga: But how to choose the right path? Who to be? This question comes to everyone sooner or later. One becomes a musician, another a programmer, a third an economist, and someone wants to become a doctor or a teacher.
Alexander: The work of a teacher is incomparable. The weaver sees the fruits of his labor within an hour, the steelmaker rejoices at the fiery flow of metal within a few hours, the grain grower admires the ears of grain after a few months.
A teacher needs to work for years and years to see the result of his creation. And there is nothing more joyful and difficult than educating the soul!
Olga: The profession of a medical worker is one of the most respected and responsible professions on earth. Sometimes not only the health, but also the life of the patient depends on the doctor and nurse.
Alexander: And we are very glad that the ranks of specialists in these humane professions are being replenished in Dimitrovgrad

Olga: In our city there are traditions that go back decades, and there are those that are still very young. Today there will be a presentation of another holiday - “Initiation of young specialists into the profession.” I would like to wish that it also becomes a good tradition in our city.
Alexander: We welcome our energetic, creative, unique, brave, young specialists, future Makarenkos and Pirogovs with applause! Let's meet our hope and support!
To the music, young specialists go to the center of the hall.
Olga: Dear friends, you have only recently embarked on this path. You are a fresh stream in your holy cause, young shoot brilliant ideas and aspirations. We wish you only bright days, and may each of your deeds fall into fertile soil and grow with amazing fruits.
Alexander: And ceremonial initiation into the profession is the key to successful and fruitful work of yesterday’s graduates. No initiation is complete without an oath. Young specialists, take your oath to attention.
Olga: To read the oath, we invite the director of the Municipal State Institution “Committee for Youth Affairs” of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Artem Anatolyevich Starostin.

The director reads, young specialists repeat
I, joining the ranks of young specialists in the city of Dimitrovgrad, solemnly promise:

To firmly remember and tirelessly put into practice everything that I was taught, is being taught and will be taught.
All: I swear!
Listen to the voice of reason (especially the voice of management).
All: I swear!
Patiently listen to all the comments and suggestions of colleagues (but do it in your own way and, most importantly, correctly).
All: I swear!
Take an active part in all recreational activities.
All: I swear!
Don’t give your colleagues a leg up, don’t lend a shoulder.
All: I swear!
Meet each day with the hope that it will be better than yesterday.
All: I swear!
Love yourself and those around you.
All: I swear!
Do not be afraid to put forward new hypotheses, ideas and projects for the benefit of our city, the Russian people and the world.
I swear!
Take advice from senior colleagues.
All: I swear!
Do not deviate from the chosen and undoubtedly correct path.
All: I swear!
I swear to strengthen and multiply your greatness, dear Dimitrovgrad
All: I swear!
I swear by inspired work and the ebullient energy of youth to create the present and design the future.
All: I swear! I swear! I swear!

Olga: Dear friends, let's congratulate each other with applause.

Alexander: The floor is given to the Deputy Head of the Dimitrovgrad City Administration, Irina Viktorovna Bakanova.
Speech by I.V. Bakanova.
Young specialist... interesting phrase. On the one hand, he is a specialist, and on the other hand, he is young, which means he is “green” and does not know how to do anything. You can say: you learned, work, gain experience, get bruises and bumps, a year will pass, another - you will learn. Everything is true if you work with technology, but with a teacher or doctor there are always real people. They can't wait for you to grow up and gain experience. They need you smart, kind, cheerful, wise here and now. It doesn’t matter to them that you yourself are only 20-23 years old.

Olga: And at this moment it is very important that at work you are greeted as a colleague, as a friend who can be advised, prompted, helped, warned, supported. And it is equally important to undergo an initiation ceremony into the profession.

Olga: The head of the Education Department of the Dimitrovgrad City Administration, Evgeniy Yuryevich Gribakin, is invited for the dedication ceremony.
Speech by E.Yu. Gribakina

Alexander: And the head of Clinical Hospital No. 172 of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia
Performance. Musical background. Tying ribbons.
Here we have a replenishment.
Our business is not easy
We wish you good luck,
Infinite, at that.

And we give you as a gift a performance by the choreographic studio “Suite” of the Center additional education children.
Russian dance "Ladushki"

Alexander: Each person has his own charter, his own life credo, his own recipe for happiness.
Olga: But the recipe for the labor bread of a teacher, educator, or doctor is special.
Alexander: Interesting. What does it consist of?
Olga: Let's take 2 kg of justice, a glass of sincerity, add patience, a spoonful of punctuality, a handful of unpredictability, mix everything with prudence, energy, and humanity. We will decorate all this with elegance.
P A loaf of bread is brought out to the music.

Your first bread, labor!
You can taste it.
The first bread is much tastier
Than bananas and watermelon!

Olga: Dear friends! The book of your professional life is still being written, and we hope that it will turn out to be a solid tome with rich content. But now we can guess that thanks to you, this book will be as kind and wise as you are, it will be imbued with the light of knowledge and warmth that you sincerely share with people.

Alexander: And it will not neglect trifles and insignificant events. This book will be worthy of your name!

Olga: And at the end of the first part of our holiday, we give you a musical gift.
Alexander sings the song “The Best Day.”
Olga: And now we invite young professionals to come and prepare for the sports program of our meeting. After a short break, we invite teams of young education and medicine specialists to compete.
Sports part. (Young professionals change clothes and take part in a sports event prepared by the sports committee)
Demonstration performances of athletes
Alexander: Hard work and determination never go unnoticed; they evoke feelings of respect and joy. All your heights are yet to come. There is no doubt that you will achieve recognition of your professionalism. The main thing is to never stop there.
You chose according to your liking,
The choice was made well!
We see great talent
We welcome you with all our hearts.
Today you took an oath,
Congratulations were accepted.
And at the end of our meeting, accept another musical gift

Olga sings the song “We wish you.”
Happiness, health, good luck in your work.
