Planting and caring for ferns in the garden. Garden fern - types and care for them

Fern is one of the most ancient plants on earth. He pleases us both on forest edges, and in landscaping gardens, and in flower pot on the windowsill.

Everyone knows the belief about fire flower fern, which appears once a year on the night of Ivan Kupala. Unfortunately, this is only a legend; the peduncle is never released, and reproduction occurs by spores. But still, a fern can perfectly decorate any garden plot.

Common Fern Types

Even in our harsh climate, flower lovers can choose a fern to their liking - for an alpine hill, for lush greenery in a flower bed, and for decorating tree trunks, and in a forest area the fern is probably already growing on its own. There are more than 10 thousand in the world various types this mystical plant. Not all of them are used in landscape design.

Female kochedyzhnik grows in swamps, forming hummocks. The feathery green leaves are collected in bunches with a height of approximately 35 – 70 cm, depending on the variety. Without a transplant, he feels excellent and can live in a permanent place for 7 to 10 years.

Male shieldweed – in natural environment it can be found in forested areas. Loves shaded places, reaches a height of 1.5 meters. On the reverse side of the leaf there are spores.

Common bracken is one of the most spectacular ferns in our forests. The decorative foliage of this species resembles an eagle's wing. It is not picky about soil; it grows well in both dry and poor soil without additional fertilizing. However, bracken is poisonous and poses a danger to domestic animals, but this plant will not cause harm to humans.

The common ostrich is the most common species throughout to the globe. It can be seen in almost every corner of the planet, except the cold north. So named due to the beauty of its leaves, which resemble the openwork pattern on ostrich feathers. It reaches a height of 1.5 m and has lush greenery. In spring, the fern leaf is rolled into a small cone-cocoon, and with the onset of warmth it unfolds and resembles a magnificent feather. Loves regular care and watering, responsive to loosening and autumn mulching.

All these types of garden fern are frost-resistant, are not afraid of spring frosts and, with proper shelter for the winter, can easily tolerate sub-zero temperatures.

Planting and care

Despite its unpretentiousness, garden fern, like any other plant, requires additional care. A well-chosen location will provide it favorable conditions for growth. When planting, it is worth considering that in nature the fern lives in the undergrowth, in places that are not too lit. You should choose not open area under the sun's rays, but in partial shade, in this case the fern will feel good even without mandatory fertilizing, including on poor soils where other plants do not take root.

For plants reaching a height of 1.5 m, the distance between planting holes should be at least 30-50 cm. Ferns are planted both in spring and autumn, but not too late: the plant needs good weather and time to take root.


As you can see, the basic rules for care and planting are simple, even a novice gardener can easily cope with them, and as a reward for your work this amazing plant will delight you with lush and rich greenery.

Externally, garden and forest ferns are very similar. True, depending on the variety, the color and length of the leaves, spreading and other characteristics of the garden fern may differ. But in any case, this plant is attractive and interesting.
Let's decide on the varieties.


Let's look at the most common varieties that grow successfully in middle lane. Undoubtedly, all these plants can take worthy place and on your site as an addition to various landscape compositions.


Maidenhair plant is one of the popular and most beautiful ferns, reaching a height of up to 30 cm. Yellow-green rounded openwork fronds (leaves) are arranged horizontally, forming tiers. Thanks to this, the plant retains its decorative appearance for a long time.


Japanese leaf fern is a rather unusual fern. Each dark green frond has its own direction of growth. This adds originality and chaos to the bush. The height of the fern is about 40 cm. The leaf is ideal for flower beds and rockeries.


Polygonal bristlecone fern - this fern is evergreen shrub up to 100 cm high. Brown scales are located on the central axis of each frond.
This variety got its name from the rows of spores (fern reproduction cells) and hairs on the cuttings.


A universal variety of garden fern familiar to all gardeners. Successfully complements the landscape of any site. Can grow up to 150 cm.
Graceful light green fronds resemble ostrich feathers in their structure, hence the name.
There are not often encountered, unusual varieties of this garden variety, which fit perfectly into landscape compositions.


The ideal place for such a fern is a rockery on an inclined surface or other landscape composition with stones. main feature Centipedes are creeping rhizomes, thanks to which you can set any direction of growth. Centipede fronds are usually dark green and dense structure.


This is a whole group of very interesting ferns. Nomads are green, red, spreading, growing upward.

For example, in the variety " Burgundy Lace» fronds the color of red wine. Undoubtedly, such a fern will successfully complement a landscape composition in which burgundy shades predominate.
For example, you can plant a burgundy fern near a barberry hedge.

Variety "Metallicum" ideal for flower beds built in partial shade. Silver, pink, purple and even black tones of leaves add mysterious originality to the landscape.

Kochedyzhnik "Dre's Dagge"- a creative novelty for your garden.
An interesting shrub with strongly dissected fronds.

Planting and growing

Seedlings for growing garden ferns can be purchased already grown or grown from spores yourself. Although there are gardeners who simply move fern bushes from the forest to their plot.

Where can I get fern spores?

  • buy in a specialized store;
  • ask your gardening friends;
  • collect from other fern bushes (you can even in the forest).

In most varieties, spores are formed on back side feathery leaves. However, there are exceptions. For example, in the ostrich bird, spores are formed on individual leaves, which are called “spore-bearing”. Usually they are erect, not tall, dark leaves located in the center of the bush.

To collect spores, you need to place a cloth or an unfolded bag under the fronds. The reverse side of the leaves must be carefully scraped, for example, with a knife or a hard brush. Then the entire scraped mass should dry for about a week.

During this time, many yellowish dusty particles should settle. These are fern spores. They must be carefully separated from large particles and debris and you can grow ferns in your garden.

Growing seedlings

The most best time for sowing spores it is the beginning of spring. But! If you do not have this opportunity, then any other time of the year will do.

A mixture of soil and peat is optimal for growing seedlings. Next, you can add an addition to the soil that is suitable for a specific variety (for example, chalk). You can find out about fertilizers on the packaging with spores of a particular variety or from a consultant when purchasing a ready-made seedling. If you collected the spores yourself, then do not add anything.

Before sowing, the soil must be disinfected and slightly warmed, for example, in a water bath. In flat pots or food containers, spread the soil and sprinkle the spores on top. Cover the top of the container with transparent film. For convenience, sign and stick stickers with the name of the variety on each container.

The optimal germination temperature is +23-25°C. At first, it is not necessary to water the fern spores, only when the soil begins to dry out.

After about 2 weeks, you will notice a green coating on the surface of the soil. This is where disputes germinate. If the plaque is too thick, then it is necessary to pick. It is optimal if the size of the spores is 1x1 cm.

As soon as the diameter of the spores increases to 5-6 cm, it is time to spray them warm water. In the future, this procedure should be done once a week. As a result, after 7-10 days the first fern leaves will appear. True, at first they do not look at all like fronds. Over time they will grow. Therefore, be prepared to make more than one pick in the future.

When the leaves reach a height of 7-8 cm, you need to remove the film from the container for a few minutes a day. In the future, you need to do this kind of ventilation more and more often. You also need to increase the frequency of spraying up to 2-3 times a week.

As you can see, growing seedlings from spores is a process that requires a lot of time, attention and patience. Therefore, it is recommended to clearly calculate your strengths and capabilities even before growing.

In May you can replant the fern in open ground. Let's consider all the features of such a responsible process.

Choosing a location and planting in open ground

Garden fern varieties grow best in shady areas. Therefore, immediately notice the darkest and “wildest” area. It is ideal if there is still a stump, stones and remains of trees in such a place. Then by planting a fern next to them, you will create an interesting rutaria.

Loose soil at the planting site should absorb moisture well. This is the main requirement. Therefore, choose a well-humidified place. Also take care of drainage (river sand). After all, water in the soil should under no circumstances stagnate and cause root rot.

When it's time to plant, you need to dig a hole and prepare the soil. Add peat and sand to the excavated soil (2:2:1). If you are planting a fern that you brought from the forest, then collect required amount forest soil. It is in it that the plant will be as comfortable as possible.

The hole needs to be well moistened and the fern carefully placed into it. The main recommendation is to try to retain as much of the soil in which the seedling grew on the root (especially if you are replanting a plant from the forest). In this case, the garden fern will take root well and quickly in its new location.

Spread the roots visible from under the soil well in the hole and carefully sprinkle with the prepared soil. Try not to touch the fronds, as this may affect the decorative effect and the root system. Lightly press the soil against the plant itself. And congratulate yourself - your garden fern is planted!


The most important conditions correct height fern is soil moisture. Watch this carefully!

In the first year, abundant regular watering is necessary, especially during the period of spring growth and summer drought. With each watering, it is recommended not only to moisten the roots, but also to spray the fronds with rainwater. After watering, it is advisable to mulch the soil around the bush with pine paws. This will not only strengthen the root system, but will also allow the soil to remain moist and loose longer.

Once every few years, it is advisable to thin out and renew the bush. Usually old, broken or no longer decorative fronds are removed. The main thing is to do it very carefully!

Most garden ferns are frost-hardy and tolerate our harsh winters well. However " Leaflet" And " Kochedyzhniki“It is advisable to cover it with dry leaves or peat for the winter.

As you can see, care is not difficult. Moreover, during the growing process the plant does not require fertilizing or other specific procedures. And pests don’t particularly like ferns.

Garden fern in the landscape

Due to its decorativeness and unusualness, the fern takes pride of place in landscape compositions. As described above, the plant fits perfectly into a variety of garden compositions: rockeries, rutaria, and so on. Let's look at options for using ferns to decorate garden compositions.

Planting it near a pond or stream at your dacha deserves special attention. Unusual shapes and rich colors leaves can incredibly enliven any water landscape. Moreover, you can plant original combinations of plants near the pond, for example, ferns, lilies and arrowheads.

It is ideal if some kind of water grows near a pond on your site. decorative tree. Then the fern will take root well in its shade. And you can arrange a comfortable place nearby to relax and protect from the sweltering heat.

Perhaps the unusual shades of plant leaves attract attention even more than bright and beautiful flowers. An ideal example is burgundy, pink and silver " Kochedyzhniki».

It is thanks to these colors that you can plan such a beautiful and original alpine slide that there will be no limit to admiration. It is recommended to plant several multi-colored ferns in different places in the rock garden. And don't forget about plants with yellow leaves.

Why not plant several bushes of this plant along the walls of a house, bathhouse, barn and other country buildings? The main thing is that it is a shady place - north side.

Of course, to decorate these areas you need to choose lower varieties, for example, "". You can also experiment and plant several different types of ferns along the wall. For example, you can alternate varieties of green ferns and flowers of different shades.

As you can see, you can experiment endlessly with these extraordinary plants. And every time new and new masterpieces of landscape design are invented.

The association with the word “fern” is always ambiguous. For some, something secret and mysterious appears in their thoughts, for some this beautiful plant is associated with lush green foliage, while for others it immediately appears in their imagination finished composition rock garden. Fern really is a wonderful addition to garden compositions. It can be adapted even in the most difficult, at first glance, conditions. This can be done with proper care and choosing the type of frond plant.

Types of ferns

Ferns have been growing on earth since the times when dinosaurs inhabited it. From that period to the present day, many species of this herbaceous plant have survived.

According to researchers, this figure is more than 10,000. Despite the wide variety of forms of this plant, it has one peculiarity: the fern never blooms. Entire legends are written about it, but no one has documented the fact of flowering.

Even considering the fact that the fern does not have a flowering part, people like to use it in landscape design. Here are some of the popular types of this plant:

  • Fern Adiantum - The most suitable ferns for the climatic zones of Russia are considered to be the Adiantum stopiformis and Venus hair ferns. The first subspecies takes root especially well in the Far East, in the forests of the Amur and Primorye regions. As for Venus hair, it feels favorable in the Crimea and the Caucasus near mountain rivers and reservoirs.
    Venus hair is considered one of the common species that grows well on private farms, as well as in natural conditions. It is distinguished by its openwork dissected leaves, which grow on petioles that look like thin wire. The leaves, like tufts, grow from a powerful root stem. Its height does not exceed 0.5-0.7 m. There are spore sacs on the bottom of the leaves; they look like dark spots.
    Adiantum by its nature does not like windy areas. The plant develops life to the fullest in shaded areas where there is enough moisture. You just have to highlight it for him right place and it will delight you with its appearance for several decades. If very hot days come, the fern needs to be watered. Watering is arranged in a special way - sprinkling. The soil should be slightly acidic and fertilized organic fertilizers such as humus or compost. A drainage layer is placed into the base.
    With proper care, the fern literally turns into a luxurious spherical shrub in just a few years. Landscape designers recommend planting it in rock gardens, along ponds, and in garden compositions along with navel and sedum. Some gardeners like to decorate the garden with ferns of this type directly in pots, without planting them in the ground;

  • Male shield fern- has a wide variety of subspecies, among which are:
    Austrian Shield. Favorite place of growth on loamy, moist soils. It has triangular leaves with a spread of up to 1 m. Color: light green. It spreads like a carpet on the ground, which is why it is called “Prostrate”.
    Amur Shield- gardeners prefer this plant variety for its high frost resistance. The color is bluish-green, the shape of the leaves resembles feathers. With the onset of frost, the triangular fronds die off.
    The Crested Shield is one of the most common species of its group. Can grow in any territory of Russia. Humidity conditions will be more suitable for it. It’s good if there is a body of water nearby.
    A perennial plant in maturity reaches no more than 0.5 m. It has a short but thickened rhizome, covered with scales on top. The color of the leaves is close to dark green. On their reverse side there are black spores arranged in a row. The leaves have an elongated shape. They are attached to erect petioles.
    In addition to the types listed above, for garden beds Suitable is the Scented Shield, which has a pleasant aroma and miniature size, decorative look False male shield, Sikhotin shield.

  • Bracken Fern- is extraordinary useful plant. It will always come in handy household. Many home garden owners prefer this particular fern. It has an attractive aroma due to its high tannin content. Due to this property, fern leaves are used to store garden crops. Vegetables, fruits and berries are laid on Orlyak leaves, then the crops are covered with them.
    The shape of the branches of the bracken fern is lush and spreading. The leaves are hard, three-pinnate. Its height is no more than 0.5 - 0.6 m. The root is branched and horizontal. The plant is unpretentious by nature and can grow even in the most depleted areas. Below, if you look closely at the lower pairs of leaves, you can see a nectary. It attracts ants. The spores are located on the bottom of the leaf, for additional protection its edges are curled;

  • Fern Ostrich- This species is characterized by vertical, erect leaves. They are quite dense and can reach a height of 2 m. The leaves grow in rows in a circle. In the center there are smaller ones - spore-bearing ones. Dark spore points are attached to their back. Root system underground, rapidly developing. There are several types of Ostrich fern: Oriental and Common. The common Ostrich is not afraid of frost, which cannot be said about the Eastern Ostrich. The fragile plant does not tolerate winds and needs constant moisture.
    The shape of the fern resembles a bouquet of ostrich feathers, hence its name. Gardeners often grow this species for its ornamental value. The leaves look great in floral arrangements;

  • Kochedyzhnik— there are several types: Women's, Chinese, Nippon, Burgundy Laze. All ferns from this subspecies are shade-loving and can grow in one place for up to 10-15 years. The soil must be well-groomed and fertilized in advance. Kochedyzhnik is not afraid of frost.
    Female Kochedyzhnik has green shoots. They are very soft to the touch and have feathery complex shape. The petioles grow up to 1 m in length. The root of the plant is short and thickened. The Chinese Kochedyzhnik, like the female one, reaches a height of 1 m, but the color of its leaves has an unusual reddish tint. The Nippon variety of the plant also has an exotic purple color. Burgundy Leys is shade-loving. The darker its habitat, the richer the wine color of the leaves. It is characterized not only by the reddish color of the foliage, but also burgundy color petiole.

Garden fern can be selected for any area, both for dark and saturated areas. sunlight. The same applies to soil type. From the many species, each gardener is able to choose the one that suits him: fragrant, edible, decorative or even medicinal.

Fern in the garden planting and care

Before planting a fern, you need to know some rules for the care and maintenance of this perennial. If you want to get ready plant, then it can be dug up in the forest. This way you will be sure that it will take root, since it was grown in home latitudes. But there are others available methods on cultivation.

As for the place where the fern is planted, it needs to be planted in wide holes, no more than 0.5 m. The part of the soil that needs to be brought into the hole should be from the place where you took the shoot. The fern should be replanted immediately so that the roots do not have time to dry out. Otherwise, it will not be possible to revive the plant. The same should be taken into account in the leaves. The stems should not be wilted. Do not separate the soil from the roots; it will be better if you dig up the fern in such a way that a lump of soil remains on the rhizome.

Growing ferns in the garden

Ferns can be grown in gardens in several ways: by separating a fragment from the rhizome of a growing fern, by budding, and by growing from spores.

  • Root separation in ferns it is carried out as follows. In the garden, in the forest or in the area where the fern grows, you find a healthy individual. An adult bush should not have dried or damaged leaves. Divide the rosettes at the root, transplant the separated part to a certain area in the garden within 24 hours. Try to save as many clods of forest soil as possible so that the plant can take root better. To transport it home, cover the fern root with moss. This way the moisture will remain in the roots.
    Plant the plant in a shaded area. Place drainage on the bottom and a small amount of fertilizers Ferns can also take root in poor soils. But watering should be plentiful at least for the first time after transplantation (7 days);

  • Budding ferns is carried out in autumn or late summer. Around the end of August, find a suitable bush. Bend the developed leaves to the ground. Sprinkle this place with about 1-1.5 cm of soil. Do not cover the main vein, leave it open.
    With the arrival of spring, several new shoots will grow in place of the buried shoot. They will need to be separated from the branch and replanted in the garden;

  • Fern seeds collected in several ways. First option: break off the leaf with the spores on the back side. Put it in paper bag or on a lighted windowsill until the shoot is completely dry. Once the leaves are dry, you can collect the spores and plant them in a bowl.
    Second option: take a knife, turn over a leaf of a living plant and scrape the spore-bearing sacs into a box, sheet of newspaper or some container. Next, dry the seeds and plant them in a container filled with soil (part of forest soil and part of universal or garden soil). Seeds are sown on top of the soil and watered from a spray container. Rain watering will stimulate spore growth. Next, insemination will occur, and only then small shoots will begin to appear. This usually happens on the 25th day after planting the spores. By spring, the fern is transplanted into the prepared hole. permanent place growth.

Planting fern in the garden

  • The plant should be planted in the spring. To plant ferns in a garden plot, a shaded place is selected. As an exception, plants can be planted sunny area, but it’s worth doing this with species such as Female Kochedyzhnik and Male Shchitovnik. After transplantation, these groups of ferns will need to be provided with timely, abundant watering so that the plant can develop comfortably;
  • The depth of the hole should be no less than the lump of earth with which you are replanting the plant. Add a drainage layer and a certain amount of fertilizer to accelerate the growth of phytomass;
  • When replanting, you can use three equal parts of compost, sand and peat (humus) as fertilizer. Further, it is allowed to use universal fertilizer for garden plants. Feeding should be done once a month from May to July. It is possible more often, but no more than once every three weeks;

  • The soil of the fern should be moist. This fact should be especially taken into account in the first week after transplanting a forest plant. Make sure that the plant does not “float”. An excess is detrimental to the developing root system. As you grow, also try to keep the soil moist;
  • The listed types of ferns tolerate frost and cold well. But Kochedyzhnik requires additional care. It needs to be covered for the winter. It is allowed to use fallen leaves, peat, and spruce branches.

Why does the fern dry out in the garden?

Despite the fact that fern is a perennial plant, any disease can lead to its wilting and, as a result, its death.

One of the common cases of fern decline is the gradual drying out of the plant. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect plant maintenance. Fern loves shade; only some varieties are capable of receiving sunlight. Perhaps this fact influences the drying of the stems. This can be corrected by replanting the plant. Insufficient moisture supply can also affect leaf drying. Before planting, it is recommended to prepare a drainage layer;
  • Incorrect watering. In the first week after planting in the garden, the fern needs to be watered abundantly. If you fill it with water, the leaves may turn yellow. If the fern grows in a shaded garden area, but the air is very dry, then it also needs to be watered additionally. For irrigation you need to use water without chlorine and lime;

Choose a time to periodically inspect all the plants in your area. This can extend their lifespan and the lushness of your garden. By following these simple tips along with the rules for planting and propagation, you will admire the forest plant on your site for dozens of years.

Fern is becoming increasingly popular horticultural crops thanks to the openwork beauty of the leaves. When carrying out planting work, taking into account the characteristics of the plant, it is possible to obtain a natural corner next to the house. Reproducing by spores, budding, root shoots, and dividing the bush, the fern does not form flowers. Decorative properties This plant is provided with dissected leaf blades that do not lose their color for a long time.

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    Features and description

    Ferns are representatives of the class Ferns - on Latin Polypodiopsida. This perennial, having a tree-like and herbaceous form, is one of the most ancient.

    Ferns do not have true leaves. From the buds of a thick rhizome with a brown color, openwork wings similar to leaf blades appear above the surface. In their structure, they are numerous branches arranged in an orderly manner in one plane. They are called preshoot, planobranch or frond. On the lower surfaces of the fronds there are sporangia in which spores develop.

    Fern frond

    The most common signs associated with ferns relate to the celebration of Ivan Kupala Day. Since ancient times, in this mystical time, people have been looking for flowering plant, under which you can find a treasure. However, finding a fern flower is impossible, given that it reproduces by spores or vegetatively.

    Types for garden landscape

    Of the almost two hundred species of ferns, many become the object of domestication and are grown on personal plots. It is important to take into account regional characteristics and select varieties found in a given area.

    Even suitable for keeping in a pot exotic species ferns. This is due to the possibility of creating the necessary temperature and watering conditions at home. But an indoor specimen will not take root in open ground if it cannot adapt to environment. When considering ferns suitable for cultivation in the garden, we can identify several species that can create a decorative accent in any area.

    Asplenium or hair-like ossicle. This graceful fern attracts with feathery evergreen fronds that form lacy thickets.

    Asplenium or hair-like ossicle

    Adiantum stop-shaped. After planting, a bush is formed that has a neat shape and a height of up to 60 cm. The yellow-green leaf plates with a slotted surface look great. They are arranged in tiers.

    Adiantum stopiform

    Woodsia is brittle. This low-growing variety of garden ferns thrives among rocks. The crown consists of fluffy, fragile fronds, colored yellowish green color, and reaches maximum height 40 cm. Can grow for almost 30 years in one place.

    Woodsia brittle

    Derbyanka or blechnum spicata. A variety of evergreen fern. Two types of fronds develop. Some of them have short petioles. Located with outside, they form a rosette. Others are painted in Brown color and grow in the center of the rosette.

    Derbyanka or blechnum spica

    Female Kochedyzhnik. The openwork fronds of this fern give the surrounding landscape an elegant look. The bush is dense and resembles a palm tree.

    Female Kochedyzhnik

    Brown's multi-row. The leathery, shiny fronds have a rich green color. They are united in a spectacular basal rosette and covered with hairs with whitish bristles.

    Brown's multi-row

    Common bracken. This giant with fronds up to two meters long is popular in landscape gardening. It grows quickly, occupying the surrounding area, so it is necessary to remove excess shoots annually.

    Common bracken

    Chistoust or royal osmunda. This is one of the largest ferns with leathery fronds that can reach a height of 2.5 meters. Prefers damp areas, creating spectacular natural corners.

    Chistoust or royal osmunda

    The bladder is brittle. Elongated thin fronds are arranged in bunches. They have very brittle brownish petioles. The plant attracts with its unpretentiousness and elegant appearance of compact bushes.

    Bladder brittle

    Common ostrich. Wayi by appearance imitate an ostrich feather, which was the reason for the name of the plant. The pinnate, spore-bearing leaves are located in a funnel of long outer leaf blades.

    Common ostrich

    Red rosemary. The original coloring of the surfaces makes this variety especially decorative. It looks like a noble bronze patina.

    Red rosemary

    The variety of types of ferns suitable for growing in the garden allows you to select plants suitable for specific conditions, taking into account personal preferences.

    Reproduction by spores

    Under natural conditions, reproduction of fern thickets occurs due to ripening spores. Therefore, this method is often used in cultural breeding, although it cannot be called easy. Process:

    1. 1. Cut off the frond with mature spores. The main sign of their readiness for sowing is the brown tint of the sporangia.
    2. 2. Place the leaf plate in a paper envelope, where it should dry.
    3. 3. A soil substrate composed of rotted leaf soil, dry peat and sand is poured into the container. The components are used in equal quantities.
    4. 4. In January, carefully remove the spilled spores from the envelope and scatter them over the surface of the soil, after moistening it.
    5. 5. Cover with glass. You can use transparent film.

    Mature spores

    The miniature greenhouse is ventilated daily. If necessary, the soil is moistened with a spray bottle. The temperature is maintained at an average of 25 degrees. The first seedlings appear within a month. The shelter is removed. Young shoots need to be sprayed daily with settled water.

    Fern sprouts do not have roots. They have female and male cells. Moisture is required for fertilization. Only after this process has been completed do seedlings begin to develop, suitable for planting in separate cups.

    Other methods of reproduction

    Considering biological features ancient plants, they use several vegetative methods to propagate ferns: by buds, rhizomatous shoots, and dividing the bush:

    • To carry out the fern propagation procedure by budding, a strong leaf blade is selected in September. It is pressed to the surface of the soil and moist soil is poured from the edges. It is important to ensure that the central vein is free from soil. In spring, daughter rosettes are formed, which have a miniature aerial part and root primordia. These tiny plants are carefully separated and transplanted to the prepared area.
    • It is recommended to propagate by dividing the bush when the last spring frosts have passed, or in the fall. Select well-developed bushes with several rosettes. You can bring planting material from the nearest forest. The bush is dug up, keeping the roots intact, and disassembled into rosettes, which should be immediately planted in the soil. If the fronds wither even a little, the plant may not take root.

    Some ferns, which include nephrolepis, form vines that spread along the ground. If you separate these rhizomatous shoots and place them in a moist soil substrate, covering them in a thin layer, then after some time a young shoot will develop.

    Rhizomatous shoots of nephrolepis

    Preparatory work before planting

    To plant correctly decorative fern at the dacha or area near the house, it is necessary to carry out several preparatory measures:

    • Selection of planting material. The main criterion for selecting the type of fern is the target setting. Low growing plants decorate well alpine coaster, rockeries. Tall specimens will fit organically into areas along wrought-iron fences. If planting material is purchased from specialized stores and companies, it must be fresh, elastic and free of dry parts and damage.
    • Selection of location. When practicing growing ferns, it is necessary to correctly determine the place for its permanent growth. These plants are suitable for shady areas where the sun's rays periodically penetrate. This could be the wall of the house on the north side, a fence, trunk circle tree. Ferns will not grow well if they are not protected from strong winds.
    • Soil composition. Although the garden fern is considered unpretentious plant, it is recommended to plant it in light soil with a loose structure. It is important to ensure constant soil moisture, but without waterlogging. If necessary, provide drainage from coarse river sand.

    Having prepared the site and selected viable planting material, you can expect the rapid development of openwork plants.

    Correct fit

    Held spring planting when the sun warms the soil well and the night frosts end. The area is first dug up, removing weed rhizomes. When planning to place several specimens in the open ground, mark the territory. The minimum gap between holes is left at 30 cm. The dimensions of the hole are twice as large as the dimensions of the root system. Prepare a mixture of deciduous rotted earth, peat and sand.

    Carefully remove the seedling from the container, the substrate in which is previously watered abundantly. The soil is not removed from the roots; it is transplanted directly into the hole. The same rule is followed if a forest fern specimen is used. Carefully, compacting each layer with your palm, fill all the voids with the soil mixture. Water a little from a watering can and mulch the surface.

    Considering that ferns grow quite quickly, they first dig a 25 cm deep ditch along the perimeter of the area allocated for them. Install slate plates in them and fill them with earth. This barrier helps limit the spread of roots.


    A properly planted fern quickly takes root. Caring for it involves periodic, abundant watering - about once a week, especially during dry periods. The resulting surface crust must be loosened, removing weeds at the same time. Replenishes the layer of mulch, which helps maintain the soil in wet. It is beneficial for the root system to use spruce paws as mulch.

    Fertilizing in the form of a mineral complex is carried out no more than twice during the growing season. It is timed to coincide with the time of active growth of fronds, as well as at the time of the formation of offspring. Starting three years after planting, thinning is practiced. This event is carried out after the snow has melted, removing dead and old plants. If necessary, divide the bushes to obtain fresh planting material.

    To prevent young plantings of ferns from dying in winter, it is necessary to cover them with dry straw or leaves at the end of autumn. Lay on top non-woven material, good air permeability. To avoid spring rotting of the fronds, the shelter is removed in early spring.

    Pests and diseases rarely damage the rhizomes and spreading leaf blades of ferns. Due to the humidity, snails and slugs can settle in the soil. They are used against them chemical drug"Slug eater." You can place coffee grounds under the bushes. Spraying with mustard solution helps a lot. To prepare it, take mustard powder - 50 grams, and keep 300 ml in boiling water for 20 minutes. Before spraying, add another 700 ml of water to the infusion.

    The role of ferns in landscape gardening

    The magical beauty of ferns allows them to be used in a variety of compositional groups. They perfectly decorate the area around the house or country cottage area, becoming popular elements in landscape design.

    By planting a bush of tall fern near a hillock made of majestic cobblestones, you can bring the charm of a subtropical corner into the garden. The necessary coolness will be provided by a miniature murmuring waterfall created using ceramic pots.

    Openwork sheet plates located along the street can easily transform the street surroundings. garden paths. Their mystery remains until late autumn, giving a picturesque atmosphere to the entire site.

    Ferns enhance the stunning color of a dry stream if they are placed along this structure made of stones.

    If you plant monumental varieties of ancient plants around garden bench in the shade of trees, you will get a comfortable rest area.

    The pinnate leaf plates look wonderful when located under the trees.

    Because ferns prefer shady places, they are often grown near houses, turning the site into a charming corner.

    Intricate interweaving of fronds reflected in the water surface garden pond, create an amazing feeling of peace.

    The magic of the shades of the openwork leaf surfaces of ferns gave rise to many superstitions. It is believed that when it grows on a plot near a house, family relationships become warm and harmonious. It is recommended to carry pieces of openwork fronds with you as a talisman against troubles and misfortunes.

    Considering the availability of fern propagation methods, they can be grown on your own plots, creating natural compositions of amazing beauty.
