DIY Christmas tree stand made of metal. Christmas tree stand made of two sections How to make a Christmas tree stand from wood

DIY wooden Christmas tree stand, drawings, assembly procedure and product description.

If we look at the isometric cross-sectional view of the stand, we can clearly see the structure of the product and all its components:

2. Base.

3. Fastening elements.

4. Glass jar 0.5 (l).

The drawing of the Christmas tree stand is shown in the figure.

Material for production: moisture-resistant plywood 20 (mm) thick.

Performs a dual function:

Serves as a base support

Fixes the position of the tree trunk relative to the central hole in the base


Guides and centers the tree trunk relative to the through hole. The diameter of the hole limits the thickness of the tree trunk to 40 (mm).


Hardware products from the standard GOST series:

Pin M6 x 70 (mm) for smooth holes

Cap nut M6


Instead of metal fasteners, you can use wooden dowels 8 x 60 (mm), which are installed in the holes of the parts using glue.


Standard product with a capacity of 0.5 (l).

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree stand made of wood - the procedure for assembling the structural parts according to the proposed drawings:

1. We cut out parts from moisture-resistant plywood along the contours indicated in the drawings.

2. Align the end surfaces in the parts.

3. Mark the center of the holes and drill through holes simultaneously in two mating parts “leg - base”.

4. Smooth out sharp edges.

5. Polish the parts and coat them with wood antiseptic.

6. Apply paint and varnish decorative coating, which will go well with the bark or needles of a forest beauty.

7. Using fasteners or wooden dowels, we connect all the manufactured parts together.

8. We insert the trunk of a Christmas tree or pine into the hole in the base.

9. Fill the glass jar with water.

The lower edge of the trunk should be at a distance of 5...10 (mm) from inner surface bottom of the jar.

Pour water just below the top rim of the jar.

As water is consumed glass jar, we are constantly replenishing it. To do this, move the jar as far as possible to the side, free access to the neck of the jar, add water and place the jar in its original position. Thus, the cut tree is constantly fed with water, the life of which continues for a long time, the smell does not disappear, and the needles do not fall off.

This is the kind of stand we should get for a Christmas tree with our own hands made of wood. This product looks good, and there is no need to mask it with cotton wool.

New Year's holidays always come “unexpectedly”. People prepare for them in advance, plan a bunch of all kinds of purchases and acquisitions, but quite often they forget about such a “little thing” - how to install. It’s one thing if it’s artificial and comes with a stand. It’s another matter when you bought a living forest beauty and brought it into the house. What's next? Sooner or later the question arises - how to set it? “Dad, think of something” - there’s no escape from this. But it’s not at all difficult to make a good stand in advance that will serve faithfully for many years.

How to make a Christmas tree stand

You can make a stand using the “bench” method. You will need four short boards (25 cm each, 15 mm thick) and two identical boards 35 cm each. Metal or duralumin corners are attached to the ends of short boards, which, in turn, are attached to long boards. In this case, there should be a slight indentation from their edges. The result is two small benches. They should be connected to each other. Small benches will act as supports for the entire structure.

The center of long boards is drilled with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the tree trunk. The end of the tree trunk can be additionally attached to the bottom board, or secured with a bolt screwed into the trunk along the axis of the tree. Main criterion assessment of your DIY Christmas tree stand - the Christmas tree should occupy a stable vertical position, and under no circumstances should it wobble. That's it, now you can put up and decorate the Christmas tree.

Instead of boards they are sometimes used wooden blocks. They must be the same size, otherwise the stand will turn out crooked. In both bars, a sample of material (rectangular chamfer) the size of the width of the bar is made strictly in the center. It is necessary to calculate the depth of the chamfer so that after the bars are placed on top of each other “crosswise”, the resulting structure does not wobble. If the stand has a tilt, then the chamfers need to be a little deeper.

You can also make a stand from metal pipe. Its diameter is taken based on the largest Christmas tree (usually from 5 to 8 cm). The pipe is welded to a metal plate that will serve as the base of the stand. If possible, the edges of the plate should be rounded to prevent injury to anyone. If the welding is done efficiently and ensures the tightness of the pipe piece, then water can be poured into the stand. At the same time, the Christmas tree will last longer and will delight children throughout the winter holidays. It is recommended to add a sugar solution or a little glycerin to the water.

As a last resort, you can use some kind of bucket. Sand is poured into an empty bucket in a layer of 10 centimeters, then a Christmas tree is placed in the bucket, leveled, and then sand is poured to the top edge of the bucket.

The indicated dimensions of the material are selected based on the height of the tree, as well as its “massiveness”. You should not forget that the Christmas tree will also be decorated with garlands. And this is an additional load on the base.

The Christmas tree stand is disguised different ways. Some people cover the base of the tree with cotton wool, others with gauze - you are limited only by your imagination.

There is not much time left until the New Year. Soon many will start thinking about installing a holiday tree. By the way, we talked about it in a previous article of the same name. But bad luck... I can’t find it old stand. We suggest that you do not waste time looking for it (you will find it later), but quickly make a new wooden cross for the Christmas tree with your own hands.

You will need:

  • bars (2 pcs.);
  • wood hacksaw;
  • drill with screwdriver and a set of drills of different diameters;
  • several screws;
  • a small piece of metal pipe the diameter of the tree trunk.

Let's get started

  1. First of all, treat each board well. Give them the desired length. Make sure that each end is level, otherwise skewing of the tree cannot be avoided.
  2. Prepare the timber for assembling the stand. Measure 0.5 lengths and cut a groove, its length will be equal to the width of the block, and its depth will not be less? thickness. Cut such grooves in 2 blanks.
  3. If you have PVA glue on hand, apply it to each groove. After it dries, additionally fasten the cross using self-tapping screws. This way you will be twice as safe from the fall of the tree. But do not drive the screws into the center of the future stand. There you still need to make a hole for the spruce trunk.
  4. After assembling the crosspiece, take measurements of the diameter of the lower part of the tree trunk. Select the appropriate drill bit and make an opening in the crosspiece. If required diameter If you can’t find one, make a mark, drill small holes in it, right next to each other, and the middle will fall out on its own. Install a pipe into the hole.

Well, this is the simplest one wooden cross DIY Christmas tree assembled and ready to use! Now all that remains is to install the forest guest and dress her up along with the kids. You can also make a metal stand, but we will talk about this in another article.

  • Even the most unsightly stand can be decorated so that it becomes invisible. Your imagination will tell you what to use for this.
  • Remember that the most basic characteristic of each of the stands, be it a wooden or metal cross, is stability!
  • Never place the New Year's beauty close to any flammable device.
  • Try not to leave the tree with the lights on overnight.

To install a Christmas tree at home, you need a reliable stand that can hold holiday tree. A convenient and reliable stand can be made with my own hands, which is what we will do right now. You can find a lot of options for Christmas tree stands online, of which we will consider one version of a stand made from rods and corners.

To make such a stand, you will need:
1. steel corner with shelf 40 cm;
2. rod 1 cm thick;
3. 2 bolts;
4. 2 nuts;
5. welding machine.

We take a corner from which we cut out six pieces. The length of the first two pieces should be exactly 6-8 centimeters, and the length of the remaining pieces should be approximately 2-4 centimeters. You also need to take care of the legs, which should be made of rods 20 cm long.

Thus we have prepared necessary preparations. After which you can begin processing. Short corners need to be bent to obtain an angle equal to 135 degrees. You can use a regular hammer for this. After this, in one of the sides of each corner you need to make a hole for the diameter of the bolts.

After this, you can start bending the rods. They need to be bent in two places. The first fold should be made approximately 3 cm from the first tip, and the second fold should be made 10 cm from the second end. The angle of each fold should be 135 degrees.

At this step, you need a welding machine, with which we weld the rods and corners one by one. We weld the rods to large corners, one rod on each side. You need to weld near the bends of the corners. After this, we take the small corners, which also need to be welded to the large ones. We also cook small corners, one on each side.

After this we should have two elements. It is clear that to install the Christmas tree you just need to squeeze it between them, securing these parts with nuts and bolts.

The main attribute of New Year's celebrations is the Christmas tree. Depending on their preferences, people decorate the premises artificial tree or natural spruce and pine. To install the latter, you must select a stand. You can buy it or build a universal model that will serve you for many years, and which will be able to hold trunks of different diameters. Making a Christmas tree stand with your own hands is not very difficult. To do this, you will need a simple and minimal list of tools and available materials. You can improve the basic design if you wish.


To make the stand you will need:

  • boards 5 x 10 cm;
  • eye bolts;
  • washers;
  • nuts;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal bowl;
  • hammer;
  • drill;
  • meter;
  • open-end wrench;
  • hacksaw or saw;
  • paper and pen.

Step 1. First, imagine what your project will look like. Draw it out on paper so you know what parts you'll need and what measurements you'll need to take.

Step 2. Measure the diameter of the base of the tree and the height of the bowl you will need for watering. In this project, the diameter of the tree was 7.6 cm, and the height of the tree was 2 meters. The height of the metal bowl was 11.5 cm.

Step 3. Cut out the pieces of wood. You will need eight of them. Four of them will serve as the basis for the tree support. Their length will be 46 cm, and four more are supports, the length of which is in this case equal to 22 cm.

Step 4. Fasten the supports and parts of the base of the stand. To do this, you can use screws or nails. In this case, preference was given to the latter. Make sure that your stand blanks form a right angle.

Step 5. Assemble the structure as shown in the photo. Tighten all parts with self-tapping screws. For this work you will need an assistant, since the supports must be connected to each other evenly. Please note that the dimensions of the gap you get should be based on the diameter of the tree. You can leave a small reserve.

Step 6. Using a drill, drill holes for attaching the eye bolts. Insert the bolts themselves into them, securing them with nuts and washers. If the calculations were done correctly, your design should ultimately look like this. You will need to add water to the bowl to help the tree last longer.
