Lifting rod for lifting frame walls. How to lift a frame house with a jack? Layer-by-layer wall construction

Any FORUMHOUSE user knows well that the reliability and service life of a house depends on the careful planning of construction. The foundation construction stage deserves special attention.

But sometimes it happens that problems with the foundation or building arise several years after its construction.

The foundation is cracked, the lower crowns of a wooden house have rotted, or the height of the plinth is too small, the structure has sagged and “sat” on one corner, its lower part is constantly waterlogged... To prevent the foundation from completely falling apart, the owner country house thinking about renovation. But this is difficult to do; the building is already standing on its foundation.

In this case, you can raise the house, put it on temporary supports, carry out the necessary set of repairs and lower it into place on the repaired foundation.

And because prices from construction companies for such services bite, then many forum users undertake to raise wooden house on one's own. And if we more or less understand how to perform the lift country house jack, then when we are talking not about the dacha, but about big house For year-round residence, difficulties begin.

Read on FORUMHOUSE how to raise a panel house with your own hands and what is needed to raise a panel house. See how a member of our portal leveled the corner of a house with a jack.

What kind of jack is needed to lift a wooden house

s uchhund:

– I lifted the wooden one myself frame house measuring 6x6 m. The reason that forced me to take such a step was the destruction of the old foundation and the desire to live “higher” from the ground, away from dampness.

The forum member’s foundation was an unreinforced concrete strip 30 cm wide and 50 cm high. 20 cm of the strip was buried in the ground, the remaining 30 cm were above the ground.

Due to the fact that the foundation was built in violation of technology back in the 70s of the last century, it began to actively crumble. Having thought about how to raise the house and drawn up a work plan to modernize the foundation, the forum member first purchased a tool: inexpensive jacks for wooden houses(2 pieces), with a lifting capacity of 8 and 10 tons.

Then suchhund sawed the wooden spacers from boards and timber of different lengths. Gaskets are necessary so that as the building is lifted with jacks, they can be placed under the lower rims until it reaches the required height. In total, the forum member sawed 100 gaskets of different sizes.

s uchhund:

“Having cleared the concrete debris, I installed jacks in the openings and began lifting. At one time I raised the wall of the house no higher than 20 mm, after which I installed spacers, moved the jack to another opening and again carried out a gradual rise.

While lifting the house, you can open the windows, this will protect the double-glazed windows from possible cracks.

The building was raised clockwise. In order to reduce the weight of the building, the forum member removed all the furniture and household utensils from it. In two days, the building was raised by 60 cm. Having raised the building to the required height, the forum member began to reinforce a new strip foundation, erected on top of the old one, the crumbling of which was already visible to the naked eye.

s uchhund:

“Everything that was left over from the old supplies from the construction site was put into use. I chose 12 A-III fittings as a working one, and 6 A-I fittings for clamps. The cross-section of the new tape poured over the old one was 30x50 cm.

To tie the two foundations together, the forum member drilled into the old tape with 6 mm anchors for clamps. He tied the entire perimeter of the foundation at once, except for those openings where temporary supports stood, which ended up inside the reinforcement frame. To ensure that there are still air holes in the foundation after pouring concrete, suchhund took plastic pipe with a diameter of 150 mm and sawed it into 12 pieces 30 cm long. There were 3 ventilation ducts on each side of the building. In total, the process of reinforcing the foundation took 2 days.

Read our article about whether vents are needed in the basement.

Then it was time to install the formwork.

suchhund, Moscow:

– I made the panels for the formwork from hardboard sheets, sawn to size 2x6 meters. For rigidity, I screwed 3 “twenty” boards, 2 meters long, and three “forty” boards, 6 m long, to the shields. I covered the inner surface of the shields with film, and for additional strength, I tightened the shields with steel pins passed through a plastic tube with a diameter of 22 mm.

As a result, after installing the formwork, the lower part of which rested on the old foundation, only the installation openings remained uncovered. Having hit the horizontal line with a level, the forum member began pouring a new foundation. Suchhund prepared the mixture - “self-mix” with the following proportions of materials:

  • 1 part cement M500;
  • 1 part clean water;
  • 3 parts washed river sand;
  • 2 parts crushed granite fractions 5-20.


– I mixed the concrete with a mixer. After pouring the foundation, I vibrated the mixture with a deep vibrator. This must be done, otherwise you can forget about a quality foundation. After the concrete gained strength, I covered the top of the tape with waterproofing and lowered the house onto a new foundation.

Read on our portal how to raise country house on blocks and in general how to raise a garden house.

Instructionsfrom our experts

Although suchhund performed the work of repairing and leveling the foundation very efficiently, the experts of our site, after reading this example, came to the rescue and gave some advice to the manual for FORUMHOUSE users who decided to do the “rigging” work themselves.

Igor Bekkerev,(nickname on the forum Igor3):

– I have been lifting and moving houses since 1984. It should be noted that the above method of installing temporary wooden pads is very dangerous, and here’s why. Gaskets must ensure reliable stability of the entire structure, otherwise the structure may topple. It is best to make the bottom spacers from concrete blocks, and use special welded trestles (bedside tables) for hanging the house. And it is better to pour a new tape not in separate blocks, but as a whole - as a monolith.

Drawing of a device for lifting a house with a jack.


– Imagine: instead of concrete cubes (blocks), there are steel supports in the form of parallelepipeds, welded from angle, thick reinforcement or channel. It is necessary to pass the reinforcement through these blocks, tie it, then install the formwork and pour the concrete. In the end it will be a single monolithic design strip foundation.

Welded pillars-supports, embedded in the tape, do not interfere with the pouring of the foundation, and the reinforcement and formwork rest on them.

It is important to remember that any mistake made when lifting a structure can lead to it tilting, sliding off temporary supports and falling. Among these errors are:

  • Rapid, uneven and too high rise of one side of the house;
  • Insufficient strength of temporary supports. But the building, while it stands “on chicken legs”, is also affected by wind loads;
  • Insufficient strength of the base on which the jacks rest;
  • Incorrect calculation of the lifting force of the jack, which is necessary to lift the house from the foundation.

Therefore, the lifting of a building must begin with the obligatory calculation of a number of nuances that directly affect both the safety of the structure (windows, doors, rafter system etc.), and for the safety of the “riggers” working under the house.


– They often ask how to raise a wooden house on jacks so that it does not fall apart. There is only one piece of advice - you need to understand where the vector of applied forces is directed. The structure can rise clockwise or vice versa. We make 3-10 circles (as many as needed) until the house rises to a sufficient height. I do not advise raising it by more than 350 mm, although we raise houses up to 80 cm, and with the use special technology and up to 1.8 meters. When lifting, avoid swaying the building. This comes with experience - you already feel the moment after which it will begin to lose stability.

Practice shows that to lift a frame house weighing up to 7 tons, 1 jack with a force of 10 tons is enough. The house will have to be raised slowly, gradually moving the jack along different points. You can lift the building (one side of it) no more than 3-5 cm at a time, working in a circle! At professional work 15-20 jacks are used at a time.

What kind of jack is needed to lift a wooden house.

Under wooden beams buildings are lined up metal plates. To increase the supporting area, it is more convenient to rest the jack on wooden pads, which allow you to increase the area of ​​support on the ground.

The horizontalness of the rise is controlled visually, at the tear-off points, using templates (cuts of boards), because The laser level is difficult to see during the day.

You can also lift stone buildings, but another technology is used, detailed description to which we will devote one of our next articles. The stone structure must be lifted all at once, simultaneously from all sides, otherwise the lifting will lead to the destruction of the building.


– Any house can be raised. It is difficult to lift brick buildings. The cost of such work sometimes exceeds the cost of the building itself. Therefore, if a brick building is not of historical or architectural value, it is not practical to raise or move it.

Lifting technology stone building the next step is to cut openings in the base for powerful beams. The beams are welded into a single frame. To lift a stone house, you will need several dozen jacks connected to each other by hoses or controlled by a computer. Jacks from 50 tons are used.

Such technologies are more expensive, because require more equipment, devices and skilled workers.

Almost a pro:

– To lift stone structures, professionals use many different devices, including a very expensive hydraulic station with hydraulic cylinders. Rolled metal is required I-beams, welding, set fastening elements, because A base of double metal frame is placed under the entire house. Therefore, the price tag for such work is appropriate.

Find out on FORUMHOUSE how (step by step) to pull a post out of the ground and how to raise a rickety brick fence using a jack.

Read our article on how to move a house.

Read our forum member’s story about how to raise a country house on its foundation yourself. FORUMHOUSE users can also find out how to raise log house on jacks without dismantling the floor. We offer you a detailed photo report on raising a wooden house and repairing the foundation. Watch our videos on how to redo a problematic foundation and how you can reconstruct an old country house.

Is it possible to lift a house with a jack without using special equipment? At first glance, this task would be overwhelming for one person. But having familiarized yourself with the technology and learned the features of raising wooden buildings, you can do such work with your own hands.

Preparatory work

There may be several reasons why a house should be raised to a certain height: destruction of the foundation, constant dampness of the base or an increase in its size, as well as replacement of the lower crowns of the house. To perform this work, you will need empty space between the building and the foundation. But first the house must be prepared.

List of mandatory actions before raising a building:

  • simplify the structure as much as possible - remove furniture and things;
  • disconnect the building from engineering communications– water supply, sewerage, gas and electricity;
  • make sure that the lifting of the building will not be hampered by foreign objects - tree branches, power line wires, etc.

After this, you can begin the main stage of work.

Materials and components for raising a house

You can lift a wooden house using hydraulic jacks. It is not recommended to use mechanical analogues, as they are not reliable. The load capacity depends on the weight of the building. For a frame house weighing up to 10 tons, two jacks with a lifting capacity of up to 20 tons will be sufficient.

Additionally, you will need the following tools and consumables:

  • Wooden slats. With their help, the height of one of the walls is noted.
  • At least two hydraulic jacks;
  • Supports for fixing the height of the walls. Most often used wooden boards and timber with a thickness of 5 mm or more.
  • Tool for making mounting openings. It could be a chainsaw, a sledgehammer.

The location of the supports depends on the type of foundation. For tape, it is necessary to install at least 4 supports under each wall. If the building is on pile foundation– the supports are mounted first under the outer ones, and then under those located in the middle part of the house.

Technology of lifting a house using a jack

After preparing the house for lifting it with a jack, you need to make sure that the walls are secure. First, control strips with markings are installed at a distance of 50-100 cm. Then mounting openings are formed for installing the jack. If necessary, the bonding layer between the foundation and the wooden wall is destroyed.

In order to lift a house with a jack, you need to do the following.

  1. Install the hydraulic jack into the installation opening. Its size should ensure the installation of support boards.
  2. In one approach, the building rises no more than 20 mm.
  3. After this, support boards are placed to fix the position.
  4. You need to move clockwise (or counterclockwise).
  5. A fixed amount of lift is performed on all mounting holes at one time.
  6. Without the use of special equipment, the maximum lifting height can be 50-60 cm.

After the work is completed, the foundation is repaired or a new one is poured, and the lower crowns of the wooden house are replaced. Additionally, it is recommended to check the condition of the support beams, and, if necessary, replace some of them and treat them with antiseptics.

It is important to follow safety rules while performing work. You cannot be under the building; all actions are performed outside the area where the foundation of the house is located. Before starting repair activities, you should make sure that the walls are securely fixed.

Upon completion of the work, you need to prepare the surface of the foundation for installing a building on it - laying roofing material, processing special compounds. Lowering the house is carried out according to a similar scheme. A jack is installed in the technological opening and the wall is fixed. Then some of the support boards are removed, after which the jack is lowered. The procedure is repeated until the house is completely fixed on the foundation.

Common mistakes when lifting a house

To avoid the possibility of partial or complete destruction of the house while lifting it with a jack, you must follow the technology. The lifting capacity of the jack should not be less than the total weight of the building. If this cannot be ensured, two are used lifting devices, working simultaneously.

Additionally, you need to avoid the most common mistakes:

  • Uneven and rapid rise of the house. This will lead to its distortion and loss of stability.
  • Mechanical strength of supports. They must withstand the loads of the greater mass of the building.
  • Bases for jacks with increased stability.

A different technology is used to lift brick or monolithic houses. A complex formation is formed above the foundation metal structure, the building is shifted using hydraulic system. It is impossible to do this at home.

A wooden house has to be raised to replace the lower crowns or repair the foundation. In this article we will talk about how to raise a house with your own crayfish using a jack, what to pay attention to and what tool to use. We will also tell you about the most common mistakes, which are allowed when lifting a house independently and their consequences.

What you need to know about lifting your house correctly

Wooden houses are raised different ways and for different purposes. However general principle and the algorithm of actions is the same in all cases. It looks like this:

  1. All communications are turned off.
  2. Prepare a place for installing jacks.
  3. Install jacks and detach the lower crown from the foundation.
  4. They raise the house and put up supports.
  5. They carry out repair work, for which they raise the house.
  6. The house is lowered, gradually removing the supports.

Disabling communications

When planning to raise a house, it is necessary to completely disconnect all communications - electricity, water supply, gas, sewerage. If you do not do this, there is a high probability of serious damage. In addition, it is necessary to cut all wires and pipes that connect the house to the ground. Otherwise, they will greatly interfere with the rise and may compromise the integrity of the log house. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the stove, because the stove is placed on a concrete foundation that is not connected to the house. It will also be necessary to ensure free movement of the chimney through the roof. If the boiler is installed on a concrete base, disconnect it from the heating system. If the boiler is installed on the wall, then it will not interfere with the rise of the house.

Preparing to install jacks

The method of installing the jack depends on the type of foundation of the house. On strip and slab foundations, you have to cut a rectangular hole either in the foundation or in the lower crowns. On columnar or pile foundations, strong wooden panels are laid on the ground, on which jacks are installed.

When equipping a place for a jack, it is necessary to prepare a flat and strong platform that will allow the tool to withstand the weight of the wall, which often reaches 3–5 tons. It is also necessary to stock up on metal triangular four-legged spacers (supports, bedside tables) with the ability to adjust in height (they can be purchased at any auto store), and wooden planks of various widths and thicknesses. It is advisable that the width of the slats should not be less than 20 cm, optimally 40–50 centimeters. Such planks can be made from boards with a thickness of 50, 25 and 10 mm, connecting them using half-wood jumpers of the same thickness.

If you are going to completely replace the foundation and grillage under the house, then you will need metal channels and corners to weld them into a temporary structure that will take the weight of the house until you finish all the work and the new foundation acquires the required strength.

Select places for jacks in such a way that the distance from the corner was 1–2 meters, and between the jacks there was 3–4 meters. Larger homes may require up to 10 jacks.

Do not forget that the jacks must be installed on the side of the lower beam of the casing (lower) crown. Therefore, first carefully inspect the house to determine the bottom beam or capping log. On the side of the upper beam, the requirements for installing jacks are lower - the distance from the corner is up to 4 meters and the distance between the jacks is up to 6 meters.

House lifting technology - Video

Once you have prepared the area for the jacks and installed them, place strong wood spacers under the top and raise the jacks until they rest against the bottom crown or wood grillage of the house. If a metal grillage is installed under the house, then it must be cut at the places where the jacks are installed to a sufficient width to accommodate the spacer. Having supported the house, disconnect the frame crown from the foundation or grillage. This operation must be carried out around the entire perimeter of the house. If you forget to disconnect the flashing in even one place, it will jeopardize the integrity of your home. If you only have one jack, you will have to raise the house gradually, using wooden planks and moving the jack from place to place.

Raise the jacks gradually and no more than 3–5 centimeters at a time and immediately place the prepared strips under the crown. Continue to raise the first jack only after all jacks have been raised. If something goes wrong and the house falls off the jack, the slats will prevent it from gaining speed and causing a strong impact. Whenever possible, replace thin planks with thick ones, and then install supports. This will keep the house from falling under the influence of the wind. The height to raise the house depends on what you want to do. If you need to replace one or more crowns, then the height of the house should be equal to the height of one crown plus 10–15 centimeters. To replace the crowns, you will have to move the spacers, changing first on some walls, then on others.

After all the repair work for which the house was raised is completed, it begins to be lowered. To do this, first lift it slightly and install slats instead of goats. Then they pull out the top bar in each support and carefully, one millimeter at a time, lower the house by 2–4 cm. After all the jacks have been lowered one circle at a time, pull out one bar again and lower it another 2–4 cm. If there is only one jack, then first they raise one side and instead of the goat they put a set of planks. Then the same operation is performed on the remaining areas. After this, they lift the first section, pull out the top bar and lower the house until it rests on the remaining package. This operation is performed in a circle until all the slats are removed. After this, the casing crown is attached to the foundation or grillage.

What tools are needed

When planning to raise a house, you need to prepare all the tools in advance so that during the work you do not have to run to the store for the missing tools. Here is a list of tools that will be required for this job:

  • a hydraulic jack with a lifting force of at least ¼ of the weight of the house;
  • strong wooden panels for installing a jack (only for pile and columnar foundations);
  • chain saw for concrete (for slab and strip foundations and reinforced concrete grillages);
  • various linings with a width of at least 20 cm each;
  • safety stands with height adjustment;
  • grinder with a metal disc (for houses with a metal grillage);
  • keys and screwdrivers for detaching the casing from the foundation or grillage.

How to choose a jack to raise a house

When choosing a jack, you need to focus on two parameters - power (lifting force) and shape. To determine the required jack power, calculate the weight of the house and divide it by 4. If the house is small, then it is advisable to use a jack with a lifting force equal to half the weight of the house. This is due to the fact that in large houses there are up to 10 jack installation points, so the tool will work without overload, and in small houses there are only 4 points, so the jack will work with maximum load.

For lifting houses located low above the ground, rolling and inflatable jacks with a board 50–100 mm thick and at least 250 mm wide placed under them are well suited. If the distance from the ground exceeds 30–40 cm, then bottle and scissor hydraulic jacks, as well as screw rack and rhombic jacks, are well suited.

The most common and dangerous mistakes

When lifting wooden houses, the following mistakes are most often made:

  • they forget to disconnect the casing from the foundation;
  • raise one side too much;
  • the jack is not installed clearly;
  • do not use gaskets between the jack and the crown;
  • pads that are too narrow are used.

If you forget to disconnect the frame crown from the grillage in at least one place, then when raising the house, there is a high probability that the frame crown will split, causing the whole house to shake. If this happens, you will have to caulk not only those crowns that you change during the repair process, but also all the others.

If you raise one side too much (more than 5 cm), then there is a high probability of skewing and jamming of windows and doors. In addition, lifting one side too much will cause the beams or logs to warp, which will force the house to be re-caulked, which is difficult and expensive.

One of the common and very dangerous mistakes is unclear installation of the jack. If during the lifting process it pushes through the soil or somehow changes its position, there is a high probability that this will lead to a shift of the entire house relative to the foundation. If this happens, it will be very difficult to get the house back. In especially severe cases, you will have to disassemble it completely, then reassemble it on the foundation. Using a jack without a “heel” - a spacer between it and the crown - often leads to splitting of a beam or log. After all, the area of ​​the bottle jack rod is small, but the pressure it creates is enormous.

Another extremely dangerous mistake is using narrow linings. After all, a raised house is in no way connected to the foundation, so even a small wind creates enough force to overturn the narrow supports, as a result of which the house falls from the foundation and is destroyed. To avoid this, it is necessary to use wide pads and welded triangular “goats” with the ability to adjust in height. Such “goats” are used to secure raised cars. When choosing goats, make sure that they have not 3, but 4 legs. Goats with three legs are not suitable for lifting a house.

This question often arises among owners of old wooden buildings when it is necessary to carry out major renovation of their dilapidated home. The task cannot be called simple, but you can cope with it yourself if you follow the recommendations and advice given in the article.


The process of raising a wooden house with jacks with your own hands is not very difficult, but in order for everything to go as it should, you need to thoroughly prepare for the work and act without haste.

It is important! In autumn and spring it often rains, due to which the soil becomes limp (and the groundwater level becomes higher), so the jack will get stuck in it. It is better to do the work in the dry season.

Interior of the house and communications

To make the structure as light as possible, it is recommended to remove furniture from the house.

You also need:

  • disconnect the water heating pipes from the boiler installed on a separate foundation;
  • disconnect the gas pipeline from the house (the work is performed by a gas service specialist);
  • it may be necessary to disconnect the power lines;
  • dismantle part of the sewer leaving the building.

A visual inspection will help determine what else is in the way - it could be trees, their branches, bushes, etc.

Tools and consumables

You can lift a wooden house (a four-walled hut) with one jack, but two are more convenient.

It is important! Use only hydraulic jacks with a lifting force of 10 tons and above.

Car jacks should not be used to lift a house - they are not reliable enough for these types of work. It is also not recommended to use screw jacks without providing reliable support - when the nut rotates, a strong rotational load is created on the tool, and it can turn and jump out.

In addition to the lifting mechanism, you will need:

  1. Wooden slats. Height marks will be placed on them, showing the degree of elevation of the wall.
  2. Boards or bars of different thicknesses. Will be used as stands for raised walls.
  3. Metal plates. Designed to protect logs from splitting (a cut of a channel or corner will do).
  4. Flat plates made of thick metal.
  5. A gas or electric saw to cut mounting holes in the wood.
  6. Sledgehammer.

Now you can begin the main stage of work.

Sequence of work

The process of raising a wooden house depends: firstly, on the type of foundation, and secondly, on the type of house.

Type of foundation. Pouring under a wooden house strip foundation or make it columnar. In the first case, it is necessary to prepare places for installing jacks under the house, and in the second, there is enough free space to lift the building.

House type. Under a five-wall or six-wall it is necessary to make a support for the wall dividing the house. Raising the four-wall is not so troublesome.
Now let's look at how to raise a house on jacks.

Since the work is complex, you need to follow the recommendations:

  1. When using a jack to lift a wooden house, you need to check the condition of the log against which it will rest - it must not be rotten and strong. If this check is not performed, then at the most crucial moment the thrust head of the jack can be pressed into the trunk, as a result of which the entire structure can become warped and even crumble. Definitely necessary between the log and lifting mechanism a metal plate must be installed.
  2. Depending on the lifting capacity of the jack, its dimensions change, as a result of which the supporting area of ​​the device can be very small. If this is the case in your case, then it is extremely important to provide a reliable site for its installation. It is recommended to compact loose soil.
  3. It is regularly necessary to check the position of the house to see if it has begun to shift. If a displacement is detected, work must be stopped immediately until the cause is determined. Then the house is leveled and its rise continues.
  4. You must not be under the house being lifted! You also need to make sure that an accidentally falling log does not crush your leg or arm.

Raising a house with jacks

Now let's look at how to lift a house with a jack. It is important to adhere to the following sequence:

Preparing areas for installation of jacks

  1. When raising a house standing on a pile foundation, reliable supports for jacks are made. A notch is made in the strip base.
  2. Near each support point, a sufficient quantity of prepared linings (slats, bars, plates) must be prepared.
  3. The prepared areas in which the jacks will be installed are inspected. You need to try to lift the house so that the lift “takes its place” - then it will become clear how correctly the preparation was carried out.

Installing jacks and raising the house

  1. The horizontal position is checked with a water or laser level. It is very convenient to navigate along the slats hammered near each corner of the building - they mark the lower level of the house.
  2. After checking and eliminating all defects, using prepared jacks for wooden houses, you can begin lifting the structure. The work is performed from one, lowest side of the building - using at least 2 lifting mechanisms, two people raise the house to a height of about 4 cm.

    The process of lifting a house with jacks and replacing the foundation - step by step video instructions

    Pads are installed (for safety, and the house rises another 4 cm (total 8 cm)). A set of pads is placed between the foundation (or a new support is laid out), and the structure is lowered onto them.

    It is important! You can raise the house with just one lift, but this is very inconvenient - you will have to regularly rearrange the device, and the height of a single lift will be only 2-3 cm.

  3. Further work is carried out on the opposite side of the house. Lifts are installed, and, just like in the first case, the house is raised. Gradually, checking the position of the structure, it is lifted to a height of up to 16 cm, placing new supports under the jack. It is better not to use the adjustable rod of the device as an alternative, since such actions reduce the supporting stability of the device.
  4. The sequence of work is repeated until the house is raised to the desired height.

It is important! Using lifting mechanisms (without the use of special equipment), a wooden house can be raised to a height of no more than 60 cm.

Now you can replace the rotted crown log or repair the foundation.

Preparing the house for return to the foundation

Even if the house was raised only to replace a rotted crown, it is necessary to check the condition of the foundation, whether it is strip, column or screw. All damaged or dilapidated parts of the foundation must be repaired.

It is important! Screw foundation has a limited service life. If at least one support is damaged by corrosion, it is better to replace all the piles.

House on a new foundation

Having completed the restoration work that caused the house to rise, it is returned to the foundation, on top of which waterproofing material is laid.

  • as with lifting, no rush is allowed during lowering. Each side is lowered alternately a short distance;
  • the next stage of action depends on what kind of foundation it was - lifts are removed from the belt, and the openings are filled with concrete.

All that remains is to connect the communications and, if necessary, seal the roof around the chimney.

Walls are one of the main structural elements of a frame house. They have a complex structure, require the use of several types of materials and require strict adherence to work technology during installation. In order for the construction result to please you for many years, you cannot do without some theoretical knowledge.

The initial stage of wall construction is frame assembly

The frame determines the geometry of the house, ensures its rigidity and safety. That is why it is so important to choose the right building material for it and follow the construction technology.

Bottom trim - material used and preparation for installation

A week after pouring the foundation, you can begin laying bottom trim. It provides support for future walls and connects them to the foundation. Most often made from timber with rectangular cross-section 150x200 mm.

You can choose between solid and laminated timber. Their main differences are strength and price. Glued laminated timber can withstand heavy loads, but its price is higher than that of solid timber.

Immediately before laying the strapping, be sure to check the evenness of the foundation. If the horizontal line is maintained, begin waterproofing work. For this, bitumen or roofing felt is used.

Note! If the horizontal deviation is more than 10 mm, use building mixture. If the deviation is less than 10 mm, planks are placed under the harness.

Connecting the beams of the lower frame and fixing it to the foundation

The frame is attached to the foundation using anchor bolts. Holes for them are made in the beams and foundation at a distance of 1-1.2 m from each other. Anchors must have a diameter of 12-16 mm and enter the concrete to a depth of at least 100 mm. Choose anchor bolts with a hex nut and a wide washer.

The beams can be connected to each other in several ways. Particular attention should be paid to the corners. The following connection types are suitable for these areas:

  • “half a tree” and “in the paw”;
  • "dovetail";
  • "root thorn".

The last two options are reliable, but labor-intensive. That is why in practice “half-tree” and “claw” joints are widely used.

Half-tree connection involves sawing out part of the timber. The height of the cut is equal to ½ of the thickness of the lumber, and the depth is equal to its full thickness. The “paw” connection is made in the same way, but the cut is made at an angle. As a result, the protruding part of the beam has a trapezoidal shape.

In this case, the beams are additionally reinforced with reinforced metal corners and 120-150 mm nails. You can also use a dowel - a wooden pin connecting the beams to each other. It should be slightly smaller in height and diameter than the hole previously prepared for it. This requirement is connected with the subsequent shrinkage of the frame house.

Installation of vertical racks

Vertical frame posts begin to be installed from the corners. To fix the corner elements on the lower trim, reinforced metal corners are used.

Racks on straight sections can be secured by complete or incomplete cutting or using the same steel corners. In this case, conventional products without additional reinforcement are suitable.

The cutting method involves cutting out special grooves in the strapping beams. Their width corresponds to the same size of the vertical post, and their height is equal to 30-50% of the thickness of the strapping beam. With complete cutting, the end of the rack is completely recessed into it to the selected height, with incomplete cutting - only partially. As a result of drinking, it takes on an L-shape.

Note! If you choose the cutting method, then the length of the racks corresponding to the height of the future walls must be increased by the height of two grooves.

The pitch of the racks largely depends on the pre-selected wall material.

Performing the top trim

The upper harness is performed in the same way as the lower one. Fastening the racks to its horizontal beam can also be done using metal corners or cutting. In this case, choose the method that has already been used when working with the lower harness.

It is important! The upper grooves for the racks should be cut strictly perpendicular to the lower ones. This will avoid distortion of the frame.

Each vertical post is not only inserted into the cut-out groove, but also additionally secured with two nails. They must be recessed into the frame element by at least 100 mm.

Jib bars - what are they for?

Jib beams are boards with a cross section of 25x100 mm. Fixed on the bars of the lower and upper trim and racks, they give the structure spatial rigidity.

It is important! Do not confuse long struts that connect multiple posts with short struts within a single vertical member.

The jibs are installed at an angle of 45-60°, cutting grooves for them in the frame. In places where they drank, they are additionally secured with two nails. For walls up to 6 m long, two jibs directed from the center of the lower frame to the two upper corners are sufficient. For longer walls, their number can also be increased.

Walls of frame houses - their structure and construction technologies

Walls erected in compliance with the technology provide a comfortable microclimate in the house, ample opportunities for decorating its interior and safety.

Layer-by-layer wall construction

All external walls frame houses- this is a “pie” made from various materials. They form it as follows:

  1. Frame fixed to the foundation with outside covered with sheathing material.
  2. It is covered with a layer of waterproofing.
  3. A lath is attached over the waterproofing for installation of façade finishing material.
  4. Insulation is laid inside between the frame posts.
  5. Cover it with a vapor barrier material.
  6. Install the internal wall cladding. Usually it serves as the basis for working with finishing materials.

The result is a multi-layer “pie” of the wall, which demonstrates high strength and insulation characteristics. However, the entire range of work does not always take place. Its completeness depends on the chosen construction technology.

Canadian and Finnish technologies for raising the walls of frame houses

Canadian and Finnish technology frame construction allow you to build a residential building from environmentally friendly building materials in a short time. However, they have one fundamental difference. It lies in the method of raising load-bearing walls frame house.

Finnish technology involves performing all work on the construction of walls - from installing the frame to vapor barrier - directly at the construction site.

Canadian technology allows you to further reduce the construction time of a house through the use of ready-made SIP panels. Usually they are a “pie” of two layers of sheathing material and insulation laid between them. The thickness of the panels and the materials used to make them may vary.

Note! After installing the frame, insulating it and covering it with finishing material, the wall thickness for middle zone Russia is 150-200 mm.

External wall cladding

Taking on a large load, the outer skin wall frame ensures the rigidity of the structure and its stability during operation. Properly selected building materials for cladding will allow the walls to maintain their shape for many years and withstand negative external factors.

Application of OSB-3 boards in frame construction

OSB-3 boards (OSP-3) are moisture-resistant oriented strand boards of increased rigidity. They are made by pressing and gluing three to four layers of wood chips. In each layer it has a different direction, which gives the material increased rigidity.

Advantages of OSB-3 boards:

  • The optimum ratio of price and quality.
  • Easy to process - cutting, drilling, grinding.
  • Suitable for using various fastening elements - nails, screws, dowels, etc.
  • Resistant to splitting even when fasteners are used close to the edge of the slab.
  • Do not deform due to temperature changes and various atmospheric conditions.

Main disadvantage– low vapor permeability. The slab walls “don’t breathe.”

Of no small importance is the fact that synthetic resins are used for gluing chips. This means that the cladding material can release formaldehyde and phenol into the air. However, stoves made according to European standards are safe for humans.

Note! The most environmentally friendly material is the one with markings E0 And E1.

Cement particle boards (CSP)

DSP is a material based on a mixture of wood chips and high-grade cement. To improve its performance properties, special additives are included in the composition.

Cement particle boards have the following advantages:

  • Resistant to moisture and, accordingly, to mold formation.
  • They are not afraid of rodents.
  • Environmentally friendly. They do not release harmful substances into the air.
  • Fireproof, belong to the category of low-flammable materials.
  • Retains heat well.
  • They have good vapor permeability and are breathable.
  • When covering the frame, a flat surface is formed.

In contrast to the advantages of DSPs, they also have disadvantages:

  • Heavy weight.
  • Difficulty in processing the material. Drilling and cutting require a lot of physical effort. At the same time, a lot of dust is generated during the work.
  • High price.

Fiberboard for external cladding

Fiberboard is wood fibers pressed into a board. As in the production of OSB, they are laid in several layers, in each of which the fibers have their own direction. Adhesive compositions do not use. Enough pressure, exposure to high temperatures and resins contained in coniferous wood.

What characterizes this material on the positive side?

  • It provides good heat and sound insulation of rooms.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • The slabs are light in weight.
  • Good vapor permeability.

Basic lack of fiberboard – low rigidity index. When using this material, it is necessary to install jibs and select rigid internal lining.

Covering the frame with plywood

Plywood is a sheet material made from several layers of veneer that are glued together. In frame houses correct walls made of moisture-resistant plywood have a thickness of at least 12 mm.

Advantages of plywood:

  • not afraid of low temperatures;
  • easy to process;
  • high compressive strength;
  • affordable price.

The disadvantages of plywood include its flammability, the presence of synthetic resins, and its tendency to chip.

Attaching the outer skin to the frame

Attaching the outer skin to the frame is done according to general rules.

  • The presence of a temperature gap of 3-5 mm between the plates (sheets) is mandatory.
  • Their joints should be in the middle of the frame beam.
  • To fasten the sheathing, self-tapping screws 55-70 cm long are used. At the same time, they must go into the frame stud to a depth of at least 40 mm.
  • Self-tapping screws are screwed in at a distance of at least 10 mm from the edge of the slab.
  • Fixation of sheets or slabs is carried out in increments of 15 cm - along the edge, in 30 cm - in the center.

Since you will be using a huge number of fasteners, stock up on high-quality power tools in advance.

Hydro-wind protection of the external walls of the house

The insulation in the “pie” must be reliably protected from moisture. Only under this condition will it be able to perform its direct function without deteriorating its performance properties.

WITH outside walls are used for these purposes superdiffusion membranes. Their complex structure makes it possible to remove steam from the insulation and at the same time prevent moisture from penetrating into it from the street. Low breathability makes this material windproof.

Note! Superdiffusion membranes are not vapor barrier material, and vapor-permeable waterproofing. This must be understood, since the vapor barrier completely prevents the penetration of steam through itself.

The membrane is laid without gaps on the sheathing and secured with staples using a construction stapler. When laying rolled material, overlap adjacent strips by 10-15 cm on all sides. Then all seams are taped with special tape.

Thermal insulation of walls - choice of material and its installation

Properly selected one provides not only a comfortable microclimate in it at any time of the year. Low thermal conductivity and proper placement of the material significantly reduce energy costs.

One of the main thermal insulation materials, used in frame construction, are mineral wool. It retains heat well, provides high-quality sound insulation, but is afraid of getting wet and in small quantity releases harmful substances into the air. Optimal density mineral wool For frame walls– 30-50 kg/cu.m. m.

When working with mineral wool, use of products personal protection Necessarily.

In terms of performance properties, it is superior to cellulose with special impregnation. It is not afraid of getting wet, is environmentally friendly and non-flammable, and perfectly fills all voids. However, you will have to hire experienced specialists to install ecowool.

Polyfoam – resistant to moisture and economical material, which does not release any substances and does not shrink. However, its fragility, which increases at low temperatures, and flammability make it unclaimed in frame construction. Much more practical and resistant to external influences is a “relative” of foam plastic – extruded polystyrene foam.

Any insulation is placed between the frame posts like this: tightly so that there are no voids left and gaps.

Vapor barrier material for walls

The vapor barrier is designed to protect the insulation from steam that can penetrate into it from the living space. Here we are already talking about insulation as a reliable barrier to moisture. Complex design walls involves laying a vapor barrier only on the “warm” side.

The most suitable option is a dense (at least 200 microns) polyethylene film. It is fixed to the frame using a construction stapler.

The vapor barrier material must be installed as tightly as possible. To do this, carefully glue all its joints and places where communications are laid.

Internal frame lining

For the internal lining of the frame can be used OSB boards(9 mm) or moisture resistant drywall(12.5 mm). At the same time, plasterboard is more pliable in work, but OSB boards give the walls additional rigidity. Their use for internal and external cladding eliminates the need to install jibs.

Oriented wood boards for interior cladding are installed in the same way as for exterior cladding. The technology for working with drywall is slightly different. Sheathing can be done in several ways:

  1. Attach the sheets directly to the frame posts, having previously reinforced them with horizontal beams with a section of 50x50 mm.
  2. Install metal sheathing along the frame in increments of 40-50 cm.
  3. Attaching drywall to a frame is the “American” way.

In this case, there should be no gaps between the sheets. The joints are subsequently puttied. Self-tapping screws are used to secure the casing.

Walls erected in accordance with frame construction technology are good basis for long lasting finishing facade and rooms. Being confident in the reliability of the “skeleton” of the house, you can enjoy the possibilities of its decorative design.

Video: wall construction technology from A to Z

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When constructing the walls of a frame house, they use own rules and technologies that are unusual for traditional buildings made of brick, concrete or stone.

Features of the material, the need for understanding and correct use physical processes that cause wetting and deterioration of structures, methods of assembly and placement of layers - all issues are important.

They have a significant impact on the quality of life in the house and its durability. How to assemble the wall of a frame house? Before starting work, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the basic rules and techniques that improve the quality of the assembly and protect against possible errors.

has a specific composition, including and elements, performing certain functions.

These include:

  1. Bottom harness. This is a belt made of timber or solid boards that serves as the basis for installing walls. It is mounted through a layer of waterproofing (tar paper, roofing felt or similar) onto a grillage or foundation strip. Coniferous wood is used, ideal material with a high resin content as a natural antiseptic that prevents rotting. Nevertheless, impregnation with chemical compounds is required.
  2. Upper harness. A belt of timber or solid boards located in the upper plane of the walls. Combines and distributes loads from walls and ceilings. In the presence of top floor acts similarly to the lower harness. It rests on posts and corner beams, connecting the perimeter of both a separate wall and the entire general perimeter of the external walls in plan.
  3. Racks. Vertical elements, the length of which determines the height of the floor. The material for them is an edged board with a section of 50 by 150 mm (or 200 mm), which conveniently combined with the thickness of the insulation, allowing it to be placed without gaps in one or several layers. Racks in the corners are most often made of timber or from several cohesive edged boards to strengthen the corner elements and provide a stronger connection to the walls. Between themselves, the racks are located at a certain distance, a multiple of the width of the OSB sheet, plywood or other sheet material.
  4. Ukosiny. Inclined elements connecting the lower trim and corner posts and serving to add rigidity to the structure, eliminating the possibility of movement in the diagonal direction. The material used is the same board as for the racks.
  5. Door and window openings . These design elements must be taken care of in advance, since finished wall cutting holes will not work. Ideally, you need to have ready-made door and window units to make openings according to the existing dimensions with the required gap of 1-1.5 cm on the mounting foam. If ready-made doors and windows are not yet available, the dimensions can be found in stores that sell doors and in window manufacturing companies.
  6. . For frame house construction Almost any type of insulation is suitable except bulk materials - expanded clay, slag and the like. It is most convenient to use slab materials - polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, basalt mineral wool, etc. They are relatively inexpensive, perform their functions perfectly, and are not subject to rotting. More expensive sprayed types of insulation (ecowool, liquid polyurethane foam) are used less frequently, although they are more effective and do not leave gaps that cause condensation and wetting of the material.

Materials and tools

The materials you will need are:

  1. Beam made of pine (ideally larch), with a cross-section of 150 by 150. The cross-section is indicated conditionally, the main requirement is that one of the dimensions corresponds to the width of the edged board for racks and other structural parts. Will be needed to make the bottom trim.
  2. Edged board 50 by 150 mm.
  3. OSB boards, plywood or similar sheet materials for plating.
  4. Insulation.
  5. Bars 25 mm thick for lathing.
  6. Film waterproofing materials: steam waterproofing membrane, polyethylene films and so on.
  7. Nails, screws, mounting brackets.

Note. This list intentionally does not include materials for interior and exterior decoration.


  1. Hand-held circular saw.
  2. Jigsaw.
  3. Level.
  4. Electric drill, electric screwdriver, stapler.
  5. Hammer, screwdriver, pliers.
  6. A set of drills, mounting angles, plates, ties.
  7. Tape measure, ruler, square.

Methods for assembling the walls of a frame house

Materials and tools have been prepared. Now we build frame walls: The construction principle uses two main methods. This:

  1. Permanent. Traditional option construction, used since the first days of existence frame technology. With this method The wall is being built gradually, by installing and securing in a vertical position all the racks one by one and subsequent installation of the upper trim.
  2. Platform. This option is in assembling the entire wall in a horizontal position and then lifting it to a vertical position using a special device - a fishing rod that resembles a crane. When using this option, you can get by with a small number of builders; some lift the wall of a frame house alone.

Standing method

Since we are considering the process of building a wall, the foundation and subfloor are considered ready, we are not distracted by them.

So, do-it-yourself frame wall: step-by-step instruction for self-assembly is given below.

  1. First of all, need to draw up a work plan, think through the sequence of actions in advance and put everything on paper. The plan must include a detailed calculation of all details, the amount of fasteners, insulating and insulating materials, etc. You should not be lazy to draw up such a plan; it will more than once help you avoid annoying mistakes or hitches during the work. You shouldn’t keep a plan in your head; your memory sometimes fails you, and the paper won’t be an excessive burden in your pocket.
  2. The site is carefully marked- location of the lower trim, openings, additional partitions, etc. It is especially important to maintain right angles and parallelism of the walls. Any mistakes at this stage will lead to the appearance of cracks, distortions, and other troubles.
  3. The lower trim is installed according to the plan and markings. The material for it can be timber or a solid board. Connections are made half-timber with bolts, screws or nails. Some experts do not recommend using metal fasteners, preferring to use wooden dowels. Opinions differ on this issue, since modern fasteners have a protective galvanized coating that prevents corrosion.
  4. Begins alternate installation of racks with a step corresponding to the width of the strapping sheet. The corner posts are installed first, the vertical is fixed with temporary jibs. The second ones are attached to the racks that form the window and door openings. They are made double to strengthen the structure. Then all other racks are mounted.
  5. The upper trim is being constructed. The upper ends of the racks are carefully tied together, and the accuracy of right angles in all places is checked.
  6. Corner posts optional reinforced with jibs. They serve to prevent the structure from loosening, absorb and redistribute wind loads on the walls.
  7. If you do not plan to cover the wall with panels (OSB, plywood or similar) on one or both sides jibs are cut in, reinforcing the structure and fastening the diagonal. The insertion is made in such a way that the part does not extend beyond the plane of the wall.
  8. A waterproofing layer is installed and. The protection strips are installed in horizontal rows with an overlap of at least 15 cm, with the installation of the rows starting from the bottom. The joints are taped with a strip of special tape. The material must be oriented so that it provides correct passage steam out and prevented the penetration of water and wind inside.
  9. . At this stage, accuracy and precision are required. No gaps are allowed. The joints of the insulation boards are glued with a special tape.
  10. Installing a vapor barrier layer for walls frame house from the inside. Which vapor barrier to choose for the walls of a frame house? For this purpose, one of many is used roll materials, such as a protective membrane.
  11. Sheathing inner surface walls.

Finishing work outside and inside the room is a separate topic, depending on the taste of the home owner, so we will not consider it within the scope of this article.


Assembling the walls of a frame house using the platform method has its own characteristics.

The fundamental difference from the traditional method is absence of lower and upper trims as such, their role is played by boards of the same cross-section as the posts.

Assembly in a horizontal position is more convenient, it is easier to control compliance with the dimensions, right angles and plane of the frame.

Important! During assembly, the squareness of the connections is constantly checked. Temporary jibs are used to fix the position of the elements.

To assemble the walls of a frame house The construction technology provides the following procedure:

  1. Produced careful marking of the site on the subfloor. Particular attention is paid to maintaining right angles.
  2. All boards are cut to the sizes specified in the construction plan and laid out in their places.
  3. The boards are connected to each other window and door openings are designed.
  4. The frame is completely assembled - the jibs are inserted, all connections are reinforced and secured.
  5. Attached waterproof membrane. Installation is carried out in horizontal stripes, starting from the bottom side of the frame. A stapler and staples are used. On top of the waterproofing for frame walls, slats 2-2.5 cm thick are nailed onto nails, separating the sheet sheathing from the membrane material.
  6. Wall frame sheathed OSB, plywood, moisture-resistant chipboard or edged boards 25 mm thick in a diagonal direction.
  7. Implemented lifting the wall. This is a critical step; you must be careful not to tip the wall in the opposite direction.
  8. raised wall fixed in a vertical position with temporary struts, with the help of careful blows of a sledgehammer, it is leveled according to the markings and finally fixed on the subfloor.
  9. Further work on installing insulation and internal lining is carried out in a vertical position in the same way traditional method assemblies.

Note: For large wall sizes and heavy cladding, lifting is carried out after complete assembly of the frame (item 4). Strengthening insulating and insulating materials and other work is carried out in a vertical position.

Fishing rod

When using the platform assembly method, it becomes necessary to lift the wall.

For this use a special device called a fishing rod.

A rod for lifting frame walls is a boom slightly longer than the height of the wall, with a lifting mechanism attached to it. One end of the arrow is attached to the subfloor, the other end is free. A roller is installed on it, through which a lifting cable passes, fixed at one end to the top of the wall, and the other to the drum of the lifting mechanism.

The initial position of the boom is vertical; as the wall rises, it swings slightly and tilts as necessary. To prevent the wall from tipping in the opposite direction, it is recommended to fix its position with tape, fixed at one end to the top of the wall and the other to the subfloor.

Noise insulation

What does frame sound insulation of walls depend on? Various factors influence:

  1. Type of insulation. Materials conduct sound differently: for example, soft types of insulation absorb sound better than hard ones.
  2. The thickness of the insulation and (or) the number of its layers. The better the sound insulation of walls in a frame house.
  3. Sheathing material, external and internal finishing.

Usually, sound insulation of walls in a frame house does not imply any separate layer, everything is decided by the listed factors. But sometimes modern materials are used for frame soundproofing of walls: for example, cork, sound-absorbing boards and others.

Rodent protection

Protecting the walls of a frame house from rodents (rats and mice) involves use of barriers such as protective mesh.

Deterrents can also be used: for example, red pepper or tobacco poured into a layer of insulation.

Attention! The use of toxic substances is effective, but it is dangerous because the dead animal will emit noise for a long time. bad smell, but it will be impossible to find him.

It is safer to use repellents - burning additives, ultrasonic sources, as well as mechanical barriers - nets, loose locks that do not allow the formation of nests and passages.

Useful video

Visually see how to lift a wall with a fishing rod in the video below:


Construction and installation of the wall of a frame house with your own hands - the task is quite accessible for independent execution with possession of certain knowledge and skills. The lightness of the material and ease of processing contribute to this. The construction principle available for frame walls allows construction works do it yourself at a convenient time and save money.

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At a certain stage of building a frame house, the builders who assembled the wall using the “platform” method are faced with the question: how to lift and place the finished wall vertically? This problem is especially relevant for those who have few or no helpers. What devices will help raise a frame wall? There is a device for this, and we will talk about it in this article.

Step-by-step instructions for raising a wall

Experience suggests that a wall 6 meters long can be easily erected by two people. To do this, you must follow all the steps of this process correctly:

1. Temporary jibs are attached to the finished wall, which is in the “lying” position, on both sides. They are needed to hold the wall upright after it has been lifted. You can also use them to hold the wall while climbing.

2. Using an ax or other tool, the wall is raised, and pieces of boards are placed under it as support. A rack jack can also be used for lifting.

3. Now the wall is picked up and raised with your hands to a vertical position. It must be remembered that at the very beginning the rise should be fast, and closer to installation it should be slowed down so that the wall does not tip outward.

4. After lifting, the position of the wall is leveled using a suspension or level and temporary jibs are immediately nailed.

5. Using available tools - a hammer and a sledgehammer, the wall is leveled along the chalk markings on the subfloor.

If the wall is large and there is a possibility, then a good helper may be crane or manipulator.

Wall lifting device

You can lift the wall using a winch, which is installed on metal or wooden “fishing rods”. Depending on the length of the wall, one or two winches are used, attached with a cable to the top frame in places where there are no doors or window openings, and the lower part - to the floor joists.

The first is called “balloon” and the second is called “platform”. Balloon, an ancient and traditional method, when the wall is assembled stand by column, that is, each stand is placed vertically separately, then the remaining elements. In the 20th century, in the USA, the balloon was almost completely replaced by the “platform”, when the wall is assembled “lying” on the ceiling, and then raised vertically as a solid, finished section.

But the topic of this note is not how these two technologies differ and which is better. At one time, there was a lot of controversy at the farm about the fact that the platform was inconvenient precisely because in order to lift a fairly heavy piece of the wall and place it vertically, the involvement of several people was required.

In reality, when building from a dry board, 2 people can quite easily lift 6 meter wall(if it is not covered with slabs). That is, 2-3 people, as a rule, are always enough so that the question “how to raise a wall when building on a platform” does not worry you.

However, sometimes it happens that there is nowhere to take extra hands, or the wall is much heavier (longer, lined with heavy slabs, etc.)

In such cases, the following device comes to the rescue

“Fishing Rod” for lifting frame walls

Like many other things, the fishing rod was spotted at American construction sites. The truth is in an “industrial” version. Here is a video that shows both the fishing rod itself and the principle of its operation

True, there are more fun ways

Of course, the inquisitive Russian mind immediately decided to master the principle of the “fishing rod” and how it can be “collectively farmed” right at a construction site. Moreover, the principle itself has no secrets:

Industrial fishing rod design

In fact, everything can be done even simpler, and except for the cable, manual winch and a couple of rollers, you basically don’t even need to buy anything.

Fishing rod from Vladimir

Fishing rod from Vladimir

Fishing rod from Vladimir

Example of work

Actually, there is nothing more to add, except perhaps a short video about the operation of this homemade fishing rod.

Although no, there is still something to add. Take your time to make a fishing rod! I repeat - 2-3 people in 90% of cases will be enough to lift a section of the wall. So try it first, and then decide whether you need a fishing rod or not. I can say that for me personally, the winch, purchased specifically for this purpose, remained in the box.
