Crafts from plastic bottles flowers. DIY flowers from plastic bottles. TOP best ideas with photos. Crafts from plastic bottles for the playground

at 05/28/2017 148,580 Views

You can make many useful things for your garden and dacha from plastic bottles

While lovingly arranging our city dwellings, we are no less touching about our summer cottages. We try to ennoble them, create comfortable conditions for ourselves and place them in even rows of beds and berry bushes special notes of attractiveness. Many summer residents have chosen the most accessible and flexible material for their creative experiments - ordinary plastic bottles. We will talk further about what products can be made from it for the garden and dacha!

  • House made of plastic bottles
  • Country crafts from plastic bottles step by step: palm tree made from plastic bottles
  • Plastic crafts: some tips
  • Master class from plastic bottles step by step

Wonderful hanging cactus pots made from plastic bottles

Resourcefulness in ways to place many plants in the garden area

Plastic bottles in in capable hands will be a wonderful decoration for your landscape

Beautiful flower made from plastic caps

Crafts from plastic bottles step by step: from flower pots to fairy-tale towers

Manufacturing idea useful devices and decorative things made from plastic containers are not new. The first attempts led our grandparents to build low fences for paths. Having appreciated the plasticity and low cost of the material, craftsmen from among the people moved on. And now the summer cottages have been decorated with full-fledged fences, funny figures and unusual devices from plastic bottles.

Your children will definitely like this beautiful ostrich from a pet container!

Thanks to imagination and such excellent material as plastic bottles, we have almost limitless possibilities for creating crafts for every taste, any complexity and direction

Paintings made from the caps of plastic bottles and other containers have grown into an entire art movement.

Plastic bottles have long been in great demand among gardeners

Gorgeous orange flowers from pet containers

Crafts and decorations for the cottage and garden made from plastic bottles do not require the use of complex tools and specialized skills. The main thing is to have time and desire, as well as enough material. Those who have had both have convincingly proven the limitless possibilities of such needlework, and we have prepared a review best examples crafts.

DIY furniture, flowerpots and a vase made from a plastic bottle

Comfortable and very stylish chair made from plastic bottles

A sheet of plywood, sixteen one and a half liter bottles, adhesive tape - and your site will have a comfortable and durable coffee table. Plywood can be replaced with plastic or hardboard, an old countertop or plexiglass. From the same materials, slightly changing the design, you can make a garden bench. Some diligent and patient craftsmen manage to assemble full-fledged sofas and armchairs from bottles.

You can even make the basis for a full-fledged sofa from plastic bottles if you fasten them firmly and carefully

Hanging flowerpot or base for flowerpots

DIY ottoman made from plastic bottles

How to make a pouf from pet containers

House made of plastic bottles

Among the summer residents there are also real builders who know that they can build whatever their heart desires from plastic bottles. They collect gazebos, toilets, sheds and even from plastic bottles. The only difficulty with such structures is not in their assembly, but in collecting the required number of bottles.

House with a roof made of 7,000 bottles

Plastic bottles are a good base material for building the walls of a summer house, greenhouse, shower, toilet or other partitions

Greenhouse walls made of containers on a wooden frame

Bottoms from plastic bottles will help you decorate garlands for the garden

Children's playground: flowers made from plastic bottles and toys made from plastic bottles

Crafts made from plastic bottles will help decorate the playground

All kinds of crafts made from plastic bottles are especially attractive for decorating a children's playground. Absolutely safe, they can become the basis for toys, fun decorations, and for creating story compositions. Funny elephants, bees, bunnies and hedgehogs, bright flowers, cheerful lanterns will turn the country island of childhood into a fairy-tale kingdom.

A whole plot for a children's playground from the caps of plastic bottles and canisters

Together with children, you can make small crafts and large plot mosaics from the caps of plastic bottles

Plastic bottle doll

Examples of a variety of crafts that will help the gardener with placement, easy transportation and care of plants

Piglets from the big ones plastic bottles– stable stands for germinating seedlings or small plants

Craft for garden or lawn decor: parrot from pet container

Crafts for the garden and useful little things

Multi-colored turtles will be an excellent element of your garden decor.

With what ease the “crazy” hands of summer residents transform used plastic containers into useful summer cottage devices, you can see by walking through suburban areas. Here, on the trunk of a tree, a washbasin was nestled comfortably, and in the next yard, the gazebo was decorated with multi-colored, fragrant and ampelous geranium. We have also prepared for you several descriptions of crafts made from plastic bottles for the garden.

DIY bird made from plastic bottles

DIY painted garden owl lanterns

Birdhouse made from a plastic bottle

It’s very easy to make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle

Plastic bottles cut in half will become cute flower pots; it is important to carefully paint them. It is also advisable to take opaque bottles for this.

The ever-tangling and stuck twine for tying seedlings will stop tormenting you if you hide the ball in a plastic bottle. Just cut the bottle in the middle, insert a ball into the top, pass the end of the twine into the neck, connect the parts, secure the cut with tape - and your convenient storage is ready.

Drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Your seedlings will not wither, even if you go away for several days: install semi-automatic watering. Once again, plastic bottles come into play. We cut off the bottom of the bottle, about 2/3, drill 4-8 holes in the cork, close the neck, bury the bottle upside down, pour water - and the seedlings are provided with moisture during your absence. A similar garden made from plastic bottles (photo confirms this) will significantly save your time and money.

Automatic watering "Aquasolo" - these are conical nozzles on a bottle with a thread that do not require wasting time on drilling slots, digging into the ground, and so on.

Anthurium with convenient system automatic watering"Aquasolo"

Maximum space saving: plastic bottles suspended one above the other with a cut tube with water passing through them

  • For the same seedlings, plastic bottles make excellent containers. After cutting the bottle in half and taking the bottom, pour the prepared substrate into it, plant the plants and place them on a shelf made of wooden planks. This design is also suitable for decorating your home with flowers.

Beautiful hanging pots made from plastic bottles will not only decorate the interior, but also make it unique

Excellent flowerpot made from a shampoo bottle with your own hands

Arrangement of compact placement of seedlings or small plants at the dacha

Bird feeder made from a plastic bottle

Some crafts made from plastic bottles for the garden amaze the owners with their ingenuity. By placing a bottle on a hose and making many holes in the bottom, you will get an excellent diffuser for watering your garden. From a five-liter container you can build an elegant lamp for the veranda, and a mineral water container is suitable as a bird feeder.

Bird feeder made of plastic container

A simple and convenient hose sprayer for garden watering

  • Plastic bottles will help you save trees from pests. Cut the bottle lengthwise into two halves, fill it with a mixture that is attractive to pests and add insecticides, and bury it at the base of the trunk.
  • From bottles you can make a magnificent decorative all-weather and all-season flower bed. Just paint the bottoms of the bottles in different colors and make a wonderful carpet out of them by sticking them open side into the ground. The carpet pattern can be pre-reproduced on paper.

Decorating flower beds with pet containers has become very popular

  • One Brazilian engineer did the calculations and built a solar collector from plastic bottles. The structure can be placed on a summer cottage, connected to a storage tank, and you will always have a warm shower.

Construction of a solar collector made of plastic bottles

Automatic watering of seedlings and ornamental plants in your absence, using a plastic bottle dug next to the roots with small holes drilled in the neck or cap

Suspended one above the other, cut plastic containers– the fastest and most economical way out of a situation when you need to germinate a lot of seedlings in a limited space

Making an owl from a plastic bottle with your own hands

Bottles for germination and winter holding of plants - an opportunity to save space and ensure good irrigation and drainage

Products made from plastic bottles: artistic masterpieces

Magnificent dandelions from pet containers will never cease to delight you and your guests

The imagination of folk craftsmen is so diverse that it leads to the appearance of outlandish animals, fairy tale and cartoon characters, and exotic plants, and original thematic compositions.

We cover the bottom of a plastic bottle or cup with dry twigs and get an unusual candlestick, protected from the wind.

Rainbow decor for a garden, workshop, garage: a fountain of spirals cut from multi-colored plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are used not only to decorate the garden, but also to decorate the home.

Country crafts from plastic bottles:

If you have a small pond on your site, you can decorate it with a plastic palm tree. It's not at all difficult to make. You will need:

  • 10-15 brown plastic bottles (for the palm trunk);
  • 5-6 green bottles (preferably long);
  • iron or willow rod;
  • an awl or drill for making holes;
  • sharp knife or scissors for cutting bottles.

A palm tree made from plastic bottles looks very beautiful

Now let's start making the decoration.

  • Cut all the brown bottles in half. We take the lower parts and use an awl to make holes in the bottom of each of them, equal in size to the diameter of the rod.

Advice! You can also take the tops of the bottles, then you won’t have to make additional holes.

  • For green bottles, cut off the bottom by about 1 cm. Leave one of the blanks with a neck, cut it off for the rest to make a loop.
  • Carefully cut the green bottles lengthwise into three equal parts up to the loop.

Making palm leaves

  • We cut out the edges of the brown parts with jagged edges to create an imitation of a rough palm tree trunk.
  • We securely fix the rod in the soil. We calculate the length of the rod by laying out the brown parts on the ground in one row, plus 2-3 cm for the leaves.

We put brown bottles on it.

Making a trunk for a palm tree

  • We string our leaves onto the free top of the rod, finishing the work with a blank with a neck. We make a hole in the lid and screw it onto the last sheet, securely securing the entire crown.

Connection of trunk and leaves

Assembling a palm tree from plastic bottles

Using several rods of different lengths, you can create a real oasis. As you can see, making garden crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands is not so difficult; the main thing is to find a sufficient amount of material and take one of the proposed ideas as a basis.

Step-by-step guide: making fabric pots on bases from plastic bottles.

Hedgehog from a plastic bottle and twine rope: growing seedlings and small creeping plants

Crafts for the garden from plastic bottle caps

You can create real masterpieces from plastic lids

Don't throw away bottle caps. Decorative crafts made from caps from plastic bottles for the cottage and garden can also be beautifully integrated into its landscape. They will serve as an excellent mosaic material for decorating fences and walls of a country house.

Bright compositions made from plastic lids will help make your landscape design more fun.

Video master class (from plastic bottles of standard capacity):

A path made of plastic covers is not only economical, but also very beautiful

Large-scale red and blue mosaic of caps of different sizes

Having tinkered a little with the pattern, painted and drilled holes in the sides of the covers, you can use them to assemble a curtain for the door. Great option protection from insects!

Lids can also be turned into beautiful tabletop, and into a practical doormat. Use them for decorative finishing internal space.

Gorgeous door curtains made from plastic covers

Carport that diffuses sunlight

Beautiful lanterns in Hawaiian style

Before starting work, remove the labels from the bottles and wash the container thoroughly.

For stability of vertical structures, fill the bottles with sand or small pebbles.

Dragonflies made from corrugated plastic bottles

An ingenious device for collecting fruit from trees

Hanging pots made from pet containers with images of animals will fit perfectly into the interior of a children's room

Choose plastic bottles of different softness for crafts. For example, for the body of a dog or elephant, take a strong base, but for the ears it is better to use softer plastic.

Master class from plastic bottles (step by step):


How do you think, what can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle, which invariably goes into the trash bin after its contents are used? Don’t be surprised, even from such a thing that seems just garbage, you can make something useful and beautiful (various animals, birds, butterflies, vases, plastic palm trees And flowers, which will be discussed in this material). This seemingly simple task will get rid of garbage and help decorate the environment around us. Plastic bottles - these are unlimited possibilities for imagination and scope for creativity. Next, we will talk about how to create plastic flowers from bottles - below we have posted master classes on making daisies, lilies of the valley, water lilies and other plastic crafts for children and adults. Plastic bottles can rightfully be considered an ideal material for a wide variety of crafts.

Every day we are surrounded by many different plastic bottles - small and large, transparent and colored, from juice, kefir, yogurt, drinking water, sweet soda, bottles of creams and shampoos. At first glance, it is not clear what you can make from a plastic bottle with your own hands. , but you just need to use a little imagination, and you will create useful household things from unnecessary bottles, and maybe even whole masterpieces with your own hands.
Most people don't leave extra plastic containers around the house; they throw them away immediately after use. They are doing it in vain! Even like this unnecessary things, more like garbage, you can find a truly worthy use. Most
a well-known and popular type of crafts now - making flowers from scrap materials. For this, old threads can be used, and flower pots, kitchenware. We suggest you do plastic flowers from unnecessary bottles, a master class on how to make them is located below.

From ordinary plastic bottles you can make unique bright flowers that will win the hearts of your guests, you can make decorations for the garden that are not afraid of bad weather and strong winds. To create masterpieces, you only need scissors and some decoration materials - paint, wire. The most the main thing in creating crafts - this is your imagination and creativity.

So, what can you make with your own hands from a plastic bottle? ? I suggest starting with sunflowers, these flowers look very impressive, and their creation does not take much time. To begin, cut out large petals from plastic bottles, similar to sunflower petals. Paint them with acrylic paint or spray paint on both sides.

After the paint has completely dried, make holes at the base of the petals, using which the petals are held together to form flowers. Now we need to make the stem of our sunflower and the core. The bottom of the bottle and its curves are ideal for making the center of a sunflower. Stems work well from rigid metal rods. Such magnificent plastic flowers as sunflowers will look spectacular in a composition with the addition of toy bees, pots and other accessories.


DIY flowers made from plastic bottles are most often used for decoration. garden plot. Plastic is ideal for these purposes - it is durable, does not fade, and is not afraid of humidity and wind. You can often see crafts made from plastic bottles , which are very flimsy in appearance. Even from a distance it is clear that the flowers are made from plastic bottles, because they look flimsy and not neat.

Some craftsmen try to save the situation and paint the petals with paint, but this does not always help. Other craftsmen choose harder bottles for crafts. , for example from shampoos, creams, household products or from milk. These plastic bottles are made of denser material and have various colors, which are ideal for creating DIY flower arrangements. All you have to do is choose the right bottle, cut out the parts and fasten them together. These handmade flowers from plastic bottles can really decorate your garden!

There are a large number of ways how to create flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands. Some of them allow you to create quite lush flower heads that will look beautiful in any situation. Here is one of the most accessible techniques.
Prepare plastic strips 4 to 7 centimeters wide by cutting the bottle into equal parts. Along one edge of the stripes, use scissors to create a wavy edge; this will be where the petals of the craft will be.

Pass the edge with the petals over the fire, no need to melt the plastic - just heat it up. Bend the heated petals in the desired direction. Collect the processed strips in a stack, forming a flower blank. The more strips used, the more magnificent the flower will be. You can fasten them with wire or using a hot awl. Among the lush petals, both types of fastening will be invisible. You can decorate the core of the flower using a plastic bottle cap.

Chrysanthemums and others flowers from a plastic bottle- presenting a master class with photos.
To make such flowers, the bottles must first be painted in different colors. Next, cut many thin plastic strips from the bottles. After this, collect these strips into a bundle and insert them into the neck of the cut bottle. This way the flower will hold tighter. Thick metal wire, a tree branch, or a metal rod can be used as a stem. Stem crafts can be painted paint in a suitable color or wrap in fabric, paper, colored film.

After the flower is collected and inserted into the core, curl its petals with a pencil or knife. Simply pull each petal through from the unpainted side. This will add curl to your chrysanthemum.

Flowers made from a plastic bottle using the presented master class with photos , will look impressive and decorate your garden plot. After several trial works, you will gain the necessary skill and will be able to create a variety of flowers, the main thing is to understand the principle on which the work is based.


The most beautiful flowers are created from plastic bottles when you have enough material and are not trying to save on it. Decorating a dacha or garden plot means using fairy-tale and fantastic motifs. For example, large and bright flowers , which do not even exist in the rainforest.

Such flowers from plastic bottles can be created using large drinking water bottles. Please note that making a flower from a large plastic bottle with your own hands is more difficult, since the material will be harder to cut. Use the help of surrounding men or use large scissors.

What to make from large plastic bottles ? Let's start by making petals with our own hands. Most perfect option- 1 flower from 1 large bottle. In this case, cut off the top part where the neck is located. Next, cut the rest of the bottle into petals, simply giving them a rounded shape. The bottom is convenient for securing the stamens.

If your imagination requires making a giant flower from a plastic bottle, then cut 2-3 large bottles into petals. At the bottom of each petal, leave a small part from the bottom of the bottle. This will allow you to conveniently secure the petals when composing the flower. . Simply thread the wire through the holes in the bottom. Heat the petals over the fire and make bends. Be careful not to get burned. It is convenient to form bends using a wooden ruler or a branch.

To flowers from plastic bottles looked realistic, I suggest making stamens.
For this, it is better to use soft and flexible bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters. Cut off the neck and bottom of such a bottle, then cut the workpiece into thin strips, but not reaching the edge by a couple of centimeters. Roll up the sliced ​​workpiece - you have an excellent bunch of stamens.

Now you know what is possible make from plastic bottles to decorate your garden plot . To make the flowers look even more impressive, you can color them. Aerosol paint in a can or acrylic paint are ideal. Better color an unfinished flower , and each workpiece is at the cutting stage.


The technology for making flowers from plastic bottles is extremely simple - the containers are cut into pieces, then fastened with wire. This way you can get stems, leaves, flower petals. You can do things a little differently and make a functional flower pot using only one bottle. Crafts made from plastic bottles in the form of chamomile flowerpots are created in 5-10 minutes. The work moves quickly due to the fact that there is no need to fasten anything.

It is better to make daisies from white plastic bottles. Both bottles for milk, kefir, and bottles are suitable detergents. If you don’t have a white plastic bottle at home, you can take any other bottle and then paint it the color you want. A chamomile from a white plastic bottle in the photo will look like a real one.

Let's start by sketching a flower with a felt-tip pen per bottle. The bottom will play the role of a tray for a pot with a plant, leave it as deep as possible, but do not forget that there is enough for the chamomile petals. To start cutting, use a hot nail or hole in bottle with knife , then cut the plastic with sharp scissors along the previously drawn lines.

Chamomiles from plastic bottles
are made quickly and simply. Cut the main part of the bottle into narrow petals, insert
bright center of the flower (for example, a cork from another bottle), into the neck. The main stage of creating a flowerpot is completed. You can use it under a pot with any living plant.

A chamomile from a plastic bottle will look appropriate both in the photo and in real life. Such flowers convenient to use for quickly decorating a veranda, flower bed, lawn.


Lily of the valley flowers from plastic bottles are ideal for making crafts for the garden plot or for the dacha. You will need white or blue plastic bottles. Milk bottles are also suitable for white lily of the valley buds. If there is no plastic of a suitable color , then you can paint the existing containers with acrylic paint. With sizes everything is simple - the larger the bell, the bigger bottle we need.

To make DIY lily of the valley from a plastic bottle, you will need to cut the bottle crosswise. The bell will be created from its upper part with a cork. All that remains is to cut out the petals and give them beautiful shape, bend it back and make it voluminous. To add extra elegance, you can heat the petals over a fire and give them a more realistic shape.

To make a lily of the valley from a plastic bottle look like a real one in the photo, we will attach it to a cork. Make holes in the plugs and thread a thin wire through them. Then tie the flower to the branch with this wire. It is most convenient to make a bush from metal rods. To make the twig look like on a real flower stem , cut a thin plastic spiral from a green bottle. Wrap a twig with this spiral and hold it over the fire. When the plastic melts, your branch is ready. You can hang bells on it.

When you learn how to make a lily of the valley from a plastic bottle with your own hands, you can create a tulip using the same technology. Having made several flower blanks , you can insert them into each other and get double flowers.


Wonderful and unusual plastic flowers can be made not from classic round bottles, but from flat bottles, for example, like shampoo bottles. A white flattened bottle would make a great lily! You don’t even have to bend the petals to give them the required shape. All you have to do is cut off the corners of the bottle, and the bend is already there. In any case, you can refine the bends by heating the plastic over a fire.

To make a lily from a plastic bottle look most impressive, you need to choose bright types of flowers. For example, orange lilies will perfectly enliven your flowerbed and will make any dark corner in the garden more cheerful. The advantage of lilies is that they are always easily recognized. Do-it-yourself lilies from plastic bottles will not . One of the options for placing such plastic lilies is in the center of a flower bed of real daylilies. Plant real and plastic flowers interspersed, this will give the flowerbed a unique look.

Lilies from plastic bottles easy to create with your own hands. To do this, you only need a few bottles, metal wire, and plastic tubes.

A lily from a plastic bottle is created as follows: cut off the top part of the bottle - the neck along with the cork. Then cut out pointed petals on the flower blanks. In order to give a bend, you can heat the crafts over the fire. But make sure that the petals do not become deformed from excessive heat. Use oil or acrylic paint to paint the flower heads. V Orange color. Attach the flower heads to the stems with wire. Cut out the sharp and long leaves. If you are using plastic tubes for the stem, make slits in them and insert the leaves. If you have a metal rod prepared for these purposes, then screw the leaves to the rod with thin wire.

The basis for making lilies was described above, but the daylily is famous for the fact that it blooms in inflorescences. This means that we need to collect a whole bush from the prepared flowers. How to do this? Attach one flower to each stem, and then tape the three stems together or insert them into a tube.

When incarnating any ideas using plastic flowers, do not forget to compare your creation with pictures of real plants.

Let's go decorate our garden further. I am sure that the water lily will look good in your garden. A water lily can be made not from plastic bottles, but from their cousins ​​- disposable plastic spoons. It is created very simply - the spoon-shaped petals are already ready. To make large water lilies, prepare large spoons; to decorate an aquarium, a flower from small spoons is suitable.

The first step will be making flower blanks from plastic. Separate the deep part of the spoon from the handle; the deep part will be the petal. Further, the process of collecting water lilies can proceed in different ways.

One option is to heat the base of the flower petals over a fire and glue them together. Stamens made from thinly sliced ​​yellow plastic bottles are inserted inside. For this purpose, you can use yellow wire or thick threads.

The second option is used if a very large lily is being collected. First, the base is made, then the water lily petals are attached to it. The base can be made of cardboard, such as egg cartons. Soak the cardboard, when it is saturated with water and swells, squeeze it out and rub it together. Add PVA glue and white gouache to this mixture. Form a hemisphere and place it on a plastic board. While the mixture is still wet, stick the water lily petals in a circle, forming them using spoons flower . Attach the finished plastic flower to a sheet of green plastic.

Recently, environmental issues have become very acute: the pollution of our planet with plastic provokes climate change and destroys wildlife. Because of this, plastic recycling has become extremely important. Fortunately, recycling used plastic bottles can be easily done on your own. For example, you can use them to make flowers to decorate your home and garden.

The advantage of plastic bottles is that they are easy to work with, and the flexible material allows you to create any design without limiting your imagination. How to do original flowers from such containers we will tell you in today’s article.

Making flowers from plastic bottles

It is not difficult to make flowers from plastic bottles, since this material is easy to process, and due to bright color crafts made from plastic bottles turn out beautiful and original (Figure 1).

To ensure high-quality flower arrangements, several points should be taken into account:

  1. Before starting work, the bottle must be thoroughly washed, removed from the label and dried.
  2. In order for the petals and leaves of bells or other flowers to be even, you need to draw not directly on the plastic, but according to a template. It can be made from cardboard.
  3. The composition will turn out more “alive” if you heat the leaves and petals and bend them slightly.
  4. If you use transparent plastic bottles, it is better to paint the blanks. It is better to apply the main color before cutting out the parts, and tinting and various shades are applied to the almost finished product. For this purpose it is better to use acrylic paints, which are then coated with acrylic varnish.

Figure 1. Any bottles will work for making decor, as long as they are clean and dry

You can make any flowers from plastic bottles: lilies of the valley, bells, tulips and even daisies. The main thing is to follow the instructions and not limit your imagination.

DIY crafts step by step for beginners

To start making flowers from plastic bottles, you need to prepare tools and materials. First of all, you will need the bottles themselves, copper wire with brown or green insulation to hold the elements together, and a lighter or torch for melting.

Note: Tools for work can be found in every home. You will need scissors, pliers and an awl.

The simplest option for decorating from used bottles is a decorative floral curtain. It is suitable for those who have accumulated a lot of small plastic containers. Step-by-step instruction such decor is so simple that even beginners can cope with such a craft, and without any complex master class(Figure 2).

Figure 2. The bottoms of empty containers make an excellent decorative curtain

You've probably noticed that the bottom of the bottle looks like a flower. If you cut it out, you will get a blank for a future curtain. All that remains is to make a hole in the center with a hot needle, and then fasten the blanks with glue or connect them together with decorative thread. It will serve as a stem, and the finished product can be used as a decorative curtain. If desired, it can be made of transparent plastic and painted in your favorite color. But, if you have a lot of multi-colored bottles, you can successfully combine them.

Flower ideas for the garden and vegetable garden

Using homemade flowers from plastic bottles, you can decorate your garden or flower bed. Moreover, with the help of the MK given below, you can create an original glowing decor.

Note: This decor can be safely called universal. It is suitable both as a regular decoration and for organizing parties.

Manufacturing is extremely simple. You will need an arbitrary number of plastic bottles, scissors, acrylic paint and a brush, as well as a garland with lanterns (Figure 3).

Let's get started:

  1. Cut off the neck of clean bottles. The further you move from the lid, the larger the petals will be.
  2. Make longitudinal cuts on each piece, from the base to the neck, without cutting to the edge. As a result, you should get some kind of petals. To make them look more like a flower, their edges must be rounded and, when heated, bent outward.
  3. Now let's start decorating. Plastic flowers need to be painted with acrylic paint in your favorite color. To make the garland more festive, you can use contrasting shades.
  4. Make a hole in the lid. Its diameter should correspond to the size of the garland bulb.

Figure 3. Stages of making a decorative garland for the garden

Now all that remains is to unscrew the cap, insert the light bulb into the hole made, and then screw the cap on the bottle again. As a result, you will get an original homemade garland for the street.

Bright tulips

From large plastic bottles you can make large flowers for flower beds, garden decoration or playground decoration. Tulips made in this way look especially original (Figure 4).

Note: To work, you will need very few materials: plastic bottles, including green ones for creating stems and petals, wire for fastening the elements and acrylic paint.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions are as follows:

  1. We cut out blanks of future flowers. Each such detail should have 4 petals. We make a hole in the center with a hot awl.
  2. You can use both colored and transparent bottles. The only difference is that the blanks, cut from transparent plastic, will then have to be painted.
  3. The parts need to be melted over a candle so that you get buds. The more the plastic heats up, the more compressed the flowers will be.
  4. We pass the wire through the hole in the center. It will act as a stem.
  5. Now take a green bottle and cut out a thin long strip from it. It needs to be slightly heated and wrapped around the wire. From the same bottle we make a leaf and melt it a little over the candle so that it looks more natural.

Figure 4. Making a tulip step by step

It is best to glue the leaves to the stem using a heat gun, but be careful not to drip too much glue, as the hot substance may melt the plastic.

Garden daisies

An original decoration for the garden will be: simple flowers, like daisies, especially since they can also be made from plastic bottles. The technology for manufacturing such garden decor is also not difficult (Figure 5).

Note: The only point that will have to be taken into account is the shades of the future product. For work, it is better to use opaque white plastic bottles. You will also need yellow bottles or bottle caps.

So, first we cut out two circles from a white bottle, larger and smaller in diameter. The size of the future flower will depend on the size of the workpiece. On the workpiece, first we make four cuts, then six and eight, and then we round their edges so that you get petals. To make the flower look more natural, slightly heat the plastic over the fire and bend it.

Figure 5. It is better to make daisies from white opaque bottles

We make a hole in the center with a hot awl. Cut out a small circle from yellow plastic bottle caps. In the future it will become the core of the flower. To make daisies look more natural, you need to additionally make a base for the flower. It is made from green plastic by cutting out a sort of six-pointed star. Its edges are also bent over the fire.

The stem is made separately. We take a thick wire and wrap it in green heated plastic according to the same principle as in the instructions for making tulips. Now you can start assembling. First, we put a green base on the wire, then a flower blank of a larger diameter, and then a smaller one. At the end we cover the wire with the yellow core. If desired, you can additionally make chamomile leaves.

The finished product can be installed in a flower garden or children's playground. The advantage of this decor is that it is easy to wash, and the colors do not fade in the sun.

Types of garden decorations

Plastic bottles - so universal material that absolutely any crafts can be made from it. For example, you can make a sunflower flower with your own hands from yellow plastic bottles and brown disposable plates. It will look very original in a flowerbed or vegetable garden. The manufacturing technology is the same as for chamomile (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Options homemade jewelry for garden

You can decorate the fence with small plastic flowers. In addition, plastic bottles can be used to make an improvised irrigation system for the garden or pots for flowers and herbs.

Decor options for ponds

Plastic flowers from bottles deserve special attention, which can be used to decorate a natural or artificial pond on the site (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Ideas for plastic flowers for decorating ponds

The simplest idea is to cut off the bottom of a white bottle. This will be a bud, and the yellow stamens and pistils in the center will be replaced by crushed yellow cork.

From the video you can learn how to make flowers for a pond from plastic bottles.

Plastic bottles are an easily accessible and inexpensive material. Except direct use, there are a lot of incredible options for using them. Plastic as a method of decoration has appealed to those who like to build something with their own hands. And this is not surprising - products made from it are quite durable, the body of the bottle bends without effort, and the strength of the material is also pleasing. With your own hands and without any problems, you can make incredible crafts for your summer house, vegetable garden, front garden and ordinary living space. So, the main task is to collect as many plastic bottles of different colors and sizes as possible, and the rest is imagination.

Sun from bottles and tires

Wasps from plastic bottles

Peacock made from plastic bottles

Wasp and flowers from bottles

Palm tree made from plastic bottles instructions

It is important to know that most tree-related crafts made from plastic bottles follow a similar pattern. You will need a plastic bottle, scissors, plastic paint and wire. The palm tree is made using the middle and lower sections of dark-colored bottles; it is advisable to make the foliage from green bottles. The next similar bottle is inserted into a plastic bottle with a cut bottom until the required height is formed. All elements are strung on a wire passing through the neck, and the neck of a green bottle without a bottom is attached to the top. Next, strips of green plastic are cut into equal parts and bent towards the bottom, imitating palm foliage.

Palm tree with sharp leaves made of plastic

Bottle palms in the country

Bottle palm with smooth leaves

Simple palm tree made from plastic bottles

Thus, three or more palm trees, made from such improvised material as plastic bottles, can decorate any country cottage area and garden. This decorative element will please the eye all year round, rain, snow and wind are not afraid of him. If there is a baby in the house, do not forget to melt the cut points on the bottles. In addition, do not be afraid to involve the baby in joint work. Most likely, he will gladly respond to help.

Original and bright flower beds in the garden made from plastic bottles with your own hands

It’s very easy to use plastic bottles to create useful little things for your dacha and landscape pieces, including flower beds, gazebos, supports for greenhouses and canopies, frames for climbing plants, etc.

Flower beds made from plastic bottles are found quite often not only among amateur gardeners, but also just near high-rise buildings. To make a flower bed, you need to select plastic bottles of the same shape and color. If you have time and desire, you can decorate them either with one color or using a whole palette. To decorate the borders of a flower bed, it is enough to simply dig containers around the perimeter to a sufficient depth. The result is an original fence.

Related article: Curtains for a French balcony: the best solutions

Flowerbed sun with sides

Fencing a flower bed or garden bed

Making a flower bed out of bottles

Flowerbed decor made from plastic bottles

Flowerpots and pots for outdoor flowers made from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles can also be used as tabletop and hanging pots. If you cut off the bottom of the bottle, you will get a cylindrical pot; if you use the top part, you will get a cone-shaped one. If you decorate such pots with colored corrugated paper, fabric, yarn, or simply decorate them, an unforgettable element of the interior will appear. Slightly heated plastic will be easy to give to absolutely any shape, this makes it possible to create the most unusual flowers.

Pots made from plastic bottles

Hedgehog made from grass and bottle

Swan flowerbed made from bottles

Reindeer team made of bottles and tires

And here are video ideas on how you can use bottles to decorate your garden and make it more functional:

Gazebo made from plastic bottles in the country - elegant and convenient

If there is a need to build a gazebo, supports for climbing plants, greenhouses, you should stock up big amount identical plastic bottles, as well as patience, imaginative thinking and ingenuity. The gazebo is fastened using small screws. If whole containers will be used, it is advisable to fill them with sand or earth in order to add reliability. If a frame is being made, do not overload it unnecessarily. Fabric or other light protective sheets attached to the bottles to decorate the sides will look good.

House made of bottles and wood

Canopy made of plastic bottles

Gazebo made from plastic bottles

House made of cement and bottles

Decorative country curtains made from plastic bottles

Curtains from plastic bottles on windows or in doorways - the most interesting design solution. To create them, you will have to take a large number of these same plastic bottles - directly proportional to the size of the window (or doorways). The cut bottoms from containers (of small height) must be connected to each other. Fishing line or thin wire are suitable as fasteners. An unusual composition of bottles can be created if you take bottles of different sizes and colors. If you have the desire and time, a curtain made of identical transparent bottles painted with acrylic paints will create an unforgettable feeling.

Decorative bottle curtains

Bottle bottoms

Bathroom curtains made from plastic bottles

Curtains made from bottle bottoms

DIY animals, birds and insects from plastic bottles

Not everyone is happy with real animals, birds and insects in the garden. Indeed, who would like it when a mole digs in the garden, a live wolf or bear wanders in, owls fly, or mosquitoes and wasps attack. But bright crafts made from bottles can easily decorate your dacha. More ideas for animals and birds from plastic bottles in this article.

Animals from plastic bottles with photos

Making crafts from bottles is not at all difficult; anyone can find the material in any quantity, and multi-colored paints will give life to crafts. Therefore, the main problem that may arise in front of you is what exactly to do? Why not animals? Here, for example, are cats, mice and penguins made to decorate the site:

Piglet made from plastic bottles - step-by-step instructions

The easiest way is to make various animals from plastic bottles. For example, you can make these bright pink piglets and place them in your garden for decoration:

All you need is either a large five-liter plastic bottle for the piglet’s body and several regular bottles for the legs and ears. Here are instructions on how to do it:

After the pig is ready, all that remains is to paint it in pink color. You can make several different crafts. Here are a couple more photos for you:

DIY bottle birds

Or maybe we’ll put some kind of bird in the garden? Why not make funny crows and place them on an apple tree branch? Or make a penguin with a gorgeous tail, which you can put in a clearing or under a tree. You can also make an owl and attach it to a fence or near a hollow tree in the garden, or yellow ducks with which you can decorate a pond, also made by yourself.

Related article: Wooden house projects

Swan made from plastic bottles - simple instructions for making

And of course, the most popular bird, which is often made from bottles, is the gorgeous snow-white swan. There are several options. The simplest one is to paint the bottles White color and stick the neck into the ground, forming the outline of the swan’s body - at the same time it will be a fence for a miniature flowerbed, inside of which you can plant any colors. What else to make a fence for flower beds and beds from - read the link. Then all that remains is to make the neck and head of a swan - from the same bottles, from papier-mâché, corrugated tube, plaster or other materials, and this is what we get:

But there is more complex ways. For example, you can make the frame of a swan’s body, and on top the feathers from plastic spoons - they are already white, so you don’t even have to paint them. Or cutting openwork feathers from bottles is long, tedious, difficult, but the result is really worth it, it’s not a shame to send such a craft even to some competition. And don’t forget to create a pair for the bird: you can make a white and a black swan.

And here is a video master class on how to make a stork from bottles with your own hands:

Master class: wasp, ladybug and other animals from bottles

You can also make various insects from bottles, so don’t rush to throw them away. During the winter you can collect enough material for summer crafts. The leader here, of course, is the ladybug. It's very easy to make from the bottom of a plastic bottle, step by step wizard a class is not even required - just cut off the bottom, make a head with wire horns out of caps or some kind of ball, paint it red or any other color, draw dots and eyes - the craft is ready:

What else can be made from? ladybug for garden decor - read in this article. By the way, it is also easily made from plastic spoons - then you can decorate trees or a fence with them. Other insects that can be made from bottles are predatory wasps and bees, bright dragonflies or butterflies, which we will now tell you how to make.

Butterflies from plastic bottles: master class for decorating a gazebo

Bright butterflies will decorate any room; they will look especially original on a gazebo. To make these insects, you should cut out the middle of the container of a plastic bottle (the color does not matter), make a blank from cardboard in the form of butterfly wings, attach it to the plastic and trim around the edges. Next, attach the wire to the bend line. Beads of various sizes will help decorate the body of such a “gazebo dweller.” Butterfly wings are painted with acrylic paints according to the desired image. It is desirable that the color of the butterflies matches color scheme design of a vacation spot.

Butterflies from plastic bottles

Draw and cut out a butterfly

creative butterflies

Go for the butterfly flowers

Figures of people made from plastic bottles

If you are already comfortable with animals, let's go further and try to make something more complex, for example, human figures from bottles. For example, look at how cute the little black man was made from brown bottles, and how easy it is to make:

By the way, little blacks are a popular theme for plastic crafts. This is probably due to the fact that after winter a lot of bottles accumulate Brown, which can be used for crafts without even painting. Well, another option is garden gnomes, a man and a woman, which are also not at all difficult to make:

Today, making your own products is a fairly popular activity, and craftsmen most often choose materials that can be called garbage, for example, used plastic bottles. You can simply throw them in the trash, or you can turn them into something beautiful.

Flowers made from plastic bottles can decorate your garden plot, playground and even home interior. For such a handmade project, you do not need to purchase expensive equipment and materials, and the result can lead to real delight.

A common plant among gardeners, the bulbous plant blooms in a beautiful, lush cluster of many small, fragrant flowers.

Of course, you can’t make a fragrant hyacinth from bottles, but you can create a magnificent copy, just have the materials at hand, desire and step-by-step instructions:

Using the same method, you can make as many luxurious plastic hyacinths as you want - for the garden, home or other needs.

Bright sunflowers

Perhaps the large, sunny inflorescences of sunflowers are the most summer flowers - mini-suns. And if you make a flower out of plastic, it will delight you with its brightness all year round.

The following materials will be required:

Making a sunflower is quite simple; the instructions will help you navigate the process:

  1. The plastic bottle is cut into 3 parts - the neck and bottom are cut off.
  2. The remaining part is cut into large petals, but not completely.
  3. Afterwards, all the petals are bent so that the product takes the shape of a flower.
  4. Then they need to be externally and inside paint - you can use acrylic or spray paint.
  5. The same must be done with the remaining plastic bottles.
  6. When all the parts are dry, they need to be assembled like a nesting doll - one part is inserted into another and glued together.
  7. Afterwards, the core is inserted into the middle of the flower - the bottom from a dark bottle and also glued.

In order for such crafts from plastic bottles to become full-fledged flowers, you need to make a stem from metal rods. Finally, it needs to be painted. green tint, attach a few leaves - and that’s it, the decoration for your garden or home is ready!

Lush chrysanthemum

Another luxurious flower made from plastic, the chrysanthemum, looks no less impressive. Even beginners can make similar flowers from plastic bottles with their own hands step by step; you should prepare the following in advance:

Chrysanthemums - flowers from plastic bottles master class:

  1. It is necessary to cut a cylinder (about 11 cm in size) from the bottle using its lower part.
  2. The walls of the cylinder are cut into narrow strips - 4-6 mm wide and up to 9 cm long.
  3. The improvised petals are bent outward, and then twisted inward with the help of 2 pencils to form spirals.

The result is fluffy chrysanthemums that are not yet very similar to real ones. You can “revive” them using acrylic paints or nail polish - in color they turn out very bright and beautiful.

But homemade masters have more than one way to make flowers from plastic bottles. For example, you can use another method:

  1. The neck and bottom are cut off from a plastic bottle.
  2. The cylinder is cut into narrow rings - about 6 mm wide - how many parts you get depends on how fluffy the chrysanthemum head is.
  3. One tiny hole (no wider than 1 mm) is made on each ring.
  4. 2 small holes are made in the bottom of the bottle, and a fishing line is passed through them. It is tied with a knot on the inside.
  5. All the plastic rings are strung on the fishing line, and the latter is tightly shifted to the base. They will produce fluffy petals, and the chrysanthemum will be lush.
  6. The petals are fixed with a paper clip, and the end of the fishing line is tied in a knot.

You can make several flowers and collect them into a magnificent bouquet.

Pots and vases from bottles

A plastic bottle is a universal ornamental material from which a variety of things are made, in addition to flowers - weaving baskets, building flower beds, boxes for seedlings, garden displays, etc.

You can also make an excellent flower pot from a plastic bottle if you need one, but there is no free one nearby. The easiest way is to build a pot using a plastic bottle and a disc - CD or DVD. In addition, you will need a hot glue gun and paint.

The manufacturing process consists of the following steps:

  1. You should make marks on the bottle so that it can be cut evenly into 2 parts. The edges can also be made wavy or triangular. If you do this with a soldering iron, the edges will be smooth.
  2. One bottle produces two products - a pot from a part with a bottom, the other - from a disk and part of a bottle.
  3. With help glue gun The middle of the disk is glued to the neck of the bottle.

Each flower pot can be decorated at your own discretion - you can cover them with paint, make an ornament using a stencil, paste them with artificial stones, shells or other materials.

In addition, bottles make beautiful vases; to make a nice product, you should prepare:

When everything is ready, you can start making the vase:

  • the top part of the bottle is cut off;
  • the edges of the part are covered with electrical tape so that they do not cut the flowers;
  • In order for the paint to adhere better to the surface of the future vase, it is necessary to coat it with a primer;
  • when the primer dries, you can apply a coat of paint;
  • if you want to show your imagination, you can paint the vase in several colors step by step - first cover it with one layer of paint, let it dry and cover some areas with electrical tape, and paint over the remaining areas (the electrical tape can only be removed when the paint has dried well!).

Plastic vases can also be decorated as you please or left untouched. In addition, they can be used to create entire compositions using several products. different sizes, but made in the same style and color.

Products from waste material, including those made from plastic bottles, sometimes attract admiring glances, they turn out so elegant and neat. Flowers can become a real decoration, all you need is a little effort and a creative approach.
