We are opening a service center and electronics repair shop. How to open a computer service: a company for repairing computers, laptops, smartphones

So, let's go. To begin with, we have already decided for ourselves that the field of IT, computer equipment repair, is interesting to us, and we are ready to start.

We will consider the following stages of creating and developing a business:

1. Registration of an enterprise.

2. Search for premises, conclusion of a lease agreement, repairs.

3. We determine what services we will provide.

3. Search for equipment, installation of equipment.

4. Personnel search.

7. Conclusion

So, having decided to seriously engage in business, first of all you need to register the enterprise. We will immediately determine how it will be more profitable for us to register. Let's discard the unnecessary and leave two types: individual entrepreneur and LLC. You can read more about each separately, but now we are talking about the one more suitable for a computer service.

At first glance, it seems to us that registering an individual entrepreneur will be easier and it is suitable for this type of activity, but there is one drawback, if you are registered as an LLC, then you will be a legal entity, you will have a bank account, it will be easier for you to participate in transactions related to non-cash payments. And in modern world, cash is dying. Well, there is more trust and respect for the LLC, and there will be more chances to conclude profitable deals.

Result - we register an LLC.

Having registered an enterprise, you need to find premises. This is very important point, the main thing here is not to rush. Many organizations are chasing the amount of rent, this is of course an indicator, but first of all, determine geographically where you think your service could be located. This should be a passable place, this should be a transport stop, and 100-150 meters before the service entrance. This should be a crossroads, and closer to the city center.
Look for a passable place

Very popular for this area, ground floors or basements. They are usually cheap and found everywhere. Small in area, just what you need.

Therefore, look for basements in the area of ​​the city where there are the most crowds, many stops, and an intersection.

Do not forget that you will have to work in the premises you have chosen, and clients will find you and come to the address. Whether they will have a place in the parking lot, whether snow will fall on them from the roof in winter, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. If you have already decided on a place, before renting a room, imagine that you are the client yourself, evaluate your future premises from the outside, and if everything suits you, rent.

Many tenants ask to sign a lease agreement for 5, 7, 10 years at once. Here it is worth agreeing on a minimum rental period, because you are opening your first point, and you can always extend the contract in the future.

Most premises are rented, as a rule, with a fresh renovation; if there is none, it needs to be done, but without fanaticism, the main thing is to take into account several factors: good ventilation, good lighting, comfortable place to wait. How the walls will be painted, what will be on the floor is not important, the main thing is clean and neat. You don’t need to paint your walls to order in the form of running microcircuits that can be saved by a soldering iron, no, no. Maybe you don't need to tidy up your walls at all? Instead of paints, buy a better colored banner with your logo, phone number, and write a list of services on it. Having done redecorating, don't forget to highlight workplace manager, or two managers. Also a small sofa for clients and a water cooler. Coffee table with periodicals will pleasantly brighten up the waiting time. Do not forget to use fresh flowers and palm trees, they have a beneficial effect on clients.

I don’t consider the area where the craftsmen will be, since the main thing is that there is somewhere to work, they can place the equipment and drink tea during a break.

The toilet should be comfortable, clean, and smell good. This needs to be given special attention. Sink, soap, napkins, these will need to be taken care of.

After the work done, also be a client, sit on the sofa, read a magazine, maybe you will find something that can be improved.

An attractive office increases the number of visitors

So, the big job has been done, and we can’t wait to hang a huge “WE ARE OPENED” sign at the entrance, but for now it’s worth the wait. First, let's define service sectors. “What is there to define, you say, so everything is clear, computer service: we do everything that is plugged into an outlet, quickly, inexpensively, discounts for pensioners.” Everything is great here, but there is no certainty, and it is needed, since it will be necessary to hire staff and distribute responsibilities.

So, computer service. I won’t spend time thinking, I’ll immediately describe the structure of a modern computer service:

Computer service is a set of services.


Repair of computers, laptops, tablets, phones, monitors, TVs, acoustics, radios, navigators, video recorders, e-books, game consoles, pointing devices, printers, scanners, copiers, cartridge refills and much more.

A very popular service industry these days

- Purchase. Everything you repair will be purchased by your service. And it is advisable if this is a purchase of a non-working product.

- Sale. Almost everything you buy, and if you can repair it, sell it. Also, the goods will be all types of components, new goods (laptops, computers, monitors), think about where to get so much space in the basement? You won’t need it; you can place as much as it will fit, and the rest can be put away in the free space outside. trading floor. Do not forget that all goods must be displayed in the online store of your service. Well, or at least a catalog of goods.

- Departure. Repairs are carried out not only in the service, but also at home or in offices, that is, 24 hours on-site, this is a mandatory service, there are even clients who need help, but they physically cannot come to you. But they, which may sound rude, also bring you income.

- Telephone. Always available, consultations with light advertising, preferably if there is a female voice on the phone.

Here is a list of services that the service should provide. Next, you need to purchase equipment; in fact, you can get by with a simple soldering station, and the set of screwdrivers, it all depends on the professionalism of the craftsmen. Of course, you shouldn’t buy expensive equipment for 150 thousand rubles, you can spend, let’s say, 5 thousand maximum, over time, with an increase in speed, it will be possible to update. I won’t describe which equipment to buy, you know that very well yourself.

The service will not exist without masters. The master must be a professional with extensive experience. In our case, we need several masters:

Repair specialist for laptops, tablets and electronics. books.

Repairer of cell phones, game consoles, set-top boxes.

Repair specialist for printers, scanners, copiers.

Repair specialist for LCD monitors and TVs.

Repair specialist for system units, monoblocks, nettops.

So we got that we need 5 craftsmen. Where can I get them? In fact, they will find you themselves. There are a lot of craftsmen, professionals in their field, so they often work at home and go to the site, or bring equipment to their home for repair. But due to the fact that there are few clients, turnover is small, they have to look for service centers to work there and constantly earn money. Of course, you also need to search, it’s simple, place about 15-20 ads on the appropriate resources and wait for a call.

Finding a master is not an easy task

When applying for a job, discuss everything thoroughly, agree on everything on the “shore”. Further work with the foreman is to provide everything necessary so that he does not snoop around the service in search of electrical tape. These little things are very important for the quality and speed of work.

How you agree on payment is up to you, but usually the masters agree on 50/50 terms. These are very favorable conditions for them, therefore, the master must really be a Master.

A printer repairman needs a separate room equipped with good ventilation, since he will be working with toner, which is very harmful to health.

It will be good if you have a service entrance, since the craftsmen are usually older people, and they really like smoking breaks. But this is not critical.

Everything is almost ready, we can open.

But a week before the opening, inform the population that you are opening soon. This can be done with promotional items at entrances, flyers and business cards. On the opening day, you can hold promotions with gifts, for example, whoever comes to us today and buys a flash drive for 50 rubles will receive a discount card with a 5% discount. It would seem that 5% is nonsense, but a discount card is not needed for discounts, but so that the client comes only to you and nowhere else. You can simply give each visitor a discount card as a gift. This is a good start after opening.

The main thing is to attract more attention

Advertising is a process. On average, for a new service to make a good profit, advertising must be submitted to various information sources for 6 months. Yes, it takes a long time, yes it is a costly business, but you don’t need to spend your last money on advertising on television. Simply put, during the first months after opening a store, you must declare yourself, absolutely everyone must know where you are, what you are doing, even if a person has never come to you, but he must know that you exist. Advertising is shown on websites, in newspapers, in mailboxes, outdoor advertising, flyers, business cards, etc. The client begins to remember all this, and then simply comes to you, since you did a good job on advertising.

Business cards and flyers - inexpensive and accessible advertising

Promoters will have to spend a whole day, or maybe several days, handing out advertisements at intersections so that everyone knows that you are open and want to stop by.

Clients who come to you should leave very happy. This includes service, reasonable prices, speed of work and of course quality. It’s better to check the product 10 times after repair than for the client to come to you later under warranty. If he is happy, he will recommend you to his friends. And if you disappoint him, he will also talk about you to his friends, so that they don’t even come close to your service.

A few rules for working with clients:

Don't waste your client's time. Do everything quickly, without delay.

Keep the client informed, he is worried about his product. As soon as you have the diagnostic result, immediately call the client, tell them everything in detail, and negotiate a price.

Store the customer's goods carefully. No scratches, dust, dirt. Use napkins, bags, but the product should remain the same as the client gave it to you.

Offer your client your branded package. You can add additional promotional items into it. And at the same time get a card regular customer.

This way, clients will be satisfied and will be happy to recommend you to their friends.

Communicate with clients politely and kindly

Expand your list of services and clients. Add yourself a photocopy, printed texts, printed photos. Thus, you will attract students and schoolchildren, but you do not need to make money on photocopies, it is important for you to attract the attention of customers. Let it be a schoolboy and a student, each of them has at least 1 computer, 1 monitor, laptop, TV. Give them a loyalty card and they will come to you when something breaks down for them.

Start renovation fine- household appliances(kettle, microwaves, irons). You will not need to hire a separate craftsman; you can simply distribute this product among the craftsmen.

Look for organizations. This is a goldmine for any service. Make a list of organizations, any organizations, the larger the better. Compose Commercial offer, where you describe the essence of the proposal, profitable terms cooperation. You can easily find out how to write a commercial proposal correctly. The main task is to attract an organization to repair its equipment in your service. You sign a contract and get to work. Make a special emphasis on budgetary organizations. They usually have a huge amount of equipment.

Work seven days a week, without breaks. And from about 10.00 – 20.00. This will allow people to come to you after work, even on weekdays. Because on average the working day is until 18.00.


Don’t forget about your competitors, go secretly to visit them, see what’s new with them, ask for a price list, or hand over something for repairs, evaluate the quality of service, and after a detailed study, make yours even better.

The service center is a constructor, do whatever you want. There are a huge number of directions. The most important rule is not to wait for the client. If you wait for someone to come to you, like for bread, nothing will happen. You need to constantly search and attract clients. This is the basic rule.

The popularity of the service center depends only on you!

If you have anything to add to this article, feel free to write your comments.

12 hours ago, aleksandr_orb said:

Why pay wages if there is no flow of clients? Because he will repair 7 rotary hammers and one grinder a week? I don’t quite agree with your position, although you may be right

In general, I found a pensioner who understands electrics, but doesn’t have much great experience for instrument repair. He is retired, he likes repairing instruments, and wants to develop in this direction. By the way, I found it through an advertisement in the newspaper. I immediately gave it to Avito, other Internet portals and to the newspaper. The result, oddly enough, was only from the last source.

We interacted with him back in the summer; he came a couple of times and repaired our equipment as best he could. Today he will come, I want to offer him to work 4/3 for seven hours with a lunch break for 500 rubles per day. With such a demand for repair services and our need to fix our equipment, it seems to me the best option. We will purchase the spare parts ourselves.


I have been repairing tools for more than twelve years, the workshop can be said to be more or less normal with hired workers from outside, I began to develop it two years ago. I have had enough experience in repairing any instrument since childhood, since life in our country (I mean the Soviet space) was always insufficiently secure, especially in the outback, and I had to come up with a lot myself; I often remember Ford’s words about this, how he was surprised at the resourcefulness of the Poles , saying himself that he didn’t know ours.

So about the repair: I sat down closely to service tools when our bright future in 2014 became even darker and sales fell to the minimum of the beginning of the two thousandth year, it’s good that small room I rented it next to the tool market for many years and, having closed all my “businesses,” moved to work there in 2012. After working for a couple of years myself, simultaneously selling through the website and from the premises, and repairing instruments, I had to stay until 12 at night. Two years later I hired two people. When hiring, I weeded out those who were too smart and abstruse, taking those who had been beaten a little in life, but most importantly, those who were savvy.

For a long time (and even now often) I repaired instruments in a place with men, passing on my experience and learning from them, so we came to the point that we repair almost everything that they bring. Issues with the provision of spare parts are resolved through the nearby market, some equipment importers and competitors.

Thanks to Chinese production, we have enough work during the season, but we also have a lot of headaches due to production problems related to the quality of spare parts and the tools themselves. Clients are now asking for branded instruments to be repaired using Chinese spare parts, and this is very unpleasant for me as a craftsman, but what can I do if the situation in the country is such that people’s money is spent on utilities and so on, but on a cool instrument, or at least on its service is not enough.

By the way, I am currently training a person to work in a repair shop in Kingston, in the Ontario district of Canada. Dima (that’s his name) asked for a job for the sake of studying and was ready to work for free, of course he works on equal terms for everyone, but the one-month work experience in Canada that I received from him is very interesting and useful to me, I didn’t even count on it Well, I didn’t even think that instruments were repaired in the West, there was such information that it was cheaper to buy a new one there, but no.

Since February, Dima is going to Kingston again for four months to work in the workshop, we will communicate with him via Viber, since we still need to help him with a lot of things, but this is also a huge experience. But even from those few stories about the service in Canada, it is clear to me that it is easier to work there.

Based on the work of the workshop in our conditions, I can write everything I know. If you have any questions, write.

How to open service center in areas where niches have long been formed, the rules of the game have been defined and stability has been observed?
However, new opportunities can be found in such areas as well. A working business plan for a service center is based on an understanding of the main truth of any business - how and to whom it is planned to provide services.

Target audience analysis

Repair of electronics and household appliances is in demand - the number of devices used by the population is constantly growing. Planning begins with an analysis of potential consumers of services and choosing a location - how to open a repair service center near your target audience. There are two ways here:

  • Rent in a residential building. Ideally, on the ground floor, with a separate entrance or its own intercom. An advisable move if the planned point of service provision is located in a densely built-up microdistrict and there are no direct competitors within a radius of 500-700 m. However, there is a high probability that there are specialists providing services at home. They are identified using “marketing research” - they study queries on the Internet, advertisements on boards, bus stops, and entrances of houses. It is recommended to make several calls, ask if there is a service center website, clarify the list of services and find out the pricing policy of potential competitors.
  • Rent in office building. This option is considered if you plan to attract corporate clients, and there is no need for a constant flow of people. If the building is located in a busy part of the city, access inside is not difficult (turnstiles, access system), and there are residential buildings nearby, the choice will be successful.
  • Rent in mall. A good place for receiving and issuing orders. The optimal location is in close proximity to residential neighborhoods. Walking distance of the target audience to the point of service provision is important.

Possible work formats

The structure of the service center comes first initial stage quite simple:

  • Order acceptance/delivery point and repair shop - these can be different rooms or combined office.
  • The staff is the manager, who is ideally Chief Engineer, repairman, customer service manager, accountant.

In the absence of adequate resources, it is not recommended to offer a wide range of services. It is important to choose basic jobs that bring stable income and allow you to expand your customer base. If you have the proper investments, you can initially position yourself as a multidisciplinary service.

However, organizing a service center should not be complicated and is subject to transformation as the business develops. Scaling up causes less hassle and reputational damage than downscaling.

How to get started

Target groups have been identified. The premises are rented. Equipment for the service center has been purchased. At the start-up stage, it is recommended to purchase a basic kit:

  • soldering equipment;
  • diagnostic and measuring equipment;
  • hand tool;
  • optical and lighting devices;
  • power supplies.

Also, the creation of a service center includes the purchase of furniture and equipment of workplaces. When everything is ready, you can open.

  • distributing leaflets and flyers with promotional offers - it is necessary to form a core audience;
  • launching your own website, pages in in social networks, entering data onto Internet maps and electronic databases;
  • using word of mouth technology - the quality of services should be such that people start talking about you and recommend you to friends.

What is needed to operate a service center is to constantly maintain contact with the target audience and offer competitive services according to affordable price. However, in an effort to get as many clients as possible, you should not dump. Raising prices is more difficult than providing discounts or bonuses.

Therefore, clear price lists for services, formulas for calculating the cost of components and regulatory documentation are initially necessary. Head of Service Center – job description can be standard – it defines the functionality of each employee, duties and areas of responsibility.

Business scaling

Expansion is an inevitable stage of business development. This process is possible in several directions:

  1. Service center area. The problem is less acute if the equipment collection point and the workshop are separated. It is possible that a warehouse will be required to store orders and Supplies, creation of additional jobs. When providing operational services, you need a waiting area for clients and a dedicated workplace for the administrator.
  2. Organizing the sale of accessories for computer equipment and mobile devices as an additional service.
  3. Authorization of the service center. This marks a transition to a new level - obtaining a license makes it possible to perform warranty and post-warranty repairs and cooperate with official representatives.

A true sign of success is when the business goes into autopilot mode. This is the time to think about opening a new direction.

Before you start working on creating a computer service, you must officially register with the tax office and coordinate your activities with regulatory authorities.

If you plan to open just one computer repair place, the best thing. An LLC should be registered only if you plan to have more than 2-3 customer service offices.

Advice: You should not work without registering as an individual entrepreneur. If you don't pay your taxes, you could get into serious trouble with government agencies, resulting in hefty fines.

Drawing up a business plan

Before you start working on any project, be sure to. It is very important to write down all the points that are related to your future business:

  • expenses;
  • income;
  • risks;
  • planning.

If your qualifications are not enough to draw up such a plan, be sure to contact a specialist. The future of the entire business project will depend on this business plan.

Hiring employees

The most important point in the work of any service center for the repair of computers and related equipment is the professionalism of the employees. The best option There will be a hiring of several familiar professionals who you know personally.

They will be able to supervise newcomers and check the quality of their work at first. If this is not possible, All employees must be tested, whom you will hire for work.

The peculiarity of such a business is that from time to time, employees will have to travel to orders (repairs to the home or office). In this case, the employee must be neat, polite and treat with special patience those who do not understand certain points or ask again several times.

The knowledge of workers is also important; they must quickly navigate all models of numerous computer devices and be able to quickly repair them. If the work is of poor quality, the client will not contact your service again.

Advice: To get qualified employees in a short time, you need to contact a special recruitment agency.

Computer service room

Finding space to operate a service is one of the easiest steps in building such a business. You don’t need to look for a particularly attractive office; even semi-basements will do. The main thing is to place an attractive sign above the entrance so that customers can easily find you.

For your office, choose a location that is easy to reach from anywhere in the city.. Ideal option is a place near the metro, closer to the city center.

Search for clients

Operating time client base starting from scratch requires a significant amount of time. There are several options:

  1. Advertising on billboards and leaflets. One of the most popular types of advertising of our time, not the most effective, but bearing fruit.
  2. Website with detailed information about services. Creating a website and promoting it online will help you attract a large number of clients; the better the website and the more favorable the price, the more clients you will have.
  3. Contextual advertising on the Internet. Today this is a very popular way of advertising.
  4. Cooperation with electronics manufacturing companies. If you manage to sign an agreement with such a company, you will receive a constant influx of customers, since you will serve people who buy equipment from this brand. In this case, the company pays for the work.

Equipment for work

For successful work you will need specialized equipment. It can be purchased at stores selling electronics or ordered abroad. Find out the list from your employees, they know better what exactly they need to repair equipment. The list is roughly as follows:

  • multimeter;
  • soldering iron;
  • oscilloscope;
  • current clamps;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • tweezers;
  • sets of parts for equipment (video cards, keyboards, wiring, motherboards, etc.).

Have ready set details in the workshop are very important. Some computer repair companies neglect this point and order parts only when the client has already paid for the work and sent his device for repair. If the delivery is delayed and the parts arrive later than expected, you may lose the customer forever, since the repair will take at least 2-3 weeks.

Decide on the list of services

Before opening, decide on the services you will provide. A detailed list can be found from competitors. You can also find out the prices that can be asked for such work from them. It is important not to forget that during a crisis, all people are looking for cheaper options, so they will turn to you if you make the price average or below average by 5-10%.

To attract customers, at first, some service can be made free.

Advice: make a detailed price list, in which you outline the prices for all services and post it on your website on the Internet, this will seriously reduce the flow of requests to the company on this issue.


Business profitability is very important; to calculate it, you need to take into account the following costs:

  1. Purchase of equipment for repairs. About 2 thousand dollars. The cost depends on the quantity and quality of the equipment purchased. Remember that some parts will have to be purchased on an ongoing basis. Equipment of this type can be purchased on lease; it is profitable and convenient, especially.
  2. Renting premises. Depending on the location, it's about $400. The closer to the city center, the more expensive. Try to choose the optimal location, closer to the metro or public transport stops.
  3. Advertising company. About 350 dollars. You need to pay for advertising constantly; focus on creating a website and contextual advertising.
  4. Utilities, internet, cleaning, etc. About 150-160 dollars per month.
  5. Other expenses. This paragraph refers to unforeseen expenses in the office. Usually it is no more than $200.

The entrepreneur's initial expenses will be $4,500-$5,000, including employee payments. It is not difficult to calculate that this amount will pay off in 5-6 months; the net profit of the service center is about 400-500 dollars per month. It is very important which can bring clients to you.

The computer repair business is very profitable today and will be profitable for many decades to come. Every person has a phone, computer, tablet that periodically breaks down, which means it becomes yours potential client. and in a few years you will have not just one office, but a whole network.

For many people, a laptop and a computer are the main source of income. If something breaks down, it is not always possible to buy new equipment. High prices on the market for new computer equipment are forcing people to send in faulty PCs and laptops for repairs. Here a business prospect opens up – a computer repair service. How much do you need to invest to start such a project and what is the approximate profit figure?

Official registration

A computer repair business can operate either without registration or with legally issued documentation. The first is illegal, the second makes it possible to cover a potentially profitable sector, namely servicing legal entities.

First, register as an individual entrepreneur to simplify taxation and accounting. If in your plans network business, then it’s better to register an LLC right away.

When organizing an office, you will need to obtain the consent of the State Fire Inspectorate.

Market research - prices and assortment

The computer repair business has considerable competition and high demand. The basis of success is to provide customers with attractive prices. To do this, study the price lists of large companies and the range of their services.

It’s worth starting with the most basic, in-demand and profitable services. Computer repair service includes:

  • diagnostics, repair and prevention of all types of computer equipment;
  • assembly of processors from used spare parts;
  • advisory services;
  • services for configuration and installation of operating systems, programs and antiviruses.

Many of the services offered are onsite, giving the lion's share of the profits to such companies.


How to start making money repairing computers - organize a home service. To do this, you do not need to rent a room and pay rent. Most similar companies started this way.

Another option is to find a small room of 10-15 m2 with cheap rent. Placement is not that important because:

  • You will pick up most of the equipment from the customer’s home;
  • Some clients with a car will bring equipment to the office by car.

The 2nd floor is quite acceptable, which is significantly lower in terms of rental price - ≈ 6 thousand rubles per month.

Consider the option of coworking - working in the same room with other entrepreneurs-masters (rental cost is half the price) ≈ 3 thousand rubles.

Try to find a room with an acceptable renovation so that you can only purchase furniture.

Office furniture


  • computer desk - 2;
  • chairs - 4;
  • coffee table - 1;
  • sofa (for client) - 1;
  • wardrobe – 2;
  • cabinets – 2.

Total: 20 thousand rubles

Additionally, you need to purchase a water filter and an electric kettle for the comfort of the craftsmen. (1000 rubles).

Hiring staff

Workers must have experience

Often, the start of such a business idea is two or three people with skills in computer equipment repair and related services.

At the start, you need two setup and repair technicians with wages 20 thousand rubles. For reporting, a freelance accountant is invited, the cost of services is 2,000 rubles, or the owner does it himself. One of the foremen must have a car and a license to go to calls and pick up equipment, while the second one works locally.

At the initial stage, the company will do without an office manager; all calls will be taken by a specialist. In the future, it is planned to organize a call center and hire a full-time accountant.


The best option for advertising is free bulletin boards, social networks and creating your own website. To launch your website, you only need 300-600 rubles (paid hosting) and a little skill in working with it. Computer repair and PC setup specialists will be able to deal with such a task on their own. Creating and printing basic business cards business style it won't be difficult either.

Come up with a new name for the company - it can be humorous, but it speaks volumes about the purpose of the company. Suitable: “Zhelezyaka”, “Comp City”, “Smart Comp”, “Diagnostics and Service”, etc.

Try to work with legal entities without own department technical support. Send your proposals to companies' emails with a list of conditions.

Purchase of equipment and components

Before opening a computer repair service center, you need to purchase equipment and components for urgent replacement, diagnostics and testing of equipment.

Other components will be ordered as needed. Over time, the service center will be able to offer replacement parts with new or used ones at the request of the client.

Service center business plan - calculations

A detailed business plan will allow you to evaluate investment attractiveness business and return on investment.


To organize a company you will need to spend:

  • legal registration persons – 6 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​150 thousand rubles;
  • furniture and other things for the office - 21 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses (printing business cards, installing the Internet, etc.) – 3 thousand rubles;

Total: 180 thousand rubles

Gross revenue

Table. Price - list of possible services

Price list for computer repair services Cost, rubles Orders per month Total
Diagnostics 300 50 15 000
Prevention and cleaning 600 20 12 000
Replacement or installation of components (price for 1 unit) 500 80 40 000
Installation (reinstallation) of software, antivirus, etc. 500 30 15 000
Consultation, setup 300 50 15 000
Other services 200 20 4 000
Gross revenue 101 000

The earning opportunities are much broader; the table provides an approximate unified list of the work of the service center.

At the same time, sell those assembled from various used components. An attractive price will allow you to get a good additional profit, and possibly become one of the main sources of income.

Monthly profit calculation, profitability, payback

Such a calculation will help to assess the main indicators of the computer repair business.

Table. Balance

Monthly income and expense balance Amount, rubles
Gross revenue 101 000
Office rental (coworking) 3 000
Salary 54 800
Freelance accountant fees 2 000
Public utilities 5 000
other expenses 5 000
Profit before tax 31 200
Tax 4 680
Net profit 26 520

Calculation of investment attractiveness

Investments 180 000
Profitability 36%
Payback 7

Profitability of 36%, payback within 7 months - these are excellent indicators for any business project.

Of course, a net profit of 26 thousand is not promising, but these calculations are based on figures for initial stage entering the market. With the expansion of the client base, the list of services and the number of works performed will be increased.

Give discounts to regular customers, as customer retention is very important. Regular clientele is the basis for the success of a reputable company.

An interesting option for starting to work with corporate clients is to conclude a deal for the first service at half the cost. If you like the work of the masters, then offer long-term cooperation with a 15-20% discount.
