Liberation of Europe by the Soviet army. Europe has forgotten who liberated it from fascism

Taking into account the agreement with the allies on the opening of a second front, the growing power of the Red Army and the increased level of Soviet military art, the Supreme High Command Headquarters adopted a plan for a decisive offensive in 1944. It provided for the sequential conduct of 10 major strategic operations of groups of fronts along the entire front with the goal of completely expelling the enemy from the territory USSR and the liberation of the peoples of Europe.

The offensive was carried out continuously, the Red Army did not give respite to the enemy. During the winter - spring of 1944, military operations near Leningrad and Novgorod were successfully completed, where Soviet troops advanced 220–280 km, defeating and destroying 20 enemy divisions. Right Bank Ukraine and Crimea were liberated. The struggle for Crimea once again clearly demonstrated the superiority of military art over the Nazi art. In 1941–1942 The Nazis besieged Sevastopol for 250 days. In 1944, Soviet troops, together with naval forces, crushed the enemy’s defenses in Crimea in 35 days. Only during the evacuation by sea from the attacks of the Black Sea Fleet, the enemy lost 42 thousand soldiers and officers, and 61 thousand who were unable to evacuate were captured. As a result of the continuous offensive from the end of December 1943 to mid-May 1944, our troops covered more than 1000 km. The Nazis' plans to hold the occupied territories of the USSR were thwarted.

In the spring, the Allies prepared the landing of their troops in Northern France (Operation Overlord). Its goal was to invade the European continent, capture the northwestern part of France and create conditions in order to “strike at the heart of Germany and destroy its armed forces.” Roosevelt believed that the Americans should take Berlin.

Operation Overlord is the largest strategic landing in history; a huge expeditionary force of 2 million 876 thousand people took part in it. The landing began at dawn on July 6th.

Simultaneously with the offensive in the west, in the summer of 1944, the largest offensive operations were launched on the Soviet-German front.

On June 10, the operation to liberate Karelia began, which led the Finnish government to the need to decide to leave the war. This was followed by the main attack in Belarus and Western Ukraine against the German Army Groups Center and Northern Ukraine.

The Belarusian Operation Bagration was one of the largest in World War II. Soviet troops continued their rapid offensive in Lithuania and Latvia, reaching the border of East Prussia. During the offensive in Belarus, the Lvov-San Domir operation began to liberate Western Ukraine.

By the end of July, Soviet troops, during a continuous offensive, had fought about 600 km. Pursuing the enemy, our soldiers entered the territory of Poland. The process of liberating Polish land from invaders was combined with the struggle of the progressive forces of Poland for the creation of an independent Polish state friendly to the Soviet Union.

The joint offensive of the anti-Hitler coalition troops and the approach of the Red Army intensified the collapse of the Hitler bloc and intensified the struggle of anti-fascist forces in the countries of Eastern, Central and Southern Europe.

During the offensive of the Anglo-American troops, in addition to the uprising in France, which made a significant contribution to the liberation of their homeland, armed uprisings against the occupiers also occurred in Belgium and Denmark. In Belgium, the rebels liberated Antwerp; in Denmark, resistance forces did not receive the support of Anglo-American troops and the occupiers managed to suppress the uprising. In all countries Western Europe liberated by Anglo-American troops, power remained in the hands of the bourgeoisie, and the Resistance units were disarmed.

In the countries of Eastern, Southern and Central Europe, the process of defeating Hitler's troops by the armed forces of the Soviet Union merged with liberating anti-fascist revolutionary-democratic uprisings and revolutions.

As a result of the offensive of the Soviet troops in 1945, Hitler's army suffered a crushing defeat, and the imminent end of the war became obvious. The Nazis' hopes for a protracted war for “Fortress Germany” collapsed completely.

Coordination of a further attack on Germany from the west and east and the problems of the post-war world order urgently required the convening of a new conference of the heads of government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain. At the suggestion of the Soviet Union, Yalta was chosen as the venue. This decision showed the increased authority of the USSR in the anti-Hitler coalition and its decisive role in ending the Second World War.

Crimean (Yalta) Conference of Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain - I.V. Stalin, F. Roosevelt and W. Churchill, took place from February 4 to 11, 1945 and became the culmination point, the pinnacle of cooperation between the leading powers of the anti-Hitler coalition.

The Western powers realized that the Soviet Union could liberate Europe alone. In a broad political sense, the Yalta Conference is international recognition of a radical change in the balance of forces in Europe and the world as a result of the victorious war of the Soviet people, recognition by the largest states of an opposing social system, the fundamental fact of the transformation of the USSR into a leading global power, recognition of its decisive role in the defeat of fascism.

All three powers achieved unity on issues military strategy in order to end the war as quickly as possible. The military headquarters agreed on cooperation and, accordingly, the boundaries of the occupied zones were fundamentally determined.

The central political question was resolved - about the future of Germany. The Soviet Union prevented the division of the German state. The heads of state outlined the foundations of a coordinated policy on the principles of democratization, demilitarization, denazification, and the creation of guarantees that Germany “will never be able to disrupt the peace.”

An agreement was reached on the Polish question, which opened the way for the development of a free and independent Polish state within historically just borders.

The conference participants showed unity and agreement on the issue of creating the UN. The Declaration on the Liberation of Europe adopted in Yalta and the final document “Unity in the organization of peace, as well as in the conduct of war,” created the basis for new international relations, most consistent with the objective needs of world development.

The fate of the second source of aggression was predetermined, and the date for the USSR's entry into the war in the Far East was fixed.

It is important to emphasize that in Yalta the principle of equality of parties prevailed. “The United States cannot expect that everything will be done at its discretion 100%, just as it is impossible for Russia and Great Britain,” President Roosevelt noted.

The Crimean Conference put an end to the diplomatic attempts of the Nazi leadership to achieve negotiations with the allies.

At a meeting on February 5, when asked by Stalin, Churchill was forced to declare that if Hitler or Himmler made proposals for surrender, the Allies would answer them that they would not negotiate with them as war criminals. There were reasons for Stalin to pose such a question. The Soviet leadership was aware of the fact that Keitel and Eisenhower exchanged telegrams about a “100-day truce” and other contacts with representatives of the Allied administration.

However, the Crimean Conference did not stop the attempts of the German monopolists to come to an agreement with the West. One of the ways of such a conspiracy was the plan of German industrialists to propose to the Anglo-American leadership to occupy the largest possible part of Germany, while holding the eastern front with German troops with all their might. And if the allies do not agree to a separate agreement, then generally open the western front with the generals of the German army through the sequential surrender of individual groups of German troops and thereby bypass the political act of unconditional surrender. Hitler, for his part, attempted collusion through American intelligence (“Wolf Mission”). On March 22, the Soviet government demanded the end of separate negotiations with the Nazis. This issue became the subject of correspondence between heads of government. On April 12, Roosevelt wrote to Stalin that “the Berne incident is a thing of the past.” This was the last message from US President F.D. Roosevelt.

The coordinated offensive from the west and east squeezed Hitler’s army in a giant vice.

Between February and the first half of April, Soviet troops, during fierce battles with the main forces of the Wehrmacht, defeated large enemy groups on the flanks of the Soviet-German front and liberated Vienna. The assault on Berlin was ahead. On the western front, in early February, the Allied armies launched an offensive towards the Rhine, breaking the Siegfried Line. In March, the Allies cleared the left bank of the Rhine and captured bridgeheads on its eastern bank. Conditions were created for encircling the Ruhr and advancing deep into Germany. By April 1, the encirclement of the Russian group was completed, and on April 14, it was cut into two parts. On April 17, the commander of Army Group B, Field Marshal Model, gave the order to stop resistance and announced the disbandment of his troops. This was the actual beginning of the mass surrender of Nazi troops.

Speaking about the final operations of the spring of 1945, it is necessary to note the increased fierceness of the struggle of the Nazi army on the Soviet-German front. In the first half of April, 214 Nazi divisions were concentrated there, a contingent born in 1929 was drafted into the army, and brutal measures were taken to force the army to fight to the last. Hitler still hoped that the Americans and British “would not leave him in trouble.” On April 16, in an address to the troops, he assured that Roosevelt's death would cause a turn in the war. The struggle for Berlin formed a central link in the strategy and politics of the last days of fascism. Hitler's leadership considered it “better to surrender Berlin to the Anglo-Saxons than to let the Russians into it.” Berlin and its approaches were turned into a powerful defensive area.

On April 16, the Berlin Strategic Operation began. Soviet troops broke through the enemy's deeply layered defenses and entered the suburbs of Berlin. On April 25, the encirclement of the Berlin group was completed. Heavy battles ensued with fascist troops fighting with fanatical, furious despair. Early in the morning of May 1, the Red Banner hoisted over the Reichstag; it was hoisted by scouts of the 756th Infantry Regiment of the 150th Infantry Division M.A. Egorov and M.V. Kantaria, led by the battalion political officer, Lieutenant A.P. Berest.

After the suicide of Hitler and Goebbels in surrounded Berlin, Admiral Doenitz became the head of the fascist government. The Soviet command demanded unconditional surrender from him, but the German command did not give such an order, trying to lead as many of its units and formations as possible to surrender to the Anglo-American troops. Across the Western and Italian fronts, the Allies accepted partial surrenders, bypassing the signing of the German Unconditional Surrender Act, while simultaneously rapidly advancing into German territory. At the insistence of the Soviet government, on May 8, the act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed. It was held in liberated Berlin under the chairmanship of Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukova. Only after the signing of the Act did German troops in the east begin to lay down their arms everywhere. However, in order to overcome the resistance of the Nazis in Czechoslovakia, where a popular uprising began against them in Prague on May 5, they still had to fight until May 9, when Soviet tank troops completely liberated Prague. The last days of the war were marked by the day of liberation of the fraternal Czechoslovak people. The Soviet Army fully fulfilled its international duty as a liberating army.

The war in Europe was over. The victorious countries began to develop documents about the post-war world. The foundations of the post-war world were laid in the decisions of the Crimean Conference, where none of the great powers could pretend to impose their opinion on others. In Roosevelt's words, "The Crimea Conference means the end of the system of unilateral action, closed alliances, spheres of influence, balance of power and all other political intrigues that have been resorted to for centuries without success."

What the president understood during the war years, his successors could not and did not want to understand.

After the surrender of Germany, issues of the post-war structure of Europe were resolved at a new conference of the heads of government of the three powers of the USSR, USA and Great Britain, which was held from July 7 to August 2, 1945 near Berlin - in Potsdam. The Potsdam Conference summed up the results of the Second World War in Europe and went down in history as an event historical significance. The decisions taken there corresponded to the liberating anti-fascist nature of the war and were a turning point in the life of Europe from war to peace. However, the leaders of England (Churchill and then Atlee) and the USA (Truman) tried this time to take a “hard position” against the USSR.

During the conference, the US government made its first attempt to start a new, “nuclear diplomacy.” On July 1, 1945, the Truman government decided: “The bomb must be used against Japan as soon as possible.” July 24, President Truman emphatically important look informed Stalin that the Americans had created a new bomb of enormous destructive power. After the conference, Stalin gave instructions to speed up work on creating nuclear weapons. The alarming era of the threat of nuclear war has begun.

Having received assurances that the USSR would enter the war with Japan in accordance with the agreement at the Yalta Conference, the USA and Great Britain. China also joined. A declaration of Japan's unconditional surrender was published in Potsdam. The Japanese government rejected the declaration.

The Soviet Union began deploying and preparing forces to enter the war. The government of the Mongolian People's Republic also took part in the war. Japan at that time had large forces in large areas China, Korea. It retained Indochina, Thailand, Malaysia, and almost all of Indonesia under its control. The largest group of the Japanese army was located in Northeast China on the borders of the USSR - the Kwantung Army, numbering over 1 million people. According to the calculations of the US command, the war with Japan without the participation of the Soviet Union could last until 1947 with heavy losses.

The US government hastened to complete preparations for the atomic bombing of Japan, despite the obvious futility of Japanese resistance after the USSR entered the war. On the morning of August 6, the first atomic bomb (“Little”) was dropped on the city of Hiroshima. Of the 306 thousand inhabitants of the city, 90 thousand people died immediately, tens of thousands died later, 90% of the buildings burned down, the rest turned into ruins.

On August 8, the USSR declared war on Japan and joined the Potsdam Declaration. On the night of August 9, the Soviet armed forces launched an offensive. On August 10, the MPR also declared war on Japan. The Truman government ordered a second attack on Japan as quickly as possible. atomic bomb. On August 9, an American plane bombed the city of Nagasaki with an atomic bomb. The city was destroyed. In total, about 100 thousand people died from the two atomic bombings, about 400 thousand were injured and were exposed to fatal radioactive radiation. Hundreds of thousands died from the effects of radiation exposure in the following years.

Atomic bombings had no strategic significance, they were intended to intimidate the Japanese and the whole world, primarily the USSR, as a demonstration of the military power of the United States.

Soviet troops rapidly advanced deep into the territory of Manchuria, overcoming many years of fortifications and fanatical resistance of Japanese troops. Within a few days, the Kwantung Army was defeated. On August 14, the Japanese government announced that it was capitulating and accepting the terms of the Potsdam Declaration, but did not give an order to its troops to lay down their arms, and therefore the Soviet Army continued the offensive. On August 18, Soviet troops linked up with units of the 8th People's Revolutionary Army of China. On August 19, soldiers and officers of the Kwantung Army began to surrender en masse.

Soviet troops liberated Northeast China and North Korea ( South Korea According to the agreement, American troops occupied up to the 38th parallel), captured South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

Units of the People's Liberation Army entered Northeast China and were given weapons from the capitulated Kwantung Army. Under the leadership of the CPC, people's authorities were created here, military units were formed, and the Manchurian revolutionary base was created. Which played a decisive role in the subsequent revolutionary movement of China.

Was recreated in North Korea Communist Party and the people's authorities were formed - the People's Committees, which began to carry out socialist and democratic reforms.

With the defeat of Japan, uprisings broke out in many occupied and dependent countries and people's democratic revolutions took place - in Vietnam, Malaya, Indonesia, Burma.

On August 28, an advance detachment of American troops arrived at an airfield near Tokyo; a few days later they occupied Japanese islands. Some prominent dignitaries, including Prince Konoe, committed suicide.

On September 2, 1945, in Tokyo Bay on the battleship Missouri, under the leadership of the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in the Pacific, General MacArthur, the signing of the act of surrender of Japan took place. From the Soviet Union, General K.N. Derevyanko signed the Act. The whole ceremony lasted 20 minutes.

This is how the Second ended World War, which lasted exactly 6 years.

Under the influence of the Soviet Union and with its help, a number of countries in Europe and Asia are taking the path of socialist transformation: Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, North Korea, Vietnam, China), conditions arose for the formation of a world system of socialism.

In the world of capitalism, only the United States emerged from the war significantly stronger both economically and militarily, taking its place as the leader of the capitalist system. The capitalist countries of the world fall under the economic and political influence of the United States, which takes on the role of defender of the foundations of capitalism in the world, relying on military and nuclear force.

The heroic struggle of the communists at the head of the anti-fascist Resistance, their authority among the masses caused the growth of the world communist movement. In a number of capitalist countries (Italy, France, Belgium, Finland), communists have entered the governments and democratic reforms are being carried out.

The war strengthened the national liberation movement in colonial and dependent countries. The process of collapse of the colonial system as a whole began, the creation of independent states, and the formation of “third world” countries.

The pacifist movement, the desire of peoples for peace and the prevention of a new world war have intensified, and democratic movements are developing. The ideas of bourgeois liberalism, the desire to smooth out social contradictions and impart stability to the economic and political system Western democracy.

The historical experience of the tragedy of two world wars teaches that the military danger emanating from reactionary forces must be countered by the unification of all progressive forces of the world - by their active struggle for peace and disarmament. Experience shows that it is especially important to expose the expansionist and hegemonic aspirations of aggressive forces and to prevent the organizers of aggression and wars from seizing important positions. The Second World War taught the peoples. Especially the Soviet Union, vigilance in order to promptly counter a military threat with the country’s corresponding defense capability, capable of stopping and thwarting aggression.

Victory in the war was achieved thanks to the friendship of the Soviet peoples. Russians and Ukrainians, Belarusians and Kazakhs, Georgians and Armenians, Azerbaijanis and Turkmens fought as one people, not divided by nationality. There are numerous examples of deep friendship between workers and soldiers of various nationalities. There are frequent cases when Uzbeks raised the children of Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, etc., who had lost their parents, when a Kazakh, Russian and Kyrgyz put their shoulder under the same burden, when a Russian shaded a Chuvash with his chest, and an Udmurt shielded a Belarusian, etc. Friendship of the peoples of the USSR was one of the most important factors victory over the fascist aggressors.

The most important result of the fighting was the defeat of the bloc of fascist states, which saved the world from the threat of enslavement. The Soviet peoples have proven their right to independent choice development ways. Many peoples of Europe and Asia were liberated from enemy occupation. The path of peaceful, democratic development was open to them. As a result of the war, the international authority of the USSR was significantly strengthened.

Significant territorial changes have occurred. The USSR was transferred to the Kuril Islands and South Sakhalin, and the right to lease Port Arthur. East Prussia with Koenigsberg went to us, and the border with Poland passed along the “Curzon Line”. Our border with Finland and Czechoslovakia has changed slightly. Poland received a significant part of German territory. The border of Yugoslavia with Italy and a number of other borders have changed. The aggressor states lost all their colonies.

Victory in the war was achieved by the joint efforts of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. However, the main burden of the war fell on the shoulders of the Soviet people. Fascist Germany, setting socio-political goals in the war: the destruction of Soviet social and political system, the socialist economic system - threw its main forces against us. During 1941 and 1942 we fought against her virtually one on one. Even in 1943, when our allies landed in Sicily, the situation changed little.

The most important lessons of World War II are as follows. It once again showed that the entire burden of the war falls on the shoulders of the peoples. Among the masses there are no people interested in war. This interest is present in ruling circles. They generate ideas designed to ensure preparation for war and the war itself.

One of the lessons is that a war is much easier to start than to end. A war, having begun, then develops according to its own laws, and its outcome is almost impossible to plan. Victory does not always come to the one who started the war. The German fascists planned a short-term victorious war. But it turned out to be protracted and led to defeat.

There is another extremely important lesson in this regard. A war cannot be planned either in scale or in the nature of the means used. Starting as local, it can draw other states into its orbit and become global. Such a course of events is all the more likely the higher the level of development of human society. The complex interweaving of economic and political ties leads to drawing states into conflict, often against the wishes of the people at the helm of the state. Currently any local conflict could become the fuse of a new world war. Moreover, it is impossible to limit the use of existing means of warfare, including the most destructive.

By the united forces of peace and progress, create effective system international security is the most important task of our time. In this lesson of the second world war. And people turn to its history to prevent the death of civilization on earth.

Presentation on the topic "Liberation of Western European countries from fascism." An EOR is presented, which tells about the role of the USSR in the liberation of the peoples of Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany from the Nazi invaders in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, about the operations carried out to storm the capitals of European states about the final victory of the Soviet people over fascist Germany.

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“Liberation of Western European countries from fascism”

Soviet soldiers-liberators

The presentation was made by a 6th grade student from MAOU Secondary School. Novopolevodino Gette Elina

Liberation of Europe

  • For the liberation of the peoples of Europe, the Soviet armed forces in 1944-45. carried out several large strategic offensive operations, in which troops of eleven fronts, one air defense front, 4 fleets, 50 combined arms, 6 tank, 13 air armies, 3 air defense armies and 2 river military flotillas took part.
  • The total number of troops and fleets was about 7 million people. At the same time, the anti-fascist movement in the occupied countries and in Germany itself gained strength, and the anti-Hitler coalition strengthened.

In the spring of 1944 Soviet troops reached the state border of the USSR for more than 400 km, approached the borders of Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania. The USSR began to liberate European countries. June 6, 1944 American and British troops landed in Normandy, in the north coast France.

Liberation of Bulgaria

September 8, 1944 - Soviet troops entered the territory of Bulgaria. Troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, numbering about 260 thousand people, took part in the liberation of Bulgaria. The Bulgarian army did not conduct military operations against the Red Army troops.

Liberation of Poland

  • The 1st Belorussian Front, with the support of the Polish army, began the Warsaw operation only on January 14, 1945. The 47th Army on January 16, 1945, was able to push the enemy back across the Vistula River. On the night of January 17, 1945, together with the 64th and 47th armies of the Belorussian Front, they began fighting directly for the liberation of Warsaw, and by the evening they completely liberated the city from the fascist invaders.

Residents of Warsaw meet Soviet tank crews

The Medal for the Liberation of Warsaw was created to reward soldiers and officers who took part in the assault and liberation of the capital of Poland, Warsaw, on January 14-17, 1945.

On August 31, 1945, the procedure for presenting the award was approved. In total, approximately 701,700 liberator soldiers were awarded the medal “For the Liberation of Warsaw” for participation in the operation, assault and liberation of the capital of Poland.

Liberation of Yugoslavia

  • From September 28 to October 20, 1944, the Red Army carried out the Belgrade strategic offensive operation. On October 20, Soviet soldiers liberated the capital of Yugoslavia, Belgrade.

Residents of Belgrade meet Soviet soldiers-liberators

Liberation of Hungary

In October 1944, the command of the Red Army began a military operation to liberate Hungary. Soldiers from the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts of the Soviet Army operated in Hungary. On February 13, 1945, the operation to liberate Budapest and Hungary was completed. By April 4, the Soviet Army completely expelled fascist troops from the territory of Hungary. During the liberation of Hungary, 140 thousand Soviet soldiers died.

Liberation of Budapest

The Medal for the Liberation of Budapest was created to reward soldiers and officers who took part in the assault and liberation of the capital of Hungary, Budapest, on February 11-13, 1945. By decree of June 9, 1945, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the medal “For the Capture of Budapest,” which was awarded to more than 350 thousand combatants. Many Red Army units and formations received the honorary name of Budapest.

Monument in honor of the liberation of the capital of Hungary, Budapest

The assault on the capital of Austria was the final part of the Vienna offensive operation, (03.16-04.15, 1945 by the forces of the 2nd (commander R. Malinovsky) and 3rd Ukrainian fronts (commander Marshal F. Tolbukhin) On April 5, 1945, Soviet troops began an operation to capture Vienna from the southeast and south. The Vienna offensive operation was completed on April 13, 1945 with the liberation of the Austrian capital from the Wehrmacht.

Berlin operation

  • The assault began on April 16, 1945. At 3 a.m. Berlin time, under the light of 140 searchlights, Soviet tanks and infantry attacked German positions. After four days of fighting, the fronts commanded by G.K. Zhukov and I.S. Konev closed a ring around Berlin. 93 enemy divisions were defeated, 490 thousand people were captured, and a huge amount of captured military equipment and weapons were captured. On April 25, a meeting of Soviet and American troops took place on the Elbe .

  • On May 1, at 3 o’clock, the Chief of the General Staff of the German Ground Forces, General Krebs, was delivered to the command post of the 8th Guards Army. He stated that Hitler had committed suicide on April 30 and proposed to begin armistice negotiations.
  • The next day, the Berlin Defense Headquarters ordered an end to resistance. Berlin has fallen. When it was captured, Soviet troops lost 300 thousand killed and wounded.

Liberation of Czechoslovakia

  • The final operation of the Red Army in Europe was the Prague strategic offensive operation, which was carried out from May 6 to 11, 1945 by troops of the 1st, 4th and 2nd Ukrainian Fronts, numbering 151 divisions in the amount of 1 million 770 thousand people.

  • The largest strategic offensive operations that had decisive significance for the liberation of Europe: Iasi-Kishinev (August 1944), Belgrade (October 1944), Budapest (October 1944-February 1945), Vistula-Oder (February January 1945), East Prussian (April January), Vienna (April March), Berlin (May April), Prague (May).

Our fellow villagers in the liberation of Western European countries

  • Novopolevodinsk residents took part in the liberation of Western European countries: Podshivalov P.I., Yambulatov M.I., Glazkov A.M., Kravchenko V.S., Milov A.L., Starkov E.I. and many others. And the full holder of the Order of Glory, Mikhail Semenovich Volkov, not only took part in operations to liberate Europe from fascism, but was also an honorary citizen of the city of Trnava, the Republic of Czechoslovakia.

Glory to the victorious soldier!

Glory to the soldier-liberator!

And let the Motherland be proud of you,

That glory came to us from Yaroslav

And handed over to us by fate!

You saved Europe from the fascist plague

We must all honor and remember you.

You gave peace to the peoples of all Europe,

I want everyone to remember this and know this.

And let the wars and all the terrible troubles fade away

Low bow to you, fathers and grandfathers!

For May that Great Victory!

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Fresh review

Forest Fairytale was a fairly old resort and quite poor in terms of skiing entertainment. But this year everything has changed. We built three new chairlifts, a couple more ski lifts and a bunch of slopes. Even if they are quite simple, and those that are more complex are quite short, there are a lot of them and they are varied, which gives the new resort the right to compete with and, as with the best and largest ski resorts in Kazakhstan.

Let me start with the fact that Lesnaya Skazka is now at least three resorts: Oy-Karagay, Aport and Lesnaya Skazka itself. While you’re riding, it’s not entirely clear how they are intertwined and where, but I think if you carefully study this issue, you can figure it out. But in principle this does not matter.

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On our last visit to the city, the museum in the Old Castle was not open on the occasion of the holiday. This time the rain, one might say, drove us to the Old Castle. But no matter what is done, everything is for the better. On May 21, 2016, the exhibition “Wahre Schätze” (True Treasures) was opened on the newly renovated floors under the heading “Antiquity - Celts - Art”. I won’t write about the castle itself, because... There is already an article from 2012 and the link to it is given above. Here we will get acquainted with the museum exhibition. Entrance to the museum is from the courtyard. True, in December the courtyard was more cozy, decorated with Bethlehem stars, light bulbs and green Christmas trees.

The victories of the Red Army in 1943 meant a radical change not only on the Soviet-German front, but also in World War II as a whole. They increased the contradictions in the camp of Germany's allies. On July 25, 1943, the fascist government of B. Mussolini fell in Italy, and the new leadership led by General P. Badoglio declared war on Germany on October 13, 1943. The Resistance movement intensified in the occupied countries. In 1943, the fight against the enemy was carried out by 300 thousand partisans of France, 300 thousand of Yugoslavia, over 70 thousand of Greece, 100 thousand of Italy, 50 thousand of Norway, as well as partisan detachments of other countries. In total, 2.2 million people took part in the Resistance movement.
The coordination of the actions of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition was facilitated by meetings of the leaders of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain. The first of the Big Three conferences took place from November 28 to December 1, 1943 in Tehran. The main ones were military issues - about the second front in Europe. It was decided that no later than May 1, 1944, Anglo-American troops would land in France. A declaration on joint actions in the war against Germany and on post-war cooperation was adopted, and the issue of the post-war borders of Poland was considered. The USSR took upon itself the obligation to enter the war against Japan after the end of the war with Germany.
In January 1944, the third and final stage of the Great Patriotic War began. Patriotic War. By this time, Nazi troops continued to occupy Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Karelia, a significant part of Belarus, Ukraine, the Leningrad and Kalinin regions, Moldova and Crimea. Hitler's command kept the main, most combat-ready troops of about 5 million people in the East. Germany still had significant resources to fight the war, although its economy had entered a period of serious difficulties.
However, the general military-political situation, in comparison with the first years of the war, changed radically in favor of the USSR and its Armed Forces. By the beginning of 1944, there were more than 6.3 million people in the active army of the USSR. The production of steel, cast iron, coal and oil production increased rapidly, and the eastern regions of the country were developed. The defense industry produced 5 times more tanks and aircraft in 1944 than in 1941.
The Soviet Army was faced with the task of completing the liberation of its territory, providing assistance to the peoples of Europe in overthrowing the fascist yoke, and ending the war with the complete defeat of the enemy on its territory. The peculiarity of offensive operations in 1944 was that the enemy was struck in advance by powerful attacks on various directions of the Soviet-German front, forcing him to disperse his forces and making it difficult to organize an effective defense.
In 1944, the Red Army inflicted a series of crushing blows on the German troops, which led to the complete liberation of Soviet land from the fascist invaders. Among the largest operations are the following:

January-February - near Leningrad and Novgorod. The 900-day blockade of Leningrad, which had lasted since September 8, 1941, was lifted (during the blockade, more than 640 thousand residents died of hunger in the city; the food standard in 1941 was 250 g of bread per day for workers and 125 g for the rest);
FebruaryMarch - liberation of Right Bank Ukraine;
AprilMay - liberation of Crimea;
June-August - Belarusian operation;
July-August - liberation of Western Ukraine;
early August - Iasso-Kishinev operation;
October - liberation of the Arctic.
By December 1944, all Soviet territory was liberated. On November 7, 1944, the Pravda newspaper published Order No. 220 of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief: “The Soviet state border,” it said, “has been restored all the way from the Black Sea to the Barents Sea” (for the first time during the war, Soviet troops reached the state border USSR March 26, 1944 on the border with Romania). All of Germany's allies withdrew from the war - Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary. Hitler's coalition completely collapsed. And the number of countries that were at war with Germany was constantly increasing. On June 22, 1941 there were 14 of them, and in May 1945 there were 53.

The successes of the Red Army did not mean that the enemy ceased to pose a serious military threat. An army of almost five million confronted the USSR in early 1944. But the Red Army was superior to the Wehrmacht both in numbers and in firepower. By the beginning of 1944, it numbered more than 6 million soldiers and officers, had 90 thousand guns and mortars (the Germans had about 55 thousand), an approximately equal number of tanks and self-propelled guns, and an advantage of 5 thousand aircraft.
The successful course of military operations was also facilitated by the opening of a second front. On June 6, 1944, Anglo-American troops landed in France. However, the main one remained the Soviet-German front. In June 1944, Germany had 259 divisions on its Eastern Front, and 81 on the Western Front. Paying tribute to all the peoples of the planet who fought against fascism, it should be noted that it was the Soviet Union that was the main force that blocked A. Hitler’s path to world domination . The Soviet-German front was the main front where the fate of humanity was decided. Its length ranged from 3000 to 6000 km, it existed for 1418 days. Until the summer of 1944 -
Liberation of the territory of the USSR by the Red Army
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the time of the opening of the second front in Europe - 9295% of the ground forces of Germany and its allies operated here, and then from 74 to 65%.
Having liberated the USSR, the Red Army, pursuing the retreating enemy, entered the territory of foreign countries in 1944. She fought in 13 European and Asian countries. More than a million Soviet soldiers gave their lives for their liberation from fascism.
In 1945, the offensive operations of the Red Army assumed an even larger scale. The troops launched a final offensive along the entire front from the Baltic to the Carpathians, which was planned for the end of January. But due to the fact that the Anglo-American army in the Ardennes (Belgium) was on the verge of disaster, the Soviet leadership decided to start fighting ahead of schedule.
The main attacks were carried out in the Warsaw-Berlin direction. Overcoming desperate resistance, Soviet troops completely liberated Poland and defeated the main Nazi forces in East Prussia and Pomerania. At the same time, strikes were carried out on the territory of Slovakia, Hungary and Austria.
In connection with the approaching final defeat of Germany, issues of joint actions by the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition at the final stage of the war and in peacetime became acute. In February 1945, the second conference of the heads of government of the USSR, USA and England took place in Yalta. The conditions for the unconditional surrender of Germany were worked out, and measures were determined to eradicate Nazism and transform Germany into a democratic state. These principles are known as the “4 Ds” - democratization, demilitarization, denazification and decartelization. The allies also agreed on general principles for resolving the reparation issue, that is, on the amount and procedure for compensation for damage caused by Germany to other countries (the total amount of reparation was set at 20 billion US dollars, of which the USSR was to receive half). An agreement was reached on the entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan 23 months after the surrender of Germany and on the return to it Kuril Islands and the southern part of Sakhalin Island. In order to maintain Peace and security, it was decided to create an international organization - the UN. Its founding conference took place on April 25, 1945 in San Francisco.
One of the largest and most significant at the final stage of the war was the Berlin operation. The offensive began on April 16. On April 25, all roads leading from the city to the west were cut. On the same day, units of the 1st Ukrainian Front met with American troops near the city of Torgau on the Elbe. On April 30, the storming of the Reichstag began. On May 2, the Berlin garrison capitulated. May 8 - Capitulation was signed.
IN last days During the war, the Red Army had to fight stubborn battles in Czechoslovakia. On May 5, an armed uprising against the occupiers began in Prague. On May 9, Soviet troops liberated Prague.

In January 1944, as a result of the successful operation of the Leningrad, Volkhov and 2nd Baltic fronts, the blockade of Leningrad was lifted. In the winter of 1944, through the efforts of three Ukrainian fronts, Right Bank Ukraine was liberated, and by the end of spring the western border of the USSR was completely restored.

Under such conditions, at the beginning of the summer of 1944, a second front was opened in Europe.

The headquarters of the Supreme High Command developed a plan, grandiose in scale and successful in tactical ideas, for the complete liberation of Soviet territory and the entry of Red Army troops into Eastern Europe with the aim of liberating her from fascist enslavement. This was preceded by one of the major offensive operations - the Belarusian one, which received the code name "Bagration".

As a result of the offensive, the Soviet Army reached the outskirts of Warsaw and stopped on the right bank of the Vistula. At this time, a popular uprising broke out in Warsaw, brutally suppressed by the Nazis.

In September-October 1944, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia were liberated. The partisan formations of these states took an active part in the hostilities of the Soviet troops, which later formed the basis of their national armed forces.

Fierce battles broke out for the liberation of the lands of Hungary, where a large group of fascist troops was located, especially in the area of ​​Lake Balaton. For two months, Soviet troops besieged Budapest, the garrison of which capitulated only in February 1945. Only by the middle of April 1945 was the territory of Hungary completely liberated.

Under the sign of the victories of the Soviet Army, from February 4 to 11, a conference of the leaders of the USSR, USA and England was held in Yalta, at which issues of the post-war reorganization of the world were discussed. Among them are the establishment of the borders of Poland, the recognition of the USSR's demands for reparations, the question of the USSR's entry into the war against Japan, the consent of the Allied powers to the annexation of the Kuril Islands and South Sakhalin to the USSR.

April 16 - May 2 - Berlin operation - last major battle Great Patriotic War. It took place in several stages:

Capture of the Seelow Heights;

Fighting on the outskirts of Berlin;

Assault on the central, most fortified part of the city.

On the night of May 9, in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst, the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Germany was signed.

July 17 - August 2 - Potsdam Conference of Heads of State - members of the anti-Hitler coalition. The main question is the fate of post-war Germany. Control was created. nal council is a joint body of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and France to exercise supreme power in Germany during the period of its occupation. Special attention he paid attention to issues of the Polish-German border. Germany was subject to complete demilitarization, and the activities of the Social Nazi Party were prohibited. Stalin confirmed the USSR's readiness to take part in the war against Japan.

The US President, who had received positive results from nuclear weapons tests at the beginning of the conference, began putting pressure on the Soviet Union. Work on the creation of atomic weapons in the USSR also accelerated.

On August 6 and 9, the United States nuclear-bombed two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which had no strategic significance. The act was of a warning and threatening nature, primarily for our state.

On the night of August 9, 1945, the Soviet Union began military operations against Japan. Three fronts were formed: Transbaikal and two Far Eastern. Together with the Pacific Fleet and the Amur Military Flotilla, the selected Japanese Kwantung Army was defeated and Northern China was liberated. North Korea, South Sakhalin and Kuril Islands.

On September 2, 1945, the Second World War ended with the signing of the Japanese Surrender Act on the American military cruiser Missouri.
