Features of growing sweet peppers in open ground. Growing peppers in open ground and greenhouses. Growing bell peppers using the seedling method

Perhaps bell pepper is one of the most common vegetables among domestic gardeners. It is actively planted both in open ground, and in greenhouses. Caring for it cannot be called scrupulous, but some basic principles and agrotechnical features still need to be considered in more detail. By being prepared for the process of growing bell peppers at home, you can achieve visible results.

Land preparation

Very often it is the choice of the optimal land plot for landing bell pepper becomes a whole problem. Many farmers believe that a vegetable garden is also suitable for this purpose: the soil is regularly fertilized and is quite loose. However, there is one significant drawback. As a rule, a vegetable garden is an open area, the wind constantly blows there, and there is no way to protect the plants from it. Such conditions are considered not optimal in the case of bell peppers. So try to plant this vegetable crop in a place protected from strong drafts. In addition, it is very important that it is well lit.

Before planting bell peppers in open ground, you should carry out some soil preparation procedures. What exactly does a farmer need to do:

It is recommended to pay attention to one more nuance before you finally plant peppers in your garden. Let's say you want to breed several varieties of pepper at once. In this case, it is better to plant the sprouts further away from each other. The thing is that this agricultural crop can be pollinated during the ripening process. There is a risk that you will not get the result you expected. However, there is a way out of the situation. Divide your home plantation of several varieties of peppers with taller plants (corn, tomatoes or sunflowers). This way you can without special effort Grow several varieties of bell peppers in your garden at once.

Video “Growing and caring for peppers”

From the video you will learn how to properly grow and care for peppers.

Feeding seedlings

It is necessary to feed the pepper, but you need to clearly understand what kind of soil you are dealing with. Your choice of fertilizers should depend on its characteristics. Let's say you decide to plant peppers in a greenhouse and fill it with regular garden soil. In this case, be prepared for the fact that you will need to replenish the soil every 10 days. If you approached this issue more thoroughly, using a specially prepared earthen mixture for planting bell pepper seedlings in it, it will be sufficient to carry out no more than three stages of fertilization in the future.

How do experienced gardeners get out of this situation?

Many people prefer exclusively natural fertilizers. Between the rows of seedlings, shallow trenches are dug into which manure or bird droppings are poured. When can this type of procedure be carried out? It is advisable to do this after 2-3 leaves bloom on the sprouts. When the bell pepper seedlings grow noticeably, they need to be planted, and then the next stage of fertilizing the soil must be carried out. You can use either special complex mixtures, dry ash or compost tea.

Feeding after planting

You can endlessly decide on the optimal place to plant bell peppers. But that's about it for your growing efforts. bountiful harvest You shouldn't run out of pepper. Special attention It is worth paying attention to regularly feeding the soil with mineral fertilizers. Moreover, this must be done not just once, but during the development of the plant and the ripening of fruits. What kind of fertilizers are suitable for bell peppers, and in what proportions should they be added to the soil?

Among the variety of modern fertilizers, urea and phosphates are the most common for this agricultural crop. But that's not all.

Today, many summer residents use potassium and phosphorus fertilizers for feeding purposes, as well as folk remedies(cow dung or bird droppings). It is best to feed peppers with natural mixtures.

For example, cow manure is recommended to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. As for bird droppings, the proportions here will be 1:12. These types of fertilizers are considered the most universal for bell peppers.

If you prefer to feed a vegetable plant as a disease prevention and in order to strengthen the vegetative part of the crop, you can safely use universal fertilizers. However, if for some reason you did not feed the soil in advance, or did so, but noticed certain deterioration in appearance bell pepper seedlings, you need to act immediately. First, identify the problem and then promptly fix it. For example, if your plant is not sufficiently saturated with nitrogen, over time the vegetative mass begins to turn yellow. In the case when burns appear on the edges of the leaves of seedlings, the cause in most cases is considered to be a deficiency of potassium in the soil. It happens that bell pepper bushes acquire purple shade: This means that it is necessary to add phosphorus fertilizers to the substrate.

Stimulation of fruiting

To prevent such problems from occurring, it is worth supporting seedlings at all stages of their development. There are universal ones for this natural fertilizers, among which nettle tea stands out. How to cook it? It is necessary to chop the stems of this plant, and then fill some barrel or container with them (about 2/3). The greenery is filled with water. It is advisable to leave the resulting mixture in dark place for efficient fermentation. At the end of the process, which will take about a week, the solution is used to fertilize the soil, first diluting it with water in a ratio of 1:10. If you wish, you can feed the soil to obtain a more generous harvest of bell peppers using a high concentration of nettle solution. To do this, you need to add dandelion, woodlice, plantain and other herbal plants.

Stimulating fruiting is not a bad thing, but it is not advisable to overdo it. With excessively large volumes of fertilizers and too frequent fertilizing, the branched part of the bell pepper may become woody. In addition, sometimes you can get the opposite result: when the soil is oversaturated with fertilizers, the fruits grow almost empty inside, falling off long before the end of the ripening period.

Features of watering

Varieties of bell peppers for open ground do not require too much care. However, when it comes to hydration, mistakes in this matter are unacceptable, as they can cost you dearly. Interestingly, it is recommended to water pepper seedlings regularly; you should not let the soil dry out. But you shouldn’t create excessive dampness either.

Pepper is a heat-loving and moisture-loving crop. Growing peppers in open ground is not a difficult task; it is only important to adhere to certain features. Sweet bell pepper is very popular among professional gardeners; it is successfully grown by summer residents. Grow peppers on your own summer cottage everyone can do it. How to grow sweet peppers and get the most out of the plant will be given advice from experienced breeders. By following their recommendations, the yield can be increased several times.

Preparing a site for planting sweet peppers

Pepper feels great outdoors, sunny areas. But the plant is afraid of the wind. Young plants should be planted in a place that is not shaded by trees, but also not in a draft. Ideal place is the area adjacent to the southern wall of a building. Planting peppers in open ground requires attention to the composition of the soil, lighting and protection from drafts.
The sweet guest grows well after cabbage and pumpkin crops, legumes and table root vegetables. Put him on next year after these crops, and the pepper will surprise you with the abundance of fruiting.
Bell peppers are not grown for 3 years in the place where nightshade crops grew: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants. Peppers and nightshades suffer from the same soil-borne infections.
The soil where peppers are planted should be fertile, well-drained, and retain moisture well. The pepper planting site is prepared in autumn period. After the previous cultivated plant harvested, you need to clear the bed of weeds and dig it up. In the autumn, it is necessary to fertilize the soil using 1 sq. m. area:

  • 50 g superphosphate;
  • 80 g wood ash;
  • 10 kg of humus.

After the nutrient composition is evenly distributed, the soil is dug up.

Peppers are not planted in an area where organic matter has just been added.

The Bulgarian guest does not need copious amounts of fresh organic matter. It is better to “underfeed” pepper than to “overfeed”. The abundance of nitrogen combinations leads to the fact that the crop actively grows and develops rapidly. Such a plant bears fruit much worse: the pepper drops the set fruits, and the size of the vegetables decreases. That's why organic fertilizers It is introduced precisely in the autumn period.
In the spring before planting open area again it is necessary to loosen and fertilize. For 1 sq. m. at spring fertilizer used:

  • 40 g phosphorus;
  • 40 g potassium;
  • 20 g nitrogen.

Drugs should be administered in early spring. Immediately before planting pepper seedlings, the area should be dug up and leveled again.

Planting seedlings

Bell pepper is a heat-loving plant. Young specimens are planted in the soil after the threat of spring night frosts has passed. The time for planting seedlings depends on the regional location of the dacha. As a rule, peppers are planted starting in mid-May.
Bell pepper seedlings for open ground must undergo a hardening process. To increase resistance to adverse factors, plants should be taken out in warm weather. Fresh air. Hardening of young individuals is carried out gradually, starting from several minutes.

Planting pattern for peppers 70x30 cm or 50x50 cm:

  • A few hours before planting, young plants are watered abundantly. The culture at the time of transplantation should be vigorous and healthy. Lack of moisture can have a detrimental effect on the establishment process. Withered plants shed their first buds and retard their development. A weak and wilted plant during transplantation means a significant reduction in yield.
  • Young seedlings are planted in the afternoon. At night, the culture will not fight the sweltering heat and will devote all its energy to survival. In the case when it is cloudy outside, pepper seedlings can be planted at any time of the day.
  • Prepare holes in the soil for planting plants. Each hole should be watered generously: 2 liters of water per plant. It is best to use water for irrigation room temperature, heated in the sun.
  • The seedlings are transplanted with a ball of earth. Each plant should be separated from the container and planted in the prepared holes, not too deep: plant the pepper 3 cm deeper than it grew in room conditions. Pepper does not form adventitious roots well. But still their appearance contributes to more better nutrition culture.

The plant is not picky about the composition of the soil. But it still grows better on loamy soil.

Watering plants in open ground

Pepper loves water very much. But you should still water it carefully. Overwatering is just as detrimental to the plant as dryness. Immediately after transplanting bell peppers from containers into the soil, watering is not carried out. The soil is first moistened after 7 days. Water the pepper at intervals of 3 days, 1 liter each. warm water for 1 plant. Water the crop at the roots. In extreme heat, peppers are watered daily.

10 days after planting the seedlings, the plantings should be checked for survival. Dead sprouts are replaced with reserve ones.
Established plants are watered very carefully. Bulgarian professional vegetable growers call this kind of watering thin - frequent watering in small doses.
You can easily determine when a plant needs water: if the bush has completely darkened, the pepper needs urgent watering. Wilting peppers may also indicate insufficient watering. Although the wilting of the plant in the afternoon does not indicate dry soil.
When the crop ripens, peppers are watered much more: once every 6 days, 2-3 liters per plant.
During hot periods, pepper is watered in the morning or evening.

Loosening the bed of peppers

Pepper is very susceptible to soil permeability. The formation of a crust should not be allowed in any way. With the help of loosening, the roots of the plant receive more oxygen, and the plant itself develops more quickly. Loosening helps fight weeds.
At first, the pepper grows slowly. Within 15 days after planting, the crop develops root system, and the plant itself “sits” in place. It is not recommended to loosen the area until the pepper begins to grow.
The first loosening is carried out to a depth of no more than 10 cm. The root system of bell pepper is located superficially, so the soil should be loosened carefully, without injuring the delicate roots.

Subsequent loosening is carried out after precipitation and watering, before a crust has formed on the surface of the bed. As a rule, the bed under early varieties bell pepper is loosened 4 times during the growing season. The area under early varieties is loosened a couple of times during the growth period.
Peppers bloom very profusely. During the formation of flower stalks, the crop needs hilling.

Loosening, weeding, and hilling sweet peppers should be done very carefully. Its root system is located in top layer soil. In addition, the plant itself is very fragile.

Proper feeding is the key to successful cultivation

During the growing season, peppers are fed no more than 4 times. The plant reacts painfully to the abundant content of organic matter and minerals in the soil, although it still needs nutritious soil for successful fruiting.
The first application of fertilizers is carried out at the time of the first loosening of the soil - 2 weeks after transplanting the seedlings into open ground. When fertilizing for the first time, it is necessary to add manure solution or chicken droppings: 1 part of manure is diluted in 5 liters of warm water, 1 part chicken manure diluted in 15 liters of warm water. You can add 1 tbsp to the prepared organic matter. wood ash or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
First feeding:

  • 10 l of prepared organic solution;
  • 60 g superphosphate;
  • 20 g of potassium chloride;
  • 1 cup wood ash.

Peppers can also be fertilized without using organic matter:

  • 10 liters of settled warm water;
  • 20 g ammonium nitrate;
  • 60 g superphosphate;
  • 30 g of potassium chloride.

Fertilizer is applied at the root at the rate of 1 liter per plant.
The second time the bell pepper is fertilized with the same compounds during the period of bud formation.
At the moment of ovary formation, the plant needs organic matter. That is why professional gardeners advise fertilizing the plant with organic fertilizers at the moment of fruit formation.
The plants are fed the fourth time when the fruits decrease in size. Very often this happens with early varieties closer to autumn.

Pepper does not tolerate chlorine. That is why it is recommended to replace potassium chloride wood ash. Any varieties for open ground should be fertilized especially carefully.

Spring night frosts are destructive for peppers: protective measures

After planting bell pepper seedlings in open garden bed you need to be prepared for night frosts. They are found even at the beginning of summer. Many summer residents advise using so-called tents as protection - structures made of wooden planks, cardboard, plastic. Young seedlings are simply covered at night. In the morning the protection must be removed. Film portable shelters, which are advisable to use during prolonged cold spells, have also proven themselves to be excellent.

Since ancient times, fumigation of plants has been a reliable protector against spring frosts. For this process, special smoke heaps are prepared that can produce very thick smoke.
Too low temperatures lead to the fall of small fruits and flowers. A temperature of 8-10 degrees can cause this unpleasant phenomenon. In addition, in the cold, plant growth stops and yields decrease.
It is not recommended to plant pepper in open ground too early. It is susceptible to low temperatures.

Temperature indicators for successful cultivation

For successful development and high fruiting, sweet peppers need warmth. The plant feels best at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees, and responds well to more high temperatures. At low rates, crop development slows down and yields are significantly reduced. You can protect the plant from low temperatures if you cover it in cold period growing season.

Tall varieties need support

Sweet pepper varieties that are tall require staking. Low-growing varieties of pepper do not need to be tied up, but the presence of support contributes to uniform ripening of the fruits, more simple care and quality harvesting. Traditional wooden pegs are used to create support. The plants themselves are protected by other tall crops. The wind will not blow as strongly through such protection.
Forming a bush - increasing vegetable yield

Plant formation is very important to obtain high yields. Many breeders believe that without a properly created form it is impossible to get the maximum benefit from a plant.
Methods for forming a bush:

  • They create the skeleton of the bush: only the two strongest shoots are left in the first fork. 2 branches are also left on the skeletal shoots, one of which will grow vertically, and the second - directed towards outer side. It is recommended to remove internal shoots. When properly formed, a pepper bush can grow up to 1.2 m in height.
  • Create a bush skeleton: two shoots are tied in a vertical direction. At each node, 1 external shoot is left. With this formation, it is necessary to plant the plants at a distance of up to 50 cm, install supports and pull horizontal twines. The bush is capable of rising in height by more than 2 m.

Attracting insects for pollination

In order for the pepper to be pollinated by insects, and therefore give better fruiting results, insects can be attracted. For this process, during the flowering period it is necessary to spray the plant with a sweet composition:

  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 g boric acid;
  • 1 liter of hot water.

In addition to artificial pollination, to attract honey insects, it is recommended to place containers with honey solution near the plantings: 1 tsp. honey dissolves in 1 tbsp. hot water.

Choosing a pepper variety to grow in the garden

Currently, summer residents have the opportunity to use modern varieties of pepper that are resistant to low temperatures and are not susceptible to infections. Breeders have developed a great variety of sweet pepper varieties, differing in the abundance of fruiting, color, and size of the fruit.


  • the height of an adult plant ranges from 50 to 70 cm;
  • the fruits have a rich red hue;
  • cone-shaped ovary without a relief pattern;
  • fruit weight – 100-180 g;
  • medium-yielding variety: one bush can produce 18 fruits;
  • resistant to infectious and fungal diseases.


  • relatively tall plant: as a rule, the bush has a height of 60-70 cm, under certain climatic conditions its height can reach 1 m;
  • during ripening, the fruit changes its color from rich green to orange-red;
  • cone-shaped ovary with a sharp nose;
  • the fruits are large, fleshy: weight can reach up to 250 g;
  • medium-yielding variety: during the fruiting period, one bush is able to “grow” up to 18 fruits;
  • The fruits can be used for food both in green and ripened form.


  • sweet peppers can grow up to 70 cm;
  • fruit color ranges from deep yellow to orange;
  • fruits of a cone-shaped elongated shape;
  • weight of ovaries - 150-200 g;
  • during the growing season it is possible to collect up to 18 fruits from one plant;
  • It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to any soil composition.


  • tall plant: bush height exceeds 1 m;
  • fruit color from dark brown to purple;
  • the fruits have a cone-shaped relief shape;
  • large-fruited variety: one peppercorn can weigh up to 250 g;
  • at proper care You can collect up to 15 fruits from one plant;
  • bears fruit throughout the growing season.


  • differs in its demands on lighting: with abundant light, the height of the plant can reach 1 m, but as a rule, the plant grows only 50-60 cm;
  • the fruits have a bright red hue;
  • cone-shaped fruits;
  • the weight of the ovary depends on the light: with plenty of light - 200 g, with a lack of light - 150 g;
  • medium-yielding variety: from one plant you can collect from 10 to 20 fruits;
  • Strong lighting is required for successful cultivation.

"Pinocchio F1"

  • low-growing variety: height very rarely exceeds 50 cm;
  • fruits in a gradient shade; spotted ovaries can also be found;
  • cone-shaped vegetable with significant elongation;
  • peppercorns have a small weight from 80 to 120 g;
  • low-yielding variety: with proper care, you can collect 12-15 fruits from one bush;
  • according to professional summer residents and cooks, this is best variety for winter preparations.

"Cabin boy"

  • bush 50-60 cm high;
  • color from dark green to deep red: green fruits are used for preservation, red fruits are eaten fresh;
  • the fruits are cone-shaped with a pointed tip;
  • weight of one vegetable – 130-180 g;
  • high-yielding pepper: during the fruiting period it can produce up to 30 medium-sized fruits;
  • resistant to diseases, easy to care for.


  • one of the tallest varieties of pepper: the height of the bush is from 1 to 1.5 m;
  • when ripe, the fruits have a scarlet tint;
  • ovaries cone-shaped, highly elongated with a blunt tip;
  • the meatiest pepper: the weight of the fruit is about 300 g;
  • medium-yielding plant: you can harvest up to 14 vegetables from a bush.


  • bush height 80-100 cm;
  • producing fruit of a beautiful orange hue, sometimes with green or red spots;
  • the ovaries are club-shaped and have an interesting relief;
  • medium-sized ovaries – 150-200 g;
  • has an excellent taste and refined aroma;
  • during the growth period, one bush produces up to 14 peppercorns;
  • high resistance to infections and fungi.


  • usually mature plant has a height of up to 80 cm, with good care its height can reach 1 m;
  • unripe fruits have a rich green color; when ripe, the vegetable acquires an orange color;
  • the fruits are cone-shaped with a blunt tip;
  • the variety is demanding on watering;
  • with sufficient moisture, the fruits can weigh up to 250 g;
  • yield: up to 16 fruits from one bush;
  • The variety can be used for food at different stages of ripening.


  • an adult plant reaches a height of no more than 70 cm;
  • the fruits are burgundy in color; purple ovaries are less common;
  • cone-shaped fruits with a sharp tip;
  • ovaries weighing 70-180 g;
  • medium-yielding variety: up to 15 fruits can be collected from one bush;
  • differs in the duration of flowering, capable of bearing fruit throughout the growing season.


  • the variety is demanding on lighting, on which the height of an adult plant depends: with plenty of light, the bush can have a height of up to 1 m, with insufficient lighting - 50 cm;
  • the fruits during ripening have a bright yellow or orange color;
  • ovaries cone-shaped, rounded;
  • medium-sized fruits weighing up to 150 g;
  • high-yielding variety: more than 25 fruits can ripen during the fruiting period;
  • As a rule, heavy fruiting leads to a decrease in the size of the ovaries.


  • not picky about growing conditions;
  • the height of an adult bush can exceed 1 m;
  • fruits are deep red, less often burgundy;
  • characterized by upward directed growth of fruits;
  • the weight of one vegetable can range from 160-250 g;
  • during the growing season it can produce up to 15 ovaries per bush;
  • The fruits are juicy and have a pleasant aroma.

The best varieties of sweet peppers for open ground will allow you to grow decent harvests. Adhering to the recommendations of breeders, the growing process turns into an interesting activity, and the result will stun with abundant fruiting.

Hybrid or variety: which to choose?

There are a huge number of opinions regarding growing hybrids and varieties. If you are going to collect seeds from fruits, preference in cultivation should be given to the variety. Otherwise, a hybrid is used.
A variety is the result of breeders. Such peppers are adapted to certain growing conditions and are capable of producing seed material similar to the mother plant. It is distinguished by its reliable taste. But, unfortunately, the variety is more susceptible to all kinds of infections and is not always suitable for cultivation in a certain region. Pepper seeds can be collected and used as seed.
Hybrid – plants obtained by crossing different varieties. Requires a lot of attention. It is resistant to infections and fungi and is capable of producing high yields. As a rule, it is distinguished by its insignificant growth, taste qualities of fruits and their presentation. In order to sow a hybrid, you need to buy seed every year from a specialized store.
Pepper is an amazing vegetable that is very popular. It has excellent taste and a rich, refined aroma. A variety of dishes are prepared from the fruits of the crop and used as fresh food. Pepper is a plant that should be in every summer cottage.

Today, many people like to eat sweet peppers, making a variety of dishes from them or eating them just like that. Bell pepper You can add it to salads, meats, stews, or cook it as a separate grilled dish. In addition, this plant is extremely useful because it has big amount vitamins and minerals.

Growing sweet peppers in open ground

Of course, in the summer you can buy peppers in any supermarket, but how nice it is to plant them on your own and then get a rich harvest of aromatic, sweet and juicy fruits. The topic of this article is growing sweet peppers in open ground. In it we will look practical advice planting and caring for this plant.

Growing sweet peppers - where to start?

In order to receive good harvest, you need to start sowing seedlings from the very beginning of February. This time is the most appropriate, because by the time the seedlings are planted in open ground, they will already be quite healthy and strong.

So, as soon as the first days of February arrive, you should start. You need to prepare from the very beginning planting material. The seeds need to be soaked by placing them in a vessel with water for several days. You can add a small piece of aloe to the water, which is necessary to strengthen and disinfect the seeds. You should also prepare containers where the planting material will be planted in the future. After several days, when the seeds are ready for planting, we send them to a container with loose, nutritious soil. It is sold in all specialized stores, so choosing it will not be difficult. The seeds are sown at a shallow depth. After this, the container must be covered with cling film until the first shoots. When the peppers hatch, the film should be removed.

Sweet pepper seeds

When the time comes and the seedlings form their first true leaves, it is necessary to transplant the bushes of two peppers into one container. This is done to avoid weaving and entangling the root system of plants. Immediately after transplantation, growth may slow down, but this is natural, because the plant does not like to be transplanted from place to place.

Planting sweet peppers in open ground

How to plant seedlings in open ground? First of all, before planting, you need to warm the soil by covering it with film. Pepper is a heat-loving plant, so it reacts poorly to cold and coolness. To ensure a successful landing, it is important to follow some rules:

  • Location. An open place should be chosen, since pepper loves the sun and does not tolerate wind and drafts. You can get rid of the wind with the help of nearby growing bushes. Remember to rotate crops by always changing planting locations. Never plant peppers in the same place - otherwise it will affect the growth of the plant.
  • Holes. The holes must be made at a distance of about forty centimeters from the bush to the bush, and the distance between the rows should be about half a meter.
  • Fertilizer. In each hole you need to put ash and not a lot of humus. Should not be used mineral fertilizers, as they will affect the ripe pepper.

The plant itself sinks into the ground until the first true leaves. You can immediately prepare the pegs for further tying. After planting, you should immediately cover the seedlings with film for about two weeks. Watering should be done once a week until color appears. You need to water with warm water that has stood for some time. After the color appears, increase watering - once twice a week with the same water at the root.


So, growing sweet peppers in open ground- the task is not difficult and anyone can do it, even novice summer residents. We hope that our tips will help you reap a rich harvest of juicy and aromatic peppers.

Pepper is a heat-loving and moisture-loving crop. Growing peppers in open ground is not a difficult task; it is only important to adhere to certain features. Sweet bell pepper is very popular among professional gardeners; it is successfully grown by summer residents. Anyone can grow peppers in their own garden plot. How to grow sweet peppers and get the most out of the plant will be given advice from experienced breeders. By following their recommendations, the yield can be increased several times.

Preparing a site for planting sweet peppers

Pepper thrives in open, sunny areas. But the plant is afraid of the wind. Young plants should be planted in a place that is not shaded by trees, but also not in a draft. The ideal location is an area adjacent to the southern wall of a building. Planting peppers in open ground requires attention to the composition of the soil, lighting and protection from drafts.
The sweet guest grows well after cabbage and pumpkin crops, legumes and table root vegetables. Plant it the next year after these crops, and the pepper will surprise you with the abundance of fruiting.
Bell peppers are not grown for 3 years in the place where nightshade crops grew: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants. Peppers and nightshades suffer from the same soil-borne infections.
The soil where peppers are planted should be fertile, well-drained, and retain moisture well. The pepper planting site is prepared in the autumn. After the previous cultivated plant has been removed, it is necessary to clear the bed of weeds and dig it up. In the autumn, it is necessary to fertilize the soil using 1 sq. m. area:

  • 50 g superphosphate;
  • 80 g wood ash;
  • 10 kg of humus.

After the nutrient composition is evenly distributed, the soil is dug up.

Peppers are not planted in an area where organic matter has just been added.

The Bulgarian guest does not need copious amounts of fresh organic matter. It is better to “underfeed” pepper than to “overfeed”. The abundance of nitrogen combinations leads to the fact that the crop actively grows and develops rapidly. Such a plant bears fruit much worse: the pepper drops the set fruits, and the size of the vegetables decreases. Therefore, organic fertilizers are applied precisely in the autumn.
In the spring, before planting, the open area must again be loosened and fertilized. For 1 sq. m. for spring fertilization the following is used:

  • 40 g phosphorus;
  • 40 g potassium;
  • 20 g nitrogen.

The preparations should be applied in early spring. Immediately before planting pepper seedlings, the area should be dug up and leveled again.

Planting seedlings

Bell pepper is a heat-loving plant. Young specimens are planted in the soil after the threat of spring night frosts has passed. The time for planting seedlings depends on the regional location of the dacha. As a rule, peppers are planted starting in mid-May.
Bell pepper seedlings for open ground must undergo a hardening process. To increase resistance to adverse factors, plants should be taken out into fresh air in warm weather. Hardening of young individuals is carried out gradually, starting from several minutes.

Planting pattern for peppers 70x30 cm or 50x50 cm:

  • A few hours before planting, young plants are watered abundantly. The culture at the time of transplantation should be vigorous and healthy. Lack of moisture can have a detrimental effect on the establishment process. Withered plants shed their first buds and retard their development. A weak and wilted plant during transplantation means a significant reduction in yield.
  • Young seedlings are planted in the afternoon. At night, the culture will not fight the sweltering heat and will devote all its energy to survival. In the case when it is cloudy outside, pepper seedlings can be planted at any time of the day.
  • Prepare holes in the soil for planting plants. Each hole should be watered generously: 2 liters of water per plant. It is best to use water for irrigation at room temperature, heated in the sun.
  • The seedlings are transplanted with a ball of earth. Each plant should be separated from the container and planted in the prepared holes not too deep: plant the pepper 3 cm deeper than it grew in room conditions. Pepper does not form adventitious roots well. But still, their appearance contributes to better nutrition of the crop.

The plant is not picky about the composition of the soil. But it still grows better on loamy soil.

Watering plants in open ground

Pepper loves water very much. But you should still water it carefully. Overwatering is just as detrimental to the plant as dryness. Immediately after transplanting bell peppers from containers into the soil, watering is not carried out. The soil is first moistened after 7 days. Water the pepper at intervals of 3 days, 1 liter of warm water per plant. Water the crop at the roots. In extreme heat, peppers are watered daily.

10 days after planting the seedlings, the plantings should be checked for survival. Dead sprouts are replaced with reserve ones.
Established plants are watered very carefully. Bulgarian professional vegetable growers call this kind of watering thin - frequent watering in small doses.
You can easily determine when a plant needs water: if the bush has completely darkened, the pepper needs urgent watering. Wilting peppers may also indicate insufficient watering. Although the wilting of the plant in the afternoon does not indicate dry soil.
When the crop ripens, peppers are watered much more: once every 6 days, 2-3 liters per plant.
During hot periods, pepper is watered in the morning or evening.

Loosening the bed of peppers

Pepper is very susceptible to soil permeability. The formation of a crust should not be allowed in any way. With the help of loosening, the roots of the plant receive more oxygen, and the plant itself develops more quickly. Loosening helps fight weeds.
At first, the pepper grows slowly. Within 15 days after planting the crop, the root system develops, and the plant itself “sits” in place. It is not recommended to loosen the area until the pepper begins to grow.
The first loosening is carried out to a depth of no more than 10 cm. The root system of bell pepper is located superficially, so the soil should be loosened carefully, without injuring the delicate roots.

Subsequent loosening is carried out after precipitation and watering, before a crust has formed on the surface of the bed. As a rule, the bed under early varieties of bell pepper is loosened 4 times during the growing season. The area under early varieties is loosened a couple of times during the growth period.
Peppers bloom very profusely. During the formation of flower stalks, the crop needs hilling.

Loosening, weeding, and hilling sweet peppers should be done very carefully. Its root system is located in the top layer of soil. In addition, the plant itself is very fragile.

Proper feeding is the key to successful cultivation

During the growing season, peppers are fed no more than 4 times. The plant reacts painfully to the abundant content of organic matter and minerals in the soil, although it still needs nutritious soil for successful fruiting.
The first application of fertilizers is carried out at the time of the first loosening of the soil - 2 weeks after transplanting the seedlings into open ground. When first fertilizing, it is necessary to add manure solution or chicken droppings: 1 part of manure is diluted in 5 liters of warm water, 1 part of chicken droppings is diluted in 15 liters of warm water. You can add 1 tbsp to the prepared organic matter. wood ash or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
First feeding:

  • 10 l of prepared organic solution;
  • 60 g superphosphate;
  • 20 g of potassium chloride;
  • 1 cup wood ash.

Peppers can also be fertilized without using organic matter:

  • 10 liters of settled warm water;
  • 20 g ammonium nitrate;
  • 60 g superphosphate;
  • 30 g of potassium chloride.

Fertilizer is applied at the root at the rate of 1 liter per plant.
The second time the bell pepper is fertilized with the same compounds during the period of bud formation.
At the moment of ovary formation, the plant needs organic matter. That is why professional gardeners advise fertilizing the plant with organic fertilizers at the moment of fruit formation.
The plants are fed the fourth time when the fruits decrease in size. Very often this happens with early varieties closer to autumn.

Pepper does not tolerate chlorine. That is why it is recommended to replace potassium chloride with wood ash. Any varieties for open ground should be fertilized especially carefully.

Spring night frosts are destructive for peppers: protective measures

After planting bell pepper seedlings in an open bed, you need to be prepared for night frosts. They are found even at the beginning of summer. Many summer residents advise using so-called tents as protection - structures made of wooden planks, cardboard, and plastic. Young seedlings are simply covered at night. In the morning the protection must be removed. Film portable shelters, which are advisable to use during prolonged cold spells, have also proven themselves to be excellent.

Since ancient times, fumigation of plants has been a reliable protector against spring frosts. For this process, special smoke heaps are prepared that can produce very thick smoke.
Too low temperatures lead to the fall of small fruits and flowers. A temperature of 8-10 degrees can cause this unpleasant phenomenon. In addition, in the cold, plant growth stops and yields decrease.
It is not recommended to plant pepper in open ground too early. It is susceptible to low temperatures.

Temperature indicators for successful cultivation

For successful development and high fruiting, sweet peppers need warmth. The plant feels best at temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees, and responds well to higher temperatures. At low rates, crop development slows down and yields are significantly reduced. You can protect the plant from low temperatures by covering it during the cold growing season.

Tall varieties need support

Sweet pepper varieties that are tall require staking. Low-growing varieties of pepper do not need to be tied up, but the presence of support contributes to uniform ripening of the fruit, easier care and high-quality harvesting. Traditional wooden pegs are used to create support. The plants themselves are protected by other tall crops. The wind will not blow as strongly through such protection.
Forming a bush - increasing vegetable yield

Plant formation is very important to obtain high yields. Many breeders believe that without a properly created form it is impossible to get the maximum benefit from a plant.
Methods for forming a bush:

  • They create the skeleton of the bush: only the two strongest shoots are left in the first fork. 2 branches are also left on the skeletal shoots, one of which will grow vertically, and the second - directed towards the outside. It is recommended to remove internal shoots. When properly formed, a pepper bush can grow up to 1.2 m in height.
  • Create a bush skeleton: two shoots are tied in a vertical direction. At each node, 1 external shoot is left. With this formation, it is necessary to plant the plants at a distance of up to 50 cm, install supports and pull horizontal twines. The bush is capable of rising in height by more than 2 m.

Attracting insects for pollination

In order for the pepper to be pollinated by insects, and therefore give better fruiting results, insects can be attracted. For this process, during the flowering period it is necessary to spray the plant with a sweet composition:

  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 g boric acid;
  • 1 liter of hot water.

In addition to artificial pollination, to attract honey insects, it is recommended to place containers with honey solution near the plantings: 1 tsp. honey dissolves in 1 tbsp. hot water.

Choosing a pepper variety to grow in the garden

Currently, summer residents have the opportunity to use modern varieties of pepper that are resistant to low temperatures and are not susceptible to infections. Breeders have developed a great variety of sweet pepper varieties, differing in the abundance of fruiting, color, and size of the fruit.


  • the height of an adult plant ranges from 50 to 70 cm;
  • the fruits have a rich red hue;
  • cone-shaped ovary without a relief pattern;
  • fruit weight – 100-180 g;
  • medium-yielding variety: one bush can produce 18 fruits;
  • resistant to infectious and fungal diseases.


  • relatively tall plant: as a rule, the bush has a height of 60-70 cm, under certain climatic conditions its height can reach 1 m;
  • during ripening, the fruit changes its color from rich green to orange-red;
  • cone-shaped ovary with a sharp nose;
  • the fruits are large, fleshy: weight can reach up to 250 g;
  • medium-yielding variety: during the fruiting period, one bush is able to “grow” up to 18 fruits;
  • The fruits can be used for food both in green and ripened form.


  • sweet peppers can grow up to 70 cm;
  • fruit color ranges from deep yellow to orange;
  • fruits of a cone-shaped elongated shape;
  • weight of ovaries - 150-200 g;
  • during the growing season it is possible to collect up to 18 fruits from one plant;
  • It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to any soil composition.


  • tall plant: bush height exceeds 1 m;
  • fruit color from dark brown to purple;
  • the fruits have a cone-shaped relief shape;
  • large-fruited variety: one peppercorn can weigh up to 250 g;
  • with proper care, you can collect up to 15 fruits from one plant;
  • bears fruit throughout the growing season.


  • differs in its demands on lighting: with abundant light, the height of the plant can reach 1 m, but as a rule, the plant grows only 50-60 cm;
  • the fruits have a bright red hue;
  • cone-shaped fruits;
  • the weight of the ovary depends on the light: with plenty of light - 200 g, with a lack of light - 150 g;
  • medium-yielding variety: from one plant you can collect from 10 to 20 fruits;
  • Strong lighting is required for successful cultivation.

"Pinocchio F1"

  • low-growing variety: height very rarely exceeds 50 cm;
  • fruits in a gradient shade; spotted ovaries can also be found;
  • cone-shaped vegetable with significant elongation;
  • peppercorns have a small weight from 80 to 120 g;
  • low-yielding variety: with proper care, you can collect 12-15 fruits from one bush;
  • according to professional summer residents and cooks, this is the best variety for winter preparations.

"Cabin boy"

  • bush 50-60 cm high;
  • color from dark green to deep red: green fruits are used for preservation, red fruits are eaten fresh;
  • the fruits are cone-shaped with a pointed tip;
  • weight of one vegetable – 130-180 g;
  • high-yielding pepper: during the fruiting period it can produce up to 30 medium-sized fruits;
  • resistant to diseases, easy to care for.


  • one of the tallest varieties of pepper: the height of the bush is from 1 to 1.5 m;
  • when ripe, the fruits have a scarlet tint;
  • ovaries cone-shaped, highly elongated with a blunt tip;
  • the meatiest pepper: the weight of the fruit is about 300 g;
  • medium-yielding plant: you can harvest up to 14 vegetables from a bush.


  • bush height 80-100 cm;
  • producing fruit of a beautiful orange hue, sometimes with green or red spots;
  • the ovaries are club-shaped and have an interesting relief;
  • medium-sized ovaries – 150-200 g;
  • has an excellent taste and refined aroma;
  • during the growth period, one bush produces up to 14 peppercorns;
  • high resistance to infections and fungi.


  • As a rule, an adult plant has a height of up to 80 cm; with good care, its height can reach 1 m;
  • unripe fruits have a rich green color; when ripe, the vegetable acquires an orange color;
  • the fruits are cone-shaped with a blunt tip;
  • the variety is demanding on watering;
  • with sufficient moisture, the fruits can weigh up to 250 g;
  • yield: up to 16 fruits from one bush;
  • The variety can be used for food at different stages of ripening.


  • an adult plant reaches a height of no more than 70 cm;
  • the fruits are burgundy in color; purple ovaries are less common;
  • cone-shaped fruits with a sharp tip;
  • ovaries weighing 70-180 g;
  • medium-yielding variety: up to 15 fruits can be collected from one bush;
  • differs in the duration of flowering, capable of bearing fruit throughout the growing season.


  • the variety is demanding on lighting, on which the height of an adult plant depends: with plenty of light, the bush can have a height of up to 1 m, with insufficient lighting - 50 cm;
  • the fruits during ripening have a bright yellow or orange color;
  • ovaries cone-shaped, rounded;
  • medium-sized fruits weighing up to 150 g;
  • high-yielding variety: more than 25 fruits can ripen during the fruiting period;
  • As a rule, heavy fruiting leads to a decrease in the size of the ovaries.


  • not picky about growing conditions;
  • the height of an adult bush can exceed 1 m;
  • fruits are deep red, less often burgundy;
  • characterized by upward directed growth of fruits;
  • the weight of one vegetable can range from 160-250 g;
  • during the growing season it can produce up to 15 ovaries per bush;
  • The fruits are juicy and have a pleasant aroma.

The best varieties of sweet peppers for open ground will allow you to grow decent yields. Adhering to the recommendations of breeders, the growing process turns into an interesting activity, and the result will stun with abundant fruiting.

Hybrid or variety: which to choose?

There are a huge number of opinions regarding growing hybrids and varieties. If you are going to collect seeds from fruits, preference in cultivation should be given to the variety. Otherwise, a hybrid is used.
A variety is the result of breeders. Such peppers are adapted to certain growing conditions and are capable of producing seed material similar to the mother plant. It is distinguished by its reliable taste. But, unfortunately, the variety is more susceptible to all kinds of infections and is not always suitable for cultivation in a certain region. Pepper seeds can be collected and used as seed.
Hybrid – plants obtained by crossing different varieties. Requires a lot of attention. It is resistant to infections and fungi and is capable of producing high yields. As a rule, it is distinguished by its insignificant growth, taste qualities of fruits and their presentation. In order to sow a hybrid, you need to buy seed every year from a specialized store.
Pepper is an amazing vegetable that is very popular. It has excellent taste and a rich, refined aroma. A variety of dishes are prepared from the fruits of the crop and used as fresh food. Pepper is a plant that should be in every summer cottage.

Sweet pepper is one of the most favorite crops grown by vegetable growers. True, this vegetable is very demanding; if it doesn’t receive something, it can seriously punish its owners with a decrease or complete absence of the harvest. requires a lot of attention, knowledge and experience. Especially those who have only taken up this business for the first year should not be upset. Gradually, if there is a desire, you will be able to learn everything.

Growing pepper seedlings

In most areas, even in the southernmost regions, sweet pepper cultivation begins in (late February, early March). This can be done both in greenhouses and indoors. It is best to grow seedlings on a windowsill in special earthen cups, which can later be easily transferred to open ground. And all because, like any other species, it takes root very poorly. For normal growth, seedlings need moisture, warmth and light.

When the seedlings reach 60-65 days of growth, they can be transplanted either into open ground or into a greenhouse. The last option, of course, is the most suitable, but if this is not possible, then you can try to harvest from the pepper that will grow on the street.

in open ground

If you decide to save money on film using this method, then you will not succeed. In any case, growing peppers in open ground requires the temporary construction of a small greenhouse, which will warm the plants until approximately the end of June. In May and even June, the weather is not entirely stable, which can lead to poor growth of sweet peppers and a lack of harvest.

So, first you need to prepare the ground. It needs to be dug up in the fall and rotted manure added. Before planting, you need to dig up again, apply it in open ground, best done in the place where legumes, cucumbers, green crops and root crops previously grew. Sweet pepper loves fertile soil, but if there is none on the site, then peat and rotted sawdust must be added to the ground at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 sq.m. The beds should have a height of about 30 cm, while the width should be about 1 meter, but the length is at your personal discretion. It is also necessary to think in advance about how the greenhouse will be built. The easiest way is to stretch the film over plastic or metal arcs inserted into the ground.

When everything is ready, you can start planting seedlings. It is best to do this in the evening, when solar activity is reduced. To do this, you need to dig holes at a distance of 40-45 cm from each other, taking into account the row spacing - 55-60 cm. You need to pour water into each hole and wait until it is absorbed. The seedling or earthen cup with the plant is lowered into the hole and carefully covered with earth. When planting the seedlings is completed, you can stretch the film. If it is very warm during the day, then the film can be removed, remembering to put it on at night.

You should pay attention to the fact that growing pepper in open ground in the first two weeks is unfavorable: the plants begin to get sick and grow slowly. This suggests that it is beginning to take root. To help it, you can loosen the soil slightly and reduce watering. When the peppers are well established and begin to grow, watering should be increased to approximately 10-12 liters per 1 sq.m. For this purpose, only warm water is used, the temperature of which is about 25 0C. Cold and cool water significantly inhibits the growth and setting of fruits.

During flowering, it is necessary to fertilize sweet peppers with diluted dry fertilizer “Fertility” (1 kg per 100 liters) at the rate of 1 liter per 1 bush. Another fertilizing is carried out during the fruiting period (per 100 liters of water, one bucket of bird droppings and 2 cups of nitrophoska).

In order for pepper bushes to bear fruit well, it is necessary to remove the tops of the main stem and also carry out sonification, leaving only 4-5 upper stepsons.
