Organization in the bathroom. Tips for organizing your bathroom space. Additional storage space

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Bathroom Organization and Storage: 8 Amazing Ideas

Bathrooms rarely boast large area, and there are a lot of things that need to be stored there. These are towels, appliances, soaps and shampoos, balms, hair styling products and much more.

Therefore, proper storage organization is important, and in this article I will share with you the 8 most effective, in my opinion, solutions for ergonomic storage of items in the bathroom of any size!

Organization of storage areas

Bathroom storage systems can be either multifunctional and complex, or very simple to implement and use (the latter can easily be made from improvised means). Choose those that suit the size of your bathtub and the number of things you plan to store there.

Idea 1: niches built into the bathtub

For both medium and the most compact baths, an under-bath system is suitable, which will allow you to store a lot of necessary things. And if they are not needed, hide them and save space.

Most of all I like folding shelves, which will fit both bottles and towels. This is what you need so as not to burden the interior with extra cabinets and hangers, but to limit yourself to only a minimum number of accessories.

Idea 2: drawers

The idea of ​​built-in drawers and shelves is not new, but there are even more modern solution, which I personally really like - drawers. With them, it’s easier to keep the bathroom tidy, and you won’t need a lot of extra space. This idea is especially relevant in a small bathroom.

Idea 3: built-in cabinets

Built-in furniture is always popular in compact rooms, but in the bathroom, where the issue of saving space is often an issue, this idea is simply irreplaceable.

Therefore, I advise using it in rooms of any size. Built-in shelves are not only ergonomic, but also convenient.

It will be more convenient to install shelves near the sink and bathtub so that you can easily reach the cosmetics, shampoo or towels that will be stored on them.

One of the interesting ideas that is popular abroad is the use of built-in furniture in combination with a screen. A curtain in the color of the room's interior will hide entire storage systems, so they will not overload the perception of the design!

Idea 4: open shelves

Although open shelves They leave in sight all the things that are stored on them; on the contrary, they can be made the highlight of your bath. By placing several of these shelves under the sink, around the mirror, on the wall next to the bathroom, you will add coziness to the interior and get storage space.

The shelves will look especially stylish in english style and in Provence style.

Idea 5: storing children's toys

Storing toys in the bathroom requires special forethought, especially if there is not much space in the room and the child likes to play while taking baths. Today there are a lot of offers on the market - I advise you to choose not only ergonomic ones, but also bright ones that your baby will like.

For example, containers in the shape of animals that are conveniently mounted on the wall - for example, a basket in the shape of a toad from the company BOON, the price of which is 1500-1600 rubles.

A net for storing toys in the bathroom is also suitable; it can be fabric or metal. Convenient plastic containers are also useful; they can be mounted on the wall or attached to the sides of the bathtub. Also popular corner racks and stands.

If you want to install a mesh or stand made of metal, it is important that it is made of stainless steel.

Idea 6: wicker baskets

To prevent things on the shelves from being in disarray, they can be stored in wicker baskets. They will streamline the design and make the room more neat.

Such baskets can be used both for storing towels (large options), and for shampoos, balms (medium) and for small things such as nail polishes, combs, hairpins. Baskets are also convenient for storing hair dryers and hair straighteners.

Idea 7: Use the space under the sink

In compact bathtubs and combined toilets, every centimeter is worth its weight in gold, so I recommend using the space under the sink as efficiently as possible. It is not necessary to place it on a pedestal; you can equip it under a bedside table or make open shelves.

Believe me, it’s convenient to store shampoos and spare bottles under the sink. detergents, soap and rolls toilet paper. And if there is enough space, you can even put a few towels. As organizers you can use the wicker baskets I have already mentioned, plastic containers, and beautiful jars.

Idea 8: Accessory trolleys

A compact but roomy cart will be an excellent storage place for cosmetics, shampoos and gels, as well as for towels and home clothes. Their main advantage is mobility; these items can be moved at any time (even to another room).

What I like most is that you can prepare all the necessary clothes, towels, gels and shampoos on the cart and place it near the plunge pool. This way, after taking a bath, you won’t have to reach for necessary things, because they are at hand!


You can organize space in the bathroom without purchasing furniture, building shelves and unnecessary expenses. I offer you 5 best ideas, which you can implement with your own hands, and thereby greatly simplify keeping order in the bathroom. Now storing hairpins, cotton swabs, makeup brushes, cosmetics and other accessories will be even easier.

What ideas in the bathroom I propose to implement:

  1. Cans on or under shelves. Regular glass jars can be used to store cotton pads and swabs, cosmetics, small accessories (hairpins, elastic bands). They can be placed separately on shelves or attached to them.

  1. Flower pots as an element of organization. Original pots, matched to the color of the bathroom, can be used not only for flowers, but also for cosmetics, combs, makeup brushes and other accessories.

  1. Ladder. A staircase in a bathroom is no longer just a decorative element, it is also a full-fledged storage system. Models with narrow steps can serve as towel racks, and those with wide ones can serve as shelves for storing things.

  1. Tin cans in a new interpretation. Cans of tea, coffee, cookies and even canned goods can be put to good use by placing them in the bathroom, glued to a board mounted on the wall. It is most convenient to store rolled up towels in them.

  1. Magnetic tape for small accessories. I recommend buying a medium-width magnetic tape and placing it on the wall or on a cabinet near the mirror. For what? It is this small strip that will allow you to organize the constantly lost hairpins - bobby pins, hairpins, metal crabs. Moreover, you can attach scissors and tweezers to the tape.


After thoughtful organization of space, you will free up a lot of space in the bathroom. Share your ideas for bathroom storage in the comments, I’m interested to know which solutions you think are the best. And a few more useful ideas look in the video in this article!

Bathrooms and combined bathrooms in most of our apartments, unfortunately, cannot boast of either spaciousness or convenient layout. We are accustomed to this state of affairs, we take it for granted and often do not even try to change anything. Therefore, when the editors gave me the task of interviewing friends and finding out what methods of storage in the bathroom they use and consider the most effective, absolutely all the participants in my mini-research first of all complained about the lack of free space. One friend summed up the general idea very well when she stated, “Bathroom storage? What can you store there?! There’s nowhere to turn around!”

However, everything is not so hopeless: there are many ways and great ideas optimize this small but very important space. We will talk about some of them in this article.

Bathroom furniture

For complete storage in the bathroom, you cannot do without good, roomy furniture. To make the room look beautiful, the cabinet under the sink and the cabinet above the sink must form a single set.

Vanity cabinet

This is usually the largest piece of furniture that can be placed in our tiny bathrooms. Therefore, the choice of a cabinet, or rather its size, must be taken as responsibly as possible. The vast majority of survey participants advise choosing the widest cabinet that can fit in the bathroom. Those who once chose a narrower model admitted that they regret this decision: a little free place the sides are practically not used, and there is not enough useful space inside the cabinet. Prices for cabinets start from approximately 4,000 – 5,000 rubles.

Cabinet or shelf above the sink

Of course, it should hang above the sink good mirror. Some limit themselves to this by attaching a couple of holders for soap and toothbrushes to the wall. However, this solution is not practical if you do not have enough storage space in the bathroom. The space above the sink can be used very effectively for convenient storage small but very necessary items.

A mirror with an open shelf (or shelves) usually doesn’t save the situation: you can’t put many items there, and storage on open shelves often doesn’t look very neat, especially in such a prominent place. After all, you are unlikely to want to bring beauty and order to them several times a day, artistically arranging jars and bottles, somehow scattered around the house? Those friends who have an open shelf hanging above the sink confirmed that when buying bathroom furniture next time they will opt for a model with closed cabinets. According to them, using an open shelf is, of course, very convenient, but constantly maintaining it perfect condition pretty hard.

The choice of a cabinet with a mirror should also be taken very seriously. For example, one of my friends chose a spacious cabinet that protruded evenly from the wall with mirrored doors. In the store, this option seemed to her the most optimal, because there is much more storage space inside such a cabinet than in other models. However, at home it quickly became clear that not everything is so perfect: some people can hit their heads on this cabinet when leaning over the sink. In the case of a friend, her tall husband constantly rests his forehead on the cabinet.

Majority modern models They have a storage section that can be closed with a door on one side only. Of course, this is extremely little. It makes much more sense to sacrifice the width slightly mirror surface, but purchase a model with two closed storage sections (as in the photo below). The majority of survey participants considered this option to be the most optimal.

The price of wall cabinets starts from about 3,500 rubles, and for 5,000 rubles and above you can already choose something quite nice.

Pencil cabinet and other types of cabinets

If the size of your bathroom allows you to install such furniture, then you definitely have no problems with storage space! Taking into account the cabinet under the sink and the wall cabinet above it, you get a very convenient and spacious set in which you can place all the necessary things. Unfortunately, due to lack of space, none of my friends were able to purchase a pencil case, but most of those surveyed dream of one.

Additional storage space

Shelves, holders, hooks, rails, heated towel rails

All these devices are indispensable in the bathroom: thanks to small sizes and a variety of shapes, they can be placed exactly in those places where they are most needed. They are very helpful for owners of small spaces, allowing them to store a lot of things in a limited space. And, of course, with the help of such devices, the necessary comfort is created when all the most necessary items are at hand.

For example, a hanger that attaches to the door is very convenient to use and is perfect for saving space in the bathroom.

All survey participants have such storage systems in their bathrooms and cannot imagine how they can live without them. The main problem was often cited as the not very neat appearance of open storage shelves. And for this reason, some friends advise placing them in secluded places. For example, a straight or corner shelf for shampoos and washcloths can be hung above the bathtub, but not opposite the door, but on the opposite side - behind the curtain, where it will be almost invisible.

On inside cabinet doors You can place small shelves or holders for neat storage useful little things. The surprisingly thrifty husband of one of my friends made neat shelves on both doors of the cabinet under the sink. A friend actively uses them and recommends everyone to make the same ones. According to her, before installing such shelves, you need to decide what you plan to store on them - this is necessary so as not to make a mistake with the size of the shelves.

Shelf above the door

This is non-standard and very practical solution quite worthy of taking it into service. None of my friends have such a shelf yet, but several people are very interested in this idea and want to bring it to life.

Baskets and boxes

When stored in closed space(for example, inside a cabinet) distributing things into convenient drawers helps to effectively organize space, compact and convenient storage necessary items and find what you need faster.

In case of fashionable open storage To all the advantages listed above, an aesthetic component is added: items in beautiful boxes and baskets look much nicer and neater on an open shelf than things just standing on the shelf in disarray.

For example, you can purchase some charming storage basket that can decorate any shelf.

IN modern design A common idea is to make a shelf out of a basket or box attached horizontally to the wall. Neither I nor my friends have yet implemented such an idea in practice, but many survey participants believe that this is quite interesting solution, which makes sense to use.

Organizer with pockets

In some cases, you can neatly store things using such an organizer. One of my friends admitted that she used to have an organizer, but then she got rid of it because it took up a lot of space, it looked unattractive, and you couldn’t put a lot of things in it. Another friend enjoys using the organizer and finds it very convenient.

Storage behind the bath screen

In many apartments, the side of the bathtub is closed with a sliding screen, behind which everyone usually likes to hide something bulky and not very attractive. Many survey participants store basins there, washing powder and a bucket for cleaning the floor. Several friends said that due to the lack of other storage space, they have to keep almost all household chemicals. In their general opinion, this is very inconvenient: there are a lot of things, they all stand on the floor and block each other. Accordingly, in order to find something, you have to bend low and stand for a long time in this not the most comfortable position. It is also very difficult to wash the floor under the bathroom: each time you have to take out all the supplies and then return them to their place.

Narrow roll-out basket

The idea of ​​storing in a narrow roll-out basket seemed theoretically interesting to many survey participants. Nobody plans to put it into practice in the bathroom due to the lack of suitable place. One friend said that if she had come across this piece of furniture on sale, she would most likely have bought it to place it near the toilet.


The fashion trend of Western designers - storage on a stepladder or stylizing a rack as a stepladder did not find approval among my friends: most believe that if they had so much free space, they would better put a pencil case there.

Convenient storage of towels

When talking about storage in the bathroom, it is impossible to ignore the ways to store towels. First of all, it is worth noting that none of the survey participants kept the entire supply of clean towels in the bathroom due to the lack of a suitable place - everyone only had those towels hanging there that were currently being used by family members.

The idea of ​​storing a supply of clean towels in the closet in the form of beautifully rolled cylinders, which is now very popular on all interior design websites and beautiful photos, everyone likes it, but no one has yet put it into practice. The reasons were usually given as follows: there was no time to change something yet or, due to habit, one did not want to violate the established order.

In fact, there are a lot of progressive ideas for conveniently storing towels. For example, you can make wonderful holders from ordinary tin cans, as shown in the photo instructions below. Or store rolled towels in a special bottle holder.

Caption for the picture

And at the end of our article there is an interesting video about how you can organize storage in the bathroom.

The bathroom is not the largest place in the house and therefore you need to organize the available space wisely. With the help of our useful tips you can effectively use its area and visually expand it.

Add a frame around a simple mirror. You can choose the frame by color or use neutral tones.

Create a shelf for a variety of shampoos, lotions, and conditioners. Shelves can also be hung inside the cabinet so that they are not visible.

For a bathroom shared by multiple people, use a rack with hooks instead of a towel bar. A great way to fit all your towels on one small rack.

Little tricks for storing small items. If you only have one cabinet, you will have to reduce the space to a minimum. For example, in this way.

By the way, about the little things. Here's a great way to store bobby pins that always get lost.

Hang two shower curtain bars - you'll use one for each direct purpose, and the second - for maintaining such convenient baskets for small things. The main thing is that the baskets are plastic and have holes so that water can drain out.

bookshelf above front door will help save space and at the same time less necessary, but still necessary things

Let the shower become the “hit” of the bathroom. Keep the rest of the bathroom simple and inconspicuous, but the shower should immediately attract attention. For example, you can hang two curtains instead of one or decorate the shower area with unusual decor.

This stand with plates will help save space and arrange some necessary little things. This store-bought stand is very beautiful, but you can even make a similar one yourself.

You can store it on a special board cosmetic supplies, equipping each with a magnet. This board can be hung on the back of a door or inside a cabinet.

You can store cotton wool, sponges and cotton pads in simple jars. True, for this you will still need a board and clamps.

Focus on large mirror- this will create a feeling of space.

Roll towels instead of folding them. This is an old trick, because by folding your clothes you can cram a lot more into your suitcase. It's the same with towels - if you roll them instead of folding them, there will be a lot more of them that will fit in the basket or any other place. Plus, it might make your bathroom feel more like a spa.

Install in a locker sliding wardrobes. Usually you will find these only in the kitchen, but in the bathroom they will be no less useful.

You can hang several towel bars on the door.

Whether your bathroom is large or not, this room is one of the key ones in every home, after probably the kitchen for its owner. Therefore, organizing your bathroom will become the basis for creating a pleasant and functional space throughout the house.

To begin, divide your bathroom into zones depending on the type of things you store in it, for example:


Cleaning and laundry products (if your bathroom has a washing area/washing machine);

Hygiene products (soap, shampoos, shower gels, toilet paper, ear sticks, etc.);

Cosmetics (if you store them in the Bathroom);

First aid kit (if it is in the Bathroom);

Children's bath toys;

Basket for dirty laundry

Task No. 1: remove all unnecessary things from your bathroom.

The first step in organizing a bathroom (as well as any other room) is unnecessary things (cosmetics, hygiene and other products with an expired expiration date, old rags that you will never need, empty bottles of cleaning products, old mops , as well as everything that should not be in the Bathroom at all). So first, throw away all those things that you no longer need or need.

For example:

  • Junk, including used bottles, ointment jars, medicines, personal care products or cosmetics;
  • Half-empty jars of creams and others, of which you have several, and you started using a new jar;
  • All products (cosmetics, hygiene products, cleaning products, medications) expired;
  • Old magazines, newspapers (if they were in your bathroom), donate them if you can or just throw them away;
  • All items that you have not used at all for at least a year or do not plan to use anymore, even if you used them a year ago.

Since any bathroom is limited space, think again about what you are going to store in it. After a complete decluttering, you will be able to identify things that you would like to keep, but it is better to store them in another room than in the bathroom.

Perhaps you bought some goods on sale or you simply store stocks, but perhaps they should determine another storage location until you need them again.

Task #2: Divide your bathroom into zones

You and/or your family members must complete several separate but important tasks in your bathroom. To begin, divide your bathroom mentally (or print out a photo of the bathroom and label it) into zones according to their functional purpose.

In each zone, all items needed for use should be within reach. Here are the main typical areas of a standard bathroom:

  • Shower and/or bath for bathing;
  • Sink and mirror for personal care;
  • The toilet is good, you know! :)
  • Walls, doors (cabinet, space under the sink, etc. for additional storage).
  • Laundry (or just washing machine) if it is in your bathroom.

Of course, what areas are in your bathroom will depend on who is using it and for what purposes. additional functions. So for each bathroom in your home (if there are several), consider which family members or guests are using it and what they need. Common storage items for each bathroom should be in each of them.

However, there are two things that are common to many bathrooms, but which should only be in one of them. The first is a first aid kit. However, many of the drugs require special storage properties (special temperature or humidity), which means that it is necessary to determine the storage of such drugs in another place.

Likewise, many people have a basket for dirty clothes in the bathroom. While it makes sense to determine the place where dirty laundry is stored in the place where you take off your clothes before swimming. If you don't do laundry daily, and since the Bathroom is quite damp, dirty clothes can cause a mold problem, which is why many organization managers advise against placing laundry baskets in Bathrooms.

Task No. 3: Organize zones in your bathroom

When determining where to store items in each area, extend your arms. The space around your hands, that is, all those places that you can reach - here ideal places for storage in each zone.

For the most convenient bathroom organization, store all functional items in one place (assuming you use them all together in that area).

Sometimes you may not use this method, but you can follow your already favorite method. But keep the above idea in mind as a goal, or at least an idea that you can use later to improve your bathroom.

Organization of shower/bathroom (the place where we wash).

We all know about the convenience of a shelf module for storage in the shower (see the example “Grundtal, wall-mounted corner shelf module” from Ikea, in the picture on the left). But very often we overload this area big amount of things. Pay attention to this area, maybe you should remove the excess? You don't need these 6 different types shampoo or shower gel at the same time. You can use them one at a time or simply take them out each time you shower, storing the ones you are not currently using elsewhere.

Also try not to have more stands than you actually need.

Depending on the number of people using the shower/tub, portable stands can be placed in a different location with a sign on them, and each person using them can bring and put them away after use.

If you use towels after washing in the bathtub, attach towel hooks near it.

Bath toys may change big problem, especially if you have small children. It is best to store bath toys to the left of the bath or in a location that is easy to put away and dry.

Pay attention to how often you use certain bath toys, remember that they can only be used for a few years, after which it is better to throw them away.

Organization of the sink and open spaces around it.

One of the main places in the Bathroom that attracts the eye is the sink and mirror.

Your sink is one of the most used areas in your bathroom, so be careful about the space you use around it.

Most sinks have little space around them to place things on them. If you place a lot of items around the sink, it will look untidy (and you will also find it difficult to clean the exposed surfaces every time).

Therefore, place on or near the sink only those things that you use daily. If you don't use something very often, place it in a cabinet/drawer under the sink or other storage area close to it.

One habit you should develop starting today is to keep your bathroom sink and all exposed surfaces around it, as well as kitchen surfaces, clean. This is one of the main problems in every Bath. You will be amazed at how much your bathroom will be transformed if you wipe down the sink and surfaces around it daily, putting things back in their place after each use.

If you really want your sink to look perfect, keep all the excess in a special basket or stand, like this one. This will allow you to wipe down your sink and surfaces faster every day, as well as free up additional space.

Organization of space under the sink.

A cabinet or drawer under the sink is one of the most convenient places to store a wide variety of things. Here you can store cleaning supplies (after all, you have to freshen the sink and toilet every day), as well as various styling and hairstyle tools.

If there is not enough space next to the sink and under it, you can use the walls.

Organization of the toilet.

When organizing your Bath's toilet area, make sure it has everything you need nearby, including extra rolls of toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, and (maybe even some light reading material:)

Also, when planning the organization of this area, do not forget about the space behind the drain tank and the walls around it.

There are several types of organizers that allow you to use the space around the toilet without using the walls of the toilet.

When deciding how to organize the space around your toilet, remember that from time to time you will need to look into your toilet tank to maintain and clean it. So make sure your storage organization doesn't interfere with this.

Narrow drawers between the toilet and the drain can also add enough storage space, especially since it is hardly possible to use this space for any other purposes.

Additional seats for storage in your bathroom: walls and doors.

Many bathrooms, especially small ones, may require additional storage space. Don't forget to use doors where you can hang special door organizers or, for example, hang towels on hooks.

Likewise, walls can be in a great way increase the space of your bathroom. you can buy narrow shelves and cabinets, which can be wall-mounted or more specialized organizers such as hair dryer holders to hold items you use regularly.

As we have already discussed, it is better to keep your medications in a place other than the bathroom. However, if you have a first aid kit in the Bathroom, it should not go to waste. Place a narrow drawer close to the toilet to use this part of the wall to more organically organize the space above the drain.

Additional storage space in your bathroom: shelves, drawers, cabinets.

As part of the Bathroom organization process, you will also want to organize your cabinets, shelves and drawers. Closets are much easier to organize than open shelves because you can always close the door and deal with them later.

Shelves, on the other hand, are often open to view and can be used to display your lovely towels, using their color as a way to decorate the space.

To help you organize your bathroom cabinets, think about easy access to their contents. You can make these cabinets a great place to store things in them without others falling out when you take others out.

Ideally, you will have a drawer or cabinet with shelves (or at least part of the cabinet) on which you organize things according to each specific function. This can help you organize areas and store all your things in such a way that you always remember where everything is and have easy access to it.

Next, you can mark inner part Organize your cabinets and drawers by the type of items stored in them, this will help you and your family members quickly remember where everything is, and will also contribute to the overall organizational process in the Bathroom.

Organization of towel storage

Before you decide how to organize your towels, take a look at them and identify those that are used more frequently than others (such as hand towels).

Don't forget about simple solutions, such as towel rails and hooks, as well as the ability to roll towels and place them in a basket.

Task No. 4. Create a place for temporary waste storage.

Finally, when you're done with your bathroom organization problem, don't forget to designate a temporary storage area for your trash. This could be a small basket or container for papers.

The bathroom is a big generator of clutter and waste, so make sure you always have a place on hand where you can quickly dispose of it.

Task #5: Review and design storage solutions that suit your bathroom.

Above you read only about a small number of ways to organize storage in the Bathroom. Choose yours. Take a look at the Ikea store or website and think about which ones are best for you.

However, do not forget that you will not be able to use them all, so choose only those that are right for you. Approach the process creatively, because even organizers can become very stylish decoration Your Bathroom.

Here are some additional versatile ideas from the world famous Ikem that will help you organize your bathroom space.

Happy organizing!

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Based on the site

Proper organization of space is the key to order in the bathroom. Especially if its size is limited square meters. Where to hide bottles of shampoos and gels, where to hang towels and how to make the room stylish?

1. Hide everything under the sink

In a small bathroom you need to rationally use every centimeter of space. It is worth paying attention to the space under the sink, regardless of whether it is open or closed. If the sink does not have a special cabinet, then you need to equip the space under it with open shelves. Here, it is good to use wicker baskets, plastic and metal containers as organizers. They can be decorated decorative film, which will add zest to the space.

If there is a special cabinet under the sink, then to arrange it it is good to use metal rails for the bathroom and buckets, where it is convenient to put all kinds of household items. This allows you to unload space in the room and hide all personal hygiene items from the eyes of guests.

2. Involve niches

Sometimes a space that seemed completely useless can serve you well. For example, if the bathroom has small niches or free space on the wall near the bathtub, it is convenient to use it for storing soap and towels. And so that the interior does not seem boring, these same household items can act as decor.

3. Make open shelves

In a small bathroom, open shelves would also be appropriate: above the door, in the corners, near the mirror, on a free wall. On wide shelves you can store towels, baskets with cosmetics, bottles with shampoos and gels. Narrow shelves are perfect for storing jars of cotton pads, a glass of toothbrushes, your favorite perfume, and several gels or creams.

It is known that elongated open shelves visually make the room wider, which is another advantage of such designs in a small bathroom.

4. Use a stepladder

Almost every apartment has a stepladder, but it is used extremely rarely. Most often it gathers dust somewhere behind the door, in a closet or on the balcony. You can give it a second life by using it in the bathroom instead of a shelving unit or towel holder.

5. Store small items in original organizers

Glass jars and decorative buckets are suitable for storing cotton pads, soap, salt, and small tubes. Interestingly, even ordinary pots and flower pots can serve as organizers. indoor plants.
It is also useful to use multi-storey stands for soap, washcloths and jars in a small bathroom. They don't take up much space and allow you to place a lot of items.
