Oleg Vinnik where is he now a teacher. Oleg Vinnik: biography. Scandal on the central channel

On the starry horizon of Ukrainian show business, the personality of Oleg Vinnik (photo below) is the undisputed leader in winning women's hearts. That is why the personal life and biography of the artist, his family members, remain interesting to all fans of his work over the past years.

As all journalists who are trying to declassify details from their personal lives, biography and family relations Oleg Vinnik (photo below), the singer does not like to dwell on this topic. Moreover, after an incident with reporters from the TSN program, the artist’s representative sued the annoying reporters and refused to participate in all projects of the ICTV channel, which violated the taboo on private information regarding the singer.

The famous singer was born in the small village of Verbovka, located in Ukraine in the Cherkasy region. The parents of Oleg Vinnik (photo below), whose personal life and biography are of interest to millions of fans of his vocal talent far abroad, worked on a local farm. The artist’s younger sister also grew up in the family, whose creative abilities did not develop for unknown reasons. According to the artist, he inherited his external characteristics from his mother, who, among other things, has always been an excellent singer.

The small village did not have its own school, so I had to study in the neighboring village of Krasny Kut. Here young Vinnik became interested in playing the electric guitar and riding motorcycles. On one of his birthdays, the parents asked what their son would like to receive as a gift, and Oleg chose a musical instrument - his mother persuaded the guy that in this way he could improve his art on his own.

In addition to playing the electric guitar, Vinnik devoted a lot of time to vocal performance, which, in conditions village house Culture was a very heroic matter, because the young man firmly decided to tie his future fate with performances on stage.

Studying at a university and working abroad

After school, Oleg successfully passed the entrance exams to the Kanev School of Culture, firmly deciding to become a choirmaster. The very first audition with professional teachers made an indelible impression on the luminaries of the music business, and Vinnik was persuaded to study vocal education. Along the way, the gifted provincial performed with an ensemble created by the students.

To make his student life easier and gain experience, the future world pop star got a job in the Cherkasy Folk Choir. The talented young man quickly took the place of the leading soloist in this illustrious group.

At the same time as playing the guitar, Vinnik learned to play the trumpet tolerably, attending an elective on wind instruments at the same school. Since by this time he himself had become interested in poetry, the artist decided to perform his own songs in the future.

By that time it had become popular, in light of the development international relations independent Ukraine with other countries, exchange students from various universities. The lucky ticket fell to a then unknown young man from the rural outback - Oleg Vinnik (see photo below) was sent to Germany to continue his studies. This fact became extremely important in the personal life and biography of the artist, undoubtedly leaving an indelible mark on the existence of his entire family.

Improving his natural abilities, Oleg works hard, which soon bears fruit - the singer from Ukraine successfully performs leading solo roles in the operas “Tosca” and “Paganini”. The rising star of the stage was noticed by American vocal teacher John Lehman and invited the singer to collaborate. Vinnik appreciated such an invaluable gift from Fate, and besides, classes with an American teacher gave the singer and musician the opportunity to expand his own vocal range - the artist successfully performed parts for tenor and baritone.

For a long time, the artist dreamed of working in musicals, which would allow him to master stage art, because in productions of this type, singers have to not only sing, but also live difficult life their characters with the persuasiveness characteristic only of masters of acting. Working with a famous teacher allowed Vinnik to audition for participation in the American musical “Kiss Me Kate”.

The talented singer was noticed and soon Oleg shone on stage opera houses, performing solo roles in productions of Titanic and Les Misérables. The artist is especially proud last job, for which he even had to put aside his studies for a while gym, because according to the script at the end of the musical, his hero, Jean Valjean, appears in the form of a very old man and the prominent muscles visible under his clothes could reveal the true age of the main performer.

The success of Oleg Vinnik (see photo of the artist below) after appearing on stage in a play based on the work was so deafening that everything in his personal life and biography began to change rapidly - endless offers from Western and domestic producers for cooperation appeared. In addition, the German epic gave the artist the opportunity not only to help his family, but also to participate in various charitable foundations.

The result of the Ukrainian’s vigorous stage activity was the honorary title of “New Voice – 2003”, awarded to Vinnik by the famous music publication “Da Capo”. Gradually, the artist finally got comfortable in Germany; according to the singer, his foreign friends became addicted to Ukrainian and Thai cuisine, with which he tried to surprise his acquaintances.

An interesting fact: Vinnik once cooked a huge pot of Ukrainian borscht for the arrival of close friends. Unknown to the owner of the house, the friends froze the dish and served it to him for his next birthday.

Homecoming and glory as a heartthrob

In 2011, Oleg Vinnik (see photo below) did not renew his contract with the German theater, deciding to radically change his biography and personal life by returning to Ukraine, to his family. Since the artist understood that starting his career from the very beginning home country It will be difficult, I decided to show my recordings to famous producers. The very first consultation with Vladimir Bebeshko showed that the chosen style of performance would be the most successful and Vinnik began a solo career in Ukraine.

Interesting fact: The artist’s first album, entitled “Angel,” became so successful in Vinnik’s homeland that most media outlets called it a “Ukrainian pop phenomenon.”

The artist has several more collections of his original works, which subsequently also topped the domestic and foreign charts. Many publications hastened to call the singer the Ukrainian Stas Mikhailov, which the artist was somewhat surprised by - in his opinion, his own performances bear little resemblance to the concerts of the sweet-voiced “lover of Russian divorcees.”

However, the main audience of the Ukrainian star remains the fair sex. This attitude towards his own creativity obliges the artist to carefully care for his body and maintain the image of a lonely bachelor who dreams of meeting the one and only.

Facts about relatives

There is annoyingly little information about Oleg Vinnik’s family (see photo below) in open sources of information - as mentioned above, the singer carefully hides the slightest details of his biography that tell about his personal life. Data has to be collected literally, bit by bit.

According to the artist, Vinnik’s mother is of advanced age, and he diligently protects his parent from various worries associated with his own popularity. Oleg’s dad, unfortunately, never lived to see the famous artist’s triumphant return to his homeland - according to the singer, the elderly man’s heart gave out on the way to his son’s first concert.

After the speech, Vinnik went to the hospital in order to inform his father about the successful start of work at home, but it was too late - the father died without waiting for his son with the good news and leaving an incurable wound in his heart. At almost all of his concerts, the artist performs songs dedicated to his parent.

Interesting fact: Many critics attribute the success of Oleg’s work solely to the live performance of hits and the ability to contact the public, which, against the backdrop of the dominance of phonogram performances, gives a winning result. Today, 1 corporate event performed by Oleg costs at least $60,000.

Very little is also known about the artist’s chosen one - in an interview with Ekaterina Osadchaya, TV presenter of the “High Life” program, the artist had to admit that his heart has been occupied for a long time. The girl literally forcibly pulled these words out of Vinnik, accusing him of belonging to men with a non-traditional sexual orientation.

Scandal on the central channel

Since the personal life in the artist’s biography and the details of Oleg Vinnik’s family happiness (see photo below) is a very pressing topic for the wonderful population of his native Fatherland, the reporters themselves decided to conduct an illegal investigation.

Journalists from the Facts program, without the artist’s approval, went to Oleg’s native village and tried to find out details about the star’s mysterious chosen one. According to fellow villagers, she turned out to be the backing vocalist of the artist Taisiya Svatko, performing under the name “Tayune”. This is not surprising - a young woman spends almost all her time with a man.

Reporters also announced the news that the couple had a growing son. The guy is old enough to continue his studies abroad on his own - according to information received from the artist’s fellow countrymen, he is receiving his education in Germany.

Such unceremoniousness seriously angered the idol of Ukrainian and Russian women. Soon, the newspapers published an appeal to reporters, in which Vinnik’s director, on his behalf, announced the filing of a lawsuit against the central television channel and its employees.

Oleg Vinnik is a popular music performer not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. IN foreign countries he is best known as a performer of the most bright roles in musicals. This singer is an example of a truly talented person who does not stop in the face of difficulties, problems and develops all facets of his talent in order to surprise and delight his beloved audience. The popular singer experienced many turning points in his life, which did not break him, but on the contrary made him stronger.

Height, weight, age. How old is Oleg Vinnik

The singer does not advertise his height and weight, although, it is worth noting from photos and concerts, his parameters are quite good and truly masculine, he is a tall, slender and generally stately man who charms fans with just his appearance. He is one of the most beautiful stars in show business, and that’s all because he takes great care of his appearance, devoting more than one hour to it.

And rightly so, because artists should give joy to the public not only with their talent, but also appearance. Oleg was born on July 31, 1973, at the moment he is 43 years old, although you can’t tell right away, because the singer doesn’t look his age. Height, weight, age. How old is Oleg Vinnik? This query often appears on the Internet, because the popular personality is one of the most discussed among modern stars.

Biography of Oleg Vinnik (singer)

The biography of Oleg Vinnik is quite closed, because the star does not like to talk about himself, but we still know the main and most necessary information.

The future singer was born in the Cherkasy region, in the small village of Krasny Kut. It is worth noting that his talent manifested itself in childhood, and in general his career developed quite successfully from adolescence. This is one example when fate smiled on a person.

During his school years, he was involved in amateur activities, developing his creative talents. Even at school, he showed good vocal abilities, performing at local concerts and delighting his classmates. After graduating from school, he decided to enter the choirmaster department of the Kanev School of Culture. Studying was quite easy for the guy. During these years, Oleg Vinnik appeared on stage for the first time - as a guitarist in a local band. Already from these events it can be seen that success itself fell into the hands of the young star. And already at the age of twenty he became a soloist of the local philharmonic society.

Then, a little later, he went to Germany as an exchange and it was here that he honed his talents to the highest level. One evening, while walking, he saw a poster for a popular German musical and decided that this was exactly what he would like to connect his life with. After which Oleg begins to train intensively. Then he manages to take part in the opera TOSCA and the operetta PAGANINI. He showed his performance in a famous theater in Lower Saxony.

But just one meeting with the famous American vocalist and teacher John Lehman completely changed his life. It was he who noticed real talent in the guy and began to improve his vocal abilities, honing his skills. During two years of studying with a teacher in Hamburg, he managed to make his voice almost perfect and learn to take those parts that he had not been able to do before.

Over time, he still managed to fulfill his dream and start playing in musicals. The first musicals with the participation of OLEGG - this is the creative pseudonym Vinnik chose - became test roles. For 2 years on tour, the singer played the role of Lucentio from the musical “KISS ME KATE”, followed by the roles of Phoebus and Clopin in the Broadway production of the musical “Notre Dame de Paris” and the role of Robert Hitchens and Bricot in the production of “Titanic” (2002-2003).

After this, the actor's real fame began and he continued to play in famous theaters, combining this with film roles.
He auditioned in Germany until 2011 and during this time managed to improve his talent to highest level. During his stay there, he even managed to seriously engage in bodybuilding, but he had to stop because of a new role, where he had to play a dying old man, and as you understand, it is difficult for a pumped up guy to play a dying, also old man.

After returning to Ukraine, he already wrote a lot of songs, touring with them all over the world. His work is gaining popularity to this day. And this happens because his songs have a living meaning, a soul.

Personal life of Oleg Vinnik

Despite his rather impressive age, Oleg remains single. He doesn’t like to talk about his personal life and therefore you can’t find much information on this issue. But not so long ago, the press became aware that Vinnik still had a companion, and it seems that she is Ukrainian. But there is no information about her. Oleg says that an artist should be judged only by his talent and not interfere with his personal life. For example, he is not interested in who among his colleagues is dating whom and expects the same for himself.

The personal life of Oleg Vinnik is closed with a thousand locks. Now the popular singer is busy with his career, and he simply does not have time for his family and children. Among other things, Oleg travels a lot, practically never sits in one place, which is why the singer does not have a permanent girlfriend. Although, maybe there is, we just don’t know about it. Oleg himself has said more than once that even if he is in a relationship, the public does not need to know about it, although nosy paparazzi will find out even less details about the stars.

Fans love Vinnik very much, but he does not reciprocate their feelings. He has been offered a relationship with a fan more than once, but Oleg himself believes that this is not a healthy relationship and he is not interested in such things. He doesn’t believe in love at first sight, so he just continues to live, enjoy every moment, and love will come when it needs to. We only hope that the man will settle down and set his priorities correctly; perhaps in the near future he will meet a worthy like-minded woman who will win his heart.

Family of Oleg Vinnik

Of Oleg's family, only his mother remains, who continues to live in her native village. The most interesting thing is that Oleg is so closed person that there are not even photographs of his family on the Internet. We only know that his father has already died, and his mother lives in the same place where she lived. Oleg Vinnik's father died of a heart attack while on his way to his son's concert. It was a great tragedy for the singer, considering what he found out just during the concert.

As Oleg himself says, apparently it was a very exciting moment for his father and he could not cope with the emotions that washed over him. Despite this situation, Oleg was still able to hold a concert. Vinnik helps his mother, often visits her and fiercely protects her from the paparazzi, who periodically come to her to find out all the details of her son’s life. Of course, the press doesn’t like the fact that they are unable to find out Oleg’s secret details, it seems that information about him is completely closed, but Vinnik has continued to keep his brand and hide his life for many years. Oleg Vinnik’s family so far consists only of him and his mother, but we will hope for a new addition as a wife and children in the future.

Children of Oleg Vinnik

The press does not know about Oleg Vinnik’s children, and given that he has a negative attitude towards relationships with fans and other short-term relationships, we can assume that Oleg has no illegitimate children. Oleg Vinnik's children would grow up with quite interesting and famous father, who could provide them with a good future and teach them the same purposeful character. In fact, Vinnik doesn’t even physically have the strength to build serious relationship, gets married, has children. Everything is his free time His career is busy; he writes and performs popular songs that fly all over the country and not only in Ukraine. More than one artist can envy his talent and unusually strong voice.

Oleg Vinnik's wife

According to the singer himself, he has not yet managed to meet the girl who can win his heart and become his future wife. Work, improving his talents, moving, traveling, all these factors contributed to the fact that Oleg does not even have time to build his family. All his fans and lovers of creativity hope that information will soon appear online that the artist has finally gotten married. Oleg Vinnik's wife should be one of the most worthy women on this planet, because the artist showed the whole world that he is one of the most talented and most the best people who give the world so much goodness and their creativity.

Photo of Oleg Vinnik before and after plastic surgery

Actually, as with other aspects of Oleg’s life, information such as plastic surgery is also hidden from the curious public. But if you look at photographs of Oleg in his youth, it becomes clear that he really did not undergo plastic surgery. And his appearance is only his merit.

Oleg plays sports and watches his diet, so even at his age he remains in excellent shape. At the moment, the artist has a lot of tours, concerts, trips, he is constantly on the move, and gaining weight with such an active lifestyle is quite difficult. Photos of Oleg Vinnik before and after plastic surgery are not even on the Internet, because the paparazzi are already desperate and are not trying to “dig up” new rumors about the star.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Vinnik

But social networks are no stranger to the artist, so in them you can find interesting photographs of Oleg from ordinary life and, of course, concerts. Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Vinnik will help fans get to know their hero better. In addition, Oleg has an official website, with the help of which his fans can find out the artist’s biography and the upcoming schedule of his performances.

Oleg Vinnik has been delighting us with his creativity for several years now and is going to continue at this pace in the future. Many modern stars are surprised how his songs manage to gain such popularity, but everything is very simple, the fact is that Vinnik puts his whole soul into his work and completely devotes himself to his music. He has to sacrifice his personal life in order for his music and songs to be perfect.

Oleg Vinnik is a Ukrainian pop singer, musician and songwriter, known in Europe under the pseudonym OLEGG, a musical star.

Childhood and family

Oleg was born in the Cherkassy region, in the small Ukrainian village of Verbovka, where his mother still lives. The artist’s father died several years ago from a heart attack on the way to his son’s concert. Before that, he had never seen his son on stage - this was supposed to be the first. After the concert, Oleg went to the hospital to see his father with an armful of flowers, but it was too late...

Little Oleg had two dreams as a child – a moped and a guitar. At that time, a moped was too expensive for a simple Ukrainian family, so my parents limited themselves to buying an electric guitar. From that moment on, the boy practically did not let go of his favorite instrument. He played and sang at school concerts and rural discos, took part in amateur art competitions and music festivals.

After graduating from Chervonokutsk secondary school, Oleg entered the choirmaster department of the Kanev School of Culture. The teachers, appreciating his vocal talent, advised the capable student to pay more attention to singing. At the same time, Vinnik became interested in writing poetry, many of which later became the lyrics of his songs.


After graduating from college, 20-year-old Oleg joined the Cherkasy Folk Choir, soon becoming its leading soloist. As part of a cultural exchange between Germany and Ukraine, the choir was sent to the German city of Viersen, a sister city of the Ukrainian Kaniv. For a simple rural guy, this trip became an event that changed his entire future life.

On the streets of Viersen, Vinnik first saw a poster for the musical performance “The Phantom of the Opera” and realized that he wanted to participate in musicals. During an internship in Germany, he managed to perform in opera productions on the stage of the Luneburg Theater, but the dream of musicals did not leave the young artist.

Soon fate brought him together with the venerable American vocal teacher John Lehman, who in two years turned the baritone into a tenor with a unique range. The cherished roles in musicals were not long in coming, and soon Vinnik was already shining under the pseudonym OLEGG in the musical performances Kiss Me Kate, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Les Misérables, and Elizabeth.

It would seem that the dream has come true, but no... The artist suddenly thought about a solo career. And not just anywhere, but in my native Ukraine. Moreover, he already had a whole notebook of songs of his own composition ready, including the famous “Nino”.

Oleg Vinnik – “Nino”

With the assistance of a major Ukrainian businessman Alexander Gorbenko, in 2009 he returned to his homeland and began a solo career. The partners organized a recording studio, released their first album, shot several videos, and three years later they went on their first all-Ukrainian tour.

If in 2012 spectators came to Vinnik’s concerts practically for free, then five years later they were ready, without hesitation, to shell out a hundred dollars for a ticket.

Vinnik’s success in Ukraine is comparable to the phenomenon of Stas Mikhailov in Russia and raises just as many questions (although Oleg himself does not like being compared to Mikhailov). Many are even inclined to explain it with some hypnotic abilities of the artist. Or maybe the secret is simple and the reason for the popularity lies in Oleg’s good vocals, soulful lyrics, charming smile and natural humanity.

Personal life of Oleg Vinnik

Vinnik diligently hides his personal life, and only makes subtle hints to journalists that his heart is not free. However, meticulous fans conducted an entire investigation and carefully studied his rare interviews with the German press. website

12:53 2017

Singer Oleg Vinnik is a real star and conqueror of women's hearts. What secrets does the biography of a celebrity keep, Lisa tells. About his personal life, the tragic death of his father and creative path read the singer in our article.

Despite his enormous popularity, Oleg Vinnik rarely gives interviews and tries to protect his personal life from journalists. But his biography is well known, and this is - amazing story success and career growth!

READ ALSO: Oleg Vinnik's concert: surprises, an unexpected duet and a new woman

Brief information

Full name Oleg Anatolyevich Vinnik
Date of Birth July 31, 1973
Place of Birth With. Recruitment, Cherkasy region
Nickname OLEGG
Voice tenor-baritone

Childhood and youth of Oleg Vinnik

Oleg Vinnik was born in the village of Verbovka, Cherkasy region on July 31, 1973. High school He graduated from the village of Krasny Kut in the neighboring area.

Since childhood, Oleg took an active part in school amateur performances, showing great talent for singing. The future star mastered playing the electric guitar as a child.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the choirmaster department of the Kanev School of Culture. Then Oleg was lucky: the teachers, seeing his talent, persuaded him to change his course and take up vocals. During these years, Oleg Vinnik appeared on stage for the first time - as a guitarist in a local band.

After studying, his first place of work was the Cherkasy Philharmonic - already at the age of 20, the gifted young man became its soloist.

!Interesting fact: The singer’s mother still lives in the village of Verbovka. According to Oleg, particularly impudent paparazzi periodically visit her, but he protects an elderly woman he communicates with journalists.

Departure for Germany

As part of a cultural exchange, Oleg Vinnik is transferred to Germany. During an internship, a young man sees a poster for a musical for the first time and understands: this is what he would like to do!

But first, Vinnik starts his acting career - he receives an offer from the Luneburg Theater (Lower Saxony), where he performs parts in the opera “TOSCA” and the operetta “PAGANINI”.

Oleg is intensively practicing vocals, improving his skills. A significant meeting for him was his meeting with American vocal teacher John Lehman, who was delighted with the talent of the young singer. During his two-year studies in Hamburg, Oleg honed his skills and, with the help of an authoritative music teacher, mastered a new vocal range for himself as a lyric-dramatic tenor. Oleg's vocal spectrum has expanded significantly in the performance of various stage roles; he sings with ease in both tenor and baritone.

!Interesting fact: the singer loves to amaze his German friends with Ukrainian dishes. Cooking is one of his main hobbies.

I don't have a housekeeper. I can cook everything except baking. I can try a dish in a restaurant and cook it at home just as well, maybe even better! If guests come, I surprise them with dishes of Thai and Cantonese cuisine, or Ukrainian borscht! - says Oleg.

First star role

Oleg Vinnik, Maike Bordam and Chris de Burgh

The first musicals with the participation of OLEGG - this is the creative pseudonym Vinnik chose - became test roles. For 2 years on tour, the singer played the role of Lucentio from the musical “KISS ME KATE”, followed by the roles of Phoebus and Clopin in the Broadway production of the musical “Notre Dame de Paris” and the role of Robert Hitchens and Bricot in the production of “Titanic” (2002-2003).

But the breakthrough that secured Oleg Vinnik’s star status was the musical “Les Miserables” based on the novel of the same name by Victor Hugo. The 2003 production was a huge success, largely thanks to the role of Jean Valjean, performed by Oleg. For her, the singer received the title “New Grand Voice 2003” according to the European music publication “DA CAPO”.

This is followed by roles in major Swiss and German productions, and Oleg also combines grueling work in the theater with filming in film and television projects.

!Interesting fact: In Germany, Oleg Vinnik was seriously involved in bodybuilding. However, he was forced to stop training when he received the role of Jean Valjean.

“I was doing bodybuilding in such a way that my arms couldn’t straighten. But I was banned from training when I received a contract in Germany in 2002. Then I played Jean Valjean - this hero died on stage at 86 years old. How to play an old man with pumped up biceps?” - the star recalls.

The phenomenon of Oleg Vinnik

In 2011, Oleg Vinnik returned to Ukraine and began a solo career. The emphasis on concert tours and live performances has an incredible effect - the singer has been on continuous tour for three years now, tickets are sold out on the first day after going on sale, and the media are talking about the “Oleg Vinnik phenomenon.”

Look on liza.ua: Oleg Vinnik - Nino (official HD video)

source: RockSoulana Music GmbH

What is the secret and why do these songs touch the audience so much? Oleg himself says:

Because they have real, living feelings! Perhaps this is what touches me in the lyrics, in my music. If I had not experienced and felt all the emotions that I sing about, I would not have gone on stage.

I wrote my first song, “The Fragrance of My Dreams,” in 2003. I showed it to professionals in Ukraine (I didn’t know how to make arrangements at that time)... And Volodya Bebeshko said: “Top ten!” He shot a very beautiful and expensive video for it (back then they were still shooting on film). And then off we go...

Oleg's only mother is alive - his father died tragically several years ago. Oleg told this story in one of his interviews, answering the question why his parents never appear at the concerts of their famous son.

My father never made it to my performance. I then gave my first big concert in Ukraine after returning from Germany.

My father became ill on the way to me. He was probably nervous and under the influence positive emotions his heart couldn't stand it. Immediately after the concert, I went to my father’s hospital with all the flowers they gave me. But I didn't have time. He died without ever attending my performance,” recalls Oleg Vinnik.

According to the artist, his mother was present in the hall only once. Despite the secrecy, the artist's fans somehow found out about this and shouted this information during the performance. According to Oleg, he did not expect this and was even afraid for his mother - after all, the woman was already old.

In general, Oleg Vinnik’s family has never been public, so journalists cannot count on conversations and interviews.

The fact that the singer’s heart is already taken first became known in 2016. In an interview, Oleg Vinnik admitted that he was in love. His girlfriend is Ukrainian, but the couple does not appear together at public events.

According to Vinnik, he is not going to comment on his personal life, but if he officially proposes to his chosen one, he will definitely tell his fans about it. In the meantime, his passport does not have “that same stamp,” the artist jokes.

As for the fans, anything has happened in Oleg’s concert life, and he is clearly not deprived of the attention of women. However, he never develops relationships with fans and does not believe in love at first sight.

I don't go on dates with fans. I am pleased with their attention, but this success does not make my head spin. When I sang in musicals, I already experienced this in Europe: girls came up at concerts and said: “I want a child from you!”... I try to translate this into a joke,” the singer admits.

Views of Oleg Vinnik

Returning to Ukraine, the singer did not stop performing concerts in Germany. However, Oleg does not hide his position, and considers himself a completely and completely Ukrainian singer.

These views are reflected in his approach to touring abroad. For example, Vinnik flatly refuses to perform in Russia. He spoke about his choice in a recent interview:

IN in this case I'm not an artist. I never even thought about it: to go or not to go, who is allowed in, who is not allowed in. What kind of concerts can we talk about when people die every day?

Ask this question to those people whose relatives died in this unnecessary war. This is a big pain! We don't even discuss performing or not performing. I have never hidden the fact that I am often invited, offered tours and corporate events. In Russia I have many friends, listeners, fans, but I refuse. And I'm not going to judge anyone. This is my position not as an artist, but as a person.

I'm hurt by what's happening. People die every day - and everyone needs to think about how to stop this, to stop the war and hostility. Everything in this life is passing, all wars will end sooner or later, after wars there remains pain and monuments with the faces of young guys...” the artist firmly stated.

According to Vinnik, he is often compared to other performers - John BonJovi, Stas Mikhailov, Igor Talkov. But he himself considers any of these comparisons unfair and even offensive, because his music is something completely different.

Hundreds of thousands of fans across the country completely agree with their favorite: the phenomenon of Oleg Vinnik really exists and makes hundreds of loving hearts beat faster at every concert.

Oleg Vinnik on Facebook and Vkontakte

Despite his crazy schedule, Oleg Vinnik is an active user social networks. The artist has accounts and official groups, and he himself enjoys communicating with fans on his pages.

You can find Oleg's accounts here.
Oleg Vinnik on Facebook

Oleg Vinnik VKontakte

Oleg Vinnik on Instagram

Do you love Oleg Vinnik? Share in the comments which song you think is the best!

Oleg Vinnik is a singer and composer, author, Ukrainian pop phenomenon, conqueror of women's music and one of the most sought-after artists in the CIS countries. Oleg Vinnik’s biography and marital status are of interest not only to his fans, but also to many others. More than 150 concerts a year, thousands of fans, tours in different parts of the world, first places in popular charts and nominations - this is not the entire list of Vinnik’s achievements.

Brief information

The famous blond man comes from the Ukrainian village of Verbovka, Cherkasy region. Many people are interested in Oleg Vinnik’s age, whether he is married, what time he started singing, and even his body measurements.

Artist details:

  • Full name of the singer: Vinnik Oleg Anatolyevich.
  • Year of birth: July 31, 1973.
  • Place of birth: Verbovka village, Kamensky district, Cherkasy region, country - Ukraine.
  • Marital status of Oleg Vinnik: not married.
  • Nickname: OLEGG (used before).

The beginning of a creative journey

The now famous musician spent his childhood and youth in the village of Verbovka. As a child, at the age of 4, he performed on stage for the first time. Since childhood, the boy showed creative abilities - this was noted by his parents, friends, and teachers. From an early age he played the electric guitar, but best of all - he sang. After graduating from school, Vinnik goes to study at the Kanev School of Culture to make his dream come true - to become a professional artist and work on stage.

Vinnik's family is supportive. Oleg enters the choirmaster department, the teachers immediately note the high prospects of the student’s vocals and predict a great future for the guy. Fortunately, this is what happened.

During his training, Oleg improves not only his vocals, but also his playing musical instruments, he writes poetry and music. At the end educational institution, at the age of 20, goes to the Cherkasy Philharmonic as a soloist. He quickly develops previously acquired skills, improves and delights the public. Soon Oleg is offered to continue his studies abroad under an exchange program. It was not easy to make a decision, because a long separation from family is not an easy step. Nevertheless, in 1993, Vinnik Oleg and his family make a fateful decision - the guy goes to Germany.

Work in Germany

During his stay in Germany, a poster for musicals catches Oleg's eye. In a matter of seconds, he realizes that he would like to do exactly this, and then he begins to move towards the given goal. Very soon the guy gets the opportunity to become part of the Luneburg Theater in Lower Saxony, where he performs his first roles. He gains new experience working in operas and operettas:

  • Opera "Tosca".
  • Operetta "Paganini".

At the same time, fate gives the musician another chance, which allows him to take the artist to a new level - meeting the eminent vocal teacher John Lehman. Over the course of two years, the singer has honed his vocals to a filigree state: now he is given both a tenor and a baritone, which allows him to take on various stage roles.

After this, the singer begins his first attempts to connect his career with musicals. He takes the pseudonym OLEGG and gets his first roles - Lucentio in the musical “KISS ME KATE”, Phoebus and Clopin in the famous musical “Notre Dame Cathedral”. They do not bring Oleg world fame, but they allow him to get used to a new role and gain experience.

Soon, the talented Ukrainian artist gets the role of Jean Valjean in the famous musical “Les Miserables” - this crucial moment, which becomes a radically new stage in the artist’s life.

The musical gains wide popularity, and Oleg soon receives the title “New Grand Voice 2003”. This title was awarded to him by one of the European publications - “DA CAPO”. Having achieved considerable success and recognition far beyond the borders of Ukraine, Vinnik decides to return to his homeland in order to gain popularity here too.

Career in Ukraine

Vinnik returns to his homeland in 2011. Now he is becoming a solo artist and focusing on a new image, songs and music. Soon, every musical creation of the artist is quoted according to its words, his songs resonate in the hearts of listeners, and his videos gain millions of views. The songs “Nino”, “Vovchitsya”, “Happiness” are heard in different parts of the world, including in their native Ukraine.

Tickets for the artist’s concerts are selling out at lightning speed long before the stated dates. The singer gains a huge fan club, delights with his charisma and makes thousands of fans fall in love with him.

Gorgeous artist! I am delighted!

Fan of Vinnik from Sumy

Every Vinnik concert is happiness!

Girl from Bila Tserkva

True, there are those who, having attended the singer’s concert, did not share the delight of those around him.

A new round of popularity brings Oleg judging in the vocal show “X-Factor”-8. There he expands his own audience, tries himself as a jury member and shares advice with young performers. Oleg Vinnik does not want to become a businessman yet, remaining on the creative path. In 2018 he received the title “The Most handsome man"according to the popular award "Viva! Most beautiful".

Personal life

The artist has long acquired the status of the most desirable man in Ukraine and surrounding countries, therefore Vinnik’s marital status is a pressing issue that worries many. Unfortunately, Oleg does not like to comment on his personal life. Despite all the efforts of journalists, the artist prefers not to talk about personal things, demonstrating to the public only creative successes. However, in a 2016 interview, he stated that his heart is not free.

The artist has become a real phenomenon in the world of show business, moreover, the media even defined the “Oleg Vinnik Phenomenon.” They compare him with many world-famous artists, try to piece together the reasons for his popularity and wait for each next step. All this proves that Oleg Vinnik managed to make his childhood dream come true!

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