Same technology. Can two countries on the same planet have equally advanced but completely different technologies? P.2.1. Technology concept

Put down your phone and do something—anything.

We'd all like to be a little happier.

The problem is that most of the things that determine happiness are outside of our control. Some of us are genetically predisposed to see the world through rose-colored glasses, while others perceive situations generally negatively. Bad things do happen. You can meet bad people, and the work can be very tiring.

But we have some control over how we spend our free time. Therefore, it is quite logical to ask the question which leisure activities have a positive effect on happiness and which ones do not.

In a new study of 1 million American teens, my co-authors and I looked at how teens spend their free time and what activities have positive and negative effects on happiness.

We wanted to explore whether changes in leisure time could partly explain the striking drop in happiness since 2012, and perhaps the decline in adult happiness since 2000.

Possible culprit

In our study, we analyzed data from a nationally representative survey of eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades that has been conducted annually since 1991.

Every year, teenagers are surveyed about their overall happiness, in addition to how they spend their time. We found that teens who spent more time interacting in person with their friends, playing sports, attending religious services, reading books, or even doing homework were happier overall. And those who spent more time online, playing computer games, using social media, texting, video chatting, or watching TV were less happy.

In other words, every activity that didn't involve screens brought more happiness, and vice versa. The differences were significant: Teens who spent more than five hours a day online were twice as likely to suffer from the blues than those who spent an hour or less.

Of course, this can be explained by the fact that unhappy people are more likely to stare at screens. However, a growing body of research shows that most of the causal effects come from screen device use, rather than the other way around.

In one experiment, people who gave up Facebook for a week had a happier time and felt less lonely and depressed than those who continued to use the social network. In another study, young people who decided to work extra instead of using Facebook were happier than those who continued to maintain their accounts. Additionally, several studies show that screen time leads to unhappiness, but unhappiness does not lead to more screen time.

If you wanted advice based on this research, it's quite simple: put down your phone or tablet and do something - anything.

This doesn't just apply to teenagers

These links between happiness and leisure time are troubling, as the current generation of teenagers (whom I call "iGen" in my book of the same name) spend more time on screens than any previous generation. Time spent online doubled between 2006 and 2016, and 82 percent of 12th graders now use social media every day (up from 51 percent in 2008).

Of course, teen happiness suddenly declined after 2012 (the year most Americans started using smartphones). Thus, this process affected young people's self-esteem and their satisfaction with life in general. This deterioration is mirrored by other studies that find a sharp increase in mental health problems among iGen, including depressive symptoms, suicidal tendencies, and more. The difference is especially noticeable compared to 2000: iGen are noticeably less self-confident and more depressed.

A similar trend may be taking place in the adult world. My co-authors and I previously found that adults over 30 are less happy than they were 15 years ago and are even having less sex. There may be many reasons for these trends, but adults are also spending more time on screens. This means less face-to-face interaction with other people, including your sexual partners. The result: less sex and less happiness.

Although the happiness of teens and adults declined during the high unemployment years of the Great Recession (2008-2010), the situation did not improve after 2012, when the economy picked up. Instead, happiness continued to decline as the economy improved, so it is unlikely that economic cycles caused the decline in happiness after 2012.

Growing income inequality may play a role, especially for adults. But if this is the case, one would expect happiness to have fallen continuously since the 1980s, when income inequality began to rise. Instead, happiness began to decline around 2000 for adults and around 2012 for teenagers. However, it is possible that concerns about the labor market and income inequality reached a tipping point in the early 2000s.

Somewhat surprisingly, we found that teens who didn't use digital media at all were actually slightly less happy than those who did use digital technology (less than an hour a day). Happiness gradually decreased with more hours of use. Thus, the happiest teenagers were those who used digital media, but for a limited time.

Therefore, the solution is not to completely abandon technology. Instead, we should remember the familiar saying: everything in moderation. Use your phone for all the cool things it's good for. And then put it aside and do something else.

Talk. Perhaps you will become happier.

Jean Wenge - Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University (USA)

Brian McClure

Can two countries on the same planet have equally advanced but completely different technologies?

I'm building a world where two countries have advanced technology, but both have completely different foundations for their technology. Is this possible, if so, how?

For example, Country X could be a cyberpunk country, and Country Y could be a biopunk country. Country X will not have access to County Y's technology and vice versa.

John Meachum

The USA had computers, and the USSR had missiles. Once it became obvious that the other was useful, they both caught up with each other pretty quickly.


Yustai Igo

Yes, it is possible, but isolation is a must!

People usually trade And study, when they lack something useful. When at least one of two countries is xenophobic, a closed system will be formed in which technological evolution takes different paths.

Take, for example, the case of Japan and China in medieval times. These countries were known as curtains(bamboo curtains to be exact) and although their technical achievements were well known in the world, there was no competitor research done in competing countries. For example, the Chinese invented the repeating crossbow (chu ko nu). Neither Japan, nor Korea, nor India have come up with something like this. The Japanese had the highest sword-making skills, and their metalwork was (and is) considered the best in the region. However, other countries have not tried to come up with something in the same spirit, but have tried to further consolidate some of their other weapons technologies.

However, once barriers were removed and the world became a kind of global village, technology from one part of the world quickly spread to other parts.

So yes, you can have two countries with the same size but different directions of technological progress, If they are isolated and there is no active trade or learning between them.


Access to raw materials

As mentioned, insulation is critical to this.

Consider a car. Electricity had its limitations, the steam engine struggled to find its feet, then Henry Ford took over the production line and the internal combustion engine, and everything switched to gasoline. Consider a situation where gasoline was not available in, say, Europe, for whatever reason. The gasoline car would take off in some regions and the steam car in others, both technologies could develop on their own.

The same applies to the katana and European swords of the same era. The katana is light, sharp and brittle, very good at cutting through the bamboo armor that the Japanese had. Their lack of good metal prevented the development of metal armor, and so they did not need a sword that could break it. Heavy European swords were designed to destroy European armor and therefore had very different characteristics. People argue endlessly about which is better, but what is ultimately true is that each was situational based on the needs of the people who created them.

Different needs, different raw materials lead to different but equivalent technologies.


One small giggle; Lamellar armor, samurai, is made of metal plates, usually second grade steel from the sword industry, the Katana is more than capable of taking this, piercing through a full plate not as hard, but piercing individual records Yes.

A. G. Weyland

There must be a reason for isolation. If they both have access to each other's technology, it would be ridiculous to go back to the drawing board and start over. It would be more logical to improve each other's technologies to create better technologies (like in our modern world). I don't think it would work if they were always communicating with each other. They might have come into contact after their technologies had developed separately and in different directions. This would be the most logical.


I would like to agree and disagree with Separatix and Youstay Igo, preventing national isolation from crossing is useful but not absolutely necessary if the technologies are mutually exclusive. If Country Y's biotechnology is sensitive to EVs, then it will not be suitable for use in the electrically saturated cyberpunk world of Country X, or if we go the other way and have bioproducts that are attracted to electrical circuits and short-circuit cypertech, then Country X is interested in to completely eliminate this technology from their country. Thus, two countries that have developed disparate technologies will preserve themselves technologically while continuing to trade in other areas.

To achieve the same goal, you can use different technologies, methods or techniques, means or procedures, the use of which, however, can give different effects and require more or less time, human or material resources and costs.

The method (problem method, dialogue method, collaboration method, training...) determines the specific form of organizing the activities of subjects of the educational process using various technologies for certain purposes (training, communication, development).

Methodology 1. It is described, as a rule, without taking into account the mechanisms and patterns underlying the achievement of the goal with its help. 2. The source of the emergence of a new methodology is most often the generalization of the positive innovative practical experience of specific carriers of one or another method of teaching activity.

1. Methodology of Kitaev and Trunov. Dynamic gymnastics satisfies the movement-related needs of a child up to one year old: it develops innate reflexes. . M. Trunov, L. Kitaev, authors of the book "Ecology of Infancy." 2. Voskobovich's methodology. Technology "Fairy tale labyrinths of games" 3. Educational methodology "Good Tales" Maria Skrebtsova and Alexandra Lopatina offer readers their stories, fairy tales, poems with tasks and questions , as a reason for thinking about the meaning of life, honesty, goodwill. 4. Methodology of Maria Gmoshinskaya. Infant creativity, or also called infant creativity, involves the child drawing with paints from the age of 6 months. Drawing technique - fingers, palms. 5. Music of the intellect. Alisa Anatolyevna Samburskaya is the author of a methodology for teaching children reading, writing and mathematics based on musical activity.

technology OR methodology? ? ? If technology appears as a fact of the pedagogical culture of a community of professional teachers, then the methodology reflects the experience of a specific subject, being the property of the local culture of individual teachers and a fact of pedagogical skill and creativity in solving a certain type of pedagogical problems.

TECHNOLOGY The general interpretation of the concept of “technology” is the science of skill, from the Latin Techne - art, skill; Logos - science. Pedagogical technology is a complex integrative process that includes people, ideas, means, methods and management of problem solving, covering all aspects of knowledge acquisition. (From documents of the US Association for Educational Communications and Technology)

The concept of “technology” Pedagogical technology is a conscious, practically mastered system of purposeful operations that objectively gives, within the given conditions, the designed result, regardless of the individual characteristics of the subjects who use it. (I. A. Kolesnikova) Pedagogical technology is a model of joint pedagogical activities thought out in all details to design, organize and conduct the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers. (V. M. Monakhov)

EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES 4 guarantee of the final learning result (more precisely, the degree of guarantee depending on compliance with all necessary conditions); 4 diagnosticity of the description of learning objectives; 4 reproducibility of the learning process and its results; 4 a certain procedural design and organization of one or another form of training.

List of technologies recommended in the materials of the federal operator PNPO: – developmental training; –collective education system (CSE); –technology for solving research problems (TRIZ); –research and design methods; – technology of modular and block-modular training; – “debate” technology; –technology for the development of critical thinking; –lecture-seminar education system; – technology of using gaming methods in teaching: (role-playing, business and other types of educational games); – learning in collaboration; – information and communication technologies; – health-saving technologies; – innovation assessment system “portfolio”; – technologies of interactive and distance learning

PERSONALITY-ORIENTED EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES Psychological model of I. S. Yakimanskaya Concept of freedom pedagogy of O. S. Gazman Concept of cultural type of E. V. Bondarevskaya

The main principle of a person-oriented education system is the recognition of the child’s individuality, the creation of necessary and sufficient conditions for his development.

1. The main values ​​are the child himself, culture, creativity. The consequence of this is a view of education as an activity that protects and supports the child’s childhood, preserves, transmits and develops culture, creates a creative environment for the child’s development, prepares him for life in modern society, and stimulates individual and collective creativity.

2. The purpose of education is to educate a holistic person of culture, having an interconnected natural, social and cultural essence. NEW TASKS OF EDUCATION: PRESERVING THE PHYSICAL, INTELLECTUAL, MENTAL HEALTH OF THE CHILD.

PRINCIPLES OF CREATION OF TECHNOLOGY Conceptuality - reliance on a scientific concept, including philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for ways to achieve an educational goal Systematicity - the logic of the process of achieving a goal, the interconnection of its parts, ensuring integrity and cyclicality of actions Controllability - the possibility of design and adjustment Reproduction of a system of actions - possibility of application by other subjects in other similar conditions of educational institutions or educational environment Efficiency - effectiveness in achieving the educational goal

A combined group of batteries is called a battery of cells or simply a galvanic battery. There are two main ways to connect cells into batteries: series and parallel connections.

In this article, we will consider the features of serial and parallel connection of batteries. There are various situations where it may be necessary to increase the total capacity or increase the voltage by resorting to parallel or series connection of several batteries into a battery, and you always need to remember the nuances.

A parallel connection involves combining the positive battery terminals with a common positive point of the circuit, and all negative terminals with a common minus point, i.e., connect all positive terminals of the elements to one common wire, and all negative terminals to another common wire. The ends of the common wires of such a battery are connected to an external circuit - to the receiver.

The essence of the sequential method of connecting batteries, as follows from its very name, is that all the elements taken are connected to each other in one serial chain, that is, the positive pole of each element is connected to the negative pole of each subsequent element.

As a result of this connection, one common battery is obtained, in which the negative terminals of one extreme element remain free, and the positive terminals of the second element remain free. With their help, the battery is connected to an external circuit - to the receiver. Let's talk about this in more detail later.

Parallel connection of batteries results in a combination of capacities, and with an equal initial voltage on each of the batteries included in the battery assembled from them, the capacity of the composite battery turns out to be equal to the sum of the capacities of these batteries. If the capacities of the batteries being combined are equal, to find the battery capacity it is enough to multiply the number of batteries composing the battery by the capacity of one battery in the assembly.

No matter how many elements we connect in parallel, their total voltage will always be equal to the voltage of one element, but the strength of the discharge current can be increased as many times as there are elements in the battery, if only all the elements in the battery are of the same type.

By connecting the batteries in series, you get a battery with the same capacity as the capacity of one of the batteries included in the battery, provided that the capacities are equal. In this case, the battery voltage will be equal to the sum of the voltages of each of the batteries that make up the battery.

If batteries of equal capacity and equal voltage at the time of connection are connected in series, then the voltage of the battery obtained by series connection will be equal to the product of the voltage of one battery and the number of batteries making up the series circuit.

When connecting elements in series, the values ​​of their internal resistances are also added up. Therefore, from a assembled battery, regardless of its voltage, it is possible to consume only the same amount of current as one element included in the battery is designed for. This is understandable, since with a series connection, the same current passes through each element as passes through the entire battery.

Thus, by connecting elements in series, increasing their total number, it is possible to increase the battery voltage to any limits, but the strength of the discharge current of the battery will remain the same as that of one individual element included in its composition.

With both parallel and series connections, the total energy of the battery is equal to the sum of the energies of all the batteries that make up the battery.

So, why are batteries combined into batteries? The thing is that in any circuit there are losses associated with heating of the conductors. And with the same conductor resistance, if it is necessary to transmit a certain power, it is much more profitable to transmit power at a high voltage, then less current will be required, and ohmic losses will be less.

For this reason, high-power uninterruptible power supplies use series-connected batteries with a total voltage of several tens of volts, rather than a parallel circuit of 12 volts. The higher the source voltage, the higher the efficiency of the converter.

When significant current is needed, and one available battery is not enough for the intended purpose, the battery capacity is increased by resorting to parallel connection of several batteries.

It is not always economically profitable to replace a battery with a new one with a larger capacity, and sometimes it is enough to connect another one in parallel and increase the source capacity to the required one. Some have compartments for installing additional batteries in parallel with the existing one, in order to increase the energy resource of the converter.

What should be considered when combining batteries in a series circuit? Batteries of different capacities (manufactured using the same technology, for example lead-acid) differ in internal resistance. The higher the capacitance, the lower the internal resistance; the relationship here is almost inversely proportional.

For this reason, if you connect batteries of different capacities in series and close the load circuit or the charging circuit, then the current through the circuit will be the same everywhere, but the voltage drops will be different. And on some of the batteries, the voltage when charging will be much higher than the nominal value, which is dangerous, and when discharging, it will be much lower than the lower limit, which is harmful. Let's look at an example below and show what this entails.

Let us have 10 batteries, the rated voltage of each is 12 volts, 9 of them have a capacity of 20 ampere-hours, and one has a capacity of 10 ampere-hours. We decided to connect them in series and charge from a charger with control of the charging current; we set the current to 2 amperes. is configured to stop charging when the battery voltage crosses 138 volts, based on an average of 13.8 volts per cell in the series battery. What will happen?

For each battery, the manufacturer provides a charging characteristic, where you can see with what current and for how long the battery needs to be charged.

Obviously, a battery with 2 times smaller capacity at a current of 2 amperes will take the same amount of energy as batteries with a larger capacity, but the voltage on it will increase approximately three times faster. So, after 3 hours a small battery will take its toll, while at the same time large batteries will have to be charged for another 6 hours.

But the voltage on the small battery has already gone over the edge; it would need to be switched to voltage stabilization mode; our charger does not do this. In the end, the gas recombination system in a battery with half the capacity will not withstand it, the valves will break, and the battery will begin to lose moisture and lose capacity, while large batteries will still be undercharged.

Conclusion: only batteries of equal capacity, the same technology, and the same discharge state can be charged sequentially.

Now let's say that we discharge the same series circuit. Initially, each battery has 13.8 volts, and the discharge current is 2 amperes. Deep discharge protection will open the circuit at 72 volts, meaning at least 7.2 volts per battery is assumed. After 4 hours, the small battery will be completely discharged, but the larger ones will still have 12 volts, and the deep discharge protection will not detect the catch. A small battery will irreversibly lose some of its capacity.

That’s why you can only connect batteries of equal capacities in series if you don’t want to ruin them. It is best to connect batteries from the same batch in series, and first check their capacities with a battery tester to make sure that the capacities of the batteries from which you are going to assemble a series battery are almost equal.

But it is permissible to connect batteries of different capacities in parallel. Of course, provided that the voltages at their terminals are equal. With a parallel connection, the battery capacities will not play a role, since the internal resistances of the batteries will be connected in parallel, and the maximum charge or discharge current will be different for each battery, they will work synchronously.

However, there are current limitations for battery terminals and for each specific battery; the terminals may not withstand the long-term current that the battery is, in principle, capable of providing; it is important not to forget about this. These parameters are indicated in the technical documentation for the battery.

If, at the moment of connecting two batteries that differ greatly in capacity, their voltages differ significantly, a short-term overcurrent of one of the batteries is inevitable. If the voltage is higher for a battery with a smaller capacity, then the redistribution of charge at the time of connection will cause a short-term short circuit current in it, and can quickly lead to its destruction.

If the voltage is higher for a battery with a larger capacity, then again the battery with a smaller capacity is at risk, because it will begin to accept charge in overload mode. Therefore, it is best to connect batteries in parallel, having previously equalized the voltages on them, and the next step is to combine them into a battery.

We hope that our article was useful to you, and now you know how you can and cannot connect batteries and for what purposes this is usually done.

Andrey Povny

After numerous delays, the first 64-bit processors for the mass market, Athlon64 FX-51 and Athlon64 3200+, finally came out at the end of September.

Then, after the debut of AMD Athlon64 desktop processors, laptop manufacturers had the opportunity to test the mobile version of Athlon64 - Mobile Athlon64 3000+.

The Mobile Athlon64 processor, like the desktop model, is based on x86 architecture with 64-bit extensions. Therefore, the Mobile Athlon64 processor has the advantage of supporting both conventional 32-bit operating systems and applications, as well as future 64-bit operating systems/applications.

And today it is the only mobile processor for laptops with an integrated memory controller (not counting Transmeta Crusoe, of course). Depending on the application, the architecture promises measurable performance gains as the integrated memory controller speeds up access times compared to traditional designs.

Our laboratory received one of the first laptop models based on Mobile Athlon64 - Q8M Power64 XD from Yakumo, and we did not miss the opportunity to test it in the laboratory.

Mobile Athlon64 processor compared to desktop Athlon64 and competitors

Like its predecessor, the Athlon XP-M, the Mobile Athlon64 processor is a derivative of the desktop processor.

The desktop Athlon64 and its mobile counterpart are based on the same chip design. The difference begins after the silicon is created - during the testing, validation and packaging phase. The top model Mobile Athlon64 is 3200+ with a core clock speed of 2 GHz.

AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (2.00 GHz) AMD Athlon 64 mobile 3200+ (2.00 GHz) AMD Athlon 64 mobile 3000+ (1.80 GHz) Intel Pentium-M 1.70 GHz Intel Pentium4-M 2.6 GHz
Processor frequencies 2.00 GHz/ 800 MHz 2.00 GHz/ 800 MHz 1.80 GHz/ 800 MHz 1.70 GHz/ 600 MHz 2.60 GHz/ 1.20 GHz
Type of packaging Pin Lidded O-Micro-PGA Pin Lidless O-Micro-PGA Pin Lidless O-Micro-PGA Micro FCPGA Micro FCPGA
Number of transistors 105.9 million 105.9 million 105.9 million 77 million 55 million
FSB frequency 200 MHz 200 MHz 200 MHz 100 MHz 100 MHz
L1 cache 64 kbyte/64 kbyte 64 kbyte/64 kbyte 64 kbyte/64 kbyte 32 kbyte/32 kbyte 12K micro-Ops/8 kbytes
L2 cache 1024 kbytes 1024 kbytes 1024 kbytes 1024 kbytes 512 kbytes
L2 cache frequency 2.00 GHz 2.00 GHz 1.80 GHz 1.70 GHz 2.60 GHz
Bus/core frequency ratio 10 10 9 17 26
Core voltage 1.50 V/ 1.30 V 1.50 V / 1.10 V 1.50 V/ 1.10 V 1.484 V/ 0.956 V 1.30 V/ 1.20 V
Power output 89 W/ 35 W 81.5 W/ 19 W 81.5 W/ 19 W 24.5 W/ 6 W 35 W/ 20.8 W
Manufacturing process 0.13 µm 0.13 µm 0.13 µm 0.13 µm 0.13 µm
Crystal size 1406 mm² (heat spreader size) 193 mm² 193 mm² 83 mm² 132 mm²

Comparison of desktop and mobile Athlon64 processors with competing models from Intel.

If the mobile Athlon 64 uses Socket 754, then, unlike the desktop processor, it is not equipped with a heat spreader. Both options use different mechanisms to protect the core from overheating, which prevents damage to the chip if the cooling system fails. At the hardware level, the processor supports immediate shutdown when the THERMTRIP# signal is issued. The processor uses this mechanism to prevent thermal damage - it simply turns off if the temperature of the die reaches a certain value. In addition, the mobile Athlon64 uses throttling. As you know, this technology allows you to significantly reduce the processor clock speed, which ensures that the temperature of the crystal remains at an acceptable level. It probably goes without saying that performance is significantly reduced when throttling occurs.

Interestingly enough, both the Mobile Athlon64 and the Desktop Athlon64 use the same power management mechanism to ensure minimal power consumption and, depending on temperature, low noise levels. This technology is called PowerNow for the mobile processor and Cool&Quiet for its desktop equivalent.

The operating principle of the technology is simple and has already proven itself in the “old” Athlon XP-M. For a laptop or PC, maximum performance is not always needed. Therefore, in some cases, when the load on the processor is low, it is quite reasonable to reduce the clock frequency and supply voltage. This approach helps save energy and increases the battery life of the laptop.

In addition, the reduction in heat generated leads to a reduction in noise levels. Today, similar technology has become possible for desktop PCs. If an application requires high processing power, the processor increases the supply voltage and then the frequency. If the demand disappears, then both values ​​decrease, therefore, energy consumption decreases.

Windows XP Energy Patterns Mains power supply (frequency example - mobile Athlon 64 3000+) Powered by batteries (frequency example - mobile Athlon 64 3000+)
Home/Office Desktop PC No (always 1800 MHz) Adaptive (800 - 1800 MHz)
Portable/laptop Adaptive (800 - 1800 MHz) Adaptive (800 - 1800 MHz)
Presentation Adaptive (800 - 1800 MHz) Low (800 MHz)
Always on No (always 1800 MHz) No (always 1800 MHz)
Minimal power management Adaptive (800 - 1800 MHz) Adaptive (800 - 1800 MHz)
Maximum battery life Adaptive (800 - 1800 MHz) Low (800 MHz)

As you can see, AMD Mobile Athlon64 sets its own rules of conduct.

In addition to choosing a power consumption scheme, the processor's operating behavior is automatically adjusted by the operating system and BIOS without user intervention. At the same time, the operating system senses the load on the processor and, through the driver, communicates with the processor to make dynamic changes to the frequency and voltage values.

By choosing a power consumption scheme, the user influences the behavior of the processor.

On operating systems such as Windows 2000 and older that do not have built-in support for PowerNow, you must use the PowerNow utility, which switches between processor states.

Operating points
Mobile Athlon 64 3000+ Mobile Athlon 64 3200+ LV Mobile AMD Athlon-XP-M 1600+
- 2000 MHz/1.50 V -
1800 MHz/1.50 V 1800 MHz/1.40 V -
1600 MHz/1.40 V 1600 MHz/1.30 V -
- 1400 MHz/1.250 V
- - 1200 MHz/1,200 V
- - 1066 MHz/1.150 V
- - 933 MHz/1.100 V
800 MHz/1.10 V 800 MHz/1.10 V 800 MHz/1.050 V
- - 733 MHz/1.050 V
- - 667 MHz/1.050 V
- - 533 MHz/1.050 V
- - 400 MHz/1.050 V

From the operating state table, an 800 MHz "hole" immediately becomes apparent between the lower operating point of 800 MHz/1.1 V and the next point of 1600 MHz/1.4 V. Then, after the 1600 MHz point, we see an increase in frequency of 200 MHz . This means that the Mobile Athlon64 only has four operating points, called P-states. We can only guess why the Mobile Athlon64 has such a small number of operating points compared to its predecessor, the Mobile Athlon XP. This is probably due to the fact that frequent switching between a maximum of nine average states is not possible, since the operating system requires that the frequency that must follow switching between different operating points exceeds the technically achievable frequency between two points (about 2 kHz). In addition, as our testing showed, frequent switching does not have a very good effect on battery life.
