New weight loss technologies of Dr. Gavrilov. Losing weight according to the method of Dr. Gavrilov. Low-calorie recipes for weight loss

Every fourth woman in our country faces the problem of excess weight, but not everyone has the strength to fight it. When you realize that you need to change something radically because you can no longer fit into any pants, grueling diets immediately come to mind. The fear of being hungry is the biggest problem of all girls who want to lose weight. And it is worth noting that this fear is sometimes higher than the desire to be slim. As a result, you go to buy things a size larger, and do not understand your diet.

Dr. Gavrilov, who once led the Bormental project, which helped thousands of people cope with excess weight, developed his own unique method of losing weight. Mikhail Alekseevich is a certified psychologist and nutritionist, therefore, as the basis for his system, he took precisely the psychological awareness of what “appetite”, “food weight” and “desire” are. Special education programs and trainings are an obligatory part of the weight loss process, during which patients learn not just to limit themselves, but to consciously switch to a healthy diet.

Secret of success

The secret of the diet is that you are constantly aware that proper nutrition is completely beneficial for your health and figure. The technique of “neutralizing” calories consists of replacing high-calorie and unhealthy foods with healthy ones. The most important thing you have to learn is to negotiate with your body.

When you pick up a chocolate bar, you need to tell yourself that a fruit salad will give you the same amount of energy, it’s just as tasty, but it’s much healthier. And this should be done with every dish that you eat.

What you need to eat to become slim

A full menu for those who want to lose weight using Gavrilov’s method will be very varied, but some dishes will need to be excluded from it completely. Giving up junk food is a sure step towards being healthy and beautiful.

A complete ban is imposed on the following products:

  • marinated mushrooms;
  • sprat in tomato sauce;
  • any mint and sweet candies;
  • all fast food (fast food and street food);
  • bakery products;
  • sweet chocolate and butter.

Don’t worry that you’ll feel panicked as you walk past displays of tasty but unhealthy food. To always be full, you need to make it a habit to carry some healthy snack with you. This way you can overcome a hunger attack at any time and not be tempted by forbidden food.

Gavrilov’s list contains foods that you can eat calmly and with confidence that they will be beneficial for your new figure. From this list you can create a very tasty diet for every day.

You are allowed to eat:

  • natural cheese with a low fat content;
  • fermented milk drinks;
  • vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, since they contain a lot of starch;
  • fruits, you will have to limit the consumption of bananas and grapes;
  • bran;
  • buckwheat, pearl barley and oatmeal;
  • still purified water;
  • fresh juices.

Sample menu for the day

You can prepare various healthy and tasty dishes from this set of products. It will be very easy for you to create a menu for the week if you approach your culinary tasks wisely. We offer you a sample menu for the day:

  1. We have breakfast with any porridge that is on the list of allowed foods, and drink a cup of herbal tea without sugar.
  2. For lunch, we snack on dried fruits and drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  3. We have lunch with mushroom soup and vegetable salad.
  4. For an afternoon snack, we drink fresh vegetable juice and eat our favorite fruits or berries.
  5. We have dinner with a light vegetable stew or steamed vegetables.
  6. 2 hours before bedtime we can drink a glass of low-fat kefir

This diet will help you cope with the problem of excess weight. In addition, its observance will not negatively affect physical activity - if you are used to going to the gym, you will not have to cancel your workouts.

Complexities of Gavrilov's power system

Since the main goal of Dr. Gavrilov’s entire method is to cope with overeating and be able to switch to the right diet, psychological preparation takes the lion’s share of the effort. You can only get it in the center of Gavrilov himself - certified specialists conduct trainings, provide video support online and always come to the aid of those who cannot cope with their appetite. Only people with enormous willpower will be able to follow a diet on their own; everyone else needs supervision from professionals.

Gavrilov is sure that you don’t need to go against your desires, so he suggests doing only physical labor that brings you pleasure while losing weight. Grueling workouts in the gym can be replaced by cleaning the apartment, walks in the fresh air or your favorite outdoor games.

Speed ​​of achieving results

For those who want to lose 10 kg in a week, Gavrilov’s method is not suitable. Its principle is conscious and systematic weight loss, and it does not happen quickly. You can lose 100-150 g per day, no more. However, the results are worth it - by taking a healthy diet as a basis, you will forever forget what fat deposits are in problem areas and you will be in perfect shape.

Mikhail Alekseevich Gavrilov is the author of a weight loss technique, which is now actively advertised in the media, in particular on the Internet. According to Dr. Gavrilov himself, losing weight can be a pleasant process that is free from dangerous diets, grueling workouts, various pills, and psychological discomfort.

The doctor’s website, through which online testing and registration for a consultation takes place, positions the proposed method as an effective method of weight loss, which simply has no analogues. Moreover, according to the same website, Gavrilov’s diet is actively copied by many Moscow psychological and medical centers. One cannot help but rejoice in the fact that the author of the diet is a real person, unlike many developers of Internet methods actively promoted today.

Mikhail Alekseevich views weight loss not just as a physiological process - he made an attempt to “neutralize” calories through psychological influence. The effectiveness of the technique does not simply depend on compliance with certain nutritional rules; it is, first of all, determined by the person losing weight’s belief in the possibility of achieving the desired result. Losing weight according to Gavrilov is intended not only to normalize eating behavior, but also to make it conscious. In addition, the technique helps to find and eliminate the very cause of excess weight, and also provides effective tools for maintaining the achieved result.

Weight loss according to Gavrilov is not designed to be done independently at home. Moreover, according to the information on the official website of the clinic, not even all nutritionists are able to help implement this technique. Dr. Gavrilov's Weight Loss Center employs specially trained and certified specialists who help make the weight loss process for clients not only effective, but also simple and interesting for clients. Losing weight according to Gavrilov is a program consisting of trainings, medical and psychological support, and Internet support.

Reviews from women characterize this method mainly on the positive side, although you can also find negative statements from disappointed followers. By the way, few people know that Mikhail Alekseevich is the man who led the “Doctor Bormental” project, which was also focused on weight loss.

The psychological side of losing weight according to Gavrilov

Dr. Gavrilov considers losing weight impossible without going through certain stages, which he calls steps:

Step 1 is the realization that there is excess weight and you need to get rid of it.

Step 2 can only be carried out with the help of specialists who will help you understand what weight is and what hunger is, and also develop a behavior strategy in relation to each of them.

Step 3 is designed to bring you as close as possible to “perfection”; more precisely, to teach you to control yourself, your emotions and desires to “pounce” on food in moments of a bad mood, a nervous breakdown, stress or depression.

Step 4 is aimed at gaining a final understanding that there is no longer a need for overeating and the effects of it. At this stage, confidence in your femininity and attractiveness should appear, as well as the final image and the opportunities in choosing clothes that it will provide.

Mikhail Alekseevich cannot imagine losing weight and its results without implementing the last, fifth step - the ability to wait. At this stage, the center’s specialists should help you see the whole picture, consisting of desire, motivation and goals.

Reviews characterize weight loss according to Gavrilov as an opportunity to take a different look at food consumption, as well as become psychologically free from it.

Gavrilov diet diet

After studying the methodology and completing trainings, Mikhail Alekseevich recommends losing weight using any simple diets. Interestingly, the process of following the diet itself, after completing all five steps, according to the doctor, will be very easy. Opponents of traditional methods of losing weight are asked to divide their usual diet into “pros” and “cons,” which will correspond to healthy and harmful foods.

Thus, effective weight loss according to Gavrilov is possible by excluding from the menu such “cons” as butter, mints, croissants, donuts, “brushwood”, sandwiches, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sprat in tomato, sauces, as well as canned mushrooms and canned food.

The “pluses” of the diet include low-fat yoghurts, juices, salads, fruits, all vegetables except potatoes, bran, cheese, fish, cereals, avocados, and plain water.

Losing weight according to Gavrilov in general terms is a moderate consumption of “positive” foods. You can learn more about this technique only at Dr. Gavrilov’s Weight Loss Center during paid sessions and consultations.

Physical activity when losing weight according to Gavrilov

Mikhail Alekseevich welcomes any physical activity, but he emphasizes that they must be performed with pleasure, and not through force. If there is no desire to play sports, then you can simply increase physical activity, which can be expressed:



Searching for things;

Washing windows;

Wiping off dust;

Washing floors;

Running in one place;


Twisting a hoop, etc.

The diet does not promise quick results, but for those who know how to wait and know what they want, it will open a new path to losing weight.

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Dr. Mikhail Gavrilov – nutritionist, psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences. The founder of his own weight loss method, which has won recognition around the world. Numerous successful stories of losing weight using his method do not give the slightest chance to doubt its effectiveness. It’s easy to verify the benefits of Dr. Gavrilov’s diet by using the daily menu, created taking into account the doctor’s recommendations.

Principles of losing weight according to Dr. Gavrilov’s method

In the clinics, the doctors, of whom there are already more than sixty, fight for the health and beautiful appearance of their patients, strictly observing a number of principles.

  • work is being done not with the consequences, but with the causes of obesity. To identify the physiological and psychological sources of the disease, a comprehensive multi-level examination of the body is carried out. Collaboration between the doctor and the patient, an individual diet, finding a balance in nutrition and physical activity, and changing lifestyle restore the body and return it to health;
  • the connection between the patient’s emotional state and food is broken. Dr. Gavrilov’s weight loss method includes psychological training, original techniques, breathing exercises, and verbal influence using logical, reasoned statements. The patient's false beliefs are destroyed. The psychological dependence on food goes away, the patient is satisfied with a much smaller amount of food, he develops a healthy attitude towards foods, and his eating habits change;
  • the patient is motivated to lose weight. The result should be not only weight loss, but also a good mood, increased self-esteem, absence of anxiety and depression, confidence, and joy of life. Many people who lost weight noted enormous changes in their lives: personal relationships improved, their careers developed remarkably.

Permitted and prohibited products

Dr. Gavrilov's diet is not fasting. This is the “neutralization” of calories, a consistent, conscious replacement of harmful food with healthy food that does not clog the body.

Dr. Gavrilov offers a fairly extensive list of simple, healthy and inexpensive products. With them you can change the menu every day, eat varied and at the same time lose weight:

  • any fruits and berries, except bananas;
  • any vegetables. Make fresh salads, grill them, stew them, bake them;
  • low-fat kefir, sour cream, yogurt. Play with flavors, add pieces of fruit and berries;
  • cereals. Prepare porridge from them with skim milk or water and crumbly side dishes;
  • eggs, especially whites;
  • lean meat and any fish. Cook them without oil;
  • freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices;
  • hard cheese in small quantities, no more than a couple of slices per day.

Gavrilov’s diet involves avoiding the following foods:

  • bread (except whole grain) and other all kinds of baked goods;
  • sugar, sweets, condensed milk, candied fruits and any other sweets;
  • canned food;
  • butter;
  • sauces, mayonnaise;
  • all types of sausages;
  • any fast food, be it hamburgers, hot dogs or shawarma.

You should limit your intake of salt and vegetable oil and drink as much water as possible.

Sample menu for the week

The daily diet should include dishes from the permitted list of products. Meals are taken often and in small portions. We make small snacks. We don't eat three hours before bedtime. Follow these simple rules and lose weight.

It is necessary to distinguish between the feeling of real hunger and the obsessive desire to chew something tasty. An example of Gavrilov’s diet is the weekly menu below. If you follow it, the feeling of hunger should not arise. We prepare all drinks from the menu without sugar, the juice is freshly squeezed, we take only low-fat dairy products, we consume no more than a couple of slices of cheese per day.

Breakfast Oatmeal with banana, tea and sugar, a slice of cheese
Lunch Juice
Dinner Vegetable soup, steamed chicken with buckwheat, fruit drink
Dinner Eggplant stew, kefir
Breakfast Millet milk porridge, boiled egg white, herbal tea
Lunch Fresh Juice
Dinner Tomatoes, cauliflower puree, steamed fish, a slice of wholemeal bread, compote
Dinner Minced chicken roll with egg. Kefir
Breakfast A slice of whole grain bread, cheese, two eggs, coffee with skim milk added
Lunch Fresh grapefruit
Dinner Kefir okroshka on chicken, two potatoes baked with herbs, tea
Dinner Shrimp, cucumber and herb salad, kefir
Breakfast Fresh tomatoes, two soft-boiled eggs, a slice of boiled pork with coarse bread, coffee without sugar
Lunch Banana and strawberry smoothie
Dinner Stewed chicken, buckwheat, fresh cabbage salad, pear compote
Dinner Mackerel baked with lemon, vegetable salad, tomato juice
Breakfast Omelette with three eggs and milk, tea, dried apricots
Lunch Kefir
Dinner Lean chicken broth, egg, slice of bread with cereals, beetroot and carrot salad, cheese, cranberry juice
Dinner Stewed zucchini with steamed turkey, kefir
Breakfast Berry and cottage cheese casserole, tea
Lunch Kefir
Dinner Borscht, beef meatballs, cucumber salad, cranberry jelly
Dinner Lobio, boiled beef, fruit drink
Breakfast Cheese pancakes with pineapple pieces and yogurt. Berry juice
Lunch Milk-berry cocktail
Dinner Fish soup with a large piece of fish, stewed cabbage, compote
Dinner Salad mix with yoghurt dressing, beef meatballs with rice, tea

Fantasize, replace foods with any others from the permitted list, and Gavrilov’s diet will never seem monotonous to you. Supplement it with light physical activity, daily walks, and relaxing with loved ones in the fresh air. You yourself will not notice how this will become your usual way of life.

People who suffer from excess weight often try various diets and other means of losing weight, hoping to get a “magic pill”, and after correcting their figure, go back to eating fatty and sweet foods. However, this is a fundamentally wrong approach. Dr. Gavrilov offers a weight loss technique that really works. Mikhail Alekseevich is educated as a psychotherapist and nutritionist; he has worked for a long time with people suffering from addictions, and he managed to develop his own strategy to help get rid of extra pounds. Let's consider what makes the approach to solving the problem unique.

Many people call Dr. Gavrilov’s system a diet, but this is an incorrect definition. Mikhail Alekseevich developed not just the rules for a certain menu, but an entire methodology. It is aimed not only at weight loss, but also at eliminating the causes that led to weight gain. In addition, a figure correction scheme is drawn up individually for each patient who comes to the Gavrilov Center for help. The nutritionist assures that there is no universal approach to losing weight, and each person needs to be worked individually.

Psychological component

Since Gavrilov is not only a nutritionist, but also a psychotherapist, the main emphasis in his system is on overcoming the cause of obesity - overeating. Before starting a weight loss program, all those losing weight undergo psychological diagnostics, during which it is determined why they cannot control their appetite and constantly overeat. As a result of the study, the following types of eating disorders are identified:

Physiological factors

Losing weight using the Gavrilov method involves searching not only for psychological, but also physiological reasons for gaining excess weight. Before creating an individual figure correction program, each patient of the center undergoes a detailed medical examination. It includes:

  • blood tests;
  • physiological studies;
  • acid-base balance tests;
  • study of metabolism;
  • anthropometry.

If, during the examination, a patient is found to have diseases that lead to gaining extra pounds, they are offered non-drug treatment. Also, a special menu is developed for such people, taking into account the characteristics of their body.

In the center of Dr. Gavrilov, even those who have suffered strokes, faced oncology or other serious disorders can lose weight.

How does weight loss happen?

When all the causes of excess weight are identified, the most appropriate way to eliminate them is chosen. The center employs psychotherapists and nutritionists, specialists in the beauty industry and professional medical staff, which provides a comprehensive approach to weight loss.

The following techniques help overcome psychological dependence on food and stop consuming large amounts of calories:

Work with highly specialized specialists is aimed at ensuring that patients learn to control their eating habits, stop associating food with a “cure” for depression, and begin to think positively and listen to their body.

Proper nutrition

When losing weight according to Gavrilov, each patient receives an individual diet, from which a menu can be created. The doctor is categorically against fasting and sudden changes; he suggests a conscious transition to healthy food and a gradual reduction in its quantity. This is the only way, in his opinion, to achieve lasting results.

Despite the fact that weight loss plans are developed individually, there are a number of basic recommendations that you can follow to lose weight.

General principles

  • Switching to fractional meals - it is better to eat more often, but in small quantities, since the body will continuously consume the energy received from food.
  • Exclusion from the diet of foods harmful to health and figure: mayonnaise and other store-bought sauces, all sweets (including soda), baked goods, sausages, canned food, fast food, fatty and fried foods.
  • Including healthy foods in the menu: natural yoghurts without additives, fresh, boiled or grilled vegetables, fruits (except bananas), fresh juices, cereals, cereals, fish, seafood, low-fat hard cheese (several pieces per day), berries , nuts.
  • Eating food only when you feel hungry. The patient must learn to distinguish banal boredom or other external stimuli from real hunger, this will help not to overeat.

Approximate menu

We will consider what menu to create for the week based on Gavrilov’s recommendations. You can vary breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks from different days, change dishes depending on your taste preferences. The main principle is to choose healthy products.

BreakfastWe prepare oatmeal, add nuts, berries or fruits to it, eat the white of a boiled egg, and drink unsweetened tea.We eat a portion of barley with the addition of fresh pear, drink a glass of low-fat yogurt without additives.Steamed chicken breast cutlets without skin and fat, side dish - corn porridge, drink unsweetened tea.Steamed cheesecakes with berries and unsweetened tea.Steamed trout steak, a serving of pearl barley, whole grain toast, ginger tea.Protein omelet with tomatoes, fresh cabbage and herbs salad, dressed with olive oil, whole grain toast, green tea.We have breakfast with a salad of arugula, boiled shrimp and quail eggs, seasoned with lemon juice, and drink a cup of unsweetened coffee.
LunchWe eat a couple of slices of cheese with unsweetened tea.We snack on a handful of fresh berries and half a cup of cottage cheese.A cup of fruit salad or fresh juice.Vegetable salad with a piece of yeast-free cereal bread.A cup of natural yogurt with the addition of berries or fruits that you like best.Mix cottage cheese, oatmeal or bran, berries in a blender bowl, add a little natural honey, blend and drink a healthy cocktail.A cup of cottage cheese mixed with dried fruits is suitable for a snack.
DinnerFor the first course we eat broccoli cream soup, for the second - steamed fish fillet with vegetable salad dressed with olive oil, and drink a cup of unsweetened tea.For the first course - light vegetable soup, for the second - grilled vegetables with boiled turkey fillet and a mix of lettuce leaves.For the first course - lean fish soup, for the second - vegetable stew with stewed rabbit.We eat soup with chicken meatballs, cooked in vegetable broth, for the first course, and for the second, boiled veal with buckwheat porridge and a salad mix, dressed with olive oil and fresh lemon juice.Diet okroshka with kefir, baked beet and prune salad, potatoes baked with cottage cheese and herbs.For the first course we will have dietary borscht with chicken fillet, for the second course we will have veal stewed with vegetables and a salad with cabbage, herbs and cucumber, and for dessert we will drink citrus juice.Our first lunch course will be borscht with lean beef, for the second we eat turkey baked on a bed of zucchini and drink a glass of unsweetened compote.
Afternoon snackWe drink fresh vegetable or fruit juice, you can mix the ingredients.A handful of unroasted unsweetened and unsalted nuts.Unsweetened coffee and a couple of slices of hard cheese.We drink a glass of wet apple juice.A couple of pieces of hard cheese and unsweetened tea.Steamed cheesecakes with dried apricots and a cup of ginger tea.We have an afternoon snack with a couple of pieces of cheese and a cup of unsweetened coffee.
DinnerBoiled chicken breast with vegetable salad.Salad of fresh herbs, vegetables and seafood with olive oil and lemon juice dressing, a glass of fruit drink.A salad of fresh herbs and vegetables, boiled veal and a glass of natural yogurt without additives.Grill shrimp, serve with vegetable salad, and complement the meal with a glass of dried fruit compote.Boiled mussels, a mix of lettuce, herbs and avocado with lemon juice and olive oil dressing, a glass of low-fat yogurt.We eat porridge from pumpkin and rice, cook it in water, and after that add milk, drink a cup of tea with whole grain bread.We eat beans stewed with chicken fillet and tomatoes, and for dessert we can enjoy a piece of cottage cheese casserole and a glass of low-fat milk.

In conclusion

The weight loss system developed by Dr. Gavrilov involves a smooth transition to healthy foods that are good for your figure.

However, his scheme also has a psychological component that helps people tune in to positive thinking and learn to live in harmony with their body. The center’s specialists do not leave their patients even after completing the course; they constantly monitor the health and weight of each of their patients.

How many articles have already been written about losing weight, how many different techniques and diets there are. The authors of these diets claim that thanks to their methods you can permanently get rid of excess weight. But a beautiful and slender figure is the desired result for many of us, to achieve which we go on strict diets. Sometimes we go hungry, drink fat-burning supplements, use various dietary supplements, use newfangled and sensational means for burning fat, such as green, but often the result does not live up to our expectations.

Today our article is about a new diet that was developed by Dr. Gavrilov, a famous nutritionist, psychotherapist, doctor of medical sciences. He developed a certain nutritional system, this diet has already become known in many countries. With the help of techniques, you can control your weight.

Stages of weight loss

The first thing you need to do is undergo a medical examination. We need to find out what diseases can contribute to overeating and weight gain. Dr. Gavrilov does not recommend taking medications, since any body, especially in overweight people, is heavily polluted and taking medications will only aggravate the problem. By eliminating certain foods from the diet, we will begin to cleanse the body of toxins, waste, and fat deposits.

The second stage is psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance. The doctor offers various techniques and trainings related to this problem. The main goal of these trainings is to motivate you why you need to lose weight. People who lose weight increase their self-esteem, have a goal, and have an incentive to work on themselves, their fears, and laziness.

The third stage is to consolidate the results. After your excess weight quickly leaves you, you need to consolidate the result so that the extra pounds do not return again, as happened before. For this purpose, various trainings are held, where they tell how much your life will improve after Gavrilov’s diet, your self-esteem and health will increase. Your career directly depends on your new figure, because it is no secret that a good job and a promotion are more likely to be received by a person with a slender, toned figure than by a spreading plump figure.

The nutritionist has developed special techniques to help people who want to lose weight, lose excess weight without compromising their physical and mental health.

  • before you start losing weight, forget about your desire to consume calories;
  • give yourself the attitude that excess weight is unacceptable, it interferes with your plans to look beautiful, your career, family life;
  • be sure to set yourself up only for a positive effect, your attitude should only be positive;
  • clearly distinguish between concepts such as hunger and weight.

According to Mikhail Gavrilov, our slimness, youth, and beauty lie on our plates. After all, everything we consume daily is building material for our body. It depends only on us what we will build: a healthy, young, elastic body or we will look 10 years older, have loose skin, and a bunch of health problems. The doctor pays special attention to including vegetables and fruits in the diet. It is advisable to consume some of the vegetables and fruits raw, as they contain a huge amount of antioxidants that you need so much. You can steam or bake them, but do not fry them until crispy.

The purpose of this technique

With the help of nutritionist Gavrilov’s method, many people have managed to lose excess weight without using various harmful and useless diets, fasting, various weight loss teas, and pills. With the help of this technique, the cause of excess weight is identified and then eliminated, consumption is normalized and becomes conscious food, effective recommendations are given for moving towards a slim, beautiful figure. A diet involves not only adjusting your diet, but also adjusting your desires. With the help of psychological techniques, you can, without starving, get rid of extra pounds, learn how to eat properly.

To do this, you only need to eat permitted foods, try not to overeat, and eat in small portions. The main thing is the patient’s psychological attitude, only if you have a clear goal - you can lose weight using this method. Perhaps for some, the incentive will be a photograph of a slender, beautiful, fit girl that can be hung on the refrigerator. And for some it will be a photo of you in a bikini with a lot of fat hanging folds.

The incentive may be different - but the goal is the same! You need to strive to achieve such a body that you feel comfortable on the inside and are simply amazing on the outside. The famous nutritionist believes that the path to losing weight is painstaking work, the patient must be firmly confident in achieving the goal. You must clearly be able to distinguish between when you feel hungry and when you just want to eat some kind of psychological problem. Your positive attitude and visualization of a slim, beautiful body will become the foundation in your fight against excess weight.

The doctor believes that since you have decided to take care of your weight, do not put it off until tomorrow, start now. You must be firmly confident in a positive result, immediately cast aside all doubts.

What should you eat to lose weight?

In order for this technique to bring the promised results, you must strictly follow the basic rules. Try to eat at the same time, put small portions on your plate.

As you can see from the table, the list of foods that are prohibited for consumption is small, therefore, you will not have to feel hungry, your stomach and intestines will work like clockwork. You simply exclude unnecessary foods from your diet and replace them with healthy, permitted ones. By eating according to Gavrilov’s system, you receive complete, balanced nutrition that will help you quickly lose weight.

Using the technique, the doctor developed a menu for the week, which calculated a certain amount of calories and excluded harmful foods. Do not forget to drink as much clean water as possible and do physical exercise. There is no need to exhaust yourself in the gym if you are not in the mood for it, but feasible physical exercise and morning exercises should be in your daily routine.

So, let's figure out what you can eat during the week to lose weight?

On Monday:

  • for breakfast you can cook oatmeal with berries, tea with a piece of hard cheese;
  • a glass of juice for second breakfast;
  • for lunch, prepare vegetable soup, buckwheat porridge with boiled, ;
  • For dinner, a glass of mashed potatoes is suitable.

On Tuesday:

  • for breakfast, milk porridge with egg, a glass of tea;
  • drink juice;
  • for lunch you can steam fish, stew cabbage with, with a piece of bread and compote;
  • for dinner, minced meat rolls with eggs, kefir.
  • for breakfast, boil a couple of eggs, a slice of bread, a cup of coffee + ;
  • before lunch: freshly squeezed juice;
  • for lunch, prepare okroshka with chicken fillet, baked potatoes (2 pcs.), tea;
  • For dinner, prepare seafood, vegetable salad, kefir with herbs.