Neural networks can determine sexual orientation. It is these facial features that indicate a person’s unconventional orientation. Program for determining orientation.

This is a very hot topic these days, which is why even Artificial Intelligence has not avoided it. He learns to identify homosexuals from photos

Using a database of facial images (taken from open-data dating sites), the researchers collected 35,326 images of 14,776 people, with an equal representation of gay men and women. Their facial features were extracted and calculated, from the shape of their nose and eyebrows to their facial hair and facial expressions.

The deep learning neural network ate all these traits, noticing which ones are usually associated with a certain sexual orientation. Scientists did not seed it with preconceptions about what straight or gay people typically look like; the system simply distributed traits and correlated them with sexual preferences.

These patterns can be accessed to allow a computer to guess a person's sexual preferences - and AI systems have been found to be significantly better at this task than humans. The algorithm was able to correctly determine the orientation of 91% of men and 83% of women shown to it, one pair at a time. People given the same pictures were correct 61% and 54% of the time, respectively—meaning a coin toss would produce the same result.

Variations between the four groups are described in the second article; aside from obvious behavioral differences, such as same-group courtship or similar makeup, the general trend was for gay men to have “feminine” traits and lesbians to have “masculine” traits.

The picture shows where the features indicating sexual orientation were located

It should be noted that such accuracy of the system was achieved under ideal conditions of choice between two people, one of whom is homosexual. When the system evaluated a group of 1,000 individuals, of which only 7% were gay (to be more representative of the actual population), its results were not the best. IN best case scenario a sample of 10 faces was recognized with 90% accuracy.

There is also a real possibility of bias in the system due to the data: first, only young white Americans of the male/female and gay/straight types were included.

“Despite our attempts to obtain a more diverse sample, we were limited to studying white participants from the United States. Because prejudice against homosexuals and the use of online dating sites is unevenly distributed across different ethnic groups, we were unable to find a sufficient number of non-white gay participants.”

Although scientists assume that other ethnic groups will likely have similar facial patterns and the system will also be effective at identifying them, this really needs to be confirmed rather than assumed.

It can also be argued that the classifier collected traits characteristic of people on dating sites, not without the help of a self-selection mechanism - for example, American men with a normal sexual orientation may deliberately avoid appearance, which would show that they might be homosexual.

Of course, it is reasonable to doubt the real effectiveness of this system, since it is trained on the basis of a limited amount of data and, for the most part, is effective on examples from this pool. Further research will be necessary. However, it seems shortsighted to assume that such a working system is impossible.

An algorithm has determined the sexual orientation of people from dating site photos with 91% accuracy, raising complex ethical questions.

Artificial intelligence can accurately determine whether people are gay or not based on a photograph of their face.

Researchers at Stanford University found that a computer algorithm could correctly distinguish between gay and straight men in 81% and women in 74%. Thus, a number of questions have arisen about the biological origins of sexual orientation, the ethics of facial recognition technology, and the possibility of such software Violate or abuse people's privacy for anti-LGBTQ purposes.

Scientists Michal Kosinski and Yilun Wong used several existing neural networks used for facial recognition and facial feature exploration.

The study found that homosexual men and women tend to have “gender atypical” facial features, expressions and “grooming styles.” The data also revealed certain trends, including that gay men had narrower jaws, more a long nose and larger foreheads than straight men. As for women, LGBT women have larger jaws and smaller foreheads compared to straight women.

The study showed that humans' ability to recognize sexual identity is significantly inferior to artificial intelligence. Humans were able to identify only 61% of men and 54% of women, and artificial intelligence - 91% of men and 83% of women.

Broadly speaking, this means that “faces contain far more information about sexual orientation than can be perceived and interpreted by the human brain,” the authors write.

The paper suggested that the findings provide "strong support" for the theory that sexual orientation is linked to exposure to certain hormones before birth. That is, people are already born gays and lesbians.

The Guardian expressed concern that the technology may not be used in the future good intentions. As journalists suggested, in countries where representatives of the LGBT community are persecuted, an algorithm can be used to recognize people’s orientation without their consent.

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stdClass Object ( => 13992 => Educational program => category => poleznaja-informatsija)

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Processing . . .

Faces contain much more information about sexual orientation than the human brain can perceive and interpret. To prove this, researchers from Stanford University used deep neural networks. It turned out that it is quite possible to distinguish heterosexuals and homosexuals by facial features. Artificial intelligence can do this better than humans.

Figure 1. Composite edges and average landmarks constructed by averaging faces classified as majority and least likely to belong to gays and lesbians.

Scientists Michal Kosinski and Yilun Wong used several existing neural networks used for facial recognition in their experiment. The database of photographs was taken from a dating site - from an array of more than 300 thousand photographs, 35,326 photographs were selected, which depicted 14,776 men and women. There were equal numbers of heterosexuals and homosexuals (data on sexual orientation was based on the gender of partner people were looking for on a dating site). For the study, only photographs of white people were selected, since there were not enough homosexuals with a different skin color. The neural network compared photographs of two randomly selected people, one of whom was heterosexual and the other homosexual. These features were entered into a logistic regression aimed at classifying sexual orientation. It turned out that, based on a single facial image, the artificial intelligence correctly distinguished between homosexual and heterosexual men in 81% of cases, and women in 74% of cases. Human subjects achieved much lower accuracy: 61% for men and 54% for women. When the number of photos was increased to five images per person, the algorithm's accuracy increased to 91% and 83%, respectively.

Figure 2. Graphical illustration of the result produced by the Face++ algorithm. Panel A illustrates the facial landmarks (colored dots, n = 83) and the facial frame (blue frame). Panel B illustrates the feed and motion parameters that describe the orientation of the head in space.

The facial features used by the classifier included both fixed (such as nose shape) and temporary facial features (such as hair style). The researchers believe that the results of their experiment may provide additional evidence in favor of the theory that sexual orientation is shaped by the influence of hormones during fetal development. According to the prenatal theory, homosexual men and women tend to have gender-atypical facial morphology. Homosexual men may have, on average, narrower mandibles, longer noses, and higher foreheads than heterosexual men. Lesbians, on the other hand, have wider jaws and lower foreheads. In general, lesbians wear less makeup and have darker hair. Gay men also have less facial hair on average. Whether this is due to biological factors or their self-care cannot be determined within the scope of the study. However, all these factors separately cannot be the basis for a reliable determination of sexual orientation, because are very weakly expressed and can only be noticed when studying a large array of data.

Figure 3. Heat maps showing the degree of masking of a given part of the image changes the result, which is an indicator of the importance of that part in the classification. The color scale ranges from blue (no change) to red (significant change). Color-coded squares were smoothed using 2D Gaussian filtering.

This research advances our understanding of the origins of sexual orientation and the limits of human perception. And with companies and governments increasingly using computer algorithms to sniff out intimate information about people, the findings highlight threats to the privacy and safety of gay men and women, scientists warn. Such tools can serve as a tool for invading personal space and threatening privacy. Wong and Kosinski note that there has long been research on the ability to determine sexual orientation from a person’s behavior on the Internet, including in social networks. However, digital traces can be hidden, anonymized or distorted. Hiding a person's face is not at all so easy. Moreover, in one form or another, images of the faces of billions of people now exist.

) of this text is very gender specific.

Below, in gender-neutral language, I have provided the original text about atypical autistic traits that occur not only girls.

If you are autistic and your autism qualifies this description, this does not mean that you are necessarily female; it only means that you have the type of autism that is most often missed in diagnosis. These traits are most common in cis-gender girls, but this does not mean that they occur exclusively they have.

Traits are broken down into four categories:

Appearance/Personal Habits

The clothing is comfortable and practical due to its sensory features.

They don’t spend a lot of time taking care of themselves and their hair. Working on your hair can come down to “wash your hair and go.” They can be quite happy without constant self-care.

They are eccentric, perhaps this is reflected in their appearance.

Perhaps their views, clothing style, behavior and tastes are more common among those younger than them in age.

Typically has slightly more expressive facial expressions and gestures than other autistic people.

— There may be androgynous features. They may perceive themselves as partly women and partly men.

There may be a lack of stable identity, strong variability (like chameleons), especially before diagnosis.

Indulging in reading books and watching films, often of a science-fiction, fairy-tale, children's nature; favorite works become a refuge.

As a method of managing stress, they use: rules, discipline, stability in some habits, despite the fact that at first glance, this is contrary to his or her nature.

- They usually feel happiest at home or in any other well-controlled environment.

Mental abilities/Giftedness/Training/Profession

They may receive an autistic diagnosis in childhood, or they may be considered simply gifted, shy, sensitive, etc. May also have very severe or noticeable learning difficulties.

Often musical and artistic.

Perhaps the presence of savant traits or simply very strong talents.

Possibly a strong interest in computers, games, science, graphic design, invention, things of a technical and visual nature. Those with greater ability to use speech and think about language may gravitate toward writing, learning languages, studying different cultures, and psychology.

In childhood, independent acquisition of reading skills or hyperlexia is possible. There may be other skills that have been learned independently.

They can be very enthusiastic while studying or working, but then quickly change the direction of study/work or become cold towards the process.

They often have difficulties finding employment or problems “holding on” to a job.

They are highly intelligent, but due to sensory and cognitive characteristics they are sometimes slow.

Poor understanding of verbal instructions - need detailed written instructions and visual diagrams.

There are special interests and hobbies, but they don't have to be weird.


Emotionally immature and emotionally sensitive.

The predominant emotions are anxiety and fear.

More likely to talk about emotions and feelings than people with typical autism.

Have severe sensory problems - sensitive to auditory, visual, olfactory and tactile stimuli. Prone to sensory overload (but may not be sensitive to smells/textures of food).

Have complex nature and are prone to bouts of depression. Perhaps instead of autism, a disorder associated with emotional swings, such as bipolar affective disorder, was diagnosed.

Show different responses to treatment of symptoms. High sensitivity to drugs and any effect on the body is possible, which can even cause rejection.

9 out of 10 have gastrointestinal disorders, including ulcers, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

They stimulate to calm down when they are sad and irritated. These stims can be: rocking, face rubbing , humming, twitching of fingers, rocking of a leg, tapping of fingers or feet.

- They also stimulate when they are happy: they wave their arms, clap, sing, jump, spin, dance, make noise.

They are quick-tempered, prone to crying and meltdowns, including in public. Sometimes things that seem small at first glance cause severe sensory overload.

They hate injustice and cannot stand it when they are not understood. This makes them angry and furious.

Prone to mute during times of stress and anxiety, especially after meltdown. Stuttering is less common than in other autistic people, but the voice may be hoarse and monotonous, especially in a stressful situation or when they feel unwell.


Words and actions are often misinterpreted by others.

Very talkative at times, they can completely indulge in stories about their special interests, hobbies and hobbies.

They can be very shy and taciturn.

Like typical autistic people, they may shut down during social interactions due to overload, but in general, if they do not need to communicate very much, they are more successful in social interactions. Can be impressive socially successful person, but most often it turns out to be a mask.

— They rarely “go out into the world.” Most often, they go somewhere either with a partner or with children (if they have children). (Gender-neutral author's note: I've realized that I have a few acquaintances whom I particularly trust and with whom I go everywhere; if none of these acquaintances can go anywhere with me, I prefer to stay home).
-They have few close friends. Their time with friends often does not correspond to gender stereotypes and the generally accepted “hanging out”.

They may have had good acquaintances or close friends at school, but do not maintain relationships with them in adulthood.

They may or may not want to have an affair. If they are interested in a relationship, they most likely take it very seriously. Perhaps they consciously choose celibacy or even loneliness.

Because of its sensory characteristics, sex can be either intensely pleasurable or intensely aversive.

If they are romantically attracted to someone, they may express it in a persistent, uncomfortable way, trying in every possible way to let the person know about it, for example, they may constantly stare at the person, or constantly call them, “obsessing” with this person. This may change as you grow older.

They often prefer the company of animals, and the reason for this is not always sensory.
