Motivation OT or K, what gets you going? Motivation: what it is, types, how to motivate yourself

Each person comes into this world with his own.
This is what he should strive for.
Only in this case,
A person's life takes on meaning.

All dreams are meaningless, all plans will be covered with cobwebs, goals will not be achieved if they are not secured with actions. Is it possible to get into Right place, having only a map, but not moving? Can the strictest and fairest law stop a criminal who has only heard of it? Is knowledge alone enough to become? Only action can lead to a person, only action will prevent a crime, and it also affects our whole life. And what motivates a person to act is called “motivation”.


What is motivation? To have at least the slightest idea about such a concept as motivation, let’s look at its definition. In Latin, "muvere" (to move) defines the word "motive", which is a derivative of the word "motivation".

Thus, we can give several options for the concept of this word:

  • encouragement to action;
  • a psychophysiological process that controls human behavior, setting its direction, organization, activity and stability.
  • a set of motivating factors that determine human activity.

Experts disagree on what motivation is. Some believe that it is a set of processes, while for others, a set of motives determines motivation.
The motive is a material object, the desire for which determines the meaning of actions. For people, this is expressed in anxiety or worries, which in the future can cause both positive (in case of achieving the object) and negative (in case of dissatisfaction with the situation) emotions.

An example would be a desire caused by hunger. A person strives to get food in order to satisfy his desire. Positive emotions causes the fact that the goal is close, and negative ones - if such an opportunity is not foreseen in the near future, in this case dissatisfaction appears.

Types of motivation

Motivation is a concept that is considered in many aspects, therefore it is divided into the following types:

  1. Extrinsic motivation is determined by human activity, depending on circumstances. Such as, for example, the need to participate in competitions to receive promotions or awards. Employers successfully use methods of external motivation;
  2. Internal motivation implies a person’s desire to act on a result, regardless of the circumstances. That is, a person, thanks to his inner potential, follows the goal. An example of intrinsic motivation could be a person’s desire to improve their standard of living by moving up the career ladder;
  3. Positive motivation is when a person acts to satisfy his own or someone else's desires;
  4. Negative motivation includes actions to avoid troubles, regardless of the desire to carry them out. For example, to avoid a quarrel with your parents, you need to clean the house;
  5. Sustainable motivation is based on human needs such as hunger, thirst or the desire to rest;
  6. Unsustainable motivation must be fueled by constant external support. An example is the desire to lose weight or quit smoking.

The last two types of motivation are divided into subtypes: for something (the desire to do something for the future) or from something (to avoid difficulties). Let's look at examples:

  • the head of the enterprise requires excellent knowledge and fluency foreign language to obtain a highly paid position in the future. This is an activity for the future;
  • Compliance with the rules, utmost attention and respect for other road users will help avoid tragedies on the roads. These are actions to avoid trouble.

Minor species

In addition to the main types of motivation, there are also additional types:

  1. Individual motivation acts in favor of (quenching hunger or thirst, avoiding hypothermia, etc.);
  2. Group motivation includes concern for procreation, determining one’s place in society;
  3. To cognitive motivation - actions leading to learning something new;
  4. Self-affirmation - actions to gain status in society or the respect of others for oneself;
  5. Identification is the desire to be like someone who is considered the ideal for a person;
  6. The thirst for power is a person’s actions in relation to others, the desire to direct their activities;
  7. Self-development – ​​actions that ensure, with the subsequent realization of one’s capabilities;
  8. Social motives – duties and responsibilities to society;
  9. The motive for joining is the desire to establish contact with others for further communication.

In the study of a science such as psychology, motivation plays an important role. But what factors can influence an individual’s motivation? This question has been studied and is still being studied by many scientists. To gain more information about what motivation is, theories are applied.

"Theory of Needs" by A. Maslow

Today there are quite a few theories of motivation, but the work of A. Maslow, “The Theory of Needs,” is most often taken as a basis. The defining idea of ​​the theory's creator was that every person has a hierarchy of needs. And some needs are satisfied only after basic needs are satisfied. Maslow gave as a basis the physiological needs of the individual, that is, those associated with survival (food, water, rest).

The second level of need is security and confidence in the future. A person strives to protect himself in the outside world and establish himself in the future.

Social need reaches the next level. This is a person’s attitude towards society, the desire for communication and the need for support.

The need for respect takes the next step. There is a desire to impress people and earn respect from significant others.

The final stage is occupied by the need for self-expression. This is when a person tries to realize his personal potential.

Motivation techniques and their application

In our lives today, methods of motivating students, staff and self-motivation are actively used.

Staff motivation

Methods of motivating staff include a system of employee incentives, both material and moral. This is the use of comprehensive measures to increase labor activity and labor efficiency. Depending on the management system and organizational features, they apply various methods stimulation.

Incentive methods can be used for personnel, that is, employees for high-quality performance certain work material benefits are provided in the shortest possible time. Organizational (administrative) methods may also apply. These methods involve the influence of authority, charter, laws or regulations. The use of psychological influences involves influencing the consciousness of personnel and their social interests.

Practice shows that it is impossible to influence the entire staff using one method, since each person has his own priorities. One employee can be motivated by a bonus, while another employee needs administrative measures, such as control or directions.

Student motivation

Unfortunately, manifestations of independent motivation for learning among schoolchildren and students are rare. Therefore, it is necessary to help students form it in such a way as to ensure and support productive learning activities for the entire period of study. Effective techniques today there is enough. Let's look at some of them.

  • an entertaining situation implies integration into the learning process interesting examples or experiments unusual facts, paradoxical analogies to revive students' attention;
  • cognitive debate is based on involving students in a discussion, which arouses their interest and helps increase their level of attention;
  • usage emotional experiences in the learning process. Presentation of material with facts of a large-scale nature;
  • process of comparing science and life situations involves giving examples of influence scientific facts on the way of life of mankind;
  • creating successful situations can be used for students with learning difficulties. Learning difficulties are more easily accepted with joyful experiences.


A person’s actions are stimulated by his desire or desire to improve his life position. In other words, a person can independently convince himself that it is necessary to act, even if something is not going well.

This process is individual, and a person can decide for himself which way to motivate himself or use internal motivation. But there are also methods that have a positive effect on most people. Manipulators often and skillfully use such methods.


The motivation process includes:

  • assessment of unsatisfactory factors;
  • formation of goals to satisfy them;
  • developing actions that contribute to achieving goals.

A stimulus to action can be a stimulating stimulus that inspires a person to act. Such an irritant can be both an object and the actions of other people, as well as promises made, inevitable obligations, opportunities provided, etc.

Incentives to action can come from outside or from the person himself. The motivational essence of a person itself determines the source of motivation. For an indecisive and sedentary person, it is necessary external stimulus. And an active person is helped by his inner potential. Based on the above, ways to satisfy needs can be divided into two types:

  • an active person will look for ways to achieve success;
  • an indecisive and doubtful person seeks ways to avoid undesirable circumstances.

In various situations and leads it to certain results.

Conditional, mobile, virtual in nature. The virtuality of needs is that each of them contains its own other, a moment of self-negation. Due to the variety of conditions of implementation, age, environment, biological need becomes material, social or spiritual, i.e. transforms. In the parallelogram of needs (biological need - material - social - spiritual), the dominant need becomes the one that most corresponds to the personal meaning of a person’s life, is better equipped with the means of its satisfaction, i.e. the one who is better motivated.

The transition from need to activity is the process of changing the direction of need from within to external environment. At the heart of any activity is a motive that encourages a person to do it, but not every activity can satisfy the motive. The mechanism of this transition includes: I) selection and motivation of the subject of need (motivation - justification of the subject to satisfy the need); 2) during the transition from need to activity, the need is transformed into purpose and interest (conscious need).

Thus, need and motivation are closely related: need stimulates a person to activity, and a component of activity is always motive.

Motive of man and personality

Motive- this is what motivates a person to activity, directing him to satisfy a certain need. Motive is a reflection of need, which acts as an objective law, an objective necessity.

For example, the motive can be both hard work with inspiration and enthusiasm, and avoidance as a sign of protest.

Motives can be needs, thoughts, feelings and other mental formations. However, internal motivation is not enough to carry out activities. It is necessary to have an object of activity and correlate the motives with the goals that the individual wants to achieve as a result of the activity. In the motivational-target sphere, the social conditioning of activity appears with particular clarity.

Under [[Motivational-need sphere of personality|need-motivational sphere personality is understood as the whole set of motives that are formed and develop during a person’s life. In general, this sphere is dynamic, but some motives are relatively stable and, subordinating other motives, form, as it were, the core of the entire sphere. These motives reveal the direction of the individual.

Motivation of a person and personality

Motivation - it is a combination of internal and external driving forces, encouraging a person to act in a specific, purposeful manner; the process of motivating oneself and others to act to achieve organizational or personal goals.

The concept of “motivation” is broader than the concept of “motive”. Motive, in contrast to motivation, is something that belongs to the subject of behavior, is his stable personal property, which internally encourages him to perform certain actions. The concept of “motivation” has a double meaning: firstly, it is a system of factors influencing human behavior (needs, motives, goals, intentions, etc.), secondly, it is a characteristic of the process that stimulates and supports behavioral activity at a certain level. level.

In the motivational sphere, the following are distinguished:

  • motivational system of a person is a general (holistic) organization of all the motivating forces of activity underlying human behavior, which includes such components as needs, actual motives, interests, drives, beliefs, goals, attitudes, stereotypes, norms, values, etc. .;
  • achievement motivation - the need to achieve high behavioral results and satisfy all other needs;
  • self-actualization motivation is the highest level in the hierarchy of personal motives, consisting of the individual’s need for the fullest realization of his potential, the need for self-realization.

Worthy goals long-term plans, good organization will be ineffective if the interest of performers in their implementation is not ensured, i.e. motivation. Motivation can compensate for many deficiencies in other functions, such as deficiencies in planning, but weak motivation is almost impossible to compensate for with anything.

Success in any activity depends not only on abilities and knowledge, but also on motivation (the desire to work and achieve high results). The higher the level of motivation and activity, the more factors (i.e. motives) prompt a person to activity, the more effort he is inclined to put in.

Highly motivated individuals work harder and tend to achieve best results in its activities. Motivation is one of the the most important factors(along with abilities, knowledge, skills), which ensures success in activity.

It would be wrong to consider the motivational sphere of an individual only as a reflection of the totality of his own individual needs. The needs of the individual are related to the needs of society and are formed and developed in the context of their development. Some needs of an individual can be considered as individualized social needs. In the motivational sphere of a person, both his individual and social needs are reflected in one way or another. The form of reflection depends on the position the individual occupies in the system of social relations.


Motivation - This is the process of influencing a person in order to motivate him to certain actions by activating certain motives.

There are two main types of motivation:

  • external influence on a person with the aim of inducing him to perform certain actions leading to a desired result. This type resembles a trade deal: “I give you what you want, and you satisfy my desire”;
  • the formation of a certain motivational structure of a person as a type of motivation is educational in nature. Its implementation requires great effort, knowledge, and abilities, but the results exceed those of the first type of motivation.

Basic human motives

Emerging needs force a person to actively look for ways to satisfy them and become internal stimulants of activity, or motives. Motive (from Latin movero - to set in motion, to push) is what moves a living being, for which it spends its vital energy. Being an indispensable “fuse” of any actions and their “combustible material”, the motive has always appeared at the level of worldly wisdom in various ideas about feelings (pleasure or displeasure, etc.) - motivations, drives, aspirations, desires, passions, willpower, etc. d.

Motives can be different: interest in the content and process of activity, duty to society, self-affirmation, etc. So, the scientist to scientific activity can be motivated by the following motives: self-realization, cognitive interest, self-affirmation, material incentives (monetary reward), social motives (responsibility, desire to benefit society).

If a person strives to perform a certain activity, we can say that he has motivation. For example, if a student is diligent in his studies, he is motivated to study; an athlete who strives to achieve high results has a high level of achievement motivation; the desire of the leader to subordinate everyone indicates the presence high level motivation for power.

Motives are relatively stable manifestations and attributes of personality. For example, when we say that a certain person has a cognitive motive, we mean that in many situations he exhibits cognitive motivation.

The motive cannot be explained on its own. It can be understood in the system of those factors - images, relationships, personal actions that make up general system mental life. Its role is to give behavior impetus and direction towards a goal.

Incentive factors can be divided into two relatively independent classes:

  • needs and instincts as sources of activity;
  • motives as reasons that determine the direction of behavior or activity.

Need is necessary condition any activity, but the need itself is not yet capable of giving the activity a clear direction. For example, the presence of an aesthetic need in a person creates corresponding selectivity, but this does not yet indicate what exactly the person will do to satisfy this need. Perhaps he will listen to music, or perhaps he will try to compose a poem or paint a picture.

How do the concepts differ? When analyzing the question of why an individual generally comes into a state of activity, manifestations of needs are considered as sources of activity. If we study the question of what the activity is aimed at, why these particular actions and actions are chosen, then first of all the manifestations of motives (as motivating factors that determine the direction of activity or behavior) are studied. Thus, need encourages activity, and motive motivates directed activity. We can say that a motive is an incentive to activity associated with satisfying the needs of the subject. The study of motives for educational activities among schoolchildren revealed a system of various motives. Some motives are main, leading, others are secondary, side, they do not have independent meaning and are always subordinate to the leading ones. For one student, the leading motive for learning may be the desire to gain authority in the class; for another, it may be the desire to gain higher education, the third has an interest in knowledge itself.

How do new needs arise and develop? As a rule, each need is objectified (and specified) in one or several objects that are capable of satisfying this need, for example, an aesthetic need can be objectified in music, and in the process of its development can also be objectified in poetry, i.e. more items can already satisfy her. Consequently, the need develops in the direction of increasing the number of objects that can satisfy it; the change and development of needs occurs through the change and development of objects that meet them and in which they are objectified and concretized.

To motivate a person means to touch on his important interests, to create conditions for him to realize himself in the process of life. To do this, a person must at least: be familiar with success (success is the realization of a goal); to have the opportunity to see yourself in the results of your work, to realize yourself in your work, to feel your importance.

But the meaning of human activity is not only to obtain results. The activity itself can be attractive. A person may enjoy the process of performing an activity, such as being physically and intellectually active. Like physical activity, mental activity in itself brings pleasure to a person and is a specific need. When a subject is motivated by the process of activity itself, and not by its result, this indicates the presence of a procedural component of motivation. In the learning process, the procedural component plays a very important role. The desire to overcome difficulties in educational activities, to test one’s strengths and abilities can become a personally significant motive for studying.

At the same time, an effective motivational attitude plays an organizing role in the determination of activity, especially if its procedural component (i.e. the process of activity) causes negative emotions. In this case, goals and intentions that mobilize a person’s energy come to the fore. Setting goals and intermediate tasks is a significant motivational factor that is worth using.

To understand the essence of the motivational sphere (its composition, structure, which has a multidimensional and multi-level nature, dynamics), it is necessary first of all to consider the connections and relationships of a person with other people, taking into account that this sphere is also formed under the influence of the life of society - its norms, rules, ideology, politicians, etc.

One of the most important factors determining the motivational sphere of an individual is a person’s belonging to any group. For example, teenagers who are interested in sports are different from their peers who are interested in music. Since any person belongs to a number of groups and in the process of his development the number of such groups grows, naturally his motivational sphere also changes. Therefore, the emergence of motives should be considered not as a process arising from the internal sphere of the individual, but as a phenomenon associated with the development of his relationships with other people. In other words, changes in motives are determined not by the laws of spontaneous development of the individual, but by the development of his relationships and connections with people, with society as a whole.

Personal motives

Personal motives - this is the need (or system of needs) of the individual for the function of motivation. Internal mental motivations for activity and behavior are determined by the actualization of certain needs of the individual. Activity motives can be very different:

  • organic - aimed at satisfying the natural needs of the body and are associated with the growth, self-preservation and development of the body;
  • functional - satisfied through various cultural forms of activity, for example playing sports;
  • material - encourage a person to engage in activities aimed at creating household items, various things and tools;
  • social - give rise to various types of activities aimed at taking a certain place in society, gaining recognition and respect;
  • spiritual - they underlie those activities that are associated with human self-improvement.

Organic and functional motives together constitute the motivation for the behavior and activity of an individual in certain circumstances and can not only influence, but change each other.

They appear in specific forms. People may perceive their needs differently. Depending on this, motives are divided into emotional ones - desires, desires, attractions, etc. and rational - aspirations, interests, ideals, beliefs.

There are two groups of interconnected motives of life, behavior and activity of an individual:

  • generalized, the content of which expresses the subject of needs and, accordingly, the direction of the individual’s aspirations. The strength of this motive is determined by the significance for a person of the object of his needs;
  • instrumental - motives for choosing ways, means, methods of achieving or realizing a goal, conditioned not only by the need state of the individual, but also by his preparedness, the availability of opportunities to successfully act to realize his goals in given conditions.

There are other approaches to classifying motives. For example, according to the degree of social significance, motives of a broad social plan (ideological, ethnic, professional, religious, etc.), group plan and individual-personal nature are distinguished. There are also motives for achieving goals, avoiding failures, motives for approval, and affiliative ones (cooperation, partnership, love).

Motives not only encourage a person to act, but also give his actions and actions a personal, subjective meaning. In practice, it is important to take into account that people, performing actions that are identical in form and objective results, are often guided by different, sometimes opposing motives, and attach different personal meaning to their behavior and actions. In accordance with this, the assessment of actions should be different: both moral and legal.

Types of personality motives

TO consciously justified motives should include values, beliefs, intentions.


Value is a concept used in philosophy to indicate the personal, socio-cultural significance of certain objects and phenomena. A person’s values ​​form a system of his value orientations, elements of the personality’s internal structure that are especially significant for him. These value orientations form the basis of the consciousness and activity of the individual. Value is a personally colored attitude towards the world, arising on the basis of not only knowledge and information, but also one’s own life experience. Values ​​give meaning human life. Faith, will, doubt, and ideal are of enduring importance in the world of human value orientations. Values ​​are part of culture, learned from parents, family, religion, organizations, school, and environment. Cultural values ​​are widely held beliefs that define what is desirable and what is true. Values ​​can be:

  • self-oriented, which concern the individual, reflect his goals and general approach to life;
  • other-oriented, which reflect the desires of society regarding the relationship between the individual and groups;
  • oriented environment, which embody society’s ideas about the desired relationship of an individual with his economic and natural environment.


Beliefs - these are the motives of practical and theoretical activity, justified by theoretical knowledge and the entire worldview of a person. For example, a person becomes a teacher not only because he is interested in passing on knowledge to children, not only because he loves working with children, but also because he knows well how much in creating a society depends on cultivating consciousness. This means that he chose his profession not only out of interest and inclination towards it, but also according to his convictions. Deeply held beliefs persist throughout a person's life. Beliefs are the most generalized motives. However, if generalization and stability - characteristic features personality traits, then beliefs can no longer be called motives in the accepted sense of the word. The more generalized a motive becomes, the closer it is to a personality trait.


Intention- a conscious decision to achieve a specific goal with a clear understanding of the means and methods of action. This is where motivation and planning come together. Intention organizes human behavior.

The types of motives considered cover only the main manifestations of the motivational sphere. In reality, there are as many different motives as there are possible person-environment relationships.

What is motivation? The answer to this question can be found in psychology, because it is this science that studies this phenomenon. Surely each of you has thought about why people behave one way or another in certain circumstances, what motivates them? It is the motivating side human behavior and is responsible for motivation.

Concept Basics

It is customary to distinguish between the concepts of motive and motivation. Although at first glance they may seem like the same thing to ordinary people, in fact the latter is much broader and includes the former. So, personal motivation is a certain set of factors that encourage a person to behave in one way or another.. Broadly speaking, there is intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The first is the psychological mechanisms that determine behavior, and the second is environmental factors.

TO psychological mechanisms include goal, need, desire, and usually they are more important than external factors. It is worth noting that motive and motivation differ in that the first belongs only to the individual and does not depend in any way on other circumstances. Speaking in simple words, motive is a driving stimulus.

There are several types of motives, the most common being what a person needs to live. Moreover, they are different for all people and can be both spiritual and physical. For example, a person really likes paintings, and he has a need to visit the Hermitage, which turns into a motive - and he goes to this museum. And another, let’s say, wants to get rich, buys lottery ticket and wins a million.

But, by the way, the same need can be fulfilled different ways. Some people create companies to become rich, others work physically tirelessly, and still others steal. This will depend on the person’s value system.

Intrinsic motivation can represent a goal. This type of motivation has the following definition: it is a very specific result towards which a person directs his actions. For each individual, a goal is what he strives for.

It is noteworthy that this concept has been studied by a variety of sciences since ancient times. For example, in philosophy, the definition of “the goal of all goals” is very common - this is a certain point to which a person strives and which for him is the height of perfection.

On the way to it there is a chain of other goals, achieving which a person strives for something new. But if he achieves the goal of all goals, as philosophers say, he will become absolutely happy and stop dreaming about anything. It turns out that his motivation process will stop.

It is worth noting that in addition to needs and goals, there are other motives:

  • Interest.
  • Intention.
  • Wish.
  • Task.

Properties and classification

Considering the degree of development, human motivation has two main characteristics: breadth and flexibility.

Flexible motivation of a person’s behavior is when he can achieve what he wants in several ways. For example, to learn something new, one person only looks at various Internet resources, while another goes to the library, reads the latest press, and watches the news. A broad system of motivation is inherent in those individuals who have many goals, interests and objectives in life.

It is noteworthy that there is different types motivation. For example, it can be unconscious or conscious. That is, a person is aware of some motives for his behavior, but situations occur when he does not understand why he behaved this way. A person’s personal motivation is the basis of his activity, and in this regard it can be represented by two variations - the motive for achieving success and the desire to avoid failure throughout life.

How he behaves in society and how he lives in general depends on what prevails in a person. Studying motivation in psychology, researchers have found that people who want to be successful are more likely to become famous and rich individuals. At the same time, those who strive to avoid troubles simply live through their days and achieve practically nothing, remaining in the shadow of their more successful and ambitious acquaintances.

Based on numerous experiments, American psychologists and sociologists developed special theory, in which motivation methods are studied with different sides. According to this teaching, people who are determined to succeed always set themselves some kind of task and try to motivate themselves to complete it. The whole life of such people is built precisely on the fact that they must achieve success - when taking on this or that job, they always think whether they can achieve their goal.

The lives of people who want to avoid failure are, in turn, built on avoiding trouble. Such individuals are often unsure of themselves, afraid of criticism, modest and try to stay in the shadows. But precisely because they constantly think about how to avoid troubles, they attract a large number of a wide variety of failures. It often turns out that they become losers in life.

How to increase motivation in this case? First of all, you need to stop being afraid and start setting goals for yourself, and then achieving them. In this case, life will change radically, and the person will most likely be able to become successful in one or another field of activity.

Let us note that the most effective motivation and stimulation is not a close and specific goal, but a distant but very significant one. Imagine that your goal is a brand new car of an expensive brand. Believe that it can become a reality, and then you can take action. And as long as you simply envy someone else’s jeep and complain about fate, which is not favorable to you, you will definitely not get an SUV.

It is interesting that people with different motivational patterns of behavior generally look at life differently. For example, those who strive for success tend to blame only themselves for their failures and mistakes, and in general they are very self-critical, and those who avoid failures see reasons from the outside in everything and really like to complain about fate, being terrible fatalists.

Let's take a simple example: two people got caught in the rain. One of them will reproach himself for not taking an umbrella with him outside, and the second will blame nature for being unkind to him and the heavens raining on him.

Motivation and personality

The concept of motivation is closely related to personality characteristics. Sometimes it happens that motivational factors become so “native” to a person that they are transformed into his character traits. Examples could be selfishness, the need for communication, aggressiveness, etc. They are the most important for people. The classification of motivation of this kind deserves special attention.

So, the need for communication manifests itself in an individual as a desire to establish contacts with many people, and these should be good and close relationships. This can manifest itself in the form of affection and loyalty. The development of motivation of this kind to the highest degree is love. If the motive of communication prevails in a person’s life, then he shows himself confidently, tries to maintain a conversation everywhere and always, and does this unobtrusively, and also strives to assert himself in society.

The concept and essence of motivation can also be easily traced using the example of rejection (the opposite of sociability). This manifests itself in the fact that a person is afraid of not being accepted in society, becomes insecure, constrained, and tense. On his way to communicating with other people, some obstacles constantly arise, and in general he does not feel the need to contact others.

An interesting type of motivation is the desire for power. It manifests itself in the fact that a person wants to be the leader of a particular society, strives to control people, subordinating their behavior, and sometimes even their thoughts. On the one hand, this is a completely normal phenomenon, but only if it does not reach. Otherwise, you get dictators - for example, Stalin or Hitler.

Scientists, using empirical research, can determine whether a person is inclined to strive for power or not. And in life, this, in fact, manifests itself in the fact that the individual strives for psychological control over others and receives pleasure if he has surpassed or defeated someone. By the way, the first who began to study the desire for power at the empirical level were neo-Freudians and.

In contrast to the last motive considered, there is altruism - a person’s desire to help others, sometimes even to the detriment of himself. A person who has such principles of motivation is constantly kind, engaged in charity, and is ready to give up his own benefits in order to make someone else happy or save. The most important thing is that he will never ask for anything in return and does not expect any honors or awards.

IN modern world You can often find such a motive of behavior as. Scientists justify the periodic increase in its level in society for a number of reasons - from the mass dissemination of information about violence to the deep psychological experiences of a particular individual.

Aggressive people seek to harm others, and they can do this both consciously and unconsciously. This problem can and should be fought, but to do this, many social institutions must unite, primarily the family and other social groups.

So, general characteristics motivation lies in the fact that a person behaves in one way or another depending on external and internal factors. If this situation is favorable, then his behavior is normal and useful for society. Conversely, when a violation occurs in the chain of motives, we are dealing with antisocial behavior. Author: Elena Ragozina

Good afternoon friends! Elena Nikitina is with you, and today we’ll talk about an important phenomenon, without which there would be no success in any endeavor - motivation. What is it and what is it for? What it is made up of, what types it is divided into and why economics studies it - read all about it below.

Motivation is a system of internal and external motives that force a person to act in a certain way.

At first glance, this is something abstract and distant, but without this neither desires nor the joy of their fulfillment are possible. Indeed, even a journey will not bring happiness to those who do not want to go there.

Motivation is related to our interests and needs. That is why it is individual. It also determines the aspirations of the individual and at the same time is determined by its psychophysiological properties.

The key concept of motivation is motive. This is an ideal (not necessarily existing in the material world) object towards which the individual’s activity is aimed.

S. L. Rubinstein and A. N. Leontyev understand motive as an objectified human need. Motive is different from need and goal. It can also be seen as the conscious cause of human actions. It is aimed at satisfying a need that may not be recognized by the individual.

For example, the desire to attract attention with extravagant clothing is intended to cover the urgent need for love and belonging, which is typical for people who are insecure.

A motive differs from a goal in that a goal is the result of an activity, and a motive is its cause.

The need is cognitive.

Motive – interest in reading (most often on a specific topic).

Activity – reading.

The goal is new impressions, pleasure from following the plot, etc.

To be more specific about your own motivation, answer the following questions:

  1. Why do I do anything?
  2. What needs do I want to satisfy?
  3. What results do I expect and why are they significant for me?
  4. What makes me act a certain way?

Main characteristics

The phenomenon of motivation can be described through the following characteristics:

  1. Directional vector.
  2. Organization, sequence of actions.
  3. Stability of selected goals.
  4. Assertiveness, activity.

Based on these parameters, the motivation of each individual is studied, which is important, for example, at school. Great importance have these characteristics when choosing a profession. A sales manager, for example, must be consistently focused on high income and active in achieving the goal.

Stages of motivation

Motivation exists as a process and includes several stages:

  1. First there is a need.
  2. A person decides how it can be satisfied (or not satisfied).
  3. Next, you need to determine the goal and ways to achieve it.
  4. After this, the action itself is performed.
  5. At the end of the action, the individual receives or does not receive a reward. Reward means any success. The effectiveness of an action influences further motivation.
  6. The need for action disappears if the need is completely closed. Or it remains, but the nature of the actions may change.

Types of motivation

Like any complex phenomenon, motivation varies for different reasons:

  • According to the source of motives.

Extreme (external)– a group of motives based on external incentives, circumstances, conditions (work to get paid).

Intrinsic (internal)– a group of motives based on a person’s internal needs and interests (to work because he likes the work). Everything internal is recognized by a person as an “impulse of the soul”, because it comes from his personal characteristics: character, inclinations, etc.

  • Based on the results of actions.

Positive– a person’s desire to do something in the hope of positive reinforcement (overwork in order to get time off).

Negative– setting to perform an action in order to avoid negative consequences (arrive at work on time so as not to pay a fine).

  • In terms of stability.

Sustainable– works for a long time, does not need additional reinforcement (an avid hiker conquers the trails again and again, without fear of difficulties).

Unstable– needs additional reinforcement (the desire to learn may be strong and conscious in one person, weak and hesitant in another).

  • By coverage.

In team management there are different personal And group motivation.

Scope of application of the concept

The concept of motivation is used both in Everyday life– to regulate the behavior of the individual himself and his family members, and from a scientific point of view – in psychology, economics, management, etc.

In psychology

The science of the soul studies the connection of motives with the needs, goals, desires, and interests of a person. The concept of motivation is considered in the following main directions:

  • behaviorism,
  • psychoanalysis,
  • cognitive theory,
  • humanistic theory.

The first direction claims that the need arises when the body deviates from a certain ideal norm. For example, this is how hunger arises, and the motive is designed to return a person to his original state - the desire to eat food. The method of action is determined by an object that can satisfy the need (you can cook soup or have a snack with something ready-made). This is called reinforcement. Behavior is formed under the influence of reinforcements.

In psychoanalysis, motives are viewed as a reaction to needs formed by unconscious impulses. That is, in turn, they are based on the instincts of life (in the form of sexual and other physiological needs) and death (everything related to destruction).

Cognitive (cognitive) theories present motivation as a result of a person’s understanding of the world. Depending on what his vision is aimed at (for the future, to achieve balance or to overcome imbalance), behavior develops.

Humanistic theories represent man as a conscious person capable of choosing life path. The main motivating force of his behavior is aimed at realizing his own needs, interests and abilities.

In management

In personnel management, motivation is understood as encouraging people to work for the benefit of the enterprise.

Theories of motivation in relation to personnel management are divided into meaningful And procedural. The first study the needs of a person that force him to act in a certain way. The second considers factors influencing motivation.

By stimulating subordinates to perform work activities, the manager solves several problems:

  • increases employee job satisfaction;
  • achieves behavior aimed at desired results (for example, increasing sales).

This takes into account such concepts as the needs, motivations, values, motives of the employee, as well as incentives and rewards. Urge refers to the feeling of lack of something. Unlike a need, it is always conscious. Drives develop a goal to satisfy a need.

For example, the need for recognition creates an incentive to achieve career heights, and the goal may be to become a director (with intermediate stages along the way).

All objects can act as values material world, important for humans. IN in this case this is a social position.

Motive is understood as the desire to satisfy a need. And incentives are those external factors that cause certain motives.

Motivation aims to form the desired motives in the employee in order to direct his activity in the right direction. After all, the desire for success depends on what is meant by success.

We wrote in more detail about staff motivation especially for managers.

In economics

Among the economic theories of motivation, the teachings of the classic of science – Adam Smith – are interesting. In his opinion, work is certainly perceived by a person as something painful. Different kinds activities are not attractive in their own way. In early societies, when a person appropriated everything he produced, the price of the product of labor was equal to compensation for the effort expended.

With the development of private property, this ratio changes in favor of the value of the product: it always seems to be greater than the effort expended to earn money for this product. In simple words, he is convinced that he works for cheap. But a person still wants to balance these components, which forces him to look for a better-paid job.

A look at employee motivation in economics is directly related to the problem of enterprise performance. As foreign experience has shown, in particular, Japanese studies, material incentives for labor are not always exhaustive. Often, the activity and involvement of workers in production is ensured by a comfortable environment, an atmosphere of trust, respect and belonging, social guarantees and a system of various incentives (from certificates to bonuses).

Nevertheless, the salary factor is important for the employee and is taken into account by many economic theories. For example, equity theory talks about the connection between rewards and the efforts of team members. An employee who believes that he is underappreciated reduces his productivity.

The cost of each type of incentive is assessed from an economic point of view. For example, an authoritarian management style involves an increase in the managerial apparatus, which means the allocation of additional rates and wage costs.

Labor productivity in such a team is average. While involving employees in production management, the ability to choose their own schedule or work remotely has low cost and produces high results.

Remote work is good because your income depends only on you, and you are responsible for your own motivation. Check it out - you may soon be able to make good money on your hobby.

Why do you need motivation?

The system of motives is an integral feature of the individual. This is one of the factors that shapes uniqueness. Motivation is related to our mental characteristics (for example, choleric people need to move a lot, get as many different impressions as possible) and physical condition(when we are sick, we almost don’t want anything). This is not by chance by nature.

The meaning of everyone’s life is to live it according to their own scenario in order to realize their own goals and purpose. This is why each person strives for a unique set of values, actions and experiences. This does not mean that everything we want is certainly good, and what we don’t want is destructive and bad.

Unformed motivation is common, and you will definitely have to work on it so that a person can overcome obstacles, including laziness, and realize that he is successful. But it’s worth listening to motives, desires, and interests in order to learn and develop yourself.

It’s not for nothing that people who really want something achieve great results than others, all other things being equal. As the people say, “God gives angels to those who strive.”

You can and should manage your aspirations. If development stands still, impressive results can be achieved.

Stay with us and you will find many more useful things. And may everything you do bring joy!

Everything that happens in our life, depends entirely on our actions with you. Our successes and failures, our victories and defeats, our ups and downs are determined by the actions we take. But what controls our actions?

Nothing in the world happens for nothing, every process, every movement of all living things is aimed at achieving some goals. And makes us Motivation to move towards our goals.

Motivation is those inner feelings and thoughts, which force us to tear off our buttocks and start doing something. I would say that if a person has a high level of motivation, then he is able to achieve any goals. But the paradox is that many do not achieve it. People do not achieve their goals for one simple reason - the wrong motivation. Even to be more precise, the wrong goals.

Exists two types of motivation: OT motivation and K motivation.

    Motivation K means that there is a burning desire to get something, like a carrot for a donkey. And achieving this carrot will make life better.

    OT motivation means that somewhere behind you a roast rooster is pecking very painfully and you need to quickly run away from it.

Most people's lives are dominated by the second option (OT motivation), although in the end such motivation is much less effective. Why is this option predominant? Because it is simpler, it makes it possible not to stress for most of your life, because everything is more and less stable.

Most people who come to the Internet to earn money did so after problems began in their lives. Most people start thinking about health at the moment when it is too late to drink Borjomi - the kidneys have failed. And there are many such examples.

About two years ago I completely gave up drinking alcohol and, when people find out, almost no one thinks that I am motivated by health (I strive for good), the first thought for most is that I am being treated or have been coded (I am running away FROM the problem that has arisen). Problems).

Examples of OT motivation You can find a huge amount in our lives; you just need to look around and analyze people’s behavior a little.

Why do people go to work? – want to avoid poverty, hunger and cold.

The disadvantage of this form of motivation is that it passes very quickly, ceasing to move people. As soon as the crisis ends and wages return to normal levels, all problems are forgotten, thoughts about acquiring new skills and professions, about creating reserve savings disappear, people again go to the bank for loans.

OT motivation is a hot frying pan.- makes you jump sharply from the critical point, and this is where the movement ends until a new portion of “fried”. It is short-term, and any serious goals cannot be achieved in a short time; they require constant action.

And just to achieve real goals, motivation should be towards them. That is, force a person to create a business and multiple sources income should not be the fear of poverty and hunger, but the desire for well-being and prosperity.

It is for these purposes that everything successful people pursue your dreams, they think a lot about what they want. Their dreams, bright and colorful, sit very deeply in their heads and, without ceasing, move them forward. To move towards real dreams, you don’t need to put out a hot frying pan, which has a short-term effect, you just need to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

These two types of motivation lie at the very base of those differences in level and failure. Losers don't consider their dreams worth pursuing, they never think about what kind of life they want, they skip chapters from smart books that talk about goals and visualization, devoting all their time to searching for magic buttons and techniques that will FASTLY get rid of sudden problems.

My personal experience showed that people who run because of problems rarely achieve results, since their motivation drops every day and does not last long enough to get results, and vice versa, the greatest heights are achieved by those people who are driven not by need, but by a dream, since they are ready to act even throughout their lives.

What motivates you?

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