Lenormand bear combination. The magic of numbers. Bear in combination with other Lenormand cards

The meaning of the Lenormand "Bear" card

Positive card.

Playing cards.

Ten of clubs (Talented and strong person).

Patron planet.

Zodiac sign.

Virgo - element earth.

Month - September (9th month).

Numerological meaning.

Number 15. Can mean receiving finances or a romantic personality.

Key concepts.

Power. Force. Guardianship. Management. Weight. Honor. Father. Authority.

Description of the map.

On the map we see a bear.

Time frame.

Long term. Decade.

The appearance of a person.

Man. Tall and large. Dark hair.

Body parts.

Skeletal system.

Love relationship.

A new acquaintance or the beginning of a relationship may promise a permanent relationship. Perhaps there is a friend in your life who takes care of you.

In a marriage or long-term relationship, the card may indicate that you have a stable and strong marriage. This card may also indicate a former admirer.

Work, career and finance.

You are in a stable position at work. You are a reputable employee.

If you are looking for a job, you will soon find one.

Long-term financial investments.

Stable business with strong partners.


Law enforcement officer. Official. Businessman. Athlete. Doctor. Advocate. Security guard.


Good health. If you get sick, you will recover soon. A person can cope with the disease on his own

Damage and negativity.

No, but you need to pay attention to neighboring cards.


Show your strength and power. Show courage and strength, rely only on yourself.

Reversed card.

Aggression. Sexual desire.

Position of the card in the layout.

The present.

Good luck in business and endeavors.

You are strong and confident. There is an influential person in your life who helps you.

A stable foundation was laid in the past that helps in the present.


Combination with other cards.

  • Bear + Horseman -Receiving news from superiors.
  • Bear + Clover - Getting opportunities.
  • Bear + Ship - Long trip. Have a nice trip.
  • Bear + House - Rich family. Head of the family. Help from parents. Good heredity.
  • Bear + Tree - Good health. Prosperity. Longevity.
  • Bear + Clouds - Disservice.
  • Bear + Snake - they help you, but not for free. Envious people bother you.
  • Bear + Coffin - Serious illness or death of the head of the family. Loss of power. Loss of a patron.
  • Bear+ Bouquet - An expensive and generous gift.
  • Bear + Broom - Policeman. Detective.
  • Bear + Scythe - Use of force. Aggressive man.
  • Bear + Owls - You need advice from a wise person.
  • Bear + Child - Selfless help.
  • Bear + Stars - Help from higher powers. Spiritual guidance. Lucky streak.
  • Bear + Fox - Selfish help. A person who abuses his power.
  • Bear + Stork - Change for the better. You have the strength to begin.
  • Bear + Dog - Influential friend. Friendly boss.
  • Bear + Tower - Judge. Official. Authorities. Government agency.
  • Bear + Garden - Public figure. An influential circle of acquaintances. A well-known public figure.
  • Bear + Mountain - Severe tests. A closed person. A wall between people.
  • Bear + Fork - Equal directions.
  • Bear + Rats - Grand theft.
  • Bear + Heart - A loving husband or a strong lover. Strong relationships.
  • Bear + Ring - Strong union. Long-term contract. Reliable partners.
  • Bear+

The big bear, a symbol of strength, fight, energy and protection, has a mountain at the top of the card. Keywords: strength, courage, strength, power, power, resilience, energy, protection, support, competitiveness, guidance, superiority, silence. A father figure or head (leader). Typically this card represents withdrawal from social life; it also appears if a person wants to take care of himself and his own affairs. The events described by this card will help to bring peace to the counselee: signing agreements (contracts), winning a significant amount of money, buying real estate. Strengthening and intensifying feelings during engagement, marriage or life together.
Personality: grandfather, uncle, older brother, businessman, boss, influential and wise man, ex, father (+Tower), official personality, official, protector
Body aspect: age, hair
Time: 10-20 years
In matters of relationships. Patronage, care, guardianship. Depending on the position in the scenario, you take care of your partner and please him in every possible way, or you yourself become in the position of being looked after.
In business matters. Serious business. Availability of strong and influential partners. Solid position.
In medical matters. When they want to emphasize strength, health and endurance, they say: “Strong as a bear.” This card indicates the ability to cope with any illness using the body’s internal reserves.
Card of the day: Trust an older man. He can give you useful advice. You have enough courage and strength to achieve your goals.


HORSEMAN - news from above
CLOVER - the ability to take advantage of an opportunity
SHIP - protection
HOME - help in the household (or - presence of influential parents)
TREE - health and strength
CLOUDS - infidelity
SNAKE - the offered help is not selfless, a double game
GROB - loss of influence or loss of a patron
BOUQUET - a generous gift
COSA is a disservice
BROOM - it is better to refuse the offered help
OWLS - tradesman in the nobility
CHILD - good intentions
FOX - people around you want to deceive
STARS - action according to plan
AIST - participation in events of an interested influential person
DOG - an influential friend
TOWER - good, solid position
SAD - circle of influential acquaintances
MOUNTAIN - “high to God, far to the king”
FORK - two equal directions for applying forces
RATS - pretense caused by suspicion and envy
HEART - strong feelings
RING - favorable agreement
BOOK - intelligent power
LETTER - lawyer or some other person - representative of the law
MAN - own great strength or the presence of an influential patron
WOMAN the same
LILY - high power or spiritual guide
SUN - kindness
MOON - an influential lady
The KEY is using forceful methods to solve the problem
PISCES - gratuitous assistance, philanthropist, sponsor
ANCHOR - perseverance
CROSS - “I wanted the best, but it turned out as always”

House of the Bear
Trust and help, in most cases a man, jealousy.

A bear in his home is strength.

In his house:
Home is my home – my fortress. Love for the home lifestyle (comfort, home-cooked food, being a homebody, etc.). Well-being.
Coffin - no father.
Storks - change in status.
Ring - fixation on material things. Connections
Woman - In the scenario for F: the lady took responsibility; stopped watching my weight; if a lady works, she can occupy a high position. The lady is counting on support.


Description and history of the map:

To the side of the road stands a large oak tree; birds and bugs find shelter and food in its leaves; travelers rest in its shade. The roots of this tree have grown deep into the earth, it radiates power and strength, the ability to withstand bad weather and survive frosty winters. Branches with foliage reach to the sky.

In many decks, the fifth card depicts an oak tree, because it is the tree of all trees! In ancient times, people believed that their patrons lived on oak trees - the lords of the sky, lightning, thunder and rain. Among the ancient Greeks, the oak was the tree of Zeus, among the Romans - Jupiter, among the Slavs - Perun. Since ancient times, oak has been a symbol of strength, holiness, and the highest honor. It was believed that he gives strength, wisdom and is himself a support for the whole world.

Prose and poetry:

Symbolism of the card:

The tree is a key image that embodies the universal concept of the peoples of the world about the space of the Universe. All cultures treat trees with special respect. Trees were considered the abode of spirits and the source of life on earth. For example, in the Elder Edda, the gods created the first people from trees. The man Ask is Ash and the woman Embla is Elm or Alder. Wotan gave them life and soul, Willy - mind and movement, and Ve - appearance, speech, hearing and sight.

According to ancient Greek mythology, it is believed that Zeus created the third generation of people from wood. According to one Greek epigram, the ancient Hellenes called oak trees “First Mothers.” This symbol is still used today, for example, in the Tree of Souls of Ava in the science fiction film Avatar.

Eywa is the deity of the Navi peoples. The souls of the dead are reunited with this tree and coexist in a certain space. Communication with them is possible through the Tree of Voices. Ava can be compared to Mother Nature. She hears everyone and is everywhere, capable of controlling flora and fauna, healing wounds and moving people's souls into their avatars forever. Being a deity, Eywa cannot take the side of good or evil. She is in balance and maintains it.

A clan or clan often chose trees as totems and considered them their patron spirits. Under the trees, in particular under the oak or ash, the truth was spoken or demonstrated.

Due to the changes that occur with trees throughout the year, they have become a symbol of the cyclical nature of life-death-resurrection.

The tree of life, the tree of knowledge, the tree of peace, the tree of souls, it symbolized the central axis of the world connecting Heaven and Earth; cycles of life, death and rebirth; The Universe and its processes of eternal renewal; secret Wisdom and mysterious laws of existence; man and his path to spiritual heights. The roots of a tree that go deep into the earth indicate our earthly life, while the branches that rise to the heavens symbolize our higher self.

In ancient times, people believed that trees possess great wisdom and that a person who subtly senses the soul of a tree can learn a lot from it (Druid cult).

Trees were associated with the gods and forces of nature, it was believed that each tree has its own soul and has a certain power unique to it, remember the film about Harry Potter, when it was very important what tree the magic wand was made of, because... this determined not only her strength, but also her character.

In fairy tales, trees can both protect and fulfill wishes, and also create obstacles and become frightening and even demonic creatures.

A tree is a symbol of development. Its branches, representing diversity, extend from a common trunk, which is a symbol of unity. A green, blooming tree is a symbol of life; dead, withered - a symbol of death. The symbolism of a tree changes depending on whether buds are breaking out on its branches, whether it has turned green, its leaves have begun to fall, or the tree is completely devoid of leaves. An old, gnarled tree can symbolize wisdom and strength, and such symbolism is already close to the planet Saturn.

As mythology evolves, the idea of ​​a mighty tree forms the central axis of the flow of divine energy that links the supernatural and natural worlds. This is how the concept of the World or Cosmic Tree appeared, the roots of which are immersed in the waters of the underworld, and passing through our world, it reaches the heavens. The tree of life is a metaphorical image of the creation of the world; in many traditions it grows in paradise or on a sacred mountain, from under its roots flows a source of spiritual energy; the snake that wraps around its trunk is a symbol of energy moving in a spiral, rising up from the ground or serves as a symbol of destruction, because the snake eats away the roots of the tree. Thanks to the Tree of Life, a person can rise to spiritual enlightenment, save his spirit and be freed from the circle of existence. That is why in the Middle Ages they depicted Christ crucified on a tree, and not on a cross; this is an older and deeper symbolism.

According to Slavic myths, the World Tree stands on the outskirts of the Universe, near Lukomorye, its crown reaches into the heavens, and its roots reach the lower world. The gods ascend and descend along the tree; along it you can get to other worlds.

In the shamanic tradition, the World Tree is also the path of shamans and their cradle; the souls of shamans are brought up in nests on the branches of this tree. The shamans said about themselves: “I am the fifth bitch shaman” or “I am the seventh bitch shaman.”

Among the Scandinavians, the sacred ash tree Yggdrasil is the world tree. It holds up the sky, clouds and stars. The sacred ash tree has 3 roots: one stretches to the sky, the other to the middle (earthly) world, and the third to the underworld, under each of the roots there flows a wonderful spring. The Tree is home to the Norns, goddesses of fate. At the base of the tree lives the cosmic serpent Nidhogg, a wise eagle sits on the top of its head, and a prophetic squirrel runs along the trunk.

The gods gather at the foot of Yggdrasil to decide the fate of the worlds. During the great cosmic upheavals, when the old Universe dies, Yggdrasil will withstand all the tests and remain so that the grain is preserved for the birth of a new, young Universe. It remains invincible, nothing can destroy it, it will serve as a refuge for those who survived all the upheavals and thanks to whom life will be reborn on earth. Legends say that Yggdrasil will dry up only on the day when the last battle between Good and Evil ends, when with the victory of Good the boundaries of space and time, life and death disappear, and existence beyond them, the knowledge of Eternity and immortality, becomes possible.

In the myths of Ancient India, the Ashwattha tree (sacred fig tree) grows in the center of the Universe.

In China, the Kien-Mu Tree of Life grows in the center of the world, and complete silence reigns around it. It is also a staircase leading to endless distances, along which not only the Sun and the Moon rise and fall, but also the rulers, sages and teachers of people, those who are entrusted with the mission of messengers, intermediaries between Heaven and Earth.

The Kabbalistic tree is upside down, its roots are in the spiritual world, and its crown touches the ground. In other mystical teachings there is also the image of an inverted tree, whose roots feed on the spiritual energy of the sky and spread it down and into the outside world. In the Bhagavadgita, the inverted tree signifies the origin of everything from a single root. Dante depicts the diagram of the celestial spheres as the foliage of a tree, the roots of which creep upward to form the domain of Uranus. This is a symbol of the strength of the spirit and evidence that human life is the descent of the spirit into the body and back. It is also a symbol of philosophical growth, growth inward, in depth. The inverted tree is often used in genealogical charts.

Also widely known is the Buddha Tree - this is the sacred fig tree under which the Buddha meditated until he achieved enlightenment. It is a Buddhist symbol of contemplation, learning and spiritual perfection.

The fruits of the tree of life are often symbols of immortality, for example, in China it is a peach, in Egypt it is a sycamore, in Iran it is an almond, and in Asian countries it is a pomegranate.

The tree of Life:

Card Characteristics:

1 Map names:

2 Suit:

Seven of Hearts

3 Keywords:

  • Life
  • Health
  • Energy
  • Potency
  • Roots
  • Calm
  • Protection
  • Family connections
  • The root of the problem/issue
  • Vitality
  • Strong condition
  • Material beginning
  • Hardness
  • Maturity
  • Love of life
  • Optimism
  • Renewable resource
  • Development
  • Fruit
  • Result
  • Increase in resource
  • Constancy
  • Sustainability
  • Strength
  • Memories
  • Past
  • Connection with family
  • Loyalty
  • Restraint
  • Comfort zone
  • Stand on your own two feet
  • Maturity
  • Pedigree
  • Confrontation
  • Ordinariness
  • Naturalness
  • Organic
  • Nutrition
  • Dignity
  • Escapes
  • Heredity
  • Potential
  • Steadfastness
  • Confidence
  • Material beginning
  • Renewable resource
  • Karmic bonds
  • Tests
  • Strength of spirit
  • Steadfastness
  • Rigidity
  • Stubbornness
  • Stubbornness
  • Boredom
  • Monotony
  • Indifference
  • Mediocre
  • Lethargy
  • Slow response

4 Astrology:

  • The Tree card is associated with Saturn, the Sun and the 5th House.
  • Also Ketu (South Node) as a shadow planet responsible for karma and past life experiences.

5 Numerology:

Five is the number of man and quintessence. Our 4 limbs correspond to the four primary elements, and the head symbolizes the quintessence, the fifth element, which is the essence, the thought that is hidden in creation and connects spirit and matter, so that they become sides of the same coin. Only a person can understand and realize this. We also have 5 fingers and 5 senses to grasp and feel reality.

The five-pointed star symbolizes that a person stands with his feet on the ground, and his head is turned to the heavens, just like the symbol of a tree. An upward point indicates a desire for unity, in contrast to an inverted pentagram, when 2 points are directed upward, which indicates bifurcation. Therefore, the symbol of Christ is a unicorn, and the symbol of the Devil is a goat. Five is associated with our feelings, which we can use both wisely and foolishly, because... a person is endowed with free will and is able to choose who to serve, good or evil. This is evidenced by the biblical parable about 5 smart and 5 stupid girls.

Five, like the pentagram, is a protective symbol, so Venus, due to the peculiarities of its movement, draws 2 pentagrams around the Earth in 8 years - one during retrograde movement, the other during direct movement.

The points of the pentagrams for the earthly observer are the moments of the conjunction of Venus with the Sun - the lower one during retrograde motion and the upper one during direct motion. But this pentagram is not completely closed, which allows evil to penetrate into our world, for example, Goethe described how Mephistopheles, in the form of a black poodle, entered the laboratory of Doctor Faustus due to the fact that the pentagram was not drawn on the door accurately:

You deigned to draw it poorly,
And there was a gap in the corner,
There, at the door, - and I could freely jump up.

I. Goethe

Five, unlike four, is always a breakthrough outward, the ability to overcome any circumstances, to grow above the situation, and just as a tree breaks through asphalt, so a person is able to withstand unfavorable conditions due to internal strength. Expansion and expansion from the boundaries set by the four. “I don’t fit all between my hat and boots.” Walt Whitman.

Also 5 is the number of independence.

As we see, all this is connected with the meaning of the Tree card in the Lenormand deck: man, strength, health, protection, growth, exaltation. Despite the fact that the card looks calm and stable, there are still 2 odd numbers associated with it - five and seven. And this can introduce instability due to the need for growth, both physical and spiritual. We are also talking about freedom of choice; your natural qualities can be directed both upward and downward, or even what is called “burying talent.”

6 Timing time:

The Tree card indicates a long term, one year or more. Double cards (Owls, Birds, Scourge and Broom) double the time limit; if a Cross or a Fork is placed nearby, the term may increase to 4 years. Cards, Bouquet, Clouds, Sun - can indicate the time of year, but not this year, but the next one.

The map includes such concepts as durable and long-term.

In time, this is the period from May 1 to May 11, the middle of Taurus, the ruler is the Moon, this is the time when the power of spring overwhelms all living things, the air is filled with the joy and exuberance of life, a fertile time for growth and development. Interestingly, it was the sign of Taurus in Ancient Babylon that accounted for the most favorable time for conceiving children.

7 Items:

  • Trees.
  • Items made of wood.
  • Large tall objects.

8 Characters:

  • Relative.
  • Family member.

9 House map:

The 5th house of Wood is responsible for the health and lifestyle of the Querent. It also speaks of durability, stability, good, confident growth and increase, and long-term projects. If in the House of the Tree a Blank card or another card appears that denotes an important person, such as a Bear, then this is an indication of a particularly close person with whom the Querent could grow together by roots and become one whole. Both the house of the House and the house of the Tree show the most intimate and truly close relationships, as well as family ones.

10 Places and objects:

Parks, gardens, forests.

11 Events:

Recovery, strengthening, getting rid of bad habits. Cling to something, strengthen yourself, stand. Send new shoots, reach a higher level.

12 Playing cards:

The main meaning of the 7 of Hearts is changes in life for the better, good luck in business, a fun, pleasant pastime, partying, joy, flirting, happy circumstances. Next to negative cards are internal anxiety, psychosis, neurosis, emotional instability, jealousy.

If the 7 of Hearts describes a person, then he is energetic, optimistic about life and physically healthy. In the position of the past, the 7 of Hearts indicates that you should follow the path on which you have already taken, not to look for anything radically new, “they don’t change horses in midstream.”

The reversed 7 of Hearts can be interpreted as poor health, exhausted potential, and lack of self-confidence. A person is gnawing at something, he suppresses something in himself, but instead of looking for a way out, he suppresses ambitions and desires, thereby causing himself pain. In combination with the 9 of Hearts, this card indicates that the fortuneteller needs to take serious care of his health, because his body, apparently, has embarked on the path of self-destruction.

In a relationship, 7 of Hearts speaks of a pleasant pastime, confidence in your partner, next to 10 of Hearts - an intimate date. The inverted 7 of Hearts speaks of passion and jealousy, of feelings without reciprocity, separation from reality, desires and intentions of a person - a complete head in the clouds. Also, according to the reversed 7 of Hearts, a person can be exploited by saddled with a bunch of obligations.

There are good prospects in work and career, the ability to achieve material abundance. Next to the Kings - increased authority and social status. In a position above the head of the questioner, the 7 of hearts can indicate that the matter being guessed about is of key, vital importance. In an inverted position - fatigue from work, routine duties and dull workdays, lack of interest.

Since the 7 of Hearts belongs to the water element and lacks stability, a person can be tossed back and forth until he turns his head on and decides on the desired option and direction.

Meanings and interpretations:

Basic meanings of the card:

1. Health, vitality:

The tree stands unshakably in its place, despite gusts of wind, rain, snow and heat, hence the main meaning of this card - physical and mental good health, because It is thanks to this that one can withstand all the pressures of life’s circumstances.

First of all, the Tree, bursting with strength and power, is a signifier of human health, so it can be taken for any questions about the state of health. This is a symbol of what helps us stay cheerful and full of strength.

This card also speaks of longevity; the safety margin will be enough for many years and decades. The trees themselves live a very long time, for example, the Methuselah pine, which is approximately 4846 years old as of 2017, is the oldest living organism on the planet.

But since the Tree card is number 5, which means a crisis and a break in stability in the four, be careful with it, look at exactly how this card plays out for you in terms of value, always pay attention to health issues when this card is the “leading” one in the layout.

2. Lifestyle:

The Tree card can indicate a person’s lifestyle, what he holds on to, what is normal for him, how and with what he lives (with rottenness and crookedness, or, on the contrary, luxurious, fruitful and everyone is drawn to him). If a card falls in the House of the Tree - a home person, everything goes to the family; if it’s a Fox, then it’s normal for him to fool someone, to steal something while no one sees (he quietly stole and left - called found); – a person is like a tumbleweed until he thinks about stability; Anchor - a person has an established way of life that has not changed for many years. It is also important where the Tree card falls, in which house in the BRL, from this position you can find out where a person draws strength, where he feels in his place, where he is literally rooted to the skin.

4. Strength, reliability, stability, protection:

About something reliable, they often say “solid as an oak” or “its life values ​​​​and foundations are as solid as an oak.”

Everything that we perceive as strong and reliable also provides protection, both psychological and physical. Remember, in fairy tales and legends, heroes often find protection in trees. This aspect, just like in the House card, is associated with family and ancestors. It is also protection from Mother Nature; often, when vitality is reduced, it is recommended to lean against trees, birch, and oak. You can hide behind something strong and stable or gain a foothold when your strength is lacking. Steadfastness and confidence in any situation. The soil is under your feet, stand confidently on your feet.

A tree can protect from bad weather and provide shelter during a storm, which indicates support and protection. The fruits from the tree can satisfy hunger, which speaks of caring.

The Tree card shows how firmly and confidently a person stands in life, what his inner core is, it is like an imperturbable oak tree or like a reed that sways from any blow of the wind.

5. Growth, fruits, resource capacity:

If the 4th card speaks of stability and immutability of form, then the fifth card speaks of growth, the receipt of fruits, the visible result of the invested efforts, although very slow.

In the established version of the image, the tree grows alone, nothing blocks the sun or interferes with its growth, all possible resources are “at its service”, it can grow both upward and in breadth without limiting itself in anything. Resourcefulness concerns both the physical aspect (money, connections) and the energy aspect (a strong, energetic person, talent, abilities) and the more actively a person uses his resource, the stronger and more powerful he becomes, you need to give growth to what you have.

Develop your abilities, strengthen those skills that are weak. Invest money, let what you have grow, it’s better to plant a bag of potatoes than to carefully store it in the basement until it shrinks and dries out.

6. Development, progress:

The Tree card is one of the favorable ones, because... indicates slow, but steady and stable development and expansion, this is inherent in the very nature of the tree, this is its program: live-grow-develop-bear fruit. This aspect affects any area for which the alignment was made. It may not be a breakthrough and a dizzying result, but it is reliable and stable.

7. Slowdown:

A tree grows very slowly and imperceptibly in the moment, besides, for an oak tree to grow from an acorn, quite a lot of time must pass, so this card slows down the processes, but you absolutely cannot interfere with them or rush them. Everything should go naturally. Your issue will be resolved gradually, you need to be patient and wait.

8. Maturity and experience:

The tree is self-sufficient, it has grown, reached maturity, and despite all the storms, winds and cold winters, it grows, blooms, gives shelter and shelter to many creatures.

The card indicates benefits for others; there are always many people around who want to enjoy the fruits or sit in the shade. But at the same time, the tree usually stands on its own at the edge. The card speaks of great experience and wisdom, which has stood the test of time: years passed, good times gave way to bad, fruitful years followed by famine, peacetime became war and turmoil, and through many events and changes one can gain wisdom. And you take an example from the trees, do not bend when something in your life gets out of control.

The Tree card in this aspect is somewhat similar to the Hierophant card in the Tarot. Along the Tree there is also a transfer of experience from the origins, roots, upward, to the young emerging leaves and new branches that will continue the work. A thick trunk speaks of perseverance and strength, courage and perseverance; the roots symbolize spiritual deepening, deep immersion, connection with the source, great life experience, and memories.

9. Genus, human roots:

The tree combines the feminine and masculine principles, therefore it is a symbol of procreation (family tree). It was believed that by hugging a tree and clinging to it, you could come into contact with deceased relatives.

The Tree card in layouts often indicates a karmic connection with a person; the roots of your relationship lie much deeper than it seems. Sylvia Steinba offers a variant of the layout to identify the karmic nature of the connection, and the appearance of the Tree card gives a positive answer, as do the Cross cards.

Using this map, as well as the 5th house in the Great Lenormand Spread, you can look at questions about procreation; this is of course not the main significator, but it is also worth taking into account.

10. Esoterics and knowledge:

The Tree card, like a number of other cards (Key, Book), is esoteric; for a long time, individual trees and entire groves have been associated with druids and priests, as well as with magic and spirits. This is a direct transfer of knowledge and experience from the carrier to the followers.

The spirals on the cut of the trunk also symbolize the spiral of life, the experience gained, the very development of this cycle throughout the year is associated with the cycle of dying and rebirth. A dry tree, meanwhile, is a very negative symbol; it can indicate a finished person who has become torn from his roots and whose days are numbered.

The tree of life is present in one way or another in almost every culture. The most famous of them are the Scandinavian ash tree Yggdrasil and the Kabbalistic Tree of Sephiroth. This is a clear model of how our dense world was formed.

A tree, and especially in combination with cards that enhance this aspect, can also indicate simple learning, self-development and the disclosure of one’s potential. Learning is slow, but progressive, the volume of knowledge is growing, you are immersing yourself deeper and deeper, like a drill, into the topic being studied, this is not skipping the top or taking some courses at all, this is thorough training, patient and painstaking work. Education is a beneficial foundation for the future, something that will strengthen your position and raise your authority.

11. Nature, countryside:

This card indicates life outside the city, in the countryside or in a summer cottage. A person is drawn and drawn to life in nature, in peace and quiet. In this sense, the Tree card is the opposite of the Garden card, because there, on the contrary, “how amazing the evenings, balls, beauties, lackeys, cadets are in Russia ...”, a person is drawn to the world, to a party, to show himself and look at others.

The map indicates rural countryside or shady areas, forests.

12. Qigong, yoga, tai chi, acupuncture:

The Tree card can indicate qigong or yoga classes, activities that restore vitality naturally through asanas and special movements along the meridians to unblock stagnant energy.

The most famous and useful meditation for pumping the body with energy is called “Zhang Zhuang” or “Tree Pose” - this is a healing, healing and strengthening technique based on the patterns of growth and development of a tree with deep roots. It helps to recover from many chronic diseases (neurasthenia, gastritis, numbness and coldness in the extremities and much more). It is believed that while you “stand in the tree,” as qigong practitioners say, you become invisible to all people and energies hostile to you. Therefore, this practice helps to get rid of the evil eye and any targeted negative impact of ill-wishers. By strengthening your energy, you strengthen the protective energy cocoon around you. You become inaccessible to evil thoughts, you get tired less, you do much more in less time.

And most importantly, this technique gives “grounding” or “rooting”; it unites Heaven, Earth and Man together and fills it with enormous power. The practice of the “big tree” increases vital energy and prolongs life.

Negative meanings of the card:

Next to unfavorable cards, the qualities of Trees acquire a negative connotation, for example, the Rat or Scythe card may indicate that the roots of this tree are being undermined, but due to their constancy and stability, the situation or person cannot react quickly and come out with minimal losses for myself.

Rigidity and inflexibility can cause the tree to break under pressure. A person does not live in accordance with external conditions, tries to break through a wall with his forehead, and in this situation it would be better for him to be softer and adapt to the situation than to stand on the seven winds and invariably follow the original plan and his principles. It’s not for nothing that they say:

The storm will knock down the oak, but the reed will stand

When you take all the blows on yourself, you can then instantly suffer from a heart attack; you may never recover from such blows. In appearance, everything may be as strong, reliable and stable as before, but inside there is only dust and the oak tree is about to collapse, and even crush those who are hiding under it.

In the negative aspect, this card indicates too strong an attachment to the family, a reluctance to do something on their own, so a child who has long become an adult cannot tear himself away from his parents, get on his feet, constantly counts on their help and support, is financially dependent from them. They do not invest anything in the family, but only draw resources.

Trees, and especially large ones, react rather slowly to changes in external weather conditions, for example, an oak tree slowly sways even from a strong wind; these qualities are transferred to people who are accused of inhibited reactions, slow thinking, and slow-wittedness.

Everyone knows the line from Vladimir Vysotsky’s song:

And if you are as dumb as a tree, you will be born a baobab and will remain a baobab for a thousand years until you die

V. Vysotsky

They often say “dumb as an oak”, “stupid as a cork”, “wooden forehead”, “stoeros club” - implying that a person is narrow-minded, stupid, slow to learn, not searching or curious. If the Tree card itself speaks of natural talent, the person is creative, loves to contemplate and observe, and has a good memory. In the negative aspect, it is laziness, passivity, indifference; a person leads a plant-based lifestyle, satisfying only basic simple needs.

A tree is also stubbornness, a tendency to take on impossible tasks, undermine your health, break away from your roots and your source of strength, which leads to overwork and an inability to enjoy life.

Because of the strength of the roots and wood, a person with a strong life position, established views and values ​​is often compared to an oak tree, and such views cannot always be convinced, a person does not change his point of view, no matter what, he clung to his beliefs that he received even under Tsar Pea and holds on to them with a death grip. The person cannot be reached, no reasonable arguments can help, and they also say about such a person that he is dumb as an oak. What is different from a person “dumb as a plug”? cork is a very light wood, and this will mean that the person, as in the Arcana of the Fool of the Tarot, is a superficial windbag.

Tree also lacks maneuverability and flexibility, as they say, “war will tell,” this means that it is good to have a general plan, strategy, but tactical steps are determined along the way and taking into account all the circumstances, because it is impossible to foresee everything. You will only find out what to do better in the process. But along the Tree, a person rests and unbendingly rushes along a theoretically given path, without adjusting anything during the course of the play. Conditions change, the plan should also be changed, because... your opponent is also not smart, and you need to dodge and maneuver.

A person misses chances due to inertia and sluggishness. He constantly hopes that someone will cover him and protect him.

Reversed card meaning:

The reversed Tree card looks like an uprooted plant that lies upside down. The problem is that the matter in your question is “rotting” from the roots and is not yet noticeable and it seems that everything is bursting with color and health, but the roots have already been undermined and it is only a matter of time before this oak tree collapses. May indicate losses related to family matters.

An “uprooted” tree indicates problems with childbirth and health.

This position of the card indicates that a person loses a lot of energy without replenishing it, he is exhausted, feels bad, has no mood, apathy, chronic fatigue, prolonged depression, literally fades before our eyes. The Upside Down Tree is a symbol of a broken tree, it could not withstand the overload and did not survive, it did not have enough strength or flexibility, and now it has died. This position of the card indicates serious health problems; the person is bedridden, broken in spirit, has lost faith in his strength and hope for recovery.

Also, an inverted Tree card can indicate that a person literally buried his talent in the ground, buried himself alive, or kept a material resource to himself or squandered it, did not allow it to grow and is now dying.

An inverted Tree may indicate a broken spirit, a undermined psyche that undermines health. The inner spirit is broken and there is nothing else to rely on.

But it can also indicate literal physical damage, when a person loses the ability to maintain his vitality naturally. Mental illness will be indicated by the cards Clouds, Moon, Pisces, and physical illness by the Cross, House, and Scythe.

Or a metaphorical break in connection with roots, for example, a person grew up in an orphanage or consciously broke ties with relatives. In this case, the integrity of the spirit is violated, the person no longer has the support of his family, the strength of the spirit is broken. It is easier to jinx such a person; his biofield is weaker.

Lack of strength and growth in some matter.

Card Features:

A tree is a material principle, it takes strength from the earth, it is one of the primary elements in the Chinese system, in the Western system the tree is associated with the earth, in the Tarot with the suit of pentacles or coins. Therefore, when it appears in a reading, it first of all speaks of something carnal, materialistic - our body, money, health, physical comfort. It will touch on sublime matters either in readings for esotericists, or upon appropriate request.

In practice, I noticed an interesting feature of this card; it often shows several options or abundance, for example, when asked about relationships this year, the Tree and Woman cards appeared in the 5th house. In fact, it turned out that the man had several acquaintances, several parallel relationships, and not consistently 1 bride, as one might think. After delving into the annals of history, I found the original map from the “Game of Hope”, it is somewhat reminiscent of the Garden map.

As we see there are several trees, and they are different. In addition, according to the rules of the game, a sly fox (14 card) led into the forest (on the fifth game card).

Maybe this left its mark, maybe the fact that the tree, starting from one root and trunk, then diverges in different directions with a spreading crown with many branches and leaves. Maybe because of the game correspondence, because in the Tarot, the 7 of Hearts denotes choice and a large number of alternative options. In any case, this card can, in a particular aspect, indicate multiplicity, especially with confirmatory additions.

Due to the connection of the fifth card with the 7 of Hearts (water element) in combination with Pisces or Clouds, it can indicate alcohol abuse; a person likes to sit in a large, rowdy company.

The weather on this map is rainy, a good torrential rain with a thunderstorm, after which growth intensifies and revitalization occurs.

Anna Kotelnikova attributed the Tree card to the group of the female archetype, along with the cards Coffin, House, Tower. All these cards have in common the idea of ​​containing, accepting and absorbing. Thus, home is associated with mother, care and warmth, a sense of security and comfort; The tree is our mother Nature, who also cares and feeds us; The tower is the "state" form of the house, it also provides protection, care and sustenance, although it ignores individuality; The coffin is associated with the dark aspect of the Great Mother, the other side of Mother Nature.


The result can only be consistent, not from scratch, a leap requires long-term accumulation, intensive processes will go on inside for a long time, outside it will seem that nothing is happening.

In itself, this is a card of slow but sure, stable results, we can say that it is a significator.

At the same time, the result is long-lasting, viable, supports and multiplies itself, planted it once and now just watch it, a minimum of care and maintenance, a very profitable project.

Comparison with similar ones:

Tree and Garden - intimacy, introversion, periphery and secular society center, extroversion, publicity, everything is in sight.

Tree and - both cards relate to the intimate sphere, the human body and family, but the Tree speaks more about ancestral things. In the House map, the number four gives more stability, but also immutability. The Tree, like the number 5, is responsible for growth, development and, to some extent, destruction. Unlike the House, where there may be movement inside, but the House itself is unchanged, it can become dilapidated, it must be maintained in proper condition all the time. The tree grows and expands naturally, produces seeds every year and reproduces in this way, this is such a soft expansion, capturing territory and rooting.

Tree and - both cards relate to the plant world, both are responsible for naturalness and simplicity, but Clover is everything fast, fleeting, and Tree is for years and decades, events develop slowly, and when rooted they give almost unbreakable stability.

Tree and Bouquet - the cards are similar only in connection with nature, but the Bouquet is already something cultivated, polished, secular, small and fleeting, also secular, suggesting the presence of a second one, the one for whom the Bouquet is being prepared as a gift. Tree – naturalness and self-sufficiency, Bouquet – artificiality and the presence of a second “addressee” or “donor”.

Tree and Bear - both cards are responsible for authority, but the Tree is static in this regard, it attracts with its appearance an experienced and knowledgeable person, you still need to go to him and ask for advice, the person himself will not climb up to you using this card and teach you, but the Bear has a more forceful aspect, there is something in him from the Tarosh Kings, especially from the suit of Swords and Wands, he can actively suppress, influence, interfere with the Querent, intimidate, and does not hesitate to use forceful methods.

Magic. Damage and negativity:

In magical matters, the Tree card indicates issues of karma and family: ancestral curses, damage, unsolved problems. Perhaps the history of the family is burdened with some kind of negativity (prisoners, suicides, murderers, orphans). In the favorable aspect of 5, the card speaks of strong protection of the family, of nourishment and support; this protection is passed on from generation to generation and each family member strengthens the family tree. A magician who works on ancestral power. The cards lying nearby will indicate the specification, for example, + - herbalist, + Snake - healer.

Answer to Yes - No:

In a 1-card layout, when asking Yes-No questions, the Tree card gives an unequivocally positive answer, with great prospects for growth, the result may be even better than you expected, although it will be greatly extended in time.

Card of the day:

The energies of the day under the Tree card speak of stability, of what will give sprouts and good fruits.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Don’t write it off, everything goes on as usual, if you pull the grass up, it won’t grow faster. Grow and develop in peace, modesty, naturalness and simplicity - your path to success. Draw on your wealth of experience.

Favorable calm day. Go about your normal activities. If you have health problems, this is the right time for treatment, strengthening and supporting procedures.

The Tree card may indicate that today it is worth spending time on your health, reflecting on your lifestyle, how harmonious it is with your nature, whether you have moved away from your true goal, from your relatives, from your roots.

The card advises you to invest at the initial stage, support the project now, then it will develop and your participation will no longer be needed, it will grow and develop on its own, and you will reap the fruits.

The tree advises taking care of your health, cleansing your body of toxins, this will give you a surge of strength and energy.

If the Tree falls above the Querent’s card, then this may be advice to hide in the shadows and not rush into action, to think about your situation.

Card Caution:

If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Trust the natural course of events; pulling the grass will not make it grow faster; on the contrary, you will damage the roots and everything will wither. Also, you should not use any artificial accelerators of processes, this applies not only to plants, but also to your body; instead of steroids to increase muscles, it is better to choose a natural path that will not harm your health.

Relationships and love:

The tree speaks of strong, stable relationships, shows how healthy the relationship is, how viable and fruitful they are. With favorable cards (Ring, Heart) - your choice is correct, this is a partner for life, the relationship has grown deeply into your soul.

A tree is a signifier of genealogy and ancestral karma. Therefore, this card points to the partner who is destined for you, the one who is given for some kind of karmic work off. This card is in some way fateful and may indicate karmic partners. Especially next to the Heart or Ring card.

The Tree card suggests that the relationship is deep, it has already taken root and established itself, and has connected two people into a single whole. People are building a future together, they have the same root, they plan to be together and everyone invests in the union, and does not live for themselves. Such couples usually establish a strong, good family. Next to the Lily card is a noble family, blue blood, intelligentsia.

If you are just at the beginning of a relationship, then the card indicates that they are developing harmoniously, a good prospect awaits the couple, and the family accepts them.

If you asked a question about how someone treats you, then this card speaks of a very good attitude, he is drawn to you and wants to maintain communication.

If you are in a quarrel, then the Tree speaks of reunion after a period of crisis.

In combination with the Fox, Snake, Owl card, it can indicate secret meetings and relationships that they try not to advertise.

If you are in a couple, the relationship becomes stronger, grows and develops, but without a fountain of emotions, a calm, warm, measured feeling. Relationships are strong, for life, because... the card shows the genus, then marriage is possible, like entering a genus, the genus accepts your partner, and his genus accepts you. The family is growing.

Describing a partner, Tree says that he is a reliable person, support and support in any life situation, he is monogamous, the relationship grows and develops, very serious and strong. The union is stable, conservative, but it may lack fireworks of emotions and passion.

In the negative aspect, boredom, inertia, lack of passion, stale feelings, treating each other like furniture.

The peculiarity of the Tree card is that it can show secret love, especially with confirming cards (Book, Key) or in the context of the question, Fox - the presence of a mistress, meetings take place in the shadows, away from everyone; The rider is a young lover; The bear is a wealthy patron, a wealthy adult lover who helps and supports.

An inverted card may indicate childlessness in a couple, problems with relatives (the family does not accept), the relationship itself is not accepted by the relatives, there is rejection, which will lead to difficulties with children, health problems.

Health and medicine:

Of the organs, the Tree indicates bones, spine, lungs and bronchi (like branches on a tree), and the general condition in general, the presence of forces that will help overcome the disease. The card itself speaks of strength and a balanced, stable state, with dynamics towards improvement. A person is healthy and actively maintains his condition with a healthy lifestyle. I do not consider the Tree to be a card of illness, it is a card of health, immunity and vitality, unlike the Coffin card, which can be a significator of illness.

The Tree card itself rarely speaks of illness; in the large Lenormand scenario, the closer it is to the Querent card, the more acute the issue of health, pay close attention to it.

May indicate a period of rehabilitation and medical procedures, taking medications that give strength and help overcome the disease. It is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, in the forest, and to make a choice in favor of homeopathy and naturopathy.

If the Coffin card comes out, then this is a 100% danger of illness. Other maps will clarify, for example

  • + Snake – disease of the colon, if with the Mountain, then thrombosis and varicose veins, hemorrhoids;
  • + Cross – problems with the spine;
  • + – problems with joints and the musculoskeletal system;
  • + Moon – mental disorder;
  • + Heart – diseases of the cardiovascular system, if also Horus – arteriosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels;
  • + Birds – laryngitis, otitis media. The Tree card itself can show illness of the lungs and spine;
  • + Bouquet or – allergies or vitamin deficiency;
  • + Bear – problems with excess weight;
  • + – nausea, dizziness, tropical disease, motion sickness;
  • + Clouds – lung problems, asthma;
  • + Tower – problem with the spine;
  • + Garden – epidemic, contagious disease;
  • + Ring – chronic diseases; Lilies – sexually transmitted diseases;
  • + Key – anemia;
  • + Anchor – sacrum, pelvis.

Since the Tree card is associated with the change of seasons, it can indicate a seasonal exacerbation of the disease.

Flowers also speak about the benefits of homeopathy and herbal treatments, as well as home remedies. The Clouds and Key cards show that it is worth being treated with pharmacological medications, and the more modern and innovative they are (Key), the more effective the treatment will be. Key and Scythe can indicate acupuncture and acupuncture.

Also, this card can indicate a doctor, additional cards detail the specialization, the Tree card itself often indicates a therapist, allergist and pulmonologist.


The Tree card speaks of slow but stable growth, periodically it is possible to harvest. There is a constant accumulation and growth of financial assets. Next to the Tower card is money in the bank account; Letter – securities.

Capital growth, improvement of financial situation, stability. Long-term successful investments.

Receiving rent, living on interest from past investments.

Next to negative cards it can talk about spending on doctors and treatment.

For older people, the Tree card speaks of retirement, while additional information will indicate the size and living conditions of retirement, for example, + Rats - a very meager pension, will eat up the crumbs; + Lilies - honor and respect, bonuses, benefits; + Fox - a person will get himself a good pension, make fake certificates, fake disabilities and will receive good benefits.
The card may indicate a family business that is passed down from generation to generation, it has been built in for many years, a lot of effort and resources have been invested in it, it is growing slowly but steadily as children grow up. Slow growth should not be confused with stagnation. Although the Tree card slows down all processes in the layout.

According to the inverted Tree card, the business is suspended in the air, there is no basis for the project to gain a foothold, unfavorable conditions could undermine it at the very stage of consolidation. Therefore, the business will soon “wither”, withering is about to begin.

The result from such a map is unreliable, outwardly it still seems nothing “alive, green,” but the roots have already been torn out. To get something you need to invest, create a base, but until you have it, you shouldn’t count on anything. While there is not even soil where to throw the seed and only the illusion that everything is fine, this is an external impression; at any moment your tree will crumble.


The person under the Tree card is calm, patient, will always listen, support, can help with money, but if he is sure that you will put it to work, invest it, and not just waste it, will gladly share his experience and give good advice. The person is charming, has natural charm and magnetism. He keeps to himself, is self-sufficient, but what is called “the people’s path to him does not grow” among those who want to receive support in one form or another. Such a person is firm and persistent in his intentions, he is simple, honest and straightforward; cunning moves and roundabout maneuvers like the Snake or Fox cards are not for him. A tree grows and develops according to the program laid down by nature, and this person has clear criteria that guide him in life.

The Seven of Hearts gives him deep emotionality and empathy. The person under the Tree card is honored and respected, he is wise, experienced, stands firmly on his feet, relies only on his own strength, and bravely and decisively confronts life’s adversities.

The Tree card speaks of a person with a strong character, stable, with inner balance; such a person can insist on his own, but not by force, it’s like “an iron hand in a velvet glove.”

The suit of hearts can speak of a phlegmatic or melancholic character; a person is characterized by contemplation and introversion; he recuperates in solitude, in nature or in his native places.

He may seem boring, tedious and even sometimes greedy, although he is sure that he must first get on his own feet, gain a foothold, and only then help someone else. And this is generally the right approach. Focused on healthy living, spiritual development, balance and living in harmony with the world, loyal and reliable.

A negative commentary card can indicate laziness, inertia, passivity, a person has withdrawn from life and is content with little (downshifting).

Tree, Tower, Mountain cards indicate above average height.

Interpretation in the scenario:

According to the Tree card, depending on the state of health, it is advisable that it lies away from negative cards and from the Personal Card of the Questioner. This gives a positive prognosis, you can be calm, you are in good health.

The tree in the layout is a neutral card that obeys and takes on the color of the adjacent cards. Next to positive cards, the Tree confirms the correctness of the choice, and next to negative cards it indicates overload, stress, and the need for rest.

If the Tree falls above the Querent’s card or very close, watch your health, do not overwork, heavy loads can greatly weaken you, and you will collapse. Take a day off and relax in nature.

If the Tree falls under the Querent’s card, a chronic disease may make itself felt.

Don’t forget to study the cards that appear in the immediate vicinity of the Tree, they will give specifics on health issues.

Next to positive cards, the Tree speaks of recovery, good adaptation, and a period full of strength. May indicate strong protection from the outside, which helps and balances the Querent's position in a given situation. The Tree card in this case confirms that your choice is correct and fair, and this path will bring success.

Falling out in the position of the past, the Tree card indicates that a person has found his place in life, his path at the moment is clear and understandable for him, there is a certain plan that he follows. He has a strong position. You can also look at this map to see what makes a person strong, where the source of his strength is, where he receives reliability and security.

In the position of the future, the Tree card indicates success; your endeavors will bring tangible results.

In the present position, the Tree card speaks of the strength and stability of the position you occupy. You have a lot of strength and resources to accomplish your plans.

Based on which cards the Tree lies next to, you can tell which themes have “taken root” in the Querent’s life, where normal natural growth occurs, where he draws strength. The tree acts as a fixer for other cards,

When a Tree card appears in a certain house, it indicates strength, durability, growth in this regard and multiplication.

Falling out in the house of the Coffin, a typical combination for illness indicates that it is necessary to analyze the Querent’s health.

Some cartomancers believe on the contrary that when the Tree falls next to the Querent’s card, it gives him support and protection, his health is good and there is no need to worry about this, but the further away it is, the worse things are, there is a high probability of getting sick and you should consult a doctor .

Middle age crisis. Disease. Exhaustion, the meaninglessness of life and failure to meet expectations, a feeling of emptiness and that I could not achieve anything in life. Withering. Drying of the family tree. Extinction of the species. No children. Infertility. A sharp deterioration in health. Old age. Lie down. Paralysis. A person may suffer from a debilitating and long-lasting illness that can have fatal consequences. Don't run your condition. Sick leave. To improve your health, you need to lie down and remain calm. Processing of materials may indicate the manufacture of furniture, etc.
The bear is a symbol of power, which should be understood as protection and help, but which can also dominate, suppress or humiliate. The Bear card signifies something big and scary, like the responsibilities we carry out. A bear in fortune telling can symbolize the material benefits that money gives us. This is an outstanding personality who can demonstrate both a desire to possess and boundless generosity. He has enormous influence, but if he experiences shock, he can break. When surrounded by unfavorable cards, the Bear signifies pretense caused by envy. Surrounded by favorable cards, it indicates protection or the desire to possess something or someone. As for timing, the Lenormand Bear card is characterized by stability and duration.

Main meaning in fortune telling: Strong, powerful, responsible, generous, persistent.

Keywords: Strength, power, possessiveness, suppression, power, force majeure, responsibility, burden, wild animal, potential, enthusiasm, physical strength, generosity, possessions, courage, material success, bravery, grumpiness, personal power, refuge, long-term projects, ambitious goals, big plans, professional envy, confidence and reputation, wealth, financial influence.

People. Mother, grandmother, benefactor, guardian, strong friend, parent, boss, impresario, master or mistress, official, lawyer, bully, endurance athlete.

Love. Generous partner, long-term relationship, enthusiastic love.

Job. Responsible position, grumpy boss, generous employee.

Finance and business. Strong bidding positions, ambitious projects.

Well-being. Self-belief, exercise, endurance, strength training, health care, self-care.

Comparison. Child (Jack of spades) – few, Tower (6 spades) – many; Clover - financial luck; Pisces (King of Diamonds) – cash flow; while Bear means something big, such as property and material goods.

Playing card. The 10 of clubs is a symbol of strength and power. Number of points – 10.

Connection with myths and legends. The bear often acts as a teacher and mentor. In Eskimo legend, an old woman rescued a bear cub and made him a useful member of society, teaching him to control his wildness. When he became almost human, she was forced to drive him away in order to prevent his embittered fellow villagers from dealing with him.

Bear in combination with other Lenormand cards:

= weightlifter, new source of income, showing courage.

A foreign state, the desire to gain power, international transportation.

Influential parents, comfortable home, head of the family.

Burden of responsibility, health problems.

Chatty lawyer, grandparents, rumors of wealth.
