Low-cost cosmetic renovation of a room. Apartment renovation: step-by-step instructions and stages of work Where is the best place to start renovating an apartment?

Before starting renovations in the apartment, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. The main thing is to carefully plan every step. To begin with, find out the current prices for apartment renovations on the website in order to plan your budget correctly. This will avoid extra costs in time and finances in the future. Now you can move on to the work plan. The entire scope of work is conditionally divided into several stages, which must be performed strictly one by one. Let's look at the stages in detail repair work and rules for their implementation.

We are planning renovations

The first thing you need to do before a major renovation of an apartment or house is drawing up detailed plan your home. This diagram should indicate where pieces of furniture, interior design, and household appliances will be placed. This will help you decide where to start renovating your apartment, where to place sockets, switches, and chandeliers.

Thanks to the plan, you will be able to install pipes and wires without complications and the first time. After all, the comfort of the room directly depends on the rational placement of these elements.

If the plans include not only cosmetic work, but a turnkey renovation of the apartment with redevelopment, then initially it is worth starting to demolish or build walls. Next, you need to decide on the style of your future home - will you stick to one style when decorating the entire room, or will you combine the future interior from several styles.

People who do not have sufficient experience in this matter are advised to seek advice from professional designer. A specialist will be able to develop best option interior design, taking into account the specific layout and personal wishes of the client.

After completing the planning, proceed to the financial issue - calculate what materials and in what quantities you will need. It is better to purchase them in specialized stores.

Give preference to well-known and proven brands, the quality of the range of which corresponds to their price. Savings on materials may result in additional financial costs in the future.

Rough work

It is necessary to begin transforming the premises by performing rough work. These include dismantling the old coating. To new interior looked attractive and lasted long years, tiles, wallpaper or whitewash must be removed.

If you do not plan to change the floor covering, it must be protected from possible damage in the process. construction work. To do this, use thick plastic film, the edges of which must be firmly secured with masking tape. In case of planned large-scale work, protect the floor from mechanical damage more convenient in sheets cardboard, which are much stronger than film.

It is not recommended to replace windows and interior doors at the first stage of renovation. After all, when dismantling and puttying is carried out, a significant layer of dirt will settle on them, which will be difficult to get rid of. Only cash withdrawals are required.

Electrical and plumbing

At the second stage, it is necessary to do the dirtiest, but at the same time the most important part of the work. It's about about electrical and plumbing. These types of work should be treated with the utmost responsibility, because in order to correct the mistakes, you will have to re-do major repairs in the apartment. For this reason, it is not recommended to skimp on the quality of wires and pipes. After all, they can only be repaired after destroying the wall.

Initially, a corrugation scheme for each individual wall is drawn up. It is recommended to keep these diagrams after repairs to avoid accidentally damaging pipes or electrical wiring with nails. Place wires with the required cross-section, as well as pipes, into the prepared groove, and carefully seal the grooves.

Window replacement

It's time to replace your old windows. But if you are renovating an apartment in a new building, you won’t have to do this part of the work. After all, in modern houses High-quality metal-plastic windows have already been installed.

Anyway window frames and glass should be protected from paint using film or paper curtains pleated. These curtains are quite high quality and their price is not high.

After finishing the work with the windows, you can begin preparing the floor and ceiling. You need to do the following:

  • level the walls;
  • seal seams and cracks;
  • putty.

Construction materials used for draft stage repairs do not necessarily have to match the basic materials. But they must be of high quality.

Surface priming

Next, start applying primer to the walls and ceilings. Thanks to this coating, the strength of these surfaces increases. A high-quality primer contains substances that seep into the surface, connecting its small particles. Be sure to wait until the primer is completely dry. Only after this can you start painting the ceilings.

The next step is to level the floor. To do this, screed and fill are done. But it will be much easier and faster to use modern specialized solutions that level themselves. After all, apartment renovations in 2018 should be done using new technologies.

While the floor dries, all work stops. If you break this rule, you will damage its surface and the work will have to be redone.

Wall finishing materials

You choose the materials that will be used to decorate the walls solely at your own aesthetic and financial discretion. The most popular finishing method is wallpaper. The range of this material is quite rich in terms of color, size, texture and material. Often they also turn to painting or decorative plaster of walls.

For those who like more daring decisions, there are other options. The only limitation is your imagination; the materials must be in harmony with the overall interior.

If you want to save money, you can decorate the walls of the room with leftovers from several types of materials. This solution will emphasize your originality and significantly reduce the cost of repairs.

Floor decoration

When the walls are already decorated, start covering the floor. The covering can be made from linoleum, laminate, carpet, block parquet, or parquet boards.

A popular solution in modern interior is the use floor tiles. But you can start laying it only after finishing the ceiling design.

The finishing touches of the renovation

This stage is the final one. Now you can start installing door frames, thresholds, baseboards and more. Assemble and install furniture, appliances, and decorative interior items. After which all that remains is to clean up and admire the new home.

Photos of the main stages of renovation in the apartment

If you are planning to make serious repairs in a separate room or the apartment as a whole, you should draw up full plan works and cost estimates, including items such as dismantling old equipment (batteries, window sills, lamps, switches). If you need to replace windows and doors, include cleaning and removal of construction waste in the list of works. In most cases this is a significant expense, especially in apartment building in the city.

It is very important to determine the actual scope of work and correlate it with your financial capabilities. It is highly undesirable to make adjustments after the start of repair and finishing work - for example, after painting the walls, you want to lay parquet instead of laminate or instead of decorative plaster stick wallpaper. Therefore, all design decisions must be made before the actual repair work begins. Remodeling is expensive, time consuming and sometimes impossible.

Where to start renovating a room?

Having coped with preparatory process and finding yourself in front of bare, tattered walls, you still do not fully imagine the full scope of the upcoming expenses and work. However, you can already figure out where and what will be located, what colors are optimal in a particular room and where the computer, TV and other electrical equipment will be installed. Be sure to pay attention to the location of the windows and the need for additional lighting rooms. For what? Because repairs should begin with equipment or re-equipment of the electrical network, including the location of lamps - main and additional.

This needs to be done both in old apartments that are being completely renovated, and in new buildings. It's no secret that in new houses the wiring is installed without taking into account the wishes of the owner. Each new resident invariably has the desire to adapt housing to their needs as much as possible. The abundance of electrical equipment requires an optimized, powerful electrical network with many branches. Very uncomfortable in new apartment unwind all kinds of extension cords and install additional sockets.

In parallel with the electrical network, the air conditioning system and fastening elements for heating network devices should be installed. It is also necessary to perform work that requires chiseling, drilling, cutting grooves, scratches, recesses and other deformation of walls, floors and ceilings, accompanied by the formation of dust and fragments of brick, concrete and plaster. Then we calmly remove the garbage and begin preparing the base of the future floor. There are several options here:

  • installation of rough plank flooring;
  • filling concrete screed;
  • preparation for installation of heated floors;

What's next?

The next stage of repair work concerns the windows. If replacement is required, we replace it. If the windows are already installed and satisfy your request, then we skip this stage, not forgetting to inspect the condition of the slopes, the presence of thermal insulation, and sealing of cracks. It is worth checking how the doors open and close, whether there are any distortions, what the vertical and horizontal levels are. It is very difficult to eliminate these seemingly obvious defects after plastering and painting the walls or gluing wallpaper. It is also advisable to install internal window sills. Plastic film will help protect them from splashes of paint and putty.

Of course, this work can be done later, when installing interior doors, but this option is more practical.

If the walls in the room require additional leveling and a significant amount of work before painting, then calculate the total amount building mixtures necessary to process all walls to be repaired. Building materials, despite their high cost, should always be taken with a small reserve. It is very inconvenient to run after a bag or two of putty, which, as a rule, runs out at the most inopportune and crucial moment.

Sequence of work on repairing and finishing a room: frequently asked questions

What comes first: floor screed or wall plaster/putty?

The answer to this question is clear - before starting to finish the walls, it is necessary to complete all preparatory work with the floor. It must be ready, after cleaning, for installation of decorative flooring.

The flooring is installed last, be it laminate, parquet or self-leveling flooring with a 3D effect. The prepared floor base is covered with cardboard or film - this will make it easy to remove traces plastering works, and such ones arise inevitably.

Before starting puttying and plastering work, you need to complete all manipulations with drywall, if any. All partitions, niches, decorative and functional details must be made before the start of the “wet” finishing phase. All work of this kind, including leveling the ceiling, must be completed in one technological cycle, so as not to return to it, remembering, for example, that “somewhere here” a niche for storing skis or installing a safe is planned.

What comes first: flooring or installing doors?

Any type of flooring should be laid before installing interior doors. This will help to avoid mistakes when installing them and achieve a minimum gap between the threshold or floor plane and the door leaves. Installing a door is a clean and precise job that does not require the use of solutions, glue or other substances that can stain a clean floor. The tools used in this case are not able to damage it, if worked carefully.

But this applies directly to the door. The door frame can be installed earlier - before leveling the walls. This will remove all the cracks and irregularities near the opening. If the walls and openings are initially ideal, you can postpone the installation of the box until later. When installing the box ahead of schedule, it is important to take into account the height of the future floor covering!

What to do first: glue wallpaper or lay laminate (parquet, carpet)?

Wallpaper of any type is glued to the prepared walls before work on laying the decorative flooring begins. This is also true for painting walls.

True, there are different opinions on this issue. Supporters of the second option answer this question in the same way as the question of what comes first: paint the ceiling or glue the ceiling plinth. According to their position, the wallpaper is glued after installing the floor and ceiling plinth, because you can replace the wall decoration at any time without touching the baseboards either below or above. And the edges of the wallpaper can simply be cut evenly to the level of the baseboard.

Painting the ceiling is done after installing the upper plinth. In this case, it is very convenient to eliminate all the unevenness and looseness of the connection, and then the baseboard and ceiling are painted in one step and look monolithic.

What comes first: suspended ceiling or wallpaper/painting?

The specificity of suspended ceilings allows them to be installed at the final stage of repair work, after painting the walls and wallpapering. This work is very clean, and it is quite difficult to damage the walls or floor while doing it.

The principle of work order “top to bottom” does not work in this case. It concerns mainly traditional repair work. New technologies are making their own adjustments. The installers themselves stretch ceiling, it is recommended to invite them to the end of the renovation.

If you make a short list of the sequence of repair work in a room, it will look like this:

  • wiring;
  • heating and air conditioning system;
  • preparation of the floor base;
  • dismantling/installation of windows;
  • preparing walls for wallpaper or painting;
  • ceiling (all works);
  • painting walls or wallpapering;
  • finishing floor;
  • door installation;
  • thresholds and floor plinth;
  • stretch ceiling.

This order is not an axiom. Each master chooses the sequence that is convenient for him. But in general the order looks something like this.

How to paint a ceiling without streaks? What are the causes of stains and streaks and how to fix them?

At what height should sockets and switches be placed?

How to repair a hole in a wall?

How to remove old wallpaper from walls?


Room renovation: where to start?

The very first thing to do before starting renovations in any room is to understand what we want to achieve as a result.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  1. What should the room look like after renovation?
  2. What would you like to leave unchanged?
  3. What is the first thing you don’t like and needs to change?
  4. What wishes do the people who will use it (for example, other family members) have regarding the appearance of the room?
  5. Do you need a major overhaul or will a cosmetic one be enough?

Think through the details appearance you can do the premises yourself. If this is difficult, you will have to contact a professional designer. This stage should not be postponed until later, they say, let’s start the repairs and then we’ll see what happens. A lot depends on what we want the room to look like - from the choice of materials to the execution itself. different types works It’s better to think through everything in advance than to redo it later.

Preparation stage

So, future view the rooms are thought out. Before you begin any manipulations in the room, you need to take the following steps.

  • Describe the sequence of repair work in as much detail as possible.
  • Research information about the materials you plan to use and all the types of work you plan to do yourself.
  • Select the start and end date of the repair, set aside a period for preparation. This is necessary so that the goal is clearly defined, and the repair does not drag on for many months.
  • Calculate the number of required construction and finishing materials.
  • Select and buy all the building materials and tools that you will need throughout the renovation.
  • Decide who will carry out the repairs. Think about whether you will do everything yourself, find assistants, or entrust certain types of work to hired specialists.
  • Order windows and doors in advance to avoid delays while waiting for them to be completed.
  • Consider how and where the garbage will be disposed of. In any case there will be a lot of it.
  • Mark out the new location of switches and outlets.

Advice: building materials should always be purchased with a small reserve.

Preparing the room for renovation

Let's consider the option overhaul in a living room, which involves not only changing wallpaper, baseboards, updating paint on the ceiling and walls, but also replacing windows, doors, electrical wiring and other large-scale events.

Before you begin the repair itself, you need to:

  • empty the room of furniture and other things - the room should remain completely empty;
  • remove from the walls and ceiling everything that can be screwed to them, leaving them empty;
  • remove old wallpaper, remove tiles, old flooring (if the floor remains unchanged, you need to take care of its safety, for which you should cover it with durable film);
  • Cover the doorways with a damp sheet to prevent construction waste from scattering throughout the apartment.
  • remove the doors;
  • remove the old wiring, remembering to turn off the power supply;
  • dismantle old heating radiators if you decide to replace them.

Sequence of repair work

The room renovation plan is drawn up individually depending on what work will be carried out. In order to compose it, you need to know where to start. Experts recommend an approximate sequence of actions, which does not have to be strictly followed, but should be kept in mind.

  • It is advisable to start with replacing windows, including window units, window sills, slopes. After installation, the windows must be closed to avoid contamination and scratching. plastic film, the window sills are covered with hardboard.
  • The electrical is being changed. Old wiring has already been removed, channels are being built for a new one. After which the cable is laid, and the channels are covered with plaster.
  • Heating radiators are installed.
  • The ceiling and walls are leveled, rough preparation of the floor is carried out (screed, insulation).
  • The ceiling is completely finished, right down to painting and gluing the molding.
  • If parquet or laminate is chosen as the floor covering, it is laid after wallpapering. Block parquet laid earlier, cycled and covered with the first layer of varnish. After which you need to glue the wallpaper, and only then the parquet is covered with subsequent layers of varnish.
  • New doors are being installed. You can change windows and window sills not only at the very beginning, but also at this stage.
  • Wallpaper is being glued.
  • Skirting boards and trim are attached.
  • Holes are drilled for wall shelves, cornices, paintings, etc.

Renovating a room from start to finish is a rather long, labor-intensive task that requires a variety of skills and, in addition, patience. But as you arrange the furniture in your updated room, you'll be pleased to know it was worth it.


Where to start renovating an apartment and finish it in the shortest possible time

Where to start renovating an apartment so that the repair work does not drag on for an indefinite period, and the end result undoubtedly pleases you, this is what will be discussed in today’s article. Apartment renovation requires serious preliminary preparation. The most important point is to draw up a detailed plan for future repairs, taking into account the smallest nuances. Let's consider, point by point, the advice of professionals on proper organization repair work in houses and apartments.

First of all, you need to decide on the complexity and scope of future repairs. To make an apartment bright and clean, sometimes it is enough to carry out cosmetic, superficial repairs: replacing wallpaper, whitewashing the ceiling, replacing old linoleum, painting walls, etc.

If you want to completely get rid of everything boring and old, decide on a major renovation with replacing windows, leveling walls, installing new floors, modern ceilings. Your home will be transformed and become new and beautiful.

You should not refuse the help of experienced specialists when carrying out major repairs. This is especially true for creating modern design of your apartment, including redevelopment and demolition of some walls and partitions.

Plan repair work based on your financial capabilities.

Decide on interior design and renovation plan

First, decide on the interior and design of each separate room that you plan to change in your apartment. You can seek advice from a professional designer, which will slightly increase your total financial costs for renovations. For rooms where repairs will be carried out, it is necessary to make detailed drawings of the successive stages of repair work.

We recommend completing five detailed renovation sketches for each individual room. In the first drawing, show the top view of the room, and in the other four drawings, show each wall. Complete each drawing detailed description and a plan for the consistent implementation of repair work, which will avoid omissions and inaccuracies in the work.

  • Consider the placement of furniture. Those walls that will be most noticeable need to be given Special attention and apply the highest quality finish.
  • Consider where it is best to place lamps and chandeliers so that the light illuminates the room as much as possible.
  • Considering the location household appliances, indicate locations for sockets. To then competently design the installation of electrical wiring in all rooms.
  • Consider the location of the main decorative elements: paintings, mosaics, brick wall.

In the renovation plan, you need to indicate the desired finishing option: wallpapering the walls, painting, etc. To divide the room into separate zones, designers recommend painting one of the walls with a different color in order to focus attention on it and visually divide the room. These points also need to be reflected on the plan.

Determine the order of renovation of rooms

According to the advice of experienced specialists, in order to avoid excess dirt and dust when carrying out repair work, it is recommended to first carry out repairs in rooms farthest from front door. As the final stage of renovation, it is advisable to choose passage rooms and a corridor through which building materials and tools are constantly carried. This is necessary in order not to stain or scratch the finish of an already repaired wall or damage the new floor.

Additional protection for the renovated room can be provided by cellophane film (fixed with outside doors), which will reliably protect the room from construction dirt, dust, plaster, paint, and accidental damage.

Repairs will be carried out independently or with the help of specialists

You should not carry out all repair work yourself. At your request, all repair work or only particularly complex repair operations can be entrusted to qualified specialists. Firstly, experience and knowledge will allow them to carry out repair work quickly and efficiently. Secondly, you don’t have to additionally buy expensive tools that can be used to perfectly pour screed onto the floor or lay out tile.

Even if the installation seems easy to you interior door, the slightest inaccuracy is unacceptable here. Of course, hang and arrange kitchen furniture, you can level the walls and do a little painting yourself. But trust more complex repair work to specialists so that you don’t have to redo it, which can significantly increase your financial costs for repairs.

Make a list of necessary materials and tools

#1. After the final choice of design for the appearance of the rooms, furniture and interior, it is necessary to draw up full list necessary building materials. Their number and total cost depend on the volume of repair work and how they are carried out. If your budget allows, you need to purchase building materials with a small reserve.

#2. Separately, make a list of decorative elements: holders, shelves, mirrors, paintings, etc. Start purchasing with the selected decorative elements. If the planned decorative element is not available, you can quickly change it or create a new design option for renovating the apartment.

#3. Make a list of the necessary construction tools to carry out repair work. To do this, you can use the advice of a sales consultant in construction stores or qualified repairmen.

Counting expenses

When carried out preparatory work: plans and sketches of repairs were drawn up, lists were prepared necessary materials, tools, a decision was made about the possibility self-repair or with the help of repair specialists, you can calculate the estimated total cost of the planned repair.

You should not rush to purchase all the materials when visiting your first store. In the compiled lists of materials and tools, indicate the prices of different stores, which will allow you to make purchases at the lowest cost. Carefully choose the services of repair teams. Pay special attention not only to the proposed cost of repair work, but also to the reviews of your friends about the quality of repair services.

Vacancy of premises

To protect furniture from damage, construction dirt and dust, collect it in the central part of the room. Then cover thoroughly with plastic wrap. This will free up access to the walls and ceiling. Move expensive equipment and clothes to other rooms.

Where to start renovating a separate room and what is the order of work

Repair work should begin with the dustiest ones: replacing window blocks, window slopes and installing new window sills. This will avoid dirt and dust during execution. painting work when it is prohibited to open windows to avoid temperature changes and increased humidity. When windows, slopes and window sills are installed, cover them with plastic film or hardboard to avoid accidental mechanical damage and contamination.

Mark the installation locations for additional sockets, make eyeliner electrical wires. At this stage, do not install sockets or connect them to the panel.

In case of use welding work(for example, when replacing heating radiators), do them simultaneously in different places in the apartment to quickly complete this dusty and difficult stage of work, sometimes including breaking down walls.

Before repairing walls, floors, ceilings, it is necessary to check their condition with a laser or water level. Start by applying the thickest layers of mortar. While they are drying, you can perform other minor repairs without downtime.

After completing this preparatory stage start repair work, performing them in the following sequence: repair of the ceiling, walls, floor. First, work is carried out using putty, cement, and gypsum mixtures. Then they begin work on installing the floor, doors, and slopes.

Final repair work:

  • Pasting or painting the ceiling.
  • Wallpapering or painting the walls.
  • Installation of flooring.
  • Installation of skirting boards, thresholds, platbands.

Video: What you need to know before starting an apartment renovation


Where should you start renovating a room?

Room after renovation

"Do you have a plan, Mr. Fix?" This is a phrase from a previously very popular cartoon. But it contains the answer to many questions. So, if you don’t know where to start renovating a room, then think about what you want to do in this room and make a plan for the work to be done.

The general order of work in the room is published on this site, but in addition to the order of all the work that we have planned, we need to know whether we have enough money to carry out the repairs. And for this you need at least a primitive estimate for Finishing work in the room. You can see how to draw up the entire estimate for finishing work on this website.

What materials will be needed for renovation in one room?

Studio room

So, you already know what you want your room to look like. Make a simple estimate for the costs of purchasing materials and paying specialists for work that you cannot do yourself. You can see how to draw up an estimate for repair and construction work here on this website. For now, let's just look at what materials you'll need for the renovation so you can include them in your estimate.

You will most likely need plasterboard sheets only for ceiling installation, since installation plasterboard sheets It takes up free space on the walls, and we don’t have much of it. This means you need plasterboard ceilings.

Since the drywall needs to be attached to something, you will need to make a frame, for which you will need CD profiles, UD profiles and fastening brackets for the profiles. To assemble the frame and hang the sheets, you will need dowels and screws. You will also need baguettes.

You may want a ceiling made of MDF panels. In this case, you will need the MDF panels themselves and a decorative strip to go to the wall. The frame for MDF panels is usually made of slats. To do this, you will need slats and, again, mounting brackets for attaching the slats. To assemble the frame and the entire ceiling you will need dowels and screws. And to attach MDF panel to the rail, you will need clamps.

Laminate floors in the room

To putty walls and ceilings, you will need two types of putty - starting and finishing. Before applying the putty to the surface, a layer of primer must be applied to it. And to complete the putty work you will need paint.

If you decide to lay laminate floors, then you need to prepare a subfloor for them. And this, as a rule, is pouring a screed, for which you will need sand and cement, and in order for this screed to be level, you need beacon profiles. And to lay the laminate itself you will need a substrate, and to complete the floor - a plinth.

If you want to glue wallpaper, then you will have to level the wall with starting putty, for which you will need beacon profiles and a primer. To apply wallpaper directly, you also need a primer and, of course, glue.

You may need to replace your window and interior door. The cost of the window includes all components and labor, but to install the door you will need a door frame, hinges and a lock. You will also need screws of different lengths, dowels and polyurethane foam.

You may want something different that is not on this list. But the principle remains the same - in order to hammer a nail into a wall, you need not only a nail, but also a wall and a hammer.

Beginning and brief sequence of repairs

Wallpaper in the children's room

Based on experience, I can say that it is best to replace the window at the beginning of the renovation. Then start cleaning the walls, ceiling (if you putty on the slab) and dismantle the old floor. Then fill the screed. Do the wiring and install door frame. You will hang the door later.

Carry out a rough finishing of the walls (starting putty) and make slopes on the window, and then work on the ceiling. Finish the ceiling until the end, right up to painting and glue the baguette, and only after that proceed to the finishing of the walls and slopes. Lay the floor and then hang the door. Install sockets and switches after finishing the walls.

If you have planned to renovate a room with your own hands, but don’t know where to start, by reading the materials on our website “Remontik” you will solve this problem. By following our advice, the repair work will not take long, and the final result will please you.

First of all, you must understand that renovating a room requires serious preliminary preparation. The most important point is to prepare a detailed repair plan, taking into account all the nuances. Let's consider tips on organizing repairs from professionals:

  • What type of repair to choose: major or cosmetic.
  • Preparation of interior design and detailed renovation plan.
  • Determine the main stages of room renovation.
  • Plan upcoming expenses.
  • Clear the premises.
  • Where to start renovating a room with your own hands.

Now let's look at each of the stages in more detail, attaching photos and videos to them.

What kind of room renovation is needed: major or cosmetic?

First of all, you need to decide on the volume and complexity of future repairs. To keep the apartment clean and bright, it is enough to carry out a superficial redecorating: replacing wallpaper, replacing old linoleum, whitewashing the ceiling, painting the walls, etc.

If you are planning to get rid of everything old and boring, decide on a major renovation by replacing windows, leveling walls, installing new floors, as well as modern ceilings. Your home will be transformed and become beautiful and new.

We do not recommend refusing the help of professionals when carrying out major repairs. First of all, this concerns the creation stylish design premises, including redevelopment, as well as the demolition of some partitions and walls.

When planning repairs, starting from your financial capabilities.

Choose an interior design and decide on a renovation plan

At the very beginning, decide on the design and interior of each individual room that you are going to change in your apartment. You can ask for help from experienced designer, which will slightly increase your financial costs for repairs.

For the room where you are going to carry out renovations, you need to make detailed drawings of all stages of work, in their clear sequence.

We recommend completing five renovation sketches for all individual rooms. We recommend showing the top view of the premises in the first drawing, and each wall in the other four drawings. Complete all drawings with a detailed description, as well as a plan for sequential repairs, which will avoid inaccuracies and simplifications in the work.

  • Furniture locations. Those walls that catch your eye the most need to be given maximum attention and the highest quality finishes used.
  • Think carefully about where it is best to place chandeliers and lamps so that the light can better illuminate the room.
  • Considering the location of household appliances, mark the locations for the outlet. In order to then competently design the installation of electrical wiring in different rooms.
  • Consider the location of the main decorative elements: mosaics, paintings, brick wall.

The repair plan must indicate required option finishing: painting, wallpapering walls, etc. To divide the room into separate zones, we recommend painting one of the walls with a different color to focus attention and visually divide the room. Such moments also need to be reflected on the plan.

How to correctly determine the order of renovation of rooms in apartments

According to the advice of experts, in order to avoid excess dust and dirt when performing repairs, we advise you to first carry out repairs in rooms that are located away from the front door. The last stage renovation, it is better to choose passage rooms, as well as a corridor through which construction tools and materials will often be carried. In order not to scratch or stain the finish of an already repaired wall, and also not to damage the new floor.

As additional protection The renovated room may have a cellophane film protruding (it is fixed on the outside of the door). It provides reliable protection of the premises from construction dust, dirt, plaster, paint and accidental damage.

Repairing a room in an apartment: do it yourself or have it done by specialists

You should not carry out all repair work yourself. If necessary, repairs or only particularly complex activities can be entrusted to experienced specialists. Firstly, knowledge and experience will allow them to carry out repairs efficiently and quickly. Secondly, you don’t have to buy expensive tools with which to pour screed or lay tiles.

Even if the process of installing an interior door seems simple to you, the slightest inaccuracy in this regard is unacceptable. Of course, you can hang and arrange furniture in the kitchen, level the walls and do a little painting yourself. However, entrust more complex repair work to specialists so that you do not have to redo them later, which will significantly increase financial costs.

Make a list of necessary tools and materials

  • After choosing the design of the room, interior and furniture, you need to make a complete list of building materials. Their total cost and quantity directly depend on the repair work, as well as the methods for carrying it out. If you have the necessary budget, it is worth purchasing building materials with a small margin.
  • Prepare a list of decorative elements: shelves, holders, paintings, mirrors, etc. Start shopping with selected decorative elements. If the planned decorative element is not available, you can quickly change it or develop a new design plan for renovating the room.
  • Prepare a list of necessary tools to complete the repair. To do this, use the advice of a consultant in construction stores in your city or professional repairmen.

Calculate your expenses

When the preparatory work has been completed: sketches and repair plans have been drawn up, lists of all tools and materials have been prepared, a decision has been made about the possibility of repairing the room on your own or with the help of repair specialists, you will calculate the average total price of the planned repair.

Don't rush to buy all the materials when you first visit the store. In the compiled lists of tools and materials, indicate the cost of various stores, which will allow you to save on purchases. Be careful when choosing the services of a construction team. Special attention should be paid not just to the cost of repair work, but also to reviews from our friends about the quality of repair services.

Clear the premises

To provide reliable protection furniture from damage, construction dust and dirt, collect it in the central part of the room. After this, cover with plastic wrap. Therefore, free up access to the ceiling and walls. We recommend moving expensive equipment and clothing to other rooms.

Do-it-yourself room renovation: where to start and what is the sequence of work

Repair work should start with the most dusty ones: replacing windows, window slopes and installation of new window sills. This way, you can avoid dust and dirt when performing painting work, when opening windows is prohibited to avoid increased humidity and temperature changes. When slopes, windows and window sills are installed, cover them with hardboard or plastic film to prevent accidental contamination and mechanical damage.

Take care to mark out places for installing additional sockets, and do the wiring of electrical appliances. At this stage, do not install sockets or connect them to the panel.

When using welding work (for example, when replacing batteries), perform it simultaneously in different places in the apartment to quickly carry out this difficult and dusty stage of work, which sometimes involves breaking down walls.

Before repairing floors, walls, ceilings, you need to check their condition with water or laser level. Start by applying the thickest layers of mortar. While they dry, you can do other minor work no downtime.

Upon completion of this preparatory stage, proceed with the repair, performing it in the following sequence: repair of the ceiling, walls, floor. First, work is carried out using putty, gypsum, cement mixtures. Then they begin installing the floor, doors and slopes.

The last stages of repair work:

  • painting or pasting the ceiling;
  • installation of thresholds, baseboards and platbands.

Observing correct order during repairs and having a clear action plan, you can avoid many mistakes, save time and money. This is one of the main components of durable and beautiful renovation, along with compliance with technology and the quality of materials used.

So, you have finally become the happy owner of your own home or simply decided to radically change your interior. Among the many logical questions that arise in this regard, the main one is in the lead: how to organize everything correctly in order to turn all the ideas into reality and forget about subsequent repairs for many years?

Of course, the issue of repair work can be dealt with without any problems by resorting to the services of a professional work crew masters, but everyone knows that not every family can afford this pleasure, especially in the era of the financial crisis.

Besides, it’s much more pleasant to transform your favorite home with my own hands, putting a piece of your soul into the renovation.

Major or cosmetic?

Apartment renovation can be divided into two groups: major and cosmetic. The difference between them lies in the original condition of the living space and your own desires.

Major repairs involve remodeling rooms, installing or dismantling electrical wiring, replacing windows, doors, plumbing, leveling ceilings, floors and walls, and installing communications. This sequence of renovation of an apartment in a new building or in a home whose layout you want to radically change is appropriate.

Cosmetic repairs involve changing the appearance of a home without causing major damage: plastering walls, gluing wallpaper, repainting ceilings (or installing suspended/suspended ceilings), painting or restoring windows and doors, replacing flooring, baseboards and trim.

Sequence of apartment renovation: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Decide on a design

Well planned is half done, so first of all, you need to understand what exactly you want.

In order to decide on the layout, design and style, get visual information: look through catalogs of interior design and decor ideas, take a closer look at what your friends and acquaintances have done in their apartments, because learning from other people’s mistakes is much more profitable than learning from your own.

When choosing a style, pay special attention to the color scheme of the rooms, because the comfort, mood and even health of you and your loved ones will depend on what color you choose.

Psychologists have long proven the system of the influence of color on a person’s mental state:

  • salad and green colors in the interior they tone up and improve brain activity (this solution is perfect for an office, a schoolchild’s or student’s room);
  • yellow, coffee, cream shades create a feeling of warmth and comfort, and therefore are ideal for the bedroom, living room, kitchen and hallway;
  • blue and soft blue colors in the interior evoke tenderness, perfectly relax and soothe, and therefore are often used for bedrooms and children's rooms;
  • But red, orange and bright purple colors in design should be used extremely carefully, as they can act stimulatingly and create the effect of “wall pressure”. Such color solutions Suitable only for particularly creative and expressive people.

In parallel with the choice color range, decide what and where you will have. This is where the arch will appear instead regular door, in this room there is a suspended ceiling with starry sky, and here there is definitely a parquet floor...

Then you will need to figure out what materials all this will be made from, and then decide on the manufacturers of these materials and calculate the price, but more on that a little later.

Step 2. Make an apartment plan

Having been inspired by an idea, you should not rush headlong into hardware store for materials. First, draw up a clear plan of your home, take measurements of the rooms, the width of the doors and window openings, location of risers, batteries, wiring to kitchen stove etc.

Even if you use the apartment plan data from the BTI (by the way, if you are planning a major renovation, you will need permission from this organization), it is still worth double-checking the width of all protrusions in the apartment. Often the walls are slightly curved, and such nuances are not recorded in the documents.

Step 3. Calculate your budget

To control the amount of financial costs, it is very important to draw up an estimate, rationally calculating the amount of materials needed and their cost.

What to include on the list:

  • building materials (putty, primer, tile and wallpaper adhesives, dry mixes, plaster, nails, plumbing and electrical wiring, etc.);
  • finishing material (wallpaper, suspended ceilings, decorative panels, flooring, windows, entrance and interior fittings, plumbing fixtures and elements, paints, sockets, cables, etc.);
  • price necessary equipment and tools (however, they can be rented or borrowed from relatives, friends or neighbors);
  • the cost of work by professional craftsmen (and you can’t do without them if, for example, you are going to replace windows or install suspended ceilings);
  • article " unexpected costs": as practice shows, it is impossible to predict all needs 100%; you will certainly have to buy something in addition, so you will have to have a certain amount of “reserve” money.

Important advice: purchase building materials approximately 10-12% more than the original plan. Believe me, even qualified workers are not immune from careless use, errors and incorrect calculations.

Step 4: Prepare space for activity

Before you start " active actions", empty the apartment of personal belongings and furniture, moving them to another place - for example, to the country house, to the neighbors, to the attic. If this is not possible, carefully pack all your existing items (leaving only the essentials that will be needed during the repair) in carton boxes and tie them with tape.

The very first thing to do before starting renovations in any room is to understand what we want to achieve as a result.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  1. What should the room look like after renovation?
  2. What would you like to leave unchanged?
  3. What is the first thing you don’t like and needs to change?
  4. What wishes do the people who will use it (for example, other family members) have regarding the appearance of the room?
  5. Do you need a major overhaul or will a cosmetic one be enough?

You can think through the details of the appearance of the room yourself. If this is difficult, you will have to contact a professional designer. This stage should not be postponed until later, they say, let’s start the repairs and then we’ll see what happens. A lot depends on what we want the room to look like - from the choice of materials to the performance of a wide variety of types of work. It’s better to think through everything in advance than to redo it later.

Preparation stage

So, the future appearance of the room has been thought out. Before you begin any manipulations in the room, you need to take the following steps.

  • Describe the sequence of repair work in as much detail as possible.
  • Research information about the materials you plan to use and all the types of work you plan to do yourself.
  • Select the start and end date of the repair, set aside a period for preparation. This is necessary so that the goal is clearly defined, and the repair does not drag on for many months.
  • Calculate the amount of required construction and finishing materials.
  • Select and buy all the building materials and tools that you will need throughout the renovation.
  • Decide who will carry out the repairs. Think about whether you will do everything yourself, find helpers, or entrust certain types of work.
  • Order windows and doors in advance to avoid delays while waiting for them to be completed.
  • Consider how and where the garbage will be disposed of. In any case there will be a lot of it.
  • Mark out the new location of switches and outlets.

Advice: building materials should always be purchased with a small reserve.

Let's consider the option of a major renovation in a living room, which involves not only changing wallpaper, baseboards, updating the paint on the ceiling and walls, but also replacing windows, doors, electrical wiring and other large-scale measures.

  • The electrical is being changed. The old wiring has already been removed, the channels for the new are being cut. After which the cable is laid, and the channels.
  • The ceiling and walls are leveled, rough preparation of the floor (, insulation) is carried out.
  • The ceiling is completely finished, right down to gluing the baguette.
  • If chosen as the floor covering, it is laid after wallpapering. The piece parquet is laid earlier, scraped and covered with the first layer of varnish. After which you need to glue the wallpaper, and only then the parquet is covered with subsequent layers of varnish.
  • New doors are being installed. You can change windows and window sills not only at the very beginning, but also at this stage.