Love horoscope for December for Gemini men. Love horoscope for the week: Gemini. Love horoscope: men and women

Horoscope for December 2019 Gemini - think about life.

Philosophically. Everyone knows that you can't stand philosophy. From the word absolutely. But still. There is no need to rush in terms of work. Take the time to retrain. Or - for training. You can also ask specialists for help. And professionals. Everything is great with health! Vigor and activity stimulate your well-being!

Horoscope for December 2019 Gemini - an amazing and dynamic month awaits you. But in relationships with partners, everything is ambiguous. Take your partner's side more often. This way you can evaluate actions from the outside!


Astrological forecast for December for Gemini

Gemini energy in December - on the highest level. Be as active as possible. The period from the 4th to the 19th of December is the ideal period for:

  • work,
  • business,
  • social events.

First ten days of December Gemini

The beginning of December is a time of change. First of all, regarding outlook on life. Well, the area of ​​work also requires changes. And transformations.

Alternatively, you will be demoted. Well, in the end, no matter what is done, everything is for the better.

It is in December that Gemini (hallelujah!) will find something to his liking. However, a new activity is an extremely promising topic in terms of benefits. And prospects.
At the same time, you need to restore your strength. Well, improve your health. The very topic.

Gemini - second decade

The middle of December will mix everything around Gemini. Actually, everything you have done for whole year. And big things. And little things. Everything is unstable with material things. But without radicalism, bitte!
Any risks are strictly contraindicated for you. Like everything that drags you to the bottom!
Everything will be fine for Gemini:

  • private entrepreneurs,
  • creative personalities,
  • managers.

Everything is going great. Green light. Take on any task. And feel free to invest wherever you want. Something important. And weighty.

A lonely Gemini has no chance of meeting his “soul mate”. Well, basically, don’t look into the past.

Gemini - third decanate

The end of December is the time to reach a new level. And to new perspectives. At least about finances. Or about the profession.
Don't let anyone control you. And don’t care about career or position. Or rather, courage and confidence will help you achieve everything in your career.

In terms of household affairs and family, everything will depend on you in December. And if you have your own business, then the third decade is your time. All your partners. Whether local or foreign!

What to do for a Gemini in December

Isn't it time for you to listen to your friends' advice?
In most cases, this is completely true. But this is especially true on December 1st and 2nd.
You absolutely need outside advice. Whatever it concerns. At least a change of hairstyle. Or something so important. ( New job? Or relationships?).
Reach out to your friends. Let them give you wise advice. They probably know what you need!
And they know how you feel. In the end, all you have to do is listen to their advice. Listen to them. And then you can do everything differently. Exactly the way you want. The opposite of what my friends advised.
If that is your will.

December 6 and 7 are incredibly cool and fun days. And new opportunities open up right before your eyes. It is amazing. If you're having trouble getting your message across on December 13th and 14th, don't force it.
Sometimes you just have to wait. Quite enough! Measure your risk/reward ratio carefully. And then get involved in the promises on December 19, 2019. Let the creative muse into your life on the 24th and 25th. Let her whisper in your ear! By the 28th, 29th and 30th, you feel amazingly creative. Behave accordingly! Gemini, your creative impulses are simply wonderful. Good. Right now. Your friends may well be right on the 31st.
Horoscope for December by date of birth

Throughout December, Geminis depend on competitors and partners. So, you will spend this extremely favorable month in a periodic decline in vitality. Well, trying to find an ointment for relaxation.

December 3-9 - critical days for Gemini the first week of June.
But for those born in the second week of June, December 9–15 will be difficult. But December 15-21 is a difficult time for those born in the third week of June.
The twin of the May flood will have fruitless disputes on December 9 – 16. Then you’ll be damned able to convert your opponents to your side!

Lunar calendar for Gemini for December 2019


All other days this month we classify as who to whom magnolia

Career horoscope for December Gemini

What about change? Well in your career? At work? You feel that old, familiar itch again. December 1st and 2nd. What kind of itch? Yes, that's the same one. I want changes at work. And immeasurable changes.
We are talking about that variety of it that is inherent only to Gemini. Only they are ready to change everything horizontally. From sales to programming. Or from programming to sales.
Maybe even give up on the sphere information technologies And software?
Why not get into the beauty industry? Well, let's say, become a nail artist?
Should you try your hand at professional bungee jumping? Well, when you get that itch, think carefully. Even if you don't scratch the itch. Eniway.

What doesn't meet your expectations in your current job? Once you identify the problem, everything will get better. At a minimum, Gemini will be able to cope with it; Well, change something. For example, the famine situation in Namibia.

On December 6 and 7, Gemini will again begin to enjoy work. The days are great. Even exciting. Well, you are delighted. You are delighted with your work again. Hallelujah and awesome badass! Communication is not always easy. It doesn't matter how great of a communicator you are. And Gemini is exactly like that. December 13 and 14, 2019, if something doesn’t work, doesn’t work out, don’t worry!
If, for example, a professional discussion within the office does not work out, step aside. Pretend to be a piece of old rags. Or an old Viennese chair.

Those who don't take risks don't drink brake fluid. More precisely, of course, Premier Cru Classe champagne! No risk, no reward. This is what runs through everything as a red line on the 19th of December. But is the risk worth it? Gemini, let your creativity out on the 24th and 25th. You will be amazed at what you achieve on the 28th, 29th and 30th of December! Listen to your friends on the 31st. And then have fun with them! Celebrate New Year together. Well, New Year's holidays are ahead

Financial horoscope for December 2019 Gemini

An extremely profitable month awaits Gemini. But be prepared to shell out a hefty sum. Fortune (and the gods) is on your side. But this is provided that Gemini distributes income correctly. And he will play it safe.

Feel free to count on a bonus. If, of course, you worked hard. Qualitatively. In advance.
Geminis, of course, are not big spenders. But not economical either. Never. Savings are needed, the stars say. Otherwise there will be no money. Not for gifts. Not for celebrating New Year's holidays.
Get ready to go somewhere urgently. On the topic of inheritance. But take the trouble to write a vacation request in advance. Otherwise, you will be left without a job. Before the New Year holidays.

Finance in December: 5, 15, 17, 18, 25

The December 2017 horoscope predicts a generally optimistic and good-natured mood. Many will be more interested in social problems rather than personal ones. Enthusiasm and noble goals are what rules people in December. You will want to follow your desires, do good deeds and do charity work.

The December horoscope advises traveling more, taking excursions and exploring the world. The month is filled with troubles, emotional outbursts and everyday problems.


Love horoscope for December Aries woman predicts a wonderful time when love itself will find you. Single Aries will be happy. In December, a short trip awaits you, during which a fateful meeting will take place.

Love horoscope for December Aries man advises him to take a closer look at the women with whom he works in the same team. It is possible that it is not by chance that one of them treats you to aromatic coffee and rich buns. Aries, who already has a chosen one, should think about more specific relationships. Yes, yes, about the wedding.

Aries family in December

The horoscope recommends throwing all your strength and energy into organizing pre-holiday events. Especially if you plan to spend half of them at home with your family. Your relationship with your spouse will be strained at the beginning of December, but by the end of the month everything will get better, thanks to your wise decision. Aries will have to listen to many complaints and claims from relatives. But you will persevere through all these difficult moments. Don't forget to buy your kids the gifts they dream of this December. Everyday problems should be in the foreground for Aries.


Love horoscope for December Taurus woman predicts the resumption of previous relationships. You will return again to the man with whom for a long time had an affair. Taurus should not believe promises and pompous words. Appreciate your chosen one for his actions, and do not be led by your emotions.

Love horoscope for December Taurus man promises a painful situation with his beloved. If you are ready to part with the woman you love, then decide to take this step and do not blame anyone. In December, a woman who is much older than him will show interest in Taurus. Don't listen to what your friends advise. You need to be more confident and assertive yourself, otherwise you will miss the opportunity to create a strong relationship.

Taurus family in December

The horoscope advises supporting your spouse in everything. Especially if he is not as successful and confident as you. Your financial situation is excellent, so feel free to go shopping for gifts for your loved ones. By the way, Taurus can go with the whole family to the ski resort, where he will have a great rest and recharge his energy. Many Taurus will plan to have a child, and some will file for divorce. In general, changes in family life there will be a lot, so be reasonable in December. You will definitely quench your thirst for impressions.


Love horoscope for December Gemini women predicts adventures and vivid impressions. Your chosen one will be jealous of you for no reason, so try not to compromise him and be more tolerant. If some man catches the eye of Gemini too often, then do not consider it an accident. Most likely this is your destiny.

Love horoscope for December Gemini men promises a harmonious and warm relationship with the chosen one. You will even decide to formally propose to her and get married. Geminis need to listen to what their heart tells them, not their envious friends. The chance of a fateful meeting is great.

Gemini family in December

The horoscope recommends doing everything possible to maintain a tender and sincere relationship with your spouse. If you quarrel, then be the first to reconcile, and do not “close yourself off” from loved one. Gemini will be constantly busy with work, so there is little time left for family and children. Don’t forget to at least call home so that your loved ones don’t worry. At the end of December, Gemini may move to permanent place residence in another city or abroad. Carefully check the documents for the purchase or sale of real estate.


Love horoscope for December Cancer woman advises to pay close attention to the hints of fate. This way you will not miss your happiness, but will be able to form sincere and long-term relationships. Cancer will be so passionate and reckless in love that just one romance will not get by. You will fall in love with a man much younger than you, but this will not stop - neither you nor him.

Love horoscope for December Cancer man predicts a fight with rivals. It turns out that three worthy gentlemen are ready to fight with swords for your beloved. Cancer needs to find, together with his beloved, a passion or hobby that will unite your interests and make you spiritually related. At the end of the month, show generosity and give your chosen one an expensive piece of jewelry or a fashion accessory.

Cancer family in December

The horoscope recommends keeping a tight rein on your emotions. You are constantly jealous of your spouse, which is fraught with misunderstanding and irritation on her part. Frank conversation will help you improve your relationship. Just don’t wash your dirty laundry in public, and don’t try to hush up your problems in the family. Think of something that can refresh your union. Cancer needs to call and visit parents more often. There may be hassles with children, but it’s all due to the difficult transitional age. At the end of the month, you and your spouse will go to a corporate party.

a lion

Love horoscope for December Leo woman predicts a pleasant and romantic time when you want to forget about troubles and immerse yourself in magic. You will have this opportunity if you meet with friends and forget about your last failed romance. Leo should not be afraid to openly demonstrate his feelings. Especially if this is “your” man.

Love horoscope for December Leo man recommends showing yourself nobly and knightly in relation to the chosen one. She certainly doesn't expect you to heroic deeds, but you can give her a compliment or hug her once again. Leo's circumstances will be such that he will not pass by his love.

Leo family in December

The horoscope predicts a stable and strong relationship with your spouse. Together you will prepare for New Year's holidays, and even young children will be involved in organizing events. If at some point it seems to Leo that the passion and ardor of feelings has disappeared, then in December you need to come up with something original. Don't be embarrassed to openly talk about this with your significant other. Together you can solve any problems and color your family life bright colors. At the end of December, Leo will have a trip to visit relatives, so pack your bags.


Love horoscope for December Virgo woman advises to be more lenient and sincere with your partner. Restraint and external arrogance makes him doubt the depth of your feelings. In December, something extraordinary will happen in Virgo’s personal life, which will force you to reconsider your views on love and marriage. Don't be too practical, but let your beloved man take care of you like a little defenseless girl.

Love horoscope for December Virgo man advises to go in search of the one for whom, as they say, “into fire and water.” Those who already have a chosen one will be tormented by doubts and seek proof of love from her. Remember that everything is good in moderation.

Virgo family in December

The horoscope advises to treat your spouse and his parents with understanding. Lately you have been constantly nagging them and looking for a reason to quarrel. Virgo needs to urgently solve everyday problems in December, otherwise they will weigh on you for several more months. Children will have to be taught a “life lesson” and show by personal example what can be done and what will lead to a dead end. An excellent month to go to a camp site, where the whole family can have fun, relax and ride a snowmobile. In December, Virgo needs to take care of elderly parents and help them financially.


Love horoscope for December Libra women advises to be more prudent, and not to lose your head from passion and feelings. Control your every step and action and do not be the first to contact the man you like. In December, Libra will go on a trip if they want to slightly diversify their life. There will be many fans, but you will never meet a worthy one among them.

Love horoscope for December Libra men recommends doing everything for the sake of the one who has sunk into your heart. Just avoid adventures and treacherous girls, who cause continuous problems in your personal life. If in December the chosen one invites Libra to go on vacation abroad, then you should not refuse.

Libra family in December

The horoscope promises difficulties in relationships with your spouse. Most likely, they will be associated with differences in ideas about ideal family. You are not always practical and far-sighted, which irritates your significant other. In December, Libra will often protest and argue with relatives. If a scandal breaks out over money, then you need to draw up a clear budget before the end of December. But teenage children trust and rely on the opinion of Libra in everything. They will share their personal secrets with them, which is already valuable and pleasant.


Love horoscope for December Scorpio woman recommends being more decisive in words and actions. Don't be afraid that a man will misunderstand you, don't keep it inside yourself strong feelings. Scorpio can meet in December new love, but keeping it will cost effort and wisdom. Many will fall into love triangle, from which a close friend will help you get out.

Love horoscope for December Scorpio man advises to idealize your partner less. You yourself are far from perfect, so leave nagging and criticism aside. Scorpio will spend most of his time at work in December. This is naturally not in the best possible way will affect your personal life.

Scorpio family in December

The horoscope predicts a slight crisis in the relationship with your spouse. Even relatives will go over to his side, which will come as a surprise to you. Relationships on the side are unlikely to lead Scorpio to something concrete and good. All relatives and friends may find out about them, which is fraught with consequences. With children, you need to find a common hobby and prepare for the New Year holidays. Everything is in order with money, which means Scorpio can buy gifts for the whole family. Do not postpone economic problems in December to the next month.


Love horoscope for December Sagittarius woman predicts a sudden outbreak of feelings for a person whom she has known for many years. You decide to sever all previous ties and also change your external image. In December, Sagittarius should not be the leader in a relationship with a man - entrust this mission to him.

Love horoscope for December Sagittarius man promises a lot of disagreements in relations with the chosen one. You won't be easy to find mutual language and keep the love. The more Sagittarius waits for mercy from fate, the less it favors him. In December, you need to be more compliant and loyal so that the woman you love does not choose another gentleman over you.

Sagittarius family in December

The horoscope predicts a kind and warm atmosphere in the house. All problems can be solved thanks to your wise approach. Relatives will help and support you in everything, and children will reach out to Sagittarius and ask for advice. If you have a chance, go on vacation to a camp site in December or take a trip abroad. Christmas holidays will become unforgettable if you are the one who organizes them. In December, rejoice even in the little things, and don’t shift everyday issues onto someone else’s shoulders. Sagittarius will have to deal with inheritance.


Love horoscope for December Capricorn woman recommends looking first of all for a reliable friend, not a passionate lover. Of course, if your chosen one is close to ideal, then congratulations. It is not advisable for Capricorn to flirt among colleagues in December. Firstly, it is fraught negative consequences. Secondly, you yourself will harm your reputation.

Love horoscope for December Capricorn man advises to be a little bolder and more proactive. Lately you have taken on the image of a quiet person and a modest person, which does not suit you at all. If you decide to meet a charming person, then in December remember the basic courtship techniques - flowers, gifts and walks in the moonlight!

Capricorn family in December

The horoscope recommends being balanced in your actions. Household members expect you to participate in family matters, as well as attention and care. If Capricorn is constantly offended by his spouse, then by the end of December a real scandal will reign in the house. Know in moderation in everything so as not to provoke quarrels. Should you ruin a strong relationship for the sake of a passing hobby?


Love horoscope for December Aquarius woman advises urgently visiting a stylist and cosmetologist to give your appearance a new, original look. Aquarius' relationship with his partner will become slightly cool. It is possible that the last quarrel pushed you away from each other. But over time, the situation will normalize, although it will not be easy for Aquarius to cope with pride.

Love horoscope for December Aquarius man promises to meet the woman of his dreams. You will finally gain self-confidence and grounding under your feet. Your chosen one will fully meet your expectations, and you will not let her leave you one step in December.

Aquarius family in December

The horoscope promises a whirlpool of passions that will drag him into a real abyss. You miss freedom so much that you decide to go to great lengths. Alas, this will not have the best effect on the family life of Aquarius. In December, on the contrary, you need to pay maximum attention to household members, especially children. Relatives will reveal some family secret to Aquarius. You are at a loss as to how to live now and what to do. A close friend who is more experienced in such matters will help resolve the situation. At the end of December, carefully weigh every word.


Love horoscope for December Pisces women promises an even and harmonious relationship with the chosen one. If you lack romance, then come up with something original and interesting. Many Pisces will have to part with their beloved man for a while in December. This could be a forced separation - a business trip or moving to another city.

Love horoscope for December Pisces men recommends being more gentle and open in communicating with your beloved. If you show your selfishness and assertiveness, she is unlikely to appreciate such behavior. Remember that your relationship with your chosen one in December is a reflection of your words and actions. Pisces will be generous with gifts and pleasant surprises for the one they have been trying to win for so long.

Pisces family in December

The horoscope advises you to thoroughly prepare for the New Year's celebrations. Count it up family budget, write down the menu and the events you will attend. Pisces needs to take into account all the little things and be sure to ask the children where they want to celebrate the holidays. Pisces are looking forward to meeting old friends and going on a short trip. You will experience many exciting and joyful moments. Relationships with relatives will not be overshadowed by anything in December, but you should not be too arrogant and indifferent. Pisces will easily overcome everyday difficulties.

If Gemini expects to achieve something in love on Monday, they will have to take the most unconventional paths to achieve this! It's time to show ingenuity and imagination! This is the only way on Monday that Gemini can interest the person they like. If Gemini is still in search, the day provides them with a chance to make acquaintance with an interesting, extraordinary person. This meeting can happen at any time and where they least expect it.

On Tuesday, the stars advise Gemini to listen to their fantasies and dreams. Especially to the brightest of them or to those who come regularly. On Tuesday, Gemini's intuition will allow them to penetrate hidden meaning your fantasies and dreams. In them they can find advice on how to behave with the person they are interested in, or (if Gemini is still single) - an indication of where and when they can find their love.

On Wednesday, Gemini will have a wonderful romantic evening with their partner, only if they are able to relax and give free rein to their wild imagination. They should talk to their loved one about the most intimate topics and try to bring some of them to life on Wednesday. secret desires. These delightful experiments will open up a whole new world for Gemini. new world, full of passion and exquisite pleasures!

On Thursday, feelings will prevent Gemini from concentrating on work or any other responsibilities! They don't have to be afraid to admit to themselves that they have their head in the clouds, and this affects everything they do. Burnt scrambled eggs, forgotten documents, a broken heel are common things that can happen to Gemini on Thursday due to absent-mindedness. Well, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to dream – especially about such sublime matters as love!

On Friday, the stars convey a sentimental and romantic mood to Gemini. You shouldn’t be ashamed of this, and since this has happened, you can try to touch the lyrical strings in the heart of your loved one. For example, on Friday, Gemini can write a tender declaration of love, draw a postcard or send an SMS with their poems. Let it seem naive from the outside, but sometimes it is precisely such simple things, done from the bottom of the heart, that can work miracles!

Saturday is a great day for Geminis to communicate and meet new people! Including for romantic dating, love and flirting, of course. Therefore, instead of sitting at home, they should try to find themselves in the thick of things - even if this means making some effort on themselves. Believe me, it's worth it! However, Geminis need to keep in mind that they won’t be able to sit quietly in the corner: on Saturday they will have a lot of conversations about everything and nothing.

On Sunday, the stars advise Gemini to pay attention to the difference between fantasies and real life. They should try to separate one from the other in their relationship with their loved one at least on Sunday! Perhaps daydreaming prevents Gemini from seeing some important details or take the necessary steps? Geminis should come down to earth, this will allow them to achieve real (and not fictitious) results in their romantic relationships.

In addition, many will have to make acquaintances with foreigners, with people who often travel somewhere, with those who lead a certain way of life associated with some kind of spiritual philosophy. The popularity of athletes, trainers and circus workers in general will increase. Many fateful meetings will take place while walking dogs - lovers of these animals will be drawn to each other, their pets will become a connecting link.

After the 20th, communication will decrease; the bulk of acquaintances will occur through relatives and work; Finding a common language with representatives of the opposite sex will not be easy, but if you start a relationship with someone during this period, it will turn out to be long-term and very reliable.

Those who have already found a soul mate will pamper her (him) with some gifts and pleasures almost all month long, interest in ancient sexual practices will increase, and partners will have new common hobbies. However, this will not prevent you from regularly neglecting your loved one, giving preference to your hobbies and friends. The desire to dominate over those who are dear to you will also increase, to dictate certain conditions to them, and it is not always appropriate to make fun of them. And in the last week of the year, you will generally completely control your partner and put pressure on him with your authority.

At the beginning of December, many exciting amorous adventures await, and this will also affect those who are already married or in a relationship. love relationships. In the middle of the month, it will be very interesting for us to learn something new from real or potential partners, to get to know the world through their worldview and attitude. At the end of December, you will want to structure your relationships and make them more orderly.

I would like to remind you that people born from the 1st to the 18th are considered “pure” signs, and the rest are influenced by the previous or next sign - both in personality characteristics and in astrological predictions. And this must be taken into account.

Love horoscope for December for Aries (March 21 – April 20)

In December, free Aries can get close to someone at work who is “foraying” into their organization - coming on business trips, delivering some kind of documentation, being a supplier of some goods or services, etc. Long-term serious relationship things are unlikely to work out with this person, but on a stormy and interesting novel, which will give you a lot, you can count on.

If you are already married, then you will mostly receive positive emotions from your other half, although this will not do without your desire to regularly show who is boss and spend time outside the family.

At the beginning of the month, you can start some kind of intellectual game, in which the loser grants the winner's wish. An unexpected gift is likely in mid-December. At the end of the month, quarrels are possible due to the fact that this person will show himself in a way that is unpleasant to you.

Love horoscope for December for Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Free Taurus people can start a relationship with someone from their old acquaintances in December. It is possible that some event will help you discern something in a person you are used to and almost unnoticed by you, something that will give rise to feelings in you, make you understand that for many years now there has been a real treasure next to you.

If you are already married, then the ambitions of your significant other may become a reason for quarrels, especially if they are related not to your spouse’s career, but to his (her) personal or creative self-realization. However, at the same time, something is expected that will renew and strengthen mutual love, make marital interaction sharper, and awaken long-dormant emotions in you.

At the beginning of the month, some circumstances will make adjustments to your personal life. In mid-December, a certain revelation awaits you, and this will help you better know yourself and the one you love. At the end of the month, material factors will become the connecting link.

Love horoscope for December for Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

In December, single Geminis are unlikely to find someone with whom they can build a long-term relationship. However, this will not stop you from going on dates, enjoying easy sex, and acquiring new ones thanks to your partner(s). interesting acquaintances and even, perhaps, go somewhere with your next passion.

If you are already married, then the month may turn out to be a crisis due to the fact that you and your significant other will prefer to communicate not with each other, but with those people with whom it is more fun and exciting at the moment. Remember that the less time you spend with your spouse, the wider the gap will be between you, and it will be very difficult to return to your previous relationship.

At the beginning of December, you should not reject the initiatives of someone who is dear to you. In the middle of the month, with due diligence, you will receive from your partner something that you could not even count on. At the end of December, you will have to pay for all the mistakes in the relationship, and this is unlikely to become a pleasant and creative process.

Love horoscope for December for Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

In December, free Cancers may become interested in someone who was born in a country whose history or culture has long interested them. It is possible that a relationship that began as an exchange of knowledge will at some point develop into friendship, and then into a closer, amorous interaction. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to make a choice.

If you are already married, then thanks to your significant other you will learn something that previously caused you some concerns. Intimate relationships will also change - they will become more diverse, passionate and, in some ways, even instructive. However, in the last week of the month it will be difficult for you to resist quarrels.

At the beginning of December, some surprise is likely in your personal life. In the middle of the month, a layer of information received from a real or potential partner will require careful thought. At the end of December, you will most likely become more picky and stop forgiving this person for what you previously “let go of”.

Love horoscope for December for Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Free Leos in December can start a relationship with someone who will entertain them and actively indulge all their whims. There is a high probability that some person will win your sympathy with the help of unique and original gifts, non-standard dates, the most entertaining stories and indulgence in your antics.

If you are already married, you will often initiate exciting family trips and organize various gatherings at home in order to entertain your other half, lift her (him) mood, and please; and in general, you will do everything so that she (he) does not get bored with you. And in bed, most likely, you will invent something unusual, add fire and some special “twists”.

At the beginning of the month, you will find yourself simultaneously in the role of both the giver and the recipient. In mid-December, thanks to a real or potential partner, it will be possible to cope with some challenging task. At the end of the month, you will be focused on relationship stability.

Love horoscope for December for Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

In December, single Virgos can meet someone who lives in another country. Initially, the relationship will be very uneven, unpredictable, even unnerving, but if this person agrees to move to your homeland or offers you something that you cannot refuse, the connection will be strengthened and last long enough.

If you are already married, then you will probably be extremely annoyed by your other half’s desire to often communicate with friends, spend money on some of your hobbies, spend time on yourself, instead of doing something around the house; and even the gifts bought for you will cause not gratitude, but rejection because of their cost. Don't be too rational and don't keep your spouse on a short leash.

At the beginning of the month, some adventurous proposal from a real or potential partner may cause you to be indignant. In mid-December, numerous quarrels are likely. At the end of the month, some situation that worries you will level out.

Love horoscope for December for Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Free Libras in December may become sympathetic to someone who will take them under their wing - will protect them, help them in some way, take care of them and protect them from some kind of shocks or from communicating with unpleasant people. Despite the fact that your first feeling for this person will not be love, but gratitude, this will not prevent you from subsequently creating a strong, long-term and very convenient alliance with him.

If you are already married, then your significant other will most likely make some changes to the marital relationship. It will not be easy for you to accept them, but not because you don’t like them, but because of the disapproval of your parents or one of your other relatives. Relax, have fun and don't let anyone dictate to you and your spouse how to build a family.

At the beginning of the month, the initiative of a real or potential partner will bring you a lot of good things. In mid-December, he will push you to make some choice. At the end of the month you may quarrel with someone because of him.

Love horoscope for December for Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Free Scorpios in December can get along with someone out of love for something extreme. There is a high probability that you will meet someone who does not know how to exist calmly, is constantly looking for something to excite the blood, and even has a craving for what is not available to the average person. If you and this person do not trample each other at the beginning of the relationship, then you will live together happily ever after, and most importantly, not bored.

If you are already married, then you and your significant other will most likely have to teach each other several very important lessons for family life. This will help strengthen mutual understanding, although violent scandals, unpleasant sarcastic statements and slamming doors are not excluded in the process.

At the beginning of the month, there is likely to be an event in your personal life that will be out of the ordinary even for you. In mid-December you will have to undergo a test of strength. At the end of the month, the connection between you and a real or potential partner will strengthen.

Love horoscope for December for Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

In December, free Sagittarius may meet someone with whom they will have a real partnership. There is a high probability that a person will appear next to you who will be in tune with you in almost everything, with whom you can not only bathe in love and have sex until you are stupefied, but also be adequately fulfilled in your life. professionally having gained strong support. A matter that is important for both of you will appear.

If you are already married, then you will take the relationship to a new qualitative level, strengthen and diversify it, although for this, you may have to show that if some of your conditions are not met, the other half will simply lose you. Most likely, you will risk something in order to gain what you lack.

At the beginning of the month, you can start some kind of adventure for the sake of a real or potential partner. In mid-December, a deep understanding of the importance of this person to you will come. At the end of the month you will have to give in to him in some way.

In the work direction, the basis for Gemini's success will be past achievements, and they will also help you move forward. Everything will depend on how fruitfully you worked from August until the end of the year; it was during this period that a certain foundation for further work was laid. You won’t particularly envy the Geminis, who have been sitting with their hands folded all this time, since correcting the consequences of the period of stagnation will be much more difficult than it might seem. The good news is that, due to certain properties characteristic of the third zodiac house, there will be very few “lazy people”; inaction is not characteristic of the dual sign at all.

But what is relevant for all Geminis is a great disappointment that awaits right at work. The source of this feeling will not be an event, but a certain person. And although this phenomenon does not pose a threat in material terms, in your soul you will be very worried. The most honorable way to cope with this situation is not to hide from feelings, honestly acknowledge them and experience them. Just try not to create a tragedy by deliberately reveling in mental anguish. Better direct your energy in the right direction - focus on work. Set a goal and walk towards it with a firm step, without being distracted by other points, even if one day you consider them more important.
