Summer kitchen with exposed beams. Summer kitchen with your own hands. More permanent structures can be built from

At the dacha, you just need a room where in the warm season you could cook dinner or do some preservation for the winter. And even if there is a large house on the site, every hostess simply dreams of a summer version of a closed kitchen.
But how to inexpensively make such a structure with their own hands, users will find out by reading this article.

Features and types of buildings

The closed summer kitchen is a full-fledged detached building with running water and electricity. A great place for welcoming guests during the warmer months, family dinners and social gatherings in the evenings, this is the right solution for regions with rainy summers and early frosts. However, it is not worth using such a structure in winter, unless the owners have worried about heating in advance.

Such a kitchen can be an independent structure or an extension to the main house, utility block or bathhouse. It can be equipped with a fireplace, barbecue or oven.

An interesting layout option is a kitchen-house with a terrace or veranda. All the necessary kitchen utensils and equipment are compactly placed inside, and a dining area is formed under the canopy.

In the villages, a variety of structures with a cellar and a barbecue are preferred. But you need to take into account the fact that the walls of the basement will become the upper part of the kitchen foundation, so they should be made of the most durable material.

It is important to note that if it is not possible to conduct electricity on the site, then the right decision would be to purchase a generator that runs on diesel fuel, which will provide light for both the building and kitchen appliances.

The erection of a closed structure is a laborious process that requires accurate calculations and drawings of every detail of the building. Designing a project with the correct dimensions will speed up construction and help avoid mistakes.

Site selection and structural design

The initial stage in the construction of a summer kitchen at a summer cottage is the choice of location, and then the design of all its components. And so that the result of the work does not disappoint, you need to remember a few features.

The best options for building materials

The choice of building materials directly depends not only on the service life, preferences of the owners, but also on financial capabilities. But today there are many practical examples of successful combinations of cheap materials with more expensive ones.

When building a summer building, the greatest demand is for:

  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • polycarbonate;
  • natural stone;
  • corrugated board;
  • wood;
  • lining;
  • aluminum.

Do not forget that the summer cottage should emphasize the beauty of the future design, so it will be appropriate to lay out paths of gravel or tiles, plant flowers and perennial shrubs. And if you have the financial ability to build an artificial pond.

If the site is fenced with a brick fence, it is good to make a kitchen from the same material or using natural stone. Such a structure is not afraid of the influence of the external environment and will stand for a single decade.

It is much easier to make a prefabricated indoor kitchen from a bar. Such a project will be less expensive, but every detail of the building will require constant maintenance and processing. In addition, wood wears out much faster than brick or stone.

To cover the floor, use:

  • laminate;
  • parquet;
  • linoleum;
  • decorative tiles.

The roof can be covered with:

  • corrugated board;
  • soft roof;
  • metal tiles.

The exterior decoration of the building with siding elements will give the kitchen a modern look.

Laying the foundation

Having decided on the place and having formed a design project, it is necessary to proceed with the construction of the foundation of the building.
When planning an open version of a summer kitchen, one could simply make a small depression in the ground over the entire area of ​​the future structure, cover it with sand. Allow time to stand a little, and lay out a layer of brick or boards. But the basis of a closed kitchen should be a durable and solid foundation, requiring phased installation.

If the flooring will be made of decorative tiles, the work surface must first be sanded or a level cement screed.

Photo: monolithic foundation is ready for building

Construction of walls

If the owners of the summer kitchen plan to use it in late autumn during the first frosts, you need to take care of strong walls so that the room inside does not freeze through under the influence of low temperatures. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to erect a masonry with a thickness of half or a whole brick.

Photo: masonry process using laces

Lovers of wooden house structures will assemble the walls much faster. Their basis will be a frame made of timber. And as an attachment to the elements, it is better to use metal corners and self-tapping screws. The outer part of the walls can be sheathed with a thin layer of boards.

Interior decoration is carried out using drywall, plastic, lining or plastering.

Installation of roofing

The roof of a closed kitchen should be durable and practical. Therefore, when purchasing materials for its installation, you can opt for:

The shape of the roof depends on the preferences of the owners. A gable roof would be a reliable option.

Photo: construction of a log with a gable roof

If the building will be used in winter, it is recommended to insulate with mineral wool or other heat-insulating material.

It is better to make one wing of the roof covering or a visor longer to create additional protection for the walls during precipitation, thereby extending the life of the entire building.

Interior decoration and interior design

High-quality interior decoration and well-chosen interior design will create a pleasant atmosphere of home comfort.

Getting started with the arrangement, you should pay attention to such nuances.

When creating a closed summer kitchen, it is necessary to accurately calculate every detail of the structure and correctly combine the selected building materials with the general style of the room, then the resulting structure will become not only a source of pride, but also a favorite place for the family for many years.

Order a gazebo from professionals

Don't have time to build on your own? Please contact the following organizations.

Construction companies

In many old private farmsteads, you can find a small house, which the owners call the summer kitchen. In winter, it is almost never used, and in the warm season, life is in full swing here. Does it make sense to build it in the yard of a new house?

Despite the fact that modern houses are much more spacious than buildings of the middle of the last century and are often equipped with powerful climatic technology, summer kitchens have not lost their relevance. This is due to several factors. The main one is the desire to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, and not in an air-conditioned room. Affectionate breeze and rustle of foliage are much more pleasant than the monotonous hum of an air conditioner and currents of cold air that threaten to catch a cold.

The abundance of modern building materials and equipment makes it possible to equip a summer kitchen no worse than an all-season kitchen. With electric stoves and gas grills, you can cook even those dishes that are not available in the main room.

Advantages and disadvantages

Spending a lot of time in the kitchen is a kind of tradition in our country. Here we not only cook and eat, but also receive guests, sit with the whole family all evening long at tea and talking. So why not do it outside during the warm season?

The advantages of such a solution are many:

  • The modern pace of life is such that we spend most of our time indoors. And this does not have the best effect on health. Evenings in the garden will strengthen it.
  • Cooking outside is a great way to maintain a constant temperature in your home, rarely turning on the air conditioners. The steam from the pots and the heat from the burners will simply blow away the summer breeze. This is especially true for those who harvest canned fruits and vegetables for the winter.
  • All smells remain outside. Agree, the smell of fried fish or cutlets spreading through the house and eating into furniture is not the best flavor.
  • For families with small children, this kitchen is a great way to combine a walk with toddlers and cooking. It is enough just to look at the little ones frolicking in the garden, going about their business.

The building has only one drawback - the seasonality of use.

Types: open and closed, examples of successful layouts (photo)

Structurally, all buildings of this type are divided into two types: open and closed. The choice of one of them depends on the planned method of operation, the amount that you are willing to spend on construction, the area of ​​a free site and many other factors.

Open summer kitchens

Such a building looks more like a well-equipped gazebo or terrace.

It is open from 2-4 sides, and is protected from the sun and precipitation by a canopy. The advantages of open summer kitchens include:

  • maximum light and air;
  • low construction price;
  • no need for major design;
  • speed of construction.

But she also has disadvantages:

  • ubiquitous dust that will constantly have to be wiped off surfaces before cooking;
  • insects that will surely flock to the light;
  • neighbor cats who come at night in search of something tasty, carelessly forgotten on the table;
  • short service life - only in summer.

Closed summer kitchens

Such structures represent a full-fledged house with a foundation, walls, roof, windows and doors.

Most often it is a light, poorly insulated building. The advantages of this type of structure include:

  • long service life - from mid-spring to mid-autumn, especially if a furnace is installed inside;
  • absence of insects and uninvited four-legged guests;
  • the ability to lock the room, which means to leave not only food in it, but also valuable things;
  • garden furniture can be stored here in winter.

Among the disadvantages:

  • high cost and complexity of construction;
  • a limited amount of light and air - after all, this is a closed building.

With a large glazing area, the room can be easily transformed into an open kitchen by simply opening or completely removing the windows (if provided by the project).

Combined summer kitchens

This is a kind of symbiosis of open and closed construction. It provides a small closed part, equipped with a functional area, and a large open seating area with a table, chairs and possibly a barbecue.

The dining area can be open-air, like a patio. Or it can be protected by a canopy or pergola. The playground also looks great, entwined with ivy or other liana on all sides. In such a green gazebo it is fresh and cool even in extreme heat.

This option combines the advantages of open and closed kitchens, while it has practically no disadvantages.

Project options

There are a lot of options for building open and closed summer kitchens. It all depends on the imagination and financial capabilities of the owner.

The most inexpensive option is a regular wooden gazebo with hard flooring. Any available material can be used as a roof. It can be decorated with climbing plants. This creates shade, coziness and prevents drafts.

Properly used textiles can achieve the same effect. In addition, the curtains drawn in the evening will protect from prying eyes and insects.

If necessary, you can make the summer kitchen closed on one or more sides. To do this, it is enough to sew up the spans with a light material that does not create a large load on the base - wood or plastic. Often one of the "walls" is formed by the chimney of a grill or oven complex.

One of the most successful options in our climatic conditions is a closed gazebo with a large glazing area - French windows. In warm weather, they can be opened, creating a space blown by the breeze, and in cold weather, they can be closed, keeping the warmth inside. Such a building can be used from early spring to late autumn, especially if there is a stove inside.

Where is the best place to place the summer kitchen

When choosing the location of the summer kitchen, several factors must be taken into account:

  • Possibility of supplying communications. To ensure full use in the building, you need to supply water, sewerage and electricity. Gas is not required, it is much easier to install an electric stove or use cylinders.
  • Remoteness of outbuildings. The kitchen should be as far away as possible from an outdoor toilet, septic tank, dog enclosure, and livestock and poultry sheds. This will eliminate the possibility of an unpleasant odor in any wind direction.

An open summer kitchen can be adjacent to the house. This greatly facilitates and reduces the cost of construction and laying of communications. And moving between the house and the outbuilding is more pleasant, especially in the rain. It is desirable that there is an adjacent wall without windows. Then smoke, odors and noise will not penetrate into the house.

It is especially cozy in the space formed by the inner corner of the house. Then the kitchen has two walls. Its construction requires minimal financial and time costs.

Adjoining only one wall gives you more planning freedom. You can vary the size, furniture arrangement and decoration methods. The main thing is that the kitchen is decorated in the same style as the facade of the house.

A very popular option for placing a closed-type summer kitchen is above the cellar. In this case, its monolithic walls serve as a foundation, which significantly reduces costs. In turn, the building serves as additional insulation. It can be either an inexpensive panel house or a full-fledged construction from a bar. In the latter case, care must be taken that the foundation can withstand the weight of the structure.

More interesting options for designing and decorating a summer kitchen in the video:

DIY summer kitchen: video

It is not difficult to build a simple open or closed summer kitchen. Most often, wood is used for this - beams of different sections, boards, lining. To protect the material from moisture and insects, it must be coated with special compounds. It is also advisable to use fire retardants that reduce the flammability of wood.

Consider an inexpensive and uncomplicated construction option.

  • Laying the foundation. For a light panel building or an open summer kitchen, in most cases, a columnar foundation is sufficient. Work begins with marking and soil removal. Then a cushion of rubble and sand is poured, formwork and a reinforcing frame are installed. All this is poured with concrete. After it has completely solidified, you can continue to work.

  • Lower crown. For waterproofing, an insulating material is laid on each of the pillars - roofing material. Then the lower harness is assembled from the logs treated with a protective compound. It is attached to the concrete with anchor bolts.
  • Erection of vertical supports and installation of horizontal lintels. All this is also made of wood and is connected with metal corners, dowels or cuttings. The installation of jibs in this design is not necessary, a few horizontal jumpers are enough.

  • Top rail and rafters. On top of the vertical beams, the upper harness is mounted and the rafter system and the roof lathing are assembled. The method of its installation depends on the type of roof chosen.
  • Plumbing and sewerage. It is necessary to bring the main communications to the future structure before arranging the floor. This will hide the pipes and facilitate the installation of the cover. Since the system will only be used in the summer, it is advisable to introduce pipes from below, between the foundation pillars.
  • Floor covering. The most budget-friendly and easy-to-use floor option for such a kitchen is an edged board. With proper processing, it will last for many years. A rough floor in a summer building is not needed, we immediately lay a finishing one.

  • Installation of roofing material. The roofing technology depends on the type of material. It can be laid directly on the lathing or on a special backing. It is desirable that these were materials with a small resonating ability - slate, roll roofing or ondulin. Then the room will not be too noisy during the rain.

At this stage, the open summer kitchen can be considered ready. All that remains is to finish, install furniture and decor. If the plans include a closed kitchen, construction work needs to be continued.

  • External cladding. Outside, the structure is sheathed with a board, siding or any other facade material. Preferably the same as the house is decorated, or similar to it.
  • Installation of windows and doors. There is no point in installing expensive double-glazed windows and doors in a poorly insulated building. Ordinary wooden frames will suffice.
  • From the inside, the walls can be sheathed with clapboard, plastic or moisture-resistant plasterboard, followed by painting.

After the completion of the finishing work, the room can be used for its intended purpose.

What type and size of kitchen to choose, build it yourself or hire specialists for this - everyone decides for himself. But this building will undoubtedly make the site much more comfortable and will allow you to spend many unique days and evenings. As you can see, you can build a summer kitchen yourself without special skills and significant material costs.

Arrangement of a summer kitchen in the country gives a lot of positive moments. First, outdoor cooking turns the routine into a pleasant pastime. Secondly, for the period of mass harvesting of canned vegetables, compotes and preserves, you can get rid of fumes and odors in a country house. And third - if you equip the summer kitchen with your own hands, then in the future you will not have to look for a place for evening gatherings with relatives and weekends with friends.

Summer brick kitchen with do-it-yourself barbecue

Special aroma and appetizing appearance of dishes prepared on B-B-Q, will be appreciated by both adults and children. For the summer cottage, you can buy a factory structure that allows you to cook food on the grill, however, a brick-built summer kitchen with a barbecue oven can serve not only as equipment for frying meat and fish, but will also become the central figure of the country recreation area.

We present to your attention a barbecue oven by E. Gudkov, which you can build with your own hands. It combines all the advantages of a grill and a hob with a hotplate. Using the detailed instructions, in which the drawings and ordering are given, it will not be difficult to fold such a stove with your own hands.

Oven project for a summer kitchen. Photo

Construction of the foundation of the summer kitchen

The design proposed for repetition has an impressive weight, so the arrangement of a good reason for it is imperative. To build a slab foundation, you need concrete reinforced with metal mesh.

Materials and tools

Our building is not so responsible as to use high-class and expensive building mixtures, therefore, M200 grade concrete will suffice. For its preparation, you can use the following ratio of building materials:

  • 1 hour - cement grade 400;
  • 4 hours - crushed stone or coarse gravel (fraction 30 mm);
  • 2 hours - coarse river sand.

Make sure that the content of impurities in the sand does not exceed 10 parts of its volume, and in rubble - a value of 2%.

Using the proposed proportion will require the following consumption of building materials per 1 cubic meter. m. of concrete:

  • Cement M400 - 325 kg;
  • Sand - 1.3 t
  • Crushed stone - 1.3 t
  • Water - 205 liters.

To strengthen the foundation, you will need a mesh frame made of class A3 reinforcement. Starting to mark the base, add 20 cm to each side to the dimensions of the future furnace. With a building size of 1.4 × 1 m, a foundation measuring 1.6 × 1.2 m is laid out.

Summer kitchen foundation project. Photo

When starting to pour the base, prepare:

  • narrow, round and square rammers;
  • scraper, trowel, trowel;
  • a probe for removing air bubbles from the mixture;
  • shovels for soil and mortar;
  • trowel;
  • a board for fine leveling of the surface.

How to lay concrete correctly

In order to build a solid foundation, it is imperative to consider soil features Location on. Water-saturated, swelling, peaty and other specific soils will require additional strengthening before arranging the base for the furnace.

To mark out foundation, just drive the pegs into the ground, check the diagonals and pull the cord. In this case, the dimensions of the pit for the tiled foundation must correspond to its size (in our case, 1.6 × 1.2 m). Since the building is intended for outdoor use, the ground under its base will freeze and thaw in winter. Therefore, in some cases, a sand cushion up to 1 m thick may be required.

It will be correct to protect the bottom and walls of the pit when arranging a sand cushion geotextile, which will prevent erosion of the base by groundwater. The ramming is performed in several stages. For this, sand is poured every 10-15 cm, which, after compaction, is additionally spilled with water.

For the purpose of waterproofing and in order to avoid leaks of concrete into the sand, two layers are laid on the prepared place roofing material... Further along the contour of the pit, every 0.5 m, racks for formwork boards are driven in and fastened with slopes. They fix and moisten the formwork.

Before pouring concrete, perform the installation fittings, for which a grid is installed at a height of 20-30 mm from the bottom over the entire surface of the foundation. Then, using vertical bridges, a second reinforcing belt is installed at a distance of at least 20 mm from the upper plane of the foundation slab.

They try to pour and tamp the concrete in one go. In this case, the solidity of the structure and a certain period of concrete hardening will be ensured.

A prerequisite for high-quality concreting is to maintain optimal humidity, so the foundation is covered tarpaulin... After 3 - 4 hours after pouring, they cover the surface of the base of the furnace with sawdust or sand. The concrete is moistened with water for 1 - 2 weeks, until the foundation is completely set.

The formwork is removed only when the corners of the structure acquire sufficient strength. The construction of the furnace can be started no earlier than two weeks after the concrete work.

Construction of Gudkov's barbecue oven

To erect the furnace body you will need fireclay refractory or red clay brick in the amount of 465 pcs. Refractory material is preferred because it can withstand elevated temperatures with ease. If you decide to use ordinary ceramic bricks, then make sure that the material is properly fired. Cracks, voids, insufficient firing are unacceptable. Not suitable for barbecue ovens and sand-lime bricks.

In addition, you need to prepare the following oven parts:

  • a cooking stove with one burner measuring 500 × 420 mm;
  • grill 500 × 420 mm for barbecue;
  • sheet metal 600 × 500 mm;
  • door for removing soot 140 × 140 mm;
  • blower door 140 × 270 mm;
  • loading door 270 × 250 mm;
  • grates 300 × 200 mm;
  • metal corner with shelf length 32 mm, thickness 4 mm - 4 pcs. 500 mm each and 6 pcs. 600 mm each;
  • steel wire OE2mm - 10 m;
  • asbestos cord OE5 mm - 10 m.

Masonry mortar

When building a kiln, bricks are laid on a clay-sand mortar using plastic varieties of red clay and coarse sand sifted on a sieve. The ratio of materials is chosen, depending on the fat content of the clay:

  • add to 1 tsp of oily clay - 2.5 tsp of sand;
  • for 1 hour of medium clay - 1.5 hours of sand;
  • for lean clay, the ratio is 1: 1.

You can determine the degree of fat content of clay by the content of sand in it:

  • from 2 to 4% - oily;
  • up to 15% - average;
  • from 30% - skinny.

To prepare a working mixture, the clay is soaked for 1 day, and then, gradually stirring, sand is added to it. To prepare the solution, you can also use special high-temperature mixtures of factory production, which can be found in the retail network.

Furnace body

It is best to start work on the furnace with the construction of a temporary canopy, under which it will be possible to work in any weather. To avoid mistakes during installation, the building body can be laid out dry.

Construction begins with wetting the brick. Red ceramic bricks are immersed in water for one or two minutes, and fireclay bricks are rinsed from dust.

Laying bricks is performed with bandaging the seams in half a brick, observing the thickness of the seams from 3 to 5 mm (the lower value is for refractory material). It is important that chips and cracks on the surface do not face the inside of the working chamber or chimney.

As the installation progresses, you will need to install oven appliances. To ensure the reliability of the structure, a wire is attached to the metal parts of the furnace, which is embedded in the masonry. Since metal and ceramics expand in different ways when heated, a thermal gap of 3 - 5 mm must be made, which is subsequently eliminated with an asbestos cord.


After the level of the combustion chamber is completely removed, a brazier or metal grate is installed on the corners comfort plate.

Metal corners are also used as a support when arranging a vault. The chimney can be 270 × 140 mm, 270 × 270 mm and 400 × 140 mm. To reduce the formation of soot on the inner walls of the chimney, they are plastered.

For finishing the barbecue oven, plastering, pasting with tiles or tiles, as well as simple jointing are used.

After the summer kitchen with barbecue is built, do not rush to test the oven at full strength. To avoid cracks, the stove must be heated with small portions of wood for a week.

Do-it-yourself summer kitchen in the country. Step-by-step instruction

The proposed design of the summer kitchen combines a hob, a small Russian oven, and work surfaces that provide additional convenience in the cooking process. Installed under a canopy of boards or polycarbonate, the open kitchen will take over all the responsibilities of preparing all kinds of dishes and seaming in the summer.

Summer kitchen project. Photo

The main materials that will be needed for construction:

  • cinder blocks;
  • red or fireclay bricks;
  • finishing materials;
  • formwork.

Having chosen a place for future construction, they begin to draw up drawings and calculate the amount of materials. The step-by-step instructions presented below will help to systematize all the stages of building a summer kitchen.

The foundation for a summer kitchen. Photo

Foundation construction

Having marked the pit under the foundation with the help of pegs and a cord, they begin excavation work. Having reached the depth of the pit of 35 cm, its walls are strengthened with formwork boards, and the bottom is covered with a 5-cm layer of gravel and compacted.

Equip two-layer armored belt made of metal mesh and vertical steel rods. Make sure that the reinforcement does not touch the boards, and after pouring it was protected with a layer of concrete with a thickness of at least 20 mm.

After pouring, the concrete is compactedvibrating screed, cover with foil and leave for 2 weeks until complete set.

Summer kitchen with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

Hull masonry

Laying begins from the corner, constantly controlling the geometry of the rows and corners using a level and a plumb line.

To perform the shift of the rows by half a brick, the laying of the second row begins with a bandage.

Having passed two rows, they equip the blower by mounting its door into the front wall. In the overlap of the working space above the blower, a grate is installed, and one row higher - the door of the combustion chamber. The combustion zone itself is made low, one or two rows of bricks above the loading hole, otherwise the flame will not reach the stove with combs.

The furnace body is erected at a height that is convenient for further operation.

Do-it-yourself summer kitchen in the country. Photo

After completing the masonry, the seams are filled with mortar and smoothed with a float.

Tabletop installation

Arrangement of the working surface begins with the laying of support rods from steel reinforcement... Formwork is mounted on them, which is poured with concrete.

After the concrete has set, the tabletop is finished with flagstone, carefully leveling the individual fragments and the gaps between them. At the final stage, the walls of the summer kitchen are plastered or revetted with heat-resistant finishing materials.

Choosing a stove for a summer kitchen

Of course, in the summer kitchen, you can install an electric stove or a gas stove powered by a bottle of liquefied gas, however, truly delicious dishes are obtained in a real wood-burning stove. In the carefully heated space of a miniature Russian stove, you can cook hot dishes in cauldrons or bake amazingly fragrant pies and pizza.

There are many articles written about how to put the stove in a summer kitchen. Our design uses the simplest scheme of a Russian stove. For its construction, a semicircular vault with a side channel is performed, which is led out into a common chimney.

Do-it-yourself oven for a summer kitchen. Photo

How to make a stove for a summer kitchen. Photo

The outer cladding of a wood-burning hearth can be made of sandstone, carefully adjusting the fragments of the trim to each other. After that, the seams are filled with mortar and smoothed with a spatula and a float.

Summer kitchen roof

After the oven and the working area are equipped, they begin to equip the roof of the summer kitchen. To maintain the style in which the proposed construction with a wood-burning stove is built, it is best to make a gable roof.

The roof of the summer kitchen with your own hands. Photo

To do this, a frame made of a wooden bar with a size of at least 100 × 100 mm is installed around the working space, after which an overlap is made of wooden boards, metal tiles or other materials.

Summer kitchen design and finishing options

When equipping a summer kitchen, I want to get not only the functionality and convenience of an open working area, but also a beautiful structure, designed in the style of other buildings and structures of the summer cottage. A kitchen located near the house can be placed on a large veranda adjacent to one of the entrances. A well-equipped barbecue area eliminates the need to install a portable grill. Ornamental plants and shrubs are planted around the summer kitchen. If there is a need to shade structures, then use all kinds of arches and props. A pergola installed near the summer kitchen will provide the necessary shade on hot days and create a secluded corner for leisurely conversations and get-togethers with friends.

Summer cuisine. Photo

In the process of creating an optimal working area, the main thing is not to overdo it with decorative elements. It is important to understand that, after all, the main purpose of the summer kitchen is cooking, therefore, if you want to cook on it every day, then you will not be able to do with one barbecue. We'll also have to install an electric, gas or wood-burning stove. It will be difficult without other benefits of civilization, therefore, the working area is complemented by a sink, all kinds of cabinets and shelves.

At the dacha, you just need a room where in the warm season you could cook dinner or do some preservation for the winter. And even if there is a large house on the site, every hostess simply dreams of a summer version of a closed kitchen.
But how to inexpensively make such a structure with their own hands, users will find out by reading this article.

Features and types of buildings

The closed summer kitchen is a full-fledged detached building with running water and electricity. A great place for welcoming guests during the warmer months, family dinners and social gatherings in the evenings, this is the right solution for regions with rainy summers and early frosts. However, it is not worth using such a structure in winter, unless the owners have worried about heating in advance.

Such a kitchen can be an independent structure or an extension to the main house, utility block or bathhouse. It can be equipped with a fireplace, barbecue or oven.

An interesting layout option is a kitchen-house with a terrace or veranda. All the necessary kitchen utensils and equipment are compactly placed inside, and a dining area is formed under the canopy.

In the villages, a variety of structures with a cellar and a barbecue are preferred. But you need to take into account the fact that the walls of the basement will become the upper part of the kitchen foundation, so they should be made of the most durable material.

It is important to note that if it is not possible to conduct electricity on the site, then the right decision would be to purchase a generator that runs on diesel fuel, which will provide light for both the building and kitchen appliances.

The erection of a closed structure is a laborious process that requires accurate calculations and drawings of every detail of the building. Designing a project with the correct dimensions will speed up construction and help avoid mistakes.

Site selection and structural design

The initial stage in the construction of a summer kitchen at a summer cottage is the choice of location, and then the design of all its components. And so that the result of the work does not disappoint, you need to remember a few features.

The best options for building materials

The choice of building materials directly depends not only on the service life, preferences of the owners, but also on financial capabilities. But today there are many practical examples of successful combinations of cheap materials with more expensive ones.

When building a summer building, the greatest demand is for:

  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • polycarbonate;
  • natural stone;
  • corrugated board;
  • wood;
  • lining;
  • aluminum.

Do not forget that the summer cottage should emphasize the beauty of the future design, so it will be appropriate to lay out paths of gravel or tiles, plant flowers and perennial shrubs. And if you have the financial ability to build an artificial pond.

If the site is fenced with a brick fence, it is good to make a kitchen from the same material or using natural stone. Such a structure is not afraid of the influence of the external environment and will stand for a single decade.

It is much easier to make a prefabricated indoor kitchen from a bar. Such a project will be less expensive, but every detail of the building will require constant maintenance and processing. In addition, wood wears out much faster than brick or stone.

To cover the floor, use:

  • laminate;
  • parquet;
  • linoleum;
  • decorative tiles.

The roof can be covered with:

  • corrugated board;
  • soft roof;
  • metal tiles.

The exterior decoration of the building with siding elements will give the kitchen a modern look.

Laying the foundation

Having decided on the place and having formed a design project, it is necessary to proceed with the construction of the foundation of the building.
When planning an open version of a summer kitchen, one could simply make a small depression in the ground over the entire area of ​​the future structure, cover it with sand. Allow time to stand a little, and lay out a layer of brick or boards. But the basis of a closed kitchen should be a durable and solid foundation, requiring phased installation.

If the flooring will be made of decorative tiles, the work surface must first be sanded or a level cement screed.

Photo: monolithic foundation is ready for building

Construction of walls

If the owners of the summer kitchen plan to use it in late autumn during the first frosts, you need to take care of strong walls so that the room inside does not freeze through under the influence of low temperatures. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to erect a masonry with a thickness of half or a whole brick.

Photo: masonry process using laces

Lovers of wooden house structures will assemble the walls much faster. Their basis will be a frame made of timber. And as an attachment to the elements, it is better to use metal corners and self-tapping screws. The outer part of the walls can be sheathed with a thin layer of boards.

Interior decoration is carried out using drywall, plastic, lining or plastering.

Installation of roofing

The roof of a closed kitchen should be durable and practical. Therefore, when purchasing materials for its installation, you can opt for:

The shape of the roof depends on the preferences of the owners. A gable roof would be a reliable option.

Photo: construction of a log with a gable roof

If the building will be used in winter, it is recommended to insulate with mineral wool or other heat-insulating material.

It is better to make one wing of the roof covering or a visor longer to create additional protection for the walls during precipitation, thereby extending the life of the entire building.

Interior decoration and interior design

High-quality interior decoration and well-chosen interior design will create a pleasant atmosphere of home comfort.

Getting started with the arrangement, you should pay attention to such nuances.

When creating a closed summer kitchen, it is necessary to accurately calculate every detail of the structure and correctly combine the selected building materials with the general style of the room, then the resulting structure will become not only a source of pride, but also a favorite place for the family for many years.

Order a gazebo from professionals

Don't have time to build on your own? Please contact the following organizations.

Construction companies

A summer kitchen, whether it be a simple gazebo with a barbecue or a solid structure with a stove and communications, is an essential building on any site. After all, country life is unimaginable without a barbecue, outdoor gatherings, and also without seasonal preservation of food. In this article, we have presented 11 tips, 70 photo ideas and several videos to help you create your perfect summer kitchen.

What kind of summer kitchens are there?

They can be roughly divided into three types:

  1. Open (e.g. BBQ gazebo, terrace or patio)- a simple frame building without insulation, often without walls (completely / partially) and even a roof. In fact, an open summer kitchen is a canopy or gazebo with a barbecue / stove and a dining area that can only be used in summer. It is good because it is comfortable to cook and eat in it, and to communicate with guests on fine summer days. An open kitchen is easier, faster and more economical to build than a closed kitchen. In winter, the summer building with a shed can be used as a warehouse for storing the farm. The disadvantages of an open kitchen are the limited life of the structure, as well as the lack of protection of furniture, equipment and kitchen inhabitants from insects, rain, wind and sun. For the winter, all furniture and equipment will have to be cleaned in a dry room.

Classic summer kitchen with barbecue and oven in the courtyard of a country house in the Moscow region

  1. Closed (e.g. grill house or veranda)- a capital covered building / annex with insulation and glazing, sometimes even heated all year round. In fact, this is a real house, consisting of a kitchen and a dining room. A closed summer kitchen is good because you can cook and eat in it even in bad weather with rains and winds. Thanks to the walls and roof in such a house, you can equip a full kitchen with a refrigerator, microwave, gas /electric stove , dishwasher, TV and other equipment... True, on warm days, cooking in a closed kitchen will be as hot as in the main house. Also keep in mind that building it will cost you more than an open building.

  1. Combined- this type of building combines an open and a covered space under one roof. Also, this category includes a summer kitchen combined with a bath. Such a kitchen is good for everyone and has only a couple of drawbacks - doubly complex design and an increased budget.

Now let's look at the characteristics of freestanding and attached kitchens:

  • Freestanding- good in that they allow you to place the hearth at a distance from the house so that smells, smoke and noise do not penetrate into the house. It makes sense to build a detached summer kitchen if you have enough space on the site, if it has, say, a beautiful garden or a pond, if you want to decorate the area with a new pretty structure.
  • Adjacent to the house- a terrace or veranda can become an excellent summer kitchen, because it is much easier and cheaper to build (one wall has already been erected) or remodel, and it is very convenient to move between the house and the annex. True, the minus of the summer kitchen on the veranda / terrace is that smoke, heat, smell and fumes from the stove will enter the living quarters, and part of the kitchen will remain a walk-through.

11 tips for building, arranging and designing a summer kitchen

No matter how thoughtful and beautiful your summer kitchen is, its unfortunate location on the site can complicate both construction and further operation. Therefore, the place is the first thing to think carefully about.

  • From a practical point of view, it is more convenient when the summer kitchen is located near the house. So it is easier for the inhabitants of the dacha to move between objects, and the implementation of utilities is cheaper, faster and easier. However, from an aesthetic point of view, it is better to place near the "attractions" of the site, which you can admire (for example, near a pond or garden). Also, bonuses are the following factors: protection from the wind, privacy from the eyes of neighbors and proximity to trees, which can shade the building and create coolness in it on hot days.

Summer kitchen in the country by the pond

  • Unsuitable places for a summer kitchen: by the road, garage, toilet, cesspools / compost pits, chicken coop and other places where unpleasant smells, noises, exhaust fumes, etc. can interfere with your rest.

Advice 2. Grill, barbecue, stove or oven complex? Solve this issue before developing / selecting a summer kitchen project

  • If the stove is the heart of the city kitchen, then the grill, brazier or stove can be called the heart of the country kitchen. Before you start designing, think about what kind of hearth you need: a grill, barbecue, stove or even a stove complex? Should the grill be stationary or portable? Coal or gas? With or without a chimney? What size and where will the fire source be located? A lot depends on your choice - from the type of foundation to the shape of the roof. So, for example, to build a stove, you will have to take care not only of the foundation, chimney and cladding, but also provide a place for storing firewood in the project.

It will help you to understand the features of different types of street hearth.

Stationary gas grill built into a brick structure

Tip 3. Do you want to build a summer kitchen with your own hands quickly and on a budget? Build an open gazebo made of wood, with a light roof, without main walls and a stove

In this case, instead of a monolithic or pile-strip foundation, you can get by with a columnar foundation. The building itself will consist of 4 (or more) supports and a one- / two-slope roof with a light roof, for example, made of polycarbonate. This is a very simple design, which can really be built with your own hands in just a couple of days and with a minimal budget.

The following selection of photos presents design options for simple summer kitchens.

Simple summer kitchen at a dacha in the suburbs

To build a summer kitchen with your own hands, it is easiest to use a tree. True, larch or teak should be preferred to pine, as they are stronger and, moreover, age beautifully.

Simple summer kitchen from a bar with a pitched roof

However, there is a way to make a summer kitchen with your own hands even faster and cheaper. Fold up your paving slab area, set up one or two large garden umbrellas, arrange furniture, set up a sink and portable grill, and start cooking!

On the one hand, the cellar in the summer kitchen is very useful, because it is so convenient to store food in it as in the refrigerator. On the other hand, its creation significantly increases the cost and complicates construction. Especially when it comes to an open building, because then the cellar will have to be insulated and protected from leaks. Even in the main house, you can do without a cellar and basement, let alone a summer kitchen.

Tip 5. The summer kitchen, the facade of the house and the landscape should be decorated in the same way.

When choosing or developing a summer kitchen project, thinking over options for its decoration, keep in mind that it should be combined with the facade of the house and other buildings on the site. So you will create a real suburban complex and achieve a sense of orderliness. It is not necessary that it be one hundred percent coincidence in color, decoration, architecture and style, but objects must overlap. The photo below shows an example of a modern summer kitchen on the terrace of a wooden house from a bar.

  • The closer the summer kitchen is to the house, the more similar both buildings should be.
  • If there is an object on the site that stands out from the "general picture", say, a hastily built bathhouse, then the design of the summer kitchen can be planned in such a way that it combines the features of both baths and houses. So some randomness of the building will be corrected.

In an open kitchen, the floor can be sheathed:

  • A wooden board covered with oil or wax for outdoor use (varnish will work worse, as it will begin to crack over time and will require renewal of the coating).

Outdoor kitchen in the country with flooring made of larch deck boards covered with matte glaze based on alkyd resins

  • Terrace board (made of wood-polymer composite).

  • Stone or special street tiles. True, such a floor requires a solid foundation and a large budget.

  • By the way, we recommend refraining from a floor that is too dark, as crumbs, dirt and puddles of water will be especially noticeable on it.
  • If the floor of an open kitchen has a slight slope (1-2 cm), rainwater that gets inside will drain off on its own.

Tip 7. Stick to the "working triangle" rule when planning your kitchen

In the arrangement of kitchens, there is a rule of the so-called. "Working triangle", which consists in the fact that three working areas (sink, stove and refrigerator) should be in reasonable proximity to each other, forming a triangle. Ideally, it should be equilateral. Thanks to this arrangement of zones, the kitchen is as convenient as possible.

  • In the summer kitchen, this rule is not always applicable in its pure form, because it can be too small , narrow, elongated, irregular in shape, instead of a stove, it most often uses a stove, grill or brazier, and there may not be a refrigerator at all. However, try to get as close to ideal as possible and not line up work areas in one line.

So, for example, if in your summer kitchen the fire source is a grill and it is taken out of it, then the sink and the food preparation area should be installed as close to the exit as possible.

  • If the kitchen is small, then you can arrange the kitchen in an L-shape. For a narrow kitchen (for example, on a veranda), a two-row layout may be suitable. V square kitchen the U-shaped layout will fit most successfully.

If only a single-row layout is possible in your summer kitchen, then a compact mobile island / peninsula will help to make it more convenient.

Tip 8. The dining area should be at a distance of at least 2 m from the barbecue / stove

Ideally, the distance between the dining table and the brazier / stove / grill should be about 3 m. In this case, smoke, heat and odors will not disturb the guests, and chips, ash and sparks will not spoil the appearance of the dining area.

Tip 9. Use furniture that will withstand outdoor conditions

Kitchen sets and dining furniture in the summer kitchen must withstand high humidity and temperature extremes, therefore, luxurious wooden furniture, furniture made of laminated chipboard / MDF, as well as furniture upholstered in fabric or leather should be discarded.

But the following options are suitable for a summer kitchen:

  • Veneered MDF furniture;
  • Wooden garden furniture (folding structures are especially well suited, which at the end of the summer season can be easily transferred to the pantry);
  • Forged outdoor furniture;
  • Stainless steel furniture (if you don't want to remove the kitchen set for the winter, choose stainless steel furniture);
  • Wicker furniture made of natural vine, rattan or plastic;
  • Plastic furniture (eg polycarbonate).

The photo below shows an example of the design of a summer kitchen-terrace with an all-season stainless steel set.

In this selection of photos, you can see ideas for furnishing a summer dining room.

Often summer residents forget to pay sufficient attention to the lighting of the summer kitchen. But it is with its help that you can create real coziness and comfort.

  • Ideally, artificial light in the evening should be soft, uniform and multi-level. To do this, the room should be lit not with one chandelier, but with several lamps: floor / pendant lamps, wall sconces, spot spots, suspensions, table lamps, floor lamps and / and or garlands of bulbs.
  • With the help of light, you can divide the space into zones, for example, the kitchen and dining room. So you will have the opportunity during evening meals to hide the work area in the dark and light only a beautiful table.

  • To make your evenings comfortable to cook, install the lighting directly above the work area. If you limit yourself to the light behind it, your back will block the light during cooking.
  • For lighting an open summer kitchen, metal, plastic, wooden and wicker lamps with additional protection from water are suitable. Ideally, these should be garden and park lamps.

  • Solar powered lanterns can be installed around the summer kitchen and along the walkway. During the day they accumulate energy, and in the evening they turn on automatically. True, they give a little light, and on cloudy days they do not charge at all.
  • Using hedges, pergolas, or climbing screens, you can make your summer kitchen more secluded and obscure unsightly areas of the site.
  • Ornamental plantings, flower beds and bushes can mark the boundaries of zones, hide the foundation and simply decorate the summer kitchen and the general view of the territory.
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