Who is this courier? Features of the profession. Personal qualities. Job description of a courier in an organization

Working as a courier - it would seem that what could be easier on the labor market? You need to take the parcel from the sender and take it to the specified address, using any affordable way transportation. At first glance, it seems that there are no additional nuances or features. This is what people who are far from professional activity courier

The real picture looks somewhat different - the courier must be a real specialist, have excellent knowledge of the terrain, have a sense of responsibility for the entrusted cargo and adequately assess the degree of danger, from which, unfortunately, no one is insured. In case of any problems with transport, the courier must immediately think through alternative solution and quickly return to the route.

In other words, a courier is a specialist who undertakes to promptly deliver the parcel to the addressee, keeping it in its original form. It is important that it must act in full accordance with the customer’s requirements (to the place of delivery, time), with all attention to the characteristics of the cargo. Naturally, to do all this, you need to prepare properly. We will try to understand the main keys to a successful career in the courier service.

Today, a huge number of large and small enterprises are looking for young and active people who can cope with the work of a courier, clearly understanding the degree of responsibility assigned to them. A courier, in the modern sense, is very different from a simple messenger of the past who carried parcels or notes to recipients, since the former must be a high-level specialist.

Delivering a package and leaving it at the door or giving it to the wrong person is unthinkable for a modern courier. Nowadays, a delivery service employee has highly specialized qualities and some tools that help, surprisingly high speed and with the highest degree of accuracy, deliver any cargo safe and sound.

To ensure that the path from a novice courier to an experienced delivery specialist does not take several years, real professionals have prepared several tips that will simplify the career growth of a beginner and allow him to quickly and fully realize himself in this field.

Tip one - always have a city map with you

A city map (or better yet, several different ones, in any format - electronic or paper) - this is the very first and faithful assistant who will never let you down. Even if you have a perfect idea of ​​all the alleys in the city, a map will not be superfluous. It is possible that they are going somewhere renovation work, the infrastructure of the area has changed, signs with building numbers or the administration have disappeared settlement decided to change the names of streets, avenues or squares.

In any case, the maps will help you navigate and tell you which direction to move in order to deliver the package as quickly as possible.

Tip two - learn to communicate effectively with others

Communication skills are the main quality that a professional courier who strives to rise through the ranks must have. career ladder. The ability to build a dialogue is a feature of reasonable people and is precisely what ideal, is the courier.

Situations are different, and so are customers. The person who sends or expects the parcel does not always have the necessary level of adequacy to communicate normally, especially in stressful situations. The courier’s task is to remain calm in any case and choose words wisely when communicating with the client, even if he is dissatisfied with something or expresses negative emotions. Learn to deal with objections politely, always show concern, and behave with restraint.

Tip three - develop a sense of responsibility

Responsibility is a very important and valuable quality that distinguishes professional staff delivery services. An experienced courier always takes a responsible approach to fulfilling orders, even those that are not the most important at first glance. A true professional will never forget the means of communication and, in the event of an unforeseen situation, will always notify the coordinator or contact the client.

If there is no sense of responsibility, it needs to be developed and trained. Actually, it's not that difficult. If you are a beginner and just starting to work as a courier, make it a rule:

  • Always arrive at the recipient 10 minutes earlier (it’s better for you to wait for the customer than for him to wait for you)
  • In case of a delay, even if you are 5 minutes late, call the coordinator or client in advance (if it is not possible to make a call, then send an SMS or contact them by email)
  • If an unexpected situation occurs, report it to the dispatcher

If you always follow these three simple rules, then working as a courier will not only be successful, but will also allow you to realize yourself as a true professional. As in any other field of activity, here you can quickly establish yourself and receive a constant flow of orders, which will provide a decent income.

And lastly, any professional courier knows that before starting to fulfill an order, it is necessary not only to automatically plot the route, but also to mentally go through it (you can use the capabilities of Google maps or another application). As a rule, dispatchers or coordinators do this, but the human factor cannot be ruled out.

Not in all cases, experts draw up the route correctly and, quite possibly, if you familiarize yourself with it first, you will be able to find more effective solution. To make it easier to study the route, you need to acquire several good cards cities where all infrastructure facilities are indicated, as mentioned above.

For those who are not used to being in one place for a long time, in the best possible way the profession of courier is useful - who is it, what are its responsibilities and requirements - read on.

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What you need to know about the profession

A courier is a specialist who works in a courier service.

Its main task is to deliver:

  • various types of parcels;
  • colors;
  • gifts;
  • different kinds goods;
  • valuable documents.

Most often, everything that should not be trusted by email or regular mail. In this case, courier delivery looks the most attractive, since it can be carried out exactly on time and to the specified place. In addition, the sender always receives notification of the delivery of the item. This is especially useful when there is a conflict and confirmation in the form of the recipient's signature is required.

In order to receive workplace, the specialist must have the following personal qualities required to work as a courier:

  1. good communication skills;
  2. be mobile;
  3. have a sense of responsibility;
  4. be punctual;
  5. remain calm and friendly in all situations;
  6. be hardy;
  7. always look presentable;
  8. Professional driving skills may also be required, especially if you have to use it for delivery;
  9. be decent;
  10. carry out instructions carefully;
  11. be charming;
  12. do not have bad habits.

Features of the profession

Since it is not necessary to receive a special education, in this case anyone who is willing to be on the road most of the time can become a courier. The only exception is a diplomatic courier, since in order to become one, you will need to receive special training. Most often, young people become couriers, for whom delivery of orders can become something interesting.

On the one hand, you may get the impression that the work is simple, but in fact, cargo delivery can be accompanied by a lot of both pleasant and unpleasant moments. It is for this reason that the courier should be prepared for any situation, having several options for the development of events and solutions to emerging problems. After all, the most important thing is to deliver the cargo on time.

The following can be used as a means of transportation:

  • public transport;
  • personal or official;
  • scooter;
  • on foot.

The courier is required to have good knowledge of the area. Fortunately they help with this electronic cards, navigators that are built into the smartphone.

Very often, couriers become students and high school students who want to earn money, choose an active lifestyle, as well as communicate with different people. Of course, you have to constantly move in order to be on time everywhere and deliver the cargo to its destination on time.

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Important qualities of a professional courier include:

  • patience;
  • endurance;
  • the ability to maintain goodwill and a positive mood.

Despite the relatively small earnings, the courier can receive great experience in communication, navigation, making interesting and even important acquaintances. All this may be useful in the future.

Now you know what a job like a courier is, who it is, what personality requirements are required.

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The profession of courier has recently become widespread. And this is no coincidence. Today you can easily purchase any goods via the Internet: from a cell phone to washing machine or even a car. So now the courier profession is not only the delivery of correspondence, but also goods ordered through various online stores.

Working as a courier

What does a courier do?. Delivers parcels, letters, documents, and various goods. The main task is to deliver the order or documents to Right place no delays. If a courier works in an online store, then he usually delivers 5-6 orders per day.

Working as a courier with a personal car significantly increases mobility and speed of delivery, so for employers, having a car is an additional advantage when selecting candidates. But still, for most reputable companies, working as a courier by car involves using not personal, but official transport with the company logo.

Courier salary

How much does a courier earn? average salary a courier in Moscow costs about 15,000 rubles per month, but it all depends on the company and the amount of work.

Requirements and job responsibilities of a courier

Requirements for a courier. Decency, mobility, sociability, good appearance, non-conflict, sociability, commitment, punctuality.

Job responsibilities of the courier. Delivery of packages and goods to and from homes, apartments, offices or other places; letter delivery, business papers and other correspondence between institutions; performing various similar duties.

What the courier should know

What a courier needs to know. The most important thing is the exact delivery address and the most convenient and fastest route to your destination. The ability to use paper maps is already fading into the background, because... Couriers are often used to navigate terrain using GPS navigators.

How to become a courier

This work does not require any education, so mostly students and schoolchildren go to work as couriers, who earn extra money in this way in their free time.

Courier(from French courrier and Latin curro - to run) - an employee involved in the delivery of business correspondence and goods. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

The profession of a courier is necessary these days to deliver gifts, flowers, goods and many other things that cannot simply be sent by e-mail. Courier delivery is a guarantee that the customer will receive his package on time, and the fact of receipt will be certified by a signature indicating the date and time. Thus, a courier is a profession no less important than that of office workers, and requires a serious approach.

In most cases, couriers travel from point to point by public transport, on foot or in a personal vehicle. The courier must be well versed in the streets of the locality in which he will have to work. Some cities are much more difficult to navigate. For example, in New York all the avenues and streets ( street) intersect at right angles and are numbered in order. And finding any house in one of the remote areas in Almaty is quite difficult. Or there is a possibility of spending more than an hour searching for the desired address, and in the end it turns out that the specified street was renamed a long time ago.

You can start working as a courier while still a university student. In most cases, these are evening or part-time students. Many of those who work as couriers perceive such employment as temporary. Working as a courier is quite simple and does not require any special skills, so the pay is not high at first.

Important. A courier in diplomatic work does not belong to junior personnel. Diplomatic courier (diplomatic courier) is an official who is entrusted with the delivery of diplomatic mail. He enjoys diplomatic immunity.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • ability to navigate the city and unfamiliar territory
  • ability to work with modern office equipment

Personal qualities

  • endurance.
  • punctuality
  • presentable appearance
  • professional driving skills (in case of working on vehicles)
  • liability (the courier is financially responsible for the delivered goods or letters)
  • mobility
  • decency
  • accuracy
  • communication skills
  • charm, lack of bad habits.

Pros of the profession

  • availability in most cases of a free schedule
  • the opportunity to make useful contacts, knowledge of the addresses of many companies
  • opportunity career growth(if the courier proves himself well)
  • good part-time job, extra income

Cons of the profession

  • small salary for courier
  • inappropriate behavior of some customers
  • the need to work in any weather (rain, snow, cold, heat)
  • the need to deliver fairly heavy parcels, which can have a negative impact on health
  • necessity for a long time carry out “on your feet”

Place of work

  • firms and companies specializing in selling goods via the Internet and trading through catalogs
  • companies with a courier department
  • companies specializing in parcel trading
  • companies that regularly send press, Bank statements and accounts (media, telecommunications companies, operators cellular communication, financial institutions)
  • postal operators providing express delivery services

Career and salary

Salary as of 03/05/2019

Russia 15000—70000 ₽

Moscow 17000—60000 ₽

As a bonus, employers can pay for travel passes or cellular communications.

If you want to earn good money and grow professionally, you can contact a special courier service. In essence, they are an alternative to regular government mail, which delivers parcels with notification.

After a few years of impeccable service as a messenger, there is a very real opportunity to get a position in one of the company’s departments - in many companies it is customary to trust their trusted employees, and not applicants from the street.

Where to study to become a Courier

Specialized courier services prefer to hire people with above-average education. They will hire you to a small company even after school.

You can easily get a job as a courier without any work experience. In general, this job does not require any special education, but only instruction that can be received on the spot.

Sometimes in life you have to deal with people different professions. Recently, the work of a courier has been considered one of the most popular. Why does this happen? What is so unusual about this specialty, and what are the main responsibilities of a courier?

History of the profession

Even during Greco-Roman antiquity, there were people who were engaged in delivering messages, letters and various items. They were first called messengers. After the Roman Emperor Augustus introduced a special civil service in the country, such messengers began to be called “couriers.” The name comes from the Latin word currere, which means “to run.” Many years have passed since then, but the specialty is still relevant to this day. Who are these people and what are the responsibilities of a courier today? Such an employee can either be on the staff of a specific enterprise or be an employee of a specialized company, which, by the nature of its activities, is engaged in various deliveries.

Such organizations differ from each other in several ways:

  1. By service area. In this case, items are delivered both within the city and outside it. The service can be provided even between different states or continents.
  2. According to delivery sizes. Loads can be small or large.
  3. Specialized and universal.

Each of these signs leaves its mark on the responsibilities of the courier who performs this work.

Features of the profession

In principle, anyone can become a courier. This job does not require any professional skills or special education. But to perform the duties of a courier, a person must:

  1. Be prepared for serious physical activity. When there are a large number of orders, you need to move quickly and with minimal interruptions. This is completely impossible if the employee has health problems. In addition, such a rhythm cannot withstand, for example, old man. Therefore, when selecting candidates, the age factor is also taken into account.
  2. Easy to navigate the area. This refers to knowledge of a specific region and possible ways messages. If you entrust the delivery of urgent correspondence to a person who does not know the city well, then it is foolish to expect that he will be able to reach his destination on time.
  3. Have a presentable appearance. When a letter is delivered by an unkempt messenger, a negative opinion is formed about the entire organization. It is unlikely that anyone will want to use her services again.

All these circumstances must be considered by management when selecting personnel.

What should the courier do?

At some enterprises staffing table such a position is envisaged. In this case, special instructions are developed in advance, which specifically list job responsibilities courier

There aren't many of them. A worker in this profession must:

  1. Deliver any correspondence and cargo as directed by the supervisor. It can be either the director of the enterprise or the head of the courier service.
  2. Before sending, carefully study the location of the recipient, call him and specify a time convenient for the meeting. After all, every company has its own work schedule. The bellhop may come during lunch hours and waste valuable time. If the letter is intended for a specific person, then it is necessary to agree that right time he was in place.
  3. Develop your own route. This is necessary to organize timely delivery.
  4. Apply and receive from responsible person power of attorney.
  5. Correctly complete delivery documents. Not only the recipient's signature may be required, but also the organization's seal.
  6. Complete all assignments within the established time frame.

The rest of the time at the workplace, the courier must be a full-fledged member of the team: carry out minor assignments from his immediate superior, treat other employees kindly, be responsive and positive.

Home goods

Online shopping has become especially popular these days. They literally enveloped the entire country with their invisible networks. Nowadays such shopping facilities can be found in almost every city. The staff of such a store is usually small. As a rule, it consists of: a manager, an accountant, a dispatcher, couriers and loaders. For each there is a separate instruction with detailed description all requirements. The duties of a courier for delivery in such a store are not much different from those performed, for example, by a postal worker. He must also first receive an assignment from his immediate supervisor, which lists all the orders intended for him. The delivery deadline and recipient details (address and contact telephone number) are also indicated there. After this, the courier must call the client and agree on a meeting date. Once there, the store employee must hand the goods to the buyer and have him sign the receipt.

This document is needed for reporting. Sometimes the courier's duties include receiving Money. Typically this is payment for goods and services provided. If everything is done correctly, then all he has to do is return to his place and report to his superiors about the work done.

Fast food delivery

Some catering outlets sometimes require a courier driver. The duties of such an employee consist of two parts. As a driver, he must be able to drive vehicle and keep it in good condition. And as a courier he needs:

  1. Receive one or more orders.
  2. Develop for yourself the optimal route so as not to violate the approved delivery deadlines.
  3. Deliver the order to its destination.
  4. Hand it over to the recipient, taking the payment due and the client’s signature on the order.