Ondulin roofing pros and cons, features. Ondulin: technical characteristics House roofing material ondulin

For the right choice roofing material an individual developer needs to have an idea of ​​the advantages, disadvantages, installation rules of all possible options coatings

Among other materials for pitched roofs, such as different types tiles (classic clay, soft bitumen, composite, metal tiles) or our domestic asbestos-cement slate, Ondulin is distinguished by its low weight and relatively low price.

But is its merits limited to this only?

Let's talk about the properties of ondulin in more detail.

Roofing material “Onduline”, often called Euroslate, produced in France since 1944, in 1994, the first roof made of this material appeared in Russia, and 14 years later, a plant in Nizhny Novgorod began production of this brand of material.

IN Russian Federation produce two types of Ondulin - Smart and DiY brand sheets, and additional elements for them (ridge, gable, valley). Ondulin Compact is produced at factories in the European Union and supplied to the Russian Federation through official dealers. The concern has factories in the USA, Turkey and some other countries.

  • In addition to classic Ondulin products, the concern produces Onduvilla brand materials, Ondulin - tiles, Bituwell, Nuline, Aqualine, Corrubit and accessories for them.
  • Onduvilla and ondulin– the tiles duplicate the classic Ondulin in composition, and their design imitates a tiled roof.
  • Ondulin Bituwell Produced in Germany, thanks to the addition of cardboard to the composition, the sheets are more rigid and fragile.
  • Nuline made in the USA, the texture is glossy or matte, the glossy one has an additional layer of paint, so it fades less.
  • Aqualine produced in Belgium. This brand is distinguished by its acrylic coating, which makes it fade less than other brands.
  • Corrubit From a Turkish manufacturer, it has a classic composition.

When selling, dealers issue a warranty card with installation instructions. The manufacturer's warranty does not apply to counterfeit products, so you need to purchase Ondulin only through a dealer network.

Ondulin photos of roofs and color options:

Ondulin brown

Ondulin colors photo


What is ondulin made from? Euroslate production directly associated with the saturation of cellulose fibers with distilled bitumen under high pressure.

The classic formula of the material also includes a mineral filler, pigments and a resin that hardens when cooled.

The result was material resistant to high and low temperatures, does not rot or rust, does not contain asbestos fibers. More detailed characteristics.

All grades of material are characterized by the following properties:

  1. The service life of ondulin on the roof is up to 50 years;
  2. Guaranteed moisture resistance for 15 years;
  3. Sheet weight from 6.0 kg;
  4. Wave height 3.6 cm;
  5. Wave pitch 9.5 cm;
  6. The cut color is uniform - green, red, brown and black, the pigment is introduced into the mass before molding;
  7. The sheets are computer marked with the name of the concern, plant code, production date and batch number.

The useful sheet area, thickness, and number of waves depend on the Ondulin brand. To fasten the sheet you need at least 20 special nails.

Ondulin Smart is equipped with a hydraulic lock " Smart Lock", which gives this brand additional moisture resistance.

Material Specifications

Pros and cons of ondulin

The advantages of Ondulin include:

  • light weight,
  • durability,
  • moisture resistance,
  • various designs,
  • relatively low cost,
  • simple installation,
  • quick roof calculation using .

The disadvantages of the material are determined by the composition:

  1. Flammability;
  2. Fragility;
  3. Ease;
  4. Uneven fading in light;

Advantages of coverage

Does ondulin burn? Since cellulose, cardboard and bitumen are used in the production of Ondulin, the material, by definition, cannot help but burn. It also contains formaldehyde and formaldehyde in small quantities, so it cannot be called completely environmentally friendly either.

The manufacturer warns - Do not step on the low part of the wave due to the fragility of the material.

Since the surface of the sheets is rough, debris, fallen leaves, and snow are retained on it. The roof will need to be cleaned regularly, which means providing walking flooring, especially since when sub-zero temperatures the material becomes more brittle.

The low mass of the material is to some extent a disadvantage, for example, with high wind loads and a steep roof slope, the sheets can be torn off by the wind.

Despite the manufacturer’s assurance of resistance to UV radiation, during the first 2-3 years of operation the material fades, and some unevenly colored sheets fade unevenly. Replacing faded sheets will not add aesthetics; new ones will look like a patch.

Complaints about fading come mainly from the southern region and no more than 4% of the total area covered with Euro slate.

Tile Ondulin

The discrepancy in the service life of the roof is alarming - 50 years and 15 year waterproof guarantee. If we consider that the main quality of a roof is protection from precipitation, then who needs a roof that has not lost its color or shape, but leaks?

Since the material has a rough surface, its coating collects dust and traps debris and snow, which requires regular cleaning. However, due to the manufacturer's walking restrictions, especially in winter time, requires the installation of special ladders and caution. It is advisable to carry out cleaning with a broom or lightweight plastic shovel.

Ondulin roof - component materials

For high-quality waterproofing and an aesthetic roof, components must be purchased simultaneously with Ondulin sheets. The complete set includes:

  • Under-roof membrane– for weathering condensate if the roof is warm;
  • Ridge element– protects the upper joint of sheets;
  • Endova– laid along the joint line of the planes;
  • Tong– for the design of gable overhangs;
  • Ventilation tube– installed at the ventilation outlet;
  • Covering apron– forms the joints of the roof with a vertical wall, for example at the outlet of a chimney;
  • Cornice filler– to decorate the edge of the overhang, holes for ventilation can be opened locally;
  • Insulating tapes– to protect joints and breaks in the roof;
  • Nails with cast caps to match the color of the main coating.

Roof components

Covering installation

Installing Ondulin is easy to do with your own hands - the weight of the sheets and components does not require special lifting mechanisms.

We talked in detail about the installation of ondulin in.

To work you will need:

  • Pencil;
  • Roulette or measuring tape;
  • Hacksaw, jigsaw or grinder;
  • Light hammer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Spool of thread;
  • Special staircase.

Euro slate can only be laid at positive temperatures and not higher than 30° C.

Laying the sheets starts from the leeward side from the bottom and proceeds in horizontal rows.


Joining at one point of four is prohibited roofing sheets , so each even sheet should start with half a sheet cut along the wave.

For easy cutting of elements cutting tool It is recommended to periodically lubricate with oil. Align the overhang with a cord stretched between the outer rafters.

Roofing pie for ondulin

Depending on the Ondulin brand, the sheet overhang along the pediment and cornice is 5-7 cm. The sheets are laid with an overlap of 1-2 waves. The overlap of horizontal rows is 14-30 cm, corresponding to the angle of inclination of the roof. You can talk about attaching the covering to the sheathing.

At least 20 nails are required to fasten each sheet, if it has 10 waves and 18 nails if there are fewer waves. All this data is given in the installation instructions attached to the purchased sheets.


It is prohibited to stretch or compress sheets to shape them.– this can damage the structure of the material!

After installing the covering sheets and all accessories, it is necessary to waterproof all joints.

Basic installation rules

Sheathing device and angle of inclination

The pitch of the bars depends on the slope of the roof, the cross-section is 4x4 cm.

If the roof of the house is insulated, then before completing the lathing it is necessary to lay it, securing it to the rafters with a counter-lattice.

Membrane sheets are laid with an overlap of 2 cm, the joints are glued with fabric tape, then proceed to the lathing.

An ondulin roof with a slope of 5-10° collects the largest amount of snow, and therefore requires a continuous flooring under euro slate. It is possible to perform continuous flooring from sheets moisture resistant chipboard, fiberboard or OSB 16-20 mm thick in 2 layers, with overlapping seams.

  • For sloped roofs 10-15° The sheathing pitch will be 45cm.
  • Slope 15-18° requires a bar spacing of 60 cm.
  • On slope 18-20° Ondulin roofing experiences maximum wind loads, so the sheathing pitch is 72 mm.
  • Roof slope more than 40° not suitable for Ondulin.

On eaves overhangs and on the ridge, areas 300 mm wide performed with continuous flooring.

When installing sheathing from metal profile, its step corresponds to:

For a roof with a slope of 10-15°, the sheathing pitch will be 45 cm.

A slope of 15-18° requires an element pitch of 60 cm.

Installation of sheathing

Ondulin analogues

Huge selection of roofing materials construction market allows you to choose according to the style of construction, color scheme and material efficiency.

Considering roofing materials of a different composition, we highlight the main thing: the main advantage of Euro slate is its lightness (from 6 kg/m2), quite comparable to metal tiles and composite tiles, But Ondulin is inferior to them in terms of guaranteed moisture resistance.

Comparison of ondulin with others.

Metal tiles, corrugated sheets:

  1. Weight – from 7 kg/m kW.
  2. Non-flammable;
  3. Eco-friendly;
  4. Loud noise when it rains;
  5. Large selection of designs and colors;
  6. Easy installation.

Metal tiles

Composite tiles:

  1. Weight – from 8.4 kg/sq.m;
  2. Non-flammable;
  3. Eco-friendly;
  4. Reduces the noise of precipitation;
  5. Variety of designs and colors;
  6. Easy installation.

Composite tiles

Ceramic and cement-sand tiles:

  1. Weight – about 50 kg/sq.m;
  2. Non-flammable;
  3. Eco-friendly;
  4. Reduces the noise of precipitation;
  5. Requires powerful rafter system.
  6. Difficult installation.

Ceramic tiles

Flexible bitumen shingles:

  1. Weight – from 8.4 to 25 kg/sq.m;
  2. Does not support combustion;
  3. Eco-friendly;
  4. Reduces the noise of precipitation;
  5. Limited color range, a small amount of designs;
  6. Difficult installation.

Flexible tiles

All of the listed types of roofing materials are repairable; from an aesthetic and price point of view, natural ceramic tiles take precedence. Ondulin leads only in minimum cost.

Many people far from construction wonder what ondulin is. Since this new word is constantly being heard, it attracts a lot of attention from those interested in modern technologies specialists and curious homeowners alike.

In fact, the term "ondulin" means modern look roofing material based on cellulose and bitumen, the coating of which reliably protects the roof from precipitation and adverse weather conditions long years. In this article we will tell you what ondulin is made of, how much it costs, what types of this material are produced, and where they are used.

Ondulin is a modern, technologically advanced roofing material that is used to create a stable, moisture-resistant coating. It is a product and protected trademark of the French company Onduline, which began its production more than 70 years ago.

This roofing covering, which is made on the basis of cellulose impregnated with purified bitumen, came to the Russian market only 10-15 years ago, after which it earned the trust of professional roofers and developers. Currently, the following types of this material are distinguished:

  • Ondulin

The classic ondulin coating is a sheet rectangular shape with a wave-shaped profile, the size of which is 200x950 cm. It has high moisture-proof properties, a light weight and a guaranteed service life of 15 years.

Installation of classic ondulin is carried out in the same way as laying traditional slate. The wave height of this material is 36 mm, and the sheet thickness is 3 mm. The cost of 1 m2 of such a roof will be 300-350 rubles.

A product of collaboration between the French company Onduline and Italian designers. This roofing material is a symbiosis. Onduvilla is cut corrugated strips, the wave height of which is 36 mm, width 40 cm, length 104-106 cm.

Onduvilla is laid in tiers with a slight overlap, its waves imitate ceramic tiles in Mediterranean style. Such a covering with an area of ​​1 m2 weighs only 4 kg. Onduvilla costs from 410 rubles for 1 square meter.

Onduvilla is a mixture of tiles and ondulin.

By adding natural pigments, the material is painted in the required colors. Standard colors include black, brown, green and red.

Ondulin coating tends to fade under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and the destruction of the pigment occurs unevenly. To update the color of the roof, a primer is applied to it and then painted.

Interesting! Initially, the roofing material ondulin was developed as a means for repairing metal or tile roofs, which does not require dismantling the structure. Lightness and excellent moisture-proof properties made it possible to lay this material over old roofing pie. During its operation, it began to be used to cover roofs independently.

Production process

Light weight, moisture-proof properties and simplicity are explained by the characteristics of the substances from which it consists. It, like onduvilla, is produced from environmentally friendly, healthy components, which cannot be said about.

The composition includes waste from the pulp industry, petroleum bitumen, polymer resins, natural pigments, and modifiers. During the production process, ondulin coating and onduvilla go through 5 stages:

  1. The first stage of manufacturing this roofing material is called wet, since during it waste paper, cleared of impurities or debris, is mixed with water, obtaining a wet paper mass called pulp.
  2. The next phase of production is called drying. During this process, the prepared pulp is fed to a conveyor, where it is given a wavy shape and then dried.
  3. Completely dried sheets are cut according to standard sizes material, after which they are sent to the impregnation workshop.
  4. Sheets of roofing material are impregnated with petroleum bitumen on both sides under high temperature and pressure.
  5. Onduvillas are stacked on pallets and then wrapped in shrink film to prevent mechanical and weather damage to the material during transportation or storage.

The conveyor for the production of this roofing material produces one finished sheet in 4 seconds. From the moment the pulp is supplied to the conveyor to packaging, ondulin is produced within 45 minutes. During the manufacturing process, all components included in the coating are checked for compliance with safety requirements. Thanks to strict quality control, it is considered one of the most environmentally friendly materials.


Ondulin is used for repairing roofs, laying new coverings, as a lining for ceramic tiles or to create fences and waterproof screens. A coating made of this material has a guaranteed service life of 15 years, however, according to reviews from professional roofers, it has a trouble-free service life of at least 30-50 years.

Light weight, affordable cost, moisture-repellent properties and resistance to biological factors of destruction make ondulin indispensable in private housing construction. The technical characteristics of this material meet high standards:

  • The destructive load of roofs covered with ondulin is at least 960 kgf/m2, and it is not the sheet itself that is destroyed, but the sheathing or rafter frame.
  • The elastic modulus of the material is 3,940-8,160 kgf/m2, due to which the sheet is highly flexible.
  • The material can withstand temperatures up to 110 degrees without deforming or losing elasticity or rigidity.
  • The noise reduction level of ondulin is 40 dB, which allows you to accept this material without additional sound insulation.
  • The thermal conductivity coefficient of ondulin is 0.19 kcal/mchoC. The thermal conductivity of this material is significantly lower than that of the roof, so the roof does not heat up as much under the influence of the sun.
  • This roofing material is loss-free mechanical strength, moisture resistance can withstand at least 25 cycles of freezing and thawing, this explains the long service life of roofs coated with ondulin.

Note! Ondulin and onduvilla are flammable roofing materials, since the components included in the composition do not have fire protection. For increase fire safety Manufacturers do not recommend using such a coating for roofs through which chimney pipes of solid fuel stoves or fireplaces are discharged. To prevent fire, it is necessary to equip the pipe passage with a fire-resistant box, and also install a spark arrester made of sheet metal.

Video instruction

Ondulin or bitumen shingles- one of the modern roofing materials, which is very popular among private developers. In appearance it resembles slate, which is why it has another name - Euroslate.

France is the birthplace of ondulin. Although Euro slate first appeared on the construction market in the past forties, it appeared in Russia relatively recently (but has firmly established itself).

Production technology

Looking at the attractive ones, it’s hard to believe that they are covered with pressed paper. Meanwhile, the main raw material for the production of bitumen shingles is cellulose.

The technology for producing ondulin consists of several operations:

Technical characteristics of ondulin

Technical characteristics of ondulin

Physical properties of ondulin

  • Strength: this parameter for ondulin is: not less than 1800 kPa according to the NFQ 03-054 standard; not less than 170 kPa/m according to the OFIC standard.

According to test results at a load of 960 kgf/sq. m ondulin retains its integrity. For more high load There is no point in checking the material, since at 960 kgf/sq. m, the roof truss system is destroyed. The high strength properties of ondulin allow it to withstand significant snow loads and hurricane winds. The only note is that you should not use ondulin when the roof slope is less than 10 degrees. This will lead to additional costs for the installation of continuous sheathing and an increase in the consumption of roofing material due to an increase in sheet overlaps.

It should, however, be taken into account that when low temperatures bitumen shingles become brittle, and at high temperatures - over 30 degrees - it softens. These nuances should be taken into account when installing the roof: work should not be carried out if the thermometer drops below zero or exceeds +30°C. But this only applies to installation: roofing made from ondulin can be used in the temperature range from -40°C to +50°C.

By the way, defective ondulin not only loses color - it can also delaminate, and fungus nestles on its surface and rapidly multiplies. It is difficult to determine a defect visually, so the buyer should carefully choose the seller. It is better to purchase material from a supplier who has been known on the market for at least ten years and values ​​its reputation.

Of course, with such characteristics, ondulin is a good roofing material. However, one should not forget that modern market It’s not limited to just this; there are metal tiles, corrugated sheets and others.
It all depends on what is more important to you. If fire safety is a concern, then you should definitely choose metal tiles.

Also, after reading, you can find out which is better: ondulin or corrugated sheeting? Reviewed in detail specifications each of their materials will help you make the right choice.

Color range and price

Ondulin, unlike metal tiles, cannot boast bright colors. Its color range is not rich, the sheets are painted in discreet shades of red, green, brown and black. However, you can see many cottages where the color and texture of the facades are in perfect harmony with the color of the ondulin roof.

Although price does not relate to the operational or technical characteristics of ondulin, this factor is one of the decisive ones when choosing a roofing covering. Ondulin with the appropriate technical characteristics has a price from 320 to 430 rubles per sheet, which may also vary depending on the color you choose.

Video about the production of ondulin and its technical characteristics

The technology for the production of ondulin has already been mentioned above. You can find out how this happens at the factory by watching the video.

In this video, ondulin is tested, thereby confirming its main properties.

Today, ondulin is considered one of the most popular roofing materials. Many people are interested in all the information about ondulin: what it is made of, what characteristics and service life it has, how it affects people’s health, etc. Owners interest country houses quite understandable, because modern roofing should not only be attractive in appearance, but also durable, environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Does ondulin meet all these qualities?

Features of ondulin

This question can only be answered by familiarizing yourself with the composition of this modern roofing material. It is the composition of ondulin that gives it unique performance qualities that guarantee a service life of at least 50 years. Due to the fact that asbestos is not included in the mixture, ondulin is more environmentally friendly than slate, but just as durable. Despite the fact that the difference between the two materials is noticeable even to a non-specialist, ondulin received a second name - Euroslate. This is largely due to its undeniable advantages over other roofing materials:

  1. The ability of low water absorption, in which a special microclimate is formed in the space under the roof, which does not change even when climatic conditions change.
  2. The presence of resistance to precipitation in the form of snow and rain, as well as other weather phenomena.
  3. Protection against damage by fungi and mold and exposure to aggressive chemical substances(alkalis, acids, industrial gases, etc.).
  4. Using environmentally friendly raw materials in the production.

In addition, ondulin is easy to install: it cuts well, does not break, and does not require the use of special tools. Even a beginner can successfully handle the installation of the coating.

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Composition of the material and stages of its manufacture

The main raw material from which Euro slate is made is ordinary waste paper. Unnecessary paper and cardboard are processed into pulp, which undergoes special preparation before molding. Then resins, pigments and fillers are added to the composition. The already formed sheets are impregnated with purified bitumen. All of the listed components undergo thorough checks at the preparation stage for compliance with environmental friendliness and quality. The manufacturing technology of ondulin has several stages:

  1. The first stage is characterized by cleaning waste paper from debris and converting it into cellulose. It is this mass that will become the basis of the future roofing material.
  2. At the second stage, the resulting mass is mixed with additives and enters the conveyor, where special machines give it the required form. Then the ondulin sheets are dried.
  3. During the third stage, the dried sheets are cut according to established size and under the influence of pressure and high temperatures are impregnated with bitumen.
  4. At the fourth stage, ondulin staining occurs. The properties of the raw materials from which the material is made allow it to be painted in 4 primary colors - black, green, red and brown. Painted sheets are re-treated with bitumen.
  5. The last stage involves packaging the ondulin, in which a film is wrapped around it, protecting the sheets from various types of damage.

To go through all stages, from cleaning waste paper to packaging, roofing it takes about 45 minutes.

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Inherent in ondulin physical and mechanical properties make it a material that has no analogues on the roofing market.

In particular:

  1. The level of destruction of an ondulin roof is equal to 960 kg/m2, and it is not the sheet itself that is destroyed, but the sheathing underneath it;
  2. Ondulin completely retains its shape and characteristics at the maximum permissible temperature;
  3. When it changes temperature regime the thermal conductivity of the material remains almost unchanged: at a temperature of +35°C - 0.19 W/m*K, at +40°C - 0.195 W/m*K, at +50°C - 0.2 W/m*K;
  4. The sound insulation value is 40 dB;
  5. Waviness, structure and other features appearance ondulin are preserved during 25 cycles of freezing and thawing.

Basic technical specifications materials are as follows:

  • sheet length - 200 cm;
  • width - 95 cm;
  • thickness - 3 mm;
  • waviness level - 36 mm.

With significant dimensions, a sheet of ondulin weighs no more than 6.5 kg, which facilitates the process of transportation and installation.
