Summary of joint activities in visual arts “The World of Insects” in the preparatory group. Educational portal Art activities in kindergarten on the topic of insects

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Summary of the GCD for drawing in an unconventional technique “Beauty Butterfly” in the second junior group GCD according to drawing in unconventional technology "Beauty Butterfly" in the second junior group Implementation of program content in educational areas: (drawing, « Cognitive development» , "Physical development", « Speech development» . Kinds...

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Drawing on the topic “Insects” - Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group of the preschool educational institution “Beauty Butterfly”

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Drawing on the topic “Insects” - Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group “How we played the game “Bear and the Bees”

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Purpose of the lesson: with the help of unconventional drawing techniques, to develop in children a strong interest in visual arts. Develop the ability to choose independently color scheme colors corresponding to the joyful summer mood. Develop color perception...

Program content:

Teach children to differentiate characteristic features spring.

Strengthen children's knowledge about characteristic features insects

Improve the technique of painting with gouache, brush and cotton swab.

Develop a sense of shape and color.

To cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, understand its fragility, and evoke a desire to protect it.

Preliminary work: observations of phenomena in nature. Learning poems and nursery rhymes.

Drawing round objects throughout the year.

Materials for the lesson: image of a birch tree with leaves, tinted green leaves, gouache paints (yellow, red, black, cotton swabs, napkins, sample, “green lawn with dandelions”, pictures of insects, flowers.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher enters the group with children and looks at the “meadow” with flowers.

Guys, do you recognize these flowers, what are they called? When do these flowers appear? (in spring).

Look at every dandelion there is someone sitting on it. Do you know them? (bee, grasshopper, ant, beetle, spider). What else can you call them (insects)

When do insects wake up? (spring).

Guys, how many insects are there? (a lot of).

I want to tell you a riddle, try to guess it.

Guessing the riddle.

Baby puts it on

Red polka dot dress

And he can fly deftly

This… ( ladybug).

The cow doesn't moo

No horns, hooves, tail,

Doesn't give us milk

Lives under the leaves.

Red cloak with black dots

Carried by a beetle. Plants are a guardian.

Deftly fights harmful aphids

This. (ladybug.)

Well done guys, now sit down at the table. Today in class we will draw a ladybug.

Examination of the picture, description of the ladybug. The teacher explains to the children that they will draw sequentially: first with red gouache and a brush, and then continue with black and yellow gouache with a cotton swab.

Demonstration of drawing a red circle on a piece of paper and painting it.

Children are given tinted pieces of paper. Draw a red circle.

Physical education minute.

Guys, we will be there today beautiful butterflies, they fly, the butterflies are tired and sit on the flowers.

Show the teacher how to draw the head, spots on the back, paws and eyes with a cotton swab.

The children get to work.

Now guys, take your leaves and go to the tree. Do you recognize this tree, what is it called? (birch) .

Look, does your leaf look like these leaves? (children's answers).

This means that your leaves are also birch and we will give them to the birch tree.

Guys, what a beautiful spring tree we have with ladybugs. Ladybugs are very small insects that need to be protected. And people say that if a ladybug lands on your palm, it brings good luck. And I also want to give you ladybugs, and let them bring you only good luck.

The teacher places ladybugs on the children's hands.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 9

Summary of joint activities in visual arts

"The World of Insects" in the preparatory group

Educator: Kolchirina Elena Mikhailovna


Target: creating a collage “The World of Insects” different ways visual activities.



develop children's creative abilities, sense of shape, rhythm, color;

continue to work on developing fine motor skills of the hands;

develop curiosity and initiative in choosing materials;

develop the ability to work in pairs, establish partnerships in the process of joint activities;

develop thinkingactivity.


cultivate the need for friendly relations with other children (tolerance, help) through the organization of a paired form of organizing activities;

cultivate readiness for mutual assistance in the process of communication with adults and peers;

evoke an emotional response to the beauty of nature;

to educate the basics of ecological culture through visual arts.


improve the ability to create expressive images of insects different ways visual activities;

create conditions for children to consolidate their knowledge about insects;

motivate children to create teamwork;

improve the ability to analyze, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships, and make generalizations;

provide an opportunity to apply acquired knowledge about insects in practice.

Preliminary work: conversations, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, didactic and outdoor games on the topic.

Material: color paper, cardboard, fabric, brushes, paper and PVA glue, gouache, paper napkins, scissors.


The teacher brings an insect in a jar to the group. Attracts children's attention.

I was going to work this morning and saw a beetle, so I decided to show it to you.

What other insects do you know?

When do insects appear?

Where do insects live?

What do insects eat?

What animals eat insects?

What would happen if all the insects disappeared?

What would happen if other animals stopped eating insects and humans stopped killing them?

How are all insects alike?

How are insects different?

Tell me, where can we find out all the information about insects in our group?

The teacher invites the children to go to the educational corner and in the box “Did you know?” find pictures of flying and crawling insects. Pre-cooked.

What types of insects are there?

Game "They fly - they don't fly"

The teacher invites boys to find flying insects, and girls to find crawling ones. Children divide the pictures into two groups.

Tell me, is it possible to leave the beetle in the jar so that it lives in our group?

Why do you think so?

Children's answers.

How can we imagine this?

What can we do about this?

Children's answers.

The teacher invites the children to first make small clearings in pairs, and then combine them into a collage.

Children are paired up using cut-out pictures (insects).

Besides insects, what can we do in our clearings?

Children's answers.

Children use various materials to make clearings, then glue them into a collage. They tell what kind of insect they made (reflection).

Complete the missing details.

What a wonderful collage we made.

The teacher suggests placing group work in the locker room.

(Using unconventional painting techniques)

Program content:

  • contribute to the systematization and generalization of knowledge about insects;
  • to activate the speech of pupils;
  • develop artistic skills when choosing color scheme using a non-traditional technique, foam rubber impression;
  • develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  • develop compositional skills.

Materials and equipment:

Slides with images of butterflies and other insects, paper blanks, foam sponges, saucers with water, watercolors, brushes, flowers with quiz questions, a clearing for an exhibition of works.

Preliminary work.

  • Monitoring insects in the kindergarten area.
  • Study of insect models.
  • Review of the encyclopedia “Insects” and conversations with children.
  • Reading works where the heroes are insects.

Musical accompaniment:

Audio recording of calm music.

Progress of the lesson

1. The teacher reads a poem (on the interactive board - a suitable landscape).

When in a fragrant pine forest

In the summer you will sit on a stump,

Take a careful look around -

You'll notice a lot there, friend!

An ant drags the larva

He hurries somewhere between the roots of a large pine tree.

A golden beetle sat on a thick branch.

A light moth flutters,

Drinks fragrant juice with his proboscis,

And the bee collects honey,

Everyone is busy, everyone has things to do!

My friend, take a close look, you will see a magical life.

2. Conversation.

Who is the poem talking about? How can we call them in one word?

Insects are the oldest and most numerous inhabitants of our planet. Many insects live not only on land, but also in air and water.

How do they move? (They can crawl, walk, fly, swim, jump, run.)

- What do they eat? (Some - with leaves, young shoots of plants, ripened fruits, fallen leaves; grinder beetles - with wood and bark; insect predators prey on other insects; bees, bumblebees, butterflies, flies - with nectar of flowers, green leaves, etc.)

- How do insects escape from enemies? (Protective painting– stick insects, caterpillars, grasshoppers; repellent colors - butterflies; with a sharp sting - wasps, bees, bumblebees; ladybugs release a pungent odorous liquid.)

3. Game "4 extra". Making sentences with the conjunction “because”.


Look carefully at the screen and tell me which picture is superfluous here and why do you think so?

  • An extra spider because it is not an insect.
  • An extra butterfly because it is not a pest.
  • An extra beetle because it does not live in colonies.
  • An extra wasp because it defends itself with its sting.


4. “Call it a difficult word”

  • The butterfly has variegated wings, which is why it is called the variegated wing.
  • The beetle has long whiskers, which is why it is called long-whiskered.
  • The dragonfly has large eyes, which is why it is called big-eyed.

5. Physical exercise “Centipede”

1. A centipede was walking

(Children walk with a rhythmic step, slightly springing.)

On a dry path.

2. Suddenly it began to rain: Drip-drip-drip!

(Children stop and crouch.)

Oh, forty paws will get wet!

3. I don’t need a runny nose

(Children walk with their knees raised high, as if they are walking through puddles.)

I'll go around the puddles!

4. I won’t bring dirt into the house.

(Children stop and shake one leg.)

I'll shake each paw!

(They shake the other leg.)

5. And then I’ll drown

(Children stomp their feet.)

Oh, what thunder from the paws!

6. Quiz game.

Two teams answer in turns (a chip is awarded for the correct answer). On the interactive board there is a slide show, for example: an image of an anthill in the forest, after the children name the answer, an ant runs out on the screen, and so on for each question. Each question is written on a daisy, with which the clearing is decorated when answered.

  • Who builds anthills in the forest? (Ants.)
  • What is the name of the house that people build for bees? (Hive.)
  • Why is the dragonfly called a predator? (She eats insects.)
  • Where are the grasshopper's ears? (On foot.)
  • Which stage in butterfly development is missing? (Doll.)
  • Who is the ladybug hunting? (For aphids, scale insects.)
  • What insects drink flower sap and pollinate flowers? (Bees, bumblebees, butterflies.)
  • In which work are the heroes insects: a fly, a grasshopper, a bee, a mosquito, etc.? (“The Tsokotukha Fly” by K. Chukovsky.)

Guys, in what works do insects appear?

Children's answers.

Music starts playing and a butterfly flies into the group.

Hello guys!

I'm a Butterfly-gorgeous,

In a bright, colorful dress,

Spun, flew,

I sat down on a flower, tired...

I didn’t sit down to rest,

I ate flower nectar.

But while I was fluttering, my butterfly friends scattered... And I was left completely alone.

Beautiful butterfly, don’t be upset, the guys and I will draw a clearing with butterflies for you. Guys, can we help our guest?

Today we will draw butterflies using foam rubber.

The teacher shows step by step how the drawing is done. (The sheet is folded in half, the body of a butterfly is drawn on the fold line, then bright wings are drawn on one side, the second half of the sheet is moistened with a sponge with water, and the drawing is folded; finally, the outline of the wings is outlined.)

Physical exercise “Butterfly”.

See, the butterfly is flying, waving our arms like wings

Counting flowers in the meadow.

One two three four five! count with your finger

In a day, in two and in a month... jumping in place

Six seven eight nine ten count with your finger

The children get to work (calm music plays).

After completing the work, the students display their butterflies in a clearing with daisies.

Well done, guys! Great job! For your efforts, I will treat you with sweet gifts!!! Thank you!!! (Flies away.)


And we will revive our wonderful clearing... Close your eyes and blow... (On the screen there is an animation of butterflies flying in the same clearing.)
