Confucius is the greatest sage and teacher in Chinese history. Lesson topic: “What the Chinese sage Confucius taught

In the entire history of China, no one has been able to outshine the glory of Confucius.

He was neither a discoverer nor an inventor, but every inhabitant of the planet knows his name thanks to his outstanding philosophical teachings.

From the biography of Confucius:

About it an outstanding person little is known, but this does not prevent us from believing that Confucius is an influential figure in the development of China.

Confucius (real name - Kun Qiu) is an ancient sage and philosopher of China. He was born in about 551 BC. e. His mother, Yan Zhengzai, was a concubine and was only 17 years old at the time. Father Shulian He at that time was already 63 years old, he was a descendant of Wei-tzu, the commander of the emperor. The boy was given the name Kong Qiu at birth. When the child was one and a half years old, the father died.

After the death of the father of little Confucius, serious quarrels took place between the two wives and the young concubine, which forced the boy's mother to leave the house. After moving to Qufu City, Yan Zhengzai began to live with her son herself. Confucius had a difficult childhood, from an early age he had to work. Yan Zhengzai's mother talked about his ancestors and their great activities. This was a huge incentive for the return of the great title that had been lost. Listening to the stories of his mother, about his father and his noble family, Confucius understood that to be worthy of a kind, it was necessary to engage in self-education.

To begin with, he studied the basis of the education system of young aristocrats - the six arts. In this he succeeded, and he was appointed to the position of an official in charge of barns, then - an official in charge of livestock. He married at about 19 years old and had two children.

He began his successful career at about 20 years old. + At the same time, Confucius received recognition and created a whole teaching - Confucianism, which was of great importance for the development of China. He founded the first university and wrote rules for all estates. He taught 4 disciplines: literature, language, politics and morality in his own private school, which accepted everyone who wanted independence from the class and material wealth.

Around 528 BC, his mother dies, and according to tradition, he must leave government work for 3 years. During this period, Confucius completely immersed himself in thinking about creating an ideal state.

When Confucius was 44 years old, he took over as the seat of the principality of Lu. He was very active in his post, he was an experienced and skillful politician. + Soon, great changes began in the country. The stable reigns of the dynasties were replaced by corrupt greedy officials, and internecine feuds began. Realizing his hopelessness, Confucius resigned and, together with his students, began to travel around China. During this time, he tried to convey his ideas to the governments of different provinces. Confucius began to preach the philosophical doctrine together with his followers. His idea was to preach knowledge to the poor, plowmen, old and young.

For his training, Confucius took a symbolic fee, lived on funds allocated by wealthy students. He took up teaching new students and systematizing the ancient books of Shi Jin and I Jin. The disciples themselves compiled the book of Lun Yu. It became the foundational book of Confucianism, which contains brief statements, notes, actions of their teacher.

At about 60 years old, he finished his wanderings, Confucius returns to his homeland, which he does not leave until his death. The rest of his life he works on his creations: "Books of Songs", "Books of Changes" and many others. Interestingly, according to the calculations of scientists, he had about 3,000 students, but by name there are about 26.

Although Confucianism is considered a religion, it has nothing to do with theology. It reflects the principles of creating a harmonious society. The basic rule formulated by Confucius is: "Do not do to a person what you do not wish for yourself." + Confucius died in the 73rd year, before that he predicted his imminent death, which he told his disciples. He died in about 479, and there is an opinion that before that he just slept for 7 days. He was buried in the cemetery, where it was supposed to bury his followers. + On the site of the house after his death, a temple was built, which was rebuilt more than once, its area was increased. The House of Confucius has been under the protection of UNESCO since 1994. It is customary in China to give the Confucius Prize for Achievement in Education.

Of course, legends have been partially created around the life and biography of Confucius, but one should not underestimate the influence of his teachings on future generations.

He was one of the first to propose the idea of ​​building a highly moral and harmonious society. His teaching found such a wide response among the people that it was accepted as an ideological norm at the state level, and it remained popular for almost 20 centuries. The lessons of Confucius are easy for everyone to understand - which is probably why they inspire people very effectively.

Confucius was an ordinary person, but his teaching is often called religion. Although questions of theology and theology as such are not important for Confucianism at all. All teaching is based on morality, ethics and life principles human-human interaction.

25 interesting facts from the life of Confucius:

1. The family tree of Confucius, with a history of about 2500 years, is the longest in the world. Today the tree covers 83 generations of the Confucius clan.

2.Confucius is also known by the names: "The Great Sage", "The Wisest Deceased Teacher", "The First Teacher" and "Forever the Model Teacher".

3. Qiu ("Qiū", literally "Hill") is the real name of Confucius, given to him at birth. The second name of the teacher was Zhong-ni (仲尼 Zhòngní), that is, "The second of the clay."

4. Confucianism, founded by Confucius and developed by his followers, is one of the most widespread and most ancient teachings in China and throughout the world.

5. The laws issued by Confucius were based on his teachings and were so successful that the crime in the kingdom of Lu came to naught.

6. Confucius believed that every citizen should respect and honor their ancestors.

7. At the age of 19, Confucius married a girl named Ki-koan-shi from the Qi family, who lived in the Song kingdom. A year later, they had a son, who was named Li.

8. At the age of 50 (501 BC) Confucius took over as a judge. In his hands, the entire law and order of the kingdom of Lu was concentrated.

9. Students of Confucius, based on the statements and conversations of the teacher, compiled the book "Sy Shu" or "Four Books".

10. Confucius's "golden rule" says: "Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself." He is also credited with the dictum: "What you do not choose yourself, do not impose on others."

11. The name "Confucius" arose at the end of the 16th century in the writings of European missionaries, who thus on Latin(Latin Confucius) conveyed the combination Kun Fu-tzu (Chinese simpl. 孔夫子, pinyin: Kǒngfūzǐ), although the name 孔子 (Kǒngzǐ) is used more often with the same meaning "Teacher [from the clan / surname] Kun".

12. According to Confucius, a person should overcome himself, cultivating a personality through morality and humanity, and destroy the barbarian and egoist in himself.

13. According to the Confucius Family Genealogy Committee operating in Hong Kong and China, genealogical books listing Confucius' offspring are considered the most voluminous in the world: they have 43 thousand pages and include the names of more than 2 million people.

14. Confucius served as a judge for five years, but the machinations of spiteful critics led to his resignation in 496 BC.

15. Confucius returned to teaching and in the next 12 years as a teacher won universal love and respect.

16. He believed that the country's elite would become a positive example for the rest of the nation. Thus, peace and harmony will reign in society.

17. He attributed honesty, benevolence, humility, politeness and sanity to the most important human qualities. The leaders of the people were encouraged by Confucius to be exemplars of good behavior.

18. Confucius taught students the ideas of ancient Chinese sages, which he studied himself in order to achieve reforms in the government, which at that time was mired in corruption and autocracy.

19. Confucius's mother died when he was 23. A year later (in 527 BC) Confucius changed his career and took up teaching.

20. When Confucius was one and a half years old, his father Shulian He, a military officer, died. The boy grew up in poverty, but was able to get a good education.

21. At the age of 60, Confucius left labor activity and returned to his small homeland. 12 years later, on November 21, 479 BC. he passed away.

22. One of the most prominent students of Confucius and his spiritual heir is the Chinese philosopher Mengzi. The thinker's favorite student was Yan Hui.

23. Several tens of thousands of descendants of the "teacher of all Chinese" live outside China in Korea (34 thousand) and Taiwan.

24. From early childhood, Confucius had to work hard to support his family. Having started as a simple worker, he curried favor with the official responsible for the issuance and reception of grain. Later, cattle also came under his jurisdiction.

25. Confucius (birth name Kun Qiu) was born in 551 BC. in the city of Zeou (now the city of Qufu in the Shandong province), which belonged to the kingdom of Lu.

25 wisest quotes Confucius:

1. In fact, life is simple, but we persistently complicate it.

2. Three things never come back - time, word, opportunity. Therefore: do not waste time, choose words, do not miss the opportunity.

3. In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Nowadays they study in order to surprise others.

4. Noble soul is serene. The low man is always preoccupied.

5. Not he is great who has never fallen, but he is great - who fell and got up.

6. Lack of restraint in small things will ruin a great cause.

7. If they spit in your back, then you are ahead.

8. Three paths lead to knowledge: the path of reflection is the noblest path, the path of imitation is the easiest path, and the path of experience is the most bitter path.

9. Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

10. People in ancient times did not like to talk a lot. They considered it a shame for themselves not to keep up with their own words.

11.Gemstone cannot be polished without rubbing. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts.

12. Choose a job you like and you won't have to work a single day in your life.

13. Try to be even a little kinder, and you will find that you will not be able to do the wrong thing.

14. You can curse the darkness all your life, or you can light a small candle.

15. Beauty is in everything, but not everyone is given to see it.

16. We take advice in drops, but we distribute it in buckets.

17. In a country where there is order, be bold both in actions and in speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in your actions, but prudent in your speeches.

18. Give instruction only to the one who seeks knowledge, having discovered his ignorance.

19 A noble person makes demands on himself, a low person makes demands on others.

20. Misfortune has come - man has given birth to him, happiness has come - man has raised him.

21. I am not upset if people do not understand me - I am upset if I do not understand people.

22. Before you take revenge, dig two graves.

23. If you hate, then you have been defeated.

24. turn around bad habits you can only today, not tomorrow.

25. Only when the cold comes does it become clear that the pines and cypresses are the last to lose their dress.

Temple of Confucius

from Wikipedia, photo from the Internet

§ 1 Celestial

In the east of Asia, on a wide plain between the Yellow and Yangtze rivers in the 1st millennium BC, a state appeared, which received the name China. This country gave the world many amazing things - Chinese silk, porcelain, mirrors and umbrellas, as well as paper. But, perhaps, the most amazing thing is the emergence of a special teaching - Confucianism.

III millennium BC in the valleys of the two great rivers, the Yellow River (which means the Yellow River) and the Yangtze (Blue River), the first urban settlements arose, which laid the foundation for the emergence of ancient Chinese civilization. Gradually, small settlements turned into separate kingdoms, constantly at war with each other for territory. The struggle for domination led to the unification of China into a centralized state, ruled by Shihuangdi, the founder of the Qin dynasty. The Chinese called their emperor the Son of Heaven, and the country subordinate to him, the Celestial Empire.

East China has more favorable natural conditions: mild climate, diverse flora and fauna. These conditions contributed to the fact that it was in this part of the country that the most ancient agricultural culture appeared. China is home to millet, tea, mulberry and lacquer trees. Main products Agriculture there were wheat, soybeans, barley, and rice.

More than 3.5 thousand years ago, the Chinese created their own writing system. With a special brush or stick, the hieroglyphs were applied from top to bottom on silk fabric or on narrow boards made of split bamboo. If they made a mistake, they scraped off what was written with a knife. Then holes were made in the planks and a rope was threaded. A bunch of bamboo planks was the ancient Chinese book.

§ 2 Chinese sage Confucius

At the end of the 6th - beginning of the 5th centuries BC. the great sage Kun Fu-tzu lived in China, better known to us as Confucius, who developed unique system moral values ​​and norms, which had a huge impact on the development of spiritual culture, political and public life China.

Confucius was born in the state of Lu, in an ancient and noble, but impoverished family. The father of the future great philosopher by the time of the birth of his son was no longer young and soon died. Little Confucius lived with his mother very poorly, so his life was filled with hard work and hardships. The young man was distinguished by a greedy desire for knowledge. Confucius read a lot, was engaged in self-education, and also attended school. He studied so diligently and responsibly that at the age of 17 he was already appointed an assistant teacher. After graduating from his education, Confucius became a government official, receiving the position of keeper of barns. He served with great zeal, diligently fulfilling his duties, but he realized that he was not able to change the prevailing order in the country, and therefore, at the age of 25, accompanied by his students, he set off on a journey across China, meeting with kings and nobles, teaching people your wisdom. At the age of 60, Confucius returned to his homeland, where he died. After the death of the philosopher, his students wrote down the statements of their teacher and interesting cases from his life and compiled the book "Lun Yu" ("Conversations and Judgments"), which is still very popular both in China and abroad.

§ 3 Confucianism and its role in the formation and development of the Chinese state

What did Confucius teach?

The first principle of his philosophy is respect for elders. In a family, younger brothers should show respect to elders, children - to parents. The elders should take care of the younger ones, helping and supporting them. The same qualities, believed Confucius, should be inherent in the ruler. The king must take care of his subjects, protecting and preserving them. The subjects, however, must show respect to the king by unconditionally obeying him.

Confucius attached particular importance to the upbringing of people. He emphasized that it is necessary to be courteous - to take off your shoes before entering the house, clothes and hair should be neat. A well-bred Chinese man is polite, but does not curry favor with those who are above him in position.

To be successful in life, you must not only live up to the rules of good behavior, but also fulfill your duty honestly and faithfully. Confucius said: "A noble person thinks about duty, a low person cares about benefits." Only a noble person, Confucius believed, can be trusted with high government posts and a place under the royal person.

The fame of Confucius quickly spread throughout China. His authority was enormous, both rulers and simple people... But there were also enough ill-wishers. The attitude towards Confucius can be illustrated by a parable:

It is said that an aristocrat introduced Confucius to the minister. When Confucius left, the aristocrat went to the minister to find out his opinion about the guest.

“After I saw Confucius,” said the minister, “you already seem tiny to me, like a louse or a flea. I will present him to the sovereign today.

And then the aristocrat, fearing that the sovereign would exalt Confucius too much, said to the minister:

- When the sovereign sees Confucius, you will also seem like a louse or a flea to him!

And the minister abandoned his intention.

The role of Confucianism in the formation and development of the Chinese state is enormous. Suffice it to say that even now, almost two and a half millennia after the death of Confucius, Chinese schoolchildren are studying his sayings, and politicians use them in their practical activities valuable advice ancient sage.

§ 4 Brief summary lesson

Let's summarize the lesson:

1.In the 1st millennium BC, on the banks of the Yellow and Yangtze rivers, Chinese civilization began to emerge;

2. A large role in its formation was played by the philosophical doctrine developed by the sage Confucius - Confucianism;

3. Confucius urged people to be educated and noble, to respect the elders and take care of the younger;

4. The teachings of Confucius still influence China, its politics and value system.

Images used:

Lesson topic: "What the Chinese sage Confucius taught."

Target: to form an idea of ​​the life of Chinese society, the philosophical teachings of Confucius, using active forms of learning and information technology.


Cognitive tasks:

Mastering the system of theoretical knowledge: the main events, historical figures and a working knowledge of maps;

Formation of a historical approach to events;

Creation of conditions for an adequate assessment of learning outcomes and self-esteem among 5th grade students

Developmental tasks:

Development creative thinking students;

Development of independence;

Development of the ability to analyze, systematize and generalize historical facts and events;

Development of skill to use information technologies in the process of studying.

Educational task: fostering people's respect for each other.

Key learning outcomes:

Personal: Students, getting acquainted with the basics of Confucianism, gain experience, form ideas about ancient civilizations and the forms and rules of human interaction.

Subject: Practicing the skill of working with the map (emphasis on the designation of historical objects on the map); mastering the technology of problem learning teaching material... Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing historical facts and events proved the problem posed at the beginning of the lesson "China is amazing, wise, unique";

Metasubject: Formation of the skill of working with various sources of information (textbook, reference books Internet resources) Students prepare their own messages on a new topic (anticipatory learning); express survey, in the form of a test task used at the end of the lesson, optimizes the test of mastering the educational material new topic and motivates students to work with electronic teaching aids

Methods of management of educational activities and perception of information:

a) by the source of transmission and perception of information - verbal, visual, practical;
b) according to the logic of transmission and perception of information - inductive and deductive;
c) according to the degree of independence of students - reproductive and problem-search;
d) according to the degree of management of educational activities - educational activities organized and controlled by the teacher, independent activities of students, work with a textbook.

Control and evaluation system: a) frontal work, survey; express survey; self-control


Multimedia projector, board-screen; Map "China in antiquity" History textbook for grade 5 (authors Vigasin A.A., Goder G.I., Sventsitskaya I.S., published in 2000)

During the classes

1. Introductory part.

1. Greetings. Organizing time.

My friends, the bell rings and I'm glad to start a lesson

They are waiting for us ahead of opening, So, forward and on a good journey!

2. Checking homework.

In today's lesson, we will continue to get acquainted with states Of the ancient world but first, let's remember everything you have learned about India. To do this, I will distribute cards to each group, read them carefully and complete the assignments (2 minutes).

"Correct the error in the text": "The country of India is located in South Africa. The mountains of the Himalayas are located in the north of India, the most high mountains in the world. In India, the climate is dry, it never rains. The Euphrates and Tigris rivers flow through India. India has many dense and rugged forests. They are called the jungle. There are a lot of predatory animals and birds in the jungle. They considered the crocodile and the bull as sacred animals. They believed that after death a person will definitely live in the guise of only a rich person. "

In the proposed text, it is necessary to name the words denoting objects that came from Ancient India... “Despite the fact that my father and I sat around midnight yesterday at chess, mom

woke me up early in the morning, because today my class and I are going on a hike.

There was already hot rice porridge on the table, a cup of tea was smoking. I put a couple of tablespoons of sugar in it and drank the sweet, invigorating drink with pleasure. After breakfast I checked

backpack. The compass is in place! I also took a spare cotton T-shirt with numbers on it. You can go! "Speech by 1 person from the group, joint

1. The northern border of India is the highest mountains ………… ..

2. How many castes were there in Indian society? .........

3. About whom in question?

“... they were forbidden to live in the village. They ate garbage, lived in pitiful hovels. They went to the village to clean up garbage or do other dirty work ... ”………

4. Could, for example, an Indian have passed from one caste to another? For example, a warrior in the clergy? ........

5. Who are the kshatriyas? …….

Key to cross-check: Himalayas, 4, untouchable, no, rulers and warriors.

3. Motivation.

Teacher. Well done. And now guys, I have a question for you: have you ever played computer games? (Children answer). Wonderful. Today I invite you to conduct our lesson in the form computer game... Every computer game is based on one story or another. And we will also base our game on the history of one amazing country.

In order to find out which country we are talking about, I bring to your attention video.

So you've watched the video. What country do you think we are going to talk about today? (Children answer: China).

4. Preparation for the active assimilation of new knowledge.

You are right, the state whose history we will take as the basis of our game is China. Here is what our contemporaries say about China: “This is a truly unique country. Once on its territory, you will immediately plunge into the spirit of the ancient East, its atmosphere. One gets the feeling that one is at the intersection of the past and the future: on the one hand, it is a rich and interesting culture, history lasting millennia, sophisticated art, amazingly musical language. On the other hand, the rapid pace of development of technologies that have great prospects in future".

Guys, I invite you to think about the question: "Why is China still considered a unique country?" To answer this question, I suggest you do the following exercise: in front of each of you is information consisting of various facts about China. Your task will be to carefully read and write down the facts that, in your opinion, can prove the uniqueness of China. You have 3 minutes to get to work.

Option 1.1. China is the most populous country in the world. According to statistics, every fifth person in the world is Chinese. It is home to 1 billion 350 million people. This is almost 4 times the number of residents in the United States of America.

2. The Chinese are the pioneers of printing, compass, gunpowder and paper.

3. Approximately 35% of the country's territory is occupied by mountains, deserts, plains about 19%, high-altitude plateaus occupy 27%, low plains account for 13% and hilly terrain - 8% of the total area.

4. China borders with such states as Russia and Mongolia in the north, in the south - it is Myanmar, Vietnam, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Laos, in the west - Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

Option 2. 1. The main attraction of China is the Great Wall of China. The length of the structure reaches 8851.8 km and it runs through the whole of northern China.

2. The most important holidays in China is the Chinese New Year, or as it is also called, the Lunar New Year. On this day, it is believed that each person becomes one year older, thereby New Year in China it is also the birthday of all its inhabitants.

3. Compared to European countries, China's mourning color is white, not black.

4. China is often called the "Flower Kingdom" because it was there that many varieties of flowers and fruits were bred, which are now grown all over the world.

5. The most popular hobby among Chinese people is stamp collecting.

We conclude our exercise. I hope that China has now become unique for each of you in your own way. And now guys, as in every game, you and I must define our main character. There have been many prominent personalities in the history of China. But I would like to draw your attention to one of them. He is one of the great sages of antiquity, was a kind of symbol of China, its culture, philosophical thought. Now take a close look at the screen. Here are various facts from the life of our protagonist, and you will try to guess who it is about.

Chinese thinker, whose main views are set out in the book "Lun-yu" ("Conversations and Judgments"). He belonged to an ancient aristocratic family, the genealogy of which dates back to the Shang-Yin dynasty, which ruled China until the 11th century BC. e.

For many tens of generations, billions of Chinese people have sacredly revered him as a teacher of life. In fact, his teachings have been in progress for 2,400 years and they still continue to follow him in his homeland.

It is established that he began his teaching career at the age of 22. The Teacher considered the life of a person to be a value guide, provided that the life and deeds of each person are filled with wisdom, a sense of duty, justice, sincerity, mercy, humanity and observance of rituals and ceremonies.

The followers of the Teacher saw the truth in the development of the idea of ​​tszun-tzu - the idea of ​​a perfect person, or a noble man who, by his behavior, maintains order and balance in the world. Study the past if you want to foresee the future - this was the main thing

instruction of the Teacher.

You got acquainted with the facts from the life of our hero. Now let's try to determine what his name was? That's right guys. Today we will talk about Confucius - the great Teacher of China. Why do you think he was called Master?

Yes you are right. And today you and I, too, will be lucky to acquire a particle of his wisdom. Now that we have determined the history of our game, we have chosen the main character who will accompany us and help us in comprehending wisdom, let's now call our game with you. So what title can you suggest? (Children give an approximate lesson topic)

Great suggestions. The name of our game will be: "What the Chinese sage Confucius taught." Let's write the number and topic of the lesson in a notebook.

As in any game, our game will also have levels to complete. Today we have to go through 5 levels. Let's take a look at the map of the passage

Game path plan:

1.natural - geographic features of China

2.ancient thinker and philosopher of China - Confucius

3.writing of Ancient China

4.the basics of educating Chinese society

II. Presentation of new material.

So we start our game. But in order to meet our main character, we need to determine where he lives. To do this, we will travel back in time and find the location of Ancient China, where Confucius lived.

1. Learning new material:

And here we have the first level. We need to determine - where did Confucius live? To determine the "address" of Ancient China, I propose to use the map, which is in the textbook on page 106. Now you yourself will determine the "address" of Ancient China, and answer the questions in writing. Exercise.

Where is China located? (In East Asia).

What major rivers flow in China? (Yangtze and Yellow River)

What plain did the Chinese settle on? (Great Plain of China).

What is the relief in this state? (In the west lie mountains and deserts Central Asia, in the northwest - the steppes, and in the south - the mountains of South Asia, covered with tropical forests).

Indeed, here we are with you and determined where the territory of Ancient China was located.

Bottom line. We have identified the "address" of Ancient China. We found out that China is located in East Asia, two large rivers - the Yangtze and the Yellow River - flow on its territory. The relief in China is different: there are mountains and deserts, steppes and rainforests... I think we have met all the conditions of the first level and move on to the second!

Physical minute:

Teacher: Let's remember the work of historians and do physical exercises.

Adults and children know, Everyone on the planet knows. How history is important,

Everyone needs it. Everyone knows us historians. Our labor is highly respected.

Seeking secrets until sundown - We're great guys!

    One, two, three, four, five - We can all count.

Once! Climb, stretch.

Two! Bend, straighten.

Three! Three claps in your hands,

Head three nods.

Four arms wider.

Five - wave your hands.

Six - we sat down at the desk.

So, enough rest!

Around 1700 BC the first states arose on the territory of China. Suppose, based on the natural and geographical position of China, what occupations did its inhabitants have? (Children answer: agriculture, crafts, trade).

Residents of all states considered themselves one people, because they had similar languages, beliefs and customs. They believed in gods, spirits, winged serpents - dragons. The highest being for them was Heaven, which was considered the ancestor of the ruler, therefore the king in China was called the Son of Heaven, and the country was called the Celestial Empire.

Right. And the Chinese paid great attention to education. In the distant past, 4 thousand years ago, the history of the development of Chinese philosophy begins. Confucius was one such philosopher. One famous German poet Friedrich Schiller composed a wonderful poem about his teaching:


The space in which we live is three-dimensional.
Everything changes in him tirelessly.
LENGTH strives to new distances,
WIDTH is infinitely spreading in breadth,
Goes into the depths without a bottom DEPTH.
An example of them must be repeated by you:
You must strive tirelessly forward.
Stand your ground, be ready all the time
Do you want to see the end of the work -
Then I must be able to turn in breadth,
Look at the world from a different angle,
To reach immense depths in immersion -
Then only the essence you will be able to comprehend.
Only persistence leads to the goal.
Only content leads to understanding
At the bottom of which the truth lives!

Guys, how did you understand the meaning of this poem? (Children make assumptions.)

Well done. At the heart of his teaching, Confucius believed that morality is the main basis of human behavior, and therefore evaluated people, primarily from a moral point of view. In his opinion, all people are inherently close to each other, but they have different habits. Some become good and moral, while others become bad and evil. A man of the highest virtue Confucius called a "noble man" and contrasted him with a "low man" devoid of this quality.

Read the document on p. 107 and tell me what qualities a noble person should have.

What qualities did you condemn?

Now I suggest you do a little exercise. Now I will call you actions, and you will determine whether they refer to a "noble man" or to a low person. For this, if the action relates to a "noble husband" you will raise your hands up, if not - clap your hands. Does everyone understand? Begin!

Exercise. Help the elders, take care of the younger ones, deceive, keep promises, support in difficult times, take what does not belong to you, say bad things behind your back, act according to your conscience.

Outcome: Thanks guys. Now you have met our main character Confucius and identified the main essence of his teachings.

Guys, let's remember what two types Confucius divided people into? (Children answer: to a noble husband and a low man)

Right. And what qualities should a "noble husband" have? (Children answer: be honest, do not cheat, help elders)

Right. So, I think we completed the tasks of the second level with honor and move on to the third!

And the third level greets us with the following question: guys, what subjects help us in assimilating new knowledge? Look at your desks. (Children answer: notebooks, pens, books).

Right. Here is our main character, Confucius, passed on knowledge to his students with the help of books. But these books were very unusual and very different, for example, from our books.

What were books like in China? Read step 3 p. 107 and answer the questions:

What was the name of the Chinese writing system?

What were the books? The children answer: the bamboo trunk was split into thin sticks and hieroglyphs were written on them from top to bottom.)

What is the content of the books?

Message about hieroglyphs Writing based on hieroglyphs More than 3.5 thousand years ago, the Chinese created their own writing system. They wrote in hieroglyphs. With a special brush or stick, the hieroglyphs were applied from top to bottom on silk fabric or strips of bamboo.

There were about 50 thousand hieroglyphs in Chinese writing. It takes more than 20 years just to learn all the hieroglyphs. Writing materials, despite their apparent simplicity, were very expensive. They wrote with brushes, dipping them in ink made from ash. The art of calligraphy was highly appreciated - the beautiful writing of hieroglyphs. Students had to take a very large number of exams. But those students who learned to read, write and count in ancient China could count on a decent and well-provided material life. Because they could take a very prestigious position of an official.

Well, I think you have completed the mission. Everything is correct. Guys, now I suggest you do a little exercise. Since you and I found out that they write down hieroglyphs from top to bottom, that each of them has its own pronunciation. I suggest you spell your names by - Chinese rules... It takes more than 20 years just to learn all the hieroglyphs. So you and I will write our names in syllables.

Outcome: Here, guys, we are with you and learned what an important role books played in the life of Chinese society and in the teachings of Confucius. I think it's time to move to level 4!

You and I have found out what the Chinese society was doing, how they received knowledge. Let's now figure out how they communicated with each other and what rules of conduct were in force in society. All knowledge, according to Confucius, came down to the study of the historical heritage. "The teacher," says Lunyu, "taught four things to write, the rules of behavior, loyalty and sincerity." "A well-mannered person is easy to recognize by his manners."

Look at the pictures on the slides and draw conclusions about how a courteous Chinese should behave (A courteous Chinese always took off his shoes before entering the house and walked barefoot. Walking in shoes on mats was considered indecent. The Chinese sat either on a mat or on a low seat, but Sitting with legs dangling, let alone stretching them forward, could only be completely ill-mannered. A guest invited to the table must try all the dishes that are served for dinner. Otherwise, his manners may be considered rude.

Do you think our culture has such commandments? Yes, and which ones?


A guest. - Is there anyone at home? Passed by, decided to go. (goes into the house without an invitation and does not take off his shoes)

Master. - Hello. The whole family is at home. Come in, sit down at the table. We'll be serving lunch soon.

A guest. - No, I'll just have tea. And then recently I was so badly poisoned.

Master. - My wife cooks very well. But only for those who respect her efforts. And you, with your manners, have a fear all your life just to drink tea.

Guys, what do you think are the rules of the intruder guest? (Children answer: did not say hello, walked in shoes, was rude, etc.)

Outcome: Thus, you and I have found out what a well-bred Chinese should be like, how he should behave in society. Make a conclusion: In his teaching, Confucius developed the provisions of the ancient teachings, which spoke about the respect of people for each other and the need to observe customs.

IV. Anchoring ... Well, we passed the 4th level and our game is coming to an end, we went with you to the final fifth level and here I will need your help. Then I received a letter in the mail from a friend of mine from China, although some words are written in illegible handwriting. Help me restore this letter, you have 3 minutes for this, please sign your name at the top (task completion 2 minutes)


1.China is located in Eastern ………… ..

2. Two rivers flow on the territory of China: …… and …… ..

3. The Teacher of Life in China was called ……….

4. Books in Ancient China were made from a trunk ……… ..

5. A perfect person who has only good qualities called ... ...

6. How many years did it take to learn all the Chinese characters? ..........

Key: Asia, Yellow and Yangtze, Confucius, bamboo, noble man, 20.

Summing up the lesson.

1. Guys, do you remember that at the very beginning of the lesson we talked about the uniqueness of China? Let's remember why it is considered unique?(Children answer).

2. Guys, as you understand the following words of Confucius: “Learn! For life always reminds us that any of our knowledge is not enough. When a person stops learning, he can lose what he learned earlier. "

3. Is it possible today to use the provisions of the teachings of Confucius? Give examples. The Chinese nation has a long history and a brilliant culture. The Chinese people have developed and educated such wonderful traditional traits character as hard work, courage, simplicity and kindness.

V. Reflection Guys, our game has come to an end

What new things did you learn in class today?

What's interestnig?

Did you enjoy today's lesson?

Vi. Homework... House. assignment: § 22, What are the similarities and differences between the teachings of Buddha and Confucius? Based additional literature, Internet resources, prepare messages about one of the Chinese discoveries that are used today (gunpowder, Chinese calendar, chinese medicine etc.).

Draw drawing

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