When to plant cucumbers in May. When to plant cucumbers in May, favorable and unfavorable days. About the growing process

May - best month for planting and replanting all types of plants. First of all, carefully examine the seedlings. If the leaves begin to curl downwards, and the leaf blades become bent or become convex, then it has settled on them spider mite. Aphids may appear on pepper seedlings. It is urgent to process the seedlings, and at the same time houseplants"Fitoverm" or "Healthy Garden".

In May, tomato and pepper seedlings are planted. Cucumbers are planted in open and protected ground. The first harvest of greens and radishes is being harvested.

Lunar landing calendar for May. Brief recommendations on what to do during the waxing and waning moon in May, landing days in May:

1-5 6 7-21 22 23-31
Waning moon New moon Waxing Crescent Full moon Waning moon

1st of May— Effective spraying fruit trees and shrubs from diseases and pests, as well as spraying with growth stimulants and preparations to improve fruit formation of flowering fruit trees and berry bushes.

May 2— Vegetables sown on this day will be unsuitable for storage. Possible, but not the most favorable time for re-seeding lettuce, spinach, dill. good time for irrigation, root and foliar feeding vegetable crops.

May 3— Treat the strawberries (removing old and yellowed leaves, loosening, fertilizing with mullein and complex fertilizer). Planted mustaches take root well.

May 4th— Barren day of Aries from 09.12. Possible sanitary pruning frozen ornamental crops. Removing growth from fruit trees. Removing unnecessary and yield-reducing strawberry tendrils.

May 7— Plant seedlings of mid-season and late-ripening varieties and hybrids of white cabbage and cauliflower in open and protected ground. It is possible to plant flower seedlings. Planted in the sign of Taurus, they have increased stamina. This is a favorable time for planting the next batches of non-shooting varieties and hybrids. Sowing beet seeds. The best time to fertilize root vegetables, garlic and onions. Start planting and replanting ornamental shrubs.

May 8— The sign of Gemini is very favorable for transplanting roses. Replanting and dividing faded small-bulbous flowers.

9th May— Dividing the rhizomes of perennial flowering plants, propagating them by cuttings and layering. A favorable period for planting, dividing and replanting flowers. It is useful to feed flowers.

May 10— Growing Moon in Cancer. Will tolerate transplantation well permanent place any seedling.

  • sowing,
  • landings,
  • transplants,
  • vaccinations,
  • tree fertilizers,
  • bushes,
  • vegetables (except root vegetables).

Favorable time for re-sowing lettuce, dill, spinach in open ground.

12 May— Favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers of all upward-growing plants:

  • decorative beans,
  • hops,
  • girl's grapes,
  • climbing rose, etc.

may 13— Collected during this period medicinal herbs will have the greatest power, especially herbs that stimulate cardiac activity. Carrying out loosening, hilling, mulching, composting.

May 14— After 09.50, it is possible to sow annual fast-growing flowers, if you did not have time to do this earlier. Replant indoor flowers.

May 15Perfect time for landing ornamental plants and structures, flower beds, sowing, etc.; The planted green cuttings will take root well.

May 17— Possible, but not the most favorable time for planting seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants in greenhouses and hotbeds. Planting cauliflower, leeks, sorrel, and broccoli in open ground.

  • white cabbage,
  • dill,
  • sorrel,
  • zucchini,
  • pumpkins,
  • squash
  • and potatoes not for storage (planting potatoes according to lunar calendar in May 2016).

May 21st— Complete the open ground plantings started the day before. Replanting indoor flowers.

22nd of May— Full moon at 01.16. If you are not going to store your harvest for a long time, then you can collect early vegetables (radish, spinach, etc.).

May, 23rd— Install supports under the branches of fruit trees, build fences around the bushes. The day is suitable for loosening the soil, spraying, and pest control.

May 24— We do weeding, hilling, cultivating the soil. A good time to fertilize root crops and potatoes.

May 25— A favorable day for planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers in greenhouses and greenhouses.

26 of May— Root feeding of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage until 18.25.

May 29— It’s a good time to root strawberry tendrils or transplant rooted rosettes to a new location. On this day you need to water the plants and weed them.

May 30— From vegetables, it is best to sow those that will immediately go to the table or for canning and freezing. Vegetables sown these days will not be suitable for storage. Strawberry tendrils take root well.

May 31- Sign of Aries. A barren day. It is effective to spray all fruit trees and berry bushes against pests and diseases.

Most gardeners in central Russia, the Urals and Siberia plant cucumbers in May or early June. In May, stable warm weather, and cucumbers, after sprouting, quickly grow. To guarantee a harvest, experienced gardeners It is recommended to sow seeds according to the lunar calendar. You can read about planting dates and technology for growing cucumbers in this article. So.

When to plant cucumbers in May 2016

Typically, gardeners sow seeds in a greenhouse at the beginning of May, and in open ground at the end of May. According to the lunar calendar, in 2016, favorable days for planting - May 10, 11 and 17. To harvest in late summer and fall, sow the seeds in June. Planting dates for cucumbers in June are the 13th and 14th.

Planting cucumbers in May 2016

Let's look at how to sow cucumbers in a greenhouse with seeds. In mid-May, when the soil warms up, make holes no more than 2 cm deep and lightly compact the soil. The distance between the holes is from 40 to 60 cm. Place 2 seeds and cover with soil (if the soil is heavy, it is best to cover the seeds with peat or humus). Water with water and leave until shoots appear. The top layer of soil must be moist. When dry, lightly water.

If you are not sure about the quality of the seeds, it is best to soak them in a damp cloth before planting until sprouts appear. As soon as the sprouts appear, we immediately plant the seeds in the greenhouse.

After germination, regularly water the plants with water. When one true leaf appears, we thin it out. We leave in each hole one of the strongest cucumbers. We remove the rest.

Caring for cucumbers in summer

Cucumbers are a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, they need to be watered regularly. Use for watering, you only need warm water. Water as the soil dries out ( upper layer should be moist but not wet).

During the summer, fertilizing is carried out several times with an infusion of herbs or mullein. It’s easy to make an infusion of herbs: fill a barrel with green weeds, fill it with water and leave for a week. When it has fermented, the infusion is diluted in water 1:5 and the plants are watered.

In a greenhouse, parthenocarpic hybrids of cucumbers are most often grown. To get a good harvest, plants need to be shaped correctly. Up to 3-4 true leaves, remove all side shoots and ovaries. Then the side shoots are pinched and 1-2 ovaries are left. At a height of 1 meter or more, 3-4 ovaries are left on the side shoots. And at the very top, you can leave even more.

For seedlings in 2016

When planting peppers, you can follow the dates indicated on the bag of seeds. For example, for seeds that are preferably grown in central Russia, this is mid-February. It is important to take into account the fact that for most varieties of pepper the period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 110-130 days.

From the above, we conclude that in 2016, in the Moscow region and in nearby regions, it is best to plant seedlings in the second or third ten days of February. Most late date- March 15th.

If you are guided by the lunar calendar when planting crops, then the most suitable days for peppers are February 10, 11, 20, 25 and 27, as well as March 13, 14 and 15.

When to plant seedlings in 2016

Some gardeners begin to plant tomato seedlings at the end of January or in February, but it is worth remembering that this is not the best time for sowing these crops in central Russia, because the daylight hours are still too short. In general, the optimal period from planting tomatoes to planting them in open ground is 60-70 days, so if you do not have a heated greenhouse, there is no need to rush with sowing. March is the most suitable month for sowing tomatoes, but only the second half is preferable last days. If you are wondering about tomatoes for seedlings in the Moscow region, then they will help you figure it out simple calculations. For example, planting seedlings in a greenhouse mainly occurs in mid-May, that is, on the 15th. From the start of planting to planting in a greenhouse, 50 days should pass (slightly less than for planting in open ground). In total, it turns out that March 27 is the most suitable day for planting tomatoes.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2016 according to the calendar

All gardeners who use the lunar calendar for sowing seedlings should take into account that in 2016 the most suitable days are 5, 6, 16, 17, 18 and 22 February, as well as 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14 , 15, 17, 21 March and 10, 11, 12 and 13 April.

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2016

This depends on a number of factors, for example, the warming of the soil in your region of residence, whether you have a greenhouse or are you going to transplant the plants into open ground, etc. Since seedlings appear after planting cucumbers after three days (provided they growing at 25 degrees), and the most suitable age of these plants for transplantation is 15-20 days, then this information must be taken into account first. In central Russia, the soil warms up to optimal temperature for cucumber seedlings by mid-May, from this we conclude that the right time for planting this crop - the end of April.

According to the lunar calendar, the most optimal days for sowing cucumbers are the following numbers:

March - 26th, 29th and 30th;

April - 7, 8, 11, 22, 23;

May - 9, 10, 11 and 22;

Cucumbers are plants native to the tropics, so they love warmth. Cucumber seedlings can be planted in soil with a temperature not lower than +15°C. Without measuring the soil temperature, the time of planting cucumbers can be determined by folk signs or other signs - when the air temperature at night does not drop below +10°C for a week, or when dandelions bloom en masse.

In addition, cucumber varieties are selected based on their growth type and fruit quality.

Planting dates for cucumbers in the middle zone and Moscow region

In Moscow and the Moscow region, cucumbers are sown with sprouted seeds in glass and film greenhouses in mid-May, under temporary film shelters - at the end of May, in open ground - until June 5. Ready seedlings can be planted in open ground after June 10. Or during the same period, film shelters are removed. Unfortunately, in the middle zone the cold may last until mid-June. Considering general recommendations, it’s still better to keep an eye on the weather.

Optimal timing for planting cucumbers in the Leningrad region: sowing for seedlings - late April - early May, seedlings are planted in an unheated film or glass greenhouse on May 20-25, cucumbers are planted under film tunnel shelters on May 20-25. Film covers can be removed from cucumber plantations on June 10-15.

Timing for sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings and in the ground

How to independently calculate the correct time for sowing cucumbers?

The optimal age of seedlings is 25-30 days. High-quality seedlings should be at least 30 cm high, with 3 - 4 leaves. To calculate the start time of fruiting, you need to take into account the early maturity of the variety. According to early ripening, all varieties and hybrids of cucumbers are divided on the:

  • Early ripe cucumbers bloom 32-45 days after sowing.
  • Mid-season cucumbers They bloom at 50-55 days.
  • Late-ripening cucumbers bloom at 55-70 days.

Planting cucumbers in the Urals and Siberia

The favorable period for the growth and fruiting of cucumbers in the Urals, where the climate is harsh and rather cold, is very limited: frosts can occur until the first ten days of June, and sometimes until the end of the second ten days of June, and already in the third ten days of August they begin again. Therefore, in the northern regions, cucumbers are grown mainly in greenhouses and very often through seedlings. Seedlings are planted no earlier than the third ten days of May. To quickly warm up the soil in the beds, you can use the following method: immediately after the snow melts, the beds are watered warm water and cover with film or lutrasil.

Cucumber seedlings are being planted in the Urals:

Cucumbers can be sown in open ground on the 20th of May if there is shelter.

Early ripening varieties of cucumbers (38-45 days after emergence) can be planted in three periods: the first sowing on May 20, the second on June 1-5 and the last sowing on June 15. This will help extend the fruiting period of cucumbers until September.

In the Urals and Siberia for planting cucumbers, it is better to select hybrids with increased resistance to adverse weather factors and diseases. The most productive in the conditions of the Far East are mid-early and mid-season varieties cucumbers, for example Far Eastern-27 or Erofey selection of the Far Eastern Research Institute Agriculture. Additionally, to increase the resistance of plants, it is useful to carry out pre-sowing preparation of seeds - hardening.

Planting cucumbers in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine

In the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine Cucumber seeds are sown directly in open ground from mid-April to early May. Optimal time for sowing seedlings - the last days of March.

IN Rostov region cucumber seeds can be sown in open ground at the end of April. During the same period, you can plant seedlings. When sowing cucumbers for seedlings, keep in mind that they do not tolerate transplantation well: it is better to sow cucumbers in separate peat pots.

Planting cucumbers in Crimea

IN Crimea cucumber seeds are sown in open ground in early May, and ready-made seedlings, aged 25-30 days, are also planted at the same time. Seeds are sown for seedlings in early to mid-March.

If the timing of planting cucumbers in the ground depends on the weather, then when growing cucumbers at home - on a balcony or on a windowsill, cucumbers can be sown much earlier. Step by step guide and photos on growing cucumbers at home:

Caring for cucumbers according to all the rules

Cucumbers require constant attention: they need to be watered, fed, constantly tied up and vines formed.

Watering cucumbers

Cucumbers need constant watering. Especially during the period of active fruiting, approximately once every three days. With a lack of moisture, cucumbers begin to taste bitter and grow crooked or pear-shaped. But with watering, and even more so with sprinkling, you need to be very careful dangerous days when the Moon comes under the influence of the sign of Libra and Gemini.

Feeding, mulching and weeding cucumbers

Feed cucumbers 5-6 times during the entire growth period. Feed the first time when the second true leaf appears, the second time at the beginning of flowering; the third, fourth and fifth - during the period of ovary formation and fruiting, with a frequency of once every 2 weeks. After weeding, the soil can be mulched with mowed lawn grass, sawdust or humus.

Days of planting cucumbers and harvesting according to the National Calendar

May 19 (May 6, old style) - Job Goroshnik

The first cucumber day of the year. On this day, cucumbers are planted in the beds: “If there is a lot of dew on Job, the day is clear, and the night is warm, there will be a big harvest, but if the night is cold, it will not be a cucumber year.”

May 27 (May 14, old style) - Sidor-Borage or Sidor-Bokogrey

"If the day on Sidor is clear, wait good harvest cucumbers If the weather is cold, then the whole summer is expected to be cold."

June 1 (May 19, old style) Ivan Dolgiy.

P They continue to plant cucumbers. If it rains on Ivan the Long, then the whole month promises to be dry.

June 2 (May 20, old style) Falale borage or Timofey Gryadochnik.

They continue to plant cucumbers in the beds. But in the Northern regions they are just starting to plant cucumbers on Timofey: “Timofey has come - bring the cucumbers quickly.” There is also a sign: if it rains in the first two days of June, the whole month will be dry.

June 5 (May 23, old style) Levon Ogurechnik, Levon Konoplyanik

Last date for planting cucumbers. On Levon (Leonty) it was customary to plant cucumbers for pickling, because cucumbers planted at this time, according to popular belief, are the crunchiest, strongest and sweetest. There is an interesting cucumber sign: the first bed of cucumbers must be sown secretly, then the harvest will be great!

August 17 (August 4, old style) - Avdotya Malinovka, Ogurechnitsa, Senognoika.

By this time, the last harvest was ripening in the beds. Now, with greenhouses and tunnel shelters, the cucumber season can be extended until September.

Cucumbers are grown everywhere in Russia, which is why the question of when to plant cucumber seedlings in 2016 is so popular now. Here you need to focus on several factors at once: quantity sunlight, temperature, as well as lunar calendar readings.

The lunar calendar determines the specific phases of the moon; planting cucumbers on some of the days will be most successful: the plant will actively develop and give an excellent, maximum yield for a particular variety.

What you need to know about cucumber seedlings

Cucumber seeds, depending on the variety, will sprout quickly. You need to prepare for this so as not to be late with planting seedlings in open ground. After planting, the container with soil is placed on the windowsill, providing a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, the seeds will germinate within a few days. Compared to other crops, this is extremely fast. Moreover, seedlings should not be kept at home for more than two weeks.

If we consider in more detail the question of when to plant cucumber seedlings in 2016 in the Moscow region ( middle lane Russia), then you need to understand that open ground is ready for planting in mid-May. That is, cucumber seeds need to be planted in such a period of April or early May that, according to calculations, they can be planted in the soil already at the end of May or, at the latest, the beginning of June.

Important! In the Urals, cucumbers are not yet planted in open ground in mid-May, even if the seedlings are strong. In the northern regions, it will be necessary to plant seedlings somewhere between June 5-10, and, for additional protection It is recommended to additionally cover each sprout with a protective cap.

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar

It is one thing to ensure the optimal temperature for growing seedlings and correct calculations when planting in open ground. But it is also worth remembering how the phases of the moon affect the movement of juices in plants, including cucumbers. Depending on the phase of the moon, in each month there are days that are favorable for planting cucumber seeds for seedlings and days that are absolutely not suitable for this.

Favorable days in 2016:

  • February 21-23, and it is best to do work in the afternoon;
  • In March, you should pay attention to the 2-4th, also in the afternoon;
  • If you also need to plant seeds of flowering plants, for example, petunias, then this can be safely done on March 9, 20-22;
  • Cucumber seeds planted as seedlings in the afternoon of March 22-24 will grow especially well;

Selecting seeds for seedlings

A necessary condition for cucumbers to grow well and bear fruit is right choice seeds You can buy bags of seeds in specialized stores. It is important that the seeds meet the standards of humidity, germination energy, and are clean.

In order not to be disappointed after the purchase, it is best to buy seeds from well-known and trusted companies and from those sellers you can trust. If you buy expensive seeds, it is recommended to keep the receipt. Provided that there is husk in the bag, you can return the product and get your money back.

About varieties and hybrids

When purchasing seeds, you should pay attention to Additional information, which is always indicated on the bags. For example, the F1 marking means that these are first-generation hybrid seeds. Accordingly, the F2 marking means that these are second-order hybrids.

A hybrid is a variety that was bred artificially, but it is not modified by genetic engineering, so you should not be afraid of such labeling. Moreover, many gardeners advise buying hybrid varieties for planting, because they are less demanding and resistant to disease. But they often give poor germination.

To decide for yourself the dates in 2016 when to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings, you must first of all decide on the dates for planting the seedlings in open ground. Then simply subtract 15 days from these numbers. It is highly not recommended to grow cucumber seedlings at home for more than 15 days, otherwise they may not tolerate transplantation well. open ground and simply die or become weak and not produce enough harvest.
