When can you plant cucumbers in May? When to sow cucumbers for seedlings. The best vegetable varieties for growing in open ground

Cucumbers are grown everywhere in Russia, which is why the question of when to plant cucumber seedlings in 2016 is so popular now. Here you need to focus on several factors at once: quantity sunlight, temperature, as well as lunar calendar readings.

The lunar calendar determines the specific phases of the moon; planting cucumbers on some of the days will be most successful: the plant will actively develop and give an excellent, maximum yield for a particular variety.

What you need to know about cucumber seedlings

Cucumber seeds, depending on the variety, will sprout quickly. You need to prepare for this so as not to be late with planting seedlings in open ground. After planting, the container with soil is placed on the windowsill, providing a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, the seeds will germinate within a few days. Compared to other crops, this is extremely fast. Moreover, seedlings should not be kept at home for more than two weeks.

If we consider in more detail the question of when to plant cucumber seedlings in 2016 in the Moscow region (central Russia), then you need to understand that open ground is ready for planting in mid-May. That is, cucumber seeds need to be planted in such a period of April or early May that, according to calculations, they can be planted in the soil already at the end of May or, at the latest, the beginning of June.

Important! In the Urals, cucumbers are not yet planted in open ground in mid-May, even if the seedlings are strong. In the northern regions, it will be necessary to plant seedlings somewhere between June 5-10, and, for additional protection It is recommended to additionally cover each sprout with a protective cap.

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar

It is one thing to ensure the optimal temperature for growing seedlings and correct calculations when planting in open ground. But it is also worth remembering how the phases of the moon affect the movement of juices in plants, including cucumbers. Depending on the phase of the moon, in each month there are days that are favorable for planting cucumber seeds for seedlings and days that are absolutely not suitable for this.

Favorable days in 2016:

  • February 21-23, and it is best to do work in the afternoon;
  • In March, you should pay attention to the 2-4th, also in the afternoon;
  • If you also need to plant seeds of flowering plants, for example, petunias, then this can be safely done on March 9, 20-22;
  • Cucumber seeds planted as seedlings in the afternoon of March 22-24 will grow especially well;

Selecting seeds for seedlings

A necessary condition for cucumbers to grow well and bear fruit is right choice seeds You can buy bags of seeds in specialized stores. It is important that the seeds meet the standards of humidity, germination energy, and are clean.

In order not to be disappointed after the purchase, it is best to buy seeds from well-known and trusted companies and from those sellers you can trust. If you buy expensive seeds, it is recommended to keep the receipt. Provided that there is husk in the bag, you can return the product and get your money back.

About varieties and hybrids

When purchasing seeds, you should pay attention to Additional information, which is always indicated on the bags. For example, the F1 marking means that these are first-generation hybrid seeds. Accordingly, the F2 marking means that these are second-order hybrids.

A hybrid is a variety that was bred artificially, but it is not modified by genetic engineering, so you should not be afraid of such labeling. Moreover, many gardeners advise buying hybrid varieties for planting, because they are less demanding and resistant to disease. But they often give poor germination.

To decide for yourself the dates in 2016 when to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings, you must first of all decide on the dates for planting the seedlings in open ground. Then simply subtract 15 days from these numbers. It is highly not recommended to grow cucumber seedlings at home for more than 15 days, otherwise they may not tolerate transplantation well. open ground and simply die or become weak and not produce enough harvest.

May - best month for planting and replanting all types of plants. First of all, carefully examine the seedlings. If the leaves begin to curl downwards, and the leaf blades become bent or become convex, then it has settled on them spider mite. Aphids may appear on pepper seedlings. It is urgent to process the seedlings, and at the same time houseplants"Fitoverm" or "Healthy Garden".

In May, tomato and pepper seedlings are planted. Cucumbers are planted in open and protected ground. The first harvest of greens and radishes is being harvested.

Lunar landing calendar for May. Brief recommendations on what to do during the waxing and waning moon in May, landing days in May:

1-5 6 7-21 22 23-31
Waning moon New moon Waxing Crescent Full moon Waning moon

1st of May— Effective spraying fruit trees and shrubs from diseases and pests, as well as spraying with growth stimulants and preparations to improve fruit formation of flowering fruit trees and berry bushes.

May 2— Vegetables sown on this day will be unsuitable for storage. Possible, but not the most favorable time for re-seeding lettuce, spinach, dill. good time for irrigation, root and foliar feeding vegetable crops.

May 3— Treat the strawberries (removing old and yellowed leaves, loosening, fertilizing with mullein and complex fertilizer). Planted mustaches take root well.

May 4th— Barren day of Aries from 09.12. Possible sanitary pruning frozen ornamental crops. Removing growth from fruit trees. Removing unnecessary and yield-reducing strawberry tendrils.

May 7— Plant seedlings of mid-season and late-ripening varieties and hybrids of white cabbage and cauliflower in open and protected ground. It is possible to plant flower seedlings. Planted in the sign of Taurus, they have increased stamina. This is a favorable time for planting the next batches of non-shooting varieties and hybrids. Sowing beet seeds. The best time to fertilize root vegetables, garlic and onions. Start planting and replanting ornamental shrubs.

May 8— The sign of Gemini is very favorable for transplanting roses. Replanting and dividing faded small-bulbous flowers.

9th May— Division of rhizomes of perennial flowering plants, propagation by cuttings and layering. A favorable period for planting, dividing and replanting flowers. It is useful to feed flowers.

May 10— Growing Moon in Cancer. Will tolerate transplantation well permanent place any seedling.

  • sowing,
  • landings,
  • transplants,
  • vaccinations,
  • tree fertilizers,
  • bushes,
  • vegetables (except root vegetables).

A favorable time for re-sowing lettuce, dill, and spinach in open ground.

12 May— Favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers of all upward-growing plants:

  • decorative beans,
  • hops,
  • girl's grapes,
  • climbing rose, etc.

may 13— Collected during this period medicinal herbs will have the greatest power, especially herbs that stimulate cardiac activity. Carrying out loosening, hilling, mulching, composting.

May 14— After 09.50, it is possible to sow annual fast-growing flowers, if you did not have time to do this earlier. Replant indoor flowers.

May 15Perfect time for landing ornamental plants and structures, flower beds, sowing, etc.; The planted green cuttings will take root well.

May 17— Possible, but not the most favorable time for planting seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants in greenhouses and hotbeds. Planting cauliflower, leeks, sorrel, and broccoli in open ground.

  • white cabbage,
  • dill,
  • sorrel,
  • zucchini,
  • pumpkins,
  • squash
  • and potatoes not for storage (planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar in May 2016).

May 21st— Complete the open ground plantings started the day before. Replanting indoor flowers.

22nd of May— Full moon at 01.16. If you are not going to store your harvest for a long time, then you can collect early vegetables (radish, spinach, etc.).

May, 23rd— Install supports under the branches of fruit trees, build fences around the bushes. The day is suitable for loosening the soil, spraying, and pest control.

May 24— We do weeding, hilling, cultivating the soil. A good time to fertilize root crops and potatoes.

May 25— A favorable day for planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers in greenhouses and greenhouses.

26 of May— Root feeding of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage until 18.25.

May 29The right time for rooting strawberry tendrils or transplanting rooted rosettes to a new location. On this day you need to water the plants and weed them.

May 30— From vegetables, it is best to sow those that will immediately go to the table or for canning and freezing. Vegetables sown these days will not be suitable for storage. Strawberry tendrils take root well.

May 31- Sign of Aries. A barren day. It is effective to spray all fruit trees and berry bushes against pests and diseases.

Cucumbers have long become a folk vegetable for Russia. Many people grow this vegetable in their dacha or homestead. Cucumbers have a very beneficial properties. Frequent consumption of cucumbers helps strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Cucumbers are eaten not only fresh. They are salted, preserved in jars and prepared for other winter preparations.

Cucumbers are grown in industrial conditions all year round. In winter, heated greenhouses are used for this.

At home, cucumbers are grown in open ground and in the greenhouse. In this case they use different ways- first sow seedlings and grow them on the windowsill or plant them directly in a permanent place with seeds.

Some novice vegetable growers ask - when to plant cucumbers? In this article we will tell you when to plant cucumbers for seedlings, in a greenhouse and in open ground in 2016. Many people plant only according to the lunar calendar, so our advice will be based on the 2016 lunar sowing calendar.

When to plant cucumber seedlings in 2016?

To obtain an early harvest of vegetables, they are grown through seedlings. Having planted the seedlings, they grow them on the windowsill for some time. This is done until favorable climatic conditions arrive for planting in a permanent place.

It is very important to correctly determine the timing of planting cucumber seedlings. If sowed early, the seedlings will overgrow, which will reduce their resistance to disease; they will be elongated and weak. If you plant the seeds too late, the seedlings will not have time to grow sufficiently by the time of planting and will also be weak. This all greatly affects the yield.

How do you know when to plant cucumber seedlings? You need to know that seedlings need to be transplanted to a permanent place 2.5-3 weeks after germination.

Selecting a container for planting seeds.

You can use almost any container to plant cucumber seeds. You can use small pots for home flowers, you can use jars of fermented baked milk and other dairy products, or you can buy special containers made of cardboard.

Seed preparation.

Soil preparation.

Cucumber seeds have fairly good germination rates. Many people germinate seeds to achieve maximum germination and speed up this process. To germinate seeds, you need to take a piece of cotton wool, moisten it and put it in a warm place. It is necessary to ensure that the cotton wool with seeds always remains moist.

Agricultural technology.

The agricultural technology for planting cucumbers is quite simple. The soil is watered abundantly with warm water. Cucumbers should be planted at a depth of 1-2 centimeters. Holes are made, seeds are placed there and then buried with earth. Nothing complicated.

Cucumbers for seedlings according to the Lunar calendar 2016.

The timing of planting cucumber seedlings depends on the variety. Early ripening varieties are planted earlier, and late ripening varieties later. In 2016, early varieties of cucumbers can begin to be planted as seedlings at the end of March. According to the lunar calendar favorable days for planting cucumbers will be March 29th and 30th. In April, the lunar calendar recommends planting cucumber seedlings 7th, 8th and 11th.

When to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse in 2016?

Cucumbers grow much better in a greenhouse than in other conditions. It is in the greenhouse that a very favorable microclimate is created for cucumbers. When to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse? Let's figure it out.

In the greenhouse you can plant cucumber seeds and seedlings that you previously grew on the windowsill. If your greenhouse is heated, then you can grow cucumbers in it all year round. If you have an ordinary greenhouse made of polycarbonate or, then you should plant it in it when the air temperature warms up to 18-20 degrees. This usually happens in late May-early June.

Planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse.

Soil preparation. During the first stages of seedling growth in a greenhouse, a large amount of nitrogen will be needed. Therefore, during landing on 1 square meter add 1 teaspoon of urea. After this, the dug up soil is watered hot water(70-80 degrees), to which add 200 grams of liquid chicken droppings for 10 liters of water. After the procedures have been completed, the soil is covered with film so that it warms up better. All this is done about 1 week before planting the seedlings.

You can plant cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse from the moment the plant begins to form its third leaf. Before planting, you need to be sure that the temperature in the greenhouse will not drop below 14 degrees at night. During the day it is necessary to maintain the temperature around 20 degrees, and at night - 15-16 degrees. If the temperature in the greenhouse rises above 20 degrees, then you can open the window a little. When too high temperature the plant will become very elongated and weak; if it is low, its growth will slow down and its susceptibility to various diseases will increase.

Before planting seedlings, they make ridges, and in the ridges there are holes the size of the pot in which the seedlings grew at a distance of 50-60 centimeters from each other. These pits must be disinfected again with a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, take 10 liters of water and stir 1 gram of potassium permanganate into it. The water should be warm (50 degrees). Water 0.5 liters of this water per hole.

Planting cucumbers in a greenhouse according to the lunar calendar 2016.

Based on the data lunar calendar For 2016, in May, the favorable days for planting cucumbers in a greenhouse will be the 11th and 25th.

When to plant cucumbers in open ground in 2016?

Cucumbers are planted in open ground when they are stable warm weather. Seeds should not be planted in open ground. It would be better to plant the seeds in a greenhouse. (Articles

Secrets of a quick harvest

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​If you do not have film shelters and greenhouses or you are late in sowing seeds for seedlings, do not be upset. In the middle zone, cucumbers bear fruit well when dry seeds are sown directly in open ground. According to the lunar calendar, it is better to sow on June 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. In warm weather, sprouts will appear in 1-1.5 weeks, and you will have time to get good harvest.​

  • Let's say you have a polycarbonate unheated greenhouse and a bed intended for cucumbers. We recommend sowing cucumber seeds into the ground dry, not sprouted. In this case, the percentage of seedlings is much higher, and the seedlings are healthier and stronger. But if the seeds are germinated, the seedlings will appear 1-2 weeks earlier.​

​Cucumber seeds have fairly good germination rates. Many people germinate seeds to achieve maximum germination and speed up this process. To germinate seeds, you need to take a piece of cotton wool, moisten it and put it in a warm place. It is necessary to ensure that the cotton wool with seeds always remains moist.

At home, cucumbers are grown in open ground and in greenhouses. In this case, they use different methods - first they sow seedlings and grow them on the windowsill or plant them directly in a permanent place with seeds.​

Cucumbers are divided into ground and greenhouse. Ground cucumbers are grown under film, while greenhouse cucumbers ripen well in greenhouses different designs. Greenhouse varieties of cucumbers are more productive, suffer less illness, and are better able to withstand changes in humidity and temperature. This is especially important if you come to your dacha only on weekends, and the greenhouse is not watered at this time. Many greenhouse cucumbers were long-fruited and had a faint cucumber odor. Nowadays, many varieties and hybrids of beautiful small pimply cucumbers with good taste and aroma have been bred.​

Preparing cucumber seeds for planting as seedlings

​with average need;​

​It is absolutely not necessary to go through all the procedures - this will take a lot of time in total. However, you can choose the most important ones for yourself. For example, in regions with cold nights, hardening should be carried out, and disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate and boric acid convenient to combine with soaking and germination.​ ​Seeds can also be calibrated - in other words, divided into large, medium and small. It is also recommended to plant them in fractions.​Many people believe that a greenhouse is almost the only option to get a harvest before anyone else. However, greenhouse cucumbers are not as tasty, and this is a troublesome task. There is a much easier way to get early harvest- planting seeds for seedlings. Seedlings not only speed up the appearance of the first cucumbers, but also significantly increase the duration of fruiting. For residents of cold northern regions with short summers, this method is perfect.​

​If the sowing dates are observed and proper care(timely watering, pinching, removing yellow leaves) cucumbers yield up to 15 kg from an area of ​​1 square meter.​

​When do you need to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings in order to get vegetables in the greenhouse as early as possible? The soil in an unheated shelter after the snow has melted is usually ready for planting after 2 weeks. Each season this moment comes at a different time. When spring comes early and amicably, you can plant cucumbers in a greenhouse in the Moscow region already at the end of April (at a soil temperature of 25 ° C). If warming begins late, cucumber seedlings are planted in an unheated shelter at the end of May.

​Cucumbers grow much better in a greenhouse than in other conditions. It is in the greenhouse that a very favorable microclimate is created for cucumbers. When to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse? Let's figure it out.​

  • The agricultural technology for planting cucumbers is quite simple. The soil is watered abundantly with warm water. Cucumbers should be planted at a depth of 1-2 centimeters. Holes are made, seeds are placed there and then buried with earth. Nothing complicated.​
  • ​Some novice vegetable growers ask -​
  • ​June 2–10 - in open ground without shelter.​

​with low need.​

Preparing seedlings for adulthood

​Experienced gardeners advise using seeds from the year before last for planting - they give more high yield. In general, cucumber seeds can sprout even after 10 years, but there is no need to wait that long. This is just one piece of advice out of many - many nuances depend on the soil, microclimate, and variety. Observe the plants and draw conclusions.​

​It is much more important to disinfect planting material - this operation will prevent many diseases and attacks by insect pests that can destroy crops​

​Surely, you know the climate of your region. Before planting seeds for seedlings, count about two weeks until the most optimal time planting seedlings in the ground - these days the air temperature at night should not fall below 12 °C. The maximum that you can keep seedlings in cups is 30 days, after which they need to be planted urgently, otherwise they will simply stop growing, whether in a container for seedlings or in the open ground. April-May - during these months, seeds are most often planted for seedlings.​

​It all just depends on where you will plant it, in a greenhouse or open ground (the timing is different), and the age of the seedlings (optimal 30-35 days for a closed garden). In our conditions (also in the Moscow region), they are planted in greenhouses around the 20th of May, in open ground around June 5th. Based on this, you can calculate: growing period (30-35) + for seedlings (2-5 days depending on your luck), i.e. for a greenhouse we sow somewhere on April 10-20, for open ground the beginning of May (since the seedlings planted can be 20 days old)​

From here you can calculate when to sow cucumbers for seedlings in 2016. Considering that the age of seedlings ready for transplanting should be approximately 4 weeks (phase of 2 true leaves), the seeds are sown in peat pots or containers with a removable bottom at the end of March. In this case, the seedlings are grown in room conditions. If spring comes late, it doesn't matter. Overgrown seedlings with 5 true leaves can tolerate replanting without any problems, provided they retain a clod of soil.

Planting in open ground

​In the greenhouse you can plant cucumber seeds and seedlings that you previously grew on the windowsill. If your greenhouse is heated, then you can grow cucumbers in it all year round. If you have an ordinary greenhouse made of polycarbonate or a homemade one window frames, then it should be planted in it when the air temperature warms up to 18-20 degrees. This usually happens in late May or early June.​

  • Read more about planting cucumbers for seedlings in the article: Planting cucumbers for seedlings.​
  • ​when to plant cucumbers​
  • ​Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2016​

Of course, cucumbers can be planted directly into the ground with seeds. However, in order to get a cucumber harvest 2 - 3 weeks earlier, it is better to grow seedlings.​

​Cucumbers are middle group, which means they can be planted in the beds where the first group visited last year. After the cucumbers, crops with low nutrient requirements are planted, and in the fourth year it is advisable to fertilize the bed well with manure and give it a rest from plants altogether. But on next year It will be possible to plant the most “gluttonous” crops, such as tomatoes or potatoes.​

Fertilizer and watering - we will surprise our neighbors with the harvest!

​Now that you have prepared the seeds and they have already hatched, there is not a minute to waste. If you have chosen plastic cups or similar containers, be sure to make small holes in the bottoms - they will allow the root system to receive more air and relieve the plants of excess moisture. If your choice fell on peat tablets, then immediately before planting, soak them for 20 minutes in warm water - when they swell, they can be used according to direct purpose. For convenience, peat washers are placed on a tray or at the bottom of a small box.​

​. At first, it is recommended to warm up the seeds - the temperature should not exceed 60 °C. After warming up for three hours, the planting material is dipped for a quarter of an hour in a mixture of potassium permanganate and boric acid dissolved in water. For 10 liters of liquid you need 1 gram of potassium permanganate and 0.2 grams of acid. Then rinse the seeds.

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​3 weeks before planting in the ground, but pre-soak the seeds.​


How to plant cucumbers for seedlings.

​You can taste the first fruits in an unheated greenhouse as early as June. Please note that it is better to grow self-pollinating varieties indoors.​

​Soil preparation: During the first stages of seedling growth in a greenhouse, a large amount of nitrogen will be needed. Therefore, during planting, 1 teaspoon of urea is added per 1 square meter. After this, the dug up soil is watered with hot water (70-80 degrees), to which 200 grams of liquid chicken droppings are added per 10 liters of water. After the procedures have been completed, the soil is covered with film so that it warms up better. All this is done about 1 week before planting the seedlings.

The time for planting cucumber seedlings depends on the variety. Early ripening varieties are planted earlier, and late ripening varieties later. In 2016, early varieties of cucumbers can begin to be planted as seedlings at the end of March. According to the lunar calendar, will there be favorable days for planting cucumbers? In this article we will tell you when to plant cucumbers for seedlings, in a greenhouse and in open ground in 2016. Many people plant only according to the lunar calendar, so our advice will be based on the 2016 lunar sowing calendar.​

​The best days for sowing cucumber seedlings and transplanting into open ground according to the Lunar calendar in 2016:​

Cucumber seedlings should be planted with seeds 15 - 20 days before planting the seedlings in the ground or greenhouse. To do this, in a heated room, often on a warm windowsill, place pots or cups with a diameter of 9 cm into which 1 seed is sown to a depth of 1 cm. The seed is not stuck in, but placed with its flat side on moist soil.

Planting peat discs with plants in the ground is as easy as shelling pears - you just need to prepare a hole of the required depth. You will have to tinker with the cups - some people lightly shake the seedlings out of the cups, turning them upside down, some prefer to cut the cups. After planting, water the seedling bed. Now start preparing the support - cucumbers will produce a good harvest if they can climb, which is why they are often planted near the fence.​

​Two seeds are placed in each washer or glass at a shallow depth (about 1 centimeter). The soil should be moist and warm. It is very important to keep your plantings at a temperature of at least 22 ° C until sprouts appear. Therefore, many gardeners keep glasses or peat tablets in a well-heated room. Watering, or rather spraying, the soil should be carried out at least twice a week.​

Of course, there is a more gentle procedure, however, this will require ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet irradiation reduces the risk of disease and increases seed germination, and has a beneficial effect on the development of young plants. It is necessary to irradiate the seeds from one to five minutes - it all depends on the power of the irradiator. The inconvenience of this method is that then it is necessary to completely exclude contact of the planting material with light, starting from the moment of irradiation and ending directly with planting the seeds in the ground. To do this, gardeners have to stock up on photo paper or plant seeds in the dark.​

Planting cucumbers in open ground
​A month before planting, warm the seeds near the radiator, but not on the radiator itself, in a linen bag. Then soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes. Better days- March - 19, 20,24,25,29,30, April - 2,3,10,11,15,16. But keep in mind that cucumbers sprout quite quickly.​
Planting cucumber seeds for seedlings in 2016 for open ground is carried out in the middle zone about a month before its intended planting in the garden. Usually this is the end of April - beginning of May. Seedlings can be grown at home in boxes with soil, in an unheated greenhouse or film greenhouse. Do not forget that young cucumber seedlings love organic fertilizers. Properly prepare the soil for seedlings. You can move plants into open ground at the end of May-beginning of June, when frosts have passed. These are the cucumbers that bear fruit until the cold weather.

You can plant cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse from the moment the plant begins to form its third leaf. Before planting, you need to be sure that the temperature in the greenhouse will not drop below 14 degrees at night. During the day it is necessary to maintain the temperature around 20 degrees, and at night - 15-16 degrees. If the temperature in the greenhouse rises above 20 degrees, then you can open the window a little. If the temperature is too high, the plant will become very elongated and weak, while if it is too low, its growth will slow down and its susceptibility to various diseases will increase.​

​March 29th and 30th​

  • To obtain an early harvest of vegetables, they are grown through seedlings. Having planted the seedlings, they grow them on the windowsill for some time. This is done until favorable climatic conditions arrive for planting in a permanent place.
  • ​in April - 19, 20, 23, 24, 30,​


When to plant cucumbers? For seedlings and open ground.

​Cucumber seedlings growing.​

​A few words about the rules of watering and feeding cucumbers. Basically, they constantly require three groups of microelements: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. While the plant is at the seedling stage, it primarily needs nitrogen and potassium. When cucumbers begin to bear fruit, potassium comes first, followed by nitrogen and phosphorus. There are many complex ready-made solutions.​

As soon as the first shoots appear, the temperature is reduced by 2-3 degrees and a little is poured into glasses with soil mixture. Pay attention to how much the seedlings stretch - if they are too thin and tall, most likely they do not have enough light. Many gardeners use additional artificial lighting to speed up the process and obtain guaranteed strong seedlings.

​Another way to increase the germination of seeds and stimulate their further growth is to keep them in infusion for 3 hours wood ash. The infusion is prepared very simply - add two tablespoons of ash per liter of water. After two days of infusion, the solution is ready for use.

​We recommend that you read​ ​We also live in the Moscow region, we will plant at the end of March :) so far only the pepper has been planted and has barely sprouted :)​​There can be a lot of debate about the feasibility garden work according to the lunar calendar. The choice is yours. If you are wondering when to plant cucumber seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, we inform you that this can be done in March, April and May. So, in more detail for the central part of Russia:​

When to plant cucumber seedlings in 2016?

​Before planting seedlings, they make ridges, and in the ridges there are holes the size of a pot in which the seedlings grew at a distance of 50-60 centimeters from each other. These pits must be disinfected again with a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, take 10 liters of water and stir 1 gram of potassium permanganate into it. The water should be warm (50 degrees). Water 0.5 liters of this water per hole.

​It is very important to correctly determine the timing of planting cucumber seedlings. If sowed early, the seedlings will overgrow, which will reduce their resistance to disease; they will be elongated and weak. If you plant the seeds too late, the seedlings will not have time to grow sufficiently by the time of planting and will also be weak. This all greatly affects the yield.​

Selecting a container for planting seeds.

​in May 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31.​

Seed preparation.

​When 2 - 3 leaves have developed, and 25 - 30 days have passed since planting, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. High-quality cucumber seedlings should be about 30 cm high, with 3 – 4 leaves. Be careful not to rush into planting, the soil needs to be well warmed up and the roots should not be touched at all when replanting. Therefore, you need to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse or garden bed directly in peat pot or cucumbers in a peat tablet.​

Soil preparation.

​Watch the cucumbers - they will tell you what you need. Thus, the light green color of the leaves indicates a lack of nitrogen in the soil; if there is not enough potassium, then a light border forms around the leaves.

Agricultural technology.

In this case, fluorescent lamps are placed above the container with seedlings at a height of about 5-10 cm. The lamp is raised upward as the seedlings grow. You only need two lamps with a power of 40-80 watts. It is not necessary to turn them on in sunny weather; it is enough to illuminate the seedlings from early morning until 10:00, and two hours in the evening - from 16:00 to 18:00. On cloudy days, turn on the lamps all day long.​

The last stage of seed preparation is hardening. This procedure will allow young plants to better tolerate night cold. The hardening process is as follows:​

Cucumbers for seedlings according to the Lunar calendar 2016.

​Another mistake novice gardeners make is picking seedlings. What cucumbers don’t like is being transplanted from place to place. Therefore, seedlings should be planted in containers that will allow sprouts to grow until transplanted into open ground. Plastic half-liter cups or plastic bottles, cut in half work best. If you don't want to injure yourself at all root system cucumbers, then you can opt for peat tablets - this is a mixture of peat and soil, pressed into small pucks. It makes sense to plant cucumbers as seedlings only if you have a greenhouse. And if it is not there, just plant the sprouted seeds directly in the ground, they will sprout quickly and distil the seedlings, which will hurt when planted in the ground. And cucumbers grown by sowing in the ground will be stronger and more abundant. 4, 9-13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21 and 22 March - sowing seeds for seedlings for heated greenhouses; ​For more details about planting cucumbers in a greenhouse, read the article: Planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse.​​7th, 8th and 11th​

How do you know when to plant cucumber seedlings? You need to know that seedlings need to be transplanted to a permanent place 2.5-3 weeks after germination. Cucumbers have long become a folk vegetable for Russia. Many people grow this vegetable in their dacha or homestead. Cucumbers have very beneficial properties. Frequent consumption of cucumbers helps strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body of harmful substances. To grow cucumbers, it is advisable to change the film in the greenhouse annually. The advantage of glass greenhouses or polycarbonate greenhouses is that they are better lit and do not require annual film replacement.​

When to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse in 2016?

​Fruits with sharp noses also indicate a lack of nitrogen, and cucumbers in the shape of a light bulb signal a lack of potassium. If it is hot during the day and cold at night, then expect a harvest of curved cucumbers. Most quick way bring microelements to the plant - spray with a weak solution. You can find ready-made liquid fertilizers, which only need to be diluted in the required proportion.​

If both seeds have sprouted in the glass, the less vigorous sprout can be removed. It is best to sow cucumbers for seedlings with a reserve - in this case, you can choose the strongest plants that have a developed root system, strong stems up to 30 cm in height, dense dark green leaves and short internodes.​

Planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse.

​Seeds are placed in damp cloth and kept at a temperature of about 20 ° C until several seeds hatch.​

​Immediately before planting the seeds, these washers are soaked in warm water, causing them to increase in volume by 4–8 times. It is very important to buy the right peat tablets, which also contain soil - cucumber seeds may not germinate at all in peat alone. But in combination with soil, peat provides the root system big amount oxygen and minerals, and also retains moisture well.​

I have a dacha to the north, so I sow seeds directly into the greenhouse. If the seedlings are not earlier than April and in separate containers, they do not like transplanting.​

Planting cucumbers in a greenhouse according to the lunar calendar 2016.

​Based on the data of the lunar calendar for 2016, in May the favorable days for planting cucumbers in a greenhouse will be the 11th and 25th.​

When to plant cucumbers in open ground in 2016?

​You can use almost any container to plant cucumber seeds. You can use small pots for home flowers, you can use jars of fermented baked milk and other dairy products, or you can buy special containers made of cardboard.​


When to plant cucumber seedlings in 2016: for a greenhouse, according to the lunar calendar

When to sow cucumbers for seedlings in 2016 for indoor soil

​Cucumbers are eaten not only fresh. They are salted, preserved in jars and prepared for other winter preparations.​

You can replant cucumber seedlings:

​Cucumbers should be watered warm water, right to the root. This crop does not like moisture on the leaves - this provokes the appearance of powdery mildew, which is quite difficult to combat. The best optiondrip irrigation, however, if you are growing a small bed, then a few buckets of water heated in the sun and a watering can will be enough.​

​Don’t forget to check the crop rotation table - cucumbers can be planted after onions, tomatoes, cabbage, as well as all green manure crops. The pumpkin family is a bad predecessor. It is also important to remember that plants with a high need for nutrients cannot be planted in one bed. According to this principle, everything garden plants divided into 3 groups:​

Planting cucumber seedlings in 2016 for open ground

​Then place the rag with the seeds on the top, coldest shelf of the refrigerator.​

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar

​It is very important to plant seeds in moderately moist soil and at a shallow depth - in both cases planting material won't hit required quantity air, which is why the seeds may not hatch at all. Therefore, it is recommended to germinate them before planting. However, this is not the only point in preparing seeds.​

  • I don’t make seedlings from cucumbers; at the beginning of June, when there is no longer frost, I sow them directly into the ground under a film. I choose only paternocarpic varieties, that is, self-pollinating ones, for example the Legend F1 or Voyage F1 varieties. There are no problems with seedlings and they give a good harvest. Good luck!!!​
  • ​May 1, 2, 5 and 7 – sowing cucumber seeds in shelters to obtain seedlings for open ground;​
  • ​Cucumbers are planted in open ground when the weather is consistently warm. Seeds should not be planted in open ground. It would be better to plant the seeds in a greenhouse. (Articles

Cucumbers are one of the most affordable heat-loving vegetables. They produce crops both in greenhouses and in ordinary beds. They can be grown through seedlings or sown directly into the ground.

But, of course, to get an early harvest, you need a greenhouse and a seedling growing method is desirable. In conditions middle zone young cucumber plants are planted in protected soil on May 10-15. It is possible earlier, but in this case there is a danger of frost damage to the plantings.

All pumpkin crops, including cucumbers, do not like it when their root system is disturbed. Therefore, seedlings are grown for no more than 15-20 days, during which time the plants should form no more than two true leaves. Taking these dates into account, sowing seedlings for growing in greenhouses is carried out in the last ten days of April.

IN warm earth cucumber shoots appear 3-5 days after sowing

If there are not many plants, then in order not to disturb the seedlings by transplanting, the seeds can be sown immediately in separate pots. Varieties that do not require pollination by insects (parthenocarpic) are grown in protected soil; this property must be indicated on the package with seeds.

Cucumbers are planted or sown in open ground (in beds) in the second half of May or early June. Accordingly, seedlings in this case begin to be grown in the first ten days of May. For such conditions, bee-pollinated varieties are used; this quality is also reflected on the packaging with seeds.

However, it is not at all necessary to plant all the plants at once. In this case, the peak of fruiting will occur in mid-July, and then there will be a fairly sharp decline. If you want to have fresh cucumbers all summer, then plant the plants in two or even three steps. For greenhouses, the deadline is the twentieth of June. If the beginning of autumn is warm, the crispy fruits will ripen until mid-September.

Seedlings take root successfully if their sizes are optimal (no more than two true leaves) and the soil in the garden bed is warm.

Cucumber plants are very sensitive to soil temperature, so the bed for planting these plants should not only be well fertilized, but also warm. To do this, you can already cover the replanting site plastic film. It may be old and damaged. The film (possibly in two layers) is spread on the surface and, so that it does not fly away, is pressed down with stones or boards. This creates a greenhouse effect - the bed warms up and, in addition, all soil moisture is retained.

The same rule (roots love warmth) must be taken into account when watering. Both seedlings and adult plants. Optimal temperature water should be 24-26 degrees. It’s easier to do this at home, but in the garden, water is poured into barrels and heated during the day in the sun.

End of June. Plants planted in early dates, are already bearing fruit, and the seedlings of the second term (planting on June 15) are entering a phase of active growth
