Which pipe diameter is best? How to calculate the diameter of heating pipes. With forced circulation

Long before installing the heating system, you need to choose its type, and then select the diameter of the pipes for heating a private house and draw a diagram to purchase materials. Sometimes they provide assistance in selecting pipe diameters experienced craftsmen– installers who can, without any formulas, by eye determine where to lay which pipeline. But there are not so many truly competent specialists, and to follow the path of cooperation with design organization Although correct, it can be quite expensive. You can calculate the cross-section of pipes yourself if you spend some time and carefully read this article.

What is needed for the calculation?

To calculate the diameter of the pipes, you need to know the thermal power required to heat each room. Surely it was already determined during the selection of the boiler installation, but if not, then approximately the amount of heat can be calculated by the volume of the room. This is done simply: for each cubic meter of room you need to put 40 W of heat, then the heat consumption will be equal to the volume multiplied by 40, the result will be in Watts.

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe.

Two-pipe systems in a private house are preferable and are more popular, although single-pipe systems also have a right to exist. It should be noted that the laws of fluid motion are the same as in single pipe system, and in a two-pipe system, so this issue is not too important for finding the diameters of the mains. Of much greater interest is the method of moving the coolant, of which there are also two:

  • convection, occurring due to the difference in weight of hot and cooled water (gravity-flow systems);
  • forced, when the coolant is forced to move by a circulation pump.

The difference between these two methods is that in the first case, the liquid passes through the pipes slowly, and in the second, under the action of a pump, much faster. The speed of the coolant is one of the most important parameters involved in the calculation; the throughput of the main line depends on it. The recommended speed range is from 0.3 to 0.7 m/s. When a heating system with forced circulation is planned, this value can be taken equal to 0.7 m/s, and with gravity - 0.3 m/s.

If the water speed is below the specified limit, air bubbles will appear in it, and the pipe size will be too large and economically unjustified. If the speed is high, noise will appear in the pipelines and the hydraulic resistance of the entire network will sharply increase; a standard circulation pump may not be able to cope with it.

Calculation procedure

You need to start calculating the diameter of a heating pipe by drawing a diagram. It is necessary to draw a plan of each floor of the building and reflect on it all branches of the system. This is all done in the form of a sketch, by hand, and to make it easier for you to understand, take a larger sheet of paper. When the diagram is ready, imagine an abstract picture where hot water from the boiler spreads through the pipelines and carries with it heat to every room. So, our pipes must pass enough of this water so that there is enough heat for each room.

The purpose of the calculation is to find out the coolant flow and the throughput of the mains, comparing it with standard diameters pipes

G = 0.86 Q / Δt, Where:

  • G – desired mass flow rate of water, kg/h;
  • Q – amount of heat required to heat the room, W;
  • Δt – temperature difference in the supply and return pipelines, in calculations is always taken equal to 20 ºС.

We have determined the mass of liquid flowing into our room, and to choose required diameter pipes, you need to know its volume. Since water is hot with a maximum temperature of 80 ºС, its density is less, which means that it is necessary to calculate the volumetric flow rate (l/h), dividing the mass by the density:

For reference. The density of water at a temperature of 80 ºС is 971.6 kg/m3.

Knowing the volume of flowing coolant, we can calculate the cross-sectional area:

A = V / (3600ϑ)

In this formula:

  • A – pipe cross-sectional area, m2;
  • V – volumetric flow rate of coolant, m3/h;
  • ϑ – speed of water movement, m/s.

D = √ 4A / π

Example. 3000 W of heat must be supplied to the far room, the circulation of the coolant is natural. The mass flow will be 0.86 x 3000 / 20 = 129 kg/h, the volume flow will be 129 / 971.6 = 0.13 m3/h. The cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe will be: 0.13 / (3600 x 0.3) = 0.00012 m2, and its diameter - √4 x 0.00012 / 3.14 = 0.012 m or 12 mm.

We put the resulting figure on the diagram near the far room and move on to the next one, which is closer to the boiler. We perform the same calculations in it, but we need to take into account the fact that heat for both rooms is supplied through one pipe. Therefore, first you need to add up the thermal power for heating these two rooms, and substitute the result into the first formula for calculating the mass flow rate of the coolant. At the end, we move even closer to the boiler, adding up the heat for 3 rooms and so on.

If the described method seems cumbersome to someone, then the choice of the diameter of the heating pipes is made using ready-made tables. However, often the information presented in them is incomplete or is given in such a form that it is difficult for the average homeowner to understand the numbers. Here is one such table:

As you can see, the calculated diameters are presented here with a certain interval, although the standard series of internal dimensions is in this order: DN 10, 15, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50 and so on. By the way, it is clearly noticeable how the pipes for heating with natural circulation are larger in diameter than when the system has a circulation pump. To verify this, it is enough to compare the throughput of any pipe size at a coolant speed of 0.3 and 0.7 m/s.

Having received the results, we select a pipe by size from the standard range, taking the nearest larger diameter. It should be taken into account that the designation of steel water and gas pipes indicates inner size products, and in electric welded ones - external. Metal-plastic, polyethylene and polypropylene pipes have the same markings, so to determine the internal diameter, you need to subtract 2 wall thicknesses from the external dimensions.

Making calculations manually is not always convenient; the process takes a lot of time. To make work easier 4 simple formulas, stated above, it is recommended to enter into Excel and perform calculations using this program. Then you will be confident in the results obtained and will know exactly which pipes should be used for heating.

Heating pipe diameter: how is this parameter selected?

When designing and constructing heating systems, it is extremely important to avoid mistakes. Even at the project development stage, the diameter of the heating pipes and their type must be determined.

The selection of these important parameters is carried out taking into account the feasibility of their further operation.

Proper selection of pipe diameters - how important is this?

When designing, it is extremely important to try to avoid possible heat losses, that is, to reduce the required energy consumption. Incorrectly planned systems (you can find out how to design them correctly by reading the material on this topic) work ineffectively. As a result, despite the high energy consumption, the rooms will be cold and uncomfortable.

Pipes for system installation are selected not only taking into account the physical and chemical properties of the material from which they are made. The length and diameter of the pipes play an important role in creating an economical and efficient system.

The fact is that the cross-section of the pipes influences the hydrodynamics as a whole, so how warm the house will be depends on the correct choice.

Ignorant people often make a common mistake when choosing heating pipes - the diameter, they believe, should be as large as possible so that water can circulate freely.

In fact, an excessive increase in the cross-section of the pipes will cause the pressure in the system to drop below normal, and the radiators will not heat.

If you need to select the diameter of the pipes for heating a private house, then first of all you should find out what type of coolant supply will be used. If the house is planned to be connected to the citywide heating main, then all calculations are carried out in exactly the same way as when equipping apartments.

When installing autonomous heating systems, the size will depend on the chosen scheme and type of pipes. For example, the size of heating pipes for a system with natural circulation of liquid will differ from the same parameter when installed in the circuit circulation pump.

Basic parameters of pipes

  • The main characteristic of any pipe is its internal diameter. The throughput of the pipe depends on this indicator.
  • The outer diameter is also an important parameter that must be taken into account when designing systems.
  • The nominal pipe diameter is usually called a rounded value expressed in inches.

When selecting the diameters of pipes for heating, it should be taken into account that for pipes made of different materials, apply various systems measurements. For example, almost all steel and cast iron pipes are marked according to their internal cross-section.

But pipes made of plastic and copper - according to the outer diameter. This feature should be taken into account if you plan to assemble a system from a combination of materials.

When creating heating systems assembled from various materials, in order to accurately select pipes by diameter, you should use the diameter correspondence table, which can be downloaded online.

In order not to get confused in the calculations, you should remember that one inch is equal to 25.4 mm.

How to calculate the diameter of pipes?

When solving the problem of what diameter of heating pipes is needed in a given room, you need to take into account such a parameter as the thermal load. It is generally accepted that to maintain comfortable conditions in a room, 100 W of thermal power per square meter of the room is sufficient (provided that the room has ceilings standard height– 2.5 meters).

That is, for example, to heat a room with an area of ​​25 square meters, 2.5 kW of thermal energy is required (25 * 100 = 2500 W = 2.5 kW)

As can be seen from the data in the table, for our example with a room of 25 square meters, pipes with a diameter of 1/2 inch are suitable.

What should be the pressure and temperature of the coolant?

Having autonomous heating, the owner of the house himself chooses such a parameter as the temperature of the water in the heating pipes. It should be noted that there is no precisely established norm for this parameter, since it depends not only on external conditions and the desires of the owner, but also on the heat transfer coefficient installed radiators heating.

Radiators made of cast iron have the lowest heat transfer coefficient.

The average heat transfer rate is for bimetallic models and the highest for aluminum radiators.

As a rule, the calculation of the number of radiators and their sections is carried out taking into account such a value as their passport thermal power. This parameter is set on the basis that the temperature of the heating water in the pipes will be 75 degrees.

That is, if we think logically, then given temperature and is optimal. However, when the external temperature changes in one direction or another, it is advisable to regulate the heating temperature of the coolant. This will help maintain a comfortable microclimate in the house and save energy.

Despite the fact that polypropylene pipes can withstand temperatures up to 110 degrees, it is not recommended that the temperature of heating pipes exceed 95 degrees.

To increase the indoor air temperature, it is more advisable to increase the working area of ​​the radiators rather than heat the coolant above the specified temperature.

In order for the heating system to function normally, the home owner must know what pressure should be in the heating pipes. For an autonomous system, the normal value is 1.5-2 atmospheres. If the pressure reaches 3 atmospheres, then this is a critical situation that threatens depressurization or equipment failure.

In order to be able to always check what pressure is in the heating pipes, pressure gauges must be included in the diagram. And to prevent excessive pressure, expansion tanks are used.


Thus, when designing and installing heating systems, there are no trifles. Any mistake can lead to decreased performance. Therefore, it is advisable to entrust the creation of projects to professionals who can carry out hydraulic and thermal calculations.


Design and - difficult task. When solving it, it is important to take into account all the existing nuances. First of all, you need to decide on the diameter of private houses or apartments. This is important for both one-pipe and two-pipe systems.

Selecting the diameter of pipes, what happens if you choose the wrong one?

While designing heating circuit, it is necessary to reduce possible heat losses as much as possible in order to reduce energy costs. An incorrectly created system does not work effectively. The room temperature will not increase, but energy costs will be redundant.

When taking into account not only Chemical properties materials for making channels, but also an indicator of their diameter. This indicator plays a vital role. It determines how efficiently the system will work. The cross section of the channels greatly influences the hydrodynamics. You need to pay enough attention to his choice.

There is an opinion that the larger the cross-section of the channels, the better the carrier circulates in them. However, this is absolutely not true. Excessive diameter of pipes connected to gas or electric boilers, leads to a decrease in pressure in the system. As a result, the radiators do not receive enough heat.

If you need to install a heating circuit in a private home, you need to decide on the type of media supply. If the building is connected to the municipal heating main, the design and installation process will be similar to installing the system in an apartment.

An autonomous heating system can have different schemes. The choice of channel cross-section indicator directly depends on them. Dimensions of structures for systems with natural type Media circulation differs between options based on the application of pumps.

Main characteristics of pipes

All existing channels have several cross-section parameters. You need to understand this. Otherwise, you may make a mistake and purchase exactly the designs that you need.

The following structural cross-section parameters exist:

  • internal;
  • external;
  • conditional.

The key parameter is the internal diameter of the channel. Based on it, the design capacity indicator is calculated. The external cross-section is also taken into account when planning the contour. It is very important when installing the system. The conditional section is the rounded diameter indicator. As a rule, it is indicated in inches.

When choosing channels to create a heating circuit, you need to understand that different measuring systems are used for products made from different materials. For example, structures are marked exclusively by the internal section, and by the outer diameter.

In addition, plastic channels come in various types.

Today the following types of polymer pipes are produced:

Plastic structures may have different technical characteristics. The most convenient to create heating system are pipes made of reinforced polypropylene. But metal-plastic and polyethylene structures are also used to solve this problem. Before making a choice in favor of one or another product, study its features in detail. This is the only way to choose the most best option.

Below, see the table of correspondence between the diameters of pipes made from different materials. She will help you make the right choice.

Correspondence table for outer diameters and nominal bores of steel and polymer pipes

Most often, the cross-sectional indicator is indicated in inches. This applies to all types of channels. Remember that one inch is 25.4 mm.

How to calculate?

For correct calculations the magnitude of the thermal load must be taken into account. It is believed that one hundred watts per square meter is enough to create a normal temperature in a room. This is true for rooms with a ceiling height of two and a half meters.

Thus, for heating rooms measuring twenty-five square meters you need 2.5 kW of thermal energy. Channel selection can be done using the table below.

Based on the tabular data, to heat rooms measuring twenty-five square meters, you need to use half-inch structures.

Pressure and temperature in the heating system

While creating autonomous systems You yourself determine the required temperature of the carrier in the circuit. There is no approved standard. This indicator depends not only on conditions environment and your own preferences, but also on the value of the heat transfer coefficient of the batteries. This parameter is the lowest. Bimetallic products are characterized by an average coefficient value. The highest parameters are for batteries made of aluminum.

In principle, the specified temperature regime is optimal. But if conditions change external environment, it needs to be changed up or down. Depending on the circumstances. Adjusting the temperature will allow you to create more comfortable indoor conditions and reduce energy costs.

If you choose polypropylene channels to create a heating circuit, keep in mind that the temperature inside them should not exceed ninety-five degrees.

To make the system more efficient, it is better to increase the number of batteries or sections in them rather than increasing the temperature of the media above the specified mark.

To provide normal functioning circuit, monitor the pressure indicator. For autonomous systems, its value should be from 1.5 to 2 atmospheres. If the pressure rises higher, this may lead to an emergency. As a result, channels and other equipment will fail.

To monitor the pressure indicator, you need to use a pressure gauge. Expansion tanks will allow you to avoid the occurrence of unacceptable pressure in the system.

Installation and wiring of the system - installation

To construct a heating circuit in a private house, you need to take into account some details. Exist different schemes system wiring. It is important to choose and design the most optimal option. The circulation of the carrier can be natural or forced. In some cases, the first option is convenient, in others, the second.

Natural circulation occurs due to changes in liquid density. A hot carrier is characterized by a lower density. The water going the other way is denser. Thus, the heated liquid rises along the riser and moves along horizontal lines. They are mounted at a slight angle of no more than five degrees. The slope allows the carrier to move by gravity.

A heating scheme based on natural circulation is considered the simplest. To perform its installation you do not need to have high qualifications. But it is only suitable for buildings small area. The length of the highway in this case should not exceed thirty meters. The disadvantages of this scheme include low pressure inside the system and the need to use channels of large cross-section.

Forced circulation implies the presence of a special circulation pump. Its function is to ensure the movement of media along the highway. When implementing a scheme with forced fluid movement, there is no need to create an inclination of the contour. One of its disadvantages is the energy dependence of the system. If there is a power outage, the movement of media in the system will be difficult. Therefore, it is advisable that the house have its own generator.

The wiring happens:

  • Single-pipe.
  • Two-pipe.

The first option is implemented through sequential flow of the medium through all radiators. This scheme is economical. To implement it, a minimum number of pipes and fittings for them will be required.

The single-pipe scheme has a number of disadvantages. You will not be able to adjust the media feed for each battery. As you move away from the boiler, the radiators will become less warm. It is possible to overcome these defects.

To do this, you need to use the so-called “Leningrad” wiring diagram.

It involves installing bypass pipes and shut-off valves on each radiator. This principle allows for uninterrupted circulation of the carrier when any battery is cut off.

Installing a two-pipe heating circuit in a private house involves connecting reverse and forward current to each radiator. This approximately doubles the channel consumption. But the implementation of this option allows you to regulate the heat transfer in each battery. Thus, it will be possible to adjust the temperature in each individual room.

There are several types of two-pipe wiring:

  • lower vertical;
  • top vertical;
  • horizontal.

Lower vertical wiring involves running a supply circuit along the floor of the lower floor of a building or its basement. Then, from the main line through the risers, the carrier goes up and enters the radiators. From each device there is a “return”, delivering the cooled liquid to the boiler. When implementing this scheme, you need to install expansion tank. There is also a need for installation on all heating devices located on upper floors, Mayevsky cranes.

The upper vertical wiring is arranged differently. Fluid from the heating unit goes into the attic. The carrier then moves down through several risers. It goes through all the radiators and returns to the unit along the main circuit. To remove air from this system, an expansion tank is needed. This scheme is more effective than the previous one. Because there is a higher pressure inside the system.

The horizontal two-pipe type wiring diagram with forced circulation is the most popular.

It comes in three varieties:
  • with radial distribution (1);
  • with associated movement of liquid (2);
  • dead-end (3).

The radial distribution option consists of connecting each battery to a boiler. This operating principle is the most convenient. Heat is distributed evenly in all rooms.

The option with a parallel movement of liquid is quite convenient. All lines going to the radiators are of equal length. Adjustment of such a system is quite simple and convenient. To install this wiring you need to purchase a significant number of channels.

The last option is implemented by using a small number of channels. The downside is the significant length of the circuit from the distant battery, which complicates the adjustment of the functioning of the system.

How to hide pipes

During construction heating circuits Many owners are thinking about how to hide heating pipes in a private house. This problem can be solved in different ways.

Most often for hidden installation channels resort to:

  • the use of decorated structures;
  • closing channels under drywall;
  • hiding products under suspended ceiling panels;
  • installation under a false floor;
  • hiding structures in the walls of a building.

The choice of method depends on many factors. It is advisable to consult with specialists to solve this problem. There are many details to consider. Including the materials from which the building is made. It could be brick, aerated concrete, etc.


When designing and installing heating systems, every detail must be taken into account. In this matter, there are no little things that you can turn a blind eye to. Mistakes made at the planning stage will lead to serious consequences. As a result, you will have to redesign the circuit, dismantle the old system, and install a new one. The design phase must be carried out by a competent and experienced person.

When creating heating systems, it is very important to carry out all stages of work accurately. Even at the design stage, you need to accurately determine the diameters of the heating pipes and their type. We’ll talk about how to choose the right cross-section for such pipes in a given situation below.

Is it really important to choose the exact pipe section?

When a heating system is developed, for example, from PP pipes, all possible heat losses are tried to be minimized, that is, to reduce the amount of energy consumed. An incorrectly designed system will function, at a minimum, ineffectively. As a result, the rooms will either remain cold or an unreasonably large amount of energy will be spent heating them.

When deciding what heating pipes should be, they pay attention not only to their chemical properties and physical characteristics, but also to their length and cross-section, since they also play an important role in designing an effective system.

It turns out that the diameter of the pipe for heating a private house directly affects the overall hydrodynamics, which is why it is so important to take these parameters into account to obtain the best heating.

Quite often, ignorant people, in order to select the diameter of heating pipes, use the rule according to which the cross-section of the pipe should be as large as possible, thus making a gross mistake. In fact, the fact that water flows through the system more freely will not make it function more efficiently; on the contrary, the pressure in the system will drop below normal, and the radiators will not heat up properly.

When choosing a diameter polypropylene pipe To heat a private home, you first need to decide on the type of coolant. If the house will be powered from a common heating main, then the entire list of calculations is carried out according to the same principle as when arranging an apartment.

The size of pipes for heating a private house will be determined by the scheme used and the type of pipes. The cross-section of pipes, for example, for a heating system with natural water movement, will differ from the system in which a circulation pump will be installed.

The most important parameters of pipes

All heating pipes have several parameters:

  • First of all, this is internal section. It determines the pipe capacity.
  • The external cross-section is also an important parameter that is taken into account when developing the system.
  • Conditional section - that is, a rounded value that is measured in inches.

When selecting pipes, you need to pay attention to the material of manufacture, since it can be different, and the system for measuring excellent products also varies. For example, almost all steel and cast iron pipes are marked by internal diameter.

Another thing is pipes made of plastic and copper - their marking is carried out according to their external cross-section. This is especially worth considering if you are going to create a system of pipes from several materials.

Please note that if the system is assembled from several materials, for the right choice their sections, it would not be amiss to take information from cross-section correspondence tables, which can always be found on the Internet.

When deciding on the cross-sections of heating pipes, it is worth remembering the system for measuring such quantities. Often the diameter is expressed in inches. When converting expressions from one number system to another, remember that one inch equals 2.54 cm.

Calculation of pipe cross-sections

It's time to learn how to calculate the diameter of heating pipes. IN in this case you will need to take into account the thermal load. Based on many years of practice, it turned out that to create comfortable conditions in a room, 0.1 kW of thermal power is required per 1 m 2 of area - this is taking into account the fact that the ceilings in the room are 2.5 m high.

In other words, to heat a room of 25 m2, you will need 2500 W of thermal energy (25·100=2500 W).

Normal indicators of pressure and temperature in pipes

Having installed autonomous heating, the owner himself controls the temperature, choosing the most acceptable one for himself. It is worth noting that there are no accepted standards in this case, because the temperature is determined not only by external factors, but also by the preferences of the owner and the efficiency of installed heating radiators.

Please note that the worst heat transfer is for cast iron radiators. The average heat transfer coefficient is for radiators made of bimetal, and the most efficient are considered to be radiators made of aluminum.

Often, the number of radiators and sections is calculated taking into account the rated thermal power. This parameter is determined based on the water temperature in the pipes, which is 75 ℃.

In other words, logically speaking, the indicated temperature will be the most optimal. However, if external temperatures fluctuate, the temperature of the coolant will also need to be changed. Thus, it will be possible to hold comfortable temperature indoors and save energy.

To increase the temperature in the rooms, it is best to install large quantity radiators, rather than increasing the temperature of a smaller number of them.

For the heating system to function correctly, the owner must know what the pressure should be in it. If the system is autonomous, 1.5-2 atmospheres will be satisfactory. If these indicators somehow increase to 3 atmospheres, then we can consider that the situation is critical, and the system may lose its tightness, as well as equipment breakdown.

To be able to control the pressure in the heating system at any time, it is worth including a pressure gauge in the design at the design stage. And to reduce overpressure It is best to equip the system with expansion tanks.


In conclusion, it would not be amiss to say that at the design stage it is worth taking into account all the nuances, even those that may seem unimportant. A mistake made at this stage can be costly, at least ready system will not be able to function properly, that is, it will be ineffective.

That is why it is best to entrust the development of projects to professionals who are able to carry out all the calculations correctly, so that the finished system works correctly.

Even before building a house, it is important to decide on the type of heating and install it in such a way as to avoid mistakes. Otherwise, a non-serious approach may negatively affect its functioning in the future.

To prevent material deformation, ruptures and leaks, it is necessary. This parameter is selected or calculated taking into account a number of factors.

To select suitable elements for installing a heating system, you need to decide how the coolant will circulate. For separate heating, you need to take into account its type, design and layout.

Selection of components

Today construction market offers wide choose samples from various materials:

  • Steel pipes are very rarely used today for laying. They are unreliable as they are susceptible to corrosion and rupture when exposed to high temperatures;
  • at repair work, but at the same time they are the most expensive of all;
  • polymer products. In this and. This choice of plumbing is considered the most reasonable in terms of price-quality ratio.

Choose necessary elements It’s not difficult if you study the markings, which indicate the permissible pressure and temperature of the coolant.

The importance of proper pipe selection

You need to base your choice not only on the properties of the material, but also determine correct diameter pipes for the heating system in a private house. The hydrodynamics of heating, its efficiency and efficient operation will depend on this.

Common mistakes . If the cross-section of the samples is larger than necessary, this will most likely lead to a decrease in pressure, water stops circulating normally and the heating of the room will decrease by an order of magnitude. Using components with a smaller cross-section than required, the system will begin to make unpleasant noises.

It will be easier to select all the components for heating a private house if you take into account the fact that different materials require different cross-section measurements.

Cast iron and steel samples are measured by the inner diameter, and plastic and copper samples by the outer diameter. This point is very important if you plan to install combined heating.

When using components from different materials, in order to avoid mistakes, the best and the right decision will use the data from the diameter correspondence table, which is presented on our website.

Basic parameters and diameter calculation

There are three main diameters to consider. Namely:

  • interior. It is taken into account as an indicator of the coolant throughput;
  • external. An important indicator that affects the quality of installation of the heating circuit;
  • conditional. A standard value that is rounded and displayed in inches.

When calculating the diameter of a heating pipe, it is worth remembering the scale of measurement of this value.

Basically, this indicator is indicated in inches and is indicated in whole numbers or fractions.

In order not to make a mistake when calculating, you need to know that an inch is equal to 2.54 cm.

Calculation of suitable diameter

When determining the cross-sectional diameter, it is imperative to know about the thermal load. It is believed that to heat “one square” of a standard room you will need to use 100 W of thermal energy. Taking this into account, we carry out the following calculations:

25x100 = 2500 W = 2.5 kW

Thus, to create heat in a room of 25 square meters, you will need to use 2.5 kW. After this, the table determines what pipe diameter for heating a private house will be optimal.

Temperature this can be maintained using thermostats. If the “square area” of the house does not exceed a hundred, then a single-pipe design with a natural coolant flow will cope with heating all the rooms.

If we summarize all the above information, we can confidently say that during the design of the heating system and its installation, every little detail must be taken into account.

Even a minimal error can affect the efficiency of the structure.

To eliminate all kinds of inaccuracies, it is better to entrust the design and installation of any heating system to professionals who will correctly select the diameter of the pipe for heating a private home, as well as carry out all the necessary calculations.
