How to make a mallet from wood by hand. How it's made, how it works, how it works. The rubber mallet is both convenient and safe. How to make a mallet with your own hands from wood. Light wooden hammer - mallet or simply a mallet with your own hands Wooden

In general, now there is a large selection of mallets; purchased white rubber mallets are excellent for the job. White because it does not leave black spots from use. I have one like this. I also have another homemade one, made from a pillow from a truck. In general, I have a total of more than 25 hammers, sledgehammers and mallets.

But I am of the opinion that it is more pleasant to work with a beautiful instrument. And I decided to make myself a beautiful mahogany mallet. Well, why not? Some will say that this is foppishness, but I enjoy working in the workshop. If lace on a mallet brought me pleasure, I would attach it :)

Some people will be outraged by this, guys, you won’t be nice to everyone. Yes, I use hand tools.

I decided to make the handle from a stick from an oak pallet, and decorate the headband with sapele. A drawing was downloaded from the Internet

It's not that I don't have anything to make a handle out of, but first I need to look at the grain of the wood. Someone told me it was like Japanese oak. I haven’t been to Japan, I won’t say.

I cut oak and sapele into rough cuts.

I cut it and forward, with a plane. I have both a surface planer and a jointer (it’s dangerous to approach it with such wood chips), but I do it for my own pleasure, right?

I will have sapele around the edges, and the same oak inside. We assemble the block with glue. The handle is made on a reverse wedge, i.e. When working it will only shrink more tightly. The handle doesn't stick.

Now, using a chisel and a plane, we form the bevels, and also knock down the chamfers.

I decided to glue strips of veneer onto the handle, otherwise it looks a little rustic + there is a mark from a nail. The stick is from a pallet. Then I chamfered the handle so that it would fit in my hand.

And here is our result after coating with oil.

I use a mallet. It fits well in the hand, you take it right away, your hands feel the orientation of the striking part due to the rectangular handle.

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Creative project


Explanatory note To creative project by technology



    Project justification

    History of origin

    Development of the project idea

    Project selection

    Equipment and tools

    Safety precautions when performing work.

    Product drawing


    Economic calculation

    Environmental calculation


    Glossary of terms

    Analysis of completed work


1. Justification of the project

I chose the “Kyanka” because I have long dreamed of making some kind of tool with my own hands, and the mallet fits perfectly, is easy to make and use. A mallet can perform many functions: used during assembly, dismantling, molding various materials and designs. When making tools and devices for yourself, you try to make them so that they meet your needs. Such a hand-made instrument always becomes the most favorite.The knowledge gained in the process of studying wood processing technology turned out to be sufficient to produce this product.

Target - make useful, inexpensive,neat product.


    Assess your capabilities in project activities.

    Apply the knowledge and skills acquired in labor training lessons.

    Create a sketch and choose a manufacturing technique.

    Strengthen the techniques and skills of working with wood.

    Evaluate the work done.

2. History

Mallet - a hammer made of hard wood, rubber, soft metals, plastic or other materials.

The term comes from the word “cue” - stick, club. In dialects of the Russian language, as well as in Slavic languages There are several words derived from the word "cue" that mean hammer.Since ancient times, with the help of a large wooden mallet and a caulk (a wooden spatula), they caulked the log houses of houses, hammering moss or tow into the grooves between the logs, as well as wooden boats and ships.

3. Development of the project idea

After I decided on the topic of the project, I drew a technological map, then I needed to find the material. I took 2 bars, one 30x5x7, the second 29x3x2. After which he began production.

4. Project selection

There are several types of mallet:

    Wooden mallet

    Rubber mallet with wooden or metal handle

    Spinless hammer( appliesForassemblies ).

I chose 1 type. Since it is easy to manufacture, and the material is also easier to find.

5. Equipment and tools








6. Safety precautions when performing work.

1. Wear special clothing.

2. Be careful when working.

3.Do not get distracted and do not distract your comrades.

4.Treat the equipment with care.

5. Observe the techniques for working with the tool.

6.Reliably fix the material being processed.

7.Use the tool only for its intended purpose.

8.Strictly comply with the rules established for each type of work

safety regulations.

9.Work only with serviceable and sharply sharpened tools.

7. Product drawing

8. Technological map

Pencil, ruler,

2 bars.

Trim off all excess parts to create finished bars.

File and hacksaw

Make a hole in 1 block

Chisel, pencil

Glue 1 block with 2


9. Economic calculation

For the manufacture of the mallet, materials that have expired were used. Thus, by reusing blanks, we save environment from contamination when using recyclable materials. Since I made the product from material that was found in scrap metal, my costs for purchasing materials are almost zero.

10. Environmental calculation

When making my project, I tried to disturb the environment as little as possible and take care of my health. My entire product is made from oak. Which is an environmentally friendly product. What could be better than working environmentally? clean tool made with your own hands.

11. Self-assessment of work performed

I am satisfied with my work because I achieved my desired goal. Various difficulties arose during the production of my product, but I overcame them. Moreover, the product I made costs much less than in the store.Quite good for the first time. Perhaps my mallet will be useful to someone.

12. Glossary of terms

Bar - lumber up to 100 mm thick and no more than twice the width. The bars are made from boards. They are used in construction, in the furniture industry, in the production of packaging, etc.

Kiyanka - a carpenter's hammer made of hardwood or rubber. The mallet is used to work with chisels and chisels, the handles of which have a crimp ring. Using a mallet protects the handles cutting tools from damage.

13. Analysis of completed work

There are no technical violations in my project, it can be used for work.


1.Semenikhin V.P. Making tools in school workshops.

M. "Enlightenment", 1987

2. Magazine “School and Production” No. 6 2006

3. Textbook “Technology” by V. D. Simonenko, “Ventana-Graph”, 2014.

4.Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia.

When processing a workpiece requires powerful and at the same time soft blows, a mallet made of wood or with a rubber striker is usually used for this. However, the former are deservedly more popular.

This tool can be used for a variety of purposes, but is most often used in the home workshop for carpentry and carpentry work.

First you need to cut necessary preparations for making the “head” of the mallet. IN in this case the master decided to use different breeds wood to create some contrast. Many will agree that working with a beautiful instrument is much more pleasant.

Step-by-step process for making a wooden mallet

First of all, the master glues two identical blanks rectangular shape. Then he makes grooves in the center of the bars. After cutting on circular saw The grooves need to be straightened with a chisel. Next, these blanks will need to be glued together.

At the next stage, the master begins making a wooden handle for the mallet. There is nothing complicated here - anyone can do it. Two cuts must be made in the upper part of the handle so that the wedges can be inserted.

And after the glue has dried, all that remains is to coat the finished product with mineral oil, varnish or wax. For more information on how to make a comfortable wooden mallet with your own hands, we recommend watching the video on our website.

Of two mallets of the same size, the plastic one is heavier than the wooden one. It is convenient for working with thin sheet metal. Therefore, roofers and tinsmiths readily use it, especially since it is less “noisy”. Its manufacture does not require special skills, expensive materials or special tools.

Will need

To make a plastic mallet that is beautiful in appearance, easy to use and reliable for many years, we must prepare the following materials:
  • A canister or two, it all depends on the size. Suitable ones are those made of polyethylene. low pressure(HDPE, HDPE);
  • wooden blank (maple, cherry, etc.);
  • linseed oil.
Having the following tools and equipment will help you perform the work at a modern technical level:
  • electric oven and hair dryer;
  • drilling machine and jigsaw;
  • milling cutter, grinder and grinder;
  • plane, knife and spatula;
  • clamps, chisel and hammer;
  • wooden form.

Plastic mallet manufacturing technology

We use polyethylene products as raw materials for plastic mallets. high density, which is not subject to cracking.
Before melting, we cut the plastic into pieces using construction knife, carefully removing stickers, labels, traces of glue, etc.

The crushed raw materials, placed on a metal baking sheet, are placed in an electric oven heated to approximately 125 degrees Celsius, at which the plastic softens and begins to melt.

If it turns out that after melting the mass is insufficient, then you can add more raw materials on top of it and reheat everything again.

While the polyethylene is melting, we will make a handle for the plastic head. From wooden board According to the markings, we cut out the workpiece with a jigsaw.
Then we process it with a hand plane, giving the tree desired profile and section. We round the edges of the workpiece with a mechanical milling head. We clean and polish the handle with a grinder and a sanding disc.

We take out a baking sheet with molten polyethylene from the electric oven and, using a spatula, place it in wooden box, heating the mass with hot air from a hair dryer.

As soon as the softened plastic is in the box, we cover it on top with a punch lid and press it with clamps, while other stops hold the bottom and side walls boxes from moving.

After the plastic mass has hardened and taken on a rectangular shape, remove the clamps, disassemble the box and remove the mallet head blank. We attach with a jigsaw plastic block required dimensions and shape.

We perform in the head blank through hole for the handle on drilling machine. Using a chisel and a hammer, we expand and modify the round drilling into a rectangular one, in which the inlet section is larger than the outlet.

We place the plastic head on the wooden handle. Thanks to the tapered cross-section of the hole and handle, the fastening is reliable and durable without additional effort or elements. We remove the head and finalize the dimensions and correct the shape on the grinder.
Reassemble the mallet and lubricate the handle linseed oil. This impregnation will increase the service life of the handle, protecting it from moisture penetration.

Working with a plastic mallet is much more convenient and efficient compared to a wooden one due to its compactness, weightiness and lack of rebound.
