How can you make a simple and convenient laundry organizer using improvised materials? How to make a laundry organizer with your own hands: step-by-step instructions with photos How to make a laundry box out of cardboard

Achieve perfect order It can be difficult in the closet. Small things often cause clutter. An organizer will help eliminate this problem - socks cannot get lost in it. Can be purchased special device in the store or make the product yourself. The manufacturing process does not require special skills or knowledge.

You don't need a lot of materials to make a sock organizer out of a box. This is a budget product for which you can use improvised means.

Necessary materials for organizer:

Additionally may be required masking tape, cardboard or decorative elements(fabric, openwork and satin ribbons). You can ask the seller for the box or look for it yourself in the backyards of stores. This recyclable material is not of great value. If the drawer in the closet is large, then you can place several organizers in it at once. You can also reserve part of the drawer for personal hygiene items.

How to make a sock organizer from a box?

From the usual cardboard box You can make a convenient organizer for socks. Several are used for production different ways. This useful device does not require expensive materials; most of them can be found at home. Anyone can cope with the work, because the process does not require special skills and knowledge. Homemade device In no way inferior to the purchased Chinese counterpart.

Method 1

First you need to determine the dimensions of the box, which will later serve as a place to store the sock organizer. Based on the obtained parameters, a box is selected. Ideally, the width and length of the cardboard product should be 1 cm less than the box. In the future, the cardboard frame will be covered with wallpaper, which will increase its thickness by several millimeters.

Today we will tell you how to make a laundry organizer with your own hands. In this article you will find step-by-step master class with photos and several useful tips. This system storage can be adjusted to fit any size drawer. You can also select the number of cells by at will and taste.

Such homemade organizer with compartments is perfect for storing underwear or socks. You can also place scarves, ties, small tops and T-shirts in such storage systems. The size of the cells is determined depending on what you will put in them. This master class discusses an organizer for women's underwear for a standard drawer of a narrow chest of drawers.

What do we need?

  • thick cardboard
  • covering fabric
  • sewing thread

How to make an organizer?

First you need to measure the box and decide on the desired dimensions. This example examines the process of manufacturing a laundry organizer measuring 50x30x10 centimeters.

Cut the cardboard into strips. We need to cut two long edges (50 cm in length and 10 cm in height) and two shorter edges (30 cm in length). It is also necessary to make blanks for the cells (in in this case– 14 pieces, 15 cm each). The last details are jumpers, the size of which corresponds to the desired width of the cells.

An organizer for underwear looks more aesthetically pleasing and becomes more convenient if it is covered with fabric rather than simply left in cardboard. That is why we need to take the fabric and cut it into strips of 50 and 30 cm (in addition, we need to add 1 cm on each side for hems).

We glue our cardboard strips onto the fabric as shown in the photo - i.e. leave small gaps for the slots. It is better to sew the edges of each strip on a machine for reliability.

The external part of the storage system is done separately. We then simply sew the previously prepared dividers onto the fabric left around the edges to secure it in place.

At this stage, you can sew the bottom of the laundry organizer. It is made of cardboard, and then covered with fabric and hemmed with outside. However, if your box is fairly level, you can leave the storage system without a bottom - it will be no less convenient.

04/17/2019 2 1,893 views

How to create an organizer for underwear with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions will help you make a small storage unit even from ordinary materials that you often have on hand. This is great, because you never want to spend money on purchased containers.

After reading this text, you will learn how you can make a container for storing laundry from ordinary milk cartons or wide fabric strips.

Necessary materials

The step-by-step instructions for sewing an organizer are quite simple, no matter what material you choose to create a laundry container. But to successfully create an organizer with your own hands, you need to prepare some materials in advance. First, let's decide what you want to construct your organizer from: cardboard or fabric.

Cardboard is usually placed in a closet or chest of drawers. Therefore, in addition to the future storage space for the container, you need to take care of the timely purchase of a ruler, a simple pencil or marker, cardboard (you can immediately cut out the shape in accordance with the width and length of the box), stationery knife or small scissors.

A large piece of fabric in a color that will fit into your interior or is simply pleasing to the eye, scissors, strong thread, tailor’s pins and needles will help you sew a laundry organizer with your own hands from fabric. You may also need tailor's lined paper, since it is quite difficult to design a laundry organizer without a diagram.

How to make an organizer for underwear from cardboard with your own hands?

Similar option It will be cheap, but to make it you need a good eye. But you need to start by finding a sheet of cardboard.

  • First you need to measure the width, height and length of the laundry storage box. Next, you need to calculate the number of strips needed.

  • In order not to spoil anything, you need to be safe. And an ordinary pattern on lined or sewing paper can help with this.

  • All strips must have the same width and height. Only then will you be able to properly plan the creation of a laundry organizer and (no less important) successfully install it in the drawer.

  • Next you should mark the cut lines. On long strips, you need to make three cuts half the width of the strip, and on short ones, two are enough. In what main feature? The width should be equal to the thickness of the partition.

  • The cuts must be made as carefully as possible. It’s better to make a smaller cut and enlarge it if necessary than to ruin the part. To strengthen the partitions, you can cover them with varnish or tape.

  • The last step is to connect the pieces and place them directly in the dresser drawer for storing underwear.

Take the measurements of the box in which the laundry container will be stored responsibly. Otherwise, there is a risk that the product simply will not fit into it. Just in case, you should leave two centimeters in reserve.

Making an organizer from cardboard may require some financial investment. To minimize the cost of an organizer, you can use simple packages from under the milk.

  1. Alternative way Making storage for underwear from cardboard with your own hands can be considered creating an organizer from milk or kefir bags. Free people appear at home at least once every two days.
  2. Of course, you need to treat the boxes before putting laundry in them. Start by cutting the tops off so that they all fit into the box. Then, using soap, wash inner part packages.
  3. Fasten the bags together using a stapler or strong glue, using the “Moment” type. On top, to add aesthetic value, you can coat the product with aerosol colored paint. All that remains is to put it in the box.

How to sew an organizer from fabric?

The advantage of making an organizer from fabric is that this option will last longer. In addition, the fabric will not be damaged if you accidentally spill some liquid cosmetics on it.

  • If you are not enthusiastic about using cardboard or want to create a homemade travel organizer, consumables fabric should come out - a tape 12 millimeters wide, cardboard for the base.

  • First of all, you need to draw a drawing of a laundry organizer on paper, and then transfer it to cardboard. Consider the dimensions of the box in which you plan to place the resulting product.

  • The following cutting is considered standard: five strips of 18, 36, 45, 54 and 27 centimeters, respectively (remember the allowance of two centimeters for stitching), twelve internal walls of nine centimeters and two pieces of eight, external parts of the walls of 4 strips of 36 centimeters with allowances and a bottom format of 36 by 36 centimeters. It will turn out to be fabric if you sew all the specified details correctly.

  • Fold the partitions in half and sew the top edge. Then you should sew all the strips in accordance with the markings (according to it, the first three rows include four small compartments, and the last - four large ones).

  • The partitions need to be sewn in such a way that there is a margin of 50 millimeters above and below the edge of the fabric strips. This will allow you to then sew the bottom to the bottom (you can sew it with a zipper to make it easier to fold the storage.
  • Next, you need to strengthen the walls with cardboard (just insert it into the double-leaf walls) and cover the edges with tape. In this case, you won’t have to worry about the strength of the organizer and install it in your chest of drawers.

Video: how to make an organizer for underwear with your own hands?

My next boast is an underwear organizer!

If you have an Ikea nearby or have the patience to wait for your order to arrive, don’t waste your nerves, energy and time on this “nonsense.”
I spent all my evenings on it for two weeks. Well, how I spent it - quietly sewing, pricking my fingers with a needle, learning to work with a thimble, watching all sorts of films with one eye, drinking tea, petting cats...
In general, sometimes I like the process itself more than the achieved result. It’s also easier and faster for me to make something myself than to go out and buy it. I remember once I tore my favorite brown-chocolate tights at the ankle, so while I was getting a new pair of exactly the same ones, I already managed to do embroidery on the old ones. And I love them more and wear them more often than the new ones)))
This is all to say that my perfectionism does not sleep and constantly spoils my mood - I love order in everything! I love it when every thing has its own place, when you close your eyes and without hesitation you can say in which drawer of the chest of drawers lies the piece of paper / colored pencils / charger from an old phone / swimming pool cap that you need right here and now. Ooooh, how I freak out when I don’t find a thing in its place, or I find it, but where, by definition, it shouldn’t be there. Well, for example, a TV remote buried among kitchen spatulas, bottle openers and knives. And as luck would have it, the “burrower” under mine hot hand it doesn’t turn out to be, and damned perfectionism doesn’t give me the patience to leave everything as it is and poke the intruder’s nose with my nose, I’m going to put everything in its place...
Needless to say, every morning, opening the box with your underwear, I saw a bunch of women’s things that were absolutely not systematized. And it pissed me off again!

And then I saw HIM - an organizer!

And if such a miracle was sold in our town, I would buy it without hesitation! Well, or at least turn it over in your hands and understand the principle of assembly. Patamushta, when I, inspired by the idea, cut it out and started sewing, I didn’t “invent” the bicycle the first time.
But if your hands are golden, it doesn’t matter where they come from! If I haven’t fought off the desire yet, I’ll tell you how this “miracle” happened to me.

First you need to take the dimensions of the box: length, width and depth (height).
My standard dresser drawer was 76 cm long, 43 wide, 13 high.

From single-layer padding polyester and the main fabric, I cut out one rectangle measuring 75*42
The dimensions of the rectangles must be specially reduced by one or two centimeters from the dimensions of the box so that the organizer fits freely into the box and does not shrink or bulge.
The blue rectangle can be put aside for now - we will need it at the very end.

And on the white one (this is the base of the organizer) we sew long rectangles (these will be the walls of the cells). The blue organizer just seemed boring to me, so I also took orange-white fabric.
The length of the rectangles is equal to the length of the base, and the width is equal to twice the height of the box (minus a couple of centimeters - again, so that nothing gets in the way when closing/opening). We sew the rectangles in the middle, fold the sides together, the seam is inside, and our partition turns out to be double - for additional rigidity and hiding all the seams and edges.
I sewed the outer walls of the organizer the other way around - with the fold up.
I found the distance between the partitions empirically, folding bras in different ways in an optimized and ergonomic way and measuring the width.

The number and length of the cells also directly depends on the size of the hostess’s bust)) (here I have already drawn the boundaries).

No need to sew all the way to the edge! Leave a centimeter and a half - then you will understand why.

Now it's a matter of small partitions. Have you determined the width? We add half a centimeter on each side for seam allowances, but on the contrary, we reduce the height by a centimeter. We also make double partitions - we sew such “bags” - as many as we have partitions. (I got 24 pieces). You shouldn’t cut everything to the same size at once - you need to periodically check the width between the long partitions (or, initially, sew them perfectly and precisely down to the millimeter).
So, we sew the “bags” together and turn them inside out. To ensure that the corners turn out well, you can cut them off a little. And then all the parts need to be steamed with an iron - this will turn out more evenly and accurately, and it will be easier to work.

We close the cut of the “bag” with bias tape or ribbon folded in half.
Well, now comes, perhaps, the most long process of our creativity: sew small partitions to large ones (along lines marked in advance) from the beginning on one side, then on the other. This is what 90% of the time will be spent on)))

Remember, we didn’t stitch long partitions all the way to the edge? Now we sew both halves together along the short side (along the height), turn them inside out, and steam them with an iron.

Cover the top edges with bias tape or tape. And from the sides along the edges we sew rectangular walls, folded upward (as we did before on the long side).

We sew the dangling long partitions to the short side wall.

We combine the sections of the side walls in height, stitch them, cover the sections with bias tape or tape - this is the corner you will get.

Well, now is the time to remember about the large rectangle that was set aside at the very beginning. We place it at the bottom of our structure and sew it along the perimeter (I stitched it in a zig-zag pattern so that during further work the threads from the cuts would not interfere).

Aaaand, the final stage - we close the edges around the perimeter with bias tape or tape. Special attention you need to pay attention to the corners - so that nothing bulges, so that there are no folds!

Let’s take it to the “trying on” soon!

And now the most pleasant part - we put everything in its place and admire it in perfect order and praise ourselves twice a day)))

But if such useful thing passion as you want, but laziness or pens are directed in the other direction, then ready-made organizers for linen, as well as drawers for shoes, boxes for hats, vacuum bags and a million of all sorts of things needed to organize order can be found!
You can also read about some ready-made organizers.

DIY laundry organizer: master class

Making such an organizer for storing underwear and socks with your own hands is very simple. And its cost is at least two times lower than that of the cheapest Chinese analogue.

You will need: a shoe box, a ruler, a pen, glue, scissors and paper for decoration.

How to make the organizer yourself, see the step-by-step instructions with photos.

The laundry box was picked up. Set the lid aside for now. You'll need it a little later.

  1. First, decide on the size of your underwear drawer. Think about how many things you will place in it. This determines what size box for underwear to choose and how many cells to divide it into.
  2. Measure the height of the future organizer on the side walls. Focus on the parameters of the cabinet in which you will store it.
  3. Mark the cut lines.
  4. Cut off the excess.
  5. Make a box from the lid and leftovers internal partitions. Calculate how many blanks you will need. Based on the calculation optimal area cells - 7-8 cm2.
    Make the height of the partitions equal to the height of the box or slightly less. They will be 2-3 mm shorter in length than the box itself. Then assembled underwear or socks will fit freely into the cells.

    Now these blanks need to be decorated. In our case, we used gift wrapping paper with an interesting “crumpled” texture. But, in order to save money, you can get by with ordinary white A4 sheets.

  6. Cover the cardboards on all sides.
  7. Send them under the press for a while. While they are drying, start finishing the box.
    Start from the inside of the sides.
  8. Then decorate the bottom.

    Oracal, scrapbooking paper or fabric are suitable for external decor. The material must be durable to withstand long-term use. We took thick wrapping paper in a contrasting color.

  9. Start from the sides. Make an allowance on both sides of 3-4 cm.
    Do not glue the paper without “trying it on” - this is fraught with errors and unevenness.
  10. Bend the sides - it will be more convenient. Make cuts along the fold lines in the corners of the box so that the paper lies flat.
  11. Now you can glue.
  12. Finally, decorate the base of the box.
  13. Now let's return to the planks that have dried under pressure. Mark on them the location of future cells.
  14. On long pieces, make marks on the side where the glued edge is visible, and on short pieces, on the opposite side. Then, when assembled, the grille will look neat.
  15. Using the marks, make cuts to the middle of the cardboard. The width of the cut should be approximately equal to the thickness of the plank.
  16. Now assemble the grill and insert it into the box. Our underwear and socks organizer is ready to use.

The result is worth the effort. Such an exemplary order will cause admiration even for an inveterate perfectionist.
