How to properly plaster walls with your own hands for a beginner. Plastering walls on your own - all the secrets of the craft Preliminary plastering of walls

Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

Plastering walls with your own hands is the most common way to level surfaces and prepare walls for subsequent work. This technology very versatile, suitable for working with both flat planes, and with surfaces that have obvious depressions, cracks or bumps. Plaster can eliminate any defects and curvature. In addition, it is an additional protective layer against external influence: excessive humidity, ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes.

The classic technology of surfaces is the use of beacons to define the desired plane. But sometimes this procedure is skipped. This happens in cases where a perfectly flat surface of the walls is not important.

Thus, we can highlight the differences between the two technologies:

  • When placing beacons you use more material because you need a thicker layer of plaster. We can say that when using the second technology you save significantly.
  • Placing beacons will require more time from you, that is, the second method of plastering walls is less time-consuming. You don’t have to measure and place beacons, or wait for them to dry completely before continuing work.
  • If you decide not to bother placing beacons, know that perfectly smooth and smooth walls you won't achieve it. Do-it-yourself plastering of walls without beacons is shown in the video below.

We will consider in detail two methods of plastering walls: with and without beacons.

What materials do we need?

The overall result will depend on what material you choose. Therefore, it is important to determine for which walls you will use plaster so that the layer lasts well and for a long time. Main types:

  • Brick walls. For such coatings, mixtures based on cement, lime and gypsum are suitable.
  • Concrete surfaces. Here it is better to use solutions based on cement and gypsum.
  • Walls made of wood. For such a surface, lime-gypsum mixtures or clay-based mixtures are used.

A material such as cement is used in plaster compositions, finishing rooms with high humidity or damp plinths. Lime mixtures are suitable for walls that are not exposed to moisture. Cement-lime composition is used to treat the external surfaces of buildings. For dry rooms, lime-gypsum, clay or gypsum solutions are used.

When finishing the walls with plaster with your own hands, do not forget that all mixtures, except gypsum binder, can be diluted with reserve and in large quantities. Most often, a concrete mixer is used for this, while a construction drill with a special mixer attachment is used to prepare gypsum-based solutions. It is better to use this solution immediately in the next 20-25 minutes, until it dries and hardens. If the plaster in the container has already set and you haven’t had time to use it all, you shouldn’t mix it again. This will only reduce the strength of the texture, so it makes sense to prepare a new solution.

Storage of compositions based on clay or lime is possible for several days by covering the container with a damp cloth. Before starting work, you will only need to mix the plaster (possibly adding water if necessary) and apply it to the walls.

If you are cooking cement composition, keep it clean. Sand and cement should be sifted through a sieve to remove traces of debris and dirt. Cement plaster DIY walls are shown in the video below.


The choice of tools for work must be approached with special care. The type and quantity of tools will depend on your professionalism and construction skills.

Also make sure that you have household appliances in the form of stepladders, tables. The main thing is that they must be stable.

Plastering without placing beacons

Where is it most common to level walls with plaster without using beacons? This method is suitable in buildings intended for household purposes, as well as in small interior walls. Even if there is no emphasis on aesthetics in the premises, this does not mean that plastering needs to be done in any form. To create a certain geometry and simplify work, devices such as:

  • Husks are templates for internal corners.
  • Malka - this template is needed when working with window slopes and doorways.
  • Usenok is a template used to work with external corners.

Plastering walls with your own hands without beacons takes place in several stages. First we will look at the stage of preparing the walls for finishing. Let's start preparing the surface:

Now let's start drawing landmarks

  • Using a ladle, draw several horizontal lines (top, bottom and exactly in the middle).
  • You need to remove excess from these lines using a trowel. Thus, we are, as it were, constructing something like lighthouses, only from a mixture.
  • We wait for the material to dry completely.

We begin to level with plaster

  • All areas between the landmarks must be filled with plaster. We use the rule, following the guidelines made. This way we will get a smooth surface and get rid of excess mortar on the wall. We work as a rule only with a slightly set solution.
  • After leveling, let the mixture dry, then correct holes and small cracks by troweling the wall with a trowel.
  • We should have smooth walls, ready for finishing before finishing.

Plastering with display of beacons

This method of plastering walls is more effective, since as a result we get smoother and even walls. We will need the beacons themselves; it is better to use T-shaped ones made of metal. The work process is also divided into several stages, the first of which will be the preparation of the walls. We'll tell you how to plaster walls using beacons with your own hands for a beginner:

Let's start placing beacons

We will describe the process of how to properly plaster walls under a lighthouse with your own hands

Now you have become familiar with the nuances of the process of plastering walls with and without beacons. You can carry out the work yourself without involving professionals. Carefully follow the instructions in the video and rely on the experience and recommendations of professionals.

Every renovation begins with preparing the walls for finishing. In order to bring them into a perfectly smooth state, two types of plaster are used - “dry” and “wet”. The first option involves covering the walls with plasterboard and other similar materials. The technology of surface cladding using the “dry” method is described in the article “”.

The “wet” method of finishing walls involves the use of plaster mixtures. Despite the fact that it is quite labor-intensive, the classic method of wall finishing is used very often.

Do I need to plaster the walls?

The main purpose of plaster is to level the walls. But besides this, it protects them from moisture penetration and, accordingly, extends their service life. building materials. The availability of all plaster components and tools for carrying out the work allows you to do it yourself. To do this, it is enough to know the basic principles of plastering walls and the procedure for doing this.

The best way to plaster walls - choice of material

Our market offers big choice mixtures ready to use. They are quite expensive, but have certain advantages.

  • Silicone plaster – universal material, the most expensive of these mixtures. It is easy to clean, flexible and durable.
  • Acrylic plaster is a ready-made mixture based on synthetic resins. It also has high elasticity and low absorption. Disadvantages: worse vapor permeability compared to mineral mixtures and sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

  • Mineral plaster - used for work both inside and outside the building. It is resistant to sun rays, has strength and high vapor permeability. Consists of mineral fillers, cement and additives. This mixture is perfect for rooms with high humidity and walls made of materials with high vapor permeability - such as cellular concrete. Mineral plaster also includes silicate plaster, the binding material of which is liquid glass.

Despite the advantages of thin-layer plasters, cement-sand, lime and gypsum mixtures are still the most popular. This is due to the availability of the material and its qualities. Such mixtures are sold in finished form or do it yourself.

  • The cement-sand mixture is considered the most durable and at the same time cheapest. This plaster is not afraid of moisture and is suitable for leveling any walls, including those with significant defects or poor-quality masonry. The disadvantage is low plasticity, so a plasticizer is added to the finished mixtures. Mortar proportions: 1:3 (cement and sand, respectively).

The cement mortar is used within an hour after preparation.

  • Lime plaster has good ductility, but is inferior in strength to the previous option. There are several types of this mixture:
    • cement-lime: 1:1:4 (cement, lime, sand);
    • limestone: 1:3 (lime, sand);
    • gypsum-lime: 1:3 (dry gypsum, lime dough).

The gypsum mixture is easy to use and with its help creates a very smooth surface. It is resistant to cracking and has good vapor permeability. The gypsum-based material is plastic, conveniently applied to the surface and hardens quickly. That is why it is prepared in small portions and used immediately.

We plaster the walls ourselves - tools for the job

  • Container for solution.
  • Metal profile for the installation of beacons.

  • A scraper is a trapezoidal metal spatula.
  • Falcon - wooden or metal shield.
  • Trowel is a heart-shaped blade.
  • Grater and grater.
  • Wire brush – for cleaning the surface.
  • Master OK.
  • Rules.
  • Plumb.
  • Level.

We plaster the walls with our own hands

Preparing the premises

Preparing the premises includes actions aimed at protecting the environment from damage. All things are taken out of it, and the furniture is moved to the middle and covered with film.

The floor covering should also be protected from contact with the solution. It is covered with film or covered with a layer of sawdust. Chandeliers and lamps are removed and the wires are insulated.

Cleaning and preparing walls

The next step will be preparing the walls themselves:

  • If they are covered with wallpaper, they are soaked in water and then removed or cleaned with a scraper.

  • Any old coating, be it paint, whitewash or crumbling plaster, must be completely removed. Otherwise, the new layer may move away from the wall.
  • To check the strength of old plaster, tap the surface with a hammer. If at the same time a dull sound is heard, the coating fits tightly; if it is loud, then this place is cleaned.
  • Small cracks are opened with a knife; for large chips, a grinder is used.

  • Then they are filled with mortar and glued with a plaster mesh.
  • Preparation various surfaces plastering has its own characteristics. On walls made of concrete, stone or brick, a chisel or ax is used to make a beating, the depth of which is approximately 10 mm. Thanks to this, the plaster will adhere more securely to the surface.

  • How to properly plaster wooden walls? Such a surface requires special preparation. In order for the plaster to adhere tightly, a mesh of shingles is stuffed onto the surface. In this case, the nails are driven halfway, and the rest of them are bent. Instead of shingles, it is possible to use metal mesh.

Primer of walls

After the procedures are completed, the wall is cleaned of dust and dirt and primed. Some craftsmen skip this stage, considering it unimportant, and use water, especially when working with cement-sand mixtures. But the primer, penetrating into the thickness of the concrete, increases the adhesion of the surface and protects it from dampness. It stabilizes the porosity of the base and allows the plaster to be applied evenly.

Depending on the surface material, Concrete Contact, Grundirmittel or Super Contact Ground are used. Used for wood antiseptic impregnation. The primer is applied with a brush or roller in one or two layers, depending on the degree of absorption of the wall.

How to plaster the walls of a house - setting up beacons

  • Using a level, the verticality of the surface is checked.
  • Screws are screwed in at the bottom and top of the wall or dowels are driven in.

  • A fishing line is tied to the screws and aligned vertically.
  • A horizontal line is stretched in the same way; 4 lines will be enough for a wall 3 m high.
  • Slides of solution are formed vertically under the fishing line.
  • The profile is pressed into the mixture until it comes into light contact with the fishing line.

  • Horizontal beacons are set in the same way.
  • The resulting mesh is checked with a level to ensure it is in the same plane.

Preparation of the solution

At self-training the solution takes into account the layer for which it is intended:

  • 1st layer - spray. For this, the solution should have a creamy consistency. Maximum layer thickness 5 mm for concrete or brick base and 9 mm for wooden walls.
  • 2nd layer (up to 10 mm) – primer. A dough-like solution is prepared.
  • 3rd layer – covering. A solution with fine-grained sand, creamy consistency.

When using the ready-made mixture, you should carefully study the instructions printed on the packaging and act in full accordance with them.

How to plaster walls - apply the solution

  1. A trowel is used to apply the first layer of plaster. It is applied to it a small amount of solution, and it splashes on the wall. The swing of the hand should be sharp, but not too sweeping and strong, otherwise the prepared mixture will fall not only on the wall, but also on everything that surrounds it.

How to plaster walls, video:

  1. The primer is applied over the spray using a grater or wide spatula. Depending on its thickness, the work is carried out in one or several “passes”. Last layer equals the rule for beacons.

  1. On top wet soil a layer of covering is applied.

How to learn to plaster walls - final work

  • Removing beacons and filling grooves with a solution.

  • Leveling - using a spatula, carefully smooth out all the depressions and bumps in the wet mortar.
  • Grouting - performed in a circular motion in a spiral. The plane of the grater is pressed tightly against the surface.

  • Clean grout. Performed with a sponge or felt grater.

How to plaster walls correctly, video:

  • The porous base is primed twice.
  • Gypsum plaster is finally smoothed no later than 4 hours after application.
  • Metal beacons must be removed after applying the last layer.
  • If the surface is being prepared for finishing ceramic tiles, then one layer of plaster is enough and it is not smoothed over.
  • The walls are painted two weeks after completion of work when using gypsum mortar and after 30 days when using cement-lime plaster.

All of the mixtures described above belong to a series of thin-layer plasters. Despite all their wonderful qualities, people more often use cement and gypsum plasters. You can buy them ready-made or knead them yourself at home.

Cement-sand mortar is the most affordable. But the most important advantage of the cement mixture is its high strength. This plaster used for leveling any surfaces, even with large defects. To the minus cement mortar refers to weak plasticity.

In this case, a plasticizer is mixed into the finished plaster. And the solution must be used within 40-60 minutes after its preparation.

Lime plaster has several subtypes. All of them are endowed with good plasticity, but are seriously inferior to cement mixtures in terms of strength.

Gypsum plaster has many advantages that make it easy to work with. The material, which is based on gypsum, is very plastic, so it is convenient to process the surface with it. The solution has the ability to harden quickly, so it must be prepared in small batches and used immediately. Using this mixture you can create a perfectly smooth wall.

Tools for work

  • Container for mixing the mixture;
  • Profile for installing beacons;
  • Trowel;
  • Iron spatula;
  • Grater and grater;
  • Putty knife;
  • Rules;
  • Plumb and level;

After we have prepared everything necessary tools, you can start working. Before plastering the wall, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work in room. In order not to cause any damage to the furniture and objects in the room, you need to do some operations. Take out small things, and place pieces of furniture in the middle of the room and cover them with cloth or film.

Surface preparation

First of all, you need to clean the walls of the old coating. If it is wallpaper, then it needs to be wetted with water and then removed. Particularly difficult parts are removed using sharp tools. Paint or old plaster must also be removed. Otherwise, a fresh layer of mortar may either not adhere to such a surface or will move away from the wall over time.

To test the old layer for strength, tap it with some heavy object. If it is heard ringing sound, then this part of the wall needs to be cleaned. If the sound is dull, a section of the surface can be left, since here the plaster is held tightly.

All cracks must be opened with a knife or hatchet, and large chips must be processed using a grinder. After this, all the cracks and gaps in the wall are filled with plaster mixture, and in some cases also sealed with a special mesh.

It is worth noting that the plaster of various surfaces should have individual characteristics. For example, to cover walls made of stone, brick or concrete with cement plaster, you first need to make a beating. It is done using an ax or chisel. Moreover, the depth of the recesses should be about 1 cm. This allows the solution to reliably adhere to the surface.

Proper plastering of wooden walls also has its own characteristics. Before you begin to apply the plaster mixture to the wooden surface, shingles are placed on it in the shape of a mesh. Some builders use a special metal mesh for this purpose.


After carrying out the above work, the area must be thoroughly cleaned of all kinds of dirt. Experts recommend priming the surface before plastering. Some masters sometimes skip this important stage of preparation, using just water.

However, the primer can be absorbed deeply into the material on which the mixture will be applied. At the same time, it significantly increases the ability of the solution to adhere to the surface, and also protects it from moisture penetration. Today on the market you can find a primer for any type of material. For wooden surfaces There is an antiseptic impregnation.

Installation of beacons

After priming, some surfaces that do not have strong flaws can begin to be plastered. However, there are walls with obvious deviations. In this case, you need to install beacons. Experts advise not to neglect this process. Otherwise, some problems may arise.

A lighthouse is a device that makes it possible to create a flat surface. There are several types of beacons: wooden slats, metallic profile, use of the solution itself, etc. Beginners are not advised to use wooden slats. Despite the low cost of slats, working with them requires experience. Otherwise, they will not produce good quality.

The metal beacon is used only once. Once removed from the wall, it becomes unsuitable for further use. However, the work is done quickly and efficiently using this profile.

Professionals recommend that private owners who make repairs themselves must use beacons. This plastering method is especially suitable for processing small areas. In this case, the quality of work will be guaranteed to you.

Plastering process

Plaster is applied to the surface in at least 3 layers sequentially.

1st layer - spray

2nd layer - primer.

3rd layer - covering.

If you use ready mixture, be sure to first read the instructions on how to properly lay plaster. Apply the first layer of mortar to the wall using a trowel. Try to move your hand sharply, then the mixture will stick to the surface and not scatter to the sides.

Apply the second layer (primer) to the wall using a wide spatula. This layer is carried out 1-3 times, depending on required thickness. So, a surface made of a porous material must be primed twice. The plaster is leveled according to the beacons using the rule. We do not allow the primer to dry completely, and immediately apply the third layer - the covering.

Now you can remove the beacons and begin finishing the walls - grouting. This part of the work is done with a grater (sponge or felt). Please note that gypsum plaster must be smoothed no later than 3 hours after it has been applied.

Painting of the surface begins after 14 days in the case of gypsum plaster. But cement-lime plaster can be painted only after one month.

Repair in a private house is a set of measures that includes the replacement of plumbing equipment and heating system, new flooring flooring and updating the finishes. One of the first steps finishing works is the alignment of the walls. Plastering the surface is the most popular way to eliminate such defects. How to plaster walls with your own hands, which solution is better to choose, what is the technology for applying plaster? You can find answers to these and many other questions in our review article.

On construction market The plaster is presented in the form of a mixture of powdery consistency, packaged in sealed bags. Its components are additives and binders. Before use, the bulk mixture is diluted with water in the proportions specified in the instructions. Special additives included in the plaster help improve the quality of work and provide the coating with special strength and durability.

When choosing plaster mortar There are a number of factors to consider:

  • type of surface being processed;
  • feature of the room ( high humidity, dampness, etc.);
  • deadlines for completing finishing work.

Today, gypsum and cement plasters are available for sale. In order to answer the question of what mortar to plaster walls with, it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type and determine the type of surface to be treated.

The composition of cement plaster includes special additives, fractionated sand and cement. Its main advantage is low cost. Ultimately, the solution provides a durable and strong coating that can withstand exposure negative factors(high humidity, temperature changes). This mixture is used for external and internal works, mainly to hide significant irregularities. The drying time of the cement mortar depends on the degree of humidity and temperature in the room, as well as on the thickness of the applied layer. It is recommended to proceed directly to finishing after 10 days from the completion of plastering work.

When choosing gypsum plaster, it is necessary to take into account the conditions under which it can be used. The gypsum-based solution is intended for finishing work in rooms with optimal level humidity. Its main advantages: plasticity, quick adhesion to the surface, uniform application, and the ability to allow vapor to pass through.

Looking ahead, it is worth noting that the technology for plastering walls made of concrete, brick or foam concrete is different. For example, a foam concrete surface is pre-treated with a primer deep penetration and only then are they plastered.

We will pay special attention decorative plaster. Among its many advantages are: resistance to mechanical stress, excellent adhesion to any type of surface, microporous structure that allows the walls to “breathe”. In practice, they are used to create original interiors. The best way to plaster the walls is up to you.

Set of necessary tools:

  • construction trowel, large spatula;
  • grater;
  • brush for wetting the plastered surface;
  • rule.

Plaster application technology

1. Having determined what is better to plaster the walls, proceed directly to plastering work. First stage includes surface preparation. Old coatings, dirt and dust are removed from the walls; eliminate significant defects (large cracks, holes, mechanical damage). In order to improve adhesion, foam concrete, aerated concrete, and concrete are treated with a deep penetration primer.

2. Preparation of the solution. The quality of the work performed largely depends on how accurately the proportions were maintained when mixing the dry mixture with water. To obtain a solution of the desired consistency, you must follow the instructions included with the plaster. Using a drill with a mixing attachment will allow you to obtain a homogeneous mass without lumps. How to plaster walls with your own hands without relevant experience? The answer is simple - follow our instructions and recommendations. Ready solution can be used within half an hour from the moment of mixing it, so we recommend diluting the mixture in small portions.

3. The work is carried out in three stages. The first layer of plaster is created by spraying the walls with a liquid solution. The recommended thickness for concrete and brick surfaces is 5 mm, for wooden surfaces – 10 mm. The spray cannot be leveled. The main task of the first layer is to ensure good adhesion and fill the pores. The main thickness of the entire coating is the thicker solution (soil) applied to the walls. The final layer is the covering. Its thickness should not exceed two millimeters. After the thick mixture has set on the surface, it is rubbed with a trowel in a circular motion (the degree of pressure depends on the presence of bumps or depressions on the surface). This is the technology for plastering walls.

  • plastering work indoors must be carried out under a certain temperature conditions. If we're talking about O cement-sand mortar, then positive temperatures in the room are allowed in the range from 5 to 30 degrees;
  • each subsequent layer of plaster is applied after the previous one has dried well;
  • application lime mortar on gypsum plaster can lead to peeling of the layer;
  • which mortar to plaster the walls with is best determined taking into account financial capabilities, the presence or absence of experience, set deadlines (as has been noted, gypsum mortars dry much faster than cement ones), type of surface;
  • During the entire process, it is necessary to control the evenness of the surface using building regulations;
  • In case of significant shortcomings, beacons are used. They will allow you to get a perfectly flat surface both horizontally and vertically.

Today, most apartments in new buildings are rented without any finishing. For this reason, before wallpapering or painting the walls, it is necessary to level them using plaster mixtures. Which composition is more suitable for this and whether it is possible to prepare it yourself - this is discussed in our article.

Gypsum mixtures - ease of use and affordable price

To begin with, it is necessary to indicate that houses are now being built from various materials. It can be brick, foam or aerated concrete, Wall panels etc. It is important to understand that they all have different properties in terms of heat transfer and vapor barrier. Some materials are said to “breathe”, while others block the removal of moisture from the room. For this reason, you need to carefully consider the choice of plaster mixture.

The most common one at the moment is gypsum plaster. It gained its popularity due to the fact that it dries quickly and is easy to use. Among famous manufacturers You can name such companies as Knauf-Rotband, Volma Layer, Perel PLAST, etc. Prices for dry gypsum mixtures vary between 300 rubles per bag of 25-30 kg.

As the name implies, the main component of plaster mixtures is gypsum. Auxiliary elements are various additives, giving the material elasticity. The powder is diluted with water, after which it retains its properties, as a rule, for no more than an hour, so before starting work it is necessary to mix the amount of material that we can apply in one go.

Important! When preparing the mixture, follow the manufacturer's recommendations, not general rules or “by eye,” as some masters like to do. Compliance with the technology will help not only to prepare a high-quality solution, but also to avoid problems during application and further operation (cracking, smudges, etc.).

The main disadvantage of the gypsum mixture is that it can only be used indoors with normal and low humidity. For bathrooms, for example, it is better not to use gypsum-based plaster, since it can accumulate moisture, which can cause the formation of fungus and mold. The vapor permeability of gypsum plasters depends on the manufacturer.

For example, Rotband does not recommend plastering walls in an apartment if they are built from foam concrete, since they remove moisture from the room through their pores. But Volma Layer is just right for the job. For this reason, it is imperative to read the application information provided on the packaging. Right choice gypsum mixture will ensure comfortable living and quality finishing work.

Cement plasters are a suitable option for interior and exterior decoration

Cement-based dry plaster mixtures are presented on store shelves in large quantities. Depending on the purpose of application, scope of work, conditions of subsequent operation and financial capabilities, you can select the required manufacturer. And today there are a lot of them - Prospectors, Volma, Garant, IVSIL, etc. The average price per bag is about 200 rubles.

Interesting! Although gypsum and cement mixtures differ in price, the cost of the total amount of material spent on the same area will be approximately the same due to the fact that gypsum plaster is more economical to apply.

Prepared cement-based mixtures can be used not only indoors, but also outdoors. This is possible due to its water-repellent properties. In addition to the fact that cement itself is not very hydroscopic, sealing additives, mainly of artificial origin, enhance the water-repellent properties of cement plaster.

Due to its resistance to moisture, cement plaster is recommended for use in bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. In addition, it is worth pointing out that cement plaster is very durable, has high adhesion, and its service life can be measured in decades. Plaster mixtures cement-based are resistant to mechanical stress and are used not only for finishing, but also for restoration work.

However, cement plaster is not without its disadvantages. Not every person will be able to work with it, since the application differs from working with gypsum-based analogues. First you need to master the technology and learn how to prepare a solution for each stage - from fairly liquid to thick. Cement plaster is heavy, so its use in a thick layer requires mandatory reinforcement with a metal mesh.

It is worth noting that you can often find self-prepared compositions based on cement and sand, in which ready-made lime is a binding component. Such compositions have the right to life, as evidenced by their many years of use in construction and repair. The advantage of such mixtures for plastering is their low cost - it is enough to purchase cement, and sand and lime can be found for free.

The main disadvantage of working with self-prepared formulations is the difficulty of maintaining the correct proportions. Most finishers prepare solutions “by eye,” which can subsequently lead to cracking of the surface and even crumbling. To obtain a high-quality mixture, you need to pay attention to the shelf life of the cement and the size of the sand fraction (it is better to use the middle one).

Polymer plaster - a new word in finishing

In addition to gypsum and cement mixtures On the market you can see such material as polymer plaster. This special kind, which is used not for leveling walls, but for decorating them and is applied to an already prepared or leveled surface. It is worth mentioning that using the previously listed compositions it is also possible to produce decorative finishing, but that's a completely different topic.

Polymer plasters have a variety of compositions that help create surfaces various colors and textures. Coating is applied thin layer, and it can be used on bases made of concrete, cement, and plasterboard. The compositions cope well with the influence of atmospheric factors, so they can be used not only inside, but also outside.

Depending on the substance acting as a binding element (acrylic, polyurethane, epoxy resin and etc. ), polymer plasters are divided into:

  • silicone;
  • acrylic;
  • silicate;
  • siloxane.

Plaster compositions based on polymers provide good adhesion to the base and are able to hide small defects and irregularities. They can be used with fiberglass mesh, which will mask small cracks. Among the main advantages of using the product is its waterproofness, vapor permeability and mechanical resistance. The material can improve the heat and sound insulation of rooms.

Applying plaster does not require special knowledge, and even a beginner can handle the job. The mixture is plastic and fits well on the base. For work they use standard tools: spatulas, graters, etc., so you don’t have to buy special equipment. Among the manufacturers the leaders are: trade marks, such as Ceresit, WallMix, Weber-Vetonit, Osnovit, etc. The cost of the material depends on the form of release and ranges from 400 rubles per bag of 25 kg of dry mixture to 1,500 rubles and more for ready-made compositions of the same weight, packaged in plastic buckets.
