How to open a massage parlor from scratch: a business plan with calculations. How to write a competent business plan for a massage parlor

  • Documentation
  • Room
  • Equipment and materials
  • Staff
  • Expenses and income

Recently, people have increasingly begun to resort to professional services massage therapists to relieve stress and relax after a hard week of work. For entrepreneurs, such concern for health only benefits them, and many are beginning to think about how to open a massage parlor from scratch. This is an interesting business idea that will not require large initial investments and can bring good regular income in the future.


In order to open your own massage parlor, you must obtain a special license to provide therapeutic massage. After receiving the appropriate permission and opening a business, the entrepreneur will be able to hire personnel from any country in the world. The main thing is to correctly prepare all documents related to the registration and employment of foreign citizens. Please note that only a specialist with a secondary or higher medical education has the right to perform therapeutic massage.

Many women are interested: is it possible to open your own massage parlor without a license? Yes, this activity is possible if you do not want to do massage therapy. To organize cosmetic, anti-cellulite or Thai massage, a license is not required. Of course, it is quite difficult to obtain a special permit to open such a business, but without a license the choice of areas of activity will be much smaller.

To open a private massage parlor, in addition to a license, you will need the entire standard package of documentation. To properly register your activity, you will need to register it as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and also obtain permission from the SES and State Fire Inspectorate to use the premises (if you are not planning to open a business at home).

Please note that the opening massage business V private apartment, without registering an activity, will be considered by law as intentional tax evasion.


Where to start if you decide to open a massage parlor? After completing the documentation, you need to start searching good premises. The requirements for opening a massage room are: special requirements, compliance with which is necessary to obtain permission from the SES:

  • You can set up a massage room on the ground floor of a private house or in a separate room. Opening a room in the basement or other unsuitable places is prohibited.
  • One massage therapist should have at least 8 square meters of area. If you decide to open not just a massage room for 1 person, but a large salon, try to equip a separate room for each specialist.
  • The covering on the walls must be washable. Once every 7 days, the rooms must be disinfected by special services, with which an agreement must be concluded.
  • In the room, in addition to the office itself, there should be a separate place for the administrator and a relaxation area for clients;
  • The premises must be equipped with a bathroom and shower room.

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The best places to open a profitable massage parlor are wealthy residential and central areas of the city. Moreover, in the first option, you need to organize a business close to residential buildings. It has been proven that people in most cases will prefer massage room, which is located near their home, than a more popular or cheaper establishment. A good option would be to open a massage room in a hotel, but you can’t do this without a medical education and a license. But good publicity and you are guaranteed regular customers! Opening a massage business in the central region - good idea for a small town (in the absence of strong competition.

As for the design, it all depends on your preferences and taste. The main rule is that the colors of the walls and furniture in the office should be calm shades. Remember that people go for massage more to get good relaxation. Bright colors They will not allow you to completely relax and unwind. For inspiration, we invite you to look at the interior photos massage room:

Equipment and materials

In order to open a massage room, you will need to purchase special and additional equipment:

  1. Massage table, couch.
  2. Cabinets for storing cosmetics.
  3. Sofa and coffee table for a recreation area.
  4. Desk for administrator.
  5. Phone and computer.

For a relaxation area, it is advisable to buy a flat-screen TV for the wall, and lay out business cards and a couple of fashion magazines on the coffee table. Of course, in addition to the above equipment, before opening it will be necessary to purchase various cosmetic and medicinal products for massage, specialized literature, towels, hygiene items, etc.


Experts advise not to open a massage parlor with big amount massage therapists More often than not, such a solution turns out to be completely unprofitable. Two good professionals quite enough. If you have an impressive initial capital, it is profitable to open several small establishments in different points cities. In order for the massage business to flourish, it is necessary to hire only highly qualified massage therapists. It is desirable that the masters have at least a secondary medical education and experience in several massage techniques. Also, training in special courses and having certificates will be a big advantage.

In addition to massage therapists, you will need to hire two administrators, a cleaner and an accountant. By the way, the last two do not have to be hired. Cleaning companies and the provision of outsourcing services are becoming increasingly popular.

Expenses and income

To open a small massage parlor, an entrepreneur will have to invest 250,000 - 500,000 rubles in the business. This amount includes the costs of registration, renovation of the premises, purchase of equipment and Supplies. Each month to pay rent, supplies and wages personnel will need to allocate about 100,000 rubles. It should be noted that massage therapists most often work on a percentage system, i.e. they receive about 40-50% from each order.

The calculation of profit depends on the success of the business. Experts assure that if you can open a successful massage parlor, then within 6-12 months the net profit will be 50,000 - 100,000 rubles per month. Business profitability is 30%.

Download massage parlor business plan you can from our partners!

Finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with useful information about the massage business in this video:

We told you about how to open a massage parlor from scratch. This business can be a real boon for a competent entrepreneur who intends to organize a profitable and profitable business. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances and draw up detailed business plan. This will help to realistically assess all the risks and opportunities of the chosen field of activity.

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More recently, massage services were provided only by medical institutions. But now beauty salons, massage studios, and fitness clubs also do this. Consider opening your own massage parlor. You will first need to draw up a business plan for a massage parlor, where all income and expenses will be calculated in detail. In this article we will look at how to open a massage parlor from scratch and give an example of a business plan with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a massage parlor

Required documents

If you are just starting out in business, then registering as an individual entrepreneur without education legal entity will do just fine. In addition to the registration itself, you need to obtain a number of permits: from the SES, fire service and other authorities. The table below shows Required documents to register as individual entrepreneur, and a legal entity.

Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to create a massage room where you will be the main master and plan to recruit employees
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to UTII or application for transition to simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open a massage parlor to raise borrowed funds and scale the business, as well as if you want to sell the business.
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to UTII or application for transition to simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default).

In law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

Patent for individual entrepreneurs Used to create a massage room where you will be the main master (or up to 15 people)
  • application for a patent in the form of Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 18, 2014 No. ММВ-7-3/589;

Sample list of documents:

  • Contract of sale/lease of premises.
  • Conclusion of the SES, sanitary passport.
  • Agreement for deratization with disinfestation.
  • Opinion against fire safety.
  • Garbage removal agreement.
  • Presence of a book of reviews and suggestions on the premises.
  • Documents for cash management services: KKM technical passport, KKM version passport, cashier-operator’s log, etc.

In the list of species economic activity choose OKVED 93.04 (Physical and recreational activities). This group includes: activities to improve physical condition and providing comfort, such as activities Turkish baths, saunas and steam baths, solariums, resorts with mineral springs, weight loss and weight loss salons, massage rooms, centers physical culture and so on. Let's add a letter from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2005 N 03-1-03/19/13 “On taxation of physical therapy services
« When providing health massage as part of physical culture and health activities (OKVED code 93.04), a license to provide medical activities need not».

A license is required if you practice therapeutic massage.(Do not confuse massage and therapeutic massage! Physical education and health activities are aimed at working with healthy people, and therapeutic activities are aimed at working with patients. The first is controlled). Under current legislation, medical massage can only be performed by persons with secondary medical education. Even a doctor with average higher education legally has no right to engage in it. To do this, he must undergo advanced training at the center of medical workers and obtain a license. The license is issued by Roszdravnadzor and requires confirmation once every 5 years. Medical activities are registered under OKVED codes:

  • 85.14 - Other health activities.
  • 85.14.1 - Activities of nursing staff.

Licensing is not required when opening a massage parlor (93.04).

Master Class " Crisis in the massage services market«

In the video tutorial, Galina Love tells in the form of a presentation how to create a profitable business in massage services.

Business plan for a massage parlor: searching for premises

Before looking for a place for a future massage parlor, you need to decide on the group of clients that the business will target. If the client is entitled to a massage medical indications, the location of the building/room will not be particularly important. Practice has shown that people in this case are looking for a good specialist, even if he is far away.

But if the business is focused on clients who come to the massage parlor for pleasure, then the premises should be closer to residential areas or sports complexes.

Correlation of goals of massage parlor clients

To create maximum convenience for clients, the premises should be found on the ground floor. SES standards provide about 8 m² per person. Perfect option— allocation of a separate room for each massage therapist. But it is possible to organize the work of several (usually two) specialists in one room with an area of ​​approximately 12 m².

Nowadays, more and more often, two people (for example, couples, girlfriends) begin to come for a massage. Therefore, the demand for massage procedures for two people at the same time is increasing.

The calculation of the area of ​​the massage room is based on the number of employees plus the reception and administration. On average, a presentable salon will require 60-100 m². According to experts, it is not practical to open a massage parlor with more than five jobs. It is better for a beginner to open 2-3 small salons instead of one large one.

Approximate costs:

  • Repair of the premises - 150,000 rubles (one-time payment);
  • Monthly rent - 70,000 rubles.

Total - 220,000 rubles in the first month.

It is easier to open a massage parlor in existing sports institutions: sports clubs, bath complexes, beauty salons. Firstly: these organizations already have a sanitary and fire certificate. And secondly, in these complexes there is already a relatively steady traffic of visitors, some of whom will be interested in the services of a massage therapist.

At the first stage of the massage business, you don’t have to rent a massage room, but provide services to clients at their home or office. The challenge is creating a sustainable customer base.

Massage parlor business plan: equipment and repairs

The first task for a massage parlor is to equip it with a bathroom and a bath for relaxation. Floors and walls of offices are covered with non-slip quality tiles well-known company. Instead of tiles, you can use washable wallpaper. Walls and floors will be treated weekly with special solutions.

In the medical equipment store you can buy:

  • massage tables;
  • couches - main (2-3) and portable (1), they are necessary when serving clients at home;
  • sofa;
  • reception desk;
  • racks;
  • cabinet for cosmetics (located directly in the massage room).

Visitors should be provided with clean towels. With 15 visitors per day, 20 clean towels are needed. It is advisable to purchase washing machine, in which they will be washed.

  • Massage table - 8000 rubles/piece.
  • Towels - 2000 rubles/20 pieces.
  • Couch - 3500 rubles/piece.
  • Washing machine - 9000 rubles
  • Furniture - about 45,000 rubles.

Total: 67,500 rubles.


Very important factor in success of this business is experienced staff. The business plan for a massage parlor includes the costs of finding and maintaining it. There are two possible work patterns for massage therapists in the salon:

  1. Shift work - work of 2-3 foremen in shifts.
  2. To order - only after individual order The client's massage therapist comes into the office.

Finding a professional massage therapist is not easy. You can try to lure professionals from other salons. Another option: view advertisements on the Internet. It is usually not easy to immediately assess a candidate’s professionalism; to do this, it is necessary to collect information about reviews of his past clients.

The massage therapist's salary will be 30-50% of the total cost of the service. An experienced massage therapist serves 9 people per shift, a beginner - no more than four.

You will also need an administrator and an accountant with a salary of 10,000 rubles each. At first, you can perform their functions yourself, saving significantly on wages.

Calculation of salary expenses:

  • The salary of an accountant and administrator is 20,000 rubles.
  • The salary of massage therapists (4 people) is about 145,000 rubles at a rate of 40% of the cost of the service.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 3000 rubles.

Total 168,000 rubles.

Search for clients

Word of mouth is the most effective way in this case. That is why, from the very beginning of your work, you need to pay close attention to the quality of services. In addition to advertising, a well-made sign will also help. Inexpensive additional funds searching for clients - distributing flyers and leaflets, advertising at bus stops, in newspapers, on special boards. Advertising in the media is much more expensive and, in the case of this business, not very effective.

Payback of massage business

Let's try to determine the approximate return on business. In the first month of operation of the massage room, 5-8 visitors will come per day. In subsequent months - 7-10 people. Session time:

  1. Classic massage - 20-60 minutes.
  2. Relaxing standard massage - up to 1.5 hours.
  3. Back massage - about 15-20 minutes.

The break between sessions is usually 0.5 hours. An office with 2 workstations and 3-4 specialists, when fully loaded, can serve up to 15 clients per day. Usually they reach such a flow after 3 months of continuous work.

Relaxation and anti-cellulite (especially) programs are in greatest demand (up to 70%) among clients. This must be taken into account when opening a massage parlor. Especially fashionable now: qigong, yoga, Thai techniques.

The profitability of massage business is 25-30%. Payback is usually achieved in a year, with a successful start - in a few months.

Directions for expansion and scaling

You can also expand your business into other areas. Three areas of business expansion:

  1. Massage and cosmetology salon with an experienced cosmetologist.
  2. Relaxation and recreation center with swimming pool and sauna.
  3. SPA salon with various SPA treatments.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(4 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(5 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(4 out of 5)
The massage business is profitable business. The place is one of key factors success. The second success factor is hospitality and quality of services, since it is through this that repeat sales can be made and a loyal following can be created. client base. Business profitability is 25-30% and payback is ~3 months. Unlike a therapeutic massage parlor, setting up a simple massage parlor does not require a license.

There was a time when massage was considered medical procedure and was performed only within the walls of medical institutions. Back then, no one could have imagined that it would soon gain such wild popularity and that people, without any particular reason, would do a massage for the purpose of relaxation, and even pay money for it.

Massage on certain points of the body is good for health, has a positive effect on the general condition of a person, and more and more people are interested in such procedures. How to open your own massage parlor from scratch and will it bring benefits?

Massage business is a popular and profitable business today that does not require large financial investments. This area is developing rapidly, opening up everything great prospects for entrepreneurs. Some go for a massage solely for medical reasons, others, succumbing to public trends, fashion trends or just for relaxation.

One way or another, the demand for these services is consistently high.

What do you need to open your own massage parlor?

4. Attract clients.

Each stage has its own characteristics, which we will consider in more detail below.

Registration of activities

To obtain the right to carry out entrepreneurial activities, you must register with any legal form.Most suitable in in this case will be or (if there are companions).

For registration you will need to collect required package documents, attach a receipt and submit for review to the tax authorities. You will also need those suitable for providing massage services: 93.02, 93.04, 85.14.1. The next step will be choosing the form of taxation.

How to open a massage parlor without a license?

If you intend to provide therapeutic massage services, You will need to obtain a license giving the right to carry out such procedures.

If you plan to provide only restorative and cosmetic massage, obtaining such a document is not necessary.

After selecting a location for the massage room, you will need to conclude agreements for the removal of solid household waste, disposal of lamps, and rental.

Invite SES and fire inspectors to check the premises for compliance with their requirements and then issue conclusions confirming this fact.

Finding a suitable place for a massage room and its arrangement It is necessary to set up a massage room near medical, sports or other places,

where the target audience is located. Don’t forget about convenience for customers - good access, availability of shuttle bus stops nearby Vehicle

, busy street. You should not consider residential areas, buildings located in the depths of houses, premises with an entrance in the courtyard and other places that are difficult to find.

Before making a final decision to settle in a particular area, you need to study it carefully, since it is undesirable to have similar establishments nearby that can compete with you. It is recommended to conduct a survey of the population to identify the need for such procedures.

What requirements must a massage parlor meet?

  • In addition to meeting an effective location, a massage room must meet several other requirements:
  • Each specialist should be allocated eight square meters;
  • It is necessary to have water supply systems for heating, ventilation, and sewerage;
  • the presence of a separate entrance, provided that it is located in an apartment building;

repair work - covering the floor and walls with materials that can be washed (wallpaper, tiles).

On the territory of the massage office there should be rooms for receiving clients, massage, a manager’s office and a bathroom with a sink.

Equipment for massage room

  • To set up the salon you will need to purchase the necessary equipment:
  • massage tables from 2 pieces;
  • screens from 2 pieces;
  • sofa and coffee table for the reception area;
  • shelving and cabinet for staff;
  • desk and chair for administrator;
  • clothes hanger;

washing machine. For work you will need to purchase oils, it is more profitable to buy them in bulk, towels for visitors, disinfectants and detergents

, uniform for employees.

The success of a massage parlor depends from the professionalism of the specialists providing services there. If the client likes the massage therapist’s work, he will come to him regardless of whether he lives far from the salon or not.

The second point affecting the profitability of this business is provided the client with the opportunity to receive any type of massage, whichever he wants, as a rule, is chosen from the most popular, new ones. This means that it is not recommended to hire highly specialized employees.

The master must be universal and the more techniques he knows and can apply in practice, the more clients he can get.

Based on these two points, we can conclude that you need to select massage therapists very carefully, giving preference to those who have experience, recommendations from previous jobs, medical education, and certificates confirming their qualifications.

Minimum staff for a massage room

  • massage therapists from 2 people;
  • (possible at half the rate);
  • administrator (for working with clients);
  • cleaning woman;
  • supervisor.

Attracting clients

  • prices are low;
  • provision of high-quality services;
  • wide selection of massage techniques;
  • special attention to each visitor.

By providing such conditions, you can be sure that people will only talk about you in a positive way and recommend your salon to their friends.

Features of massage business

Due to the ever-growing popularity of the massage business, it regularly undergoes various changes, new techniques and trends appear, and it can be difficult to keep track of this and introduce innovations into your office. Before opening this case, you need to decide on the main points.

1. Contingent

Depending on the range of services provided and pricing policy, we can roughly distinguish two directions: elite and economy.

The first type involves opening a salon for people with high incomes and a range of services corresponding to their status - all the latest techniques, specialists with higher medical education, manual therapy, location in the city center, etc.

The second option is designed for people with average incomes, patients of clinics for whom massage is prescribed for medical reasons, children, students, housewives.

2. Types of massage

Massages can be cosmetic, preventative, or sports. In addition, they are divided depending on the method of influence - hardware, body parts, instruments.

Based on what types will be provided in your office, the list of necessary equipment and tools.

Now the most popular are hardware, oriental, children's, Thai, anti-cellulite and relaxation techniques.

Massage parlor business plan

The main purpose of drawing up a business plan is an approximate calculation of the expenses and income of the organization. When calculating these indicators for a massage parlor, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality of the business.

There is a peak in demand for massage services at the beginning of spring. When girls begin to get their bodies in order after winter.

Initial costs

  • legalization of activities from 10,000 rubles;
  • rent from 80,000 rubles;
  • repair work from 190,000 rubles;
  • purchase of furniture and equipment from 100,000 rubles;
  • purchase of towels, oils and other consumables from 41,000 rubles;
  • advertising from 29,000 rubles.

In total, to start a massage parlor you will need to invest from 450,000 rubles.

After opening, there will be costs for staff, internet, telephone communications and other expenses.

Monthly income from 80,000 rubles.

Profitability of massage business

With a competent approach to organizing a massage business, opening an office in an effective location and hiring professionals, this type of activity can pay off within a year, namely, 6–8 months of work.

The profitability of a massage parlor is estimated at 20–35%. In order to bring stable income It is necessary to hire up to 5 massage therapists and arrange an area of ​​no less than 80 square meters. m. with everything necessary to provide customers with quality services.

Nuances associated with opening a massage parlor

At the stage of becoming a massage therapist, you may encounter some possible difficulties:

1. Already at the recruitment stage may have problems. Finding an experienced, highly qualified craftsman can be difficult and often you have to use a trick - to lure people away by offering them the most favorable working conditions.

2. Related to obtaining a license additional time and financial costs, therefore, many decide to work without it, making do with a standard set of services. However, by making such a decision, you can lose an entire segment potential clients who crave rejuvenation, healing, etc. from such procedures.

When starting your own business in this area, you should study the demand and supply in your area for such services in order to avoid difficulties such as high competition or low demand among the population for massage.

Opening your own massage parlor is an attractive business for budding entrepreneurs. Its features include low start-up costs and high profitability. In this case, the damage will be insignificant even in case of failure, which means that anyone can try themselves in this area.

As in many industries, in the massage business The personnel plays a decisive role. The better his work, the more clients he will bring to the salon, and, accordingly, profit. Don't forget about appearance employees and the design of the salon as a whole.

Neat employees, a clean and stylish room will undoubtedly leave a positive impression on visitors, and they will recommend your massage parlor to their friends and acquaintances.

How to open a massage parlor? Watch the following video instructions:

People began to take more care of themselves and monitor their health. Opening a massage parlor today is very profitable business. Initial capital, of course, is needed, but it is relatively small and pays off quickly.

Let's try to clarify the necessary steps for organizing and conducting such activities.

You must obtain a license from the Ministry of Health. It is completely legal to invite massage therapists not only from our country, but also from other countries. For example, Thai massage. After receiving the permit, you must register and formalize the foreign citizens invited to work.

A license is required if the office will engage in medical massage and manual therapy.

In other cases, if Thai, relaxation, cosmetic and similar massages are performed, it is not needed. Permission without expiration date, unlimited. You will have to pay a license fee and duty for it. Working without a license is less expensive, but there will be fewer clients, as the range of services will decrease.

The object is registered before opening. The documents are submitted to the tax office, after which the payment of tax for entrepreneurial activity. Permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire supervision are required.

If one person opens an office and plans to do everything himself, then it’s enough. If you plan to hire workers, it is better.

There is a lot of hassle in obtaining documents. Just to obtain permission from the fire inspectorate, you need to go through 3 stages:

  1. First, the requirements are studied and fulfilled.
  2. Next, an examination of the premises is carried out. It is checked whether it complies with fire safety regulations.
  3. A conclusion is issued. A number of documents are attached to it and an application for permission is submitted.

You can watch an interesting interview with the owner of such a business in the following video:

Place and premises

For the convenience of clients, the establishment should be located close to their home. Thus, the salon should be located in a residential area, preferably in an elite one. In any case, the place should be easily accessible.

Equally important is the office space. To obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, it must meet its requirements. Activities are prohibited in the basement or semi-basement floors. For the convenience of clients, you should look for a room on the ground floor.

One massage therapist must have at least eight square meters area. It is ideal when there is a separate room for each specialist. The required area is calculated from the number of massage therapists plus space for the administrative part. For example, if there are 5 massage therapists working in a salon, an area of ​​90 square meters is needed.

It is estimated that opening a salon with more than 5 seats is unprofitable. It is more profitable to open 2 or 3 small points than one large one.

The required standards are controlled by the sanitary and epidemiological station. In addition, she requires that walls in massage rooms have a washable coating. Disinfection of premises is necessary once a week. You should have an agreement with an organization that carries out such procedures.

Required equipment

Equipment and furniture are required for work. The furnishings of the reception room and offices should be provided. The reception area should have:

  • sofa;
  • coffee table;
  • wardrobe for outerwear;
  • reception desk;
  • telephone;
  • cash machine;
  • preferably a TV, stereo system, coffee machine.

In the office you need:

You also need to buy everything you need for bathrooms and shower rooms. Visitors must be provided with clean towels.


Good specialists are the key to future success. Clients will travel to the salon from all over the city for these. We need to hire people with good honey. education, at least secondary, and preferably higher. It’s good if they know the technique of several types of massage.

Job massage therapists can be organized in two ways. This is either shift work or made to order. In the second case, the client makes an individual application, and the specialist arrives at the appointed time.

The massage therapist receives from 30% to 50% of the order cost, good specialist can serve 9-12 people per shift. Between sessions he needs mandatory rest.

Also needed two administrators, they must be able to communicate with visitors and answer phone calls correctly. Required cleaner and accountant. The last position, at least initially, can be filled by the director or owner of the salon, then you can find a part-time person. All employees must have medical cards.

Drawing up a business plan

All the described steps for creating a massage salon are done one by one, some in parallel. For example, when applying for a license, you can look for a building and think about the best place to open. But the first thing the future owner must do is draw up a proper business plan. This is a very important step in preparing for the opening.

The document covers all the points future activities, the necessary costs are considered, the costs of all directions and the expected profit are taken into account. It is necessary to calculate the risks.

Regular expenses are calculated in advance. These are rent payments, utility bills, taxes, employee salaries, marketing expenses (advertising and other events), purchase of massage oils, creams and other consumables, entertainment expenses.

A properly organized salon should pay for itself in six months and start making a profit. If for some reason things don’t work out, the company is closed legally.

Receiving good income, you can expand your business. There are three directions for this:

  1. This is a massage and beauty salon. Definitely with an experienced cosmetologist.
  2. You can open a SPA salon.
  3. Rest and relaxation center. A swimming pool, sauna and all kinds of massage services are available here.

Marketing strategy

Marketing in business is a combination of factors that influence the fame of an institution and its popularity.

  • This includes choosing a location. The salon must be remote from competitors, have parking spaces for clients, high level services with an individual approach.
  • What is important is competitiveness and stability of prices, their moderation, and programs for different segments of the population - children, pregnant women, and the elderly.
  • Sometimes a special item is included for busy people– a day of relaxation. For such a visit, the client can immediately receive a range of services.
  • A sonorous name for the salon and an attractive sign are important. This is the very first advertising move. Reputation will be earned later, but for now the task is to attract customers.
  • The most effective way is advertising. You should distribute and post leaflets at stops nearby, provide information on the Internet, use all available means- advertisements in the media, in social networks.
  • Good advertising before the opening is especially important. She must inform future clients that a wonderful salon is opening that will help preserve beauty and youth, announce exactly what services can be obtained there, and explain the advantages of this particular establishment.
  • The salon should provide the most popular services. Now these are anti-cellulite programs and relaxation. We need to focus on them. This service is ordered by 70% of visitors.
  • For the convenience of clients, an appointment should be made by telephone.
  • A successful marketing move is personal business cards.
  • Regular visitors should be supported and encouraged. A system of discounts should be provided for them.

Types of services

Massage rooms provide the following types of services. If you have a license:

  • Medical massage.
  • Manual therapy. Very popular and effective treatment for persons approaching the age of forty. Almost everyone has back pain.

All other types can be carried out without a license:

  • General massage.
  • Classical.
  • Sports.
  • Reflex.
  • Anti-cellulite.
  • Canned.
  • Aromatic.
  • Energy and so on.

This list is very long. When performing medical massage, there are different techniques for different diseases. There is a relaxing acupressure massage. A separate list includes procedures for elderly family members and children, starting from infancy. Various water and cosmetic options, masks, wraps. The better the establishment, the greater the range of services it offers.

Mini salon

You can open such an establishment at home if you are a massage master. This is not prohibited by law. You must undergo training and obtain a certificate if you do not already have one. This is a way for those who want to open their own business, which does not require significant costs at the start, but at the same time profitable, with a good income.

If you do not provide therapeutic services, but only engage in massage, you do not need a license for such activities. It is necessary to register a private enterprise and register with the tax service.

Services can be provided on location. You need consumables, a folding massage table and a car are desirable. The cost depends on the qualifications of the massage therapist.

If you plan to open an office in an apartment or rented premises, you will have to take care of its equipment. It is best to rent a room in a hairdresser, beauty salon, or medical center. Although clients can be found anywhere, especially if the massage therapist is a master of his craft.

The office needs a massage table. Preferably good and comfortable, it is better not to save on buying it. The choice here is huge, in addition to ready-made ones, there is the opportunity to make a table to order. Next are consumables and elements that create a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere. It would be nice if there were flowers in the office. It is necessary to pay due attention to impeccable cleanliness and odors. Pleasant music will also come in handy.

A stable income will appear if you have a base of regular customers. This is the concern of the massage therapist himself. We need to advertise on the Internet, in the newspaper, wherever possible. Notify friends and acquaintances. Services should be provided with high quality, behave politely and courteously, and people will flock to your small, cozy office.

Massage - whole science, the basics of which can be grasped by almost every person, but few become true masters. The situation is the same with massage parlors - in large cities they spring up like mushrooms after rain, and the quality of services in not all of them is at a decent level. As for small Russian cities, their residents do not have much choice - the level of competition among massage parlors in the provinces is relatively low, which does not at all contribute to improving the quality of massage services. The business plan for a massage parlor presented in this material with calculations implies the organization of this establishment in the territory of a small city in the Russian Federation with a population of no more than 300 thousand people.

To open a massage parlor of a decent level, an entrepreneur will need to initially invest at least 600,000 rubles - the amount is quite reasonable and it is easy to get a loan for it from many banks. But it’s better, of course, to do without lending and take the required amount from personal savings.

Concept Summary

The business of opening a massage parlor, an example of which is given here, is registered in the form of an individual entrepreneur using the simplified taxation system (STS). The tax rate in this system is 15% of the difference between income and expenses for the reporting period, and the procedure for filling out tax returns does not require a professional accountant on staff. To provide therapeutic massage services, an entrepreneur must have appropriate education and certificates confirming his right to obtain a license for this type of activity. The procedure for obtaining a license is regulated Federal law"On licensing of certain types of activities". When registering a massage parlor at the Federal Tax Service department, you need to select the following OKVED codes:

  • 86.90.3 “Activities of massage parlors.”
  • 80.90.9 “Other activities in the field of medicine, not included in other groups.”

The list of a standard set of services that can be provided by a relatively small massage parlor is as follows:

  • Restorative body massage.
  • Acupressure of individual parts of the body, possibly combined with acupuncture.
  • Relaxing massage.
  • Massotherapy.
  • SPA massage.
  • Anti-cellulite massage and wrap.

As the business develops and new employees with a specific specialization are hired, the range of services can be significantly expanded. For example, organize a Thai massage room or negotiate with sports organizations in the city and provide athletes with restorative massage services. In fact, there are a great many types and subtypes of massage, as well as the actual ways of developing a massage parlor.

How much to invest in opening

Material costs at the first stage of organizing a massage parlor are divided into the following items:

The main expense item at the first stage of organizing a massage salon will be the purchase of furniture, equipment and consumables, the cost of which depends on their quality. Also, a lot of money will have to be invested in renovating the premises and creating corporate identity. There are no trifles in this business - it is very important to create a feeling of comfort and friendliness among clients visiting the salon for the first time. Visitors should want to return to the massage parlor more than once and become regular customers. In addition to the professionalism of the massage therapists, the furnishings of the room also play a significant role in creating the image of the salon.

Marketing plan

Marketing planning focused on promoting a massage parlor in a provincial town can be divided into the following components:

  • Advertising in various printed publications region.
  • Outdoor advertising in the form of banners encouraging people to visit the massage parlor.
  • Development of a website with appropriate information content and its SEO promotion for medium and low-frequency queries.
  • Creation thematic groups on popular social networks with information about prices, services and promotions posted there.
  • Development of a system of bonuses and discounts for regular customers.

The average attendance of a massage parlor in a small Russian city will be about 20 clients per day. The average amount they will spend on massage and related services is 700 rubles. Accordingly, with a 6-day working week, the salon’s monthly income, excluding current expenses, will be 350 thousand rubles. The annual revenue of this business will be around 4.2 million rubles.

Production plan

The premises rented for a massage parlor must have an area of ​​at least 70 square meters. meters, be well insulated and have reliable system ventilation. It should be divided into the following “compartments”:

  • Reception area (hall) – 15 sq.m. meters.
  • Two rooms for massage treatments - 10 square meters each.
  • Room for SPA massage – 10 sq.m. meters.
  • Administrator's office – 10 sq.m. meters.
  • The staff rest area is 6 square meters.
  • Bathroom – 4 sq.m. meters.
  • Utility room – 5 sq.m. meters.

Needless to say, all fire safety rules and SanPiN standards in the premises of a massage parlor must be strictly observed (installation fire alarm required).

The optimal work schedule for a massage parlor is as follows:

  • Tuesday-Friday from 10:00 to 20:00.
  • Saturday-Sunday from 09:00 to 18:00.
  • Monday is a day off.

The selection of qualified massage salon personnel should be given Special attention. Massage therapists must have specialized education, and it is highly desirable that they have additional certificates. The owner of this business should not forget that a good massage can put a person on his feet, and a bad one, on the contrary, can leave him bedridden for an indefinite period of time.

This table lists the employees who need to be hired to work in a massage parlor:

Job title Number of people Salary + approximate%, rub. Monthly payment fund, rub. Payment per year, rub.
1 Administrator 1 30 000 30 000 360 000
2 Secretary at the reception 1 15 000 15 000 180 000
3 Masseur 3 25 000 75 000 900 000
4 SPA master 1 20 000 20 000 240 000
5 Cleaning woman 1 8000 8000 96 000
TOTAL 148 000 1 776 000

Note: massage therapists and spa masters should not be paid a high salary - the bulk of their earnings will be a percentage of customer service.

Listed below is the equipment that needs to be purchased for a massage parlor, as well as a sample list of furniture and supplies.

  • TV in the reception area.
  • Music Center.
  • Cash register and computer.
  • Two professional massage tables.
  • Chairs and benches.
  • Equipment and consumables for spa treatments.
  • Towels, massage oils, etc.

Calculations of income and expenses

This section of the business plan is devoted to calculating material costs and profits from operating a massage parlor. The first table lists all the items of current expenses that an entrepreneur will face.

The profitability of a massage parlor in a provincial city is calculated in the following table:

The above calculations show that the net annual profit from the operation of a massage parlor after paying 15% of the simplified tax system to the state treasury will amount to more than one million rubles. A massage parlor will bring the entrepreneur about 90 thousand rubles of net income per month - quite a significant amount for a business operating in a provincial Russian city. Accordingly, the profitability of a massage parlor will be about 26%, and the investment in opening it will pay off in just over six months.

Possible risks

If we talk about possible risk factors that can affect the development of a massage parlor, then for the most part they are not critical and are easily predicted. The main risks are indicated in the following list:

  • Increased competition in this segment of the service market, that is, the opening of massage parlors with more attractive prices target audience pricing policy and the variety of services provided.
  • There is a shortage of qualified massage therapists, which can lead to a narrowing of the range of massage parlor services.
  • Increased attention from inspection authorities to the activities of the massage parlor, as well as fines that may be imposed for violating certain requirements of the SES and Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Decline general level solvency of the region's population and, as a result, a drop in demand for massage services.

Your own massage parlor, opened in a provincial town, can become both a very profitable endeavor and a source of numerous problems. It all depends on the entrepreneur’s approach to organizing this business. A qualitative analysis of the market for such services and work aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of the current needs of the target audience will certainly bear fruit.
