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Applying for a mortgage is precisely the “light at the end of the tunnel” that allows many citizens of the Russian Federation to purchase their own property. About 450 banks out of 600 registered in our country offer mortgage lending services. In some banking institutions the interest rates are really low, while in others they are outrageously high. However, at what level is this indicator on average? What points should you pay attention to when applying for a mortgage? Are there any chances to minimize overpayments?

We’ll talk about this and other aspects of mortgage lending in today’s article.

Interest for using a loan. Photo No. 1

The interest rate for any loan is the borrower’s payment to the bank for providing Money on loan. In addition, interest charges on top of the loan amount are a kind of guarantee from the creditor that the debtor will return everything correctly, in full, and if there is an underpayment on his part, most of it will be returned in the form of this same interest.

Regarding mortgage lending, it should be noted that the interest rate on it is noticeably lower than that of other types of loans. This is largely due to the fact that the state supports the idea of ​​mortgages and helps many Russian banks that provide loans of this kind.

At the moment, the average interest rate in Russia on mortgage loans is around 13-18%. The lowest mortgage interest rates are with the well-known Sberbank, which has mortgage lending programs with a rate of about 8-10%. Well, commercial banking organizations have the highest rates. In such institutions you can find mortgage rates of up to 25-28%.

In general, banks set the interest rate on a mortgage loan using a “double” approach, which consists of:

  1. In determining the initial rate on the loan, which is formed on the basis of the capabilities and sponsorship of the banking institution (here a significant role is played by the bank’s sponsorship by the state, its contracts with specific developers, etc.).
  2. Additional interest added. The essence of the latter is that they are added to the minimum rate for the borrower’s failure to perform any actions (for example, contract or life insurance, conclusion not in in electronic format and so on.).

Based on the results of taking into account these indicators, the final rate is determined, which is indicated in the mortgage lending agreement, of course, if the rate is fixed and not floating.

What should you pay attention to when applying for a mortgage?

Features of obtaining a mortgage loan. Photo No. 2

When deciding to take out a mortgage loan, there is very little to know about the essence of the interest rate. At a minimum, you need to be able to analyze the type of interest charged, the availability of additional services, loan terms and other features of the mortgage.

For readers of our resource, we have prepared basic recommendations for applying for a mortgage loan, which general view are:

  • About choosing a bank. Perhaps one of important points When applying for a mortgage, choose a reputable bank. At the moment, the situation is such that it is best to cooperate with Sberbank, since this lender not only offers good lending conditions, but also has additional guarantees regarding its banking license. The latter is possible for the reason that Sberbank PJSC is 80% owned by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and it is unlikely to revoke the license of “its” company. This cannot be said in relation to other, even very large banking institutions of the Russian Federation, therefore, when collaborating with them, there are always considerable ones.
  • About the type of bet. Many potential “mortgage holders” are wondering what interest rate to take out on a loan – floating or fixed? It is worth noting that in the first case, interest throughout the entire lending period will vary depending on a specific market indicator, and in the second, interest will be determined once and will remain unchanged throughout the entire lending period. Taking into account the instability of the Russian economy in last years and, accordingly, in a similar state of financial markets in the coming years, it is better to give preference to a fixed rate, not otherwise.
  • About optimal time lending. Today the situation is such that it is better to take out a mortgage for 8-15 years. When choosing other loan terms, risks and overpayments are significantly higher and more noticeable.
  • On the influence of the size of income on the rate. Often, when issuing a mortgage, Russian banks slightly overestimate the lending rate when the client’s income is good and stable, or, on the contrary, underestimate it in the opposite situation. However, this practice is not available in all banks, so it is not possible to talk about an established dependence in these indicators.
  • About additional costs when applying for a mortgage. Yes, unfortunately, there are some, for example, for appraising an apartment and drawing up a purchase and sale agreement. If borrowers do not have funds, then the cost of these services can also be included in the mortgage amount, but this is not possible with all lenders, which should also be taken into account when applying.
  • About insurance and additional services. Everything here is extremely simple. The feasibility of their execution when obtaining a mortgage loan is determined taking into account exactly how much interest for the lack of insurance or other services will be added to the main rate. If, in the end, it turns out that it is cheaper to issue “extras” than to overpay interest later, then it is better to resort to this. Otherwise, it’s not worth it.
  • About the type of payment. Many people know that when repaying a loan, you can use either a differentiated payment system or an annuity system. Which one is better to choose? It all depends on your income and the stability of the country’s economy. If both indicators are high, then it makes sense to resort to a differentiated payment system, naturally, with the condition that early repayment not planned. In other circumstances, it is better to give preference to annuity payments.

When choosing a mortgage loan, you should carefully consider the choice of lending institution. A mortgage agreement is concluded for decades, which means it requires detailed study.

When choosing a credit institution to obtain a mortgage, experienced bank employees and lawyers advise citizens to first contact the bank for advice, where accounts and cards, including salary cards, have already been opened. In this case, banks see the activity and size of income, as well as the cash flow of the future Borrower, which can favorably affect the issuance of a loan and the amount of annual interest.

It should be understood that the size of the mortgage loan partially depends on the size of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. If the Central Bank rate increases, therefore the loan percentage from the credit institution increases. In this case, monitoring and tracking the growth of the Central Bank rate will not be superfluous.

Practice shows that the bank issues reduced interest rates for the purchase of real estate from a partner developer.

You should also find out about working in a bank social programs and government subsidies for mortgages.

Military personnel, young professionals and government employees can expect lower mortgage interest rates.

Of course, the recommendations highlighted above are not all that can be given regarding the registration of a mortgage, but their list is complete enough to form a specific vision of this type of lending. Therefore, do not forget to use them when applying for a mortgage loan specifically for your situation.

What do you need to know to apply for a mortgage loan? Photo No. 3

At the end of today’s article, let’s note 3 common truths, which are simply unacceptable to forget when designing. The list of these, according to our resource, is as follows:

  1. Take a thorough approach to selecting a lending bank and studying its mortgage loan programs. Remember that by choosing the right banking institution when applying for a mortgage, you can save hundreds of thousands of rubles on only a slight difference in interest.
  2. Take advantage of all opportunities to reduce overall loan overpayments. If your knowledge in banking is not enough to achieve this goal, contact a specialist. But you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to reduce the interest rate or not sign an unnecessary “additional deal.”
  3. Study the contract you are signing several times or with the help of a professional. Don’t forget that issuing a mortgage on behalf of a bank is a business, an opportunity to make money. Therefore, the inclusion of unnecessary fees in the contract will happen even if you cooperate with what seems to be the most conscientious lender. It is important to exclude such moments, otherwise you will have to overpay tens, or even hundreds of thousands of rubles, essentially for air.

That’s probably all for the “mortgage” topic. We hope the material presented today was useful to you. Good luck with getting a mortgage and low interest rates!

You can learn about the prospects for reducing interest rates on mortgage lending to 6-7% per annum by watching the video:

Write a question to a housing lawyer in the form below see also Phone numbers for consultation

19 Nov 2017 80

The interest rate is of decisive importance when choosing a lender for a home loan. The size of the monthly payment and the amount of the final overpayment depend on it. Both factors are key when analyzing banking products. The reduction in mortgage rates in 2018 is quite justified, after the Central Bank repeatedly reduced the key rate. This contributes to growth in housing lending, which means an increase in sales in the real estate market.

Mortgage rate reduction: background and forecasts

The financial crisis in the country could not but affect housing lending. The rise in the dollar exchange rate, the fall in oil prices and the increase in the key rate by the Central Bank led to a significant drop in the mortgage market. At this point, credit institutions raised interest rates, simultaneously increasing the size of the starting payment.

However, by 2017, there was a revival in the lending sector. Financiers predicted a massive reduction in fees for the use of borrowed funds. The reason for such statements was the reduction of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This happened three times during 2017. At the end of last year the rate was 7.75%.

For most citizens, the question of whether mortgage rates are expected to decline in 2018 is an acute one. After all, a mortgage involves a long borrowing period, and potential borrowers want to get a loan at the most favorable conditions. In June last year, the Central Bank again decided to reduce the rate to 9%.

In mid-September there was another decline – to 8.5%. The last reduction in the key rate occurred in December 2017 – to 7.75%.

A reduction in the key rate and mortgages have a close relationship. The fee for using borrowed funds in credit institutions depends on the value of the rate. Also, the key indicator affects the level of inflation in the country. The main reason for the changes was the slowdown in consumer price growth.

In addition, banking clients are interested in when mortgage rates will be reduced. Citizens are trying to get a loan to buy a home, taking into account the reduction in its cost. Improving conditions for mortgage products will determine the development of the construction industry and the real estate market as a whole. According to analysts, a reduction in the amount of fees for using a loan will determine the growth of the mortgage market over the next 3-4 years.

Current rates

The decrease in the indicator by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation led to a decrease in the same parameter in Sberbank, the largest bank in the country. The reduction in mortgage rates was the most significant in recent years. The size of the reduction varies from 0.6 to 2 percentage points.

At the same time, Sberbank reduced the size of the down payment for the purchase of finished housing by 5 points. Now, as for new buildings, it is 15% of the cost of housing. Previously, an initial payment of at least 20% was accepted for the purchase of a resale property.

Following the flagship of housing lending, a reduction in loan fees occurred in most large banks.

There is a decrease in the mortgage rate to 9.5 - 10% and below, which is a record parameter over the past five years.

Already, the flow of client applications has increased by 25% compared to the beginning of the year.

For finished housing

The basic conditions for purchasing an apartment on the secondary market are now as follows:

Financial institutionBid, %Continuous experienceAge
Sberbank10 15 6 21-75
VTB 249.7 20 3 21-65
Raiffeisenbank10.5 15 3 21-65
Gazprombank9.5 10 6 21-60
Rosselkhozbank9.5 15 6 21-65
UralSib9.9 10 3 18-65
Promsvyazbank10.7 20 4 21-65

For new buildings

Review of the current fee for using a loan when purchasing an apartment on the primary market:

Financial institutionBid, %PV size, % of housing costContinuous experienceAge
Sberbank10 15 6 21-75
VTB 249.7 20 3 21-65
Raiffeisenbank10.4 10 3 21-65
Gazprombank9.5 10 6 21-60
Rosselkhozbank9.5 20 6 21-65
UralSib9.4 10 3 18-65
Promsvyazbank10.4 10 4 21-65

The tables show the average values ​​of the indicator. As part of promotions carried out by each bank, the rate may be lower. This usually concerns the purchase of real estate from a specific developer.

How to get a low rate at checkout

The final fee for using borrowed funds is calculated individually for each client. It depends on many factors. To qualify for a loan at the lowest rate, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Availability permanent place work and stable income. Employees they lend more willingly, which means the rate for them will be lower than for individual entrepreneurs.
  2. Ownership of real estate. When collateral is issued, the loan fee is also reduced.
  3. Positive credit history.
  4. Participation in bank salary projects. Basically, for such clients, financial institutions offer products with more flexible conditions.
  5. Possibility to make an initial payment exceeding the minimum established by the bank. The more the applicant contributes, the lower the rate will be.

In addition, participants of special programs can apply for reduced interest rates: military personnel, young families, employees budgetary enterprises. An additional factor in reducing fees for the use of borrowed funds is participation in promotions periodically held in banking structures.

Each financial institution puts forward its own requirements for assessing the client’s solvency and setting the interest rate level.

Reducing interest on existing mortgage

Existing borrowers are also wondering how to lower their mortgage rate if they have already taken out a loan. There are the following ways to do this:

  1. Try to negotiate with the financial institution to renegotiate the terms of your existing loan. This is possible if the bank reduces the amount of the indicator under the same program under which the client has already taken out a loan. However, credit institutions are reluctant to do this, arguing that the agreement was signed on individual terms.
  2. Apply for refinancing to another bank. Many lenders offer this product to clients. It should be taken into account that there should be no delays in servicing an existing loan. Also, such a procedure will require new time costs and expenses associated with property insurance.
  3. Restructure the loan at your bank. If you have a question about how to reduce your monthly payment For an already taken out mortgage, this tool is used first. But in order to take advantage of the restructuring opportunity, you need to have compelling reasons for this. Not every lender will approve such an application.

Mortgage loans are becoming cheaper, and this is causing an increase in demand in the real estate market. It is difficult to predict how long this trend will last.

Sberbank reduces mortgage rates: Video

For the first 10 months of 2016 675 thousand Russian families To purchase living space, we decided to take out a mortgage at a low interest rate. The volume of loans issued during this period in Russia exceeded 1.15 trillion rubles, which is 30% more than the same indicators in 2015. There is only one explanation - for some Russians, getting a mortgage from a bank is the only opportunity to acquire housing.

What is the lowest percentage?

An overpayment of 6-7% on the primary market is considered a great success. Most likely to get a loan for good conditions have:

  • Public sector employees. For this category of the population, a Social Mortgage is provided (from 9.9% per annum).
  • Military personnel. Employees who have been members of NIS for more than 3 years can take out a loan for an apartment at certain institutions at a “discount”.
  • Young families. Spouses can safely consider real estate in Moscow at low interest rates, count on a cash subsidy and a reduced down payment.
  • Large couples. If you have 2 or more children and you decide to take out a loan, it is permissible to use maternity capital to pay off the debt.

Secrets of low interest

The most popular banks are those with the lowest mortgage rates. Among them are Sberbank, Bank of Moscow, Rosselkhozbank and VTB24. Lenders are constantly offering new programs; the most favorable rates are for promotions related to new buildings. A bank cooperating with a development company offers a loan at a rate 2-5% below the market average. There were similar programs in Moscow Credit Bank. By exploring promotional offers, you can get a loan to purchase a home from 7% per annum.

Secondary living space

As for secondary housing, dozens of organizations provide lending to the population. Rosselkhozbank, Transcapitalbank, and DeltaCredit offer mortgages for secondary housing. You can get a loan on similar conditions as in the case of new buildings:

  • the debt repayment period reaches 30 years;
  • the initial payment is at least 15-20%;
  • mortgage lending involves an overpayment of 9.5% -14.5% per year.

A resale property is a more attractive property for purchase, since the buyer can immediately move into new apartment. To get comprehensive information regarding potential partners and find the most profitable lending program, you should add the website to your bookmarks list.

Many people, not having enough funds to purchase an apartment or private house in cash, turn to the help of banking institutions to take out a loan to purchase real estate.

The most profitable mortgage in Moscow banks

Let's consider the popular mortgage offers of Moscow banks for the current year.

  1. The leading Russian bank Sberbank offers low mortgage rates. This credit institution will offer you finished housing at a rate of 10.75% per annum. The bank offers such a low percentage on the condition that you are a young family and you have three or more minor children dependent on you. In this case, the loan is given for a period of 10 years, and the down payment will be more than 50%. If you are raising less than three children, the rate will start at 11.5% per year.
  2. Rosselkhozbank has the lowest mortgage rate in Moscow as part of the “Mortgage with State Support” program. This is 10.9% per annum for Russian citizens from 21 to 64 years old who have documented their income. If the borrower refuses insurance, the bank will increase the rate by 7%. The loan term is up to 30 years, the advance amount is 20% of the loan cost. Such loans are issued for housing on the secondary market or for residential premises in buildings under construction.
  3. Promsvyazbank makes an offer with the lowest mortgage interest rate in Moscow, which will be 12%. The person must be 21 years old at the time of taking out the loan. The loan is provided for a minimum of 3 years.
  4. Svyaz-Bank offers a profitable mortgage 2019 in Moscow with a rate of 12.25%. In this case, the down payment should be equal to 50-90% of the price of the apartment, the loan period is 3-10 years. The borrower must have a salary card from this bank.
  5. MTS Bank provides loans in Moscow for secondary market housing to applicants who have one way or another relation to this financial organization(have payment cards or are employees of Sistema JSFC). Advance – 50-85%, 3-10 years of loan. Payments are calculated in equal monthly installments.
  6. Gazprombank sets the annual interest rate according to the amount of the first payment. 11.5% - if you have a salary card from the specified bank, the first payment is more than 50%. Secondary real estate is taken on credit from state-owned Moscow enterprises.

Mortgage rates vary from bank to bank. Its value depends on the period for which you take out the loan, on the availability of collateral, insurance, and commission payments.

Many banks are holding temporary promotions to reduce the cost of a home loan.

Pledges and sureties

When deciding whether to take out a mortgage, please note that in conditions of market instability, credit institutions set strict requirements for loan security.

Before registering the ownership of the property being purchased in the Russian Register, you will most likely need to issue not only a guarantee from solvent persons, but also additional liquid collateral - an existing car or apartment.

Anti-crisis mortgage products

Credit institutions are interested in attracting wealthy clients. Banks that provide mortgages are actively offering new products for individuals, which are in demand during the crisis, but are quite expensive.

For example, Otkritie Financial Corporation offers a service for transactions previously issued with other commercial banks. Obligations received in foreign currency are converted, at the request of clients, into rubles. The minimum interest rate for “on-lending” is 13% per annum. It grows if certain conditions for comprehensive services at the bank are not met by the following amounts:

  • +0.25% - for borrowers who are not payroll clients of the bank;
  • +1% - for business owners;
  • +0.5% - if you refuse to pay a one-time fee for a “reduction” of the rate;
  • +4% - if life and employment insurance contracts are not concluded.

Otkritie Financial Corporation also offers a loan product, Mortgage Plus: money is issued against existing real estate for the purpose of overhaul. Providing documents confirming the intended use is not required. Interest rate - 16.25% per annum. The maximum financing period is 30 years.

Loans for the purchase of housing with government support

The most significant parameter when taking out a mortgage is the rate. A calculator for calculating overpayment amounts is available on the official website of each bank.

The cost of servicing a mortgage is reduced when receiving a loan under the government subsidizing program for loans for the purchase of unfinished apartments on the primary housing market.

Participating banks are allocated funds from Pension Fund, due to which they have the opportunity to reduce mortgage rates for the purpose of purchasing apartments in new buildings. Currently, PJSC Sberbank of Russia, Gazprombank, VTB 24, Uralsib, Rosselkhozbank, Promsvyazbank and many other lending organizations have joined the program.

A mortgage with state support can be obtained in an amount of up to 8 million rubles. in the Moscow and St. Petersburg regions, in other regions - no more than 3 million rubles. The longest loan term under the New Construction program, according to the rules, is 30 years. Your contribution must be at least 20% of the price of the property being purchased..

Buy square meters through loans received under the subsidy program, it is possible only from developers approved by banks.

When applying for a loan with state support, an appropriate calculation of the mortgage is carried out. Sberbank sets a fixed interest rate of 12% per annum, before and after registration in the Russian register of ownership of the purchased property. In this case, it is necessary to conclude a life insurance agreement for the borrower. For violation of the terms of annual renewal of the policy, the rate increases to 13% per annum.

At VTB 24 PJSC you can also get a loan with state support at 12% per annum, with the obligatory execution of a comprehensive insurance contract.

At Gazprombank, the mortgage interest rate is from 11.25% per annum.

At PJSC VTB Bank, a “New Building” loan is issued with an initial payment of 15% of the amount at 11.75% per annum. The decision to grant a loan is made within 24 hours.

At Otkritie FC, the mortgage rate with state support is from 11.45% per annum, mandatory payments (surcharges) in total do not exceed 2.5% per annum. A large number of development companies are accredited with the bank.

Loans under the “Young Family” program

Another way to get a lower mortgage rate is to apply for a loan under the Young Family subsidy program.

If the age of both husband and wife does not exceed 35 years, and the couple, according to the law, needs better living conditions, it is advisable to contact the district administration. When purchasing an economy class house or apartment, the state will pay up to 30% of the housing price.

For a young family it usually costs less. Fewer multiplying factors are applied to it.

For a Young Family mortgage, it varies depending on the loan term and the size of the down payment.

Interest rates on the Young Family mortgage at Sberbank of Russia PJSC are presented in the table.

Many commercial banks also have the right to accept housing certificate funds as loan repayment, but do not provide interest rate benefits.

However, a mortgage for a young family is now also a means of purchasing a house or apartment at a significantly lower cost.

How to Determine Future Mortgage Costs

When comparing lending conditions in different banks, be sure to ask the manager to prepare a preliminary mortgage calculation. Sberbank, VTB-24, FC Otkritie and other banks on their official websites show only the approximate amount of future loan servicing costs.

Check with the responsible employee advising you:

1. Is an appraisal of the property being purchased required? If so, at whose expense is it carried out?

2. How much will it cost to notarize a transaction?

3. Which party to the transaction pays the state fee at the registration chamber?

4. Will the mortgage rate be higher until the collateral is registered in favor of the bank?

5. What additional payments will be made under the loan agreement, besides the interest rate?

6. Is it necessary to insure the collateral, as well as the life and health of the borrower? How much will the policies cost?

7. What will be the loan repayment schedule?

8. Are there any restrictions on early repayment of the loan?

9. What fines and penalties are provided for in the loan agreement?

Only by having complete information, you can decide whether to buy a home right now.

Mortgage from Sberbank for future owners of apartments and houses on the secondary market

Loans to individuals in the country's largest bank remain profitable and inexpensive. Financing for acquisition finished house or apartments can be obtained for an amount of 300,000 rubles. for a period of up to 30 years at an interest rate of 12.5% ​​to 16.5% per annum. Your down payment is 20% or more of the price of the future home.

When determining the loan term, your actual age will be taken into account. According to lending rules, the borrower must be no more than 75 years old at the time of final repayment of the loan.

The loan amount you will be provided with will be the lesser of:

80% of the purchase price of a house or apartment,

80% of the appraised value of the property.

The purchased real estate is registered as collateral and is necessarily insured against the risks of loss, destruction, and damage.

When receiving a housing loan in the amount of up to 15 million rubles. In Sberbank, it is possible not to confirm the fact of having a permanent place of work and not to provide income certificates.

You will not need to pay a fee for issuing a loan.

Before the ownership of the purchased property arises, other forms of security must be provided as collateral for the loan: pledge of property or guarantee of solvent persons.

An important advantage of obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank is the possibility of early repayment without additional fees or commissions. However, partial or full repayment of the loan will need to be notified to the lending office in advance.

Calculation of the cost of housing loans in Sberbank

The mortgage rate is lower in the following cases:

  1. The loan term is within 10 years.
  2. You receive your salary to an account opened with Sberbank
  3. Down payment - from 50% and above.
  4. You have submitted income certificates to the bank. Experience actually last place work is at least 6 months. Total term labor activity over the last 6 years exceeds 1 year. This requirement does not apply to the bank's payroll clients.
  5. Life and health are insured by one of the accredited companies.

Approximate mortgage interest rates are shown in the table below.

The following is added to the indicated rates:

  • +0.5% - if you do not receive income into bank salary accounts.
  • +1% - for the period before registration of ownership of the purchased property.
  • +1% - if the borrower does not have life insurance.

Loan products for the purchase of finished housing

Competitive mortgage lending programs in the secondary market are offered by PJSC VTB24 Bank. Its main advantage is that the down payment can be from 15% of the cost of the house or apartment.

Loans are provided for a period of up to 30 years at 13.5% per annum when concluding a comprehensive insurance agreement. With absence insurance policy the interest rate is 14.5%.

A 0.5% discount is provided to clients who receive salaries into accounts with PJSC VTB 24.

PJSC VTB Bank previously worked exclusively with representatives of large and medium-sized businesses. However, after the takeover, he began to develop the retail business.

Since May 2016, VTB also offers mortgage products individuals. Since retail lending at the bank has just opened, the mortgage rate is extremely low, ranging from 11% per annum.

Favorable financing conditions are offered by Promsvyazbank PJSC. The down payment for individual programs ranges from 10%. The interest rate on mortgages on the secondary housing market is from 13.35% per annum.

Raiffeisenbank JSC provides inexpensive loans to clients. Interest rates on the purchase of finished housing and apartments in new buildings for salary clients range from 11% per annum, for persons receiving salaries not from Raiffeisenbank JSC - 12.25-12.5% ​​per annum. Down payment - from 15% of the cost of housing. However, the maximum possible deadline lending is quite short, only 25 years, which affects the amount of monthly payments.


In the context of the financial crisis, banks are still interested in active cooperation with solvent clients. If you have a fairly high income, which is officially confirmed, do not rush to accept an offer from the first mortgage center that agreed to lend to you. Look for optimal conditions.

In conclusion, I would like to give advice borrowed from Bodo Schaefer’s book “A Dog Called Money”: try to deal only with bank managers who you like. In this case, every transaction will be successful.
