How to bake a house. How to make a gingerbread house for the New Year? Secrets of preparatory work

Making a beautiful, edible, fairy-tale house with your own hands is quite difficult, because it requires not only culinary skills, but also the talent of a decorator. We'll tell you all the secrets of making a gingerbread house.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

New Year's gingerbread house: a little history

How and who first prepared a tasty and beautiful treat? The answer to this question was lost among historical vicissitudes. It is known that dough buildings were cultic back in the days of Ancient Rome and were considered the dwellings of the gods. But after the holidays they were treated in a completely modern way - they were simply eaten by the whole family. It was first prepared in Germany as a tasty and beautiful decoration for the New Year. Gingerbread houses became popular immediately after the release of an edifying and instructive tale about the adventures of two children - Hansel and Gretel. It was with a sweet house made of gingerbread, marzipan, candied fruits and candies that they were seduced by the evil witch, from whom the children later managed to escape.

The gingerbread house is not only fabulously beautiful, but also incredibly practical. Thanks to its composition, it can be stored for quite a long time and remain as tasty as on the first day after preparation. Thus, the housewife can bake it for Christmas, and it will serve as a decoration for the house until the end of all New Year holidays without any problems.

Soon after German confectioners began preparing this unusual dessert every year, it became so popular that it took root overseas, in America. From now on, each housewife had her own recipe for delicious decoration, and each believed that hers was the best. In truth, the basic recipe was quite simple - honey, flour, sugar and spices. It was the addition of the latter that was kept in the strictest confidence, because both the taste and the “durability” of the finished gingerbread depended on them.

The gingerbread house also gained fame in Russia - it was considered a sign of prosperity in the house and a guarantee of prosperity in the coming year. In those days, gingerbread cookies in our country were very popular and accessible to everyone, but poor people did not make houses out of them - there was neither the time nor the desire to paint gingerbread cookies, and such decorations as candied fruits, chocolate or marmalade were too expensive.

Be that as it may, a gingerbread house is the best gift for a little boy or girl. Turn the preparation of this delicacy into a family celebration - bake and decorate it with your children. Memories of this will definitely carry through your entire life, and someday your children will cook it according to “grandmother’s” proven recipe together with your grandchildren.

Step-by-step gingerbread house recipe

How to make a gingerbread house? This is a whole science, because it is very important not only to properly knead the dough, but also to make the icing (cream with which you can connect all the parts of the house).

You should start preparing the New Year's delicacy by kneading the dough. You won’t find a single recipe for gingerbread - there are more than a hundred of them in the world and each of them has the right to be called the best. The required ingredients are honey, flour, sugar, butter and spices. The peculiarity of this recipe is the minimum amount of liquid used, which makes the dough quite tight and dense. We will tell you how to prepare the dough step by step a little later, but now we will look at another very important and necessary process - preparing the pattern. It is very difficult to cut out the details of a house from ready-made dough, because the dough is honey-sandy, which means it crumbles easily under a knife. Because of this, all the details need to be cut out at the stage of rolling out the dough - this way you will be sure that the prepared material will be enough for the “construction”.

You can easily find patterns for a gingerbread house on the Internet - the simplest and most affordable models are presented there. To make such a dessert you will need two rectangular walls, two facades (one must be made with a cut out doorway) and two rectangles for the roof. Their exact dimensions can be found on the World Wide Web or you can draw them yourself. But a one-story house is far from the ultimate dream, because gingerbread can be used to make beautiful two-story cottages, mills, and even castles for princesses. In general, with the help of gingerbread dough and your own imagination, you can prepare a real masterpiece that will make your dreams come true.

The next stage is also considered important. How to make protein cream to join the house (icing)? It is made from eggs, sugar and lemon juice. Even a novice cook can prepare it, so you can transfer these pleasant chores to your child (of course, if he is not too small).

Assembling and painting a fairytale house is the most pleasant and exciting moment. It’s better to do it with the whole family, because such moments bring us closer together. Organize a small competition to see who can draw a window the fastest or who can frame the roof better. You can also record a joint master class for your loved ones and acquaintances.

Gingerbread house dough: the most popular recipe

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of gingerbread recipes, but we will look at the most popular one - with honey and cinnamon.

To prepare the dough you will need:

  • 125 g of liquid honey (if the honey is candied, it should be melted);
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 100 g butter (soft, but not liquid);
  • 1 chilled chicken egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l sour cream (or half a teaspoon of soda);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a pinch of cardamom.

You can also make ginger dough using the same ingredients by adding a teaspoon of dry ground ginger to the mix.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients: flour, sugar, salt and spices;
  2. Beat the egg with a whisk, add honey and butter;
  3. Mix dry and wet ingredients and knead into an elastic dough. Properly kneaded dough does not float, although this largely depends on the quality of the chosen flour and the amount of gluten in it. If it turns out a little liquid, then add a little more flour and knead well;
  4. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator to rest properly. The optimal “rest” time is 2 hours;
  5. After this time, the workpiece should be pulled out and allowed to cool a little in a warm place;
  6. Divide the dough into several pieces and roll it out thinly;
  7. Cut out the figures needed for the house. Don’t throw away the scraps - they make wonderful gingerbread animals and people;
  8. The gingerbread baking process does not last long - 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Be careful not to burn the dough; if necessary, reduce the temperature to 150 degrees;
  9. The baked parts of the house should be cooled and only then proceed to assembling the dessert.

This dough recipe is the simplest and takes the least time to prepare. If you want to experiment or discover something new, then look no further than ancient gingerbread dough, which is made using the choux method and can stay fresh for months. This recipe in Rus' was used by women when sending their husbands on a long journey or on a military campaign.

Gingerbread house frosting recipe

Since ancient times, caramel has been used to glue all the parts of a gingerbread house together. This viscous substance perfectly connects all the parts, but after hardening it becomes hard like the caramel that it is. That is why over time it was replaced by a light protein cream - icing. It's very simple to make: beat 2 egg whites with 1.5 tbsp. powdered sugar and a teaspoon of lemon juice (add at the end of whipping) and the cream is ready. Next, transfer the mixture into a pastry bag and you can begin to form the house, as well as its subsequent painting.

DIY gingerbread house: recipes without honey

As mentioned earlier, among the many desserts there are also those for which honey is not so important. We present to your attention a recipe for a Christmas gingerbread house without honey. To prepare it you will need:

  • 150 g flour;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l melted butter;
  • a quarter teaspoon of soda;
  • a pinch of ginger and cinnamon;
  • 1 tbsp. l milk.

It is not difficult to knead this dough - just mix all the ingredients, make a knead and let it stand under the film for half an hour. Please note that this amount of dough will only be enough for a small house measuring 15 by 20 cm. If you want a more monumental structure, double or triple the weight of the ingredients.

A gingerbread house with or without honey is a DIY fairy tale. Don't miss the opportunity to prepare this wonderful dessert that will not go unnoticed by any little sweet tooth.

And during Christmas, the question always arises of what interesting things to cook. I especially always want to please the kids with something sweet and unusual. Gingerbread houses are perfect for just such a case. They look somehow especially cute and a little magical. Gingerbread cookies themselves are not so interesting, but assembled into a fairy-tale house is a completely different matter. Children are absolutely delighted with them.

Christmas recipes are varied, but they all have one thing in common: the dishes prepared from them are always special, very tasty and beautiful. Take, for example, the same gingerbread huts. Appetizing, brightly and richly decorated, they create a wonderful atmosphere of warmth and comfort on the eve of the holiday. Let's talk about how to make one of these wonderful treats.

What products are needed for the test?

So, to prepare ginger we should acquire the following products:

  1. Sugar - 0.5 cups.
  2. Butter - one pack (200-260 g).
  3. Honey - 90 grams.
  4. Ginger - 1.5-2 teaspoons. You can take it dry. It is sold in every supermarket.
  5. Flour - 0.75 kilograms.
  6. Soda - 1.3 tsp.
  7. Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.
  8. Cloves - 1.6 tsp.
  9. Powdered sugar - 0.3 kilograms.

Ginger houses: recipe

Having prepared all the products, you can start kneading the dough. First, mix sugar and honey with all the spices, which play an important role. Place the entire mixture on low heat. The honey will gradually melt and the sugar will dissolve.

Then add butter and eggs. Mix all this thoroughly over the fire.

Then you need to add a little soda. The mixture will definitely foam. But you still need to mix it well.

Then add the sifted flour. Stir the contents of the bowl until the mass begins to separate from the walls of the bowl.

We got a very fragrant warm dough. Roll it into a ball and let it cool for 15 minutes.

Blanks for the house

So, we have prepared the dough for the gingerbread house. The next stage is very interesting. Before you start baking, you should make preparations. We need to get shortcakes in the form of house parts. Let's think about how to do this. The easiest way is to prepare paper patterns, and then use them to cut out the components from the rolled out dough. Thus, we will not bake simple gingerbread cookies, but walls, a roof, a chimney. If you want, make also the inhabitants of the tower: fairy-tale animals, a little man, maybe even a snowman...

It’s up to you to decide what size future paper patterns will be. It all depends on how small or large your house will be from

In addition, you can cut out a few more Christmas trees and a fence from thick cardboard to enclose the building. You will have a whole Christmas composition.

We would also recommend baking the base for the house. The finished structure itself will be easier to install and secure on a cookie sheet than on cardboard.

Cutting out pieces from dough

Take the finished chilled dough and roll it out to a thickness of seven to eight millimeters. Then we apply our stencils and cut out the details with a knife. We do this very carefully so as not to damage the dough. Don't forget to cut out windows and doors. The house will be much more beautiful with them. But if this is difficult, it doesn’t matter, it’s quite possible to add the necessary details and decor with cream. But we'll talk about this later. In the meantime...

Baking gingerbread

Before putting the dough in the oven, line the baking sheet with baking paper and place the blank parts on it. Set the temperature on the stove to 190 degrees and safely put the cookies inside. It will bake for no more than fifteen minutes. Just don’t overcook it in the oven, otherwise the gingerbread cookies will be too dark and dry.

The finished cookies should be cooled.

Preparing the glaze

So, we already have the finished parts, all that remains is to assemble our gingerbread houses. How? To do this, prepare the glaze. We will prepare it twice, since it will not be possible to assemble everything and decorate it in one day.

Beat the white of one chilled egg with half a glass of powdered sugar. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice (necessarily freshly squeezed). Apply the resulting glaze to We take the nozzle with the smallest slot and use it to trace the contours of all windows, walls and doors. The roof can also be decorated in the form of tiles.

Let the glaze thicken. When it dries a little, but has not yet completely hardened, you can decorate the parts with multi-colored sprinkles, which are often used at Easter. Then the gingerbread houses will turn out even brighter and more beautiful.

Let's start assembling the house

Let's leave our products to dry, and then move on to assembling the tower. Change the nozzle on the pastry bag to a wider one. And then we begin to apply glaze to all future seams of the house. We carefully place each part of the facade in turn on a cake stand, which we baked separately. Having connected the parts, we hold them for a while so that they can stick together a little.

In this way, we gradually install all parts of the house, applying glaze to the sides and bottom of the structure. We leave it all to dry. Night will be enough.

To make the product more rigid, you can use toothpicks and prop them on the walls until they dry completely. Or you can carefully fasten the corners with them, covering it all with glaze later.

New roof glaze

The next day you need to beat a new batch of glaze using the white of one egg. With its help we will install the roof. First, place one part of it on the layer of cream, press it and wait until it sticks. Let's install the second half in the same way. Here you will definitely need to resort to the help of toothpicks so that the roof holds well. By the way, some people prefer to decorate a finished product so as not to spoil all the beauty during assembly. See for yourself what is more convenient for you.

Coat the joints thoroughly with glaze. Here are our gingerbread houses and they are ready.

Then you can install the fence parts and the Christmas tree in the same way, and put the pipe on the roof. The finished house should be left to dry and then sprinkled with powdered sugar. The result will be a real winter composition. It all looks very fabulous and beautiful and is quite suitable for decorating a festive table. In general, Christmas recipes are such a miracle! They lift your spirits already at the reading stage, let alone the finished treat!

Instead of an afterword

What’s great about these recipes is that you can involve children in the cooking process. They can decorate some of the details themselves and be the first to taste the gingerbread cookies. This will create a special, festive, New Year and Christmas atmosphere in the house. The gingerbread houses, the recipe for which we shared with you, are not handmade! And what a one!

This composition will become the pride and decoration of the festive table. Although, of course, this is not an easy task and will require a lot of time and patience from the sorceress-hostess. But what is the result! Moreover, you can add something of your own to the above recipe, and your gingerbread houses will be unlike anyone else's. There is room for your imagination to run wild here. Just pure creativity. And what a joy it is for the children! So try to create such a miracle for the holiday table, and you will not regret your choice!

For several years now I have been baking gingerbread houses on New Year’s Eve and Christmas, but somehow they don’t turn out very well, sometimes uneven, sometimes strange. I’ve been talking about this for the last two weeks, and now... I came to such an agreement that my husband told me that there was nothing to do there, and it would take a long time to explain... I took it myself and did it...

Well, it’s apparently easy for a design engineer, but for us lawyers it’s not possible...

In general, I’m still in shock how it all turned out like that for him, and after all, I dug up a recipe for gingerbread somewhere, I haven’t cooked it like that. And he gave me a lecture that the gingerbread dough should be kept in the cold for a day, what happens in it... some kind of complex word, I can’t undertake to reproduce. And in two weeks the finished product will only get better and ripen. I can only add that the gingerbread is really very tasty. I was surprised that this amount of dough was enough for the house itself, for the large gingerbread at the base, for the Christmas trees and the door. Probably it’s all a matter of pedantry, if it says you need to roll 4 mm, then that’s how it should be.

For gingerbread dough, prepare flour, honey, butter, eggs, sugar, soda.

It is better to take brown sugar.

Place honey, butter, sugar in a bowl.

Place in a steam bath and heat until the butter and sugar dissolve.

Add spices. I would also like to say that this mixture can be prepared in advance. Just grind all the spices in a coffee grinder and sift through a sieve. Add a little flour and soda. Mix.

Remove the mixture from the heat and cool to room temperature and only then beat in the eggs.

Add the rest of the flour and knead the dough. Wrap the dough in film and put it in the refrigerator. The dough should lie for at least a day.

While the dough is cooling, prepare the patterns. Each part will need to be baked in duplicate.

When the dough is ready, you need to roll it out. It is important that the thickness of the parts is the same and therefore it is better to use a roller that rolls out the dough of the required thickness over the entire size of the cake. Using these attachments, set the thickness of the dough. When rolling out the dough sticks, use flour.

Cut out two pieces of each pattern and bake at 180 degrees until done, about 15 minutes.

Remove the finished parts from the sheet and cool.

Let's prepare the mixture for drawing; this will require powdered sugar, egg white, and lemon juice.

Do not beat! Just grind the egg whites with the powder with a fork and add lemon juice. The mixture should not spread and should be comfortable to draw.

Using a pastry envelope, decorate the house at your discretion.

paint the roof to match the tiles, and don’t forget about the remaining two walls.

Christmas trees will also come in handy, they will be like this.

Leave all the parts to dry for a couple of hours and when the glaze is dry, you can assemble the house. To do this, we cook a thick sugar syrup, almost caramel, and do everything quickly, the caramel will set quickly, it is not necessary to spread it over the entire joint, it is enough to fix it in several places. Caramel holds very well and reliably. Although you can glue it to glaze, it takes longer to dry and is more fragile.

The house is ready. Its aroma is so spicy and New Year’s that you can’t do without a Christmas tree!

It would be a new year soon!

Happy and Happy Holidays!

Despite all the apparent complexity, preparing such a house is quite simple. In addition, to save time when preparing the holiday, it can and even should be prepared in advance. It stores very well and only becomes tastier over time.

And also, a gingerbread house is not only a decoration for the New Year's table, but also an excellent sweet gift.

Place butter, honey, sugar and spices for gingerbread in a separate pan with a thick bottom. Place over low heat to heat, stirring the contents from time to time - the mass should become homogeneous. Heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, but under no circumstances let the mixture boil!

Note: You can prepare a mixture of seasonings for gingerbread (if you can’t buy ready-made ones) yourself - just mix 1 teaspoon each of ground ginger, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom... Use the specified amount in the recipe, use the rest in other recipes .

Once the sugar has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and stir in the grated lemon zest and fresh ginger.

Now you can measure the required amount of flour and mix it with baking powder and cocoa powder.

During this time, the mass will cool down a little and you can first stir in the eggs, one at a time, until smooth. And then add the sifted flour mixture with cocoa.

Knead the dough, adding additional flour to the work surface if necessary. The dough turns out to be very plastic, practically not sticking to your hands. And even if it seems to you that it is still sticky, I would not recommend “weighting” this dough with a large amount of flour - just knead it until smooth.

Then put it in some kind of sealable, airtight container (a bowl with a lid or just a food bag) and put it in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours (very convenient for the night).

Before you start working with the dough, take it out half an hour beforehand - let it warm up and soften a little, it will be easier to roll it out.

During this time, you need to decide on the size and type of house. You will have to draw and cut out patterns of parts from paper - the roof, front and sides.

After rolling out the dough, attach paper templates and cut out the required number of pieces from the dough.

2 pieces from each template.

From the remaining dough you can cut out decorative details at your discretion - a pipe, a fence, a Christmas tree... Whatever your imagination is enough for.

After all the decor, I still had dough left and from it I simply baked the base for the house.

Bake the house parts for about 10-12 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, until a beautiful golden color. We must remember that for smaller parts the time may be shorter, otherwise they may burn.

Allow all baked parts to cool completely on a flat surface to avoid deformation.

And now it’s time to prepare the sugar-lemon glaze - this is both a decoration and a means of “gluing” the parts of the house together.

You need to squeeze out the lemon juice, strain it through a strainer to remove the seeds and any pulp.

This recipe is amazing, the aroma of this house is so maddening and attractive that you want to eat everything at once! But don't do this! The best thing is that the brightest taste and aroma opens in 2-3 weeks! Then your house will begin to emit such an aroma that you will immediately understand - it’s time! If you prepare this house for Christmas, it will delight you with both taste and aroma until the end of January! Immediately after baking, as soon as the dough cools, it becomes hard, but by the time it ripens, it becomes soft, sometimes even the roof falls in - it will be so soft and melting in the mouth. This gingerbread house recipe is also suitable for novice housewives!

How to make the dough for a gingerbread house:
(The honey dough recipe was published in the CAKE DECO magazine, author Svetlana, personally tested, written down from my own experience)

To prepare this test you will need:
500 gr. honey,
2 eggs,
500 gr. Sahara,
300 gr. oils,
50 gr. cocoa,
2 tsp baking powder,
3 tbsp. l. rum or cognac or 3 drops of flavoring,
Spices - 1 tsp. cinnamon, a pinch each - cardamom, cloves, ginger, anise,
Zest of 1 orange and 1 lemon,
1250 gr. flour.

Step-by-step preparation of dough for a Christmas house:

1. Place honey, sugar and butter in a large (heat-resistant) container. Place on low heat and heat, stirring. Make sure it doesn't boil!! We wait until the sugar is completely dissolved - take the mixture into a spoon and pour it back, making sure that there are no sugar crystals in the mixture! Remove from heat and leave to cool until warm.

2. Mix half the flour with spices, baking powder, zest and cocoa.

3. Add eggs into the warm honey mixture, not beaten, but simply mixed until smooth, in 2 additions. Add rum/cognac.

4. Gradually stir the spiced flour into the honey mixture with a spoon. Next, we begin to add the rest of the flour little by little, but not all of it. Bring the dough to a state of dense and elastic. And put the dough in a bag in the refrigerator to rest. This will reveal the properties of the dough. Usually the dough rests overnight, the next day you can start adding the rest of the flour. Flour is mixed into the dough until it is elastic, but not hard.

It is not recommended to mix in all the flour specified in the recipe. I have had occasions where much less flour was needed, and also on one occasion where more flour was used than in the base recipe. This happens because of other components - for example, because of the quality of honey.

In order to understand whether there is enough flour, you need to roll out the dough (no thinner than 5 mm) and cut out something not large. I usually try it on a Christmas tree (Photo 2). If the Christmas tree has lost its shape (photo 3) - add more flour boldly! (Photo 4)

Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4

BAKE at 180 degrees. The original recipe said 20 minutes, according to experience - no more than 10 minutes. And then, after 8, you should already be careful that it doesn’t burn!

Well, we have the dough ready, we can start building the house! We take absolutely any house template! I made very small ones and made the template myself. If it is difficult for you to draw a template for a gingerbread house, you can take a ready-made one in the previous article How to make a gingerbread house, recipe for goats and gingerbread, master class. or count by cells and draw the same on a notebook sheet.

Roll out the dough, and remember that it must be at least 5 mm. Otherwise, the wallpaper will then be very hard and will never become soft. Lay out the template and cut out the parts. Lay them out on parchment.

And we bake.

If it's burnt...

If you happen to get a little burnt while baking, don’t be upset.

We take a knife and scrape it, only carefully so as not to break the workpiece. If the edges are not straight, then the house may “move” during assembly. To avoid this, you can also trim the edges with a knife or grate them. Then your blanks will become even and the house will be easier to assemble!

That's it, the preparations are ready! The dough is enough to make 4 small gingerbread houses or 1 large one with various decorations such as Christmas trees, fences, etc. It depends on your template! You can either leave the remaining dough in the refrigerator or freeze it! It keeps great!

How to assemble a gingerbread house:

We will combine and decorate the blanks with icing sugar.

How to make sugar icing for a gingerbread house:
I take the following ratio: for 1 protein, approximately 200-250 grams of powdered sugar. Why approximately, because proteins are also different, you need to look at the mass. But you shouldn’t decide whether it’s enough or not right away, when you start beating with a mixer, but after 3 minutes, when the mass turns white, and if it’s liquid, then add more powder! You only need to use purchased powder! Otherwise, you will get large particles and the color will not be white. In the industrial production of powder, additional cleaning units and special equipment are used to make the grind very fine. By the way, it is best to additionally sift purchased powder through organza, then the glaze will be perfect.

You need to beat until soft peaks form; if it turns out too liquid, everything will flow; if it’s too thick, it will be difficult to apply and will not stick to the workpiece.

You can apply glaze to the workpieces in several ways: using store-bought pastry bags, using regular bags with a sharp edge, using a syringe, or cream nozzles.

I have different attachments - however, for those who are keen, I recommend buying them! Great potential for creativity opens up! Therefore, I will tell you how I decorate using these attachments.

You can also put the tips in a piping bag, but I think that's a waste of money. Because these bags are disposable, you just throw them away later))) I suggest making cornets from parchment (you have it, since you baked on it!)

How to make a cornet - a bag for glaze with your own hands:

Cut a triangular piece from your roll of paper,

and cut into triangles. It turns out 4 triangles. We cut it carefully; the quality of the cornet made depends on this.

and connect to the corner.

We do the same with the other edge, bringing it to the same corner.

We wrap the resulting edge inward,

carefully cut in two places and wrap the piece on the outside to secure it.

So, we are ready to assemble the gingerbread house, we have the blanks, icing, and cornets.

How to assemble a gingerbread house!
Cut off a corner of the cornet, insert the nozzle into it and apply the glaze with a spoon. We wrap the edge and secure it.

We begin to paint the details, this time I first drew up the blanks and only then assembled them, but you can paint an already assembled house.

When painting, it all depends on your imagination; you can make a complex drawing depicting flowers or brickwork, I had a simple drawing that was accessible to everyone! I made an imitation of tiles on the roof, and decorated the sides with simple curlicues. It looks beautiful if you cover the entire side with glaze, let it dry and paint on top, but it turns out to be a lot of glaze, and I had a house for children!

When the preparation of the blanks is completed, you need to give it time to dry, you can drink tea))))

Then you can start assembling the house! You can assemble the house either on a gingerbread base or, like me, on any other stand - I have disposable plates. Assembling begins with one of the end parts and sides - glaze is applied and, as it were, glued to each other. If the glaze is liquid, it will be difficult to glue, because... It won’t stick; if it’s thick, it simply won’t apply.

Glue all 4 sides and let them dry - I did it for about 20 minutes!

We hold both sides of the roof for a while to prevent them from rolling off, and leave them to dry a little. After that, you can start making snow decorations from the remaining glaze! Don't forget to make like icicles from the roof!

This time my windows are empty, due to lack of opportunity to buy marmalade in Egypt. But if there is such an opportunity, we buy either single-color large pieces or straight pieces (sold in large supermarkets, as briquettes). Cut it off, or take a ready-made marmalade, and glue it onto the icing in place of the window! After drying, you can decorate the window with snow decor. You can also make shutters for windows from the cut out part and glue them to the glaze as well.
Antonina Bodyagina
[email protected]

Many step-by-step master classes with photos on baking and sweets, dozens of recipes for delicious cupcakes can be found in the ABOUT TASTY section! Bon appetit and inspiration!
