How and when to plant petunia in open ground? Time to plant petunia for seedlings Planting petunia for seedlings in a year

The beautiful petunia has long become one of the most popular and beloved flowers, used to decorate flower beds in the garden, balconies and loggias, city parks and flower beds. It is distinguished by a variety of species, lush flowering, different colors, brightness of petals, large flowers and a pleasant aroma. Growing and caring for an adult plant is not difficult. But in order to get seedlings, you should know the rules for growing them from seeds.

Growing petunia seedlings - preparatory work

So that by the beginning of June get good seedlings and admire the blooms all summer until late autumn beautiful flowers, you need to know the timing of sowing seeds. To do this, you need to understand the species, since each group of plants has its own planting period.

Varieties of petunias

All petunias differ in varieties, hybrids, subspecies. But first of all, they are divided into three main groups.

Bushes are low, medium or tall bushes and have several types:

Another group includes hanging ones, having the following types:

  1. Classic hanging plants They are a bush forming a dense “wall” with strong and long shoots.
  2. Miniature petunias are bushes with long shoots and different colors buds with a diameter of 3 cm. This species is particularly sensitive.
  3. The semi-ampelic form of the plant is lush flowering bush spherical shape.

Cascade has two main types:

  1. The classic form is a plant with long stems pointing down and buds of various colors with a diameter of 6–8 cm.
  2. The giant cascade petunia is a bush with long, erect shoots that grow up to 150 cm in length. Numerous beautiful flowers have a diameter of 5 cm.

When to plant?

The timing of sowing depends on which plant group was chosen, and when the flower will be planted in open ground. The main types of seedlings are planted in March.

To get big vegetative mass of ampelous type, its seeds are sown in January. The plant must have time to grow long shoots on which numerous buds will form. Small-flowered varieties are sown last because they are the first to bloom. Seeds of dwarf petunias are sown in February-March.

Poor quality seeds may simply not sprout, so you need to choose them responsibly. Following the recommendations experienced gardeners, you can choose quality seeds:

  1. Cheap seeds are most likely fake. Qualitative planting material should cost no less than 20 rubles per package.
  2. High-quality ones are packaged in 5–10 pieces per bag. You should not purchase bags of planting material containing 100 or more granules.
  3. It is not recommended to purchase future flowers in the supermarket. The granules must be good quality, so it’s best to buy them in specialized stores.
  4. Seeds packed in a flask have 100% similarity and excellent quality.

For getting good result It is worth paying attention to each point described above.

Preparing the container and soil

Growing seedlings requires a certain capacity. It doesn't need large boxes. It is best to use special cassettes of various heights, plastic cups or peat tablets. The height of the selected seedling container must be at least 10 cm. Seeds of ampelous petunias can be sown immediately in special hanging pots.

It is best to prepare the soil for sowing seedlings in the fall.. The quality of seedlings depends on the composition and quality of the soil. A sufficiently loose and moisture-absorbing soil is required, which can be of the following composition:

  • garden soil;
  • sand;
  • peat;
  • humus.

Everything is mixed in equal parts and distributed among seedling pots. Special soil mixture can be bought at a flower shop. It is advisable to feed it with fertilizer with potassium and ash (0.5 liters per 5 kg of soil), and add perlite to it. Before filling the seedling container with soil, the bottom must be lined with fine drainage.

How to plant a flower for seedlings?

Here are some rules:

Until the first seedlings sprout, care should consist of daily airing of the soil and spraying it with a spray bottle. Seedling containers are placed in a warm place. The first shoots should appear within 5 days. Since the plantings are likely to be dense, they need to be thinned out, leaving the strongest specimens from the seedlings.

Features of caring for seedlings

When the sprouts sprout and the first real leaf will appear, you need to remove the glass from the container and move it to a well-lit place with an air temperature of 16 degrees.

Caring for seedlings requires care. Young plants must be watered regularly, directing the stream of water strictly to the root. If drops get on the leaves, they need to be shaken off. It is recommended to loosen the soil from time to time so that a crust does not form on it. Petunia should not be over-watered, otherwise the plant may develop blackleg disease.

When the third true leaf appears on the young plant, you can begin picking the seedlings. Pick and grow seedlings it needs to be in separate containers where it will be convenient for it to develop. Standing already in separate containers or peat pots There is no need to pick the plants.

Using a small spatula each the sprout is carefully dug out of the ground and placed in a separate container with soil. It is recommended to deepen the plant to the first true leaves. Such planting will contribute to the growth of additional roots, due to which the bushes will develop better and bloom more luxuriantly. The plant planted on top is watered with water.

Behind the young bushes requires special supervision and careful care. They should not be over-watered or over-dried; they must be fed and pinched. The first time the seedlings are fertilized 2.5 weeks after planting with special liquid fertilizers For flowering plants. In order for the bushes to branch, the grown plants are pinched.

Planting seedlings in open ground

In mid-May, petunia can be planted in open ground. Before The seedlings must be hardened off within two weeks. Since the plant loves good lighting, sunny areas protected from the wind are chosen for it.

The soil should be non-clayey and loose. P before planting it is added Potassium sulfate, ash, humus. If the bushes are planted in pots, then the soil mixture must be carefully selected. It should consist of the following ingredients:

  • leaf soil;
  • sand;
  • peat;
  • turf.

Adding perlite to it will help make the soil loose.

Before planting in a flowerbed, it is recommended to spray the plant with an epin solution. This procedure will allow him to undergo the transplant less painfully and strengthen his immunity to various diseases.

The soil around the seedlings planted in the ground should be mulched with humus. A week after planting, the plants are fed with mullein infusion (1:10). It is necessary to water petunia at the root with such frequency as to prevent stagnation of water and drying out of the soil. You need to feed the bushes twice a month with Kemira-Lux or nitrophoska.

Growing requires not only compliance with all the rules, but also has its own certain tricks:

  1. To prevent seedlings from stretching, they need good lighting. This can be achieved by illuminating with fluorescent lamps in winter time years when there is not enough sunlight.
  2. The sprouts are very small at the beginning of growth, so they can dry out quickly. Seedlings should be monitored daily and watered on time.
  3. A crust should not be allowed to form on the soil, otherwise young plants may suffocate.
  4. If the seedlings are stretched out, they can be additionally sprinkled with soil mixture.
  5. Petunias growing in pots, cache-pots or other containers should be fed more often than those planted in open ground.
  6. To repeat the wave of flowering, faded bushes need to be pruned.
  7. Flowers should not be left in the pouring rain. This may prevent lush flowering.

Knowing all the rules and strictly following the recommendations of experienced gardeners, obtaining high-quality seedlings will not be difficult. Having planted petunia just once on your plot or balcony, you will fall in love with this flower forever and will grow it every year, admiring the flowering until frost.

Petunia is one of those annuals without which it is impossible to imagine the summer season. Magnificent clouds and waterfalls of bright colors decorate city streets and verandas of summer residents in the warm season. And every gardener on the threshold of spring is concerned with the question of when to sow petunia for seedlings and how to provide it with conditions that will help achieve lush and long-lasting flowering.

From sowing to germination

Petunia (lat. Petunia) is not one of those plants that can be called easy to grow from seeds. The whole difficulty of planting petunia seedlings is that this flower requires a fairly long growing season before it produces its first inflorescences. This means that in the seed sowing calendar various plants One of the first things a gardener should have is petunia. When to plant this flower for seedlings is a controversial question. Some gardeners recommend doing this in mid-to-late February, then the pet is guaranteed to throw out buds in May.

Petunia seeds are very small - and this is the second difficulty associated with how to properly sow petunia for seedlings. Such seeds (smaller than a poppy seed) cannot be sown deep in the soil. Small seeds that fall into heavy soil, and even at a great distance from the soil surface, simply will not germinate. Therefore, in order to ensure successful germination, a number of conditions must be met when sowing:

These simple techniques will help you understand how to plant petunia seedlings and how to avoid the most serious mistakes that novice gardeners make when germinating its seeds. It must be said that since petunia seeds are very small, the seedlings that emerge from them will be very thin and weak at first. In order for seedlings to gain strength and get stronger, they need warmth and light. And the latter is usually what is missing on the February window sills of summer residents.

Even in March the light level is ordinary apartments, as a rule, is insufficient for southern heat-loving plants to develop well

For those who are looking for an answer to the question of when to plant petunia seedlings, experts offer two options: either delay sowing the plant until the illumination reaches satisfactory levels (and this is the end of March-April) and then force the development of the plant by overfeeding its stimulants and fertilizers, or sow at the end of February and ensure seedlings additional lighting. The second option is more favorable for plants, since in this case they have the opportunity to develop at their natural pace.

From germination to picking

If the grower has done everything correctly at the first stage, then timely and friendly shoots await him. Seeds usually hatch within 2-3 weeks. Not all beginners manage to wait for the shoots, since they have to wait for a long time; many think that the idea was a failure and abandon what they started. But you shouldn’t rush and give up. The main thing during this period is not to over-moisten the top layers of the soil. If the apartment is cold enough (below 18 degrees Celsius) and damp, then the surface of the pot may become moldy and all efforts will come to nothing.

Fungal diseases can also affect already sprouted plants, so it is very important to keep them in good conditions. Shoots should not be too close to each other, the plantation should be well lit and ventilated, this is the guarantee that plants will develop properly and gain strength.

The pulling of seedlings should be an alarming fact. If this happens, it means there is a lack of lighting or the crops are thickened, and both the first and second are often observed. In order for grown petunias to grow correctly, you need to pick them in time, that is, plant the seedlings.

So that the period from sowing to picking goes well, and the plants delight with their rapid growth and healthy appearance, the gardener must observe several basic conditions . The main ones:

  • the best temperature for the development of seedlings is 22−24 degrees Celsius;
  • It is better to water directly under the root (it is convenient to use a syringe for this);
  • Daylight hours should be 10-12 hours (it is advisable to organize additional lighting).

Considering these requirements, it becomes clear how to sow petunia for seedlings and provide her proper care at the earliest stages of development, when plants are most vulnerable. Of course, the process of growing seedlings always requires some effort from the gardener. But, having grown it on his own, an amateur gardener can be confident not only in the quality of the planting material received, but also in the fact that he will plant on his plot exactly those varieties that are indicated on the packaging, and not the “pig in a poke” purchased from random sellers on the tray.

From picking to flowering

Seedlings are picked at the age of 3-4 weeks, when 5-6 strong true leaves have formed. If the soil is loose and the plants are not sown too densely, then dividing them is usually not difficult. The container with the seedlings is turned over to remove the earthen clod, and then it is carefully destroyed, simultaneously separating the plants from each other. If the soil is dense and the roots are tightly intertwined, you can use another method. The substrate is placed in a basin of water for some time, and after the soil is well wet, the plants are easily removed from it and separated from each other.

Then each specimen is planted separately in a prepared container. Sometimes the long main root is trimmed so that it does not bend, but this condition is not mandatory. It is better to choose a new container so that the root system fits freely in it and has some reserve for further development. A pot that is too large for growing petunia is not needed., but cramped conditions will not suit her either. The optimal volume of the picking container is approximately equal to the size of a disposable plastic cup for 200 ml.

Watering and fertilizing

In the future, you need to monitor timely watering and fertilizing of plants. Immediately after picking, petunia should not be fertilized, but after 2-3 weeks you can fertilize it with complex fertilizers for flowering plants. And this procedure must be repeated every 3 weeks until planting in the main growing area, be it open ground or balcony boxes. Sometimes, to prevent fungal diseases and strengthen seedlings, plants are sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure can be carried out at any time, starting from the first weeks of the seedlings’ life. Adult plants are fertilized at least 1-2 times a month.

If everything is done correctly and on time, then by mid-May the plants will produce their first buds. Petunia can be planted in open ground in mid-May in the southern regions and in mid-June in the northern regions. When replanting, it is important to provide your pets with regular moisture, and the soil intended for replanting must be breathable and loose. The area for growing petunias should be well lit and exposed to sufficient sunlight.

These conditions will help the plant to fully realize its potential and give the grower lush and colorful flowering.

Petunia is one of the most common and favorite plants among gardeners, and I am no exception. On my site, the color palette changes from snow-white to burgundy-black, and bright flowers cover the ground with a multi-colored carpet throughout the summer season.

In nature, petunia grows in warm countries South America, and belongs to the nightshade family, being distant relatives of tomatoes and eggplants.

Petunia can be regular or double. In ordinary varieties, the flower resembles a tiny gramophone, while double varieties have carved petals of an interesting shape. Simple forms are more varied in color than terry ones, and come in two or even three colors.

I prefer to combine with each other simple shapes However, terry varieties also look very interesting in plantings. However, they bloom less profusely and are not as decorative, in my opinion.

This plant does not require complex care, is unpretentious to the soil and grows even with minimal care, which includes choosing a location, watering and loosening.

It blooms profusely and beautifully throughout the summer, is very decorative and will decorate any area. Perhaps, the only drawback this flower - it does not overwinter in open ground, so it is grown outdoors as an annual. However, petunia grows well in a pot, and it can bloom almost all year round.

Caring for petunias growing in open ground and in pots on the windowsill differs, so in order for your flower to feel equally good in the apartment and under open air, you need to know the nuances and subtleties of caring for it.

You can grow petunia:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings.

Traditionally, petunia is grown as seedlings, planting seeds around the end February - early Martha. Before planting, the box with soil should be placed in the microwave for 10-15 minutes, this will help reduce the acidity of the soil.

Seeds do not like acidic soil; germination in it is much worse.

Petunia seeds are carefully placed on top of the ground, moistened and covered with glass. Periodically, the glass should be removed and the surface of the soil with seeds should be sprayed. warm water.

After two or three leaves appear on the sprouts, small petunias can be planted in pots or in a box with soil at a sufficiently large distance from each other - petunias grow very quickly and will interfere with each other.

Planting petunia in open ground should be done after a stable warm weather and the earth will warm up.

How to plant petunia correctly

For petunia you need to choose sunny open place in your garden - in the light sun rays the plant will grow and develop better, although petunia and partial shade bloom.

At what distance petunias should be planted depends on the planting location and neighboring plants. Petunias do not have a very powerful root system, rather it is superficial, and it is not advisable to plant it close to other plants. The distance directly between petunias should be at least 50 cm, since the flower grows greatly

Planting petunias is easy:

  • make a small hole, first loosening the soil well and removing all weeds;
  • remove the petunia from the seeding cup, carefully cutting it;
  • Place it together with a lump of earth in the planting hole;
  • sprinkle the roots with soil;
  • water the plant with warm water.

A prerequisite for good growth And abundant flowering- pinching. This procedure must be done. After you have seen that the petunia has adapted to a new place, started to grow and put out new leaves, be sure to carefully remove its top. You can cut it with scissors, you can carefully tear it off.

Yes, your plant will begin to bloom a little later, by two or three weeks, but the petunia will become much more lush, will produce many side shoots, which will also be covered with flowers, and will bloom much more profusely.

And one more secret continuous flowering- Be sure to remove those flowers that have already begun to fade. The sooner you remove faded petals, the more abundant and decorative the color of your petunia will be.

The side shoots that petunia will release after pinching can be subjected to the same procedure. Petunia responds very gratefully to this manipulation and will decorate your garden all summer.

Caring for petunias in open ground

As already mentioned, caring for petunias is not difficult; the most important thing is to clear the soil next to them from weeds. This should be done for the following reasons:

  • petunias look much more beautiful when they are not nearby weed. However, this can be said about any flower;
  • shallow roots of petunia need nutrients, which will be taken up by stronger and more powerful weeds;
  • Although petunias are resistant to diseases, fungus or infection can spread to them from weeds.

Petunias need feeding - at the beginning of growth, as soon as the plants take root and take root in a new place, they should be fertilized with nitrogen-containing compounds, and later, when the buds appear, phosphorus and potassium are needed for good flowering. It is best to feed petunias with complex fertilizers, adding them to the soil after watering.

In addition, petunias also need iron-containing fertilizer, otherwise the leaves of the flower will turn yellow and dry out, as a result of which it will take on a sloppy and unkempt appearance. Petunia leaves are light green in color and are beautiful on their own, so it is best not to let them dry out.

Petunias should be watered abundantly, but not very often, but not allowing the soil to dry out. The soil near the roots should always be light, since the roots require air, and slightly moist so that they do not dry out.

Loosen the soil under the plants carefully so as not to damage root system, which is located close to the surface.

When frost comes, the petunia flowers will wither and will need to be pulled out and thrown away, freeing up the soil for new plants that you will plant in the garden. next year. Petunias can be planted in the same place for several years.

You can remove flower boxes from plants and grow seedlings from seeds by next summer. Your own planting material is always better than purchased one, since you can be sure of what kind of flowers you will grow.

Growing petunias in pots

Petunias are perfect for growing in pots, and they feel great on the balcony, in the apartment, and in the open air. However, in order for the plant to feel good and look beautiful, you need to follow some rules.

Start with a container. Choosing a pot for petunia is quite simple - for hanging varieties you need at least a five-liter pot, for terry varieties a volume of three liters will be enough. Moreover, if you plant in a pot simple varieties, there should be from three to five pieces, otherwise the bush will look poor and wretched.

Unlike petunias, which grow in open ground, indoor flowers more demanding on soil composition due to limited space. Therefore, the mixture for indoor petunias should be prepared specially.

Special soil is sold in stores, but if you don’t have the opportunity to purchase it, suitable soil easy to prepare yourself.

  • turf;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • and leaf soil, which should be approximately twice as much as the other components.

To make the soil loose, you can add a little perlite, and to keep the soil moist, you can add a pre-soaked hydrogel, which should be approximately one-fifth of the total volume of soil in the pot.

Flower pots with petunias should be placed on sunny side, light is very important for petunias. Usually a summer day is enough for them to develop qualitatively, but in the fall and winter the plants will need to be additionally illuminated, otherwise your petunias will not bloom.

Caring for indoor petunias is generally the same as for those growing in open ground - they need to be watered, loosened and fed. In the same way, you should add complex fertilizer to the container, just try not to overdo it, carefully following the instructions.

After planting, the plants must be pinched, and then dried flowers and fading dry shoots must be removed. For petunias in pots, drying out is much more dangerous than garden flowers, so you need to be very careful to ensure that upper layer The soil in the flowerpot was damp.

Petunias love to be sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle on hot days; they respond gratefully to such care. Do not forget that in nature petunias grow in hot and humid climates, and they should try to create similar conditions at home. It's not difficult, the main thing is attention and patience.

In the summer, before the first frost, flower pots can stand on the balcony or decorate the facade of your house, and after the first cold snap they must be brought indoors and placed on the sunniest window.

If you do not plan to collect seeds from your flowers, then remove the inflorescences before the seed pods ripen so that the plant does not spend extra effort on ripening them.

In suitable-sized pots, in properly prepared soil, with proper care, which includes watering, lighting, fertilizing and loosening, your petunias will delight you with their colorful bright colors all season, and when spring comes, you can again take the containers with plants outside and plant the bushes that overwintered in the warmth in open ground.

Petunia seedlings regularly appear on sale at the beginning of summer season. However, the cost of these bushes is quite high, so for mass planting it is much more economical to grow them yourself. Compliance best timing sowing in suitable soil, maintaining the necessary light, temperature and humidity conditions when growing seedlings guarantees the receipt of friendly shoots and high-quality seedlings.

From seed germination to the formation of the first buds of heat-loving petunia, 2-2.5 months pass. According to this deadline, sowing carry out in February-March in order to obtain, by May - early June, when the threat of frost has passed, strong seedlings with abundant buds and first flowers, suitable for planting in open ground in the middle zone.

According to lunar calendar, in 2016, successful and unsuccessful dates for planting petunias for seedlings are distributed as follows:

How to plant petunia for seedlings

Preparing the soil

The soil for planting seeds for seedlings must be loose, nutritious, air- and moisture-permeable, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

Universal will do soil mixture from the store, to which it is useful to add well-washed river sand, vermiculite or perlite for additional loosening.

You can also make one of the following compositions:

  • two parts of peat, turf soil and humus with one part of sand;
  • two parts of peat and one part of garden soil, as well as sand;
  • two parts sand with one part garden soil and one part humus.

IMPORTANT: Before use, soil substrates are disinfected. To do this, the soil is treated with thoroughly dissolved potassium permanganate (3 grams per bucket of water) and antifungal agents. Freezing the soil and heating it in a steam bath or microwave are also used.

Some gardeners add a hydrogel soaked in water or in a fertilizer solution with an enhanced potassium component - for example, the Kemira complex - to the soil mixture for seedlings.

ATTENTION: For landings expensive and rare varieties It is preferable to use nutritious petunias peat tablets, which provide the most comfortable environment for germinating seeds.

Choose an average size with a diameter of 3-4 cm, pour warm water two hours before use and leave until completely swollen. In this case, the height of the flat peat “washer” increases 7 times. If necessary, water is added, and what is not absorbed is drained.

Choosing a container for growing petunia

For sowing, use containers that are not too deep, which can be conveniently covered with glass or transparent polyethylene. In this case, the coating should not touch the ground surface. Transparent plastic food containers with lids are also used.

All planting containers must have drainage holes.

Before planting, containers are treated with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate.

IMPORTANT: A drainage layer of crushed expanded clay or the largest fraction of sand must be placed at the bottom of the container.

Choosing seeds for seedlings

To get plants that best match the descriptions and photographs, it is better to choose seeds of one variety, and not their mixtures and purchase seed material at verified reliable suppliers.

Good reputation are used in the domestic market the following manufacturers:

  • "Sedek";
  • "Aelita";
  • "Gavrish";
  • "Search";
  • "Russian vegetable garden".

Supplied seeds could be like ordinary, so granular– enclosed in a soluble hard shell of fertilizers and growth stimulants.

Petunia sowing technology

Petunia produces very small seeds. To achieve even distribution seed material on the surface of the soil, their mixed with fine sand and spread onto damp soil.

Also used sowing in the snow. A snow layer 1-1.5 cm thick is placed on the soil. Against such a white background, it is better visible how evenly the small dark seeds are scattered, and after the snow melts they end up on the surface of the well-moistened soil.

In addition, armed with thin tweezers or sharp toothpicks, tiny seeds can be carefully place one at a time on wet soil surface manually.

Granulated seeds it is much more convenient to sow, since they are larger in size due to the shell covering them. When planting, such seeds in a “cocoon” of useful additives should be spray generously so that the layer of fertilizers and growth stimulants is well soaked and dissolved.

In prepared peat tablets seeds are laid out one per available on them special recesses. Granulated seed material is especially convenient for this.

ATTENTION: With any method of placing seeds on the surface of the substrate, they nothing is sprinkled on top to facilitate the growth of small seedlings and provide the maximum light access necessary for germination.

The seeded containers are covered with glass or transparent polyethylene and kept at an optimal temperature for germination. temperature conditions from 23 to 25ºС.

IMPORTANT: If the temperature drops below 20 degrees, seedlings may not appear at all. When heated above 25 degrees, the seedlings turn out weak and elongated.

Inoculated containers periodically ventilate, maintain soil moisture systematic spraying once or twice a day and remove condensation With inner surface glass or polyethylene coating. In the first days after sowing, it is useful to moisturize the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Shoots appear within one to two weeks. Some seeds may germinate with a delay of up to a month, but the resulting seedlings have very low viability.

Caring for petunia seedlings

Sprouted petunias accustom to open air , removing the coating for 5-10 minutes a day and gradually increasing this period.

IMPORTANT: February seedlings are additionally illuminated without fail.

February seedlings are sure to receive additional light

Provide careful optimal watering water room temperature to prevent the land from drying out or stagnation excess moisture. A combination of waterlogging and low temperature poses a particular danger to tender seedlings. In this case, the seedlings are damaged by the “black leg”. On the leaves irrigation water Also shouldn't hit.

Earth carefully loosen, preventing the formation of a surface crust.

Temperature support at the level 18-20 degrees, at night, a decrease to 15ºС is allowed.

At the stage of several leaves, young plants dive– seated in small separate containers with a diameter of 6-8 cm, deepening to the first pair of true leaves. This planting depth stimulates the formation of a branched root system and prevents the appearance of a “black leg”. Excessively long roots are carefully pinched when picking. Picked plants are shaded for several days with paper caps or lutrasil, protecting them from excess bright light at first.

According to the 2016 lunar calendar, the following dates are best suited for picking:

  • February 20 and 21;
  • March 6, 18 and 19;
  • April 15, 16, 20,21.

Seedlings in tablets transplanted together with a peat lump, without deepening them: the soil in the planting container should be flush with the surface of the tablet.

Foliar feeding by spraying the foliage with a nutrient solution, you can start at the three to four leaf stage. It is useful to alternate growth stimulants and nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Then the grown plants are fed through the root system complex mixture for flowering plants every 10 days.

Intensively growing shoots pinch after the fourth or fifth leaf.

If the roots of rapidly developing seedlings completely entwine the earthen ball in the container, young petunias should be transplanted into larger containers and the temperature should be slightly reduced.

Two weeks before planting in open ground, the plants are hardened off, gradually accustoming them to low temperatures and daily heat fluctuations.

Timely sowing of petunia and optimal care of seedlings, taking into account the characteristics of plant development, ensures the formation of viable seedlings that bloom profusely in middle lane throughout the summer months.

Video - How to properly plant petunia seeds for seedlings
