Interior of a nursery for a teenager. Interior of a teenage boy's room, options, photos. Which style to choose for a teenage nursery

Well, who among us has not encountered this? In a hurry, we throw things everywhere, the house is a constant mess... This worsens the mood so much. But fixing this unpleasant moment is as easy as shelling pears. Meet these the most useful tips, remember them and try to put them into practice. There will always be a wonderful atmosphere at home, order and cleanliness!

How to keep your home tidy

Hang your shoe cover on the door. It is convenient to place everything you need in it.

To easily find the end of the adhesive tape, simply attach a metal clip to the end.

The tension belt will keep the balls together, so you won't have to look everywhere for them.

An empty egg tray is a convenient storage for small items. Nothing will be lost in the box anymore.

A shelf above the door in the bathroom is a very practical invention. You can put everything there that you rarely use. Perfect solution for small bathrooms.

Magnetic spice jars can be attached to your refrigerator door. How much space will be freed up!

If you stack T-shirts in tight, vertical stacks, you'll be able to fit a lot more into your drawer. In addition, it will be immediately clear where each item is located.

You can easily repurpose old metal tea packaging into pencil cups. There's a lot you can put in there!

These plastic baskets will save you from Armageddon in the freezer:

It's a good idea to label the different cords and chargers. Saves your nerves, you can find everything many times faster.

Paper clips are saviors in different situations. When sitting at the computer, it is very convenient to use clips to keep the cords in order. And then something always gets disconnected or falls.

The more shelves the better. It’s much more pleasant to store your favorite items with them, a real triumph of order.

Hanging boxes with things from the ceiling is exotic for Russian households. But this is a smart solution, it is more rational than what is happening in our homes. Let's listen to the neat Germans and take things out from under the sofas!

Wall for tools in the garage. Resourceful and looks great.

A ladder attached to the ceiling can serve as a clothes dryer. The idea is unusual, but the plus is obvious - things won’t bother anyone like that.

You can easily place all your cosmetics on a magnetic board.

Baskets hanging on railings are good for different rooms for placing various small items.

Handmade shelf in the bathroom. All you need is glass jars and round base holders for them. It works out wonderfully.

Hair dryers and hair curlers can be conveniently stored in tubular holders. I opened the door and everything was hung up in order.

You can use another type of stand for this purpose.

Effective method, how to fold clean bed linen on the shelf. By putting a bedspread into a pillowcase of the same bedding set, you save yourself from unnecessary searches for parts of the set.

Wire basket - faithful assistant housewives.

Knives will always be at hand.

Here's how to successfully place detergents under the sink:

A rotating plate in the refrigerator, similar to a plate in a microwave - brilliant idea. The refrigerator will become cleaner, and nothing will get lost in its depths.

How to determine which items urgently need to be removed from your wardrobe? Just hang the clothes you recently wore, turning the nose of the hanger in the same direction. The remaining items of clothing are not popular with you, which means it's time to free up space in your closet.

The ideal waste bin for your car.

Small metal items can be conveniently stored using a magnet.

Pot lids love order too! Here's how you can break them down:

Adjustable curtain rods will keep everything on the shelves intact.

Old shutters are an exquisite decorative element.

You can even put it on shelves washing machine! And use the freed up space for laundry baskets.

Hair ties will no longer be hopelessly lost. Put them on a bottle and they will always know their place.

These recommendations will improve your life. You yourself can make your home more cozy, comfortable and beautiful. Perfect order will reign everywhere! Don't forget to tell your friends about these valuable tips.

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The concept of cleanliness is multifaceted. Each person independently determines its conditions. And if for some, order means washing the dishes once a day, then for others it means daily wet cleaning and arranging things by color.

How to clean your apartment without taking up a lot of time?

How to keep your house clean without going to extremes and devoting day and night to cleaning? Let's start learning to be neat and tidy right now.

Most often, the cause of clutter is a large number of things: in closets, chests of drawers, on shelves, in the table and on it. All these places can be called “problematic”. The first thing you should do when putting things in order is to conduct an audit and get rid of excess junk that has not been used for years and is kept for a rainy day. You shouldn’t wait for the latter, it’s better to live in bright and joyful moments, without expecting a sharp turn with a sad connotation.

There is no need to tire yourself of cleaning all problem areas at once; it is enough to clean one a day. Afterwards, all that remains is to maintain order in them by moving used things that previously did not have their place into the vacated niches, shelves and drawers.

During the audit, you should not give in to sentimentality. You should get rid of everything with a cold heart that is definitely not used and will not be useful. According to Feng Shui, unnecessary things not only clutter the space, but also spoil the energy of the home.

Get rid of unnecessary junk in your apartment

By getting rid of clutter, you can separate things as needed. After all, you can’t throw everything away. There are things that you have to use rarely or in emergency situations. The most remote corners of the house are suitable for them. This could be a barbecue, skewers, a hammer drill, a tool box, Christmas tree decorations, artificial spruce etc. It is for such things that the top shelves of cabinets and pantries are created. The more often a thing is in use, the closer and more accessible it should be, as they say, “at hand.”

Each item should be located exactly where it is most needed and most often used. Also, any item taken should be returned to its place. Not in a day or two. They took it, used it, returned it. This way, not only will nothing be scattered, but also lost. This way you can save time cleaning and searching.

So far things are different? Tools are often under the bed in the bedroom, and bath accessories in the kitchen? Having put things in order once and maintaining it, you can forever forget about complex everyday quests and races, especially when you are in a hurry.

Create order once and maintain it constantly

Every thing has its place! This is one of the main rules of coziness, comfort and neatness of the room.

The most cluttered places are closets. Both with things and with dishes. The greatest chaos is observed in small drawers into which all sorts of junk is thrown.

The first things to be tidied up are the wardrobes. Here things are best divided by season. You can also distinguish subcategories: pants (jeans, trousers, tabernacles, tights, leggings), skirts, sweaters (sweaters, shirts, blouses, T-shirts), dresses, jackets, etc.

For better organization space, you can use various organizers. They help tidy up and free up space. By the way, don’t forget about the top shelves and drawers, which are less often used due to inconvenience in use.

Use organizers for linen and clothes

Underwear requires a separate drawer. Important! It is recommended to steam socks immediately after washing. By the way, it is advisable to buy the latter in 5-10 pairs of the same style and color, that is, completely identical. This way, a spoiled sock can be thrown away, and its other half can be left for replacement if another product fails. In addition, having identical socks will allow you not to waste time looking for a pair, because no matter what two you take, they will make the perfect composition for your pants.

Knowing this, you can achieve quick results in putting things in order. And constant returning and putting it back in its place will allow you to preserve the results of titanic work.

Each category of accessories must be allocated a separate place. Seasonal clothes awaiting the arrival of the next season - the upper shelves, underwear and socks - drawers, ties and scarves - hooks on the inside of the closet door. Rolling things with a roller will help save space and avoid creases in the fabric.

Comfortable! If you visually divide the largest compartment of the closet into two zones - on one side for trousers, jeans, shorts, the second - T-shirts, blouses, sweaters, then you won’t have to worry about selecting things. Find perfect combination it will be much easier and faster.

- a mandatory daily activity. The kitchen is an island of cleanliness in the home. A large amount of dishes and other utensils regularly used for cooking and eating are stored here. It must be clean. As well as cabinets, drawers, shelves in which it awaits its crowning appearance.

After all, we are not only what we eat and drink. We are also what we make it all out of. Even the most environmentally friendly and healthy food will become poison if it is cooked in a poorly washed pan or served on a plate whose surface is teeming with germs and E. coli.

The first thing you should do to keep your kitchen clean is to make cleaning more convenient. This means you need to get rid of clutter. Excess items should be thrown away or sent to the dacha. Wash the rest and put them in neat stacks and towers according to frequency of use. The more often the equipment is used, the closer it should be. That is, to be at hand and in a visible place.

There should be nothing unnecessary in the kitchen, then cleaning will take less time

Organize order in kitchen cabinets All kinds of auxiliary devices will help. These could be hooks on the inside of doors, corners for corner cabinets for dishes, egg cups or ice for small items, etc.

The most important rule to get rid of time-consuming chores is the daily habit of tidying up. Then the question “how to maintain order and cleanliness in the house” will disappear by itself. By accustoming yourself to regularly dusting, washing floors, vacuuming, folding things and putting them in their places, and cleaning the bathroom, you can significantly save your time. Small things separately from each other do not take up energy and time. But accumulating, plus and pouring into general cleaning, require greater care and at least one day dedicated to cleanliness.

What to do? For example:

  • After washing the dishes, wipe the sink and taps;
  • after watering the flowers, clean the window sill from dust;
  • When changing clothes, lay out and hang things up or throw them in the laundry basket.

Water the flowers and don't forget to wipe the window sills

The habit of immediately cleaning up after yourself will minimize the number of tasks and maintain cleanliness. This is called accuracy. It should be vaccinated from childhood. We should not forget about the younger generation, which follows the example of their parents. If there are children in the house, it is only for their sake that mom and dad need to learn cleanliness.

The simplest and most effective advice in action is “if you’ve done it, put it back in its place.” Woke up - made the bed, immediately wiped off the coffee that had escaped on the stove, threw away the apple bits from the eaten apples in the trash, took dirty things to the laundry basket, put the book I read on the shelf, ate - washed the dishes, cut off the bread - put it in the bread bin and so on down the list. Thus, there will be no need to clean or maintain cleanliness; it will always reign in the house. The owners will only have to do wet cleaning of the premises and vacuuming. And this is no longer as scary, difficult and tiring as a general service or a medical day.

The following tip applies to hot spots of clutter—surfaces on which large amounts of trash and items quickly accumulate without a specific storage location. Such places include tables, kitchen surfaces, cabinets, chairs, etc. Most clutter is observed in hallways, bedrooms, offices and kitchens. You shouldn’t talk about children’s rooms out loud at all, only in a whisper and among yourself.

You should allocate about 15-20 minutes of your time to such places every day. Moreover, it is not necessary to clean all zones at once; you can divide them into parts. So the question “how to keep the apartment clean and tidy” will begin to arise less and less often.

Don't throw things around anywhere. Everyone should have their own place

By assigning each item its place and remembering to put it there immediately after use, it is quite easy. As a result, pockets of disorder will disappear as if they never existed. Well, don’t forget about 15 minutes of cleanliness. They can be isolated in the morning or evening. Evening more convenient that the work done will last longer and the morning will greet you with neat rooms filled with comfort.

To prolong the effect of cleanliness, you can place small waste baskets on desks. A basket will also help for things that migrate. It is recommended to put something in it that there is no time to put back in its place, but which will become a piece of clutter if thrown on a sofa, armchair or table. The main thing is not to forget to regularly walk around the apartment with a basket, putting things in their places. Surprisingly, the basket approach can make a significant difference in maintaining cleanliness.

Daily wet cleaning also helps in maintaining the neatness of the premises. The most important places that require cleaning are the kitchen floor, front door and in the corridor. It is from these places that dirt migrates throughout the apartment or house. In the kitchen, the cause of dirt is cooking and eating food, in the hallway - dirt from the street, especially on rainy or muddy days.

Express wiping of floors takes much less time than cleaning carpets with stains of ingrained dirt and grease. The same goes for effort. Their costs will be minimal, and the result will delight you with freshness for the whole day.

What else can become a permanent habit and a sign of cleanliness? A timely made bed, a wiped down toilet bowl, a clean bathroom sink, washed dishes and a sink in the kitchen, a wiped down stove, cleaned up “pockets of clutter”, put things in their places, wiped the floor and thrown out garbage. These are the main daily responsibilities not only of the housewife, but also of the rest of the family. Sticking to simple rules you can significantly facilitate and reduce the volume of the sanitary day, which, by the way, has not been canceled. What day of the week it is should be chosen individually, taking into account your own work schedule and workload.

Each of us has experienced a cluttered home, an excess of unsuitable clothes and unnecessary junk. Natalia Zhelyaskova I found myself in a similar situation and approached its solution confidently and eruditely. Yes, on personal experience and with a successful result, she will talk about 10 simple rules that will help you achieve order in your home.

“Order in the house means order in the head,” my mother kept telling me. But in the years of youth, such worldly wisdom has a tendency to fly past one’s ears. I defended my “creative” disorder, being a natural person and really close to the world of art (all my life I have been engaged in painting and applied arts, received a higher art education and to this day continue to do what I love, which now has the official status of my “work”). And so, after many, many years, already having a separate home, I really thought about how everyday life is and that sacred place that is called “home” (by the way, it is surprisingly true in Shakespeare’s language that the difference in meaning is noted by the presence of the words “home” , to refer to that very holy of holies, and “house”, to refer to an architectural structure), influence our lives outside its walls and feelings of peace and happiness in general.

A huge amount of literature was used, starting from the world-famous “Fly lady” system and Marie Kondo’s book “Magic Tidying Up” and ending with all kinds of courses for transforming space and yourself. I also met some scientific articles, listened to audio recordings of lectures on Vedic knowledge (people of Eastern cultures and traditions always seemed more harmonious to me) and read the works of all possible authors about such a collective concept as “hygge” (the Danes also gave me no peace in terms of their life satisfaction). Some of the new knowledge really inspired me and gave results, some did not suit me personally, some were immediately tested in practice, and some are still waiting in the wings. But I can say one thing for sure - my mother was right. The past year has brought a lot of new things both into my life and into my home.

From own experience and the knowledge I have gained, I have compiled a simple list of the main rules for transforming a home, following which you will certainly become a little happier, see the familiar in a new light, be inspired for new achievements and will happily rush home from work in the evenings.

Rule one

The place to start is to love your home. Yes, you heard right. Moreover, you need to love him right now and exactly as he is, even if the ideal is not quite “at hand” or if the housing is rented or you have to share it with someone. The main thing to remember is that things can always get worse. It’s not difficult to imagine offhand several options when everything is worse than it is now. Having scrolled through the possible deterioration in your head, return to what you have and be happy about it! And one more thing - we should not forget that according to most of the described techniques for managing one’s reality, improvements (including in terms of improving living conditions) should only be counted if you value what you already have. So, have no doubt, this approach has nothing but advantages.

Rule two

Don’t try to disassemble and change in one day (or even two) what has been accumulated for years. According to research, even acquiring a new habit, be it exercise in the morning or a new behavior, takes at least 21 days. So what can we say about such global changes as the reorganization of the most significant space in life. Don't beat yourself up if things don't go as quickly as you wanted. But beware of going to the other extreme - stretching out the cleaning for an indefinite period of time. Make a clear plan for the day or week that will be within your power and will help you enjoy the results.

Rule three

Junk cannot be organized. You just have to get rid of it. The main thing about this rule is that it does not tolerate compromises. Approaches may vary, some techniques call for throwing away a certain amount of unnecessary things every day, some recommend recycling everything you haven't used for a certain time (usually a year or two). I recommend not delaying the so-called “decluttering” stage and approaching it as categorically as possible. If you don't use an item all the time or don't bring you true joy when you pick it up, feel free to get rid of it. It’s better if you have only three blouses, not ten, but each of them will suit you and bring real pleasure and a good mood. It is believed that such “unloved” / unnecessary things have already fulfilled their purpose the moment they appeared and helped you understand that such a style, for example, does not suit you. The same can be said about useless gifts or cards - they have already brought you joy the moment you received them, feel free to let them go! Moreover, old things can still bring joy to someone else and turn out to be useful (think about which of your friends could use them, or look for charities that are ready to accept them).

Rule four

Don't start cleaning with sentimental trinkets. Analyzing photo albums or dear collections of porcelain dolls threatens to turn into a fiasco. And instead of a bag with unnecessary things a couple of hours later you will find yourself still sitting in a pile of photographs in the middle of the room. It's best to start with something more practical, like, as cleaning expert and personal advisor Marie Kondo recommends, your wardrobe. First of all, collect all your things in one place. Everything - that is, really everything that you have. You can start by category: first outerwear, then shoes, bags, trousers, dresses and so on. We put what we need and what we love to one side, what we don’t need goes straight into a bag and throws away (or to give away). We immediately carefully hang / put everything left in its place (think separately about what place would be best for these things, perhaps not at all where they lived before). We also get rid of unnecessary things as quickly as possible; you shouldn’t store it all in the hallway for a week, because you might be tempted to look again at the selected items and keep that blouse for yourself.

Rule five

Things of the same category and purpose should be stored in one place. You shouldn't keep your underwear at one end of the room and your socks at the other. Organize your new space so that everything is close to you. Let you have a “wardrobe” area where you can immediately choose a blouse, a handbag, and a jacket. The same applies to all other things, be it cosmetics, household chemicals, bedding or children's toys. A nice bonus with this approach is that if you lose, for example, a document, you will know for sure that you should look for it only in these two drawers of the chest of drawers and nowhere else, because all the important papers are only there.

Rule six

When choosing a new “home” for each category of things, think more about how to conveniently return them to their place, rather than taking them. This simple rule will become the basis for maintaining future order. Agree, taking out a stack of frying pans that prevents you from getting to one treasured one (the one you need to bake pancakes, the dough for which is already waiting on the table) is much easier than taking out the same stack and then putting this frying pan back in its place. The essence of the approach is that you would rather be too lazy to clean up after yourself than to get to something you need.

Rule seven

Don’t rush out and buy all sorts of storage organizers first. First, it’s better to get rid of the excess so that you understand how much stuff you actually have. Then try arranging them based on the storage spaces you already have. Having done this and lived in the updated space for some time, you will definitely understand exactly what you should buy in addition and what you can do without. Also, don’t despair if you can’t buy absolutely everything you need right away. Instead of beautiful wardrobe inserts in drawers, you can use, for example, shoe boxes, and instead of expensive glass jars for cereals - ordinary plastic containers or jars. Over time, everything will be replaced and purchased, and then, looking back, you won’t believe how much your home has changed!

Rule eight

The key to compact storage is choice the right way. You won't believe how much less space Take up your favorite 40 pairs of socks or T-shirts if you try folding them in a new way! What methods there are and what they are suitable for can be found on the Internet. I’m sure you had no idea how beautiful T-shirts folded into an “envelope” look and how convenient it is to use them. This also applies to bed linen, towels and even plastic bags(yes, it turns out that they can also be stored folded into neat triangles, and not in a “bag with bags”). From what suited me, I would like to note the option of the above-mentioned “envelopes” for T-shirts and T-shirts, vertical storage for them, as well as storing bed linen strictly in sets and folding jeans for horizontal storage on the shelf. I also recommend keeping horizontal surfaces as empty as possible. This will make cleaning easier and faster, and will also give the room a tidier appearance; the room will seem to “breathe.” All this is very, very convenient, believe me.

Rule nine

If some method of storage or organization is not convenient for you personally, then it is not suitable. When solving “domestic” issues, comfort should always be the first priority. After all, it doesn’t matter how beautiful the new arrangement of things is, in line with fashion or the practice of Feng Shui, if every time you take out that dress over there, you curse everyone and everything and always touch that shelf on the left with your elbow. Organize everything so that changes are only for the better. Sometimes, to find the best option, you have to experiment.

Rule ten

Your home also has a soul. Many of us probably gave feelings to toys and objects in our room as children. Likewise, many teachings say that inanimate objects possess, if not a soul, then at least energy. The same applies to any space, because according to the laws of physics (remember school curriculum) energy does not appear from nowhere and does not disappear into nowhere. Don’t forget to sometimes “delight” your home with something pleasant. These can be lit candles (it is believed that fire removes negative energy), ordinary ventilation (even if the arguments about the movement of energy did not really convince you, the benefits fresh air For good night no one has canceled), aroma lamps or special fragrances for the home, seasonal change decorative elements(for example, pillow covers) and pleasant daily rituals (you can, say, put plain or distilled water in a spray bottle and add a couple of drops of your favorite oil (mint and lavender are my favorites), and then spray the curtains or bed before bed (just don’t overdo it) Think about home with love, and it will not be slow to answer you in kind!

In conclusion, I would like to say that you will only need to go through the amazing process of reorganizing space once. And I even envy you a little if everything is still ahead. After that, all you have to do is maintain the order that has already been established once, the main point which is to return all things to their places. And since you will be surrounded only by the objects dearest to your heart, it will be truly pleasant to do this. Never again will the arrival of guests take you by surprise, because in order to do even wet cleaning correctly organized apartment it won't take more than 20 minutes. And what can we say about changes in consciousness and achievements in the outside world, when such a reliable and cozy rear is always waiting for you and your family!

Perfect order in the apartment is always a guarantee Have a good mood among household members, because no one will look for things and there will be no shame in bringing guests into the apartment. In addition, the order of objects in the house helps to concentrate, putting everything on the shelves in your head. You should also put things in order if you are moving out of a rented apartment; you don’t want people to think of you in some wrong way (as if you are slobs and slackers).

Today in our article we will help you put your apartment or house in perfect order by doing everything quickly and correctly.

11 secrets on how to clean up your apartment

  1. Focus on dust. It is impossible to avoid it, since it penetrates us from all places - windows, doors and even vents. We bring it on the sole of our shoes and, of course, outerwear. You can get rid of such dust using a vacuum cleaner, but place it on wet cleaning so that it does not spread dust throughout the space. By removing the dust, you can move the things you need. There is no need to do the opposite otherwise, for example, you can move the bag to another place where dust will already accumulate, so it will remain there for a long time, and it is better not to breathe such air. The place where dust is most visible (especially to guests) is the surface of tables, chairs, televisions and window sills (there is especially a lot of it here, as it blows from the window). Dust can also form on the wallpaper (rarely, but if it appears, it means you have been cleaning the rooms for a long time), vents (it is better to remove them and thoroughly clean them from cobwebs, dirt, etc.). The top ones deserve special attention. ceiling corners, where cobwebs can usually be found.

  2. The first thing our guests pay attention to is the floor. Therefore, you should start by cleaning the floor. Thoroughly clean the carpets (if any), sweep and wash the floor itself (parquet, linoleum, tiles, etc.). It is better to focus on those places that are most contaminated - the hallway and living room, but this does not mean that you can forget about hard to reach places, such as areas under a bed or sofa.

  3. If your apartment is small, then try to take out the trash more often. There is no need to install separate buckets in the bedroom, living room, etc. for this. The fact is that the trash can will be easy enough to notice, however, garbage left on the table or bedside table will also haunt you. Therefore, immediately accustom yourself to one bucket (in the kitchen) and daily removal of garbage bags, although the more often the better, because it does not give off the most pleasant smell in the house, which spreads very quickly.

  4. Get rid of things you don't need. Now that the living room and corridor are in order, take care of the objects that surround you. Order comes first rational use spaces in the house. When the house is a mess, there are a lot of things in it that we don’t need. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to throw them away, so we suggest doing it this way: purchasing a large box in which to put all the necessary things. Moreover, identifying a thing by necessity is quite simple: put in a box all those items that you have not used for a month, two or more: lamps, pens, magazines, accessories, small equipment(an old mobile phone, for example), etc. You can also place some decorative elements in the box (vases, mugs, figurines, glasses that you don’t like much). After filling the box to capacity, seal it and write today’s date on top. Take the box to the garage, basement, or at least indoor balcony. And believe me, most likely, you will not look into this box for at least a year (due to necessity), and, therefore, all the collected things are really nothing more than trash for you. After one year, you can safely sell these items.

  5. Once you've removed everything you need, surround yourself with the things you use regularly. Have you ever noticed that everything necessary items You take things out of closets, shelves and even other rooms when there are things nearby that you don’t need at all. If this is so, then you should urgently reconsider the entire set of objects surrounding you. He is unfaithful. Try to surround yourself by putting in a visible and convenient place only those things that you use, and not those that should be located according to generally accepted canons. By completing this step, you can easily avoid a mess in your apartment, because there will be no unnecessary things, and the necessary things will not create problems for you.

  6. A clean apartment in which everything is at hand is not ideal order. So now it's time for us to get down to hiding unnecessary items from the eyes of outsiders. Come to terms with the idea that there will be guests in your home from time to time, that is, essentially strangers. These may include: people from a repair service, neighbors, inspectors (gas and electricity), friends, colleagues, acquaintances (friends of your children, parents or spouses), etc. They may all have different understandings of order and cleanliness, but in general, there is a rule - to hide your personal life from strangers, so try to distribute things in the house in such a way that even if strangers come to your house at night, you do not feel awkward . So how to do this?! Quite simple! Get into the habit of “always hide personal things!” It doesn't matter if it's money or bed linen. Documents should never be left in plain sight. Small things like glasses, watches, mobile phones, bracelets and other things should also have their place, preferably in bedside table. When changing clothes, put all things in the closet, and dirty linen or clothes in a special basket. Washing should not be carried out over the whole day. It is also better not to leave dishes dirty, but to wash them immediately or put them in the dishwasher.

  7. Keep the kitchen clean. The order in the house can often be determined by the kitchen; if it is clean and well-groomed, then most likely the rest of the rooms in the house will not be dirty. This is often where most of the guests come, drinking tea with you or stopping in for a short conversation. Therefore, this implies several rules that the owner should not forget about if he strives to restore order throughout the apartment. First, as we already said, wash the dishes immediately after dinner, and don't even think about leaving dirty dishes anywhere in the house. Secondly, clean the refrigerator, both inside and outside. outside. It attracts the most attention due to its size and frequency of reference to it. There is no need to store spoiled products in it that are already expired or are not suitable for cooking in themselves (they smell bad and look terrible). Third, thoroughly wipe all cabinet handles and kitchen appliances(For example, microwave oven), so that the guest does not get dirty by accidentally touching something. Fourthly, ventilate the room more often so that not only the order and cleanliness in the kitchen is visible, but also the smell does not bother us.

  8. If you have already started tidying up the rooms of your house, then you should not bypass the bathroom. It will be very strange if everything in the house radiates cleanliness and order, and the bathroom somehow stands out from the general background. There should also be a pleasant smell, clean floors, fresh towels, soap and bottles on the mirror. clean look, and there should be in the sink good drain so as not to create discomfort for the guest and yourself.

  9. Now it’s time to think about the order and cleanliness of the “Holy of Holies” - the bedroom. You can feel the order not only by arranging all the items in their places, but also by changing the bed linen, removing small debris from the dressing or coffee table, arranging books or magazines on the bedside table, and also ventilating the rooms themselves. Naturally, here we no longer mention cleaning the room itself. Pay attention to mirrors too. If you are a pedantic person who loves order and cleanliness, you will not feel sufficiently comfortable seeing dirty stains on the mirrors (from touching or cosmetics).

  10. If it is difficult for you to constantly remember what and how should be folded ideally, then we advise you to once create the ideal order (that you would like) and capture it on. Such a picture will help you perform all the actions every time, which will tell you what else you have not done to keep your home in order.

  11. When cleaning up your home, check the technical components of all appliances at the same time. Here we are talking about various techniques, for example, televisions and computers. Check their connections to the outlet and other connectors. Is everything inserted correctly, is there any play or problems (especially with the electrical part, so that there is no short circuit later).

  • Divide the entire apartment into several zones (living room, bathroom, corridor, etc.) and restore order gradually in each zone, do not try to clean everything at once, as you will definitely forget something.

  • Train yourself to clean up your house, at least 15-20 minutes a day, then you won’t have to spend whole days on it once a week or two.

  • If the amount of work is large, then it is better to stretch the process over several days.

  • Scientists have calculated that every month from 20 to 100 unnecessary things appear in the home of the average family. Therefore, we suggest that you take a box with you once a month and forcefully put in it 20 to 30 things that are not particularly dear to you. Take the box to the garage. This way, the apartment will not turn into a “junk storage room”.

  • Before you put things in order, make a list of things you need to do that day and gradually start doing it.

  • If you want ideal frequency and comfort in the room, try to make all horizontal surfaces as clean as possible, and also to have a minimum of objects on them.

  • Never leave an item in plain sight unless it can be hidden in a locker or closet.

  • It’s better to put things in order while listening to fast and favorite music (you can even dance along to it), thus the process will go faster and more interesting. Do not turn on the TV under any circumstances, especially when watching an interesting program or film/series, as you will definitely get caught up in watching it and forget what you wanted to do in the first place. After watching, you are unlikely to want to get involved in the process again.

  • Our editors of the online magazine site recommend finding a separate place for each item, since in this case it will be easiest to find it and also put it in its place. Which will accordingly save time and nerves.

  • Use space wisely! Don't forget about the small shelves that you have in your closet or even coffee table. For example, we always forget about the bedside table on which the TV sits, but it often has a lot of shelves on which you can put remote controls. household appliances, a magazine with a program, favorite DVDs with films, etc.

  • If you are overtaken by laziness in putting things in order, then you can come up with some kind of motivator, for example, invite dear guests tonight or tomorrow, to whom it would be very embarrassing to show the apartment in this condition. Then your laziness will go away, and the desire to clean up your house will quickly appear!

  • Eradicate this “Sovdepov” habit of hanging clothes on doors, chairs and other pieces of furniture. Accustom yourself to order, then you will have to restore it less.

  • Place aroma candles or special air fresheners throughout the rooms, which will create not only an externally pleasant environment, but also rid the apartment of unpleasant odors.

Every woman dreams of putting things in order in her apartment so that it lasts for a long time, and at the same time it is easy to maintain cleanliness without making a lot of effort. How to cope with constant disorder and scattered things that grow like a snowball? Why is it that someone’s apartment is always tidy and clean, while someone tries and puts things in order every day, but for some reason it goes unnoticed? In this article, the site “Mom can do anything!” will look at all the secrets and basic ways to maintain cleanliness for a long time.

A few tips for maintaining constant cleanliness and order in the apartment

  • Clean in parts.

If you don’t have time to put things in order or deep clean the entire apartment at once, do it gradually. Break the action into several parts. For example, choose a day to remove and wash all the curtains. The next day, clean the windows. Then start organizing your closets, etc.

  • Get rid of unnecessary items and things.

On shelves and chests of drawers, things usually accumulate and lie around that do not fit in the closet, and there is no room for them. To prevent this from happening, empty all cabinets and chests of drawers of accumulated trash that you have not used for a long time. First, throw away all broken items and old clothes. Whatever is still in good condition, but for some reason is not suitable for you, give it to friends or put it up for sale. This will free up space for those things that you use constantly, and they will not be scattered throughout the apartment.

  • We get rid of landfills in the apartment.

Many people have places in their apartments where dumps of things periodically appear. Observe and identify them. To eliminate such places, think about where else it is possible to put these things that accumulate on their own. For example, on a chair or ironing board a mountain of T-shirts, sweaters and loungewear is constantly growing. Highlight extra bed on a hanger in the closet or a separate shelf where it is convenient to put these things away and also quickly get them out.

Think about what you spend the most time on when putting things in order in your apartment? Surely this is wiping dust from many shelves and moving objects from place to place that are located on them. Dust settles on open surfaces very quickly and needs to be wiped off almost every day. So, if you don’t want to waste a lot of time cleaning, try not to put a lot of figurines or photo frames on the shelves. In general, when choosing and purchasing furniture for an apartment, it is better to immediately give preference to closed cabinets light shades, without an abundance of glass and mirror shelves. This way, you will be able to save as much time as possible on cleaning and polishing shelves.

Go shopping and find yours convenient devices for cleanliness. Now there are many options for brushes, mops and rags made of special material, with the help of which cleaning turns into a real pleasure. Because it is possible to quickly and easily clean the entire apartment with them.

For example, mops with a long rotating handle and a brush are ideal for keeping hard-to-reach places clean. The most dust tends to accumulate on air conditioners and tall cabinets. And with modern devices you can very quickly and easily clean any surface, even dropped ceilings and dirty Wall panels, which are impossible to reach with your hands.

Order in the nursery

To ensure that garbage does not accumulate and the apartment is always clean, you just need to try not to clutter the rooms and put things in order in a timely manner. But this is not always possible if you have children. Many experienced mothers have been approaching this issue thoroughly and thoughtfully for a long time. Because cleaning up scattered toys or things after children is like trying to clear snow debris during a snowfall.

In order for children to be able to quickly tidy up their room at your first request, the room should have convenient system storage

  • Boxes or plastic containers for toys should be located at floor level so that the child can easily reach them.
  • Label the boxes according to their intended purpose, for construction sets, for cars, for soft toys etc. For children who cannot yet read, paste pictures with clues about the contents of the boxes.
  • It is very good to have several large free-use baskets in the nursery in case of emergency. For example, if guests are coming soon and you urgently need to put things in order, or if in the evening you don’t have the energy to put all the toys in their places. You quickly throw all the lying around toys into the basket and the room is clean again.

This way, you will save yourself from constantly putting things in order in the nursery and teach your children to be independent.

Order in the kitchen

In the kitchen, as a rule, a lot of greasy deposits accumulate very quickly on all surfaces. To make it easier to maintain cleanliness every day, get comfortable sponges and by special means, quickly corroding fat. But, as everyone knows chemicals very toxic and harmful to human body. Therefore, if you or your household are prone to allergies, it is better to choose less aggressive means. Also, in order to completely abandon their use, melamine sponges have long been on sale, which quickly clean all greasy surfaces without any means, erasing dirt like an eraser. They are great for cleansing gas stove, furniture and even glass from deep contamination.

And to quickly clean the microwave or inner oven door of stubborn grease, use regular table vinegar. Treat contaminated surfaces with a washcloth soaked in vinegar and after 10-15 minutes, wash off the greasy deposit.

Keeping your bathroom tidy

Holders small apartments, and, accordingly, a small bathroom knows firsthand how difficult it is to fit all the necessary accessories in it. Especially if the family is large and everyone needs to fit their hygiene items. Shampoos, towels, washcloths, bath toys, bath foam, shaving accessories, etc. It’s unlikely that all this will fit on a small shelf. Of course, it’s great if you have a small cabinet in your bathroom that can hold most of these items.

  • Place additional shelves on the bathtub itself, for shampoos and washcloths; for some of them it is not even necessary to drill into the wall, they are attached with suction cups.
  • If there is absolutely not enough space, hang additional hooks that are attached to the wall with an adhesive backing. Hang a transparent plastic handbag or cosmetic bag on them, putting essential items there.
  • Hang on inner side door pockets for small items. They are easy to find in any store or sew yourself. It is best if they are made from transparent plastic or mesh material.

You need to constantly keep your bathroom clean. To easily remove plaque and rust from surfaces, wipe the sink and taps several times a week. Otherwise, they eat into the surface so much that cleaning everything later is quite problematic.

By the way, the most famous natural remedy Citric acid is used in the fight against rust. Sprinkle lemongrass granules onto the contaminated surface and leave for 5-10 minutes. After this, plaque and rust are washed off quite well from the tiles, sinks and bathtubs.

Order in the toilet

Maintaining order in the bathroom is not difficult, because it, as a rule, occupies the smallest area in the entire apartment. But at the same time, it needs to be cleaned regularly.

  • To quickly wipe the rim or lid of the toilet, place a large package of wet wipes within easy reach. Just make sure that household members do not throw napkins into the toilet, otherwise it will quickly clog.
  • Instead of a regular air freshener, purchase gel toilet scent blocks that easily attach to the toilet rim. They eliminate bad smell and create foam that cleans the toilet from dirt.
  • If any flavors are not acceptable to you for a reason strong smell or allergies, do scent bombs on one's own. You need to take a few drops essential oil, half a glass baking soda, 3 tablespoons of citric acid and dilute it all with water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then pour the resulting mixture into molds and leave to dry for 5-6 hours. Such natural flavors can not only eliminate unpleasant odors, but also clean the toilet from germs and dirt.

As you know, cleanliness is the key to health. Which is especially important if there are children in the apartment. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness and timely disposal of accumulated dust and dirt is very important for all of us. And of course, it’s always nice if putting things in order in the apartment is not difficult and does not take much time. We hope our tips will help you for faster and easier cleaning!
