Hitman Contracts: Passage of the game. Hitman: Absolution. Full passage. Death as art

Personal contract

Diana Bernwood hid in the Chicago mansion. Forty seventh need to penetrate inside.

The game begins with learning. Listen and look carefully. Clicking, you will fall in the information menu for the current task. There is a description of the prehistory, tests, as well as inventory. So, to the left of the gate there is a passage to the garden. First, go on [c], and then use the "instinct" to get information. To the right of the guard there is a big hatch, go to it and click [Space] to use shelter. Take advantage of instinct. Without getting out of the shelter, the movement key to the right, reach the end of the shelter and roll [E] into the next shelter, which is next to the highlighted weapon. Take [F] wrench. Click the right mouse button to follow in the bucket, and press [LKM] to throw the key. Also in the trunk of the tree to the left of the initial position of the guard there is an ax. Meanwhile, we go further ([Space] to get out of the shelter) while the guard is busy.

The next guy needs to shoot. Lesson to the fallen trunk, select a gun (pressing alternately, you change the number of pistols in the hands of forty-seventh), aim, closing [PCM], stabilize the sight, hopping breathing, and shoot [LKM]. Surride to the body, take it in your hands and drag to the garbage box, press [E] to put the body in the box. Now select a string, sneak up to the guard and press [Q]. Now in front of you is a small green labyrinth. You can already think about how to get through it. You can go on the right, you can on the left, you can kill, stun distract. Need to get to the door. To find out its location, use the instinct.

Forty-seventh crossed the garden. Here are two guards. Instinct will show their route. Do not worry, the guard will not reach you. Take the knife and kill it. Reset the body down, through the fence. With the second, you can straighten even more elegant - it's easy to paint and push [E]. Now go to the table on which the gardener is lies. Now you are disguised and you can safely pass by the guard and gardener. You can also use the guard of the guard. In the greenhouse, you must choose the path to the right or left, depending on your disguise. That is, if you are a gardener, go to the guards, and if the guard, then to the gardeners. You will reach the passage. On the right there is a valve, turn it. Water breaks on the guards, and they will leave.

The forty-seventh crossed the greenhouse. Kill the guards, or proceed by. Now climb the stairs. Go to the wall of the structure and stand on the cornice [E]. Complete on the other side. Pull the security guard from the window and climb yourself. You can borrow a local guard camouflage, or act exclusively hidden. Go through the door. Here is the manor. Go to the room with displays and disconnect the alarm. It also is evidence - video cassette. Take it with you. Go through the door to the first level. On this training ended, go to practice.

Manor, first floor. Cook in the kitchen prepares food. The head of security holds an interesting briefing a little further along the corridor. Climbing the stairs, you can find in the bathroom sleeping pills. Go down and choose food on the stove, which the cook will try, and then fall asleep. Repeat and hide the body. Now the guards will not suspect you, although it was possible not to kill the cook, but to distract security by opening the shutter with the button from the second floor. In the hall with the head of the security on the bar stand there is a cup of coffee, add a sleeping pill there. Take care for him, and when you fall, pick a map and hide the body. Climb the second floor of the stairs, find the door open by the key card.

Diana here. After the roller, the forty-seventh will again wear his costume, preparing for battle. Passing through the door, you will see four guards. Take advantage of the shelter, turn on the instinct, press [Q], click the right mouse button and click on four heads. Press [Q]. Now hack the door to Victoria's room.

King Chain Town

Go down the street until the market entrance. The King of Chain Town is located in the center of the square ahead. Actually, it can already be killed. But let's look out the way more interesting, and the police attract attention is better not worth it.

For example, you can eliminate the guards of the machine, find a number of explosives, throw an explosive next to the car, knock on the hood, depart at a safe distance, wait for the arrival of the king and blow up the bomb.

On the right side of the square one cop watching TV. You can spoil the transformer, pass by the corop of the stairs to the apartment, kill Narcodilera, take his clothes, meet the king and kill him. And you can push the phone calling on the phone, take a sniper rifle from the table and kill the king.

On the left, in the far corner of the market, there is an extraction where the king goes to needs. You can hide in a trash can, wait for the goal and eliminate without witnesses.

You can leave, for example, through the door in a snack, from the last method described.


Forty-seventh lost all his arsenal. In return, he was pointed to one of the guests of the Hotel Terminus.

The guards of the arms trader flooded the entire hotel. Through the lobby in the elevator, not slipping. Another elevator is in the basement. To the left of the entrance there is a staircase and descent into the sewer, and from there rise to the basement. There are also two entrances on both sides of the street. In the left part of the lobby there is a window to the street where only one guard. And two more passages directly from the lobby. The laundry has a guard's clothes. Cassette-evidence is located in the guest room in the lobby. Any disguise is enough to reach the elevator to the upper floors.

To the left of the elevator there is a room in which you can take the masking of the cleaner and a bottle with the film. In the room, stuck with a yellow ribbon, as a crime scene, can also penetrate the ribbon. But we need number 704, in which the spouses swear. You can penetrate through the door when they disperse, or get through the window, waiting for the same. Here on the artificial partition is a key card. Now you need to find the door it opens. It is protected, but a little further on the corridor there is a radio. While the guar turns it off, you penetrate the door. You can also break through the window, near which the guard stood.

Eighth floor. Here no disguise will help you. Conduct by the first guard, wait until the group breaks down, then go to the first door on the left. Here is the film projector. One bobbin, as already mentioned earlier, is located on the previous floor, eight there is one more, but much more difficult to reach. Now that most of the security is watching the film, you can penetrate the number 899, where the goal is hidden. Close to ventilation.

Saw flight

The hotel is burning, the police are looking for a killer. Go through the number and get out the window. Go on the eaves to the right, climb the roof on the stairs. Everything is shirled, get on and pierced through the police to the doors for their backs.

Forty-seventh found himself in an abandoned library. This mission could be seen during one of the game demonstrations. Downstairs a whole labyrinth of bookcases and policemen. It is easier to go on the right. Soon you will notice the corop that stands on the edge of the hole in the floor, you can push it and send it to the flight. Approximately in the same place you can find the chandeliers. But the most interesting will be next, near the entrance doors. The reinforcement will appear. One newcomer with a poorly working flashlight will be accurate near the bookshelf. It can be taken hostage if you have a gun. For secretive passage, you can use the hole to the right, climb the stairs to the doors. Through them, you will drive to the exit, go upstairs. You can reset the chandelier.

Run on the roof in a pigeon, cover behind the wall and proceed to exit the pigeon. Now - the roof, a cop will come to you. It can just get around. Go through the roof, follow the direction of the helicopter light. There will be a door to Shangri La. Here the rastamans grow and use marijuana. Children, do not think about repeating these bad people. Soon they will be connected and will be sent for many, many years. But now is not about. Come past the sorter, and on the plantation of marijuana and cops. Make and climb directly in the thicket, they can cover you, but keep the distance from the cops. Behind the field will again be an apartment and access to the living platform. You need to find the door to the apartment with starry sky On the walls and bathroom. There will also be a door on the opposite direction. In the apartment opposite, through the branch of the corridor, you can find an evidence. But still we need to find a way out. It is guarded. Wake up along the left wall in the apartment. Turn on the tape recorder and return to the corridor as they came. Cops are already going to the sound of music, the path to the elevator is free.

Forty seventh on the lower floor. We go on the door, behind which the cops are not visible. Although they are here, by itself. Wait until they go away from your path. Go to the metro station. Here you need to stay in the crowd so that there are other people between you and the view of the police, and Hitman stood back to them. So, from one group to the other, you need to cross the platform and enter the duty booth, where someone speaks by phone, and the policeman drinks coffee. Hide for reading leaflets, push the moment and go around the corop of his back. Another option is to approach the edge platform. Here you need to find a staircase. Upstairs, you can enable signals, thanks to which the trains will stop at the station. From this room you can go through the door. You need to go down to the platform and do not attract attention to one minute. You must take the train.

Hunter and sacrifice

Forty-seventh finds himself in slums during a torrential rain. And it is on the day that the police got here. You need to challenge the stairs to the street. You can cross the police on the left, from the shelter to the shelter, or distract their attention by activating the signaling of the machine. You need to jump at the entrance to Roxy, or try to find another entrance.

A bald man in an expensive suit is immediately allowed in the Lisukka Club, and even for free. House OZMOV goes around the hall. We need to go into a sort, kill the guard, hide the body into the closet. Wait for the arrival at home when he shut down his pants to strangle, and also hide the body into the same cabinet. The second option is to kill at home during his private dance, immediately after the girl comes out. Now let's go deep into the club and find office space. Here you can "spin the mirror ball". There is a pistol with a silencer. But we need to climb the stairs to the second floor. Wait until the chatting couple leaves, and get quietly. Make-uprose. No one else knows about the death of the boss here, and it is good. Cross the dressing room, climb on the third floor. Cabinet at home is here, listen to on the phone.

Hitman landed the police ambush in slums. You can bypass the police on the right, nourishing how nothing to do. You will find a collapsed staircase. On the eaves (left residues from above) here you can climb the floor above. Here you will find the body of the girl. Apparently, the bikes strippers are not fiction at all. Throw off the body down so that the police have care. Go down on the other side and move to the stairs. Take the Copy, throwing the bottle, and climb the stairs.

Forty-seventh again ended up on the street in the rain. Go down, go on the board and climb the window. Not going down the stairs, slip past the chef, get on new roof. His descend on the stairs. There will be a disguise to the cook. A little further we notice the fireworks. And on the contrary, through the corridor, the room will be the valve. Use the valve, return to the fireworks and ignite. Now you can not be afraid of exposure, leaving the shop. Also here is a shotgun and video tape. Go outside and remove from location. Go through the police to the door in Chinatown.

  • Bill Dul will lead you to the basement, where it makes a deal with the police. While two turns to "toys", you can draw a dossier and dump away. The mercenary is eliminated by a cop. Elegantly.
  • Larry Glue meets with a cook in the alley. A policeman prevents go there. We are deployed and looking for a secret passage. You will find yourself a little higher goals. In fact, it is better to come in advance in this place and hide down in the trash can. You can suddenly appear and kick to push the shit to the hatch.
  • Frank Owen also wandered into a secluded corner. Take the guard and climb through the hole in the wall. Here you need to spend the sabotage of gas station. Get away and wait for fireworks.

It remains to leave the Chinatown.


Forty-seventh returned to the monastery to protect Victoria. Carry the girl, and when the elevator arrives - hide behind the curtain on the left. Then log in to the elevator. Get out of the roof of the elevator and climb the floor. You must go down on the first staircase, pick up the fuse, climb the previous floor on another staircase, pick up the fuse and descend back. Now they say and assemble two other fuses on this floor. Return to the same way. Installing fuses need to be found where the first was found. Install them and pull the chopper.

Boiler room. Waid found Victoria, forty-seventh rushes to the rescue. Conduct past the guards. The following can be bypass right by climbing up. Go down at the other end, distract the guards and stop next. Wade awaits you. Do not rush, turn the valve in the corner and face ventilation. At the other end, get out and find another valve. It is done.

Welcome to Hope

The hook found on the Wide's body led forty-seventh in Hope town (Hope - Hope), South Dakota.

To find necessary man, Hitman went to the local bar fiery balls. Do not hurry, look around, and your observation will be rewarded: one of the visitors is Kane, familiar to us by the series. You can go to the sorter and pull for a suspicious lever. A fight will begin in the bar, not without the participation of Kane. Now you can go to the next bar of the bar. Be careful, many visitors want to wave fists. Go to the bartender and talk to him.

PTAHI gift

Pthaha for some reason attached the favorite Silveriblors of forty-seventh in the weapon shop. Her owner will give them if you defeat the girl in shooting.

Weapons in the shop a lot. You can take any and a bunch of cartridges in addition.

How to pass a shooting competition?

Most of the only points you get for hitting the red point of the head - 20 points in one time. For black - 10, when flocking in red. There are no other purposes for you. From weapons it is better to use a gun, as it is accurate and shoots solitary. If you have access to an instinct, you can use the firewall shooting when targets immediately appear.

In the award, Silveribllers will return to their owner.

Alternative way.

You can arrange a sabotage with old wiring. While the guards are going to figure out the reason for the extinguished light, you can pass for the counter, grab the key card, enter the service premises, climb up the stairs, jump down from there from the balcony. Or through the door in the bottom room with cups, it all depends on the location of the store owner. Here you can get through the trenches through the shooting range. There will be a sniper rifle, as well as a bunker, open by a key card. The bunker is a manual machine gun, evidence, and on the table notepad with the code from the safe. Safe is B. personal Cabinet Boss, it's to the right of shooting. The guard can move to the toilet, or distract to Lynch. Inside, you can enter through the door or window on the left side. And even more exquisite path - ventilation, it starts from a small tire with clarops inside the store. In the safe there is a key from the showcase with Silverbrals.

It remains to leave the weapon shop.

Sharp Lenny.

A new target for forty-seventh became a gang of Lenny, consisting of three assholes.

Right eating Cherry Donuts eating ("Cherry Donuts"). The guard will have to kill, and the body can be hidden in the closet up the stairs. Climb upstairs and take a sniper rifle. Go down to the street.

In the parking lot in front of the police station you can lower fuel pump to the ground. A puddle will appear on Earth.

On the left is the store of one of the guys, Tyler. To go to the second floor, you can turn on the radio. Upstairs from the window there is a wonderful position for firing on a pool benzine, which we have previously arranged. And if one of it will take place one of the guys - it is generally chic.

Another option. You can put gas on the gas stove. Put the second floor of a police station. From the balcony, you can shoot from a sniper rifle to the gas stove, provoking an explosion.

Another option - Tyler can be killed on the second floor, waiting for it in the closet. He will talk on the phone, and then naive will be at the window.

On the landfill, without entering it, you can see the pitted with oil. It can be headlined by Gaivina.

There is a fence on the landfill to which the current can be connected. Wait until the goal is suitable, and turn on the current!

In the workshop on the mechanics you can throw off the car. Oops.

When all three will be killed, you can go to the hairdresser.


Go forward and jump down. Scroll to the corner. Here you can arrange an accident: take a wrench, pull them the wire, pull the lever and allow the current. After some time, Mason will come here and curses on the bare wires. Do not repeat this house.

But before, here you can climb the building on the either. In the same room you can choose sleeping pills. It will come in handy to waste pizza if you do not change in the hairdresser. You need to cross the next room, on the right side of the upper floor to get into the hairdresser. There is a hairdresser's clothes here - universal disguise.

The second guy can be killed by putting the pre-gas on the stove. Look out into the corner, waiting for the guy's arrival and shoot a stove from Silverbulla.

It remains to kidnap Lenny. It is impossible to kill it. He is waiting for you in a chair in a hairdresser. Come and click the last button in this mission.

End of the Path

In this mission you have a choice: kill Lenny or let go, but to leave yourself. Lenny is very convenient to get right next to the drawers with full dynamite. And to leave, go back to the car. Your choice will not affect the plot.
The most interesting way to kill Lennia. Easter. Watch the video:

Dexter Industris

Follow the booth window and disable the security system. Now come back through the same window, but go from the opposite side. So, in the first structure you can find a key card. She will open arsenal: come back to the original point for the passage, then climb the same through the second guard window, the structure is ahead of the Arsenal. There are trunks, masking and even mines. On the right edge you reach the second security system, which can be disabled. It remains to get to the last door.

Old sawmill. Pull the wires to turn off the TV, and touch the closet or box. When the guard comes, you will get out and slip past. From the TV you can take an evidence. Carefully, someone descends from the stairs. From the table near the stairs, you can take a key card. Ladder Close up.

Descent. Slowly go down. The administrator administrator can be pulled out from the window, and to get into it yourself, but it is better not worth it. Go down to the bottom. So you will pass more soldiers and find the evidence, on the table, next to the enthusiastic mercenary. Even below will be the door opened by the card. If you do not have a card, you need to move quickly for two mercenaries while the door has not closed. In extreme cases, you can get around the right. So you will be a briefing. It is worth hiding behind a laptop if you are disguised. When everything disperse, one guy will still stop watching the only passage. Alternatively, you can pre-charge mine on the table that you passed, it will distract everyone. Radio is still right on the right, but other mercenaries are usually distracted. Or you can simply take advantage of the instinct and pass by. Conduct by the following patrols, turn on the electricity and descend to the elevator.

The territory of the factory. Forty-seventh was at the bottom of the mine. Select outward. The bridge can be overcome simply behind the spins of mercenaries, or go down and go through the eaves. Now you need to move left, here you can climb, on the cornices on the wall, on the roof. With it, with the help of the stairs, you can get into the office for truckers. Go to the toilet, and from there on ventilation in the wall you can get into the same booth with a complete lady. So you can easily get inside, in the lobby. It remains to overcome the labyrinth of security and come to the elevator.

Factory of death

Forty-seventh at the Dexter Factory for the production of mines. We start from the end, from the center of the test. Steal the key card from the interrogation chamber. You can even pull out the arrested, killing his tormentors and taking the documents. Or you can be content with the card and go through the door that was in the corridor. In a new room, you must enable fire alarm using the button on the wall. Then one of the mercenaries will check, and you will enter and steal the documents. Now you can return to the room where the key is the key and open the doors using a computer. Go down on the elevator.

Here is the test center. Be careful here there are many mines. Dr. Green walks along the lower floor. On the right you can find the key card on the box. It from a warehouse with a radio-controlled explosive that at the bottom right in the far corner. But on the left you can climb the stairs to the top. We need to the second floor of the management room, at the far end. To kill the Green, you can click the "Release Pig" button, which will undermine and dock. And for the quiet murder, it is better to taster it on the outer staircase, in the back of the complex. And the alarm is turned off at the bottom. There is also a disguise under the guard. It remains to leave the test center.

Disinfection zone. In the locker room there is a protective yellow suit, it will make it easier for the signaling path. From the same room with a TV, you can go to the back to fly to the ventilation, out of it right to the desired door.

Laboratory. Go to the first door on the left. There will be an alternative staircase down. From this laboratory can also be calmly go below, in the office. There is a diary and codes. We rise to the previous room and enter the code into the computer to fry valentine.

Alternative: Raymond Valentine is experiencing a prototype tools against baldness on himself, in the third laboratory on top. The floor below can be found a fiery paste, add it to a green potion. It is a pity that it does not work - the forty-seventh probably sometimes dreams of a fashionable chapel.

Anyway, you will need to go down to the lower floors, and on the stairs from the first option it is easier. Doc Ashford wanders at the lowest level. From time to time he enters the room where it lies as a test. Activate the robot from the computer and go. But, you can only get here if you are on you doctoral clothes.

Alternative: On the left, only turn on the manipulator connected to a man. While scientists check what is the matter, you can pass by and block the valve. You have 30 seconds of "invisibility" in smoke. Kill the dock in any way, but the most reliable of Silverbulla.

Now you need, at the same level, activate the retractable bridge. Find another Ashford's diary. Then spend two diversions with wires to destroy the diary. You can leave the laboratory through the doors.

Night of the Counne

Hangar Patriot. Illegal fatal battles are held here. The next stage is two doors: the door for the audience and the door for fighters. In order to go first, you need a card. One guy annoys the lost skip. You can watch him, the skip lies between the boxes where the guy spoke on the phone. For the second door you need to "split" a fighter named Patriot. At first you need to distract it, staring the bear. Stun, take clothing and knock on the appropriate door.

Option 1: Spectator.

Arena. That rare and adaptable level, when forty-seventh can be mixed with the crowd. Bar rack has a passport. You need to rise to the very top and untie the chandelier to kill the sanchers. Then he will leave the arena.

Option 2: Fighter.

When holy attacks

For forty-seventh sent a detachment of sexy nuns with the arsenal of special forces. Confect, you waited for this mission!


Unpleasant position, but Hitman miraculously survived. Crack from under the garbage. Pick up the tuxedo, it is necessary to meet the saints in this form. So, you are sent to you ... No, no nun, but ordinary thugs. Hide in the freezer. As soon as the girl passes by you, get out and get a string. Strangle Jennifer Pakston and drag it back to the freezer. You can go on the parking lot.

Roll into the shelter to the right. Take the rat poison. When the extreme agents remain one, you can distract it by throwing bricks. Or you can go left, stumble there. Now move exclusively on the right side, bring all these "cleaners". Move along with a chatty pair. Then wait for both go. You can go to the bridge, only when the guards are not near, and the goal of Heather McCartney is far from the bar counter. To her you need. There you can poison a drink that Heather drinks. When she dies, you can hide the corpse into the freezer and will leave to leave the parking lot.


At this level, you will have to stun a few guards so that they do not interfere. First of all, you need to activate the triggers (come closely) the saint's conversation with mercenary, as well as another mercenary with civil, and two more mercenaries on the right. The first to sleep in the refrigerator leaves the first counter guard, who speaks Saint Diana. Then you need to hide in the left corner by the window, near the rack. It is best to wait for her second arrival, then you can attack the holy feeling from behind without a threat to be a selected guard.

Then proceed to the left edge behind the back of the remaining holy. It does not move, always stands to this place back. But the guard will interfere. When he leaves, you will throw something in your own corner, after hiding. Agnia will go to check, you will throw your skipping and hide in the refrigerator. Now you need to return to the very beginning of the level. We go to the right, until the stop. These guards need to be distracted by something, but only when patrol will not be near. Slip past the goal.


The first thing that rushes into the eyes is scarecrow to the right of you, across the road. This is a unique disguise: forty-seventh will not be noticeable if it stands on a special stand in the middle of the field. The crows even arrive at him!

The first holy of times comes in the barn. You need to get around it and connect the electrical cable to the pipe. Then, when the Holy Louise goes inside and proceed to some water procedures, you turn on the current and the case will be done.

Through the field, you can quickly move freely. Difficulties will occur only when you have to go through the road, carefully follow the agents. Jacqueline can be very far in the field. You need to follow her and use the removal.

In one of the buildings there is a staircase in the attic. You can shoot from Silverbulla to a chain that holds a rather large cargo above the holy head. Of course, you can shoot from any position, but this seems to me most suitable.

Now you need to get to the command item and take the phone.

Law Scherki.


So far you can unfold and return to the previous room, without the access card, you still do not pass. It is best to get out into the street and find a passage to the insulator. They let only guards. But you can bypass them all, without the use of force and without disguise. Wonderful. You can go to the Komorka guard, there is a disguise and a shotgun, but it is not necessary. We climb into the window of the Cabinet of Judge. Find the computer from which the TV is turned off. The judge will announce a break and returns to the Cabinet. You can hide in the closet and wait for it to stun and pick up clothes with a key card. You can hide the body, only if you distract the judge's assistant, throwing something. Now, in a suit, the judges can be in the hall and become behind the podium. We endure the sentence and close the case! It remains to use our card to access the insulator. You can also visit the security room in this dress to pick up the evidence.


To the great convenience, I penetrate here in the disguise of the judge. If you have done otherwise, you will have to overcome several guards. I can advise the ventilation in one of the subsidies, in addition to the presence of Easter, it leads just to the finish door. Also in this room there is a cassette, next to the TV. But, if you, like me, changed the judge, do not try to immediately break forward. Beaming can and burn. So, you need to return a little back and pick up the fire extinguisher. Need a subject that will not break when falling. Returning even a little earlier in the corridor and throw the fire extinguisher in the room. While the guard does a duplicate, where he came from, you wake up the castle and go further.

No disguise will help here, in any case, without instinct. You need to run into the booth and click on the red button to open the door on. Start and cross the corridor, climb the stairs to cross the guards that beat the prisoner. Door closed chain can be mounted through the fool in the chamber on the left.

Hope captured by the Agency. You need to make me down at the entrance to the jail. It follows from the edge, carefully. We go to the next street, where the fuel carrier is soy. You need to get to him. Left is a shoe store.


Go in the footsteps of blood scramble. Soon you will join the detachment of attack aircraft. First, it is easy to get around, and over the next group you can go higher if you climb the stairs. And so on several stairs in a row, with the fade. You can still throw objects to distract. So you get to the door and you can breathe calmly.

Hype Fair.

Forty-seventh was in some bar. Below, if you look through the window, you can see the grave consequences of arrival in the city of special forces. Fair failed. Meanwhile, the sniper already occupies a position. You can neutralize it if you want. But you need to rush, the special forces coming on the heels. Go down to the fair, it is completely captured. It is best to move on the left side of the Fair. Get there easier from the lower floor of the eatery. And on the street - from the counter to the counter, using distraction. So you will reach the desired door.

You may not even go inside, we stay on the street. The guards here are also there, but they are easy to slip by. If you listen, you can learn that the plumbing is allowed penetration inside. On the back, you can find the unit to swipe water, it can be turned off. It will be repaired just that the same plumbing. Nequate, dress up and you can safely penetrate inside. Go not through the camork on the right, but by the guards in the middle. There, in a small camork, you can shoot evidence. Now enter inside and look for ventilation. Gently overcome other plumbers.

To go through the door with a scanner of the retina, this is the most scanner you need to turn off. So we go to the right, in the interior. Naturally, the security will not be glad when the plumber will fit a strategically important computer. A film projector can be used as a distracting maneuver. The coil with the film will have to be sought separately, but fortunately, access to these premises has a plumbing. When the guards are distracted, you can disable the scanner. The guard will leave his post and you can easily enter the elevator.

Forty-seventh traditionally got on the roof of the elevator, and just in time. On the either you can get out of the mine. Leila is constantly under guard. On the left you can climb the stairs. Two guards will discuss the order not to enter the room. But they will leave, and you can easily penetrate the bedroom. There is a key card. But much more interesting room on the left. There, if you can bypass all the lasers, there is a flask with poison. With it, it is possible to poison leila, the food of which is located in the very first room at the lower level, on the table. Now raise the stairs, it will be easier to penetrate the hidden room marked with blue in instinct mode. By the way, the evidence is in the room with a collection of firearms.

Bakewater Park Roof

Forty-seventh closed on the roof of a blackwater park. Dexter is going to fly on a helicopter and blow up the buildings.

The guy at the stairs will be very disturbing. You can get rid of it, firing in a chain holding a stack. The stairs can be climbed above. Pass past all mercenaries. Pave on the minefield. The detonation radius can be seen in instinct mode. So you will easily overcome them. Immediately to the right you will see ventilation, we need us there. The castle on the door opens a shot from Silverbuller. It remains only to kill Dexter.


Forty-seventh remained eliminating the last goal - Trevis.

Entrance to the cemetery.

Forty-seventh has already naively ranked position with a sniper rifle. We have to upset it if we want a quiet passage. Bypassing special forces much easier with right side. However, you still have to turn to the left to bypass the couple standing in the right corner.

Cyrp Bernwood.

Here is Jade, unnecessary devotees to his boss. It is equally convenient to get on both the left and right. You can also find here the clothes of the scientist for disguise and evidence nearby. Jade talks with some scientist. And right above it you can see a crane that raised the grave plate. Shoot in a fastening point from Silvierbolers and the case is done! Even the crane has a button, in case you are disguised as a scientist. This is a silent murder. You need to return almost to the top, there will be a way out there.


Be careful, here are mines with laser sensors. All stairs are mined, but you can climb upstairs. The best wayAs you understand, it is to strangle each of them and hide the bodies. Climb to the crematorium, pick up the explosive and open the door with it.

Options for passing here a whole bunch and a small trolley (well, almost like in Deus Ex). That is, you can easily shoot everyone in the focus, only you will get the least money for it. And you can hide a long time to hide in the doorway and complete the case with just one exact shot. Professional need to act like this: to study the routes of all the victims and policemen, choose a suitable weapon, talk to who will work with (they can give the keys to talk about necessary things, location "objects" ...). When performing the task, act extremely careful and "clean". Otherwise, noting the corpses or the sounds of firing, the protection will raise the alarm and some doors, the codes will be blocked. Before performing the mission, you can see the area of \u200b\u200bthe area, photos of "objects" and stock all the necessary equipment and weapons. And a few more useful Soviets:

* Without need not to take out weapons, and then passersby will scream and cause protection.
* Like it is desirable to mind.
* People will scream, if they see how you have been frightened, therefore, if possible, act without witnesses.
* Try to thaw the corpses into safe places if they are found - the noise that you can do it.
* Act you need as quickly as possible; The movements of the characters are painted here sometimes literally in minutes, so the "predinamy" of someone's appearance or a meeting is simpler.
* Make more often with the map.
* Always try to use the least noisy pieces (like removal, knife, "Beretta" or MP5 with silencer).

As you wake up, take your clothes and go on. Pour the stairs (Hitman will automatically jump and climb), then go to the elevator on the third floor. Repeat on the mannequin in circulation with docking and knife. Next, practice in shooting from a pistol, a machine gun. In the elevator to the second floor. Slow out from a new machine, shotgun, rifles with an optical sight. In the elevator, go to the first floor. Immediately kill Sanitar (otherwise you will all the time you will go to this workout again) and put on his clothes. The next door will open with another sanitary. Go to the final door.

Mission 1: "Kowloon Trads in Gang War".

Next to the Chinese courtyard (several pagodas for the fence) find lift shafts At buildings. They are here a few pieces. Rear to the roof on any of the elevators. Wait until the limousine will come up with the security, the next will be with the boss. Shoot the boss from the optical rifle right in the head. Now you can either figure out the shooter from the helicopter, or quickly run to your car. Shoot in gang members in blue do not need.

Mission 2: "Ambush at the Wang Fou Restaurant".

Here you need to remove the emissary. Go to the restaurant and see where the limousine driver goes. When he starts his "wet business,", inhabit it with a removal. Take the clothes and "Beretta". Hide the body in the hatch next door. Come to the limousine and put a bomb. Now stand up near the three guards in blue (already on the road from the zone) and when the car will pass by them, press on remote control. I wonder how this limousine went without a chauffeur? I will even say more - how can the Mafia boss sail to the already exploded (!) Limousine (somehow I blew him a little earlier than the deadline). Go to your car. Mission 3: "The Massacre et Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant".

Enter the toilet behind the bar, climb into the window. Put there a gun and quickly head to the northeastern corner of the card. Kill the negotiator from the "Red Dragons" and quickly drag his body between houses, reset in the hatch. Do not forget to pre-pick up the "emblem" and clothes. Go to the bar, you are united and deprived of the available weapon (approx. Ed. - You can not climb into the toilet, but just take with you and the gun and "ultrasound" - perhaps the glitch of the game, but I have allioned with enviable constant, leaving the machine ). Talk to the police chief, then ask the Barmen key from the toilet. Go there, take a grazed weapon in advance, throw away the "emblem" right there, go out and kill the police chief and a member of the competing gang in blue. Roll into the bar (anywhere). Get out through the same window in the toilet and run to the car.

Mission 4: "The Lee Hong Assassination".

Complex mission, however. To begin with, go to the building where the restaurant is located. Inside in the "bar" right. Talk to the bartender, he will give you "Flyer" in a brothel. Now go to the toilet and in front of the door fill the guard in sunglasses. Take off his corpse into a sorter and rejoice. Here you can shoot the waiters who will soon come. Anyway, you will need his clothes later. Now go to the main entrance to the building and from there in the first door to the left. Guards will miss you. Long go on stairs to a thick type in a purple coat, he will let go further. Climb upstairs and talk with the mistress of a brothel. Go for the lady she suggested to you. Talk to her in her room. Go track. She will suit the stairs. Click on the stairs.
Now go to the right to the big gate, talk there again with a prostitute. She will give you the code to the safe. Go down on the elevator to the basement and find the door there, which is guarded by the "Red Dragon". Kill it and drag the corpse inside. The main thing is that everything goes smoothly here, and then the anxiety can be climbed and the door to Hong Residence will be blocked. Inside, talk with a prisoner in torture vysiet.
Go to the safe, there are three options for its location, so listen carefully to him, (or a room next to the brothel, to the left of the place where you spoke or a warehouse at the bottom, or the placement of protection). Remove the security (almost everywhere it can be done without excessive noise) and take the Jade Dragon figure from the safe. Take it an old man in the store selling herbs. She is located next to the restaurant. In return, he will give you poison.
Repeat into the clothing of the waiter (what was previously soaked and dragged into the toilet) and go to the kitchen. There you will be given a dish with food. Take it to the Table Lee Hong. A fat guard will try first, and then it is a matter of technology. If you squeeze it, and do not shoot it in the restaurant, you can go to his residence and kill him there. If the entrance doors are blocked, then go down to the basement and go on the elevator. At the end of the mission, descend from Lee Hong Residence to Katera at the pier.

Mission 5: "Find The U" Wa Tribe ".

And now we run a little on the jungle. To begin with, run to the southeast and take the statue next to the door of the crashed aircraft. Caution! In the district there is a large cluster of bandits. Go to the village (northeast) and show the idol to local residents, then go to the leader.

Death factory.

The killer nuns received an indication of the boss - to eliminate the agent 47. Moving right along the corridor, then we turn right and go into the room. Call a key card from the table, back to the corridor and unlock the door. Near the table, activate the fire alarm signal and quickly regain the door and will be ready to enter the interrogation room. One of the guards will come out to look around, and the second will turn toward windows. We take the documents, go back to the small room. Enter the password, the door opens. Go down on the lift.

Dr. Green decided to arrange a ming test on pigs. Let's go left and climb the stairs. Moving directly, it is desirable to pour a lonely security guard and eliminating it, pick up the disguise. Reaching the other hand, go down the usual stairs. Activate the checkpoint. Going down, enter the room on the right. Through the window to jump into the neighboring room, where two communicate. From the rack we take the approximation sensor. We wait for the care of guards and wake the protection system. In the previous room, there is a mine on the table, we set the approximation sensor on it. We can return back to the lift, the same way we arrived. After some time, Green will undergo a mine, and we will be able to go to the quarantine zone.

We go directly, we turn right and find yourself in the locker room. Between the locker, we move into a jumpsuit. Now the guards are not afraid to us, but but similar scientists in yellow overalls will suspect us. Let's follow their route and quickly skip the next room, where we turn off the protection system. Then we go further to the toilet, where we move to the next zone along the ventilation mine.

1) Follow the guard and turn through the first door to the left. We pass through the door in the corner, go down. We wait for the end of the conversation, the enemy will leave, and here two scientists will remain. Neutralize one of them and change clothes in his clothes. Left there is a room where we can activate the checkpoint. We select "Safety Safety". Return to the previous room. We wait for the arrival of Dr. Valentine. When he stands among mannequins, cutting into a computer and turn on the electric shock.

2) Let's go down to the lowest. Let's wait until Dr. Esword enters the room where he will fall on the chair. Quickly enter into and activate the robot, through the computer on the left.

Get to the lift and call it. We go into the room where we destroy all research data.

Night compets.

We go straight, we turn right. Scroll through the boxes on the left. We boil on the box, continue to go straight until you stop. Accordingly, turn right and go again until it stops. We destroy a lone guard, we move into its shape and hide the body. Between two small boxes, you find the key key and return back to the initial position. We unlock the door, enter inside and go down. We pass through the ventilation system, listening to the conversation of the sanchend.

We merge with the crowd, get to the first bar counter and take a bottle. Of course, we go around the rear, so that the guard does not see us. We go back, climb upstairs. Throw a bottle to distract a fixed opponent. When he leaves, unlock the door on the left. We will rise up, waiting until two will go. Easily deal with the remaining guard. Then the other will return here, in the same way, it is also possible to liquidate it too. We go further, we paint with the third. We arrange a sabotage, dropping the chandelier down and thereby giving the decker bodyguard.

When the saints attack.

With a lighter in the hands of a half-day. Kneak between wreckage and leave the room. The exit is our corporate suit. Turn to the left, we go to turn. I hide in the container and wait for the approximation of enemies. When she will pass, proceed for the first goal - Jennifer Pakston and kill it with a wire, as soon as she even slightly lagging behind his people. Hide the body and go to the stairs. Activate the checkpoint. Hiding behind various objects, we move to the right. In the corner lies the rat poison in bright green packaging - taking it. Near the column is the opponent. As soon as the second starts to leave, quickly eliminate the first and hide the body in the container, pre-changing into its disguise. We continue the movement along the edge, we will see a small passage, followed by the thug about the garbage. We use "instinct" and pass to his back. Proily proceed for him, moving, hiding behind wooden shelters. We must be in front of the bridge and wait. As soon as the enemy starts to go along the bridge, quickly proceed for him and then hide behind the bar. Heather Periodically comes here to eat a cocktail. Finding the moment, send a drink and head towards the exit.

We go straight, selected from the building. We go further, find out in a small fenced area. If possible, by the elimination of thugs coming here. Let's leave this area on the other hand and directly in front of us we see benzokolone. We interact with it and return to the fenced area. As soon as we see that both nuns will be near, shoot on a spilled gasoline. We turn to the parallel side (where did we come from) and get to the exit. Since from there is much safer.

Through the high grass proceed to the first victim. It will take place in a small building, and we are behind it. We strangle and hide the body in the container. The second and third goals walk among the grass, and this is an excellent chance to deal with them imperceptibly. But at the same time, it is necessary to constantly follow the radar so that the guards are not too close at the time of the murder. We get to the phone and tell Trevis that the mission of the nun fell away.

The law of the joke.

After listening to a short court session, we unfold and leave the courtroom. Turn to the right, we choose out. Again and enter an archival room, where the police neutralizes is changed in its shape and hide the body. We leave out and immediately find yourself in the forbidden zone. First proceed on the right side, then after the car we turn left. Get to the bus, at the other end of which a policeman is still worth. I distracted him, throwing any object aside. Ahead door, and on the right - a ledge, which is easy to climb upstairs and through the window to get into the Cabinet of the judge. We go to the right to the neighboring room. To the right of the door interact with the computer to turn off the TV broadcasting evidence in the courtroom. Let's go back to the Cabinet of the judge and hide in the closet. We wait for the arrival of the judge, neutralize it, we move into his clothes, at the same time we take a key card and, accordingly, hide the body in the closet. Now we can go into the courtroom and calmly go to the isolator.

Accompanied by a security guard moving forward. But when trying to hack the castle, if you are seen, then it will immediately suspect. In the next zone, we can no longer be incognito. Sheriff's assistants will draw us into two bills. Proceed by the corridor at one of them and quickly neutralize until he turned around the corner. We change clothes, hide the body in the closet on the left. Now act quickly, using the "instinct" we go into the booth and open the door. We continue to search for Victoria, no one will prevent us here - all are distracted by the fight between prisoners. But still, some enemies are not losing their vigilance, so if necessary, activate the "instinct". The doors are closed, but the castle is easy to shoot a gun with a silencer. Or we can go to the camera on the left and there, in the corner notice a breakthrough tunnel.

Operation "Sledgehammer".

We were caught and started torture. We are freed from the chair, turn on the alarm on the wall ahead. Sit down on the chair and wait for the arrival of the enemy. As soon as it is suitable for a shield, neutralize it, and the body hides in the drawer outside. Rise upstairs little room We are straightening with another one who speaks by phone. To the right of the first aid kit ventilation pass. But before going through it, we will go into the corridor and activate the control point. We are chosen into the room, we are separated with the police. We go to the registry, quickly take a couple of pistols and leave the building.

The agency has begun hard actions, in connection with which, a skirmish with local has occurred. We go to the right, run to the end. We descend on a small staircase and turn right again. Boil upstairs, neutralize the fighter and change clothes in his form. Then activate the checkpoint. Go down, we move down the street, we use "instinct" so as not to be in an awkward position. At the end of the street, penetrate the store and from there we are chosen in the smoke room. Special troops have become particularly attentive. Sometimes their sharp movements and it is impossible to predict. With the first two best to deal with and change clothes into a new form. In the following room, try to look for stairs and, rising along them, move from above to avoid the most dangerous places. Get to the exit, if necessary, applying "instinct".

We got into a local bar. Outside a panic crowd. Neutralizing the enemy by the window. We change clothes in his shape, and thaw the body from the window. Go down, we go out and move through the scene on the left. We continue to move on the left side, picking up the moment when you can go. Here shelters abound, the main thing is not to rush and act carefully.

Out of the screech, he decided to laugh in the church. We tend inside, where a cowardly sheriff decided to take a priest hostage. We mark the head of the enemy and produce a control shot.

One of a kind.

We arrive in the shop Tommy-tailor and get a new suit. Then we leave the boutique and thus complete this short mission.

Blackwater Park.

We go ahead, then we will get right and move on this side. Next, without a fight, do not pass, as one of the guards constantly stands in one place, moreover, watching the passage through which we need to go through. We wait until everyone is distinguished, neutralizing it and hide the body in the drawer. We get to the very extreme building on the right and penetrate inside. Now we need a form of cleaner, therefore I have been eliminating two personnel workers here. We go to the next room, where in the air vents will get in the following zone. We are chosen to the main hall, and along the paths activate the checkpoint. There is only access to the elevator with a strict young lady, which walks through the territory. We go to the right, finding out the room with the projector. From there we will go to the corridor, where I will take a film from the bedside tables. Install it on the projector and launch the movie. The enemy in the Red Jacket will run off the film by decree of the lady and then she will tell that it will wait for it from the elevator. It's time to deal with him and change clothes into his shape. The easiest way to do it when he stands in the corridor. I define the radar when other employees will not look at our side. The body can be hidden behind the cabinets nearby. Get to the elevator and go down.

Dexter and its security are aware of our presence. Therefore, agent 47 climbs the elevator shaft. On the ledge go to the other side and jump down. Having noted, proceed to the girl to the left. Then go for leyla and its protection. Depending on where Leyla goes, our following actions depend on:

1) She will go to the right and ask for one one. Next to us will be one of the elite fighters. Quickly destroy it and change clothes in his form (so extra people I did not hear the sounds of shots, we try to make a control in the head). And accordingly, we are painting with the goal.

2) Leila will go straight, then we will go right. We move through the shop windows, at the end we will go left and climb the stairs. We will spend a convenient point and discard the goal of a huge whale.

All the dependencies on these actions, we continue on the top floor (where the whale dropped) and in the end we get to the secret room Leila and select the phone.

The roof of the blackwater park.

Zero visibility does not allow fully controlling the situation, but, nevertheless, you need to act quickly, as we are limited in time. We go straight, neutralizing the enemy busy bomb. Take off the body and change clothes into the form. The corpse can be reset from the roof. The stairs on the right rise upstairs, use "instinct" to not be detected. Activate the checkpoint and continue to move forward. I hurt for bombs, enthusiastically examining them when enemies are approaching. Track the "holes" in the routes of enemies and get to the bridge. We use "Instinct" to detect mines and areas of their action. Turn to the right and climb upstairs. We jump over the boxes on the left, grabby for the ledge and move to the left. We rise to the helicopter platform and quickly eliminate Blake Dexter, until you dealt with Victoria after I learned that Leila is dead.


We are in a sniper position, but applying weapons will not be due to the risk of detection. We go back, go down and quickly neutralizing the enemy that entered the inside. We leave out and shift on the right side. Two in front of us will disperse. The one that went to the right will be in front of the jumped pit. Follow it and continue to move. We get to the gate and gently wake them up.

Let's go straight and turn left only on the second turn. We go around the right and neutralize a lonely opponent. Body hiding in the closet. If you wish, you can neutralize two more who have been talked earlier. Moving further and see a more nervous fighter. Using the "instinct" we go to the left. We change clothes in a disguise lying on the drawer. We go to the center where I find Jade. Let's go to her, she will ask for her. We fear a person in a similar protective suit. We select a moment and click the button on the central device when Jade will be near. By this action, we are engaged in your head with a sweaty plate. If you did not succeed, we will wait a bit and proceed to a deserted place where they can easily deal with the goal.

We get to the last territory where there are only three enemy - pre-exchangers. Climb up and turn right. We run to the center, avoiding laser traps (easily traced "instinct"). Neutralizing goals with caution. In the near battle, it is advisable not to join, but to eliminate enemies with accurate shots in the head. Then penetrate the crematorium. To do this, we select explosives from the boxes before entering and lay on the door. We look at the final roller.

Helpful information

Tasks in Hitman: Absolution are not limited to the implementation of the main contracts where a certain person or a group of people can be a target. During adventures, the 47th will face a variety of additional and secret tests, will find unique weapons, items and things. Tests are a certain sequence of actions, after executing which the list includes achievements affecting bonuses to the final account and rating. Each level contains 10-15 simple and complex tests. And they are compiled in such a way as to force all the ways to fulfill the contract, so it is completely impossible to open them for one passage. The passage of Hitman: Absolution is non-linear, in each case can be experimenting. Open achievements are counted and entered in common list Immediately, you do not need to open them.

The discovery table contains a list of things that need to be found for 100% task passage. If the level is broken down on the slope, the test part is sometimes not transferred to the following supro, for example, when you need to kill a certain number of guards. It does not always happen, but it should be remembered about it. Also, before passing tasks, it is desirable to make backup copies of the preservation, some secret tests are sometimes incredible, which prevents them from completing or transition to subsequent parts: for example, the first part of the test is passed - a check mark is in the cell, and the next part remains locked with a lock. Passage from the "clean" sheet helps solve the problem. Tests in Hitman: Absolution can be passed from rebooting checkpoints. List with all tests and their brief description Located in a laptop (key), where the inventory, account and instructions for tasks are also stored.

Tests in the task "Personal Contract"

  • Harvesting:
    1. The magazine lies on the shelf next to computers responsible for signaling and surveillance camera, in the hallway mansion.
    2. The magazine lies on the table in a common room with guards on the first floor of a mansion.
  • Contemporary art - we go out to the court, get rid of the guard, shoot in the statue in the center of the garden, so that it fell right on the conversation patrol.
  • Jeronimo! - We make my way through the head slope for the greenhouse, pull the guard, chatting on the phone with the doctor, through the window with the [Q] key, finding it close to the victim.
  • Damn, strong coffee - climb the bathroom on the second floor of a mansion, from the table Take the sleeping pills, pass through the kitchen to the bar counter, we have a couple of pills in the coffee.
  • Spices to taste - climb the bathroom on the second floor of a mansion, we take away the sleeping pills from the table, we return to the kitchen and pour the tablets in the Verevo to the cook.
  • Play on bis! - We wait for the moment when the guard tries to set up the piano in the main hall of the mansion, putting his head under the cover. Know the stand shots from pistols.
  • A good game - penetrate the mansion, climb the bathroom on the second floor, we take away the sleeping pills, we go down, add a tablet to coffee to the Coffee Chief, take a key card from him and open the door on the second floor where Diana is hidden. No one else and nothing needs to be touched.

Tests in the task "King of Chain Town"

  • Harvesting evidence - the magazine lies in the gazebo where the king is hidden.
  • Keeping like - pick up the poison of the poison in the center of the poison market, climb the room to the dealer on the second floor of the house, straighten the drugs on the table, we climb into a box or a closet, waiting for the arrival of the king with a retinue.
  • Hot coffee - we have a poison of a fugue in coffee on a table in a gazebo where the king is hidden.
  • "Drugs are bad", hot coffee, let's have a dinner - straightening drugs in the dealer room on the second floor of the house, or add to coffee in a gazebo, or to a plate with rolls near the far dining room, where you cook and where the king is often peeking.
  • Baba - We select on the court in the courtyard with a radio-controlled bomb with the machine, lay it with the [G] key, turn on the signaling with the [E] key. When the king is suitable for the car, activate the charge.
  • A managed explosion - we do the same actions as in the test "Baba". Just before the explosion you need to neutralize the policeman and remove his body into the container, so that in the explosion there were no extra victims.
  • So that you die - wait when the king gets up under a platform with bricks at the exit from the location, shoot the fasteners so that the platform collapses and crushed the loser.
  • Two at the price of one - shoot a sniper rifle from the apartment window on the second floor, when the dealer and the king will start talking about drugs in a gazebo in the courtyard. Shoot conveniently through the second closed window.
  • Falling a person - waiting for the moment when the king will go to have rolls to the long dining room, and then fit to the hatch and starts to inspect it. At this moment, we shoot it from the sniper rifle from the apartment on the second floor of the house where the dealer lives. The place is clearly seen from the second closed window.
  • Death Mask (Part 1) - We change clothes to a policeman's costume, get rid of the dealer in the apartment on the second floor of the house
  • Death Mask (Part 2) - We change clothes to a dealer costume, kill the king in any convenient way.

Tests in the "Terminus" task

  • Harvesting:
    1. The videotape lies in the room with the manager on the first floor of the hotel near the room where a woman is talking loudly.
    2. The magazine lies on the table in the room on the eighth floor, where two guards are duty, next to the entrance to the number 899.
  • In the evening in Paradise - we find a coil with a film in the pantry for staff on the 7th floor, climb 8 floor from the protected stairs to the projector, turn on the movie.
  • Household - kill 11 thugs and hide their bodies. You can not leave the sublevel and reboot the game, otherwise the counter will reset.
  • Alien among their own - climb the elevator to the 7th floor, we turn to the corridor to the left, we reach the trolley from the radio, turn it on, attracting the attention of the guard by the window. When he goes to the noise, we choose through the window, near which he stood, and pass on the eternity to the stairs on the eighth floor. We rise, pass by the stuffed bear. Include on the Radio Rack, distract the security guard and choose the window. We pass on the eternity to the room 899. We wake the door and enter inside.
  • Skip, do not disturb - pass, not attracting the attention of the protection serving personnel and without killing anyone, from the beginning and until the end of the job in the costume of the hotel's servant, which lies at the control point in the basement or in the laundry floor on the first floor.
  • Electrician (part 1) - we move into an electrician costume, we find a screwdriver, for example, in a room with a point of preservation in the basement, come back to any security guard and apply the [Q] key.
  • Electrician (part 2) - we move into an electrician costume, we find and secretly kill five more guards by throwing a screwdriver in the head ([PKM] - aim, [LKM] - reject a screwdriver). Purchase a secret test is convenient on the seventh and eighth floors of the hotel. You need to kill guards from a distance, the quiet murders from the back are not counted. Before getting rid of the corpse, we definitely take a screwdriver so as not to throw it together with the body.

Tests in the task "Savor flight"

  • Harvesting:
    1. The magazine lies behind the back of the Meyer police sergeant in the center of the library.
    2. The magazine lies on the windowsill at the exit from the room with two policemen, to the left of the restroom, in Shangri La.
    3. The magazine lies on the windowsill next to the table in the lobby with the kopami, before the release and descent to the metro platform.
  • Do not bow the newcomer - sneak from the back to the newcomer at the shield, who is trying to fix the light, not far from Sergeant Meira in the center of the library, and capture it to the hostage by pressing the [x] key. You can also detect yourself, slightly pushing the guard in the back, and then surrender by pressing the [x] key.
  • Death from the air - we reset the chandelier on a policeman when he goes to the patrol, having rushing the lever to the left of the police sergeant in the center of the library, or at the very exit of it.
  • Smoking is dangerous - we take a hookah sofa, in the room to the left of the restroom in Shangri-la, and smash the heads of the three policemen. After the murder of the first policeman's hookah, reboot the game from the control point, repeating the actions before the condition is not running and not to look for new hookahs.
  • The field of happiness - we are imperceptibly passing through the field of cannabis with the help of instinct, or quietly killing the police.
  • Surprised business - we open the safe in the room behind the plantation of hemp in Shangri-la. Notepad with the code from the safe lies in the adjacent room. Before departure, we turn on the radio to attract the attention of the police.
  • Steree effect - insert the cassette into the player in the disco room in Shangri-LA to attract the attention of the police.
  • Do not make noise (part 1) - neutralize a policeman and hiding his body into a closet or box.
  • Do not make noise (part 3) - neutralize seven policemen and hide their bodies in cabinets or boxes.

Tests in the task "Hunter and Victim"

  • Harvesting:
    1. The magazine lies on the hood of a police car in the courtyard after exiting the sewage.
    2. The cassette lies in the locked room on the second floor of the club "Fox". The entrance is on the left of the administrator rack. The door opens a key card selected from any guard, also inwards can be accessed through the window from the street.
    3. The magazine lies next to the police group in an abandoned building. To attract their attention, you need to reset the stripter's corpse from the top floor, climbing the ledge from the destroyed stairs.
    4. The video cassette lies at the checkout at the exit from the local store.
    5. The magazine lies on the table in the boost office.
    6. The magazine lies on Earth in the courtyard next to the cargo platform in the Chinatown, which needs to be discarded on Larry Glue, when he goes to talk to the merchant.
  • Gloating - Drop the crystal ball on Ozmond, using a shield in a locked room, when he will shove on the stripper in the hall, where the boy passes.
  • Private dance - We produce a key card at the guard in the restroom, go to the room for private dance, wait for the beginning and end of the show. After the security guard with a stripper goes around and the Bottle of Ozmond, then take a bottle from the next table, break the mirror, hide the body in the box.
  • Discoupled - go to the restroom, blowing the guard, hide the body into the closet. We are waiting for the appearance of Ozmond, repeat the actions.
  • Gori clearly - overlap the valve in the storeroom next to the shopping counter in the local store, set fire to the boxes with fireworks.
  • Plus, the plus is given plus - save the merchant from Larry Glue, when he will lead him to the backyard, dropping, for example, on his head platform with a cargo. The test is counted after the completion of the level, the trader must survive.
  • The very place is - throwing a platform with a load on Larry Glaza shots from a gun when he goes to talk with a trader to the backyard.
  • A minute of bliss - In the courtyard, where there was a king's car, connect the wires to the scooter, hiding behind the transformer, turn on the switches shortly before the time when Bill Dolell is suited.
  • Kill fire - make your way to the benzocolone behind restaurants in the far part of the Chinata Town, take out the hose, spread the fuel on the ground. When Frank Owens finished a conversation on the phone and throw a cigarette, it will flash like a match.
  • A bad policeman - make your way from the courtyard on the air duct on the underground warehouse, stealing before the arrival of Bill Doleut from the table dossier on Ptahu, observe the junction.
  • Swam ringing (part 1) - We select Katan next to the merchant, whom Larry glue takes to the backyard. We make your way to the conversation site, hurt for the tank. When it comes to the hands-uppost, clamp the right mouse button and stuck Katana in the head of the aggressor.
  • The swords are ringing (part 2) - we select Katana next to the merchant, imperceptibly killing it three people Weeda - Larry Goliya, Bill Doleut, Frank Owens. Larry Glue can be killed in the back courtyard, Bill Dolella in a dead end after meeting with the police, Frank Owen near the refueling, for the far dining room.
  • The swords are ringing (part 3) - we move into a chest of a chipmunk, which is hidden in the guarded passage behind the warehouse, where a bad policeman awaits. We are imperceptibly killing a throw of the Katana of three people Wade - Larry Goliya, Bill Dolela, Frank Owens. The guard near the refueling can be lured by a bottle. While he will look for a source of noise, hiding behind the scooter and run past him to the benzokolone, where Frank Owens is hidden.

Tests in the task "Rosewood"

  • Harvesting:
    1. The magazine lies on the table in the lobby on the lower floor of the shelter halls.
    2. The magazine lies on concrete slabs In the corridor boiler room next to the second group of bandits.
  • Good Samaritan - kill the gangsters, beating the guard, at the end of the corridor with a de-energized elevator in the hall of the shelter.
  • All eggs in one basket - neutralize five gangsters and hiding the body in the children's pool with balls on the first floor of the shelter halls.
  • A skillful injection - we kill the three, four and five gangsters with a throw of a syringe (the last part of the test for a while). The syringe lies in the wards on the top floor in the hall of the shelter, next to the room where the gangsters beat the guard.
  • An indicative battle - being in a room with Wade, overlapping the valve with a ferry opposite the furnaces, make your way through the duct, on the other side you activate another valve to burn weide fire.

Tests in the task "Welcome to Hope"

  • Harvesting evidence - a videotape lies in the storeroom, to get into which it is possible through the ventilation shaft in the toilet or using a key card lying on the railings of the staircase during the descent to the main part of the bar.
  • A dexterity wonders, discharge the situation - turn off the shield in the toilet, make your way through the ventilation shaft in the storage room, we leave it into the main hall, looping between the tables with the keen key, avoiding the fight, speak with the bartender.
  • Ali - during mass brawl In the bar for attack, we only chose a bouncer, whose written on the back "STAFF", approaching them from behind or side.
  • Svetsky Trep - we move into a policeman's suit in the toilet, and then calmly reach the bartender, avoiding discovery.

Tests in the task "Ptahi gift"

  • Harvesting evidence - the cassette is inserted into the VCR in the bunker on the main shooting range next to the gun, the key card from the door lies on the counter in the weapon store.
  • Girls are different, in an apple, the killer sign - in the first round losing Lilly, in the second we win, in the third I am fixing success by typing more than 650 points. During the competition, it is important to use the shooting from the use of instinct (keys + [Q]), and each time starting with new weapons from the control point (not in a row).
  • Personal Arsenal (part 1, 2, 3) - winning the shooting competition from SA44, Ultramax and sniper rifle (at the last test stage you can not use the firewall, only breathing slowdown).
  • Duck hunting - we kill ten ducks in the inner dash, where two policemen shoot, from any weapon.
  • The burdens my spleen - make your ways past the instructor-merchant at the fitting in the store, climb the second floor, pass to the gun in the courtyard, shoot a fit of the weapon, so that it gives a volley and demolished the water tower with the core.
  • It is no longer theft - with a push in a weapon store we take a key card, pulling the chopper on the column in the center of the hall to distract the merchant. We go through the first floor to the trenches and pass to the bunker next to the gun. We take a notebook with the code from the safe, return the trenches to the cabinet of the host host. We wake a safe and get the key. We return to boxing with cherished silyverbullars, distract the seller with a shield, turning off the light in the store. We take weapons.

Tests in the task "Sharpe Lenny"

  • Harvesting:
    1. The cassette lies on the table on the second floor of the auto repair shop next to the mechanic.
    2. The magazine lies on the TV in the dining room to the hairdresser. You can pick up without a fight if in the basement turn off the light and change clothes into the costume of the hairdresser.
  • Oil is the blood of the Earth - collapse Gevina three times in the oil pool next to the entrance to the landfill, which is through the road from the confectionery store.
  • Kill me, I cook! - Climb Tyler's room over the store, open the comforts of gas stove, wait for the victim's return and imperceptibly shoot on the stove because of the door when it will pass by her.
  • Kill Mechanics - We go into a small workshop to the right of the main garage, get rid of the police and mechanics at the entrance, we move into the suit of the mechanic, shift one of the bodies under the lift, waiting for the arrival of the Hevina, which appears from the landfill side, and when he comes to inspect the body and turns out Under the platform, we use the lever at the column to press it with the machine.
  • It's shocks - make your way through the small workshop to the entrance to the landfill, neutralize the police, hide the body in the box, throw the wires from the transformer to the grid, hurt for the van, waiting for the appearance of Hevina, slowly follow him on the heels and for moments to contact the victim with the bare Transformer lever to put current. If Gevin passes the inlet grille and there will be no police in place, it will stop, the test will need to be held from the control point.
  • For pumping - approach the gas station at the garage, we drop the hose to the ground, put the gasoline in the puddler, the radio-controlled explosive (the [G] key), wait for an inspection of the red car by Tyler, when it starts to kick the foot on the bus, activate the charge. If the test passes from the control point in the garage, you need to give Tyler the ability to make a complete route, otherwise the condition may not count.
  • It's time for me - after the entrance to the courtyard, where the gang of jaguars is having fun, we move along the left wall, go down the stairs from the ledge, we get up to the garbage containers, we select the adjustable key from the boxes and barreered the wire next to the pipe, turn on the voltage shield, rising near the right tank For a ledge on the wall, then even higher, to Lenny's room, we wait for Mason to cast out, we observe from above for an accident.
  • Great work - We climb along the wall next to the containers before entering the house in the Lenny room on the third floor, we go down to the hairdresser, we move into a hairdresser, we pass by the kitchen to the exit, we select a liquid for the decoration, go to the basement, we replace it with the sauce on the selection . We wait for the moment when a messenger will come for Kanishystroe and attribute her Mason, which to roast instead of a barbecue.
  • Safe distance (part 1) - we take a sniper rifle on the second floor of the pastry shop, where they make donuts, we are waiting to the main garage, waiting for the parish of a plumbing, who will go to help a clouded impetus on the second floor, neutralize it, we move into a suit, go to the balcony and wait for the moment When Tyler looked out of the window of his apartment over the store. Shoot it from sniper.
  • Safe distance (part 2) - We rise to the apartment Tyler above the store, wait for the moment when Landon appears on the balcony of the garage or come out of the storage room near the small workshop, open fire on the defeat from the sniper rifle.
  • Safe distance (part 3) - We rise to the room above the pastry shop, where donuts are made, wait for the moment when the pool with oil near the landfill will stop smoking Gevin, shoot a defeat from a sniper rifle.

Tests in the task "End of the Path"

  • No tests.

Tests in the task "Dexter Industries"

  • Harvesting:
    1. The video cassette lies in the far shed after the second gearbox in a dead end.
    2. The magazine lies on the TV in the hall, where in Mortal Kombat 2011 turns two guards, on the old sawmill.
    3. The magazine lies on the table in the room with guards, two levels below from the entrance to the Location "Descent".
    4. The magazine lies on the table in the main lobby in front of the entrance to the elevator.
  • Dangerous burden - open a locked barn after the first gearbox in a dead end. The key card is stored on the table in a nearby caring with inventory. Open the same key-card barn in the factory, which is located on the technical courtyard in a dead end from the top of the bridge, where the dog walks in the aviary. From the tables pick up mines.
  • A miserable loser - when entering the old sawmill, cut the electricity through the shield to interrupt the game of two guards, waiting for the moment when one of them will go on check, neutralize both goals, go down to the site and shoot a TV from Silverboller.
  • On the very interesting place - We throw out of the window or confront over the railing into the abyss of two guards during the descent to the factory. The first victim, for example, is immediately after descent on the stairs, the second can be lured out of the room with two floors below the throw of the bottle or canisters.
  • New toys - underminate five guards with mines, which in huge quantities lie in the tunnels during the descent to the factory. Test is convenient to perform during the instruction of guards at the lower level of descent.
  • The passage is more precious than money - we move through the bridge, we turn to the diner, make your way through the air duct. We are moving towards the Red Ferrari, near which the arms trader talks on the phone. Get rid of guards, activating the alarm from the car in the garage. When a weapon trader responds to the sound, take it off, we move into a suit and go in the foyer of the factory. The test is counted after the descent on the elevator.
  • Under the bridge (part 1) - we leave from the tunnel, climb on the viewing platform from the cliff, on the right side of the bridge, wait for the moment when the guard is suitable for the edge and stop, shoot in the head of the gun with the silencer so that the body is broken down.
  • Under the bridge (part 2) - we leave from the tunnel, we select a sniper rifle of Kazo TRG, climb to the viewing platform from the rock, on the right side of the bridge, waiting for the moment when the guards will take their places, kill three so that their bodies immediately fall from the bridge .
  • Under the bridge (part 3) - we repeat the actions described in the second test stage, only this time it is possible to shoot in the open: the bodies of the guards are not necessary to dump the shots from the sniper rifle with the bridge.

Tests in the task "Death Factory"

  • Harvesting:
    1. The magazine lies on the table in the room, from where the doctor gives teams about the start of experiments with pigs.
    2. The magazine lies on the table next to the shower and a computer with alarm system, where the group of guards looks on the TV fighting tv.
    3. The magazine lies on the bottom of the laboratory.
  • Everyone for joy - climb the room under the site, from where the doctor gives the team about the start of experiments with pigs, we take the movement sensor from the shelves, install it in re mine on the table in the next room, hiding in the box, waiting for the arrival of Dr. Green.
  • The abyss will look at you - we shoot the glass floor under Dr. Green, when he will give the team about the beginning of the experiment with the pigs, so that he fell from height and crashed.
  • A successful experiment - we move into a scholar suit, climb to the player to Dr. Green, waiting for it when, after the first experiment with the pigs go down to conversation with a group of scientists and the site surveys. As soon as it goes through a mine field, click on the launching red button.
  • Happy Birthday! - I make your way along the corridor and through the shower in the room to celebrate the birthday of Karl, stun a stripper, hiding the body to the tank, climb into the cake, waiting for the arrival of the birthday room, when everyone is assembly, and Karl will head to the table with gifts, jump out of the cake and shoot All guards.
  • Shocking theory - descend on the floor with an electric stroke, get rid of scientists, in the next room on the table we select a notebook "Technical Safety", waiting for the return of Dr. Valentine, when it is suitable for mannequins, we turn on the electric shock.
  • Eureka! - We go down the stairs to the chemical laboratory, we go into the adjacent room, we select the fiery paste from the table, we return to the prototype of the drug from baldness, mix the ingredients to change the color from green to red, waiting for the arrival of Dr. Valentine, we evaluate stormy growth Hair on his bald.
  • In the right place! - We go down in a suit of a scientist in the room for testing explosives, carefully make up the scientist's back, wait for the arrival of Dr. Valentine, let him go inside the camera with mannequins, come from the back to the scientist, let me uncover yourself, as soon as the muddle, activate the button on the remote Camera control so that the door is closed and an explosion occurred. You can also hide all of the room, but the time will leave more.
  • Fasten it - descend in a suit of a scientist at the lower floor of the laboratory, we go to the central room with monitors, waiting for the return of Dr. Ashford when it starts testing the chair, dropping into it, turn on the robot with the help of a computer on the table.
  • Invisible - descend in a suit of a scientist on the lower floor of the laboratory, we pass to the pipe with the valve at the bridge, without falling on the eyes of scientists, we launch into the laboratory smoke, sneak into Dr. Ashford from behind and break the neck, discard the body to the central pool with electricity.
  • Scientific secrets are neutralized, without raising anxiety, 8 scientists in the laboratory, hide the body on the cabinets. For successful neutralization, there should be nothing in hand (key, [Q]). The test is counted after the task is passing.
  • As we will leave, you will get enough (part 1) - we climb the room under the site, from where Dr. Green gives the team about the start of experiments with pigs, we find a scientist next to the table, where the motion sensor is installed in mine, neutralize the suffocation, nothing should be in hand Be (key, [Q]), then transfer the body to the stairs behind the door of the room and discard into the wastewall with a walking of pigs.
  • As they lay, they will get enough (part 2) - neutralize five scientists and drop the bodies into the wastewall with a walking of pigs.

Tests in the task "Night of the Competition"

  • Harvesting:
    1. The magazine lies on the box behind the van of the patriot in the farthest of the hangar.
    2. The video cassette lies in the room with the patriot team on the second floor of the arena.
  • A real patriot - lick the patriot for the van with the help of fir-handed items, for example, by throwing wrench, neutralize the fighter by strangling, we move into his costume and hide the body into any box.
  • Drilling rig - make your way on the shortcakes through the bar on the right side of the arena. We fold into the first door, we are laughing with guard, we go to the platform over the arena. Activate the lever and discard the lips on the sanchers when he will beat his hands victiously, and the patriot will be at a great distance from him.
  • My enemy is make your way through the bar on the left side of the Arena, we reach the weapon warehouse, we take the C4 explosives briquette, we move on the second floor, rose through the door to the third, we reach the platform with a shield over the arena, we reset the c4 in the back of the sacheth, waiting for the explosion .
  • Partner - make your way through the bar on the left side of the Arena, we reach the weapon warehouse, take the Ilyon R700 sniper rifle from the shelves, go to the balcony or climb on the third floor, waiting for the moment when the patriot strikes the sacheth (he starts bending forward) in this Moment shoot in the head of rumbling.
  • Unacceptable - we go into the arena in a patriot suit, we are driving from the attacks with the [SPACE] key, carry out a series of shocks with the [Q] key, we finish the [W] key. It is important not to miss a single attack of the sanchers to count the pure victory.

Tests in the task "When the Holy Attacks"

  • Harvesting:
    1. The magazine lies on black boxes in front of the holy bus in the parking lot.
    2. The magazine lies on the barrels in the center of the courtyard of the reception.
    3. The magazine lies on the barrels next to the vans in the center of the fields before the command item.
  • Black widower - go down to the first floor of the motel, go straight to a dead end, pick up a rat poison from the stand in a green canister, we move to a long-range bar in the golf club, waiting for the McCarthy Heather to go to the patrol, add to coffee to coffee and hazelnut - Rat poison hiding in the refrigerator, waiting for the return of the saint.
  • Intervention - save two civilians in the parking lot and in the reception area from cleansing.
  • Elektra complex - deepen into corn fields, we reach the barn, where the Louise Kane patrols, fit into the transformer, connect the wires to the pipe, turn on the chop when the saint is suitable to wash the face and drip out of the water sink, then get a deadly blow to the current.
  • Scarecrow - we find the roadside of the road or in corn fields scarecrow, trying on a suit, flying around the field in search of 11 victims using an instinct (key). You can kill both dying and a pistol with a silencer.
  • The angel of death (part 1) - undermine the parking lot with the help of radio-controlled explosives of the two saints: Jennifer Pakston and McCarthy Heather: The first will rise to the second floor of the motel, the second will patrol the entrance to the reception. The explosive is stored on black boxes for the holy bus.
  • The Angel of Death (part 2) - in the parking lot, in the reception and corn fields we kill all the soldiers and saints by the removal; No one should raise anxiety. It is impossible to use the storage points and reboot the sludge, in the case of a branch, you need to start the entire level first.
  • The angel of death (part 3) is to kill in any way of seven saints. You can use checkpoints and kill several times one and the same holy.

Tests in the task "Law of the Screek"

  • Harvesting:
    1. The magazine lies in the resting room in the Hall of the Court.
    2. The videotape lies next to the TV in front of the iron door at the exit from the location.
    3. The magazine lies in the chamber in the inner part of the prison immediately after using the button in the security room.
  • Obstruction - Climb on the balcony on the second floor of the courthouse and turn off video playback.
  • Take the blame on yourself - climb the balcony on the second floor and turn off the playback of the crime video, descend to the toilet on the first floor, waiting for the appearance of a defendant in a foil hat. Neutralizing it, we move into a suit, we return to the courtroom and agree with the verdict.
  • The capture of the office - make your way through the backyard, bypassing the office, to the office of the judge, jump into the window, come to the door, followed by the process, run in the direction of the table, so that the judge comes to the noise, neutralize it, hide the body in the closet, we move into a suit We select the hammer from the floor, go to the courtroom, we endure the exclusive sentence to a person in a hat from foil.
  • Only in the costume - we enter the courtroom, come to the barrier at the right wall, where the jury is usually sitting, jump over it (sitting - [space], and press the [W] + [E] key). Rejoice in the standing guard, go around it. We do not pay attention to the alarm indicator and the overall stir. We go into the room with evidence, we climb into the air duct and get silent. We are waiting when the anxiety level becomes neutral, and the guards will disperse in their place. We wake the door, go down to the insulator and pass it. After that, the test scale will increase. Dirty trick, but works. You can also hide the guards using the radio while in the room of the judge, but it is too long.
  • Without unnecessary sacrifices - after restarting the game from the control point, they immediately rise to the second floor, waiting for the arrival of the bailiff, we go after it and neutralize, we move into his suit, hide the body into the closet. It is important to neutralize after the attachment will shut down the entrance door to the library, otherwise the security guard will allocate everything. We go down to the courtroom, approach the barrier at the right wall, where the jury usually sit, wait for the guard to the chair to the chair in the corner of the hall, jump over the barrier (sit - [space], and press the [W] + [E] key), we enter the [W] + [E]) Room with evidence, make your way through the air duct to the prison door.
  • Buntar is a single - in the courthouse in the room of evidence from the table we select a glass sharpening, go back to jail, you will smooth out 11 guards.
  • Judgment Day (part 1) - In the costume, the judges climb the second floor, get rid of two cruising guards, neutralize the bailiff in a brown vest in the library, hide the body into the closet.
  • Judge Day (part 2) - In the costume of the judge silently neutralize the three bailiffs and hide their bodies: the first goal is a secretary girl in the courtroom, the second is the baptized of the room with the streets in the courtroom (neutralize two guards in the room, the rest lubricate the mannequin's hand , Body we store in the room for boxes), the third is the bailiff in the library.
  • The vessel day (part 3) - in a judge costume we endure an exclusive sentence to a person in a foil cap, approach him and beat the hammer on the head.

Tests in the task "Operation" Sledgehammer ""

  • Harvesting:
    1. The magazine lies on the table opposite the registration in the reception center prison.
    2. The magazine lies with the central van opposite the exit of the district prison.
    3. The magazine lies on the boxes from the third door before leaving the repository.
    4. The magazine lies on black boxes at the end of the Central Street at the Houpa Fair.
  • Samosud - neutralizing all police officers in a district prison with a stroke without a removal (keys, [Q]).
  • Heavy armor - in the storage take hostages of the attack aircraft using the [x] key to capture the [x] key, and kill three goals.
  • The eyes on a wet place - imperceptibly kill 11 attack aircraft in the repository.
  • Surgical accuracy (part 1) - we kill from pistols with silencers of three soldiers of the agency in a row in the courtyard of the district prison, using the firewall.
  • Surgical accuracy (part 2) - we kill the pistols with silencers of five soldiers of the agency in a row in the courtyard of the district prison, using the shooting of the cavity.
  • Surgical accuracy (part 3) - we kill from pistols with silencers of seven soldiers of the Agency in a row in the courtyard of the district prison in a short time, using the shooting of the cavity.
  • You can! - We find on the first floor of the manager of the hotel in a red suit, neutralize it, change clothes, come together for a conversation to the girl in a black suit, and then rising on the elevator in Penthouse.
  • Blue collar - make your way through the park to the rear entrance to the hotel. At the parking lot stop at the plumbing vant. We are waiting for his appearance, lure for the black car, we are changing into his clothes, we remove the body into the tank, pass to the hotel's security room. Immediately turn off at the right moment the scanning system of the retina, we call the elevator in the lobby, rise to Penthouse. We go into a banquet room through a spare output. We rise to the second floor of the penthouse in the weapon room, taking the poison of the Y'wa tribe. In the next room, Lenny take the key card from the bedside tables, return to the banquet room. Add poison to sushi. We are waiting for Leila with dish and appreciate it. We return through the mine to the elevator, we jump into it, go to the locked door to the right. We go to the refuge for the globe and complete the task. The main thing is to do all the actions. You can get rid of Leila in any convenient way.
  • I follow you - make your way to the hotel, we find a girl in a black suit, neutralize or kill it, entering a shootout with other guards and the police, when the shootout is over, we rush to the scanner of the retina at the elevator the body of the girl.
  • Hallelujah - climbing a penthouse to Leila, reset the bodies of five guards from the balcony or terrace.
  • Brutal sushi - We rise to the weapon room with laser protection on the second floor of the penthouse behind Lenny's room, taking from the Yad tribe of the U'wa, we return to the banquet hall, add poison to sushi, we observe how Leila will go to the flight along with god's cows From the balcony of Penthouse.
  • The bones, cetaceans - lubricate one of the bodyguards of Leila into a trap with the help of heater items, we move into his costume, reach the hall with a skeleton of whale, waiting for the appearance of leyla, turn on the layout of the factory, rising to the second floor. When everyone gather to listen to the melody and see the idea, drop the skeleton of China using one of the two levers on the columns. With a successful default, the accident will take 10-12 lives.
  • The snake relieves the skin - lubricate one of the bodyguards of Leila into the trap with the help of undergraduate items, we move into his costume, waiting for Leila alone in the shelter, come in after it and at the end of the show with undressing we kill the snake shot from pistols.
  • Warming up - lubricate one of the bodyguards of Leila into a trap with the help of healthy items, we move into his costume, we go to the balcony behind the banquet hall, where the tray is with sushi, from under the iron device we take a canister with gasoline, waiting for the appearance of leyla in the room with a fireplace When she stops near him to warm up, throw in the fire to the canister with gasoline (so that the canister was behind the rods). You can also try to undermine Leyl with a radio-controlled explosive or mines of a similar action.
  • Right in the heart, hunting for whale - turn on the layout of the factory in the room with a whale skeleton. When Leila is suitable to listen to the melody, launch Garpoon. To pass the test, repeat the action several times from the control point in the Lenny room.
  • Mockingbird - We go to Lenny's room on the second floor of the penthouse, select a sniper rifle black Kazo TRG, waiting for the release of Leila to the balcony for the smoke, when it is suitable for the very edge, shoot the head.
  • Ronin (part 1) - We select Katana from the stands, we move into a samurai suit, removing it from any mannequin on the first floor of the penthouse, kill any soldier.
  • Ronin (part 2) - We select Katana from the stands, we move into a samurai suit. We are unnoticed to kill seven soldiers (you can use the reference point). The test is convenient to pass in the corridor next to the Lenny room. To avoid a bug with the opening of the third part of the test, it is better to kill the goals in a row without using a test point to replay.
  • Ronin (part 3) - We are waiting for the moment when Leila will go on the corridor towards the room with the fireplace and stop near his computer, letting the bodyguards. We pick up Katan, we move into a samurai suit, while it will be in deep thought-out, looking at the plans, throwing her head to her head.
  • Tests in the task "Roof Blackwater Park"

    • Harvesting evidence - the magazine lies in the locked room on the second platform, the key card from which is stored in the service room to the right of the mine field.
    • All the ways lead to Dexter - rose to the second platform, go to the official room to the right of the minefield, check into the air duct, rose to the third platform, jump over the boxes, grab the edge of the roof and we move to the corridor from Min, jump from there take-off area.
    • Dangerous for life - Drop the load suspended near the stairs on the heads of two soldiers, when the fighter in the left corner of the roof will go to the patrol after talking about the madness of the boss with a demolution.
    • The rage of the ax - we open a key card found in the office to the right of the mine field, a locked room, remove the fire ax, we kill them five soldiers on the roof.
    • Kill them all (part 1) - we kill with pistols with silencers of three soldiers.
    • Kill them all (part 2) - we kill imperceptibly (without detection) from pistols with silencers of seven soldiers and drop their bodies from the roof.
    • Kill them all (part 3) - we kill imperceptibly (without detection) from pistols with silencers of ten soldiers for a while.

    Tests in the task "Release of sins"

    • Harvesting:
      1. The magazine lies at a low fence along the central alley to the main gate of the cemetery.
      2. The magazine lies on the boxes from the destroyed church in the first pass in the Bernwoods.
      3. The magazine lies on black boxes opposite the entrance to the crematorium.
    • Stone heart - we are changing into a white suit of the agency technique, which will follow in the second courtyard, if you enter the first tunnel between the yards. Follow with Jade to the site of excavations to the destroyed church, while she explains the task, standing under the stove with a load, press the crane button.
    • Wolf in sheep skins - we move into a white suit of the agency technique, follow the jade to any secluded place, eliminate the body with hide.
    • I draw it out - we move into a white suit of the agency technique, take the boxes around the destroyed church in the Bernwoods crypt with a radio-controlled explosive, we set it in the first tunnel between the yards, waiting for the jade to go under the arches, undermine the charge.
    • A respectful distance - we swear on the left flank to the staircase to the crematorium site, hiding behind the gravestone, when Jack Igeis will seem on the site, shooting pistols with silencers in one of the columns from above to attract the attention of Pretoriana, and when he approaches the stairs, undercut the minutes - Stretch, which is clearly visible using the instinct (key).
    • The advantage of height (part 1) - without disclosure of the firing position, we kill three soldiers of the agency in a cemetery from the sniper rifle.
    • The advantage of height (part 2) - without opening the firing position, before raising the alarm and in a short time we kill in the cemetery from the sniper rifle shots in the head of five soldiers of the agency. You can start shooting heads from the right flank. When the first soldier will be in front of the entrance to the church, open fire on him, then by the soldier at a small fence, then in a soldier in front of him, who often uringes in the grave at the right wall, but at the moment looks towards the main gates of the cemetery. Then quickly move the sight on the left flank, we kill the head in the head of the nearest soldier to the ladder, then next to him at the crypt with a burst grave. With perfect scenario, all five shots will reach their goals, and the labels of opponents on the radar will remain white. No need to use to slow down breathing in the near distance, only [PCM] + [LKM], [SCM]. They brought and fired, brought and fired, no pauses. Masters are allowed, but they are not desirable.
    • The advantage of height (part 3) - we repeat the actions from the second part of the test, only this time you need to kill seven soldiers. Pause between successful shots should be no more than 2 seconds. If the firing position is detected, the victims will not count more.

    A Personal Contract.

    After reviewing the introductory video, we turn out to be at the gate of the manor, in which Diana was hidden. Go inside through the main gate - suicide, so we will have to look for a workaround. Left there is a passage - go there. Crashing with the guard, talking on the phone (the easiest way to do it will be a removal), thaw it to the garbage bake and put it there, after which we lean towards the shelter and get the gun. Another guard is ahead - it needs to be killed. Follow the instructions on the screen, then jump over the shelter. Having dragged the body to the specified box, we turn down the stairs to the tennis court and go down the stairs, after which it is neatly (it is better not to kill anyone, as it can attract more attention) make your way to the specified door. Hacking the lock (after each such door there is saving), jumping at the table and take a knife, after which we throw it into the previously enemy. Rejected into the shape of the guard, discard the corpse into the water and go to the next door. From that moment on, the enemies will take us for their. True, there is a significant limitation: if you get too close to the enemy, then he will understand what the matter. Going down, we move into a gardener's costume and pass in the greenhouse. There are many other gardeners here, so be careful.

    For a more reliable disguise, use the "instinct" - this ability will allow you for a while to inspire the enemy that he knows you. The strip of "instinct" melts very quickly, so be rapidly. By activating the fire system, we turn to the door left and go out into the street. Here are two enemy - pass by. Climbing up the cornizer, discard the guard, chatting on the phone with the doctor, after which the prolazis in open window. By killing the guard mug, we move into his clothes and hide the body into the closet. Then, we go out into the door and turn off the alarm. To the left of the console is lying through a video tag with your atrocities - we take it. Having entered the kitchen, listen to the dialogue of the cook with the guard and climb the second floor - we need a bathroom. Having found a sleeping pill, go back to the kitchen and pour the tablets into a saucepan with a soup. When the cook falls, we swear in his clothes and hide the body into the closet. From this point on, we can easily move around the first floor of the manor. By plotting the sleeping pills in Coffee Captain, follow him and when he will fall asleep, borrow the form. Now we are the main. Rising to the second floor, we wake the castle and make your way into Diana's room. By killing a girl, we run to the next goal and activate "shooting an off date." When all four guards are dead, we go to Victoria's room and leave the estate.


    The King of Chinatown

    Arriving in Chinatown, we turn to the right and put the police officer in the alley (for this it is necessary to deal with the electrical wheel), after which we stun it with brick or just run by. Rising to the second floor, we kill the sniper, after which we change in his clothes. Hiding the body, take a sniper rifle and occupy a position. A rifle without a muffler, so immediately after the shot will begin a panic. By eliminating the king, descending back the same way (the policeman at the entrance will not even pay attention to us) and leave the street through the noted doors. This is the easiest and most effective way. There is another - it is more tedious, but for his successful execution you will receive the rank "Silent Assassin". Everything is simple: We wait until the king goes to pee, and we turn to his neck in a deserted doorway, after which I hide the body in the trunk of a sports car. This murder does not cause anxiety and you can absolutely calmly leave the area.


    To find out before the main entrance of the Hotel Terminus, we turn left and go down to the sewer with the stairs. This is a service premises, so if someone sees you, it will definitely raise the alarm. However, the workshop costume is lying in the laundry - we dress it and go to the elevator. Other workers rub next to the elevator, so it will not be able to get into it. I remind you that NPC, dressed, as well as you can recognize in you an outsider. Having arranged a sabotage (there is electric boors), we call the elevator and wait until it arrives. Having enjoyed inside, press the button of the desired floor and watch the video. Arriving on the right floor, we turn right and quickly run into the very first room. The shoe seller is located here. Stun it and hide in the closet, after which we take a key card from the table from upper Floors. Having hiding in the ventilation, make your way to the next apartment and return to the elevator. Now left. Here is the DJ room. In order for he left his nest, we are out of construction and hiding in the box. When he comes into the corridor and will take the repair of the equipment, penetrate the rooms and choose the window. On the cornices we climb up and climb into the open window. Here, our form of repairman does not deliver - you need to find or select a security unit from someone. You can find a form, for example, in the laundry, and select - from any single post. Crazy, climb upstairs on the stairs and the fuses (the enemies can all just like us - be careful) Get to the goal. Doors are closed, so we climb into the ventilation and listen to the conversation of Dexter with your girlfriend. When they are finished, the mild is ahead and watch the video.



    Selecting on the roof, carefully make your way to the ventilation mine and get into the apartment hippie. Roofs patrol the helicopter, so try to move as quieter as possible. In the apartment, we pass by the panic drug addicts and turn to the corridor right. I stumbled upon a hemp field - this is a great place to hide from police eyes - leaning at some shelter so that we are not noticed. The main thing is to sit still. After listening to the policeman's dialogue with one of the hippies, cross the field (it is also patrolled) and get into the neighboring room. Here are two cops - they will soon leave, so just sit and wait. Feeding the hammer (it will need to divert attention), activate the checkpoint (yellow light pillars) and go to the next room. Here is a lone hippie (no threats) and ventilation mines - we are there. Having entered the room with a safe, take a sheet with a cipher and open a cache. Inside an explosive with a radio set - you can take it if you pass the game with a tank. Selecting the corridor, we pass into the room opposite and silently eliminate the policeman. Having dropped it into the pool, turn on the music and return to the corridor.


    Cops decided to relax a little and dance - Well, we are only on your hand. Reaching the elevator, press the call button and leave the location. We are on the ground floor, however, in order to get out of the building, you need to somehow pass by the police. Waiting when a group of special forces will rise upstairs, stun a lonely corop and change clothes in his uniform, after which the body in trash can. Taking advantage of the "instinct", we go out and mix with the crowd. So we got out, it remains to be removed from the station by train. True, the trains are blocked, so we will have to find a way to run them. Reaching the opposite side of the station, go to open door And, using a distraction of attention, (if the quiet killer rating is not particularly important, you can put on some deserted place that the very explosive - when it explogs, the panic will begin and all the guards rushes to the scene) rise to the second floor. Here is the remote. Drech for the lever and go back to the station. Having waited for the arrival of the train (4 minutes), we climb into it and leave the station.


    Hunter and Hunted.

    We need to get to the club "Fox" and deal with one of the enemies of Ptakhi. Once in some kind of mellover, we move forward, bypassing the police. The club had a murder, so Pharaohs are scolded everywhere - be careful. Reaching the main entrance, waiting until the cop will negotiate with the guard and go into a deserted place. Stunning it, taking clothes and calmly pass inside - in the form of a servant of order, no one will dare to delay us. There is also another way - to get inside through the ventilation shaft, which is located near the garbage tank to the left of the entrance. Once inside, we see the goal of the bar counter. After listening to his dialogue with a bartender, carefully make their way to the security room and get rid of lonely bouncer talking on the phone. By borrowing his suit and key card, go to the private room. We are in the most extreme right. Opening it with the key, we pass inside - here the camera and the window. When the target comes to the next room in order to praise with the dancer, get the gun and wait until the young lady leaves. When this happens, shoot a fat in the head (after checking, so that there was no one next to the room - this can be done with the help of "instinct"), after which I hide the body in the box behind. This is a spectacular way. There is another - follow the fat man until he goes to the toilet and turn her neck there.


    Returning to the dance floor, we turn into a room for staff and climb up the stairs. Hacking the castle, we go into the dressing room and gently flow into the office of the director. After listening to the message left for the answering machine, we choose the window and watch the video. Once in an abandoned building, we jump past the police and climb the second floor. Here lies the body of a dead dancer, which, in fact, everything is looking for. Having dropped down, go back and until the cops are engaged in the inspections of the body, proceed to the exit. Sended to the roof, go down the stairs and go to the Chinese store. Inside a lot of people, so try not to hang out especially. In the freezer, the costume of the cook is waiting for you - we dress it and go out into the trading room. Disconnecting the fire extinguishing system, set fire to the fire and run to the exit. Mixing with the crowd, we receive a message from Ptahi and inform him that we are already close. We need to deal with the three people of Waid. You can do it like in the open and attaching an accident. If you decide to go on a more complex way (accident), then for a start you will have to go for exploration. First of all, get rid of Larry Glue. Sooner or later, he will come with a cop in the doorway and will begin to beat out information about our main character from it.


    Next to this place is a garbage pot - we climb into it and wait until the glue appears here. I encounter it into some basement, we return to the central street. Now the queue of Bill Dulla. It is easiest to deal with it with the help of a string when he goes down to the doorway to talk on the phone without unnecessary witnesses. You can also poison food. True, in this case you will have to wait a lot, while Billy decides to have a snack. Hiding the body into a trash can, taken for the last man of Wayna - Frank Owens. Most of the time he spends smoking in the warehouse of pyrotechnics - very rash. Watering the locality of the gasoline (for this we use the gas station on the left), merge with the crowd and wait until the jerk will throw a bull on the ground. When the case is done, leaving the chinatown and watch the roller.


    You can deal with Waid in two ways: straightforward (shot in the head) and adjusting the accident. I advise you to go on the second path, as it is easier, and the spectory. Going down the stairs, overlapping the gas supply using the valve and prolazis in the ventilation shaft. Selecting on the other side, we turn another valve and watch the video. Waid is dead, and Lenny, together with Victoria, fled in an unknown direction.

    Welcome to Hope

    Once in the eatery, we go to the toilet and cut down the flow of electricity. The plot will begin in the hall (you can, for example, bring Kane from "Kane & Lynch") - I do not pay attention to drunkhagus and make your way to a bar counter, from time to time evading shocks. I knocked out the information you need from the bartender, we leave the bar just as we got into it.


    Arriving in a weapon shop, we examine your sielveriblors (branded pistols of the 47th) and listen to the proposal of the owner. If we gain more points in the dash than his daughter, then he will return these pistols for us for free. This task has several solution options. Win in a dash - the easiest. Taking a machine gun (there is nothing to catch with guns here), we go to the polygon and get up in a free window. We need to score 472 points - or more. Try to shoot targets on the heads and more often use the "shooting of the off town". Having achieved the desired result, we get SilverBleers and leave the store. There is another way: stunning the store owner in his office and pick up the key from the safe, after which it simply steal our guns. But this, you see, somehow unsports.


    So we arrived in the North Dakota. There are three small gangsters in front, which we actually need to kill. As always, we have two options: kill them with crazy shots in the head or adjust the accident. We will go on the second path. As soon as the Office goes to our hands, go straight along the alley, after which we turn to the abandoned store. It does not work, however, the saleswoman still sits at the checkout. Turning on the radio, quickly (the girl will leave the passage and go to check where the sound comes from) rise to the second floor of the building and we climb into the closet. After a couple of minutes, one of the guys Lenni will appear here and suit the window. Make it so that he crashed down. After leaving the building (it is advisable not to attract too much attention - the girl is distracted by the throw of the bottle somewhere deep into the store), go to the car landfill. Hiding in the guard room, waiting for our second goal and encounter it in Chan with boiling oil. There is also the second option - connect the wire to the metal grid, to which it will touch the door to open the door, and even let it have a current. But it is long and very dangerous, so we will use faster and not less beautiful way. Having finished, we go to the car repair shop and neatly straighten with the working workers.


    Hiding him into the closet, we change into the uniform of the car mechanic and climb into the second floor - our goal will soon come here soon. Turning on the gas, hiding at the table and, when "Gangster" will pass by, shoot a gas cloud from a pistol with a silencer. After the explosion, you quickly leave the workshop through a black move. The area is cleaned - it's time to go to Lenny. The guard at the entrance will not leave if you do not distract it - throw him a brick or just kill him. Reaching the house of Lenny, climb up the stairs and carefully make your way to the backyard. There is electrical panels from which it is necessary to pull the wire - this can be done with a wrench breathing nearby. Disconnecting the wire, we climb on the second floor on the eaves and we are waiting until one of the guys Lenny (our goal) will go to ignite. It will make it, of course, right near the bare wire. Making sure that the guy is dead, go down to the hairdresser and try on a new hairdresser costume. It remained only one guy - it can be killed in two ways. Or strangle when he will go to the door, or open gas on the stove and shoot when the goal will stand next. One way or another, we offer Lenny to get through and go to the hairdresser. After listening to his ardent monologue, click on the specified button and watch the roller.


    End of the Road

    I knock out the name from Lenny, make a choice: leave it in the desert and leave or kill him personally. Let's kill this asshole. Options Weight: You can throw a tomahawk into it, you can shoot it from a shotgun or sniper rifle, you can shoot in a barrel with dynamic when the guy will pass by, and you can simply turn the neck. Anyway, we kill Lenny and return to the car. We have a new goal - someone santhes.


    Dexter Industries.

    Arriving on the old sawmill, sit down and sneak into the right booth. Having waited for the moment (you need one guard to smoke, and the second - turned away), turn off the security system and go to the next booth. Here, all the same thing is two guards, one will leave to smoke, the second - turns away. When the security system is disabled, take a bottle from the table and chosen outside through the window. We need to somehow distract the guard, looking directly at the exit - we do it with the help of the very bottle. Reaching the door, select the security uniform and wake the castle. Going down, we see how two guards spend their leisure at the gaming prefix. You can pass by them in two ways: either turn off the electricity and wait until they disappear at different angles, or - just go to sneak them. Anyway, we look out on the street. The factory is ahead, however, in order to get on it, it is necessary to go down, through protected caves. Going down, we turn left and slowly moving forward, trying not to contact with the protection. Taking the card from the table, turn on the "instinct" and go down the stairs, after which we interact with the computer.


    This will make you less suspicious for enemies. After watching and examining the routes of the sentries, let down down and open (immediately after the control will return to you, turn on the "reinforced disguise") door, after which I quickly go ahead until the strip of the "instinct" has been dried. Going away for another level down, we go along with all the fighters on the instruction - so that you are not figured out, stand next to one of the computers. When the soldiers disperse, approach the elevator and press the call button. So we got to the factory - it remains only to get inside the building. To begin with, moving through the bridge. In the guard costume, it will not be difficult to do it. Unfortunately, the building itself will not be allowed without a special pass. Skip can be obtained from a man in a gray suit walking near her foreign car. Sooner or later, he will go to the warehouse to talk on the phone without unnecessary witnesses - we stun him and take a suit. Once at the factory, come to the elevator and wait until the guard came out from there.


    Selecting from the elevator, slowly moving forward along the corridor. We are in the room right. Behind the glass, the pair of fighters interrogates the scientist - they do not see us, so you can relax. After watching, we take a key card from the elevator from the table and go back to the corridor. Turning off the power, hiding at the table behind the electric boiler and wait until one of the guards come out to fix it. When this happens, we stun it and pull out to the closet. Hiding the body, go back to the shield and turn off the power again. By eliminating the second fighter, we go into the interrogation room and decompose the double agent. Changed into his chemical protection costume, take a folder with documents from the table and go to the elevator. Going down, we turn left and climb the second floor on the stairs. Reaching the building on the contrary, we go inside (remember - you need to avoid other scientists, as they can suspect into you someone else's) and turn off the alarm, after which we supply the mine located on the Dr. Greenna Table by the detector. The next time Green appears here, the mini detonates and tear the doctor into pieces.


    Making sure the goal is dead, go down and go to the disinfection zone. Go further in Him costume. The protection is not worth - it will attract too much attention. Reaching the locker room, we move into a bathrobe and climb the room with an electric stroke. Having waited when Dr. Valentine comes here, we skip it forward and let it turn off the electric shock, then turn it back. Making sure that the doctor is dead, let's go down to the next goal. You can eliminate it in two ways: either fill in the gas room and, while no one sees you, push Dr. Ashford to Chan with acid, or trace him to a room with a robot and turn it on (robot) when Ashford is lying in a chair. By eliminating both goals, we call the bridge and move on it to the archive. After reviewing the record of the doctor, we destroy the studies and go out into the opened doors.


    Lenny called us the name of a person who at the moment is Victoria is a personal dextra bodyguard, Sanchez. From minute to minute, Sanchez should take place with a kind of "patriot" - we need to take his place in the ring. Penetrating the "Patriot" training base, carefully rush to the vant in the left side of the bunker and turn off the generator. Having hooked in the box, we wait until the coach appears here, and cut it off. Dressing around, merge with the crowd of other people "Patriot" and stealing from the chair the Mishka Talisman. When the fighter will come to come and demands a mascot, stun it and pull it out for the van, then we have to go to the costume and go to the ring. In battle, no difficulties arise should not - just click on the specified buttons on time, trying not to skip the blows. Having won, we turn to Sanchez, and leave the arena.


    Attack of the Saints

    This is one of those tasks that is best done by aggressive stealth. Simply put, we kill everyone in our way, but at the same time - noise at a minimum. Having waited when soldiers with one of the "death nuns" will arrive in our destroyed room, we will eliminate them with "shooting an off town" and we move into one of the mercenaries. Going down, take explosives from the box with a detonator and proceed to the central gate. There, one of the mercenaries wants to execute the guest - prevent him. Reaching the bar counter, we climb into the box and wait until the second nun appears here. When she turns out to cook a cocktail, we kill it, and hide the body in the trash can. After leaving the location through the doors to the left of the bar, neutralize the mercenary at the entrance and make their way to the store. It often cares one of the monasures, so I do not go anywhere before her appearance. By eliminating it, hide the corpse in the refrigerator and go to the next goal. It is easiest to kill it with the help of the "Shooting Ship", as it goes everywhere with the protection of three people.
