Hydrangea growing conditions outdoors. Hydrangea grows poorly, what should I do? Growing hydrangea in a pot - what difficulties can there be?

Hydrangea is a wonderful plant that can be grown under open air, and in a pot, like indoor plant. But sometimes after winter it does not grow again and does not begin to bloom - why does this happen, what is the reason for this phenomenon, and what to do to start these processes?

If the hydrangea does not grow after winter, most likely its roots are winter period have been damaged by insect pests, fungi or other pathogenic bacteria. Hydrangea, like any plant with a healthy and normally developed root system, cannot help but grow with the beginning of spring. Therefore, it is necessary to remove it from the pot and inspect the roots - perhaps you will notice rot or insect pests on them.

Remove damaged fragments, and if there are no healthy areas left, you will have to buy a new plant. If not all is lost, soak the remaining roots in a disinfectant solution, for example, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

Empty the soil from the pot, wash the pot with detergent, and fill it with new soil mixture, after placing a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. Drainage in a pot is necessary. Why? After all, hydrangea loves moisture? The fact is that although hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant, it does not like stagnant water, and its roots deteriorate as a result.

If the hydrangea grows after winter, but poorly, it means that some of its roots are damaged, or there is something it doesn’t like about your care. What to do in these cases? Start by inspecting the root system, and if damaged areas are identified, remove them and treat the roots, soil and pot.

After this, the hydrangea should be fed with nitrogenous fertilizers - from them it will quickly begin to grow in height and gain green mass. At the beginning of budding and during flowering, the flower is fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Well, in order to create the proper conditions for hydrangeas, you need to know the specifics of caring for it - what it likes and what it does not tolerate.

Hydrangea's roots lie just below the surface of the soil; if you plant it in a pot that is too spacious and deep, it will not begin to grow in height until all the soil in the pot is filled with its roots. This is another answer to the question: why does hydrangea grow poorly? The pot for planting hydrangea does not have to be too spacious; a small but stable pot made of unfired clay will be sufficient.

To plant hydrangeas, it is better to use a special mixture with an acidic reaction, since alkaline soils for hydrangeas are far from the best option.

Indoor hydrangea will grow well in a cool room; in summer it is taken out Fresh air, but not in direct sunlight, but in a shaded place. In winter, they are kept in a cool room with a temperature within 5-10 degrees Celsius. If there is no room for her in the apartment suitable place, after flowering, the stems are cut off and the pot is placed under the bath. After winter, the flower is removed from its “imprisonment”, watered and fed.

As for garden hydrangea, it may refuse to grow after winter, or it will grow, but slowly, for the same reasons - poor condition of the root system. Therefore, in the fall, before the onset of frost, they stop watering the flower so that the roots are in dry soil. The roots are mulched with sawdust, dry leaves, pine needles, and crushed pine bark. The plant should not be hilled up - it can be damaged. root system, which is located high in hydrangea. In winter, hydrangea roots can be additionally sprinkled with snow.

And in this case, it is necessary to check the condition of the hydrangea roots; perhaps they froze in winter and the plant died. But maybe some of the roots remained healthy. In this case, they are dug up, damaged areas are removed, treated with coal powder and planted again in the ground.

In order for hydrangea to grow well after winter, in the spring it, just like a houseplant, is watered with a solution of nitrogenous fertilizers, and during the period of flower formation it is fed with phosphorus and potassium.

What you should not do is feed hydrangea with ash. Why? Because it alkalizes the soil, which the flower does not like at all. The best fertilizers for hydrangea there are agents that acidify the soil - nitrophoska, ecofoska, azofoska, Kemira.

It often happens that a gardener buys a flowering hydrangea in a container, plants it in the ground - but it dries out and the flowers wither. Or after wintering, hydrangea does not bloom - neither in the first, nor in the second, nor in the third year. Why doesn't hydrangea bloom? How can you help the plant? Let's figure it out.

Why hydrangea doesn't bloom: typical gardener mistakes

The most problems arise with large-leaved hydrangea (garden, marcophila, large-leaved), since not all varieties of this delicate plant are adapted to our conditions. We will talk about large-leaved hydrangea.

Hydrangea buds are freezing

Large-leaved hydrangea blooms on the shoots of the current year, buds are laid on the tops of the shoots in the fall. If you cover the hydrangea too late, or open it too early, the buds will freeze and the hydrangea will not bloom. What can (and should) be done? Cover hydrangea for the winter. The remaining leaves on the bush are torn off, the bush itself is tied with a rope, wrapped with covering material and film. Mulch is poured around the bush - dry leaves, straw. With the arrival of frost, the hydrangea is bent to the ground, fixed with staples, and covered with spruce branches. In the spring, the hydrangea is opened gradually, finally removing it from its shelter with the disappearance of night frosts, that is, until the beginning of summer.

Improper pruning of hydrangea

If you cut off the shoots of large-leaved hydrangea in spring or autumn, is it any wonder why the hydrangea does not bloom. We remind you once again that hydrangea blooms on last year’s shoots, in the upper part of the shoots.

Improper feeding of hydrangeas

If the hydrangea is overfed with nitrogen fertilizers, the plant may not have time to harden by the arrival of frost, and, again, will not survive the winter. Therefore, to feed hydrangeas, like most garden plants, remember one simple rule: at the end of spring and beginning of summer we introduce nitrogen fertilizers(for the growth of greenery), in the summer - potassium-phosphorus fertilizers (to maintain flowering), at the end of summer - phosphorus fertilizers (to help the hydrangea survive the winter, preserving the buds of the shoots for flowering next year).

Problems with growth and acclimatization of the root system

First of all, this is a problem with large-leaved hydrangeas, which were planted from containers into open ground. It often turns out that hydrangea sellers feed the plant with fertilizers to make it bloom wildly, organizing drip irrigation. This hydrangea has a poorly developed root system - it is not used to getting food for itself with roots, but received everything ready-made with fertilizers, and on special soil. And when you plant it in your garden, the spoiled plant is unable to absorb nutrients with its weak roots, and withers before your eyes. Without emergency measures Not only will such a hydrangea not bloom, it may even disappear altogether.

What to do in this case? Correct the “disservice” of sellers and gradually wean hydrangea from bait. Firstly, container blooming hydrangeas there is no need to trim the roots, as is often advised, and there is no need to soak them or shake off the substrate. The plant already spends a lot of energy on flowering, and under such conditions the hydrangea will no longer be able to develop the root system. It will wither away.

Secondly, for the first two months, feed the plant, gradually reducing the dose.

Thirdly, when preparing a planting hole for hydrangea, make sure that the place will be shaded at noon, otherwise the garden hydrangea may not tolerate the heat, and even heavy watering will not help. You need to add a mixture of soil from your garden with a nutrient substrate from a container of hydrangeas into the hole, and in an area of ​​at least 20 cm from the roots of the hydrangea. In this way, you will help the hydrangea adapt to new conditions.

Hydrangea variety is not suitable for climatic conditions

Large-leaved hydrangeas have recently begun to be planted in open ground in our area; new varieties are constantly appearing, which are praised and convinced that there are no problems with care. And then buyers, especially from the northern regions of the country, cannot understand why the hydrangea does not bloom. It’s sad, but even if all agrotechnical practices are followed, greenhouse hydrangea seedlings do not always have time to set buds during the warm season (if the summer is short) next year. As a result, we get a gorgeous green bush, but the hydrangea does not bloom.

Don't rush the hydrangea - let it develop a strong root system that could nurture the color. For paniculate hydrangeas, this period takes about 6 years. In addition, hydrangea can bloom simply due to insufficient watering, poor location, heavy soil, diseases and pests. Just carefully study the rules for caring for hydrangeas, choose a non-capricious variety (if you are a beginner) - and you will definitely succeed!

In spring and early summer, the leaves of garden hydrangea largeleaf (pink-lilac) acquire a whitish-green-yellow color and only turn green by August, but remain pale green. Grows in almost full sun.

How and in what proportion to acidify the soil?

The pale color of the leaves indicates a violation of the hydrangea's soil or nutritional requirements. Large-leaved hydrangea likes to grow in warm, loose and fertile soils sour or slightly acidic. If the acidity level in the area reaches 7.0–7.5 pH, the soil needs to be acidified, as the plant will grow slowly. You can use acidic high peat, coniferous litter, and heather soil for this purpose. Fertilizer ammonium sulfate and iron sulfate also acidify the soil. At alkaline reaction soil, when the pH is 8.0-9.0 and with excessive lime content, hydrangea can develop leaf chlorosis. In this case, you need to spill the soil with a weak solution of sulfuric acid 0.5 g per 10 liters of water. Make a stock solution: 10 ml is dissolved in 10 liters of water and then 0.5 liter of stock solution is added to a bucket of water for irrigation. Or the bushes are fed with iron sulfate 6 g per 10 liters of water.

Pale leaves can occur when hydrangea is grown on heavy soil and when there is an excess of phosphorus fertilizers, when the supply of iron is disrupted or there is not enough iron in the soil. Iron is added along with microelements (watered or sprayed 1-2 times, preferably in the first half of summer). On heavy soils, hydrangea is transplanted into prepared landing hole with loose and acidic soil. Prepare a large planting hole 60 cm deep and at least 80 cm wide, which is filled with a mixture of compost, acidic high peat (which can be replaced with soil from under coniferous trees, heather) and fertile soil in equal quantities.

Hydrangea needs a lot of moisture. In dry summers, it is watered every other day or at least twice a week with soft water. To water one bush you need 2-3 watering cans. An area of ​​soil under the bush with a diameter of one and a half meters should be moistened with water.

From May they begin to feed with liquid mineral fertilizers once in two weeks. Still watering liquid fertilizer from bird droppings (infusion), three times during the summer: in May, June, July. From mid-summer, feeding is stopped, and by the end of summer, watering is also reduced so that the shoots can ripen by winter.

To color the inflorescence blue or Blue colour, pink hydrangea bushes are watered every two weeks with alum or aluminum sulfate (20 g per 1 liter of water). One plant needs 2 liters of this solution. On neutral and weak alkaline soils flowers are colored pink color.

The secret of a bush that blooms simultaneously with pink and blue inflorescences is that 2 bushes are planted side by side in buried containers, into one of which alum is added. The edges of the container limit the penetration of the acidic solution to the roots of another bush. Or one of the planted plants has a different shape - dark pink.

In the initial stage of inflorescence development, when their size is 2–4 cm, hydrangea is sprayed with an aqueous solution of gibberilin (50 mg per 1 liter of water) 2 times with an interval of 4–7 days. This will speed up flowering by more than 2 weeks and improve the decorativeness of the plants. The flowers become larger and there are more of them.


Why doesn't hydrangea grow?

To get acquainted with hydrangea for the first time, you should choose unpretentious varieties that are designed for the climate of this particular region. Information about which varieties are best is usually obtained from sellers.

In most cases, the cause of death of flowers is the soil, the properties of which are unsuitable and unfavorable for hydrangea. These can be chernozem, manure-humus or alkaline soils. Alkaline soils tend to have a lot of lime but little iron, which causes initial stages chlorosis of leaves, and then death of plants. You can improve the condition of hydrangeas by feeding them with a solution of iron sulfate at the rate of 5-6 grams per bucket of water.

Also, constant watering with hard water can cause death. It is necessary to use settled water for irrigation. When planting hydrangea from a container to a new location, do not cut off its roots. Root pruning is practiced in many plants, after which the root system develops much better, but for the capricious hydrangea this method is too harsh, it may even die. It is best to carefully remove the plant from the container and plant it without making any changes to the earthen ball, since replanting for this plant in itself is very stressful. You cannot store purchased hydrangea seedlings for a long time without planting them. permanent place. And it’s better not to buy such seedlings in stores - most likely they will die. Hydrangeas do not tolerate prolonged drought and frequent dragging from place to place. Only purchase plants whose soil is moist, whose leaves and flowers are not damaged, and replant them as soon as possible. The purchased hydrangea is accustomed to drip watering and constant fertilization, and if this habitual regime changes too sharply, the plant may also get sick. Therefore, during the first month, you should gradually increase the time between waterings and be sure to apply fertilizer, even if this is not practiced for other plants. It takes about 1.5 - 2 months for hydrangea to get used to the new regime. Most often, hydrangea refuses to produce new flower heads due to insufficient watering. Hydrangea loves frequent watering and does not tolerate drought. The reason may be weakened roots of the plant, for example, after transplantation. In this case, the hydrangea will bloom in about a month. If it does not bloom old bush, the cause may be improper pruning. Old bushes form new flower caps only at the ends of last year's shoots, and if pruning was done for splendor, flowers can only be expected for next year.

The reason for the lack of flowers may be poor acclimatization. Currently, hydrangea is popular, and in pursuit of profit, many offer for sale varieties that the short summer of the northern zone does not allow to plant. flower buds. It will take many decades for such bushes to acclimatize and adapt, but for now you can grow them in a greenhouse - there they will most likely have time to flourish.



Why doesn't hydrangea grow?


Why don’t hydrangeas bloom outdoors and at home?

You won't find hydrangea in a bouquet. The reason for this is appearance. The flower is so beautiful that it is a pity to pick it from the bush. It happens that the plant refuses to bloom. This is of great concern to gardeners and beauty lovers. Read the article about why hydrangeas don’t bloom.


The genus of this plant includes up to eighty species. Hydrangea also has another name - hydrangea, which is translated from Latin language means "vessel of water". The birthplace of the flower is the Land of the Rising Sun.

Hydrangea is a bush up to sixty centimeters tall. Some garden species this deciduous ornamental plant have high frost resistance. The texture of the large dark green leaves is rough, the edges are jagged. Flowers white, red, blue and pink flowers collected in huge inflorescences of spherical or conical shape. Stunningly beautiful plant!

How to make garden hydrangea bloom?

  • Plant it in a sunny area protected from the wind.
  • The ground under the plant should be mulched with peat in a thick layer.
  • When shoots appear, they need to be pinned to the ground.
  • In order not to wonder in the spring why garden hydrangea does not bloom, for the winter, after the listed preparatory work, it should be covered on top with a box previously upholstered with heat-insulating material.

  • With the onset of spring, as soon as the snow melts, the hydrangea needs to be opened so that it does not rot. But, if suddenly the temperature starts to drop, cover it again. The fact is that when the plant is freed from its shelter, shoots begin to grow instantly, and even a slight frost can destroy them.
  • It is recommended to feed hydrangea with special fertilizers: “Florena” or “Rosop”.

What to look for when buying planting material?

When purchasing flowers, you should carefully examine the seedlings so that in the future the question does not arise about why hydrangeas do not bloom. If they have buds, it means that the plants were artificially stimulated to flower. They were watered using the drip method with fertilizer added to the water. Such plants, if you purchase them, will not bloom for a couple of years, or even die. After planting the seedling in the ground, it is not recommended to suddenly change familiar conditions growth. The plant needs to adapt and take root. To do this, fertilizers must be added to the soil over the course of two months at intervals of two weeks. This will teach the roots to independently extract food from the soil.

Why don't hydrangeas bloom? This may occur due to a poorly developed root system. In order for the seedlings to quickly grow and bloom profusely in the future, during planting you need to mix the garden soil with a substrate, the amount of which should not greatly change the structure of the soil.

Why don't hydrangeas bloom in open ground?

This flower has many varieties. For example, large-leaved garden hydrangea can long years grow on the site, please the eye with the shape of the bush, the color of the leaves, but not bloom. Young tree-like and paniculate hydrangeas also do not bloom, since they do not have enough strength to do so or they are not given enough space to grow. suitable conditions. But this happens rarely, do not be alarmed. Why doesn't hydrangea bloom in the garden? There are many reasons, let’s consider some of them using the example of large-leaved hydrangea:

  • A recently planted hydrangea may not bloom because its root system is not yet sufficiently developed. Over time, when the plant gets stronger, everything will work out. This also happens when planted in the ground flowering shrub. In this case, you will have to admire the beauty of the bush’s shape and leaves for a couple of years.
  • Many gardeners regularly cut off the top part of last year's shoots, considering this to be correct. Alas, you should know that this is where hydrangea flowers appear.
  • If flower buds are damaged during spring frosts, it is likely that the plant will not bloom that year.
  • The question often arises about why hydrangeas do not bloom outside. Yes, you just chose a species that is not suitable for your climate, that’s all. There may be no other reasons. It is known that the northern regions have short summers, and flower buds simply do not have time to ripen.

Preparing hydrangea for winter

This culture tolerates well winter time of the year. But why doesn’t hydrangea bloom in the garden in the spring, after a frosty period? The solution to this issue may depend on how well and correctly the hydrangea is protected from low temperatures. The most important thing is to protect the tops of the shoots from freezing. And to do this, take care already in September by covering the bush with lutrasil or film, since there are always frosts at the end of the month. But it’s too early to hide the flower for the winter.

Why doesn't garden hydrangea bloom? One of the reasons may be an uncomfortable winter. Therefore, before the ground freezes, the inflorescences should be cut off. The upper part of the shoots should remain; buds will form on it. The branches of young plants are bent to the ground and covered with peat along with the roots. If you don’t have it, then use the ground. Hydrangeas that are five years old and older have very fragile branches. To avoid breaking them, stones are placed in the root zone, then a cushion of spruce branches and leaves is placed. The whole thing is covered with boards on top and sprinkled with a thick layer of earth. The work must be done carefully so as not to injure the plant. In the spring, the embankment is gradually removed. The plant is rejuvenated: all damaged and diseased branches are pruned.

What do you need to bloom at home?

Many housewives are interested in the question of why indoor hydrangea does not bloom. To make her do this, you need to provide proper care. To do this, you need to place the hydrangea in a bright room, which is always ventilated, but so that Sun rays did not directly fall on the leaves.

The flower prefers acidic soil, which should always be moist; this is the most important thing for hydrangea. Therefore, it needs to be systematically watered and sprayed from above. In the spring, it’s a good idea to take the plant out into the fresh air, and pluck out the shoots that appear from the root half their length, leaving only the strongest ones.

  • Why doesn't my home hydrangea bloom? There can be many reasons, but one of them is the temperature difference in the room. It must be stable, especially during the flowering period.
  • If the plant suddenly suddenly stops blooming, it is recommended to cut the shoots in half.
  • It is very important to change the plant to a new one after 3-4 years. This will ensure its annual flowering, subject to all care rules.

  • To avoid the question of why hydrangea does not bloom at home, play it safe and rule out reasons such as replanting and replacing soil. This procedure must be repeated every year. When replanting a plant, you need to thoroughly loosen the clod of earth at the roots. You can use soil for azaleas by mixing it with soil and horn flour. Good fertilizer served coffee. It can be mixed with the ground or scattered over its surface. You can ease the hassle and buy ready-made soil for flowering indoor plants.

Helpful information

There is an opinion that White color Hydrangeas can be easily changed to another by using a special solution. This is not entirely true. White hydrangea varieties are not capable of changing color. Only large-leaved hydrangea can do this, which can change color if the soil is highly acidic. But even if a bluish tint appears on the flowers, it will be blurry and dirty-pale.

It should be remembered that the plant can bloom even with unpruned shoots. But paniculata or tree hydrangea when pruning branches it produces stronger shoots. But it’s better not to trim large-leaved ones. You need to know that it forms inflorescences at the top of the shoots. They can, of course, be pruned in the spring. They will also produce strong side shoots, but will not bloom. It is better to rejuvenate the bush by removing thick and damaged branches.



Hydrangea – beautiful flower which will decorate any landscape. They are different types, but they all flowering plants. Proper care of hydrangea will allow you to enjoy flowering for many years.

Many summer residents grow large leaf hydrangea, and oddly enough, it may not bloom for a long time. So, why doesn't hydrangea bloom? Let's look at a number of reasons.

1. Choose a hydrangea variety suitable for your area, as some species are short term summers in the northern regions simply do not have time to lay flower buds.

2. Either large-leaved hydrangea, paniculata or tree-like hydrangea may not bloom due to insufficient development of the root system; the plant is too young to flower.

3. If you constantly cut off the upper part of last year’s shoots of large-leaved hydrangeas due to frost damage, and even if you suddenly do it incorrectly, then the hydrangeas will not bloom or the flowering will be sparse. Learn the rules for pruning hydrangeas.

4. Insufficient attention to protecting hydrangeas from frost will lead to the following question: “Why doesn’t hydrangea bloom?” Because in the fall, flower buds are formed for the next year, and if frost protection is removed too early in the spring, the buds may be damaged and the shoots may freeze, which will affect flowering.

Hydrangea shelter for the winter:

In general, hydrangea overwinters well, but the question is whether it will bloom. As you already know (from the topic about growing hydrangeas), flowering occurs on last year’s shoots, so you shouldn’t worry about covering the roots, it’s better to think about the top:

In the fall, at the end of September, frosts may set in, but the hydrangea is still blooming? Then cover the bushes with a double layer of lutrasil or a layer of lutrasil and a layer of greenhouse film. It is too early to hide the bushes for the winter;

In the second half of October, while the ground is not yet frozen, cover the hydrangeas, cutting off the inflorescences, but leaving the upper part of the faded shoots with large buds;

Young plants can be covered with earth or peat (the flowers will be blue), bending the branches to the ground;

When the plant is already mature (5-7 years), bending its branches to the ground can break them. You can avoid this by placing stones at the base of the bush under the bend of the branches, then make a cushion from spruce branches or pine needles, bend the branches, again make a leafy cushion and put boards, bricks, stones on top without injuring the plant, secure with a rope. Next, cover it with earth, also making a mound in the central part (hill up). In the spring, partially remove this embankment. To rejuvenate a hydrangea bush at the end of flowering, all thick and old branches can be cut out, leaving young and last year’s shoots that can be bent to the ground;

In spring, do not rush to remove the shelter;

After removing the cover, do not rush to trim seemingly dry and lifeless branches; the buds on them can come to life even in the month of May, the main thing is to water them abundantly. Start pruning no earlier than May - the first ten days of June;

Do not hide Lutrasil until June; leaves that appear after winter or cracked buds will need to be covered for a week or more, as Mother Nature demands.

5. Hydrangeas do not bloom due to lack of fertilizing. Be sure to fertilize with complex fertilizer at the beginning of budding and in early September before the end of flowering and the beginning of the formation of flower buds.

6. When buying a hydrangea, pay attention to the presence of buds; they should not be there, as this is a sign of artificial stimulation of flowering (drip irrigation with fertilizer), which in the next 1-2 years will affect the absence of flowering of the bush, or worse, the plant will die. Therefore, after planting, there is no need to suddenly change the growing conditions of the plant; let it adapt, apply fertilizer every 2 weeks for 2 months, gradually teaching the root system to work independently to extract nutrients from the soil.

In order for such hydrangeas to bloom in the future and grow a secondary root system, they must be mixed at a distance of 20-25 cm when planting. garden soil with the substrate, avoiding a sharp change in the soil structure.

On personal plots hydrangeas are popular garden crops that are intended as garden decoration for decades. The culture is unpretentious, but in some cases gardeners are faced with a problem: hydrangea grows and develops poorly. Generally, growth slowdown is observed after winter. You should wait for the onset of stable warm weather. If nothing happens and the flowers wither and do not grow, you should find out the reasons and take timely measures.

Reasons why hydrangea does not grow well

Growth is influenced by many factors. The root system is an indicator of intensive growth and flowering, therefore its condition and unfavourable conditions are reflected in appearance bush.

Reference! Large-leaved varieties may not bloom for several years because the plant is too young or the growing conditions do not meet generally accepted standards.

There may be several reasons:

  • the plant did not overwinter well;
  • kidneys were damaged during spring frosts;
  • climatic conditions are not suitable for the variety;
  • the level of soil acidity is reduced;
  • drying out of the earth;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • lack of fertilizers;
  • diseases;
  • improper pruning;
  • damage to the root system.

It is better to find out why hydrangea grows poorly in spring period, in the active growth phase.

Restoring the root system

First of all, it is necessary to determine the condition of the roots. The root system can be damaged:

  • frosts;
  • pests;
  • infectious and fungal diseases.

Reference! In winter, weak roots in the absence additional insulation may die off. If the damage is local, the plant can be restored by providing a full range of fertilizers and good care.

If the flower is in a pot, it is worth checking the condition by pulling out the plant along with a lump of earth. If the lesions are minor, the damaged areas are removed and the root system is washed running water and is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or any special composition. The soil mixture is completely changed and fertilizing is carried out.

What to do if hydrangea does not grow in open ground? The condition of the root system must be checked. To do this, you need to carefully remove the top soil layer and check the roots for damage. If there are no visible changes, supplement with nutritional supplements. soil mixture, fertilizers are added. If necessary, the bush is carefully dug up with a lump of earth and transplanted to another place.


Hydrangea affected by diseases does not grow. This can be determined by external signs.

  1. Chlorosis– a common disease among all varieties of horticultural crops. The leaves change color to a lighter color, while the veins remain dark green. The leaves become smaller, the buds form small, become deformed and fall off. Plants cannot absorb nutrients due to impaired metabolism. Usually the problem occurs if the flower grows in one place for many years. Antichlorosis, Ferovit, Agricola are used for treatment and prevention. Effectively use compositions prepared with your own hands: solution of 1 liter of water, 4 g citric acid and 2 g of iron sulfate. For large planting areas, prepare the following composition: 10 liters of water and 40 g of potassium nitrate.
  2. Gray rot characterized by tissue damage. They become watery. The fungal disease appears during periods of prolonged rain. It is necessary to remove damaged areas, take them off site and burn them. Treat with Fundazol.
  3. Downy mildew occurs if the air temperature is elevated and the air is humid. Oily stains the foliage darkens over time. Treatment is carried out with a composition of 10 liters of water, 15-20 g copper sulfate and 150 g liquid soap(or a solution from laundry soap).
  4. Powdery mildew manifests itself in the form of yellow and green spots, a gray coating on inside leaf. Young shoots become deformed and die. The bush is slowly withering. To combat the disease, it is effective to use fungicides: “Topaz”, “Fitosporin-B”, “Skor”.
  5. Septoria noticeable by brown spots on the foliage. Plants are treated with copper sulfate.
  6. Ring spot viral disease, which affects the bush in a short time. Necrotic processes cannot be stopped. The bush is removed along with a lump of earth and destroyed.

It is necessary to periodically carefully inspect the plantings to determine the reason why the hydrangea does not grow. Diseases on early stages are easily eliminated.


The threat is often posed by pests, among the most common:

  • spider mite;
  • slugs and snails;
  • root-knot nematodes.

If the first signs appear: wilting, yellowing and falling leaves, deformation of sprouts, flowers and inflorescences, drying out, it is necessary to take immediate action. Spraying is carried out using home-prepared solutions:

  • 10 l of water, 20 g of anabasine sulfate, 7 g of thiophos;
  • 10 liters of water, 200-250 g of chopped garlic, 50 g of liquid soap (leave for two days).

Advice! Snails and slugs are traditionally removed manually or insecticides are used: Decis, Confidor, Calypso.


One of the reasons why hydrangeas are slow to grow is due to lack of nutrients. Mineral and organic fertilizers help flowering crops to fully grow, develop and bloom. Among the complex compositions, the most effective ones should be highlighted: “Fertika”, “Pokon”, “GreenWorld”. Their use simplifies care; just follow the instructions on the package.

At home, you can prepare your own compositions for fertilizing based on 10 liters of water:

  • 50-60 g ammonium sulfate, 15-20 g potassium sulfate;
  • 20-25 g of superphosphate;
  • 40-50 g of potassium sulfate, 50-60 g of superphosphate.

It is necessary to alternate periodically mineral supplements with organic: mullein, infusion of green mass, liquid vermicompost.

Advice! Before the onset of frost, it is recommended to add 5-8 kg of humus under each bush. This will help warm the root system in severe frosts and, with the onset of warmer weather, will serve as an excellent nitrogen supplement.

It is important not to overdo it with fertilization. Excessive feeding can cause disease and plant depression.

Preventative actions to accelerate the growth of hydrangeas

If garden culture grows slowly, it is necessary to check the quality of the soil. Dry and too compact soil is one of the reasons for lack of growth. Abundant watering and loosening will normalize the situation in a short time. For preventive purposes, treatment with Bordeaux mixture is carried out in the spring. To prevent damage by diseases and pests, use traditional methods or chemicals.

Advice! To acidify the soil, use a solution of 10 liters of water and 2 tbsp. l oxalic acid.

Young seedlings grow poorly after improper pruning. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the varieties. So, for example, new flower buds are formed at the ends of last year's shoots in shrubs of the first group: hydrangea, serrate, prickly, etc. The manipulation is carried out carefully, since radical pruning will stop the growth process and postpone the flowering period to next year.

Bad weather also negatively affect the intensity of development and the height of the bush. When selecting a variety, it is necessary to take into account the climatic characteristics of the variety.

As the crop matures, it may stop developing if there is insufficient lighting or drafts, or excessive gas pollution. It is necessary to determine a place in the garden with some shade. Be sure to check the condition of the branches and remove damaged and dry ones.

Why doesn't garden hydrangea bloom? Many flower lovers face this question. It all depends on the type of hydrangea, each of which has its own flowering time. For example, if you planted a large-leaved hydrangea, then you should know that it can grow for many years, but not bloom. They do not bloom for the simple reason that they are too young, or they are not given very favorable conditions. There may be several reasons why hydrangeas do not please us with their color:

Poor growth of garden hydrangea due to poor condition of the root system

As for garden hydrangea, it may refuse to grow after winter, or it will grow, but slowly, for the same reasons - poor condition of the root system. Therefore, in the fall, before the onset of frost, they stop watering the flower so that the roots are in dry soil. The roots are mulched with sawdust, dry leaves, pine needles, and crushed pine bark. The plant should not be hilled up - this can damage the root system, which is located high in hydrangeas. In winter, hydrangea roots can be additionally sprinkled with snow.

And in this case, it is necessary to check the condition of the hydrangea roots; maybe they froze in winter and the plant died. But maybe some of the roots remained healthy. In this case, they are dug up, damaged areas are removed, treated with coal powder and planted again in the ground.

In order for hydrangea to grow well after winter, in the spring it, just like a houseplant, is watered with a solution of nitrogenous fertilizers, and during the period of flower formation it is fertilized with phosphorus and potassium.

What you should not do is feed hydrangea with ash. Why? Because it alkalizes the soil, which the flower does not like at all. The best fertilizers for hydrangea are those that acidify the soil - nitrophoska, ecofoska, azofoska, Kemira.

Poor growth of garden hydrangea due to non-compliance with pruning rules

Hydrangea flowers form at the top of last year's shoots. If this part is systematically cut off due to simple ignorance or in case of frosting, then the color disappears for several years. Kidney damage. In early spring, when the buds are laid, they may be damaged during frosts, as a result of which the plant will not bloom. Unsuitable climate. Some varieties of garden hydrangea that we sell cannot tolerate the climatic conditions prevailing in your region. They grow quite well, the only problem is that they simply do not always have time to lay flower buds in the short summer. Therefore, when purchasing, it is important to pay attention to varieties that are well adapted to your conditions. The problem of the lack of color in hydrangeas is by no means the only one. There are also many diseases of garden hydrangea.

Poor growth of garden hydrangea due to hydrangea diseases

At proper care garden hydrangeas rarely get sick. With increased humidity and decreased temperature, they can become infected with fungal infections that mainly affect flowers and leaves. Among fungal diseases, the most common are powdery mildew, downy mildew, and rust fungi.

For preventative purposes, hydrangea can be treated with Bordeaux mixture. But to treat an already diseased plant, a more effective specialized fungicidal drug is needed.

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Downy mildew. The disease has symptoms such as oily spots on the surface of the leaves. Reason – high humidity air and temperature below 20 degrees. Medicines are a soap-copper mixture that can be made using ingredients such as 150 grams of soap, 15 g of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water.

Poor growth of garden hydrangea due to hydrangea pests

Green leaf aphids and spider mites can pose a threat, causing damage to leaves that eventually turn yellow, dry out and fall off. Treatment is carried out by spraying plants with solutions of anabasine sulfate (20 grams of substance per 10 liters of water) and thiophos (7 grams of thiophos per 10 liters of water). An infusion of garlic will also help drive aphids and spider mites out of the plant. Needs to be prepared garlic infusion(200 g of chopped garlic per bucket of water, let it brew for 2 days), add laundry soap (40 g) and irrigate the perennial with this infusion every 5-7 days until the aphids are destroyed.

Slugs and snails can be a real nuisance. The best way fight against them - mechanical collection and destruction.

When grown indoors, hydrangea is often affected by red spider mite. This is very dangerous pest, and it is difficult to destroy even by special means. In this case it is important preventive measures: take the hydrangea out into the fresh air, spray it with water, ventilate the room.
