The main members of the proposal. b - separating

All the basic rules of the Russian language, without knowledge of which it is impossible to write without errors. 3rd grade. Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A.

M.: 2013. - 24 p.

The manual contains all the rules necessary for automatic literate writing, presented in all federal textbooks on the Russian language of the 3rd grade. Without knowledge of this theory, it is impossible to write various test papers without errors. The manual will help teachers and parents check the quality of their children’s knowledge, and students prepare for tests and mini-USE.

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An orthogram is a spelling that cannot be determined by ear, because identically pronounced sounds can be conveyed differently in writing. This spelling must either be checked, memorized, or clarified in the dictionary.
Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence
The beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter. At the end of the sentence there is a period, a question mark or an exclamation mark: Autumn has come. How beautiful it is all around! Do you love autumn? In an exclamatory interrogative sentence, an exclamation mark is placed after the question mark: Do you like autumn?!
ZHI-SHI write with the letter I: snowflake, lilies of the valley. CHA-SHCHA write with the letter A: hours, food. CHU-SHCHU write with the letter U: stockings, pike.
^Remember! Brochure, jury, parachute (borrowed words).
Combinations CHK-CHN, LF, RShch, ShchN and NSch
In the combinations НЧ, CN, CHK, НШЧ, ШЧН, РШЧ the b is never written.
У In combinations of consonants with soft sibilants Ch and Shch b, the following are not written: ChK: bird, stove, barrel, candle. CHN: nocturnal, milkman, petty.
LF: nurse (although nanny), chick, finish, balcony, thinnest. NS: mason, drummer, deceiver. RSC: wrinkle, wrangler, lamplighter. SC: graceful, predator, powerful, helper.
Soft sign- softness indicator
The letter b denotes the softness of consonant sounds in writing at the end and in the middle of a word. b shows the softness of the preceding sound: seal, droplet.
R<}Есть случаи, когда мягкий знак между согласными для обозначения мягкости не пишется. О правописании таких слов надо справляться в орфографическом словаре: мостик (без ь), гвозди (без ь).
S|| Softness [l "] before any consonant is always indicated by a soft sign. Fan, lion cub, benefit, casually, smaller, herring, flatter, truant.
pO [No soft sign is written between two L: alley, illusion, illumination.
Dividing soft sign
The soft separating sign shows that the consonant does not merge with the vowel. It is written inside words after letters denoting consonants (not after prefixes), before the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya, I, and also in some
in foreign language words before the letter O. When pronouncing words with a soft separating sign, the sound [th] is always heard: loach, friends, nightingales, postman, broth.
IP Remember! Dividing b in words of foreign origin:
broth, medallion, companion, champignon, pavilion, battalion, minion, pavilion, guillotine, postman, companion.
Using b after sibilants in nouns
Write b for feminine singular nouns after sibilants at the end of the word: daughter, mouse.
Write masculine singular nouns without b after the hissing words at the end of the word: rook, cloak.
R<}Во множественном числе у существительных с шипящей на конце Ь не пишется: (много) крыш (мн. ч.), (много) куч (мн. ч.).

In the section on the question Finish the rule for the Russian language, grade 3. given by the author Alexandra the best answer is I only know that the base of a word consists of a prefix, a root and a suffix.

Answer from Welfare[guru]
To find the stem, you need to find the ending, because the stem is part of a word without an ending.
The ending is not part of the basis of the word, because changing it does not change the general meaning of the word.
The base of a word includes a prefix, a root, and a suffix.

Answer from Ask for it[newbie]
The ending is not part of the stem of the word, because.... it is not a constant part of speech.
The basis consists of a root suffix and a prefix.

Answer from Igor Uzun[active]
1 ...You must first emphasize the prefix, root, suffix, and endings. The stem is a part of a word without an ending
2 ...because it is a variable part of the word that forms new forms of the word
3 ...Prefix, suffix, root.

Answer from Neurologist[guru]
To find the stem, you need to change the ending.
The ending is not included because it changes.
The base consists of a prefix, a root and a suffix.

Answer from Daria Germanova[active]
1) To find the stem in a word, you need to inflect it, conjugate it. The core will be the part that will not change.
2) The ending is not included in the stem of the word, because the stem of the word is an unchangeable part of the word, but the ending is not.
3) The stem of a word includes all parts of the word except the ending (prefix, root, suffix).

Speech. Text. Offer. Word.

Text consists of sentences and offers - from words.

Offer - a word or several words that express a complete thought.

Each sentence is pronounced with some purpose.

A sentence in which something is reported (narrated) is called narrative.

A sentence in which something is asked is called interrogative. A sentence in which one is advised to do something, encourages action, is called motivating.

A sentence that is pronounced with strong feeling is called exclamatory. At the end of such a sentence there is an exclamation point (!)

Text- These are related sentences. Text can be title.

Word- this is the name of an object, a sign of an object, an action of an object.

Last names, first names, patronymics of people, names of animals, names of countries, cities, villages, streets, lakes, rivers, seas are written with a capital letter.

Subject of the text - this is what the text says.

Text - narration answers the questions what happened? What happened? In the story three parts: beginning, main part, ending.

In the text - description a description of people, animals, plants, natural phenomena, and various objects is given.

Text - reasoning explains the cause of phenomena and events. To this text you can ask the question why?

Main members of the proposal:

The subject stands for , who or what the sentence is talking about. It answers the question who? Or what?

The predicate means what is said about the subject. It answers the questions: what does it do? What did you do? What will it do? What did you do? What will he do?

The offer includes main members and minor ones.

Main members - subject and predicate.

Minor members explain the subject, predicate or minor member

In order to find words that are related to each other in meaning, put the question from one word to another .

Words that have something in common in meaning and the same root are called cognate.

Sounds we pronounce and hear.

Letter we write and we see.

Sound on the letter it is indicated by a letter.

Letters b b sounds are not indicated.

There are six vowel sounds: a, and, o, y, s, e.

There are ten vowel letters: a, i, o, y, s, e, e, e, yu, i.

Vowel letters e, e, yu, i denote two sounds at the beginning of a word, after vowels, after ъ, ь.

Letters e, e, yu, i after consonants they indicate the softness of the consonant sound and the vowel sound.

When pronouncing a vowel sound air flows freely , a voice is heard.

Vowel forms a syllable.

How many vowels are there in a word? so many syllables.

The word transfer by syllables, words of the same syllable are not transferred.

One letter can't be left on a line or transfer to another.

Letters b, j when hyphenating words cannot be separated from the letter in front. When hyphenating words with double consonants one consonant remains on the line, and the other is transferred

At the end of a word, the softness of the consonant sound is indicated by b.

Stressed and unstressed vowels.

Unstressed vowels at the root of a word need to be checked.

To check, change the word like this: so that an unstressed vowel becomes stressed.

Phrase - two words related in meaning.

In the phrase one word depends on another .

Subject and predicate do not form phrase.

Root this is a common (identical) part of words with the same root. The root in words with the same root is written the same way.

Ending - This is the variable part of the word. The ending serves to connect words in a sentence.

Cognates words are formed using prefixes and suffixes. Console - this is the part of the word that comes before the root and serves to form new words.

Suffix - this is the part of the word that comes after the root and serves to form new words.

The basis - this is part of the word before the end.

Spelling words with voiceless and voiced consonants at the root.

Paired voiced: b b' c c' d g' d d' f h h'

Paired deaf: p p‘ f f‘ k k‘ t t’ w s s’

Unpaired voiced: l l' m m' n n' r r'

Unpaired deaf: x x’ c h’ sch’

Paired voiced consonant at the end of a word replaced when pronounced in pairs by deaf people.

Words with pairs The consonants at the end need to be checked.

To check, change the word like this: so that after the consonant there is a vowel.

Paired consonants at the end of a word or before other consonants need to be checked. In these cases, the sound and letter may not match. Test words are words that have a vowel after a consonant. To find out which letter represents a consonant sound, you need to change the word or choose a word with the same root, in which there is a vowel after the consonant.

Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

Tested unstressed vowels can be in the prefix, in the root, in the suffix, in the ending .

Before writing a vowel in an unstressed syllable, you need to find out in which part of the word it is located.

If in a prefix or suffix - Remember , how this prefix or suffix is ​​written: on-, re-, under-, pro-, - points-, - points-, - enk-, - onk- .

If at the root, then you need choose a test word.

The test word could be a single-root word with a stressed vowel in the root.

To find a test word, you need to change the word so that an unstressed vowel sound became stressed or choose a single-root word with a stressed vowel at the root.

Words with two unstressed vowels are checked at the root two test words.

Words with unpronounceable consonants at the root.

There are sounds in the roots of some words v, d, l, t are not pronounced , and the letters v, d, l, t are written.

To check, select a single-root word. If the sound is heard, then we write it in a word. If the sound is not heard, then we do not write it in the word.

Console - This is part of the word, and in writing it cannot be separated from the root. Consoles o-, about - (about-), from - (oto-), to-, on-, under - (under-), pro-, for-, on-, over-, in - (in-), with - (co-), you-, re- are written always the same no matter how they are pronounced.

Preposition and prefix.

In Russian there is same prepositions and prefixes : in, in, for, on, over, by, under, about, with, about, about, from.

Between the preposition and the word it precedes, You can insert another word or question.

Prepositions never come before words that denote the action of an object.

Separating solid sign (Ъ)

The separating solid sign is written after consoles , which end in a consonant, before vowels e, e, yu, i.

Words in our speech are divided into large groups, or parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, pronouns.

Words that denote objects and answer the question who? Or what?, they are called nouns.

Words that denote the actions of objects and answer the questions what to do? What to do? are called verbs.

Words that denote the characteristics of objects and answer the questions what? Which? Which? Which? are called adjectives.

To find out what part of speech a word is, ask him a question and determine what the word means (object, sign of an object, action of an object).

I, you, we, you, he, she, it, they - This pronouns. They do not name the object, but only refer to it indicate. A pronoun is a part of speech.

Pretext can not be member of the proposal. It is used in a sentence together with a noun or pronoun and serves to connect words in a sentence.

Nouns that name people and animals answer the question who? This animate .

Other nouns answer the question What? This inanimate .

There are nouns masculine, feminine and neuter. he is mine ,- male.

Nouns that can be added to words She is mine . - female.

Nouns that can be added to words it's mine , - neuter.

To find out the gender of a noun that is in the plural, you need to put him in the singular.

Nouns vary by numbers (singular and plural). When changing a noun by numbers its ending changes.

Changing the endings of nouns according to questions is called changing according to cases or declension:

Nominative case who? What?

Genitive Who? What?

Creative Who? How?

Prepositional About whom? About what?

To determine the case of a noun, find the word with which the noun is associated and pose a question from it. Based on the question (and preposition), determine the case.

Print all the rules for the Russian language grade 3 in tables

Memorandum of rules for the Russian language, grade 1 (download)

E.V. Beskorovainaya “Russian language in diagrams and tables. 1-4 grades" (download)

The publication provides in a condensed, concentrated form the main theoretical material covering the Russian language course in primary schools. Rules and definitions are combined into visual logical blocks, diagrams and tables that allow you to better understand and assimilate the information. The manual will provide invaluable assistance in studying, systematizing the knowledge gained, and will also be useful in preparing for the final test in the Russian language for a primary school course.

Russian language rules for grade 3

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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

Rules on the Russian language for primary classes RESOURCES Lazareva Lidiya Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

Vowels letters Consonant sounds Phonetic analysis of a word Paired consonants at the end of a word Unstressed vowels at the root of a word Remember! Zhi-shi, chu-sha, chu-chu! Capital letter Word composition Remember! -chk-, -chn-, -nch-, -нш-, -рш- Spelling of prefixes Prefixes and prepositions Parts of speech Noun Cases of nouns Three declension of nouns Gender of adjectives Number of adjectives Indefinite form of verb Changing verbs by tenses Changing verbs by numbers and persons Conjugation of verbs Personal endings of verbs Pronoun Adverb Numeral name Conjunction Types of sentences Members of sentences CONTENTS Lidia Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

This manual contains all the basic rules for the Russian language and is compiled in such a way as to make it easier and more interesting to master the school curriculum. Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

Vowel letters A E E I O U Y E Yu YA A O U Y Y E - these vowels indicate the hardness of consonant sounds. And - denotes the softness of consonant sounds. E Yo Yu Ya - these vowels denote the softness of consonant sounds, and at the beginning of a word or after another vowel - two sounds. Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

Voiced consonant sounds B C D F G Z Paired? ? ? ? ? ? unvoiced P F K T Sh S voiced L M N R Unpaired unpaired KH Ts Ch Shch Always hard Zh Sh Ts Always soft Y Ch Shch The letters b, b do not indicate sounds, but indicate the softness or hardness of the consonant after which they appear. Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

PHONETIC ANALYSIS OF THE WORD Kom - pyu - ter - 10 sounds, 9 letters, 3 syllables K - consonant, hard, paired unvoiced O - vowel, unstressed M - consonant, hard, unpaired voiced P - consonant, soft, paired unvoiced b - Yu - vowel, stressed T – consonant, hard, paired unvoiced E – vowel, unstressed R – consonant, hard, unpaired voiced. Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

SPELLING OF PAIRED CONSONANTS AT THE END OF A WORD At the end of words, paired consonants must be written in the same way as they are written in words with the same root or in another case before a vowel. du? – oak lu? – meadow ro? - Gru horns? — load Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

UNStressed VOWELS IN THE ROOT Unstressed vowels in the root are checked by stress s?dy - garden st?na - walls z?ma - winter sea - sea p?lya - field k?za - goats Lazareva Lidiya Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Basic school "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

REMEMBER! ZHI – SHI write with the letter I mouse? really? skis? sh?na CHA - write with the letter A dacha? clouds? candles? locusts? CHU - SHU write with the letter U sch?ka ch?lok ch?desa ch?dovishche Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

CAPITAL LETTER Remember: cities, rivers, countries and seas are always written with a capital letter... And your last name! country Latvia city Riga river Daugava Baltic Sea. Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

COMPOSITION OF A WORD Root is the common part of related words. Prefix and suffix are significant parts of words that form new words. An ending is a variable part of a word that serves to connect words in a sentence. The root, prefix and suffix are the basis. Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

REMEMBER! In the combinations CHK CHN NC NSCH RSH the soft sign is not written. night mason wrangler A soft separating sign is written after the consonants before the vowels E E I Yu I dress streams monkey A hard separating sign is written after a prefix ending in a consonant before the vowels E E Yu Ya entrance rise explanation Lazareva Lidiya Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School " PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

SPELLING OF PRESIDENTS Prefixes without-voz-iz-iz-niz-raz-through-through- are written before vowels and voiced consonants. takeoff waterless distribute Prefixes bes- vos- vs- is- nis- through- through- are written before voiceless consonants. education remember scare Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

SPELLING OF PRESIDENTS AND PREPOSITIONS A prefix is ​​part of a word and is written together! A preposition is a part of speech and is written separately! Prepositions are not used with verbs! The guys went for a walk. Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

PARTS OF SPEECH NOUN answers the questions who? What? Indicates an item. THE ADJECTIVE answers the questions which? which? which? which? Indicates an attribute of an object. VERB answers the question what to do? what to do? Indicates the action of an item. PRONOUN refers to objects, but does not name them. Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

NOUN GENDER OF NOUNS masculine – he is mine – lion feminine – she is mine – cat neuter – it is mine – animal NUMBER OF NOUNS singular – birch, watermelon plural – birches, watermelons Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Rizhskaya Basic school "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

CASES OF NOUNS Case name Auxiliary words Case questions Prepositions I. p. is who? What? R.p. no one? what? without, near, to, from, about, from, near, with, at D. p. let him approach whom? what? k, according to V. p. I see who? What? under, for, about, through, in, on etc. happy with whom? how? for, between, above, under, with P. p. talking about whom? about what? in, about, about, on, with Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:


GENDER OF ADJECTIVE NAMES The gender of adjective names is determined by the gender of the nouns with which they are used. Masculine gender Narrow lane New lesson Feminine gender Large fish Ancient history Neuter gender Right shoulder Red sun Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

NUMBER OF ADJECTIVES The number of adjectives is determined by the number of the noun with which it is used Number Gender Singular Plural Masculine ripe fruit high ceiling ripe fruit high ceilings Feminine gas stove blue blouse gas stoves blue blouses Neuter short distance summer dress short distance summer dresses Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

INDEFINITE FORM OF VERB Verbs come in perfect and imperfect forms. Perfect form - the action has already been done, completed, that is, perfect. What did you do? - wrote, learned. Imperfect form - the action is not yet completed. What is he doing? - writes, teaches. REMEMBER. Particles not with verbs are always written separately: Didn’t learn. Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

CHANGING VERBS BY TENSE Present Tense What does it do? looks saws draws Past tense What did you do? What did you do? looked sawed drew Future tense What will he do? What did you do? will look will look will draw will draw Lazareva Lidiya Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

CHANGING VERBS ACCORDING TO NUMBERS AND PERSONS Person Number 1st person 2nd person 3rd person Singular I Do I work rest? Do you work on holiday? He, she, it works rest? Plural We Work Leisure? Do you work on holiday? Do they work on holiday? Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

CONJUGATION OF VERBS I conjugation II conjugation All verbs ending in –et, -at, ot, -ut, -t (except for 11 exception verbs), as well as verbs ending in –it: shave, build, lay Verbs ending in –it (in the indefinite form) , as well as 11 verbs: drive, breathe, hold, depend. See, hear and offend. And also endure, twist, hate and watch. Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

PERSONAL ENDINGS OF VERBS I conjugation II conjugation singular. h units h. - U (- YU) - EAT - EAT - ETE - ET - UT (-YUT) - U (YU) - IM - ISH - IT - IT - AT (-YAT) Lazareva Lidiya Andreevna, primary school teacher, Rizhskaya Basic school "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

PRONOUN Pronouns indicate objects, signs and qualities, but do not name them. Personal pronouns I, we, you, you, he, she, it, they Demonstrative pronouns this, this, this, these Interrogative pronouns who, what, which, which, whose, how many Negative pronouns no one, nothing, none, no one's Indefinite pronouns someone, something, someone, something, something, someone Lazareva Lidiya Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

NUMERAL NUMERAL Numeral names indicate the number or order of objects when counting. Numerals Quantitative (five books) Ordinal (fifth floor) Numerals Simple Complex Compounds Fractional (seven) (thirty) (thirty-two) (three-fifths) Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e -mail:

ADVERB An adverb is an unchangeable part of speech that denotes a sign of an action or quality. Adverbs formed from short adjectives with prefixes: At the end of adverbs after hissing ones, b is written: wide open, away. (except: married, unbearable, already). in-, for-, na- have the letter o at the end do-, from-, s- have the letter a at the end from right to left for a long time to the point Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e -mail:

UNION Unions are functional parts of speech that connect homogeneous members in a simple sentence and simple sentences in a complex sentence. The sun rose and illuminated everything around. The boy ran after the dog, but did not catch up with it. The eye sees, but the tooth numbs. Mushrooms and berries grow in the forest. Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

TYPES OF SENTENCES By intonation Exclamatory Non-exclamatory They gave me a puppy! They gave me a puppy. According to the purpose of the statement Narrative Interrogative Incentive The weather is beautiful outside. Why aren't you walking? Go quickly. According to the presence of minor members Uncommon Common Spring has come. The long-awaited spring has arrived Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

MEMBERS OF THE SENTENCE Main Subject Predicate Who? What? (noun, pronoun) What does it do? (verb) the boy draws Minor Definition Supplement Adverbial adjective noun adverb, noun I am reading an interesting book. I met a friend. We walked quickly. Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

DESCRIPTION OF RESOURCES USED When compiling this manual, the author-compiler relied on theoretical material: Textbooks “Steps into the world of language” for grades 1 – 4 compiled by I. Frolova Riga, “Macibu gramata”, SIA, 2005 Lazareva Lidiya Andreevna, primary school teacher, Rizhskaya Basic school "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

Material number: DB-084815

The author can download the certificate of publication of this material in the “Achievements” section of his website.

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Rules for the Russian language in grades 1-4

Methodological guide on the topic

Rules for the Russian language in grades 1 - 4
for educational complex “Prospective Primary School”

Zeman Maria Fedorovna,
primary school teacher
GBOU school No. 425 named after academician P.L. Kapitsa



Words that have multiple meanings are called

For example: FOX - 1. Same as fox.

2. A cunning man.

Words that sound and spell the same but mean

miscellaneous are called HOMONYMS.

For example: ONION 1 – plant;

Words that are close in meaning are called SYNONYMS.

For example: month - moon.

Words with opposite meanings are called

For example: White black.


ADDENDUM is a minor member of a sentence,

who answers questions indirect cases:

whom? what?

to whom? what?

whom? What?

by whom? how?

about whom? about what?

and is emphasized by a abrupt line.

CIRCUMSTANCE is a minor member of the sentence,

which answers the questions: Where? Where? When?

where? How? and is emphasized by a abrupt line

DEFINITION – a minor member of a sentence,

which answers the questions: Which? which? which?

which? whose? and is emphasized by a wavy line.

PREPOSITION is a part of speech that serves to communicate

words in a sentence.

Prepositions written with words apart.

You can insert a word between a preposition and a word

For example: V (pine) forest, on (green) branch.

A PRONOUN is a part of speech that indicates

on objects, signs and qualities, but does not name them.


ENDING is a variable part of a word that

serves to connect words in a sentence.

For example: read(What?) books at ,

told(about what?) about books e .

BASE is a part of a word without an ending.

For example: grandfather, girl, cloud.

Related words are words with DIFFERENT BASES,

in which there is GENERAL (in meaning and spelling)

For example: forest , forest Noah, forest Nick .

ROOT is the COMMON part of the BASES of related words.

For example: forest, forest, forester.

SUFFIX is the part of a word that comes after the root

and serves to form new words.

For example: fish, fish To ah, fish yoshk ah, fish n y (soup).

PRESIDENT is the part of the word that comes before

root and serves to form new words.

For example: run, behind run, before run, at run.

Dividing b written after prefixes,

ending in a consonant and before a root,

starting with vowels e, e, yu, i.

For example: By dje zd, eat lived, oh byya pitchfork,

6. In nouns female kind of with

BASIS on the sibilant at the end of the word is written b.

In nouns male kind of with

BASE is not written on sibilant b.

For example: ro yeah, ne whose, We sew,ve uh- and. R.

e and, gra h, landses w, le sch– m.r.

7. Names of rivers, cities, villages, seas, names of people,

animal names are called proper names.

Proper names are written with a capital letter.

For example: M Arina, IN Olga, M Moscow

8. ZHI – SHI write with a letter I, CHA – SHA with a letter A,

CHU – SHCHU with a letter U.

For example: live zn, ma shi on the, cha shka, ro now , chu before, I feel ka.

9. The beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter.

For example: M The boys were playing in the yard.

10. Prepositions are written separately from the word. Between

With a preposition and a word you can insert another word.

For example: The pine tree grew at shores.

Rules for the Russian language in tables and diagrams. 1-4 grades.

This manual is intended both for Russian language lessons and for independent work at home. The educational material is presented in tables, which contributes to its better memorization, as well as the development of visual memory. For primary school age.

Explanation of abbreviations 2
Alphabet 3
Vowel sounds 4
Vowels 4
Consonants 5
Sound combinations 6
Paired voiced and voiceless consonants at the root of the word 7
Difficult words 8
Carry it correctly 9
Don't tolerate 9
Hyphenation of words with double consonants 9
Unstressed vowels at the root of a word: a, o, i, e, i 10
Phonetic analysis of word 11
Capital letter in words 12
Word composition 13
Cognates words 14
Word form 14
The order of parsing the composition of the word 15
Write prepositions separately! 16
Members of Proposition 17
Dividing b after the prefix before the vowels e, e, yu, i 18
Prefixes over-, under-, pre-, over- 19
Prefixes with -з, -с 20
We write the separating b after consonants before vowels 21
Difference between prefixes and prepositions 22
Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words 23
CH without T 24
Write prefixes together! 25
Remember 26
Suffixes 27
Parts of speech 28
Gender of nouns 29
Number of nouns 30
Noun cases 31
Declension of nouns 32
Three declensions of nouns 33
First declension of nouns 34
Second declension of nouns 35
Third declension of nouns 36
Indeclinable nouns 37
Noun endings 2 cl. units hours in birth plural case h 38
Zero ending paired items 39
Case endings of nouns 40
Indefinite form of verb 41
Verb tense 42
Verb changes by person and number 43
Verb conjugation 44
Present tense verb conjugation 44
Homogeneous members of sentence 45
Gender of adjectives 46
Number of adjectives 47
Declension of masculine adjectives 48
Declension of feminine adjectives 49
Declension of neuter adjectives 50
Plural adjective declension 51
Soft sign after h, f, w 52
Morphological analysis of nouns 53
Morphological analysis of verb 54
Morphological analysis of adjectives 55
Pronoun 56
Spelling adverbs 56
Number 57
Types of offers 58
Analysis of proposal 59
Analysis of the proposal by members of proposal 60
Homogeneous members of sentence 61
Punctuation at the end of sentence 62
Word stress 62
