Phlox in your garden. How and when to plant perennial phlox

Subulate, paniculate, Drummond, Canadian. Under natural conditions, they can be found in wet meadows and forest edges - where there is fertile, loose soil. For the plant to feel comfortable, it needs proper care. That is why many summer residents who want to decorate theirs with an amazing flower are concerned about when to plant phlox. In this article you will find the answer to this and some other questions.

When to plant phlox?

The spring months are considered the most favorable for these purposes. However, the answer to the question of when is the best time to plant phlox cannot be unambiguous. They can also be placed outdoors in summer and even autumn. Spring planting is most favorable for the plant because during this period it takes root much better. In autumn, this procedure is recommended to be done in the first half of September. This will allow the plant to strengthen and take root before the onset of cold weather. In summer, the most favorable time is considered to be the beginning of June.

How to plant a plant correctly?

Having dealt with the question of when to plant phlox, let's consider how to correctly carry out this procedure. The prepared bed should be watered thoroughly so that the soil is saturated with moisture 20 centimeters deep.

It is recommended to plant perennials in cloudy weather or in the evening when there is no scorching sun. tall plants need to be placed at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other, low-growing ones - 40 cm. If necessary, the roots of the flower can be shortened by 1/3 with pruning shears. Their length should be about 10 cm. In adult bushes, the stems should be cut in half, and then the plant itself should be dug up. Excess soil must be removed and the rhizome divided into several parts by hand. As a rule, vegetative buds form at the base of the stem, which will subsequently give birth to new shoots. Without them, the plant root dies. Each young bush must have at least eight buds. When dividing, it is necessary to remove the old parts of the root system and immediately place the divisions in new holes. Vegetative buds should be sprinkled with soil about five centimeters. Then the phloxes need to be thoroughly watered. In the first two weeks, irrigation should be done every day, periodically loosening the soil and mulching it with peat. If, having decided on the question of when to plant phlox, you chose autumn, then the plant must be covered with chopped straw or small shavings for the winter. In May, it is recommended to feed the flowers with any nitrogen fertilizer.

Where to plant phlox?

The plant feels most comfortable in well-lit places. However, some flowers' petals may fade in the sun. The best option there will be an area on which there will be light shadow from the bushes. At the same time, it must be closed from the wind so that the plant survives the winter well. The north side of the house is not recommended. Before choosing a place to place phloxes, think about what plants they will be in proximity to and how it will look visually.

In order to transplant or plant phloxes in the fall, they are best suited early varieties such as:

  • Bright Ice is a tall pink phlox with large inflorescences.
  • Hesperis is a meter-tall plant with dense purple large inflorescences.
  • Childhood (75 cm stem height, salmon-pink flowers, large inflorescences).
  • North (70 cm high, large pure white inflorescence).
  • Tenor (large crimson inflorescence, plant height 70 cm).
  • Blue joy (light purple, plant height 80 cm).

These varieties will be able to bloom by August, and at the end of summer they can be prepared for replanting. Phlox are not only annual, but also perennial, and grow in the same place for 5-7 years. It’s only in the second or third year that the flowers may become smaller and lose their splendor. To prevent this, the phloxes need to be rejuvenated: divided and transplanted to another place.

Many gardeners claim that best time for planting phlox it is spring, but the practice of experienced gardeners proves that autumn planting no less effective and even has some advantages.

Benefits of autumn planting phlox:

  1. The first advantage is considered to be an increase in planting time to one and a half months, while the spring time is compressed to two weeks, because the stems of the plant grow quickly and replanting will be risky.
  2. The second advantage is that in the new spring-summer season you will receive the most beautiful flowering plants, of course, subject to proper autumn transplantation. And at the end of the phlox flowering season, it is easier to determine the transplanted variety of the divided bush.

Autumn transplantation of phlox requires strict adherence to transplantation rules, otherwise you may not wait abundant flowering in the spring.

For autumn planting, it is better to use the largest cuttings; they will be able to take root quickly and will withstand the cold more easily. Phlox grown from spring cuttings can also be replanted in the fall. A good division should have two thick stems with already roughened skin, should be pruned to 20 cm and have large renewal buds at the base. The roots of the plant are shortened to 15 centimeters in length.

If phloxes are transplanted together with a root ball of earth, then only the top of the plant, which has already bloomed, can be cut off. You can also leave a couple of healthy leaves, they still continue their vital functions and will help the phlox prepare for the cold.

Preparing the site and soil for planting:

  • A week or two before planting, you should prepare a suitable place for this, otherwise the soil will not settle sufficiently. The soil is well cleared of weeds and their roots, possible debris and stones.
  • The soil suitable for phlox is fertile and loose loam; its acidity level should be neutral. If the plant is planted in heavy clay soil, then it must be diluted with coarse sand, peat, humus or compost. If sandy soil is used for planting, it is diluted with turf soil and clay.
  • The process of preparing the soil ends by digging it up and adding lime.
  • You need to dig the soil for phlox deep enough, since the plant has a powerful root that reaches a depth of 30 centimeters.
  • The planting hole should be wide so that there is enough space for the root to be freely placed. Its depth should be such that the root is completely immersed in it, and its top is about 5 cm below the ground level. If the distance from the surface is insufficient, the root may freeze.
  • Just before planting, the hole is filled with water, and after the water is absorbed, a handful of humus and 100-150 g of phosphate fertilizers are added to it. After this, the division is immersed in the wet slurry and carefully sprinkled with soil.
  • When planting in autumn, potassium and phosphate fertilizers are used, and complex nitrogen-containing products are applied in the spring. The use of a root growth stimulator, such as Kornevin, is very effective.

Phlox can also be grown in sandy soil. To do this, a half-meter hole is dug, the soil is removed, the bottom is filled with clay (15-20 cm), and a sand mixture is poured on top. It needs to be well leveled and compacted. The flower bed can be made 10-20 cm above ground level.

Everything you need to know about landing

Phlox with early and medium flowering periods can be replanted towards the end of summer, when the regenerating buds have already formed. If a plant is characterized by more late dates flowering, it is planted in September. This way the phlox will be able to take root before the frost begins. If they are planted later, early frosts may kill the plant.

To be on the safe side, in October-November, amateur gardeners insulate the root system of the plant with sawdust mulch, peat or foliage.

In cold weather, organic mulch will protect the root soil from freezing. Film or roofing felt cannot be used as a cover; they do not allow air to pass through and the root can be trampled. In spring, the mulch is removed - without it, the soil will warm up faster.

Phlox cannot be planted in lowlands where water constantly accumulates or stagnates, and in late autumn it freezes and forms a crust of ice. Phloxes need to be well looked after, weeds must be carefully removed (preferably by the roots), watered frequently, especially in the first week after planting. After watering, you need to loosen the soil. Fertilize the flower as necessary and pick off dried and diseased leaves.

You need to water the plant after lunch, or better yet, even in the evening, then it will grow rapidly.

It is better to plant a flower in cloudy weather or in the evening, it will not “get sick” so much. The plant does not like planting density; over time it becomes crowded, flowering becomes sparse or stops altogether.

The flower does not sit in the shade under trees or on the north side, as it loves warmth and light. Tall varieties should be placed in a place protected from frequent winds. Phloxes love the sun, sunny side their inflorescences will be lush and dense. Of course, flowers will grow in shaded places, but they will bloom sparingly and quickly fade away.

There are no special problems when growing phlox, but still, like any plants, they can be susceptible to some diseases, such as:

  • rattling (light spots on the leaves), and some varieties are even latent (virus carriers)
  • wrinkling (tobacco virus) – leaves become covered with necrotic spots, curl, dry out and the plant dies
  • ring spot
  • threadlike leaves

Fighting methods:

  1. Plants affected by diseases should be discarded immediately. Cuttings from a diseased bush are not taken. Infected bushes are removed.
  2. If soil contamination is detected before planting, the soil is treated with metaphos (0.2%).

You should not be afraid that the plant is affected by a disease; to combat many diseases, there are specially developed drugs for a specific type of plant. They are sold in almost all flower shops. The main thing is to correctly determine the type of disease.

Phlox is very often used by many landscape designers for their flower garden compositions. This is a very beautiful, bright and simply universal flower that combines with many flowering and non-flowering plants. They are planted as an independent plant near a house, gate or fence, they rich colors alternate and place along the alleys.

Phlox look very original inside a round flower bed, especially tall varieties, and lower varieties are planted along the edges.

Most in demand to achieve design ideas are subulate, splayed and paniculate phloxes:

  • Paniculate varieties are rich in their color palette, the number and size of inflorescences, as well as the height of the bush. They have a wide range of shades, and there are single-colored and spotted, as well as interspersed and striped. They do not require annual replanting and can remain in the same place for up to 7 years.
  • Subulate varieties of phlox are distinguished by a creeping stem, which is covered with sharp leaves and simply strewn with small inflorescences. Their petals are blue, white, pink, both plain and with all sorts of touches.
  • Spreading phlox grows up to half a meter; on its graceful stem there are inflorescences resembling the wings of butterflies, they are of different shades and with a pleasant delicate aroma, which intensifies in the evening.

Phloxes have more than three hundred varieties, the choice is very large and by correctly assessing the merits of the flower, its beauty and aroma, you can choose the best varieties for your personal plot. Of course, to successfully grow a plant, you need to correctly take into account climatic conditions, soil characteristics and location of the site.

More information can be found in the video:

Plant with flowers Phlox is one of the most favorite crops to grow in Russia. Phlox belongs to the small family of Sinyukhovs (Polemoniaceae), which has more than 60 species. The most common in Russia is Phlox paniculata, of which there are already more than 400 varieties and hybrids. Read what varieties of phlox there are.

Agricultural technology for growing phlox

Selecting a place to plant Phlox is a very responsible and important point.

It is worth paying attention to the areas where this plant exists in wildlife. These are mainly meadows, forest edges and river floodplains in a moderately warm, humid climate.

The soil in such places is loose and very rich in organic elements. Accordingly, the most basic requirement when growing Phlox in our conditions is the possibility of generous and regular watering of flowers. The next important point is fertile soil. It is best to choose a place for planting in the partial shade of trees or shrubs, although open area is also possible.

When to plant phlox? There are no restrictions on planting periods for this plant. Phlox can be planted throughout the growing season, that is, while the plant is growing and developing:

  • In the spring, Phloxes are planted as soon as the soil has thawed; do not forget that the planting period in spring is shortened, this is only the first half of May. The flowering period for Phlox is after spring planting It's a little delayed, about 2 weeks.
  • The autumn period for planting flowers begins from the second half of August until the end of September. IN in this case do not delay planting; the sooner the plant is planted, the better seedlings take root in the soil, and accordingly will be able to survive the winter.

    If the seedlings do not have time to take root and the winter is cold, they will simply freeze.

    Phlox planted in autumn will bloom on time next summer.

  • Summer planting of Phlox flowers is also possible, but there should be a lump of earth on the rhizome, and provide plenty of watering. The inflorescences will need to be removed so that the plant can direct all its energy to rooting.

It is recommended to replant Phlox regularly every 5-6 years. This is necessary for rejuvenation perennial plant, since when a flower stays in one place for a long time, it grows greatly and flowering becomes weaker. But if the flowers are provided good care and feeding, then in one place they can bloom for up to 10 years.

IN open ground Phloxes are grown by cuttings. This method requires loamy soil, to which it is recommended to add peat soil. After planting in the ground, the cuttings should be mulched, for example with tree leaves. This will stimulate the plant to develop in the spring. The cuttings remain in this form until spring.

When to replant phlox - in spring or autumn?

Phlox care after flowering

Punching, or in other words pruning, tearing off shoots. Using this technique, you can get Phlox to bloom later and also help the side shoots develop. If you remove all dried and faded twigs and flowers from the inflorescences, then in this way you can extend the flowering period of the plant.

Planting phlox in autumn

As mentioned above, if you plant phlox in the fall, it is better to complete all the work before mid-August. If it was not possible to fulfill this condition, but you still really want to plant, then in this case the plant should not be planted, but should be buried in an area with loose soil to a depth of up to 25 cm, covering the seedlings with mulch and dense covering material to protect against freezing.

For middle zone In the European part of Russia, phlox transplantation is possible from mid-August to early September. During this growth period, most varieties develop buds on the root collars. At correct landing and proper care, the plants will take root well and take root in next year will give abundant flowering.

Phlox care in autumn

In the summer autumn period Phlox care is not much different. Regular, abundant watering and pruning of faded inflorescences and dried branches are necessary. This plant unpretentious in care. During the entire growing season of Phlox, the plant should be fertilized 5-6 times to enhance growth, budding and to prepare for winter. Feedings are:

  • root
  • foliar.

In the first method, fertilizer and watering with nutrients are carried out directly into the roots, the second method is carried out by spraying on the leaves.

In the autumn, those Phloxes that have been growing in one place for several years in a row are fed. In this case, manure or liquid fecal fertilizer should be added. Such fertilizers help to become more vital and enhance flowering.

How to prepare phlox for winter?

In order for Phlox to safely overwinter, it is necessary to cut off the above-ground part at the end of autumn. Most gardeners do this, leaving stumps 10-15 cm high. Experts advise cutting the plant very short, almost flush with the ground. In the first case, various pests and spores with diseases can overwinter on the stumps. The second option excludes this possibility. Pruning should be carried out in the second half of October, when cold weather has already set in. And treat the base of Phlox and its soil with agents against various diseases. Approximately 10 days after pruning and processing, it is necessary to mulch the planting site.

Phlox Reproduction

There are seven ways to propagate Phlox:

  1. Seeds;
  2. By division;
  3. Root suckers;
  4. Propagation by stem cuttings;
  5. Propagation by leaf cuttings;
  6. Propagation by root cuttings;
  7. Reproduction by layering and residues.

The most popular and effective method- This is cuttings.

  1. Cuttings are prepared in early spring when young shoots have reached 10-12 cm.
  2. Shoots are separated with part of the rhizome
  3. Planted in a greenhouse.

Also, green stems with foliage are taken as cuttings so that there are at least two pairs of leaves.

Such cuttings can be done at the beginning of summer:

  1. The cutting is cut above the node.
  2. The already prepared cuttings must be left in the Kornevin solution for a day.
  3. Then plant it in a greenhouse on tightly leveled fertile soil, sprinkled with sand on top.
  4. Next, the planted cuttings should be covered with a jar and darkened.
  5. Within three weeks the cutting should take root,
  6. Once new leaves begin to appear, you can remove the jar.

Phlox diseases and their treatment photo

Phlox can be affected by various pests and diseases, such as:

  • viral
  • mushroom

No viruses that infect only phlox have been identified.

Fungal diseases also bring quite a lot of trouble.

The most common fungal diseases in Phlox are leaf spot, phomosis, and powdery mildew.

All affected areas must be identified in a timely manner, removed from the plant and burned. Powdery mildew is one of the most common phlox diseases and appears in August. This disease manifests itself in the form of white cobweb spots, first on the lower and then on the upper leaves. Over time, the number of spots increases and then they merge into one. The affected leaves dry out, the plant weakens and may completely wither.

To prevent disease, it is necessary to comply with all conditions for planting Phlox, including the distance between bushes. Treat in a timely manner with special solutions and fertilizers as a preventive measure.


look after garden plants it is necessary, and it should be understood that each variety has its own agricultural technology. Video tips on caring for phlox will help you grow very beautiful and strong specimens in your garden.

Some gardeners mistakenly believe that phlox does not need care and grows like a weed. The plant is really hardy, easily tolerates drought and lack of additional nutrition, but under such conditions it quickly dies. Special care for the plant should be in the fall, when phlox is planted.

Features of autumn planting of phlox: when to do it?

Experienced gardeners plant phlox not only in spring, but also in autumn. As a rule, during this period, medium and medium varieties are planted. early terms flowering. The timing of the work depends on climatic conditions, but no later than September. At this moment, the plant already has renewal buds. If the weather permits, then planting and replanting can be extended until the beginning of October, but all work must be completed no later than the end of the month. More late boarding leads to the death of the bush.

After planting, be sure to mulch the soil, which speeds up the process of rooting phlox in a new place. It has been noticed that those seedlings that have preserved leaf cover take root best. Rotted sawdust and peat are used as mulch.

Autumn planting of phlox has its own advantage, which is not present when carrying out spring work. The fact is that when transplanted in autumn, the plant completely adapts and takes root in the new place, and the next season the bush begins to bloom. Planting phlox in the spring does not give such results; the seedling needs time to adapt, and flowering does not begin this season.

How to choose planting material

Large divisions are most suitable for autumn planting, as they take root more easily and tolerate winter well. Also during this period they are planted on permanent place bushes that grew during spring cuttings. Buying new planting material, you should pay attention to the following factors:

A good plot has more than two thick stems;

Large renewal buds are noticeable near the roots;

The skin on the shoots is quite dense and rough;

Earthen lump and roots in wet.

By selecting suitable material For planting, phlox shoots are cut at a height of about 25 cm from the base. The roots of the seedling also need to be shortened by a third. If a seedling is transplanted with an earthen clod, then only its top is cut off, trying to leave a few leaves.

A suitable place to plant phlox in the fall

Plants are undemanding in terms of maintenance, but lush flowering can only be seen in well-lit areas. In partial shade, the flowers will be smaller, but the flowering period will be longer. The optimal place for planting phlox is sparse shade. In the southern regions, it is advisable to shade plants in the midday heat.

Phlox grows well in any soil, but it is better to plant the flower in loose, moderately nutritious and moist soil. Autumn planting of phlox in lowlands is prohibited, as a crust of ice appears on the soil surface. This has a detrimental effect on the condition of the plant.

Preparing the soil for planting phlox in the fall is carried out in advance, at least 14 days in advance. The area is well dug up and cleared of weeds. Lands that are poor in composition are enriched with humus, peat and sand. They bring in the digging mineral fertilizers.

Root system Phlox plants are powerful, so digging is done with two bayonets of a shovel. The bulk of the roots lie at a depth of about 30 cm.

Autumn planting of phlox in the ground, photo

After preparing the soil and seedlings, planting begins. Planting pits make them quite wide and deep. The depth should be such that the upper part of the root ball is not 5 cm below ground level. Higher autumn planting leads to freezing of the plant in winter, and too deep slows down the development of phlox.

Immediately before planting, the holes are well watered and drained. A layer is poured over the drainage fertile soil, humus and fertilizers. After that, the seedling is installed and sprinkled with earth. You can add drugs to the water for watering the plant to accelerate the formation of roots, for example, “Kornevin”.

Advice! In the fall, when planting phlox, do not add to the holes. nitrogen fertilizers, it is better to leave them for spring use. The wells are filled only with phosphate and potassium complexes.

Preparing phlox for winter

Phloxes belong to frost-resistant plants, but neglect autumn pruning not worth it. Without it, the flower may die. Why are phloxes trimmed?

Pruning protects the plant from fungal diseases;

Facilitates the process of mulching and maintenance;

Allows you to get a compact bush next spring;

Allows the plant to accumulate enough nutrients in the root system;

Protects the plant from freezing in the cold winter.

Phlox pruning is carried out in the fall, after planting or transplanting to a new location. Bushes that have not been replanted also need pruning. There is no point in delaying it. Pruning must be completed before frost sets in. As a rule, it is held from September to the end of October.

Pruning is carried out in several ways:

The above-ground part of the plant is cut off at a level of 5 cm from the soil surface. This pruning helps retain snow and protects the plant from frost.

The second type of pruning serves to protect the plant from fungal diseases. In this case, all shoots are cut flush with the soil.

In addition to pruning, phloxes are fed and mulched. Autumn feeding phlox is carried out on frozen soil. They use mineral complexes mixed with ash, which prevents the appearance of pests.

Winter mulching carried out 10 days after planting. For these purposes, peat, compost, fallen leaves and humus are used. This mulch, combined with pruning, allows you to grow a healthy bush that will delight you with bright blooms in the spring.

Problems when growing phlox

1. Phlox are often affected by powdery mildew. This occurs due to improper care or inappropriate place for growing. In the shade the flower is most vulnerable.

2. Phlox nematode leads to the death of the plant. It cannot be treated; the bush is uprooted and removed from the site. Signs of the disease are manifested by paleness and wilting of the tops of the shoots, while the leaves become thinner.

3. Great harm plantings are damaged by slugs. Lime and ash, which are sprinkled on paths and between rows, will help get rid of them. Timely loosening of the soil also has a detrimental effect on slugs.

Phlox - perennial unpretentious plants, which serve as decoration for the flower bed. They have gained popularity among gardeners due to their frost resistance, ease of care and bright colors. Phloxes are used in modern design, they fit well into the interior of any garden. When choosing plants, you need to take into account the timing of flowering, the color of the petals and the height of the bush. By choosing the right phlox, you can achieve continuous flowering during the season. Once you have mastered the basic rules for caring for a shrub, planting it will not be a hassle. And the advice experienced gardeners will help to grow healthy plant, which will successfully overwinter even in the harshest conditions.
