Eco-friendly materials for apartment decoration. How to make an apartment environmentally friendly. How to choose the right blockhouse for interior and exterior wall decoration

Can you call it environmentally friendly? The answer suggests itself: natural. Of course, wood is the most environmentally friendly product for construction, however, our houses are not built from wood, but from cement and concrete. In addition, when starting renovations in an apartment, we think little about the environmental friendliness of the materials that will be used.

Sometimes after renovation, apartments turn into real gas chambers full of lead, phenol, toluene, acetone and God knows what other chemicals. At least environmentally clean renovation- the concept is very conditional, however, you can try to choose materials for arranging your home that will reduce our everyday poisoning to a minimum.

Experts in the field of construction and renovation claim that only 25% of construction and finishing materials are environmentally friendly. The rest can cause serious harm to human health. Therefore, finishing materials and furniture make a special “contribution” to the pollution of our homes.


Radiation is one of the most dangerous species radiation. It cannot be eliminated, it can only be prevented. Therefore, when choosing finishing materials for renovating your home, remember that in addition to concrete and brick, they can also emit radiation. natural stones. However, the stone has its own natural radioactive background, so when purchasing, inquire about the presence of evidence of the radiation quality of the product. In total, there are three classes of background radiation of the rock, of which only granites of the third class are allowed to be used in residential premises. The class is indicated in the deposit passport. You can avoid radiation if you use it in decoration fake diamond- it does not “phonite” at all, however, it consists of concrete, expanded clay and artificial paints. The latter can also be carriers of harmful substances.

Electromagnetic radiation has no less than harmful effects on the human body. Its most harmless consequences are headaches and high fatigue, the worst of all are dysfunctions genitourinary system and cancer. The source of the electromagnetic field, as a rule, is power cables connected in violation of safety regulations, as well as improperly laid electrical wiring, distribution boards, transformers and even electric heating devices. It is especially worth paying attention to the so-called “warm floors”. Some types give a tenfold increase electromagnetic radiation, and even the most harmless versions exceed the norm by 3-5 times. It is not recommended to install “warm floors” in children’s rooms and bedrooms, since shielding its radiation is pointless.

... and pollution

The most dangerous pollution is chemical. Their sources can be concrete, plaster, carpet, insulation, adhesives, various paints and varnishes. Phenol, formaldehyde, lead, toluene, xylene, ammonia, as well as microscopic cement and silicate dust - all this adversely affects human health. Therefore, repairs sometimes resemble an environmental disaster in a single room - new materials begin to actively release harmful substances, which also interact with each other, giving rise to new, even more harmful compounds. The result is reduced immunity in apartment residents, diseases of the liver, kidneys, central nervous system and respiratory organs. You can, of course, choose materials (paints, adhesives, varnishes, etc.) labeled “environmentally safe”, however, everything in this world is relative and this label only means that the content of harmful impurities in finishing materials does not exceed the maximum acceptable standards. Therefore, it is not recommended to live in an apartment where renovation is underway and after renovation it is necessary to intensively ventilate all rooms for 3-6 months.

Saprophytes, fungi and mold are microorganisms that pollute living spaces and cause allergic reactions and various respiratory diseases. Most often, microorganisms appear where the microclimate of the room is disturbed, excess moisture accumulates, and thus appear favorable conditions for the development of microflora. Mold poisoning can lead to very serious consequences. Therefore, during repairs, strictly ensure that the technologies for constructing structures, their insulation and insulation are not violated. Carefully consider the ventilation system, install humidifiers if the air in the house is very dry.


Any specialist will tell you that for ceilings perfect solution- This is a water-based paint. It was created specifically for these purposes. Suspended ceilings accumulate dust, which is harmful to the lungs, and stretch ceilings can emit phenol. The question arises, what to choose, beauty or health? It is quite logical that in bedrooms and children's rooms it is best to use harmless paint, and if you really want beauty, then other types of ceilings are best done in those rooms that are least used - living rooms, common rooms, corridors. It is not recommended to do tension and dropped ceilings in bathrooms and kitchens, since excess heat and moisture can not only spoil them, but also lead to excessive release of harmful substances.

In an effort to decorate the nursery, many parents stick luminous stickers on the ceiling that imitate the starry sky. Such stickers may contain phosphorus that is harmful to children's health.

Comment on the article "Environmentally friendly renovation"

But what about quick-drying eco-paints?... After all, there are such... In my kitchen I have a countertop made of natural stone, I bought it from the same place as the kitchen - from KitchenLab. Of course, they need to be looked after with special care. sometimes, but they will last longer and are durable. We chose a headset for long years and the tabletop too, respectively. There are a lot of rumors about the glass window. But it seems like they haven’t used them for a long time, or maybe they’ve never used any substance starting with the letter C... I forgot)))

07.11.2015 18:18:19,

Hi all!
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31.03.2015 16:02:29,

Total 6 messages .

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Eco-style has been in fashion for several years, but in pursuit of external naturalness, we sometimes forget about the essence of the trend. To figure out how to truly arrange eco-friendly house, we attended a lecture by designer Marina Volkova “Ecostyle. Materials, techniques, technologies”, which took place as part of the InDecor exhibition currently taking place in Moscow. We share with you the main points.

“Eco-style as a trend in design is the use of wood cuts, stumps, wooden ceiling beams, rough plaster imitating the walls of a private house. But actually environmentally friendly, that is, harmless, with a healthy atmosphere, you can make any interior, even modern, full of straight lines and metal parts.”


For the sake of environmental friendliness, you don’t have to give up suspended ceilings, but you shouldn’t skimp on them. Cheap PVC ceilings can emit harmful substances, especially if they are heated by built-in or nearby lamps, so it is better to choose models from well-known European brands or opt for fabric ones.

Sarah Barnard


Natural walls are walls made of concrete, covered with putty, on which paint is applied or wallpaper is glued.

The environmental friendliness of paint depends on the solvent: it is best to choose paint based on water based. Pale and dark paints contain less pigments and can therefore be considered more environmentally friendly. In addition, more natural paints are usually less durable. The latter should not bother you: in any case, refresh the wall covering and generally do redecorating considered necessary every five years.

As for wallpaper, it is better to choose paper or non-woven wallpaper. The latter are made of cellulose and allow air and moisture to pass through, while popular vinyl wallpaper is an artificial and completely non-breathable film.


For floors, choose planks or high-quality laminate. You can use natural linoleum: unlike household linoleum, it is made from natural materials and is homogeneous, that is, it does not change color or pattern when abraded.

Ceramic tiles are also safe and environmentally friendly, as they are made from clay.

Windows and doors

Choose wooden or aluminum window frames. Doors can be made from solid wood, but you can also choose models from MDF. This material is much safer than others wood boards, and if it has a certificate of conformity, then the houses in which it is used have the right to be called environmentally friendly.

1. If possible, move into the house six months after completion of the renovation - by this time the materials used will have lost their odor and evaporated most of the harmful substances.

2. Do supply ventilation. A conventional air conditioner circulates the same air throughout the apartment, but open window disrupts the atmosphere and comfortable temperature. The best solution There will be a ventilation system where purified and heated air from the street enters the house.

3. Install an ozonizer and humidifier at home.

Cover photo:

What materials for renovation can be called environmentally friendly? The answer suggests itself: natural.

Of course, wood is the most environmentally friendly product for construction, however, our houses are not built from wood, but from cement and concrete. In addition, when starting renovations in an apartment, we think little about the environmental friendliness of the materials that will be used.
Sometimes after renovation, apartments turn into real gas chambers full of lead, phenol, toluene, acetone and God knows what other chemicals. Although environmentally friendly renovation is a very conditional concept, however, you can try to choose materials for arranging your home that will reduce our everyday poisoning to a minimum.
Experts in the field of construction and renovation claim that only 25% of construction and finishing materials are environmentally friendly. The rest can cause serious harm to human health. Therefore, finishing materials and furniture make a special “contribution” to the pollution of our homes.
Radiation is one of the most dangerous types of radiation. It cannot be eliminated, it can only be prevented. Therefore, when choosing finishing materials for renovating your home, remember that in addition to concrete and brick, natural stones can also emit radiation. However, the stone has its own natural radioactive background, so when purchasing, inquire about the presence of evidence of the radiation quality of the product. In total, there are three classes of background radiation of the rock, of which only granites of the third class are allowed to be used in residential premises. The class is indicated in the deposit passport. You can avoid radiation if you use artificial stone in the decoration - it is not “phonic” at all, however, it consists of concrete, expanded clay and artificial paints. The latter can also be carriers of harmful substances.
Electromagnetic radiation has no less harmful effects on the human body. Its most harmless consequences are headaches and high fatigue, the worst of all are dysfunction of the genitourinary system and cancer. The source of the electromagnetic field, as a rule, is power cables connected in violation of safety regulations, as well as poorly laid electrical wiring, distribution boards, transformers and even electric heating devices. It is especially worth paying attention to the so-called “warm floors”. Some of their types provide a tenfold increase in electromagnetic radiation, and even the most harmless versions exceed the norm by 3-5 times. It is not recommended to install “warm floors” in children’s rooms and bedrooms, since shielding its radiation is pointless.
... and pollution
The most dangerous pollution is chemical. Their sources can be concrete, plaster, carpet, insulation, adhesives, various paints and varnishes. Phenol, formaldehyde, lead, toluene, xylene, ammonia, as well as microscopic cement and silicate dust - all this adversely affects human health. Therefore, repairs sometimes resemble an environmental disaster in a single room - new materials begin to actively release harmful substances, which also interact with each other, giving rise to new, even more harmful compounds. The result is reduced immunity in apartment residents, diseases of the liver, kidneys, central nervous system and respiratory organs. You can, of course, choose materials (paints, adhesives, varnishes, etc.) labeled “environmentally safe”, however, everything in this world is relative and this label only means that the content of harmful impurities in finishing materials does not exceed the maximum permissible standards. Therefore, it is not recommended to live in an apartment where renovation is underway and after renovation it is necessary to intensively ventilate all rooms for 3-6 months.
Saprophytes, fungi and mold are microorganisms that pollute living spaces and cause allergic reactions and various respiratory diseases. Most often, microorganisms appear where the microclimate of the room is disturbed, excess moisture accumulates, and thus favorable conditions for the development of microflora appear. Mold poisoning can lead to very serious consequences. Therefore, during repairs, strictly ensure that the technologies for constructing structures, their insulation and insulation are not violated. Carefully consider the ventilation system, install humidifiers if the air in the house is very dry.
Any specialist will tell you that the ideal solution for ceilings is water-based paint. It was created specifically for these purposes. Suspended ceilings accumulate dust, which is harmful to the lungs, and stretch ceilings can emit phenol. The question arises, what to choose, beauty or health? It is quite logical that in bedrooms and children's rooms it is best to use harmless paint, and if you really want beauty, then other types of ceilings are best done in those rooms that are least used - living rooms, common rooms, corridors. It is not recommended to install suspended or suspended ceilings in bathrooms and kitchens, as excess heat and moisture can not only damage them, but also lead to excessive release of harmful substances.
In an effort to decorate the nursery, many parents stick luminous stickers on the ceiling that imitate the starry sky. Such stickers may contain phosphorus that is harmful to children's health.
Choosing wallpaper and adhesives
Types of wallpaper for modern market- a great many. In such abundance it is easy to get lost, losing sight of the main thing - quality. Oddly enough, but the safest natural wallpaper, which is also the cheapest, is paper. Fashionable non-woven wallpapers are synthetic, they are, of course, safe for people, but they are still inferior to natural ones in terms of environmental friendliness.
Glass wallpaper deserves special attention. In some European countries they are plastered over medical institutions. The fact is that the starting material for their manufacture was glass, from which special fiber is made and woven. wallpaper fabrics. Glass is a natural product; quartz, soda and lime are used in its production, therefore, glass wallpaper is absolutely safe for residential premises, and its quality is not inferior to fashionable non-woven wallpaper. In addition, glass wallpaper is highly durable and can be washed even with detergents.
Experts do not recommend using polymer paints to decorate walls in an apartment. oil paints, cork coverings and panels. Also pay attention to compliance with sound insulation installation technology, if necessary. And for wallpaper, choose organic adhesives based on starch or casein. All adhesives are divided into three groups: organic, inorganic (silicate) and synthetic. Synthetic adhesives contain solvents that are harmful to health (acetone, phenol, dichloroethane, etc.), and silicate adhesives are aqueous solutions of sodium metasilicate, which gives a strong alkaline reaction. Alkali corrodes surfaces, causing the paper to quickly turn yellow and become fragile. Therefore for repair work It is best to use organic adhesives; in particular, starch- or casein-based adhesives are suitable for wallpaper.
It is best to paste over a children's room with ordinary paper wallpaper. This is, firstly, safe, and secondly, practical. Many children love to peel off wallpaper and draw on it, so as soon as the kids grow up a little, parents are in any case waiting for renovations, at least in the nursery.
Parquet, laminate, carpet or linoleum? It would seem that the safest floor from an environmental point of view is parquet. Natural wood, it doesn't get any better. However, it also has to be varnished or rubbed with mastic, otherwise it will quickly lose its appearance. Both varnish and mastic release a lot of harmful substances into the atmosphere, so it’s not a shame, but parquet is not the first on the list of safe materials for finishing floors. The first are laminate (but not from cheap segments), as well as natural stones and porcelain tiles that have undergone radiological examination. Cheap laminates often emit formaldehyde, so their use is generally not recommended.
Another safe flooring material is linoleum, which has successfully moved out of the category of “soviet” materials. Good quality linoleum sometimes so successfully imitates natural parquet that you can't tell the difference at first glance. In addition, linoleum is easy to install, easy to clean and lasts a long time. The only thing worth paying attention to is the glue that is used to lay linoleum; it may contain harmful substances.
Carpet is also considered one of the most environmentally friendly floors, however, with the condition that it is made from natural fabrics - wool and silk.
Double-glazed windows or “old-fashioned” windows
Nowadays, houses are no longer built without double-glazed windows; the ventilation system for them is already calculated in advance. However, old houses with ordinary wooden frames there are still a lot. Therefore, when starting renovations in an old house, we first change wooden windows on plastic double glazed windows. They have high noise insulation and heat saving properties, however, they do not have ventilation gap, which may lead to poor ventilation. This must be taken into account and double-glazed windows with special ventilation valves installed.
At one time there was a lot of debate about the material from which they are made. plastic profiles new generation of windows - PVC (polyvinyl chloride). Many experts doubted its environmental friendliness, however, in the end it turned out that PVC is harmless if it is not burned. At temperatures up to 60 degrees, practically nothing is released from it. Therefore, PVC is actively used in the manufacture of plumbing fixtures, linoleum, vinyl wallpaper, but what can I say, even if the cups for children’s yoghurts are made of PVC!
Fears that double-glazed windows installed on the south side of the apartment may cause the release of harmful substances are completely unfounded. Firstly, PVC does not heat up to 60 degrees from the sun alone, and secondly, substances harmful to health are released from the material only when burned.

Bathroom, kitchen and children's room
The bathroom is a special place. High humidity and frequent temperature changes oblige us to decorate the premises with appropriate materials. Dye, plastic panels, suspended ceilings - all these materials are ineffective for bathrooms and also raise concerns from an environmental point of view. As a result of temperature changes and high humidity, mold or fungi may appear under the panels and ceiling, which will lead to rotting and the release of spores harmful to the body. Types of paints that are resistant to temperature changes and high humidity contain harmful substances, such as lead, which also does not fit the definition of environmentally friendly repairs.
Therefore, in the bathroom they most often use good old tiles or natural marble. Both are safe for health and do not require special care.
The kitchen is where many of us spend most of our time at home. In addition, we prepare food here, so it would be more advisable to use the most durable natural materials that are easy to clean. Everything in a children's room should be special. Natural materials, wooden furniture without varnishes and paints, natural textiles are the key to your child’s health.
Six rules for environmentally friendly renovation:
Do not use materials with unusual properties, in particular quick-drying adhesives and paints. They contain increased levels of chemicals;
make sure that the technology for applying coatings, pouring floors, installing windows, ventilation and air conditioners is strictly followed;
require certificates of quality and conformity from sellers;
do not rush to move into a newly renovated apartment, allow the premises to stand for 2-3 weeks (during this period the effect of many chemical compounds weakens);
do not purchase varnishes and paints containing lead, phenol, toluene and acetone;
When purchasing, remember that the chance of getting “unclean” materials for repairs is much lower if you purchase them from large manufacturers.
Most building and finishing materials are not entirely clean from an environmental point of view, but many of them are quite suitable for repair and are safe for health. The main thing is not to try to save as much as possible and remember that health is still more important.

Without any doubt, environmental repairs should be in the priorities of every person. But more often than not we treat both ourselves and the environment around us without thinking. Those who decide to be uninvolved or frivolous in this matter will unfortunately regret their indifference.

Environmental repair and its components

Environmental friendliness

I’ll start with the question that worries me the most, because all the forests of the Moscow region are buried in construction waste. Why are there forests when in Krasnogorsk there are random dumps of household waste right next to the road. Oddly enough, such spontaneous heaps of garbage, as in the photo above, can exist for months.

Do you like this view of your city? Of course, NO to me! Undoubtedly, the local management company will not allow you to throw mountains of waste into a common container. But for some people, religion does not allow them to order it for themselves. But don’t be surprised by such consequences when you trust garbage removal for three kopecks to a Gazelle bomb. And even more so, do not dare to show your dissatisfaction on local forums if you have done so.

And I am certainly proud of those who have never been like these pigs. In addition, I sincerely hope that none of my readers will treat nature so basely and disrespectfully.

Environmental friendliness of materials

The second important component of the issue of environmental friendliness is the environmental repair itself. Although this is the first most important aspect for the client’s health. After all, all materials used in work somehow affect any living organism. And more often negatively than vice versa. Your workers will be the first to bear the brunt of using hazardous materials if they do not use personal protection. But after the renovation, will you have to live in an apartment without a gas mask? This means that for many years, biologically hazardous materials will then destroy you.

Particular attention should be paid to both plaster mixtures, and on finishing materials. Especially paints and wallpaper! Products from the Knauf plant will save you from headaches when purchasing rough materials. Their products are certified to the strictest sanitary and hygienic standards. There have never been any questions about the quality, unless it’s a fake. But when choosing decorative materials keep your ears open.

Proven and Toxic

Varnishes for interior work

I will share an example of the use of safe and, conversely, highly toxic materials. At the beginning of the year I was inspired to make a compact folding table to your room. The project was a success, but due to my haste, I covered the table with an extremely terrible varnish. And even though the can had the inscription “Home Series” on it, it was an extremely false statement.

Technologies of the last century, there is no other way to say it.

After a month of emitting terrible fumes, the table still continued to exude Strong smell. I opened the window wider and continued to work behind it, creating articles for my website. But one fine day a terrible wind howled and I decided not to open the window. The cats were the first to run away from the room, then the wife left. And I continued and continued typing until the end of the day. By evening I literally crawled out of the room with a terrible headache. He chalked it all up to a sudden change in the weather and the next day he again began writing articles in the ill-fated room. Unfortunately, this time I was mercilessly tormented by a migraine all night.

As expected, I checked and ruled out any matches. By way of another headache, of course. And I’m ready to present you with an alternative to this means of torture. Great to work with and smelling like a baby's bottom, French polish from the same store. You can apply it in a ventilated area without using a respirator. Without a doubt, this is a 21st century material created to the latest safety standards.

Tested several times and literally a little more expensive than the previous one.

When choosing other paint and varnish products, follow the principle of choosing trusted companies. These include all brands Scandinavian countries, representatives of France and Switzerland. Between you and me, imported products are head and shoulders above production environmental materials than the Russian one. Fortunately, there are advanced companies among domestic producers. Here you will have to immerse yourself in a scrupulous study of the materials market if you do not want the choice to turn out sideways.

Indoor wallpaper

Yes, yes, we will talk specifically about indoor wallpaper. These are the ones that are subject to increased requirements if you are planning environmental repairs. Passage rooms and corridors are blown through with drafts, while in rooms you sometimes have to sleep with closed windows. Therefore, in this article I will pay special attention to indoor wallpaper.

We give preference to non-woven paper wallpaper or look for confirmation of environmental control on a roll. Manufacturers place special emphasis on the safety of their products so that this is noticeable to everyone. And don’t be surprised by the fact that, unlike paints, some St. Petersburg wallpapers are completely non-toxic.

Although vinyl, it is a very successful and non-toxic wallpaper.

But the expensive Spanish vinyl wallpaper really disappointed me. Heavy and embossed, reminiscent Venetian plaster. However, they are so smelly that after seven years, the toxic smell is still present. Remember this texture and never buy this wallpaper, especially for a room. And it’s finally time for me to change them to environmentally friendly ones paper wallpaper.

Certainly beautiful, but the wallpaper is very difficult to paste and smells bad.

So, when it comes to wallpaper, we give preference to paper and lightweight paintable wallpaper. We choose vinyl only for drafty and non-residential premises.


The safety of carpet for human health is similar to that of wallpaper. Natural material will not cause any problems, while carpet based on polyesters and polyamides is dangerous. And the danger is not in the direct harm of these synthetic materials. They are cheap both to produce and to sell. Accordingly, the same cheap and often dangerous glue is used in their manufacture. Moreover, as a bonus, you get increased generation of static electricity.

My synthetic carpet laid in the hallway.

There is no doubt that carpet made from natural pile is much more demanding to maintain and wears out faster than synthetic carpet. In a children's room, after the creativity of an active child, it will not last long. And it is not recommended at all for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. How then? Surely there is a trade-off! If you want carpet as a floor covering, then let it be natural. But, in order to avoid allergic reactions, only with short pile. It is much more convenient to vacuum and wet clean. It is clear that without fanaticism.

An example of natural carpet.

The only downside to everything natural is the price and limited places to buy. It seems to me that only people with true values ​​can afford such things. After all, not everyone will understand the importance of investing in carpeting, commensurate with the price of a huge TV.

Ceiling coverings

Simply put, the most environmentally friendly ceilings are classic ceilings painted with water-based paint. And no other options can compete with them. This could be the end of this article, but not everyone loves the classics. For fans of suspended ceilings, I have some advice. Firstly, saving here is completely contraindicated. Ecological repairs and Chinese suspended ceilings of dubious quality are incompatible things. Once you decide to save on the ceiling, then use the services of trusted companies. And limit yourself to PVC ceilings exclusively in the bathroom and toilet.

Opportunity PVC applications ceilings of different colors in wet areas- this is their main advantage.

Secondly, say goodbye to the myth about the environmental friendliness of fabric stretch ceilings. Despite the word fabric in its name, it is woven from polyester threads. The justification for using this ceiling can be the possibility of painting up to 6-7 times. Most likely, water-based paint will not allow toxic fumes to penetrate into the room. But don’t delude yourself too much, but exclude the use of tension fabric ceiling in the sleeping areas of the apartment.

Ecological repair is your only true repair!

In conclusion, I want to summarize all my thoughts about environmental renovation in general. Update your home without consequences for environment. Do not aggravate the already not rosy situation with garbage on the streets of Krasnogorsk and its suburbs. Most likely, the situation throughout the country is approximately the same, because people are the same by nature. But not according to my culture, and that makes me happy. Let caring for the planet become fashionable. And everyone will start, of course, from their own yard.

Moreover, do not cause direct harm to yourself and your household. Be conscious when choosing materials for renovating your apartment. For a long time I naively believed that the regulatory authorities were doing this for me. And they will never allow environmentally hazardous products to appear on the shelves. construction stores. However, the realities of life are completely different and we ourselves must be vigilant and selective in our choices. Our lives, no joke, directly depend on this.

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Everything related to the installation and operation of the sewerage system.

Interior decoration, as well as interior design and decoration.

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Ecologically safe materials for renovation and finishing of the apartment.

Dream of stylish interior forces each of us to arrange apartments and houses so that they are pleasing to the eye and correspond to the current idea of ​​​​fashionable and beautiful design. Most often, when renovating residential premises, it is practiced to use various building and finishing materials, with the help of which you can improve the aesthetic component of the rooms. Most homeowners strive to make ordinary apartment something extraordinary, but at the same time they do not care about maintaining environmental safety in the premises. But ecology is a rather pressing issue, since the manufacture of many modern building materials uses complex chemical compounds that contain sufficient amounts of toxic substances. Toxins gradually poison the microclimate in the room, and they also cause severe harm to the health of residents. It is for this reason that it is so necessary right choice environmentally friendly building materials for renovation of apartments and houses.

Environmentally friendly Construction Materials.

Typically, the safety of using a building material is affected not only by its composition and the material that formed the basis for its manufacture, but also by the incorrect conditions under which this material is used.

Of course, there are building materials that pose a danger in themselves, since they contain toxic substances in their composition in large quantities (impurities of heavy metals, for example), and there are also materials that are harmful when in contact with the environment.

For example, using natural wood in conditions where it is in contact with moisture for a long time, it becomes an excellent environment for the appearance and development of fungi and mold. In addition, natural wood saturated with moisture begins to smell unpleasant and becomes a breeding ground for different types bacteria.

Applications and use of environmental finishing and building materials.

Therefore, in order to ensure that living in a house is not dangerous to the health, or even the life of its household members, you need to take the right approach to the choice of building materials - they must be environmentally friendly, and their use must be in conditions that will not allow them to deteriorate and release substances harmful to health.

Before each construction of housing or home renovation, you must familiarize yourself with detailed information about building materials that can improve the interior and positively influence the microclimate of the house.

What materials for finishing ceilings are considered safe.

By using stretch ceiling You can perfectly bring to life the most daring and sometimes even incredible design ideas. Since the materials used to construct suspended ceilings are made from polyvinyl chloride, they have a fairly high level of toxicity.

It is for this reason that it is not recommended to use it for finishing some residential premises - this applies to the bedroom, living room, and children's room. The use of finishing plastic is more acceptable for bathrooms and other rooms where people spend the least amount of time.

In the bedroom and children's room, living room and kitchen, it is best to simply paint the ceilings. Water-dispensing paint of any type is ideal for this. suitable color. Such paints have characteristics that make them the most environmentally friendly for residential premises.

Using environmentally friendly indoor wall decoration.

The most popular material that is most often used for wall decoration is wallpaper. If you want to make your home environmentally friendly for adults and children to live in, it is preferable to use paper wallpaper for pasting walls.

They belong to real environmentally friendly finishing materials. In addition, wallpaper has other positive aspects.

Affordable price.

Ability to fit into almost any room in the home. The exception is the kitchen and bathroom due to high humidity air and frequent temperature changes.

High level environmental safety Other types of wallpaper also differ, for example, textile and vegetable, for the manufacture of which vegetable plants are used. natural materials, not treated with chemicals before or after use.

Use of environmentally friendly finishing materials.

Textile and floral wallpapers have many advantages over other types of similar finishing materials, including:

Good wear resistance.

Ability not to fade when exposed to direct sunlight.

The absence of harmful and toxic substances in their composition.

It is very important to choose the right wallpaper glue. When choosing this material, it is recommended to purchase an adhesive composition based on starch and other natural additives.

It is not advisable to paint walls using paints with oil base, since they contain lead and other heavy metals, which are very dangerous to human health and life. But this is not the only drawback of such paints, since, when heated, oil paints spoil the air for a long time with an extremely unpleasant odor.

Features of modern flooring materials.

The best floor coverings include:

Parquet boards and regular planed edged board. These finishing materials are completely natural and have a high level of environmental safety. This allows you to use materials for installing floors in children's rooms, bedrooms and other rooms in your home where you spend a long time.

However, if you prefer this flooring, try to select the varnishes or paints with which this coating will be treated with special care. It is recommended to opt for an expensive, high-quality and safest varnish. Before you make a purchase, you need to carefully study all the information on the label.

Ceramic tiles, which also belong to environmentally friendly building materials, since they are produced using technology that does not involve the use of harmful chemical substances. If you want to renovate your apartment in an environmentally friendly way, ceramic tile Perfect for finishing kitchens, bathrooms and hallways. The distinctive advantages of the material are enviable durability and practicality.

Laminate. the environmental characteristics of which are influenced by the level of its quality. Existing expensive modern varieties laminates are manufactured in accordance with safety norms and standards, so they can be used in any room.

Linoleum is considered one of the most unsafe materials, since petroleum products are used for its production. This finishing flooring material contains large quantities of chemical additives. The most dangerous types of linoleum are Relin and linoleum, for the manufacture of which polyvinyl chloride compounds are used.

Carpet does not apply flooring materials, different high level environmental hazard, but there are cases when it becomes a source of allergic reactions in people. Therefore, if you want to lay carpet with natural pile, you must remember that it requires careful care, otherwise billions of microscopic mites will appear in the carpet.

The right choice of eco-friendly windows.

If you are wondering how to change window designs in your home, pay attention to windows made of natural wood. They are distinguished by the following advantages.

Affordable price.

High level of environmental friendliness.

But if you want the windows in your rooms to have high thermal insulation and sound insulation, then it is preferable to use structures that are made on the basis aluminum profile. They have good advantages.

Low cost.

Best durability.

Excellent practicality.

PVC profiles are completely artificial products, however, modern methods treatments make it completely safe and suitable for use in all areas of the home.

Marking and designation on labels of building materials.

Manufacturers of modern construction and finishing materials are trying to ensure that their products are as environmentally friendly as possible. Therefore, every company that respects itself and cares about its image labels its products.

The environmental friendliness of building materials is indicated by the following labeling, which is used all over the world.

E1 - building materials that are absolutely safe, which are used in children's and any other rooms.

E2 – used for bathrooms, kitchens and corridors.

If you choose building materials taking into account this marking, you will do it correctly, and your premises will be environmentally friendly, and the microclimate in them will not be destroyed. Never forget that the use of environmentally friendly building materials in houses and apartments is not just a fashion statement.

This is a guarantee of protecting your health and the health of your loved ones from serious consequences that can result from contact with hazardous chemicals.

