Early version of the exam in computer science. Unified State Exam in Computer Science

Today, computer technologies are used everywhere - they are needed in medicine, heavy industry, construction, aircraft manufacturing, and even in farming. It is not surprising that a certificate of completion in computer science is required for admission to the most promising specialties. This subject is taken by those who are going to study nanotechnology, system analysis and control, missile systems and astronautics, nuclear physics and technology, and much more.

At the same time, computer science cannot be called a popular subject - on average, about 5% of students take it every year. Moreover, representatives of Rosobrnadzor note a downward trend in the number of schoolchildren registered for this Unified State Exam. Many simply do not come to this exam, even after writing a corresponding application. For example, in 2014 there were approximately 14 thousand such “truants”. This trend is explained by the complexity of the exam and the fear of graduates not passing the Unified State Exam.

For Unified State Exam solutions in computer science it is forbidden to even use a calculator!

It is also worth noting the decrease in the average test score for this subject. If back in 2013 it exceeded 63 points, then in 2015 it fell to 53.6. This can be explained quite simply - the simplest tasks were removed from the national examination, which immediately affected the qualitative component of the test results.

Demo version of the Unified State Exam-2016

Unified State Exam dates in computer science and ICT

Early period

  • March 23, 2016 (Wed) - Main Exam
  • April 21, 2016 (Thu) - Reserve

Main stage

  • June 16, 2016 (Thu) - Main Exam
  • June 22, 2016 (Wed) - Reserve

Changes in the Unified State Exam 2016 in computer science

No significant changes are expected in this subject in 2016. The sequence in providing tasks from the first to the fifth has changed. It is also worth noting the decrease in the total number of tasks from 32 to 27, which occurred last year. The maximum primary score for the work has not changed - 35.

General information

The national exam in computer science and ICT is one of the longest Unified State Examinations. Students are given 235 minutes of time to work with the ticket. All tasks are grouped into two categories:

  • B1–B23- tasks higher level difficulties. Their solution involves formulating a short answer. Each task is worth 1 primary point. It is recommended to allocate 1.5 hours of exam time to complete this block;
  • C1–C4– are tasks of the most difficult level. They will require the student to formulate a detailed answer to the question. In total, you can get 12 primary points for this block.

In the Unified State Exam 2016, only questions of increased and high complexity remained

All tasks presented in the ticket are somehow related to computer programs, however, it is impossible to use a computer to solve problems of category C. The tasks do not involve very complex calculations, so for this exam. The minimum number of test points that you need to score in this discipline is 40 (that is, you will need at least 6 primary points out of a maximum of 35).

How to prepare?

When preparing for this Unified State Exam, start by passing the demo version of testing. On our website you can familiarize yourself with a trial version of the computer science exam (see the beginning of the article) to assess the current level of your knowledge. Systematic preparation will help you cope with exam stress faster and avoid wasting valuable time trying to understand what is required of you in a particular task. Computer science requires not just memorizing answers, but good practical training and analytical thinking.

Unified State Examination in computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) is an elective exam required for admission to universities in the areas of training for enlarged groups of specialties “Mathematics and Mechanics”, “Computer and Information Sciences”, “Informatics and Computer Engineering”, as well as others areas of training related to the development, deployment and operation of information systems.

The minimum Unified State Exam score in computer science and ICT, below which universities cannot set a passing threshold for applicants, is 40 test points. For execution exam paper Allotted 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

Test measurement materials in computer science and ICT consist of two parts. Part 1 contains 23 short answer tasks (sequence of letters or numbers). Part 2 consists of four tasks to which you need to give a detailed answer: write the text of the program in a programming language, draw a game tree, etc. There is no need to use a calculator during the exam as the problems do not involve complex calculations.

The exam covers all main sections school course computer science and ICT related to both theoretical foundations computer science, and to the technological part of the course: information and its coding, fundamentals of logic, modeling, number systems, fundamentals of the theory of algorithms, programming, processing of numerical information, searching and storing information, computer networks.

In the Unified State Exam test materials in computer science and ICT there are six tasks, for successful completion of which you need to be able to read fragments in at least one high-level programming language from the following set: BASIC, School Algorithmic Language, Python, C++, Pascal. In the conditions of each of these tasks, algorithmically equivalent texts of programs (or their fragments) in all five listed languages ​​are given.

In tasks 25 and 27, the exam participant is required to write a fragment or a complete program in any programming language of his choice. In task 24, the student is required to find the errors made in the example program and correct them. In task 26 it is required to analyze various situations that arise during a logical game of two participants according to the given rules, formulate a winning strategy and illustrate it with a tree presented in the form of a diagram or table. There are also tasks basic level difficulties in analyzing data presented in the form of a table and diagram (task 3), as well as in the form of two logically related tables (task 4).

In 2018, changes in the structure of control measuring Unified State Exam materials There are no courses in computer science. In task 25, the ability to write an algorithm in natural language was removed due to the lack of demand for this option by exam participants.

Examples of program texts and their fragments in tasks 8, 11, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25 in the C language have been replaced with examples in the C++ language, as it is much more relevant and widespread.

It is recommended to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given in the work, with the exception of the only task in Part 1 of the exam, which has high level complexity, namely task 23, which can be postponed “for later” after completing the tasks of part 2. If suddenly, when performing any task, the need arises for cumbersome calculations that are difficult to perform without a calculator, then you should carefully re-read the task conditions and try to revise the solution method.

When writing program texts in tasks 25 and 27, the exam participant should use the programming language that he or she speaks best, since the assessment criteria do not provide for increased scores for using an “exotic” programming language. In this case, the programming language used by the participant when writing the answer may not belong to the above set.

It is recommended to complete Task 27 in two versions - first, give a simple exhaustive search solution (maximum score - 2 points), then - a time- and memory-efficient solution (maximum score - 4 points). This recommendation is due to the fact that quite often there are erroneous decisions that claim to be effective, but do not deserve even two points.

When reading the conditions of any task that uses a quantitative comparison of quantities, it should be taken into account that strict and non-strict inequalities are not equivalent. For example, the statement “the number A does not exceed the number B” is equivalent to writing “A≤B”, but not equivalent to “A

If difficulties arise related to the designation of logical operations (since they can be designated differently in different textbooks), as well as when determining the priorities for performing logical operations, you should use the reminder given in the preamble of the control measurement material.

We wish you success in the exam!

Compared to other Unified State Exam subjects in computer science, the exam is the most conservative, because its structure has remained virtually unchanged from the very beginning. So demo version of the Unified State Exam in computer science 2019 extremely similar to more. There are still minor changes, and they relate to the order of presentation of the first five tasks (more detailed information is presented in the table).

In the structure of questions and the codifier changes not entered.

Task structure

Examination options consist of 27 tasks of varying complexity (basic, advanced, high), divided into two parts.

Part 1 consists of 23 questions, suggesting a short answer. Of them 12 tasks belong to the basic level of knowledge, 10 - to increased and one- to high. The answer to the tasks of the first part is written as a sequence of numbers and letters in two places: in the answer field in the text KIMov and in the corresponding line of the answer form №1 .

Part 2 is four tasks for a detailed solution (one question of an advanced level and three of a high level). Solutions 24-27 assignments are written down completely on the answer form №2 . If necessary, an additional sheet is issued.

Categories of those taking the Unified State Exam in computer science

Schoolchildren without academic debts who have fully mastered the information provided in the curriculum are allowed to take the Unified State Examination. Annual grades in the secondary (complete) education program must be positive (above a two).

The following can voluntarily take the Unified State Exam:

  • students with disabilities;
  • pupils of special closed schools, as well as places of deprivation of liberty, undergoing a secondary education curriculum;
  • graduates receiving secondary vocational education.

The following have the right to take the Unified State Exam:

  • graduates of previous years (including holders of current results
  • graduates of secondary (complete) foreign educational institutions.

The corresponding order of the Ministry of Education and Science determines the timing of the examinations. Main delivery period Unified State Exam 2019 starts on May 28, ends in June. The schedule includes six reserve days. Students who received unsatisfactory grades in mathematics and the Russian language (compulsory subjects), as well as those who missed the exam for a valid reason, are admitted to retake in September.

Submission of applications and registration for participation in the Unified State Exam

Early completion of the Unified State Examination in computer science in 2019

In September, Rosobrnadzor approved the schedule of unified state exams for 2019. As always, the possibility of holding the Unified State Exam early (in March-April) is being considered. Registration date for early exams is no later than February 2019. According to the project, the early exam in computer science will be held 21 March. The reserve day for additional retakes is April 6. The main stage will take place on May 28.

The right to take the Unified State Exam early is granted to the following persons:

  • graduates of evening educational institutions;
  • applicants who go to all-Russian and international competitions, matches, tournaments and Olympiads;
  • students moving for permanent residence or further education to another country;
  • graduates who, due to health reasons, are sent at the time of the main period of passing the Unified State Exam to a medical facility for the purpose of carrying out health and rehabilitation activities;
  • graduates of Russian schools located geographically outside the Russian Federation;

The main disadvantage of taking the Unified State Exam early is the psychological factor. The high school graduation exam is a huge stress, which causes sleep and appetite disturbances, and in extreme cases, even somatic diseases. The early passing of the Unified State Examination attracts special attention from both the press and supervisory authorities, which further intensifies the already difficult situation during the exam. Worries about this can play a cruel joke on the graduate, and the final exam result will be much lower than expected.

Additional Information

(along with and) is one of the longest. It lasts almost 4 hours (235 minutes). During the computer science and ICT exam, the use of additional materials and equipment is strictly prohibited. KIMs designed in such a way that there is no need to use calculators. The graduate will have to answer questions and model the program. There are no complex computational tasks involving the use of technology.

Passing scores for the Unified State Exam in computer science and ICT

The passing level is fixed in 2019 in the region 6 primary points. To do this, it is enough to correctly solve eight tasks from the first part. According to the point conversion scale determined that this corresponds 40 test points.

Currently, interest in the exact sciences in general and computer science in particular is increasing. And many universities provide services for training professionals related to this particular subject. Therefore, the average score with which you can actually enter a university is determined at the level 70-80 . Moreover, competition can be observed even for paid places.

Filing appeals

An Unified State Exam result of less than six primary points is considered unsatisfactory. If an applicant does not agree with the results of his exam, then in the first two working days from the moment the results are announced, he has the opportunity to publicly express his dissatisfaction, by filing an appeal. Graduates of the current year's schools can do this directly at their school, graduates of previous years - at the PPE (exam points). The appeal is considered within four days from the moment it is received by the conflict commission. The State Examination Committee recalculates the points and decides to grant or reject the appeal.

If everything went well, and the graduate received a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam, then he can calmly begin choosing a university and submitting documents. It is worth noting that from September 1, 2013 the certificate is valid for four years after receiving it. This condition allows you to enter universities without additional tests through a year, two and even three after passing the Unified State Exam.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in computer science

From successfully passing exams in 11th grade the further fate of the graduate, his future, his profession depends. Therefore, great attention should be paid to preparing for this stage. Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Computer Science 2019 should begin with studying the relevant literature, which includes school textbooks and additional manuals. After becoming familiar with the theory, it is necessary to master problem-solving skills and adapt to the formulations and requirements of the Unified State Exam.

A collection of computer science assignments will help with this. Unified State Exam 2016 under the leadership of E.M. Zorina and M.V. Zorina. The issue includes assignments of various types on all topics of the Unified State Exam (+ answers to them) and methodological instructions.

Online training

To thoroughly prepare for the Unified State Exam, the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science has created a website with an open bank of tasks. This resource contains information related to the Unified State Exam: regulations, demo versions, manuals, specifications, codifiers. Open Bank FIPI(fipi.ru) allows you to find your “weak points” and work on them, improving both theory and practice. Additionally, a meeting room has been organized on the site to ask questions related in one way or another to the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam.

On the website you can download demo versions for any subject. The purpose of the demo version is to enable Unified State Examination participants and the general public to get acquainted with the structure of the future exam, the number and wording of tasks, answers to them and an analysis of evaluation criteria are also provided here.

To assess the quality of schoolchildren’s preparation for the upcoming exams, online testing and mock exams. An online test is an exam conducted in real time on the Internet. After passing, you can see your results, as well as analyze the correct answers. Online testing can also be used as a method of self-control after studying a certain topic. In schools 1-2 times A trial exam is organized in an organized manner every year. This helps future students get used to the exam environment, sort out organizational issues, and learn to allocate time so that there is enough time to complete all tasks and check them.

Psychological preparation for the exam is also important. In a stressful situation, it can be quite difficult to put aside anxiety and remember everything that was taught during 11 years. It is necessary to mentally tune yourself to the “work wave”, step back from the world around you and try to look at the tasks with a sober mind. And this is not so easy to achieve. Firstly, because the Unified State Exam is the first serious exam in a student’s life. Secondly, the immediate future of the applicant (admission or not admission to the desired university) depends on its results. Thirdly, because often the student’s close relatives, his family, behave rudely and carelessly towards the child himself, further weakening the already alarmed nervous system of the future student.

Statistics for passing the Unified State Exam in computer science for past years

According to Rosobnadzor, in 2015 The Unified State Examination in computer science was passed in total 5% graduates, in 2016 – 4% (7% of which received an unsatisfactory grade). Today this item is gaining popularity. IN 2017 The Unified State Examination in computer science and ICT took about 7% graduates, which amounts to 55,000 students.

Exam Schedule

The early stage of passing the Unified State Exam in computer science in 2019 is being specified.

The main stage of passing the Unified State Exam in computer science in 2019 is being specified.

Social studies is one of the most popular “elective” subjects for national examinations. Statistical studies from past years indicate that this exam appears in the applications of 40% of future applicants to universities that teach humanities. So, what dates will students take social studies, and what is the smartest way to prepare for the exam paper? Read more about this in our article.

40% of future humanities students take the Unified State Exam in Social Studies

Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2016

Unified State Exam dates in social studies

Early period

  • March 30, 2016 (Wed) - Main Exam
  • April 22, 2016 (Fri) - Reserve

Main stage

  • June 8, 2016 (Wed) - Main Exam
  • June 22, 2016 (Wed) - Reserve

General information

The Unified State Exam in social studies is a set of tasks in the humanities training cycle (sociology, philosophy, political science, history, law and economics). The ticket consists of two parts - test and essay. The first part does not promise any special problems during implementation. The main thing is to first solve the tests that you are confident in the answers to. After that, move on to the tasks that you need to think about and remember the material you covered during preparation. After that, proceed to the final part in the form of writing an essay.

Changes to the 2016 exam

2016 was marked by significant changes in the procedure for passing this exam, as well as a serious adjustment to its content. Let's look at the innovations in social studies that graduates of 2016 will encounter.

  • Compared to 2015, the minimum number of points for this Unified State Exam has increased and is 42 test points (19 primary points out of 62);
  • The part of the exam paper in which the student had to familiarize himself with the proposed answer options and choose the correct one has been excluded. In 2016, graduates will have to independently formulate the correct answer;
  • The number of tasks that a graduate needs to solve has decreased due to a reduction in the number of tasks included in the first block. Now students will have to solve only 29 tasks instead of 36, which were solved by schoolchildren graduating from 2015;
  • The maximum number of primary points that can be obtained for this exam is 62;
  • The time allotted to schoolchildren for passing the examination has been increased - 235 minutes instead of 210, which were given previously.

At the Unified State Exam 2016 you will have to complete 29 tasks in 235 minutes

How to write an essay?

It is this part of the ticket that causes the greatest difficulties for schoolchildren. However, they can be easily overcome by following a few simple recommendations.

  • When solving a ticket, distribute your time so that you have at least 60-70 minutes left for the essay;
  • Do not write a detailed answer on the draft - it is better to sketch out the thesis of your story. Otherwise, you may simply not have enough time to rewrite your prepared answer;
  • Don't just jump to the first topic on the list. First, consider each of the above options in order to choose the most convenient one for argumentation and presentation of your thoughts;
  • Clearly define what science the topic belongs to, so that during the writing process you do not go beyond the boundaries of the discipline - this is not welcomed by the examiners;
  • Start by stating general thoughts about the problem to demonstrate understanding. Focus on the relevance of the topic. This point is very important in order to receive points for the first of the evaluation criteria (K1);
  • As you present the material, do not use only well-known facts and historical examples. Be sure to state your personal position on this issue, support with logical arguments your agreement or disagreement with the author of the thesis with whom you are working when writing the essay. Do not forget about the importance and weight of the opinions of generally recognized authorities in this science;
  • At the end of the work, you should briefly summarize everything stated and make an unambiguous and well-founded conclusion.

Essay Grading Criteria

In general, the essay is scored 5 points, of which the first part (K1) is awarded by the expert for a general understanding of the topic. Please note: if the assessor believes that you have not coped with this task, then the essay will not be checked. The second part of the points (K2) is awarded for the ability to apply terminology, reveal concepts and draw conclusions. The third component (K3) – points for the ability to substantiate the point of view expressed by you.

The essay will require you to be able to analyze information and draw conclusions.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies?

To have an idea of ​​the test part of the ticket, it is recommended to use teaching materials approved by the Ministry of Education. A thorough study of the demo version of the tests, which you can download on our website, will help you test your knowledge. To prepare for writing an essay, read the abstracts from previous years and write a short paper for each of them, following the outline outlined above. This will help you learn to structure your thoughts and select arguments on any topic.
