Do-it-yourself paths in the country from scrap materials. Construction of garden paths from scrap materials. Garden paths made of clinker bricks

It is difficult to imagine a country or suburban area without garden paths. They serve not only for convenient movement between different objects, but also perform decorative function, emphasizing the style of the territory and dividing it into zones. Those who want to improve their plot will be in for a real delight, because Lots of materials for creating garden paths: expensive and affordable, natural and artificial, purchased and improvised, of any shades and textures. There really is plenty to choose from, but don’t forget to take into account not only attractive appearance of the material, but also him performance.

Each of the many possible materials finds application in garden plots, since everyone has different requirements for paths and their style. If the path will serve for the constant movement of people and goods, then the coating should be as strong, durable and easy to clean as possible. In other cases, you can choose less durable and more decorative materials.

No. 1. A natural stone

Natural stone can be called the most universal material. It fits harmoniously into any garden plot and can long years serve as its decoration.

Main advantages:


  • heavy weight, which complicates transportation and installation;
  • high price.

In addition, on some types of stone (granite, marble) In cold weather, an ice crust forms, making it difficult to move along the garden path. The only way out of this situation is to arrange it directly under the path, but not every summer resident will decide to do this.

The surface type and color of the stone depend on the rock. Material can be rough or smooth to a shine. The color range is wide: from light breeds to dark red and almost black. Any natural stone- an expensive material, but the cost of different breeds varies greatly. TO the cheapest materials include sandstone and limestone. Marble, granite, basalt, porphyry are more expensive materials.

For arranging garden paths, stone can be used in natural raw form(quartzite, slate, sandstone, granite, gneiss) or give in additional processing to achieve the best performance and decorative qualities (basalt, gabbro, diabase). River and sea pebbles are also often used in their raw form.

The beautiful natural relief and roughness of the stone surface will decorate the area, but it is important to remember that it should be convenient to move along the path, so it is better to choose a stone that has at least one side is more or less flat. Porous rocks, which include tuff and limestone, can accumulate moisture, so once every 2-3 years it is better to treat their surface with water-repellent solutions.

No. 2. Paving slabs and paving stones

One of the most common options for organizing a garden path remains. These two materials are similar in composition, and the only difference is geometric dimensions: With the same length and width, the pavers will be thicker.

Tiles are suitable for a garden plot with a thickness of 50-60 mm, since there are no special loads on the tracks. Paving slabs can be made from different materials, and The following types are best suited for organizing a garden path:

  • concrete tiles. Can be produced by vibration pressing and vibration casting. The first one turns out to be more durable, but has the simplest forms and can be used to create paths along which cars will move. Vibration-cast concrete tiles are distinguished by a wide variety of shapes and are quite slightly inferior to their vibro-pressed counterpart in terms of strength;
  • clinker paving stones It is made from plastic clay, quartz and feldspar, so its strength is not inferior to natural stone. To obtain a rough, non-slip surface, sand is added to the mixture. Paths made from clinker paving stones will be durable and very beautiful;
  • tiles from natural stone - the most expensive and luxurious option, will complement a spacious suburban area. This is actually the same natural stone, but split into pieces of the required size, polished and polished;
  • polymer sand tiles made from sand and dyes with the addition of polymers. The result is a material with excellent performance qualities, but its appearance still reveals the presence of polymers in the composition, therefore, for arranging the site in classic style Such tiles are unlikely to be suitable, but in all other cases they will provide a durable and durable covering for paths.

Among the main advantages paving slabs durability, frost resistance, strength, resistance to negative atmospheric factors, variety of shapes, sizes and colors. You can lay tiles in a lot of different ways. This explains the wide popularity of the material.

No. 3. Concrete

No. 5. Asphalt

Due to its low aesthetics, asphalt pavement is used for those paths that lead to and are located in inconspicuous parts of the garden plot.


  • low cost of opening;
  • ease of care;
  • high strength and moisture resistance;
  • asphalt can be of several shades (besides dark gray, there are green and red).

The main disadvantage is not the most attractive appearance, but this disadvantage can also be overcome by rolling pebbles or other nice stones into the asphalt surface when laying. In summer when the temperature rises environment asphalt can soften and emit bad smell . Cracks may appear on the coating, but this often occurs due to violations during the installation process or when installation took place under inappropriate weather conditions.

No. 6. Wood

Wood is another natural and beautiful material that can be used to create original garden paths. Wood can be used in the form or cuts . The last option will be original decoration plot, especially if you use saw cuts different diameters and arrange them in a certain order.



  • low moisture resistance, high likelihood of fungus development;
  • low durability and the need for constant maintenance. Not only does the wood need to be treated with antiseptic agents before installation, but during operation the material will regularly need to be treated with protective agents.

To minimize disadvantages, it is better to choose the strongest and most durable breeds. The best option. Its wood has moisture-resistant properties, is durable, beautiful design and a pleasant smell. You can also use oak- the leader in strength, hardness and durability, but it will cost much more. As a last resort, you can use wood from cut down garden trees, but you will have to work hard to process it.

In order for a wooden walkway to last as long as possible, you need to pay close attention to the process of its arrangement. It is recommended to lay it on a sand cushion plastic film, which will reduce contact between wood and soil, reducing the risk of rot. It is better to leave small gaps between the saw cuts or boards: firstly, all the water will go into them, secondly, they are needed in case the wood expands, and thirdly, if you fill the gaps with sand, grass can grow in them, and this path decoration.

No. 7. Garden parquet

Garden parquet, often called anti-slip, is a coating that has all the benefits of wood, but due to special processing it is more resistant to negative atmospheric influences. For the production of material use hardwood, which can additionally undergo heat treatment. The finished material is square (less often rectangular) planks, divided into sections. Sections can form a specific pattern.

Garden parquet planks must have ventilation slots, the size of which ranges from 1.5 to 8 mm: the higher the humidity level during operation, the larger the gaps should be. The surface of the material has anti-slip profile, so decking can be used to arrange paths around. Installation involves the use of special supports, the height of which is adjustable, which allows smoothing out differences in elevation levels on the site. The type of fastening depends on the substrate of the garden bag. Hard parquet has completely wooden backing, made from the same breed as the front part. Soft parquet It is distinguished by the presence of a soft lattice plastic backing with special fasteners, thanks to which such material is mounted very quickly and easily.


  • durability. By using durable wood species and treating them with special substances (sometimes heat treatment is used), a high service life of the material is achieved (up to 50 years);
  • high strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • beautiful appearance, because the color and texture of the wood are preserved;
  • the presence of an anti-slip profile;
  • resistance to rot and moisture;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • warm surface and quick drying.

There are not many disadvantages to the material. For longer lasting appearance and performance characteristics garden parquet is better Treat with special oil twice a year. If you choose decking made from heat-treated wood, the material will cost many times more, but will also last longer.

Can also be used to organize garden paths wood-polymer composite decking. It is made from a mixture of sawdust or wood flour with a polymer binder, into which dye is added and the material is formed the desired shape and sizes. This is a less environmentally friendly, but more resistant to external factors material that does not require additional care.

No. 8. Plastic tiles

To produce plastic tiles, polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride is used. The material usually has a square shape with dimensions of 30*30 cm and a lattice structure. It fits thanks to the presence of special grooves on each element. Some samples are even stuck into the ground, so they can be used to organize temporary paths.

Main advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to moisture and sunlight;
  • frost resistance;
  • non-slip surface;
  • light weight.

Among the disadvantages of the material low aesthetics and durability. Plastic tiles are ideal for organizing paths nearby.

No. 9. Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles

No. 10. Gravel and tree bark paths

The easiest way to arrange a path is from bulk pavement, which include: gravel, stone chips, and tree bark. You don’t have to level or check anything - you just need to pour the material where the path should go. The gravel is laid on the prepared base in several layers, each of which is carefully compacted with a roller or vibrating plate. It would be a good idea to use it under cover to prevent grass from sprouting.



  • low strength. Gravel will not withstand significant loads, but it is suitable for walking, so the material can be used for arranging secondary paths;
  • difficulty in maintenance, because gradually the gravel becomes overgrown, clogged, and it is impossible to sweep it;
  • At first, until the material is very compacted, it will be difficult to walk on it.

You need to be prepared that over time you will have to add new gravel, and it will be impossible to do without it, because they give shape and prevent the material from spreading throughout the entire area. To prevent grass from growing through the gravel, the soil underneath can be treated with herbicides or the soil can be covered with agrofibre.

Alternatively you can use expanded clay gravelenvironmentally friendly material, obtained as a result of processing clay rocks. It is lightweight, has good frost-resistant properties, and is inexpensive.

Bulk paths can be constructed using tree bark. This is a natural and pleasant material for walking, but it will need to be added periodically, as it is easily blown away by the wind. The same goes for the shell pine nuts, which has recently also begun to be used in landscape design.

No. 11. Tennisit

Material red and yellow shades, used on tennis courts, have recently begun to be used for organizing garden paths. Tennisit consists of clay, crumbs and lime. After laying, the material absorbs water and swells, forming a dense solid structure; it must be compacted with a vibrating roller.

Main advantages:

  • soft and injury-proof surface;
  • high strength;
  • ease of care;
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • environmental friendliness.

Flaw– formation of dust and cracks during drought, so in hot weather the paths will need to be watered periodically. Sometimes you will have to add and re-compact the coating.

No. 12. Cobblestones

In the garden you can create a real pavement from large round smooth stones. Such a path will look excellent; laying the material is no more difficult than brick, and interesting patterns can be created from cobblestones. The material is characterized by high strength, durability, resistance to temperature changes, and is not afraid of moisture, but it is not suitable for arranging driveways. Cobblestones can be combined with pebbles.

No. 13. Grass

A path can even be created from grass, although not ordinary, but resistant to trampling. Such a path will require additional effort to care for it, but will become a non-standard decoration of the site.



  • ongoing care;
  • Even the most durable coating gets trampled over time.

It is better to make grass paths wide so that they are trampled down more slowly. Of course, grass is not a material for main paths; it is better to use it where the traffic intensity is low.

No. 14. Available materials

A garden path can be created at a minimum cost, and sometimes even use unnecessary materials that are usually thrown away as a base. The result is original paths, and their creation turns into an interesting creative process. You can use river pebbles, plastic bottle caps, wine corks and any other materials.

The choice of material for garden paths should be preceded by a planning stage, during which the location of the path, its shape and function are determined. Taking into account these factors, as well as climate and terrain conditions, you can proceed to choosing the most suitable material.

Those who have their own dacha or garden know how important it is to equip them well so that your vacation or stay in a suburban area after a dusty and hectic city is as pleasant as possible. Landscaping has become more important than simply growing vegetables in the garden.

Now every owner strives to give his garden or dacha a special personality and style. One of the main details of this style is garden paths, because the entire appearance of your site can depend on their design and appearance.

How can you make paths in your dacha that will make all the neighbors gasp in surprise and delight? Of course, you can invite a designer or hire specialists who will professionally design your site, but this will cost you quite a lot. There is another option - to design and make paths in your dacha with your own hands. Moreover, absolutely any materials can be suitable for this.

What to choose and how to turn your idea into reality?

First, you need to figure out what kind of country paths there are and what they can be made from. You will have a very large choice, because there are a huge number of options for their production and design, moreover, they are all very diverse and original and beautiful in their own way, so if you wish, you can find an idea to suit your taste and your wallet.

Why are paths needed in a summer cottage or garden? Many will answer that their main function is to provide the ability to move around this very area. Indeed, paths or paths should provide comfortable movement, connecting all the main objects or buildings of your dacha. However, in addition to this, ideally they need to perform other tasks:

  • ensure comfortable walking (especially if there is clay soil or lowland where water accumulates all the time);
  • divide the site into unique zones or sectors (flower beds, garden, vegetable garden, recreation areas, etc.);
  • decorate and create certain style, uniting everything around into a single harmonious ensemble.

So, we’ve figured out the purpose of garden alleys, now you need to understand what paths you can make in your dacha with your own hands. The main classification is based on the choice of material that you use to make the paths, and on the method of their construction (there are also differences in size and location - straight, winding, etc.).

  • The most spectacular and expensive paths, of course, will be made from natural stone. The big and undoubted advantage of this option is the durability of your product. However, even here you can save money by not buying stone specifically, but by using, for example, leftovers from the cladding of buildings. However, you need to know how to handle such material. This also includes paving slabs or paving stones and bricks. If you chose the latter as the material, then find a special paving brick, since ordinary white and red bricks may not be resistant to moisture and temperature changes. With the help of a brick, you can lay out any designs and patterns on your alleys, folding it like a mosaic. Just indicate in advance in the diagram the ornament that you want to get as a result.

  • Wood is considered the second most popular material after stone. Wooden alleys look no less beautiful and stylish, especially since a DIY garden path made of wood can be made with much less cost and effort. You can use and wooden blocks, and wood cuts, and boards, and lumps - in a word, any derivatives that are easy to get. The main thing is to show a little imagination and try to do something special. However, the tree will require some care, so for durability and beautiful view of your wooden paths, learn how to properly care for them.

  • You can pave paths in your dacha with your own hands from gravel, pebbles, crushed stone or marble chips, pouring them into a specially prepared base and strengthening them on the sides with a border strip of brick or tiles. The gravel can be multi-colored - then you can make original patterns. The soil in the dug trench will need to be pre-treated before backfilling (herbicides are usually used), and then covered with agrofibre or polyethylene. This way you will protect the alley from the germination of weeds. Finally, you need to compact the gravel (you can use a portable roller or other device).

  • The easiest way is to pour concrete paths. Moreover, you can lay tiles, stones, or paving stones on top. And now on sale in construction stores can be found plastic molds, with which you can easily produce various concrete elements and create unique and beautiful paths.
  • In addition to basic materials, you can use any available means to create paths: pieces of old facing tiles, glass bottles, caps, corks, old tires, etc.

As you can see, you can easily and quickly arrange garden paths with your own hands at low cost. Materials can be combined with each other, the main thing is that they suit the general style of the site and the house, fitting into their ensemble and complementing it.

Be sure to think in advance and draw up a plan diagram of how the alleys will be located on the site, because their network should be built so that they unite all the main zones and buildings. Don’t be afraid to combine different shapes and directions - let you have straight and curved paths, wide and narrow, etc. side by side.

Let's get started: a brief overview of the main methods of making tracks

An important part of creating travel routes around the site will be preparatory stage. First of all, you will need to make the markings correctly. If you are planning a straight path, then a rope stretched on pegs will do. And to mark a winding alley, you can drive long nails along the edges of a regular rake and drag them where you want to see the path.

If the climate in your area is rainy, then you need to take care drainage system, and also provide drains along the edges of the paths to prevent stagnation of water. Please also take into account that there should not be any growth near the alleys themselves. big trees, because their roots will spoil the integrity and appearance of any roads.

  • The construction of all paths begins with markings. Then comes the digging of a trench and preparation of the soil for laying out the material. The depth and width of the trench depends on the type and parameters of the selected materials. The next step is to form a sand bedding or cushion. Backfilling is especially important for areas with loose soil, as well as for paths for which you expect a large operational load, for example, for a car area.
  • To line an alley with brick, stone or tile, fill the dug grooves with gravel or pebbles, compact them, and then make another layer of sand. It is this top layer that will be needed to level the surface well. The depth of the trench for stone is about twenty centimeters (often it will be the same for paving stones or bricks). Crushed stone or gravel should be poured in a layer of ten centimeters, plus ten centimeters of sand. Then lay the material on this pillow, following the direction and shape of the desired path. Tap the bricks or tiles with a rubber mallet to adjust them to the desired level. Fill the void between the stones with sand, and then thoroughly water everything.
  • You can make tiles of any shape yourself using plastic frame. To do this, you only need to fill them with concrete, compact the mass in the mold, and then remove it. From these tiles, when they dry, you can lay out an alley, and then fill the spaces between them with multi-colored filler or sow them with herbaceous plants.

  • If you want to make a path from wood cuts, then you will need to cut a lot of stumps of different shapes (large ones will be used to lay the main part of the alley, and small ones will fill the voids between them). Trench under wooden cuts You don't need it to be too deep. Fill its bottom with sand and compact it, and then put the stumps there. You can level the lumps using a sledgehammer and using a level as a guide. You can also add gravel, soil or sand between them, and then plant flowers or grass if you want. If nothing should grow on your path, then lay polyethylene at the bottom of the trench, as is the case with a gravel path. Be sure to prepare the cuts - they must be well dried and treated with hot drying oil over the entire surface (you can treat the cuts with a ten percent solution copper sulfate, and the side that will be in contact with the ground - bitumen).
  • Gravel and boards go very well together. The boards can be large or small, located next to each other or at some distance from each other, you can lay them crosswise or lengthwise, lay them out in a parquet way, paint them - in a word, do whatever your heart desires. Please note that if you raise the boards slightly above ground level, this will help you ensure air circulation underneath them, which means they will last longer. Like saw cuts, boards also need to be treated with antiseptic and protective agents.

Country paths are a kind of transport arteries between the house, buildings and other objects. They give the area a well-groomed appearance, prevent trampling of plants and keep shoes clean. We offer you a selection of ideas on how to design and what to make paths from at the dacha. Some of these ideas can be implemented with your own hands, while others will require the involvement of specialists.

The following types of tracks are distinguished:

  • By type of execution - solid and prefabricated (from individual elements).
  • By type: straight and curved. A little design trick: winding paths can visually make the area larger.
  • By manufacturing method: permanent and temporary. For temporary ones, materials that can be easily dismantled are used - rubber, plastic.

Important! Before you lay out the paths with your own hands, you need to think through a plan. Paths should connect not only the main buildings, but also economic objects (greenhouse, swimming pool, fire pit), beds, flower beds.

What can you make paths from in your dacha?

Made from natural stone. It does not have to be expensive granite or basalt; you can use limestone, shale, tuff, dolomite sandstone and other rocks. There are sawn stone and ready-made slabs on sale, but if you wish, you can get by with unprocessed blocks, the main thing is that at least one side is smooth.

Made of wood. The best option- oak, conifers and larch, but you can take any wood. There are several options for such paths:

  • Walkways made of ordinary boards.

  • Wooden tiles.

  • Tree trunk cuts - you can use elements of different sizes.

Construction Materials. This includes tiles, paving stones, asphalt and other materials that are used everywhere. Durable, reliable, but not cheap. In addition, you cannot make such a path with your own hands.

Brick and concrete. Bricks can be laid either end-to-end or in a herringbone pattern, checkerboard pattern, even ornaments can be made from multi-colored elements. It is better to choose clinker bricks.

Concrete is a classic of the genre, but it is not solid paths that look more interesting, but prefabricated ones. Elements can be made in the form of geometric shapes, flowers, leaves, etc. - there are different forms on sale.

Gravel. An excellent option for winding paths and paths. You can use crumbs, expanded clay, and round pebbles. Such a path must have a curb.

Plastic forms. There are special plastic tiles on sale - they are light, durable and perfect for temporary paths.

Rubber track. Sold in rolls, sheets and even as modular puzzles. Doesn't slip, lasts a long time, comes in different colors.

Tennisitis. This is the material used for clay tennis courts. It consists of ceramic chips, clay and lime. After laying, a fairly dense surface is formed. Eco-friendly and easy to care for.

Ideas for paths in the country

Unusual shape. If the area is spacious, be sure to experiment with the shape of the paths. A wide, round, zigzag or rugged path at the edges looks much more interesting than an ordinary straight line.

Graceful patterns. Beautiful ornaments can be made from fragments of old tiles or multi-colored stones and pebbles.

If brick or paving slabs are chosen for the construction of the path, let the layout be unusual! Checkerboard, circular layout around the central element, herringbone - there are a lot of options!

Imitation of walkways. Carefully laid and adjusted planks resemble a bridge or deck. And to make them stand out better against the background of the environment, they can be painted in your favorite color!

Eco style. Eco-style is the embodiment of harmony between man and nature. What better way to reflect it than a tree? At the same time, deliberate negligence is important: aged or chaotically laid boards, framed untreated wooden log houses go perfectly with lawn grass and small pebbles!

Concrete forms. Most people associate shapes only with paving slabs. However, with their help you can make unusual and very stylish paths! Imagine how great the paths covered with flowers will look on your site, geometric shapes or intricate patterns! At the same time, they will be strong and reliable!

The beauty of stone. Natural stone is beautiful in itself, but it needs to stand out! The best background for it will be a lawn or small pebbles!

Multi-tiered paths. An actual solution if the site is on a slope. Such paths can also be used to frame decorative elements - alpine coaster, fountains, flower beds.

Emphasis on borders. You can plant shrubs, low-growing flowers along the borders, lay out large stones, or simply highlight them with tiles or bricks of a contrasting color.

Bright shades. These paths are sure to stand out! Maybe you've always dreamed of having a path paved with yellow bricks or painted in all the colors of the rainbow? - Bring your ideas to life!

Beautiful paths made from scrap materials. Craftsmen manage to make amazing paths from old tiles, leftover building materials and even from unnecessary bottles! Paths that seem abandoned or very, very old look colorful.

Stylish and original paths will be not just economic arteries, but also decoration summer cottage!

Here are more ideas for a summer cottage.

Garden paths on a summer cottage, personal plot or in the yard of a private household are not only important element landscape design, necessary for comfortable movement between objects of the territory, but also a method of zoning and decoration. Correct location garden paths will allow you to spend as little time and effort as possible moving between elements of landscape design, and a beautiful, practical and durable design will allow you to decorate your yard or summer cottage, create creative design the envy of your neighbors and the pride of the guests of your city or country home with a local area. Even in a small private courtyard, paths are necessary for safe and comfortable movement between the main and secondary objects of the territory - the building of a country or city house, a garage, a gazebo, outbuildings, children's corner or playground, swing, barbecue area, swimming pool or pond.

Requirements for garden paths

If we talk about physical parameters, then the main requirement for tracks local area and garden plot, is the shortest distance from one object to another. But often this criterion runs counter to the aesthetics of landscape design - winding paths look beautiful, romantic and even mysterious, but at the same time they make up a longer path than their counterparts with clear straight lines and turns.

Conventionally, all the paths of the site are divided into main and secondary. The requirement for the width of the path also depends on the functionality of the path - the main ones are usually made with parameters of 1-1.5 m, and the secondary ones can have a width of at least half a meter. But a lot depends on the material used to make the garden path - if standard-sized pieces are used (bricks, concrete or stone slabs, “garden parquet” or any other products with non-variable dimensions), then the width of the path is determined by their quantity.

If we talk about the aesthetic qualities of garden paths, then they must externally correspond to the general design concept of the yard or site. If natural stone is used in the design of the façade of a house or other buildings, cladding areas and patios, then it would be logical to use this material or its combination with other raw materials for laying out paths.

In addition to its main function - providing the opportunity to move freely between objects of the local area and dividing the site into segments, or otherwise - zoning, garden paths also play the role of decorative elements. Using an original choice of material or execution method country paths You will be able not only to create an exclusive landscape design for your site, but also to bring your creative abilities and design ideas to life.

Types of garden paths

According to the type of material used, all tracks can be divided into the following groups:

  • concrete;
  • stone (in turn divided into those made of flat stone, pebbles, paving stones and other types);
  • brick;
  • wooden;
  • from waste material(plastic caps, parts of glass bottles, corks, etc.).

The material for the paths is selected based on the design of the main building (its facade), other large-scale buildings in the yard or on the site, the style of execution, the size of the paths themselves and the capabilities of the owners (a stone path will require financial investments, and a path made of bottle caps will only require time to collect them ).

In addition to the material, the criterion for dividing the tracks is the method of execution - they are divided into solid and non-solid. The name speaks for itself. The type of paths will depend on their length and purpose - whether the paths serve exclusively practical role or they also carry a decorative load.

Also, all country and garden paths can be divided into two types - temporary and permanent. Most of the paths involved in landscape design are permanent. But in some cases there is a need to lay paths, for example, only during the summer season. Ready-made tracks are most often made of rubber or plastic and are sold by the meter or in blocks (sections, products) connected to each other like puzzles.

Preparatory work

Regardless of how long your tracks will be, what material they will be made of and in what manner, any execution will require preparatory work. First of all, you need to draw up a plan for the location of the paths on the site. This can be done either on a regular sheet of paper or in special program, which is not difficult to find on the Internet. Indicate on your plan all the elements of landscape design - not only the main buildings and sites, but also the location of flower beds, beds, and utility objects.

While laying the still drawn paths from the main objects to the secondary ones, you can optimize the location of flower beds, beds and temporary plantings, in order to reduce the distance between objects or connect some elements into zones. As you draw up the plan, it will become clear which segments can be united by a path leading to them, and for which areas of the yard you will have to use branches or pave areas. Only on paper it may seem that a rarely visited corner of the garden or yard can do without a path - imagine your reluctance to walk on the ground after rain, and you will find the resources to make even a very narrow path.

Next comes the markings on the ground. This stage should not be neglected, especially in cases where not only the length, but also the width of the paths will be clearly regulated by the parameters of the material - slabs, bricks or any other standard blanks. The easiest way to mark is using pegs with a stretched rope or cord. To make the outlines of future paths more obvious, the boundaries can be outlined with lime.

The ideal option can be obtained if, together with marking the paths, it is possible to place marks for planting trees and shrubs, plants that will frame these same paths. On the ground, everything looks a little different than in the program or on a piece of paper. You can lay out stones with inscriptions of the names of trees and shrubs or use them to indicate the layout of future flower beds.

The foundation pit for any path should be slightly wider than the path itself. In order for garden paths to last as long as possible, it is necessary to lay a border of stones or concrete along the edges.

Base for garden path

You should not neglect this stage of work if you want the path you have laid to last for many years, and not begin to crumble or sprout grass after the first season of use. When preparing the foundation for garden dredges, it is important to remember that they should have a slight slope to drain rainwater. The presence of a small drainage trench on the side of the slope of the paths will be an excellent help for the entire landscape design of the yard or area during rainy weather.

So, it is necessary to carry out the following manipulations to prepare the base for the garden path:

  • remove the top fertile layer from 2 to 20 cm (it all depends on the quality of the soil, length, tires and material for laying out the paths);
  • wooden boards are installed along the entire length of the walls of the resulting pit, having previously added a little sand underneath;
  • if the width of the path is limited by concrete curbs, then they are leveled and fixed with reinforcing bars (to prevent shifts), which are driven inside the pit;
  • if the soil on your site is very loose and the walls of the trench are uneven, you will have to drive reinforcing pins along the edges of the walls, and then install curbs;
  • then fine gravel or crushed stone, previously mixed with cement or sand, is poured onto the bottom of the trench, leveled and compacted (layer thickness from 5 to 10 cm);
  • For more thorough compaction of the gravel layer, it is necessary to wet it periodically.

An example of designing a beautiful and practical garden path

Let's consider the option of arranging garden paths made of brick, as the most affordable and easy-to-use material (if you have the opportunity to use used bricks rather than buy the material).

A brick garden path is a fairly durable, strong and aesthetic surface that even a homeowner without special skills and experience can make on their own. The brick path is laid out according to the same principle as paving slabs or paving stones. In order for the trail to last as long as possible, choose high-quality clinker bricks and carry out all work with high level accuracy.

So, you need to go through the following algorithm of actions:

  • prepared base with compacted top layer sand must be carefully leveled using the rule ( homemade device from a board with a perfectly equal surface);
  • Next comes the installation of side bricks (in relation to the width of the path), they are mounted edgewise and driven into the sand half their width using a rubber hammer;
  • if your path does not have a border, then the side bricks must be fastened with mortar (use formwork, after removing which you need to add crushed stone and compact it at the end of this part of the work);
  • Next, the brick path pattern is directly laid out (it can be placed edgewise or laid wide);
  • Usually, to create the most rigid and durable masonry, one row of bricks is laid along the path, and the second - across. Also, to increase the strength of the masonry, cement-based street glue is used (it will help not only hold the bricks together, but also prevent grass from growing through the products).
  • You will need a little solution, because... it is necessary that it does not protrude to the surface between the bricks, but is located inside the masonry;
  • upon completion of the installation of bricks, the gaps between them are filled with sand using a large brush;
  • In order to add brightness to the resulting brickwork and extend its service life, the surface must be coated with a penetrating primer, and after it has completely dried, with a varnish for street stones.

And finally: some original ideas

In modern landscape design projects for areas of various shapes and sizes, design styles, you can often find garden paths laid out in the style of stepping stones. It is as if you are moving along the elements of the path in the form of individual slabs, flat stones or cuts of logs that arise directly from the lawn or bulk material trail basics. It’s easy to make a beautiful, modern and at the same time functional path with your own hands if you use so-called “steps” made of concrete of various shapes.

In this case, the combination of materials looks original. For example, clear edges and sharp corners of concrete square or rectangular slabs or flat stone against the background of rounded shapes of river stone - pebbles. Together, these two types of materials provide an organic and attractive alliance for creating creative, yet practical surfaces.

And “steps” made of wooden slabs look luxurious on fine decorative gravel in snow-white shades. Against the backdrop of bright green lawns, such paths will look especially impressive...

Wooden garden paths are not that uncommon. Only recently for modern projects landscape design is increasingly using the so-called “garden parquet”. The material is standard sizes blanks that are very easy to connect together to create not only strong and wear-resistant, but also incredibly beautiful coating. “Garden parquet” is used not only to create paths, but is also laid out on open verandas, platforms, terraces and patio or barbecue areas. The wood in such products is processed in a special way - it is not affected by the usual “natural irritants” - moisture, temperature changes, direct sunlight.

Laying out designs from round river stones (mainly Altai blue) allows you to create not only original paths, but also bring the beauty of the creative process into the design of your yard or summer cottage. Round river stones different sizes from very light gray-blue to dark, like anthracite, can be laid out in fancy abstract patterns or prints that are quite clear in geometry. Creating such a path will require not only financial, but also time, incredible accuracy and a lot of free time. But all efforts will be more than compensated by the incredible aesthetics of the paths and their uniqueness.

An effect no less original can be achieved by laying out a pattern from the remains of porcelain tiles (products for flooring, street use). The advantage of this method is not only the originality of the result and the freedom to fly with your imagination, but also saving the family budget, because it is not just leftovers that are used, but fragments from tiles of different shapes, sizes and colors.

A walkway created solely using loose gravel may not surprise your guests or neighbors, but it will help you save money. family budget. It is only important to install strong, solid borders that will hold small fractions of stone inside the trench.

Beautiful DIY garden paths

The design of paths in a dacha can greatly influence the design of the site. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to creating beautiful paths.

Moreover, you can make an interesting path from various materials, for example, a brick path will look elegant, but mysterious country house design a path made of round timber will give natural wood, the path made of river pebbles looks stylish and will emphasize original design and a path made of plastic corks will make it brighter.

In addition, there are ready-made removable panels that can be laid out each year to your liking.

Country path project

Before you start laying a path, you need to create a terrain plan in which you identify all the buildings, garden plantings, flower beds and schematically mark the path. The drawing must also include auxiliary objects, such as an irrigation system.

When creating a plan, you need to take into account all the nuances, so you should be as comfortable as possible when getting to any place in the garden. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that you need to walk around your territory at any time. weather, and at any time of the year.

Now the completed project must be applied directly to the site.

It will be easier to determine the width of the path and its direction if you apply markings directly on the site, which is especially important for paths made of paving slabs or bricks.

It is best to make markings with pegs, which you must first drive in and then pull the rope along them. Also, for convenience, the side border of the path can be marked by sprinkling it with lime.

It is important to consider that removing the top layer of soil to lay the path should be wider than the path, because for reliability and durability it will require curbs made of durable materials such as concrete or stone.

Preparatory work

In order for your garden path to serve you faithfully for many years, you will need thorough preparation.

So, you need to take into account that the path should be with slight slope, and in the area of ​​the slope you need to make a drainage trench. This is necessary in order to rainwater flowed off the path, and excess moisture would not have damaged the coating.

The thickness of the removed soil should be 15 ÷ 200 mm. After this, in order for the edges to remain even, it is necessary to install boards along the entire perimeter of the dug hole from the sides.

Then a “pillow” is made; gravel is poured into the hole along with cement and everything is compacted and moistened. The “pillow” should have a thickness of 50-100 mm.

Types of garden paths

There are a lot of materials that can be used to make an excellent country path.

Brick path. This path is reliable, durable and looks very elegant in appearance.

Wooden path. This path looks beautiful and even mysterious; the round timber laid out in the form of an ornate path resembles a fairy tale path.

Stone path. Those who want to see a stylish and graceful garden path on their plots can try mosaic option from river pebbles.

Cement path. This path is durable and reliable. To make it attractive, you can use special shaped molds, thereby getting the effect of a paved path.

Garden path made of plastic covers. Quite unusual, but at the same time bright option paths in the form of a mosaic of multi-colored caps from plastic bottles.

The presence of a large number of colors and the availability of material allow you to create a path with a variety of patterns that will make the landscape of your site a real work of art.

Plastic prefabricated path. This type of track can be quickly and without special labor install and, if necessary, change and even remove the track.

Thanks to the textured surface plastic panels It is convenient to walk along the path, because it does not slip, even if it gets wet. A large assortment plastic products will allow you to choose a garden path of any color and shape.

In addition, using slabs you can make a path of any shape and width. The plastic design allows you to organize a path in any part of the site.

Another advantage of such a path is that, thanks to its structure, moisture will not accumulate on it, water will flow out through special holes.

Garden parquet path. This material is expensive, but its advantages outweigh the desire to save money.

Thus, “garden parquet” can be easily assembled and disassembled; wood treated with a special solution is not susceptible to moisture, fading, or temperature changes, has strength and durability, and besides, such a path will look luxurious.

Photo of garden paths on the site
