Home plants for magicians and witches. The magical properties of houseplants. magical plants that protect against evil spirits and negativity

You have problems? No happiness in your personal life? Problems with children? Does your husband drink? Are you chronically short of money? Or maybe there is no career growth or just can't find a decent job?

Take a look at your colors. Maybe the flowers in the house need to be rearranged or transplanted. It may be necessary to purchase new flowers, and some will have to be disposed of.

And all this because flowers have mystical properties, and the knowledge of these amazing properties of flowers can make your life happy and harmonious. Below we will look at what flowers to keep at home and describe the main ones.

Let's review your colors in the house.

Probably, you have been growing for a long time fat woman or "money tree" . Remember, they gave it to you with the wish that money would flow and it was a long time ago. She has a lot of branches, but the leaves are tiny. Here is the answer - as there was no money, and no, only a trifle rings.

It's time to transplant it. They say that you need to take a red pot, put coins on the bottom and transplant the fat woman. If the fat woman is fine, she will grow large leaves, then expect wealth.

Well, if you don't want to wait a long time, go to the flower shop and buy more and plentranius . Together, it will be easier for them to solve all your financial problems.

And here it is on the windowsill uzambara violet and, if not for her amazingly beautiful flowers, no one would have noticed her - that's good, do not touch her.

This flower, if it stands correctly - away from prying eyes, preserves your family happiness, the happiness of your children and takes care of your health.

Nearby is a wonderful geranium. Talk to her, because she knows how to listen. They say that such communication with geraniums is better than going to a psychotherapist, because you don’t have to pay money.

And she will listen, and give strength, and relieve me of the blues. You will grow wings and with new strength you will rise above the hustle and bustle of life.

Here is the beloved oxalis . No wonder they say that it is a flower of love. As soon as he appears in the house, the problems of his personal life go away, a beloved man appears on the horizon.

It has the same remarkable property hibiscus or "Chinese rose" . And if you don't have hibiscus yet, try to get it, it will give your love relationship a lot of passion.

Well, if, suddenly, the problems of your intimate relationships are associated with excessive shyness, buy an avocado, plant its seed and sexual problems will go away from you.

And here is ficus - a flower with a very strong positive energy. This noble flower is said to create a good atmosphere, well-being and tranquility in the family.

If the ficus is in your kitchen, thank him for your comfortable and well-fed life. And if you want to give birth to a baby, put a ficus in the bedroom and it is better if it is a small-leaved ficus.

Well, if for some reason you don’t like ficus, because it takes up a lot of space, then you will be provided with a calm and happy life chlorophytum .

People call this flower "family happiness" or "spray of champagne."

It will not interfere in your house and this tree with bright sunny fruits - lemon . According to popular beliefs, it is believed that the cultivation of lemon and all citrus fruits will thank you with good luck and prosperity.

Your priority is work, career, then it’s clear why you have on your desktop bamboo . After all, bamboo has long been considered a powerful symbol of financial wealth and good luck. If bamboo feels comfortable with you, then your life will be truly comfortable.

Next to the computer on the desktop is located cactus . And rightly so, cacti absorb harmful computer radiation. But you need to know that cacti also have such properties that can lead to undesirable consequences for you.

A prickly miracle in your home can lead to alcoholism in loved ones or problems with the marriage of a young girl.

We continue our review

You love ivy ? Be careful. This is quite a dangerous plant. Ivy is considered a vampire plant, and is sometimes even referred to as "husband".

There is an opinion that ivy dares a man out of the house. In addition, if conflicts often arise in the family, relations between spouses have gone wrong, ivy may be to blame.

Energy vampires, and very powerful ones, also include monstera . First of all, children and the elderly can suffer from monsters.

And it is better not to put the monstera in the bedroom next to the bed, or in extreme cases, put it away from the headboard.

But monstera has one wonderful property that migraine sufferers should be aware of. If you have a headache, sit next to the monstera and the pain will subside. It probably makes sense to think about whether you need such a vampire in your house?

Endowed with magical properties ferns . And if there is already a fern in your house, then, according to popular belief, your house is protected from the evil eye and damage. You will never know what a poltergeist is.

Watch your flower closely. And if suddenly the fern withered, do not be upset. The fern averted damage from you, which means that you did not acquire it in vain and looked after it.

In every house, there is probably such an easy-to-care and cute plant as tradescantia . Its long branches clean and humidify the air well. People call Tradescantia "baby gossip" . This is probably why, according to popular belief, if you want to protect yourself from gossip, you must have Tradescantia.

As an energy indicator of the premises, it is recommended to have in the house dracaena . If the dracaena feels good, then everything is in order with the tenants.

Also, if you are a gambler or like to buy lottery tickets in the hope of winning, get a dracaena and it will bring you good luck.

No matter how you feel about this information, love your flowers, take care of them and they will certainly thank you with their healthy appearance and flowering. Buy only the flowers you like. If you were given a flower that you do not like, it is better to give it to good hands. This will be better for both you and the flower.

Communicate with flowers in the morning, because during the day the plants accumulate energy, and at night they are freed from negativity. Choose the right place where your flower will grow. Now you know which flowers should be kept at home and which flowers should not be kept at home.


A strong energetic, protector, clears the astral plane. Removes local inflammatory processes, resolves inflammation foci both externally on the skin and internally. Not excretory, but extinguishing, absorbing, crushing antiseptic. Softens, resolves inflammatory processes, at the same time disinfects, kills pathogenic microbes.

Asparagus pinnate

Radiates not dissipating energy, not relaxing, but concentrating. Therefore, asparagus is not recommended to be kept in places of rest and in bedrooms. Good for workplaces and offices.


This is an amazing plant. Has magical powers. Casts out evil spirits, cleanses the astral from low entities. Can be grown in a pot in the kitchen or on the balcony.


Begonia, standing in partial shade, or after flowering, partially loses its reddish color. Begonia is not used for medicinal purposes. Its vibrations do not heal, but influence.

It activates the hematopoietic system of a person, the work of his internal organs, normalizes the energy potential of a person. Activates intuitive abilities, inclines to memories of the past of the family, about ancestors, connects with the karma of the family, which enhances the protective forces and gives a clue to the family on an intuitive level. This is the magical power of begonias.

It is useful that the begonia is in the offices where creative, scientific, research work takes place. Begonia will help to catch the hint on an intuitive level, to find the information you need.


This plant is not magical and not medicinal, but resting in its radiations and surprisingly beautiful. Its soft vibrations are conducive to relaxation and good mood.

It softens, relaxes a person, relieves him of the nervous tension of a working day, takes him away from heavy thoughts, inclines to rest. And for active rest. Creates an atmosphere of healthy energy in your home. That is, under the influence of Vallota, a person can usefully do any business. For example, while relaxing in a chair, knit socks or an openwork napkin at the same time. In addition, resting, a person gradually gains strength. Vallota charges him with healthy vitality and readiness to continue working.


This plant is medicinal and protective. Phytoncides secreted by geraniums kill pathogenic microbes in the room, it drives away moths. Geranium tinctures are used against fungi on the feet.

Petals are used to fumigate the room for a good mood. Soothes, soothes, relieves stress.

It is useful for weak, weak-willed, inert people to grow our favorite fragrant geranium in their apartment. Her energies will awaken a person to action, drive away melancholy and despondency, give a good mood and optimism.


It is good to rest under these plants, and not passively, but mentally. It is good to sit under a rose, think, read a book or a newspaper, solve crossword puzzles. When you rest, you gain strength at the same time. These plants are good energy drinks.


This lily is distinguished by beauty and lightness, it gives a feeling of maternal touch. Conducive to rest. Therefore, the lily is good in bedrooms, in places of rest, in a children's room. The contemplation of blooming lilies, for example, hymenocallis, their beautiful snow-white flowers will give you a feeling of lightness and relaxation.


Hippeastrum disposes a person to dreams and fantasies, often illusory. However, it is useful to keep a flower on the desktop for poets and science fiction writers, for whom a flight of fantasy is simply necessary due to the nature of their professional activities.

This flower is very useful in kindergartens or in your child's nursery, where the baby plays and sleeps. The vibrations of this lily will help little children develop their creative and artistic thinking when drawing or modeling in kindergarten groups. If the plant is in your home in your child's room, a toddler can successfully build a magnificent palace for Cinderella with blocks or color a beautiful outfit for a cardboard Barbie with crayons. In an ordinary coloring book, with the help of colored pencils, your little dreamer can turn an ordinary Ryaba chicken into a beautiful Firebird. Moreover, without much difficulty, calling on his violent imagination to help, in one fell swoop he will paint Ryaba's tail in blue, and his wings in red. And immediately the chicken will turn into an unusual fairy-tale bird.

This plant is not magical, but is curative for psychological deviations of a person. Therefore, it is a good idea to place it on the windowsills of clinics and other places of isolation and imprisonment: hospitals, prisons, and also in places of rest.

In your home, the hippeastrum is well placed near the chairs where your family rest, where you need to relax after a busy day. Therefore, this flower is also useful in the bedroom. It is easier for a person who suffers from insomnia to fall asleep with the help of soft, relaxing, enveloping calm vibrations of this plant.

But it is strongly not recommended to keep it in offices, commercial or other industrial organizations.

The only exception is if you work, for example, as a fashion designer and your office is filled with samples of your models of clothes, shoes or hats. When your work is connected with creative fantasy, then the beautiful hippeastrum flower will be your friend.


Hypoestes will push a person to work, and not just to ordinary work, but to creative work. Stimulates a person to a poetic perception of beauty, to artistic creativity, artistic perception, to the ability to say beautifully, beautifully present the word, beautifully convey beauty itself.

A talented, creative person: a poet, writer, musician, actor, sculptor, etc., i.e. For a person of a creative profession, plant selections allow you to notice the beautiful in life and beautifully, correctly convey this beauty, for example, the beauty of nature, the beauty of human relationships in the form of poetry, drawing or painting.

A person who does not have any of the listed artistic talents is inclined, under the influence of hypoesthesia vibrations, to romanticism, dreaminess. Such a person suddenly wants to read poetry, enjoy a beautiful picture, or, without leaving his apartment in a city high-rise building, just admire the sunset, or maybe the flowering chestnut trees growing along the alley near his house.

A young man in love, under the influence of this elegant plant, will suddenly take it, and compose poems for his beloved, which will surprise him a lot. After a hearty dinner, the elderly head of the family will sit in an armchair to relax and read a newspaper, admire the hypoesthesia growing nearby, its spotty elegant leaves, and, unexpectedly for himself, will be moved and explain his tender feelings to his wife, also surprised at the unexpectedly similar youthful impulse. But how many pleasant minutes will his graying wife, who has long forgotten the tender words of love, get.

I will not argue that it will be so, but still I will not deny that hypoesthesia is really an amazing plant if it is capable of evoking good poetic emotions in a person.

Therefore, it is useful to keep it on the desktop for people of creative professions or in any other place in the office, at home, but not where a person is resting.

Hypoesthesia vibrations are not conducive to rest, therefore it is not recommended to keep it in the children's room and bedroom. Well, except that in exceptional cases it can be placed for a while near the bed of the newlyweds.


A good energy drink fills a person with strength and energy, keeps these energies in a person, and does not allow them to be wasted. Inclined to pleasant, friendly conversations. There is a desire to express their feelings, to declare their love.


A unique ampelous plant that can be grown in any room: in the bedroom, in the study, in the children's room, in the lobby. Zebrina improves mood, softens aggression, relaxes, helps relieve tension, gives rest to a tired body.

In occult studies, it can affect the increase in intuitive insight, the receipt of information on an intuitive level. Charges with strength and energy.

In the office, zebrina is especially useful for people engaged in mental work. Stimulates mental and intellectual activity, sets up for friendly communication, for a pleasant conversation.


Zephyranthes is conducive to relaxation, helps to relax, relieve stress and fall asleep easier. You can keep this lily everywhere, but it is best to place pots with this plant in the bedroom, in places of rest, in the children's room.


A versatile plant. Protective plant, a good energy drink. It is good to meditate with it. Directs meditation in the right direction, helps to keep the image. Zygocactus is unique in that it fits everywhere, you can grow it in any room.

Echinopsis cactus

It breaks the energies of hostility of family members to each other, quarrels, envy, torn dirty energies left over from alcohol, etc. And also destroys harmful radiation coming from the TV and computer.


This plant is successfully used for medicinal purposes. When instilled, it strongly “pulls” in the nose, which allows you to knock out all the muck from the nose, clean the maxillary sinuses.

All types of Kalanchoe are used in inhalations where mucus needs to be removed. It is good to lubricate abrasions, cracks in the skin, burrs with Kalanchoe juice. A live rumpled leaf can be applied to festering wounds. Kalanchoe is also used as a cosmetic. Its fresh juice removes pimples on the face.

You can keep Kalanchoe indoors everywhere except for the bedroom and children's room, as its vibrations will excite the nervous system.


It inclines to reflection, to solitary work. Collects, concentrates the strength of a person, adjusts to the beautiful. Strict, solemn beauty. It has the magical power to help with meditation, collects, deepens intuition, which is not scattered and ultimately gives results. Such intuitive concentration can give insight.


This is not only a beautiful plant that pleases us with bright orange and red gramophones of wonderful flowers, but it also has a kind and gentle character.

This plant, ranging from long belt-like leaves to a delicate scarlet petal, radiates love, inclines to love, to love, light, pleasant, not attached.

Love and kindness - this is clivia.

It is easy to relax next to her. At the same time, being distracted from heavy thoughts and oppressive life problems, you are saturated with vibrations of kindness. Therefore, this plant can essentially be kept everywhere, but it is best, of course, in bedrooms, children's rooms and recreation areas.

In the office, clivia may not always be useful. It can incline an employee not to fulfill the production plan, not to dip into the atmosphere of a business environment, but, on the contrary, to incline to light love flirting. Imagine the head of an institution, furnished on all sides with pots of clivia. Of course, a frivolous and pretty secretary should appear nearby, shooting with her eyes.

One comforts. Since the clivia is not energetically strong, therefore, its influence on the boss will not be so significant and dangerous for work, as well as for his family relationships.


Coleus gives energy, but weak. It disposes to benevolence, but sluggishly. Can be placed anywhere.

Laurel noble

Great energy plant. It gives a person a great energy potential, charges with strength and health. Laurel symbolizes achievements and victory. Laurel wreaths adorned the heads of victorious warriors, favorite poets and songwriters, delighting the ears of the rich nobility.


The plant is tenacious; where there is a fern, nothing grows there, it crushes other plants with its strong vibrations.

But the fern is good for a business environment: it gives working activity, perseverance in achieving, makes it possible to remember and perform a large amount of work. It is good to have a fern in the study, in the office.

In a residential area, you can grow when a person lives alone or works at home. The plant is useful for stimulating business activity, not for recreation. Therefore, the fern should not be kept in the bedroom. At worst, a fern pot can be placed in the kitchen.


Poisonous. However, oleander is a protective plant. Oleander is a heavy plant. Nothing grows next to it. Therefore, it must be placed separately from other plants.

In bedrooms, children's rooms, in places of rest, oleander cannot be placed. This plant looks good in the office, in the corner of the room, especially in the accounting department, that is, where a lot of small routine work is required.


Activates to work. It is good to keep the plant in work and play areas, in offices, shops, banks. That is, where the vibrations of this plant will stimulate a person to be active, composure, vigilance, attentiveness.

Do not keep in children's rooms, bedrooms, recreation areas.

Pandanus cannot persuade his mistress to a romantic relationship, but he is able to give her the strength to work, fight off the negative energies that have accumulated in the house, and protect her from witchcraft.

Later you will understand why the pandanus has such properties when you study its vibrations and find out which planets in this plant are in an active state.

It is useful for weak, weak-willed, inert people to grow a pandanus in their apartment, the vibrations of which will awaken a person to action, drive away melancholy and despondency, give a good mood and optimism.


If you put a pot of pedilanthus on your desk at work, you have a lot of professional worries and business activity.


Protects from aggression, beats off dirty vibrations. This plant is good to keep on the desktop, it is indispensable at work. Relieves stress. It can be used in places of rest, where there is an opportunity to actively relax mentally, distract from the main work, read magazines, newspapers, solve crossword puzzles. Stimulates mental activity.


This charming plant can be kept in the bedroom or in any lounge area. Relaxes, inclines to a pleasant conversation, charges with optimism, fills the resting body with strength and health. Where ivy grows, you can have a good rest and gain strength. I want to lie down on the ivy carpet. Therefore, pots with this plant can be placed in rooms intended for relaxation, in the foyer, in the bedroom and in the nursery. Helps with meditation, it is easier to relax and get the right information.


Guardian and protector. But, in addition, it activates mental activity and business activity. If you are tired or discouraged - put a pot with this plant by the window - and you will have a working mood.

It can be placed in the bedroom of the newlyweds to stimulate them to mutual communication. Reo is also suitable for gaming and office space. It is not recommended to place in children's rooms.


It does not take root well, but can grow in partial shade. Loves space, curls.

The plant is neutral, creates a light, not disturbing environment, inclines to an easy perception of each other. Therefore, roycissus is good for both home and office space.


This is a social plant. She cannot grow in the country. Rose, like a coquettish beauty, will wither away without admirers. She must be where there are many people, she needs love, admiration; in human care and protection.

And for this, as a token of gratitude, the rose gives people wonderful flowers.

If the rose is not well-groomed, it can begin to degenerate, run wild. Rosehip branches appear instead of rose shoots.

Ruellia is beautiful

Good in places of rest, in the bedroom, in the children's room. The person next to her is comfortable and easy.

Friendly plant, cozy and comfortable. Velvety leaves to the touch resemble the softness of a sofa cushion.


It restrains emotions, does not allow them to splash out, gives hidden sympathies, so it is quite difficult to express your love. Only when feelings are already defined, this combination strengthens love and sympathy.

A versatile plant. You can keep it everywhere. Well - at work, if there are secret feelings, then they will be kept secret from everyone and not appear outwardly.

Saintpaulia (Uzumbar violet)

A kind, sweet plant that everyone loves. Therefore, you can place it absolutely everywhere: in bedrooms, in children's rooms, kitchens, workrooms.

Netcreasia purpurea

This plant can be bred in workrooms and offices where frequent scandals occur.


It is good to place in bedrooms, in places of rest. A resting plant, relaxes, leads away from heavy thoughts, creates peace in the soul, goodwill, disposes to daydreaming, romanticism.


Plant-indicator. This amazing and dangerous creeper is able to accumulate both negative and positive energy in itself and live with it for a long time. At a certain moment, this energy is ejected into space, and several times stronger.

If there was a quarrel in the family and the liana absorbed its negative energy, then it will throw out 20 times more negative than it took.

If there is a quick-tempered husband in the family, these vibrations will linger in the house for a long time, which does not bring anything good. If there is peace and prosperity in the family, the liana activates good energies and contributes to further prosperity.

Therefore, the liana can be bred either in a prosperous family, or in institutions, away from workplaces: in the lobby, in the hall, where they do not linger for a long time. It is better to keep at home in the kitchen and away from the bedroom, nursery and places of rest. In the hall you can, but not near the sofa or armchairs.

An exception may be the premises of the church, places near the icons where a person prays, as well as an apartment where a spiritually aspiring person lives.

But do not overestimate yourself: it is not only envy and anger that causes negative energies. Despondency, a feeling of loneliness, melancholy, grief, resentment, laziness - also carry negative energies. If a person is lazy, let him not increase in himself even greater laziness by means of this plant. And so on.

Fat woman (money tree)

Crassula-crassula, which is popularly called both the "money tree" and the "tree of happiness", has a protective power.

Can be used for medical purposes for external use. Crassula juice is good for rubbing tired legs, cracked, sore soles.

Good to keep in the apartment on the window. For the house, it will be a protector tree.

It softens the atmosphere in the family, stabilizes emotions, relieves aggression, tension, normalizes family relations, calms nerves, activates mental activity, and encourages friendly business contacts.

A pot with a fat woman can be successfully placed in the office near the desktop. A fat woman in the bedroom will not interfere, calm the nervous system, bring emotions back to normal, inspire a restful sleep.

The fat woman is not only a good defender of the house, not only knows how to relieve the fatigue of the past day, but also arranges all family members in a friendly way.


Ficus usually likes, causes a desire to have this plant. The plant is not aggressive, has a beautiful shape that attracts a person.

Ficus should not be placed in the bedroom, as it causes heavy sleep, headache, and a state of fatigue. Vibrations crush him, do not let him relax.

Ficus should not be placed near a coffee table, near a bed, in any place intended for relaxation.

You can not place the plant at the desktop. The plant causes outbursts of emotions, aggression, although it extinguishes these outbursts, and the person keeps the aggression that has not been thrown out.

It is best to keep the ficus in the foyer, where you looked at the plant and passed by. Or in a room, or in a workroom in a corner where no one is.


The plant is not magical, but no less useful for that. A good flower, kind in character and attractive in appearance.

Admiring the charming blooming fuchsia, you are involuntarily charged with a sense of joy.

It charges a person with optimism, gives rise to a good mood, vitality and a sense of joy. Joy, in turn, gives rise to sublime feelings, which are already manifested in combination.

It can cause a person to have some grandiloquence in explanations, but this is very good when a person composes poetry or reads them in front of an audience.

This combination is especially useful for actors, politicians, lawyers, when it is required to deliver a brilliant speech in public and make a favorable impression on it.

For medical purposes, fuchsia is not used as a medicinal plant, except for the healing power of its vibrations for the emotional state of a person. The bright cheerful radiations of the flower will help a person to overcome fatigue more easily, get out of the inhibited state faster, recharge with joyful strength, the desire to live and create.

This plant can be kept everywhere, it is equally useful both on the desktop and in the children's room.

Everyone: both a serious scientist, busy with important research problems, and a small child, busy with no less important things in understanding the world, it will bring satisfaction from its activities.


Protective plant. Energy plant. Gives its positive energy to the environment.

Haworthia not only protects and guards the good vibrations in the house, but also enhances them and does not allow energy to be scattered.

If such a plant grows poorly, then it gives a large flow of energy to combat negative influences. These bad energies can be emitted by the person himself, his silent envy, fear, hostility, and also accumulate in the process of open struggle, conflicts, quarrels that can occur in the family or in the work team.

The plant does not have enough strength for its own growth. This amazing plant shows a vivid example of selfless self-sacrifice for the sake of others. Haworthia is good to put on the desktop, in the kitchen. It gives strength and energy, working and mental activity. A person works easily and productively both at the desktop and in the kitchen. Do not place haworthia in the bedroom and children's room.


The plant is not magical, but a strong energetic. Next to him you are saturated with energy, you feel more confident and stronger, you get a charge of vivacity and optimism. Therefore, you can keep it wherever energy costs are required: at any workplace, in offices, in the kitchen. In bedrooms - not recommended.


The plant is not magical and, one might say, not medicinal. Although one can argue about this, since its strong radiations can successfully raise a person’s vitality, bestow favorable energy on him, and make communication between family members pleasant.

But it does not activate the mental activity of a person, although it can give him the joy of creative work, a good potential for a healthy mood, and work will undoubtedly give a person great pleasure.

Spreading life force around itself, this small plant brings a person the joy of being. It is joy, which is the healing power of this plant. Therefore, the main purpose of this beautiful flower is to bring JOY to a person.

Therefore, it is very useful to keep an epistle in your office and on any desktop.

It is perfect for our cramped kitchen spaces, where the hostess will happily cook pies and prepare delicious meals for the general pleasure of her family.

A good epic for a hall where family members and their guests will find communication with each other pleasant.

You can place this plant in the bedroom, where the relationship of the spouses will become mutually attractive.

This flower is useful in the children's room. The kid, perceiving his good vibrations, will undoubtedly become more cheerful and cheerful. Although during sleep, the epistle can be removed from the nursery.


Magic plant. Plant-energetic and protector. Enhances activity. Keep in work areas. It is impossible - in places of rest, in bedrooms.


The slogan of this plant, wherever it grows, is comfort and coziness. It attracts attention, creates a cozy, friendly atmosphere at home and at work, softens, defuses a tense atmosphere in the team and family, gives you the opportunity to relax, keeps this comfortable state and does not allow you to completely relax, inclines to hard work. Develops intuitive perception in a person. Therefore, eucharis is indispensable both at home and at work. You can keep it everywhere: in the bedroom, in the office, etc.

Plants play an important role in our life. And the point is not only in their properties to provide us with oxygen, but also in their magical properties to influence our lives. plant magic known for a long time. Take, for example, the custom on the feast of Ivan Kupala to look for a blooming fern, and on Trinity the house was always decorated with meadow flowers.

And in our time houseplant magic known to many. And many flower lovers have already experienced their power of “love” or “ill will” on themselves.

To bring love into the house a plant such as an avocado or a rose bush will “work”. If a planted avocado seed soon sprouts, then wait for love. And a long-blooming rose bush signals this.

To protect the house from uninvited guests(especially if you are planning a long trip), along with hired private security, the house will be perfectly guarded by ordinary cacti. Place them on the windowsill, and be sure: no one will penetrate through the window. Just do not overdo it with the number of cacti. According to Feng Shui, the cactus carries negative energy. Houseplants such as aloe, cyclamen and Benjamin's ficus have protective magical properties.

To bring good luck to the house and the common fat woman, which is known as the "money tree", as well as Benjamin's ficus (small-leaved ficus), will help. With such a ficus in the kitchen, your family will never go hungry. And if the ficus is placed in that zone, according to Feng Shui, then it will help to bring harmony in this particular area of ​​\u200b\u200byour life.

If there are frequent quarrels in the house, then geraniums (pelangoria) must bloom on your windowsill. Geranium stabilizes harmony in the family, and any quarrel that breaks out very quickly goes out and peace in the family is restored.

Pelangoria is also famous for its medicinal properties. Apply fresh geranium leaves to your temples when your head hurts - you will soon forget about the pain. No wonder our grandmothers respected this flower so much. They certainly knew about the magic of indoor plants.

Plant magic can be both positive and negative. It all depends on the attitude towards flowers. If you have entered a house where there are many lush flowers, then you should know that comfort, peace and harmony reign in this house. And, conversely, withering houseplants save themselves by taking away positive energy. And, therefore, in such a family there is no stability.

Recently, it is very fashionable to give blooming flowers in pots. However, if the presented flower is unpleasant and, despite the wonderful care, it withers, give it away without regret. This means that this flower does not suit you, and by leaving it out of politeness, you harm both yourself and the plant itself.

Any plant responds with love to love. You should not breed a flower garden just for the sake of some purpose (for example, plant a money tree for the sake of enrichment). Flowers FEEL lies and will bring harm instead of good. Therefore, it is better to buy yourself.

Love and care for flowers, then your life will be covered with love and prosperity.

Olga Vinogradskaya for site


A strong energetic, protector, clears the astral plane. Removes local inflammatory processes, resolves inflammation foci both externally on the skin and internally. Not excretory, but extinguishing, absorbing, crushing antiseptic. Softens, resolves inflammatory processes, at the same time disinfects, kills pathogenic microbes.

Asparagus pinnate

Radiates not dissipating energy, not relaxing, but concentrating. Therefore, asparagus is not recommended to be kept in places of rest and in bedrooms. Good for workplaces and offices.


This is an amazing plant. Has magical powers. Casts out evil spirits, cleanses the astral from low entities. Can be grown in a pot in the kitchen or on the balcony.


Begonia, standing in partial shade, or after flowering, partially loses its reddish color. Begonia is not used for medicinal purposes. Its vibrations do not heal, but influence.

It activates the hematopoietic system of a person, the work of his internal organs, normalizes the energy potential of a person. Activates intuitive abilities, inclines to memories of the past of the family, about ancestors, connects with the karma of the family, which enhances the protective forces and gives a clue to the family on an intuitive level. This is the magical power of begonias.

It is useful that the begonia is in the offices where creative, scientific, research work takes place. Begonia will help to catch the hint on an intuitive level, to find the information you need.


This plant is not magical and not medicinal, but resting in its radiations and surprisingly beautiful. Its soft vibrations are conducive to relaxation and good mood.

It softens, relaxes a person, relieves him of the nervous tension of a working day, takes him away from heavy thoughts, inclines to rest. And for active rest. Creates an atmosphere of healthy energy in your home. That is, under the influence of Vallota, a person can usefully do any business. For example, while relaxing in a chair, knit socks or an openwork napkin at the same time. In addition, resting, a person gradually gains strength. Vallota charges him with healthy vitality and readiness to continue working.


This plant is medicinal and protective. Phytoncides secreted by geraniums kill pathogenic microbes in the room, it drives away moths. Geranium tinctures are used against fungi on the feet.

Petals are used to fumigate the room for a good mood. Soothes, soothes, relieves stress.

It is useful for weak, weak-willed, inert people to grow our favorite fragrant geranium in their apartment. Her energies will awaken a person to action, drive away melancholy and despondency, give a good mood and optimism.


It is good to rest under these plants, and not passively, but mentally. It is good to sit under a rose, think, read a book or a newspaper, solve crossword puzzles. When you rest, you gain strength at the same time. These plants are good energy drinks.


This lily is distinguished by beauty and lightness, it gives a feeling of maternal touch. Conducive to rest. Therefore, the lily is good in bedrooms, in places of rest, in a children's room. The contemplation of blooming lilies, for example, hymenocallis, their beautiful snow-white flowers will give you a feeling of lightness and relaxation.


Hippeastrum disposes a person to dreams and fantasies, often illusory. However, it is useful to keep a flower on the desktop for poets and science fiction writers, for whom a flight of fantasy is simply necessary due to the nature of their professional activities.

This flower is very useful in kindergartens or in your child's nursery, where the baby plays and sleeps. The vibrations of this lily will help little children develop their creative and artistic thinking when drawing or modeling in kindergarten groups. If the plant is in your home in your child's room, a toddler can successfully build a magnificent palace for Cinderella with blocks or color a beautiful outfit for a cardboard Barbie with crayons. In an ordinary coloring book, with the help of colored pencils, your little dreamer can turn an ordinary Ryaba chicken into a beautiful Firebird. Moreover, without much difficulty, calling on his violent imagination to help, in one fell swoop he will paint Ryaba's tail in blue, and his wings in red. And immediately the chicken will turn into an unusual fairy-tale bird.

This plant is not magical, but is curative for psychological deviations of a person. Therefore, it is a good idea to place it on the windowsills of clinics and other places of isolation and imprisonment: hospitals, prisons, and also in places of rest.

In your home, the hippeastrum is well placed near the chairs where your family rest, where you need to relax after a busy day. Therefore, this flower is also useful in the bedroom. It is easier for a person who suffers from insomnia to fall asleep with the help of soft, relaxing, enveloping calm vibrations of this plant.

But it is strongly not recommended to keep it in offices, commercial or other industrial organizations.

The only exception is if you work, for example, as a fashion designer and your office is filled with samples of your models of clothes, shoes or hats. When your work is connected with creative fantasy, then the beautiful hippeastrum flower will be your friend.


Hypoestes will push a person to work, and not just to ordinary work, but to creative work. Stimulates a person to a poetic perception of beauty, to artistic creativity, artistic perception, to the ability to say beautifully, beautifully present the word, beautifully convey beauty itself.

A talented, creative person: a poet, writer, musician, actor, sculptor, etc., i.e. For a person of a creative profession, plant selections allow you to notice the beautiful in life and beautifully, correctly convey this beauty, for example, the beauty of nature, the beauty of human relationships in the form of poetry, drawing or painting.

A person who does not have any of the listed artistic talents is inclined, under the influence of hypoesthesia vibrations, to romanticism, dreaminess. Such a person suddenly wants to read poetry, enjoy a beautiful picture, or, without leaving his apartment in a city high-rise building, just admire the sunset, or maybe the flowering chestnut trees growing along the alley near his house.

A young man in love, under the influence of this elegant plant, will suddenly take it, and compose poems for his beloved, which will surprise him a lot. After a hearty dinner, the elderly head of the family will sit in an armchair to relax and read a newspaper, admire the hypoesthesia growing nearby, its spotty elegant leaves, and, unexpectedly for himself, will be moved and explain his tender feelings to his wife, also surprised at the unexpectedly similar youthful impulse. But how many pleasant minutes will his graying wife, who has long forgotten the tender words of love, get.

I will not argue that it will be so, but still I will not deny that hypoesthesia is really an amazing plant if it is capable of evoking good poetic emotions in a person.

Therefore, it is useful to keep it on the desktop for people of creative professions or in any other place in the office, at home, but not where a person is resting.

Hypoesthesia vibrations are not conducive to rest, therefore it is not recommended to keep it in the children's room and bedroom. Well, except that in exceptional cases it can be placed for a while near the bed of the newlyweds.


A good energy drink fills a person with strength and energy, keeps these energies in a person, and does not allow them to be wasted. Inclined to pleasant, friendly conversations. There is a desire to express their feelings, to declare their love.


A unique ampelous plant that can be grown in any room: in the bedroom, in the study, in the children's room, in the lobby. Zebrina improves mood, softens aggression, relaxes, helps relieve tension, gives rest to a tired body.

In occult studies, it can affect the increase in intuitive insight, the receipt of information on an intuitive level. Charges with strength and energy.

In the office, zebrina is especially useful for people engaged in mental work. Stimulates mental and intellectual activity, sets up for friendly communication, for a pleasant conversation.


Zephyranthes is conducive to relaxation, helps to relax, relieve stress and fall asleep easier. You can keep this lily everywhere, but it is best to place pots with this plant in the bedroom, in places of rest, in the children's room.


A versatile plant. Protective plant, a good energy drink. It is good to meditate with it. Directs meditation in the right direction, helps to keep the image. Zygocactus is unique in that it fits everywhere, you can grow it in any room.

Echinopsis cactus

It breaks the energies of hostility of family members to each other, quarrels, envy, torn dirty energies left over from alcohol, etc. And also destroys harmful radiation coming from the TV and computer.


This plant is successfully used for medicinal purposes. When instilled, it strongly “pulls” in the nose, which allows you to knock out all the muck from the nose, clean the maxillary sinuses.

All types of Kalanchoe are used in inhalations where mucus needs to be removed. It is good to lubricate abrasions, cracks in the skin, burrs with Kalanchoe juice. A live rumpled leaf can be applied to festering wounds. Kalanchoe is also used as a cosmetic. Its fresh juice removes pimples on the face.

You can keep Kalanchoe indoors everywhere except for the bedroom and children's room, as its vibrations will excite the nervous system.


It inclines to reflection, to solitary work. Collects, concentrates the strength of a person, adjusts to the beautiful. Strict, solemn beauty. It has the magical power to help with meditation, collects, deepens intuition, which is not scattered and ultimately gives results. Such intuitive concentration can give insight.


This is not only a beautiful plant that pleases us with bright orange and red gramophones of wonderful flowers, but it also has a kind and gentle character.

This plant, ranging from long belt-like leaves to a delicate scarlet petal, radiates love, inclines to love, to love, light, pleasant, not attached.

Love and kindness - this is clivia.

It is easy to relax next to her. At the same time, being distracted from heavy thoughts and oppressive life problems, you are saturated with vibrations of kindness. Therefore, this plant can essentially be kept everywhere, but it is best, of course, in bedrooms, children's rooms and recreation areas.

In the office, clivia may not always be useful. It can incline an employee not to fulfill the production plan, not to dip into the atmosphere of a business environment, but, on the contrary, to incline to light love flirting. Imagine the head of an institution, furnished on all sides with pots of clivia. Of course, a frivolous and pretty secretary should appear nearby, shooting with her eyes.

One comforts. Since the clivia is not energetically strong, therefore, its influence on the boss will not be so significant and dangerous for work, as well as for his family relationships.


Coleus gives energy, but weak. It disposes to benevolence, but sluggishly. Can be placed anywhere.

Laurel noble

Great energy plant. It gives a person a great energy potential, charges with strength and health. Laurel symbolizes achievements and victory. Laurel wreaths adorned the heads of victorious warriors, favorite poets and songwriters, delighting the ears of the rich nobility.


The plant is tenacious; where there is a fern, nothing grows there, it crushes other plants with its strong vibrations.

But the fern is good for a business environment: it gives working activity, perseverance in achieving, makes it possible to remember and perform a large amount of work. It is good to have a fern in the study, in the office.

In a residential area, you can grow when a person lives alone or works at home. The plant is useful for stimulating business activity, not for recreation. Therefore, the fern should not be kept in the bedroom. At worst, a fern pot can be placed in the kitchen.


Poisonous. However, oleander is a protective plant. Oleander is a heavy plant. Nothing grows next to it. Therefore, it must be placed separately from other plants.

In bedrooms, children's rooms, in places of rest, oleander cannot be placed. This plant looks good in the office, in the corner of the room, especially in the accounting department, that is, where a lot of small routine work is required.


Activates to work. It is good to keep the plant in work and play areas, in offices, shops, banks. That is, where the vibrations of this plant will stimulate a person to be active, composure, vigilance, attentiveness.

Do not keep in children's rooms, bedrooms, recreation areas.

Pandanus cannot persuade his mistress to a romantic relationship, but he is able to give her the strength to work, fight off the negative energies that have accumulated in the house, and protect her from witchcraft.

Later you will understand why the pandanus has such properties when you study its vibrations and find out which planets in this plant are in an active state.

It is useful for weak, weak-willed, inert people to grow a pandanus in their apartment, the vibrations of which will awaken a person to action, drive away melancholy and despondency, give a good mood and optimism.


If you put a pot of pedilanthus on your desk at work, you have a lot of professional worries and business activity.


Protects from aggression, beats off dirty vibrations. This plant is good to keep on the desktop, it is indispensable at work. Relieves stress. It can be used in places of rest, where there is an opportunity to actively relax mentally, distract from the main work, read magazines, newspapers, solve crossword puzzles. Stimulates mental activity.


This charming plant can be kept in the bedroom or in any lounge area. Relaxes, inclines to a pleasant conversation, charges with optimism, fills the resting body with strength and health. Where ivy grows, you can have a good rest and gain strength. I want to lie down on the ivy carpet. Therefore, pots with this plant can be placed in rooms intended for relaxation, in the foyer, in the bedroom and in the nursery. Helps with meditation, it is easier to relax and get the right information.


Guardian and protector. But, in addition, it activates mental activity and business activity. If you are tired or discouraged - put a pot with this plant by the window - and you will have a working mood.

It can be placed in the bedroom of the newlyweds to stimulate them to mutual communication. Reo is also suitable for gaming and office space. It is not recommended to place in children's rooms.


It does not take root well, but can grow in partial shade. Loves space, curls.

The plant is neutral, creates a light, not disturbing environment, inclines to an easy perception of each other. Therefore, roycissus is good for both home and office space.


This is a social plant. She cannot grow in the country. Rose, like a coquettish beauty, will wither away without admirers. She must be where there are many people, she needs love, admiration; in human care and protection.

And for this, as a token of gratitude, the rose gives people wonderful flowers.

If the rose is not well-groomed, it can begin to degenerate, run wild. Rosehip branches appear instead of rose shoots.

Ruellia is beautiful

Good in places of rest, in the bedroom, in the children's room. The person next to her is comfortable and easy.

Friendly plant, cozy and comfortable. Velvety leaves to the touch resemble the softness of a sofa cushion.


It restrains emotions, does not allow them to splash out, gives hidden sympathies, so it is quite difficult to express your love. Only when feelings are already defined, this combination strengthens love and sympathy.

A versatile plant. You can keep it everywhere. Well - at work, if there are secret feelings, then they will be kept secret from everyone and not appear outwardly.

Saintpaulia (Uzumbar violet)

A kind, sweet plant that everyone loves. Therefore, you can place it absolutely everywhere: in bedrooms, in children's rooms, kitchens, workrooms.

Netcreasia purpurea

This plant can be bred in workrooms and offices where frequent scandals occur.


It is good to place in bedrooms, in places of rest. A resting plant, relaxes, leads away from heavy thoughts, creates peace in the soul, goodwill, disposes to daydreaming, romanticism.


Plant-indicator. This amazing and dangerous creeper is able to accumulate both negative and positive energy in itself and live with it for a long time. At a certain moment, this energy is ejected into space, and several times stronger.

If there was a quarrel in the family and the liana absorbed its negative energy, then it will throw out 20 times more negative than it took.

If there is a quick-tempered husband in the family, these vibrations will linger in the house for a long time, which does not bring anything good. If there is peace and prosperity in the family, the liana activates good energies and contributes to further prosperity.

Therefore, the liana can be bred either in a prosperous family, or in institutions, away from workplaces: in the lobby, in the hall, where they do not linger for a long time. It is better to keep at home in the kitchen and away from the bedroom, nursery and places of rest. In the hall you can, but not near the sofa or armchairs.

An exception may be the premises of the church, places near the icons where a person prays, as well as an apartment where a spiritually aspiring person lives.

But do not overestimate yourself: it is not only envy and anger that causes negative energies. Despondency, a feeling of loneliness, melancholy, grief, resentment, laziness - also carry negative energies. If a person is lazy, let him not increase in himself even greater laziness by means of this plant. And so on.

Fat woman (money tree)

Crassula-crassula, which is popularly called both the "money tree" and the "tree of happiness", has a protective power.

Can be used for medical purposes for external use. Crassula juice is good for rubbing tired legs, cracked, sore soles.

Good to keep in the apartment on the window. For the house, it will be a protector tree.

It softens the atmosphere in the family, stabilizes emotions, relieves aggression, tension, normalizes family relations, calms nerves, activates mental activity, and encourages friendly business contacts.

A pot with a fat woman can be successfully placed in the office near the desktop. A fat woman in the bedroom will not interfere, calm the nervous system, bring emotions back to normal, inspire a restful sleep.

The fat woman is not only a good defender of the house, not only knows how to relieve the fatigue of the past day, but also arranges all family members in a friendly way.


Ficus usually likes, causes a desire to have this plant. The plant is not aggressive, has a beautiful shape that attracts a person.

Ficus should not be placed in the bedroom, as it causes heavy sleep, headache, and a state of fatigue. Vibrations crush him, do not let him relax.

Ficus should not be placed near a coffee table, near a bed, in any place intended for relaxation.

You can not place the plant at the desktop. The plant causes outbursts of emotions, aggression, although it extinguishes these outbursts, and the person keeps the aggression that has not been thrown out.

It is best to keep the ficus in the foyer, where you looked at the plant and passed by. Or in a room, or in a workroom in a corner where no one is.


The plant is not magical, but no less useful for that. A good flower, kind in character and attractive in appearance.

Admiring the charming blooming fuchsia, you are involuntarily charged with a sense of joy.

It charges a person with optimism, gives rise to a good mood, vitality and a sense of joy. Joy, in turn, gives rise to sublime feelings, which are already manifested in combination.

It can cause a person to have some grandiloquence in explanations, but this is very good when a person composes poetry or reads them in front of an audience.

This combination is especially useful for actors, politicians, lawyers, when it is required to deliver a brilliant speech in public and make a favorable impression on it.

For medical purposes, fuchsia is not used as a medicinal plant, except for the healing power of its vibrations for the emotional state of a person. The bright cheerful radiations of the flower will help a person to overcome fatigue more easily, get out of the inhibited state faster, recharge with joyful strength, the desire to live and create.

This plant can be kept everywhere, it is equally useful both on the desktop and in the children's room.

Everyone: both a serious scientist, busy with important research problems, and a small child, busy with no less important things in understanding the world, it will bring satisfaction from its activities.


Protective plant. Energy plant. Gives its positive energy to the environment.

Haworthia not only protects and guards the good vibrations in the house, but also enhances them and does not allow energy to be scattered.

If such a plant grows poorly, then it gives a large flow of energy to combat negative influences. These bad energies can be emitted by the person himself, his silent envy, fear, hostility, and also accumulate in the process of open struggle, conflicts, quarrels that can occur in the family or in the work team.

The plant does not have enough strength for its own growth. This amazing plant shows a vivid example of selfless self-sacrifice for the sake of others. Haworthia is good to put on the desktop, in the kitchen. It gives strength and energy, working and mental activity. A person works easily and productively both at the desktop and in the kitchen. Do not place haworthia in the bedroom and children's room.


The plant is not magical, but a strong energetic. Next to him you are saturated with energy, you feel more confident and stronger, you get a charge of vivacity and optimism. Therefore, you can keep it wherever energy costs are required: at any workplace, in offices, in the kitchen. Bedrooms are not recommended.


The plant is not magical and, one might say, not medicinal. Although one can argue about this, since its strong radiations can successfully raise a person’s vitality, bestow favorable energy on him, and make communication between family members pleasant.

But it does not activate the mental activity of a person, although it can give him the joy of creative work, a good potential for a healthy mood, and work will undoubtedly give a person great pleasure.

Spreading life force around itself, this small plant brings a person the joy of being. It is joy, which is the healing power of this plant. Therefore, the main purpose of this beautiful flower is to bring JOY to a person.

Therefore, it is very useful to keep an epistle in your office and on any desktop.

It is perfect for our cramped kitchen spaces, where the hostess will happily cook pies and prepare delicious meals for the general pleasure of her family.

A good epic for a hall where family members and their guests will find communication with each other pleasant.

You can place this plant in the bedroom, where the relationship of the spouses will become mutually attractive.

This flower is useful in the children's room. The kid, perceiving his good vibrations, will undoubtedly become more cheerful and cheerful. Although during sleep, the epistle can be removed from the nursery.


Magic plant. Plant-energetic and protector. Enhances activity. Keep in work areas. It is impossible - in places of rest, in bedrooms.


The slogan of this plant, wherever it grows, is comfort and coziness. It attracts attention, creates a cozy, friendly atmosphere at home and at work, softens, defuses a tense atmosphere in the team and family, gives you the opportunity to relax, keeps this comfortable state and does not allow you to completely relax, inclines to hard work. Develops intuitive perception in a person. Therefore, eucharis is indispensable both at home and at work. You can keep it everywhere: in the bedroom, in the office, etc.

Very good indoor plants in the living room.

They not only enliven and decorate the house, attract beneficial energy and brighten up the dull view from the window, but also bring natural magic into the home, endowing everything that is adjacent to them with power.

Being close to plants for a long time, we replenish our supply of vitality! The following is a list of the most common houseplants and their magical properties.

AVOCADO brings love into the home and increases sex drive. Place an avocado seed in water, wait for it to sprout, plant it in a flower pot, and it will grow into a delightful tree!

AGAVA soothes and gives tenderness, therefore it is recommended for families where children suffer from constant quarrels between parents.

ALOE protects the house from intruders, accidents and negative energy, and also improves health.

PINEAPPLE promotes the establishment of friendly relations.

ANTHURIUM gives the house beauty and love.

ORANGE, POMEGRANATE and MYRTH bring wealth to the house.

ARAUCARIA guarantees protection from poverty and evil.

BEGONIA is good for those who like to receive guests. It makes communication more interesting and orderly.

BONSAI make their owners wiser, help to foresee the future and guess the thoughts of others, awaken spirituality and tune in a sublime mood. It is good to meditate next to these plants.

GERANIUM (pelargonium) creates an energy curtain from the "evil eye", lures love into the house, extinguishes anger, helps people who are strongly pressed by life circumstances. Bright red geranium radiates vitality and energy, heals, protects from evil forces; pink - favors love and protects from evil; white - promotes childbearing.

Dracaena helps not to fall into pessimism and despair, brings love, protects the house from evil, enhances sexual potency.

JASMINE brings love and understanding to the house, helps to establish friendly relations.

CACTUS are protective plants. They neutralize negative energy, including those generated by outbursts of anger. If you live in a country house and your windows face all four cardinal directions, put one cactus on the windows on each side. They will protect the house from robbers and burglars.

CALLA protects the family union, makes a person more confident. It is a source of vigor and an enemy of despondency. She gives her master the ability to speak.

The SAXIFLE protects the house from evil.

CARDAMOM brings together loving people.

CYPARIS brings money, success in career and business.

CHINESE ROSE relieves laziness, resists aggressiveness, extinguishes quarrels and brings love.

KROTON calms an overloaded head, especially if a person is not confident in his abilities.

LEMON radiates vibrations of love, cleanses the house of pathogenic energy and improves health.

MARANTA streamlines the rhythm of life of "owls", helps those who have lost the meaning of life to regain it, and saves them from insomnia in the bedroom.

JUNIPER has protective properties and eliminates energy anomalies in the house.

MONSTERA streamlines thoughts, helps to learn how to formulate them clearly and moves the “terry” conservatives off the ground. The plant is also a protector of the home.

FERN freshen the air.

PEPEROMIA and TRADESCANTIA reduce the risk of cancer. Moreover, the larger the plant, the greater its magical power. Peperomia with erect stems are especially effective, and of Tradescantia, varieties with large fleshy leaves have the greatest strength. Tradescantia, among other things, prevents the "bloat" of problems and protects against evil and negative energy.

IVY, vines and PASSIFLORA destroy the negative energy brought into the house from the outside, help with nervous disorders, and extinguish quarrels. Fancy ivy leaves drive away evil and negative energy from the place where it grows.

PRIMULA is an ideally energetically balanced plant, and it transmits this balance to people. Recommended for families where quarrels often break out.

SANSEVIERIA relieves rudeness and slander.

SUCCULANTS (plants with thick, fleshy leaves) bring an abundance of love and money.

TULIPS drive away poverty and despair. They are also plants of love. Grow a tulip, save the bulb, and plant it next year for even more love and money.

VIOLE (saintpaulia) causes vibrations of spirituality and peace. Its flowers have protective properties. White violets soothe emotions, cleanse the house of negative energies and sometimes even household insects. Blue violets develop creativity. Purple violets are needed for families where there is no mutual understanding: they help to look at problems philosophically.

FICUS brings good luck and all sorts of well-being, relieves tearfulness. In the bedroom, it will provide you with a peaceful sleep, and in the kitchen it will protect you from poverty.

PHILODENDRON is a protective plant.

Chlorophytum purifies the air.

CHRYSANTHEME radiates vibrations of love and joy, brings wealth.

CYCLAMEN has a protective power, dispels unreasonable fears and, according to ancient belief, protects the house from the effects of bad weather. This is one of the few plants that can be grown in the bedroom: cyclamen will protect you while you sleep, driving away bad dreams.

SAFRAN sends vibrations of love and peace to your home.

Yucca extinguishes quarrels.

Before you get a plant, I advise you to buy an encyclopedia of indoor plants and find out its biological characteristics.

Some house plants (for example, dieffenbachia, azalea, alocasia, periwinkle) are poisonous. It is not recommended to breed poisonous plants: they emit such a strong vibration that they can disrupt the energy balance in the house, bring chaos into it, negatively affect the qi circulation, not to mention the possible poisoning of children and pets.

Plants are an attribute of the Wood element, so their magical properties will manifest in full force if you place them in the east, southeast or south part of the room.

Northwest and West are neutral. Put the plants in the west if the family has small children or you dream of having them: the element of the Tree is associated with growth and development, and this is important for the child.

The southwest and northeast are not the best places for plants, as they will destroy the energy of the Earth there. If you already keep plants in these sectors, choose pots for them in "fiery" colors (red, orange, pink) to reduce the conflict between Earth and Wood.

North is acceptable, but Wood will weaken the Water energy a bit. Make sure that the attributes of Water are present in this sector of the room.
