DMB to your beloved guy in prose in your own words. A beautiful letter to a loved one in the army

The only thread connecting a guy in the army with his home and his beloved girl are letters: a letter to a loved one in the army should be very warm, positive; it knows how to convey the feeling that he is very welcome at home.

Every young man must serve in the army. Only in this case will he deserve the title of a real man. Of course, situations are different, for example, someone is prevented from joining the army by health conditions or family problems. No one is immune from anything.

However, now there are more and more young guys who want to skip the service for no reason. It’s embarrassing to listen to stories when young men vying with each other boast to each other that their parents got them out of the army. Moreover, they not only do not understand the seriousness of this act, but are even proud of it. Oh times, oh morals! Yes, this famous phrase is always relevant.

Military service is the duty of every self-respecting young man to the Fatherland. It doesn’t matter that our state is now collapsing, and the government is filled with only “fatty people,” we need to be able to separate the concepts of “Motherland” and “state.” How can one live without a sense of patriotism in these times? This is probably the only thing that remains in the hearts of the Russian people in relation to modern Russia.

Well, yes, okay, let’s not delve into politics, because today we are talking about how to correctly write a letter to your loved one in the army. It seems very easy to do, but once you sit down at the table, take a piece of paper, a pen and..., everything will not be as simple as it seemed at first glance.

Of course, you want to put all your feelings and emotions into the message, but you also need to follow some rules and writing algorithm.

Let's talk about this in more detail.

What not to write

Before you begin your message, you should keep in mind that not everything can be stated in him.

Since all letters are checked and necessarily read before giving it into the hands of a fighter, under no circumstances don't write about your hatred of the army, they say, she separated you. This cannot be done, since such a negative message simply will not reach the recipient.

Also You can’t write sad news either, for example, messages about the death of relatives and friends.

The command knows very well how such news will affect the soldier’s morale, so they will not give him the letter.

Don't write about something very personal and intimate. Keep in mind that your letter will be re-read to your colleagues several times, so it is not at all necessary that the entire platoon knows your secrets.

And one more thing, perhaps the most important thing, don't even think about writing that you fell in love with someone else and want to leave.

If it reaches the fighter, then imagine how he will react to it? All his thoughts in the army are about his family and about you, i.e. about those people whom he loves and is sure that they love him. Have pity on the guy, even if you fall out of love. Leave all the clarification of the relationship until he returns home, and there, on the spot, you’ll sort it out.

  • Preparations

Keep in mind that a letter to a loved one in the army is not written in a hurry, for example, at a lecture at the institute or on a minibus on your lap. To do this you will need to create a romantic atmosphere.

Imagine that you are waiting for your loved one to visit. Create an environment suitable for this event at home: light candles (by the way, be sure to write in the evening, since it is easiest to tune into the right mood at this time of day), turn on slow music (preferably without words), which reminds you of your lover (perhaps you once danced to it). Remove everything unnecessary from the table so that nothing distracts your thoughts from the love message.

Leave only a piece of paper and a pen. Remember, a soldier will run around with your letter like a chicken and an egg and brag about it to all his colleagues, so take care of its design.

To write you can use beautiful ink or choose not banal white paper, but some pleasant shade (fortunately, you can now find anything you want in the store).

Try to be alone in the room. If square meters your apartment does not allow privacy, then wait until no one is home or send your parents to the cinema in the evening and your little sister to grandma. Say that you have something very important to do today. Now that you are left alone, think about your loved one, about how you miss him. Remember the most exciting moments of your life. Your future the letter must be imbued with sincerity and love.

  • Where to begin

It would be most appropriate to start the letter with a greeting and questions about the soldier’s well-being and mood. In the following sentences, be sure to talk about your feelings, i.e. How are you waiting for your loved one to return from the army? Insert the key phrase more often: “I love you!”

  • Main part

Tell your boyfriend everything simply and naturally last news just as if you were sitting next to each other and talking. There is no need to invent a special style for writing; it is best to let it be conversational. It’s not worth mentioning, for example, that there are a lot of fans following you, etc. With this news you will only upset the soldier and give him a reason for unnecessary worries that will interfere with his service.

Tell us better about where you went lately, what you did, what interesting things happened in the family, what news is in the yard, how his friends are doing and what they tell him, how the city has changed (perhaps a new amusement park has opened, etc. .).

Be sure to write, how sorry you are that he couldn’t go with her to where you were (for example, to the cinema or theater).

You can tell how you have changed, for example, you got a fashionable haircut, bought beautiful shoes. Let your loved one imagine what you have become and dream about you. Be sure to mention that everyone loves him very much and is waiting for his return.

  • Conclusion

At the end of the letter, write again about your feelings, about how you miss his tender hugs and hot kisses. Create a certain atmosphere of mystery and mystery, hint that when he returns you prepared a surprise which he will definitely like. By doing this, you will force the soldier to constantly think about you and the upcoming meeting.

And finally

Remember, your letter to the guy in the army must be special, so try not to look on the Internet in search of beautiful phrases and expressions.

Write yourself, about your own feelings. Let the words turn out not so beautiful and comprehensible, but from the heart and, most importantly, they will be intended only for one person, and not just copied from somewhere and invented for someone else. You can also add a poem of your own composition.

If you are not strong in poetry, then it will be perfect juicy kiss on a sheet of paper the color of your beloved and long-awaited favorite lipstick. Believe me, more than once at night, having taken your letter from under the pillow, he will touch the trace of your kiss with his lips.

You can still perfume the letter, which you know are driving him crazy. Let him enjoy and inhale his native and beloved aroma away from you.

Don't forget to include your photo in the envelope. Of course, you can send other photos, for example, with your family or with his friends, but your photo is the main highlight. I assure you that he will never part with it, keeping it close to his heart and always, when he becomes sad, looking at her, he will smile and perk up.

After all, it is very important for a soldier to know that no matter what happens, people at home love him and are waiting for him.

You are his favorite girl, and this, as they say, is a “special article.”

If you have good imagination and some skill, then try to make some kind of origami figurine, perhaps in the shape of a swan, since these birds symbolize eternal love. There are a lot of options to surprise your beloved soldier. You don’t have to come up with something every time, you can simply put some of your things in the envelope (invisibility, scented handkerchief, etc.). The letter will turn out bright and cheerful if you paste a sheet of paper on both sides with stickers, like, I love you and other cute phrases. Of course, what is important is not so much the content and design, but the fact of writing the letter itself.

Remember that your loved one need support and attention, so write as often as possible.

Each of your letters will be welcome and long-awaited for him, so don’t be lazy and don’t miss the agreed days (lovers often agree on when they will write to each other).

It is at a distance that the strength of feelings is tested. Some couples break up because often the girl finds a replacement for him during her boyfriend’s service. But if you have already waited, then for the soldier this will be the best confirmation of your love and loyalty to him and your relationship. Often, after the arrival of a young man from the army, weddings are celebrated. Think, perhaps your love will have the same beautiful ending.

Your loved one cannot be there due to duty, but you are sad and don’t know how to save the relationship? We offer you write a letter to your loved one to the army, which will warm him with the warmth of your love. Believe me, your soul mate now, more than ever, needs support and care, because he experiences no less, being away from home, friends and loving girl. A beautiful letter to your loved one in the army is an opportunity to support your boyfriend and express your most warm feelings on distance.

Hello, my dear boy!

My dear, I’m nearby... Even now, when there are kilometers of dull roads between us. I am with you - with every drop of rain that knocks on your window, I am with you - with every ray of sunshine that wakes you up in the morning, I am with you - with every gust of wind that brings long-awaited coolness at night... I believe you and know that we can overcome any difficulties, because our love is real. You have proven this to me more than once, now it’s my turn. Darling, I will wait for you and will be the happiest girl on earth when we see you.

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A beautiful letter to a loved one in the army
A beautiful letter to your loved one in the army is an opportunity to support your boyfriend and express your warmest feelings from a distance. Your soulmate needs support and care now more than ever. After all, he worries no less than you, being away from home

To my favorite guy in the army

You sit, cry, feel sad. My beloved was taken to serve. He may have wanted this, but it’s not easy for him there without you.

Everything you can do now, you do: visit him, write to him, call him, put money on his mobile when he asks... All that remains is to wait.

If you wait, you will be the happiest. You can write him letters, you can write poetry, you can bombard him with messages on your phone.

Your attention is very important to the guy!

I'm waiting for you, my most gentle.

I know you will come soon.

With your snow-white smile

You will invite me to a fairy tale...

Darling, I will wait forever!

You are my life, you are my air...

And infinity is not scary:

All thoughts are occupied with you.

Serve dear, and just remember,

I'm waiting for you, I don't sleep at night...

I miss you so much, dear Kostya...

I love only you.

You left to serve. It happened that way.

I'll wait for you, my dear!

I fell in love with you so much

That I don't need another one either.

I am writing to you - “text messages”….

You answer me lovingly.

I bought lipstick with glitter,

So that you can see yourself in it!

Darling, I am writing you a message.

Once again you find recognition in them.

Every second I remember you.

I am looking forward to our meeting...

If I could serve with you... I would even drop out of college. And so they won’t let me into the army. I am not afraid of the hardships and hardships of the army. I would be in the army for you too. Honestly! I just love you so much. But the army doesn't understand my love. I'm waiting for you…. I'm really looking forward to it.

But I'll be your sugar. I will come to you often - often, I will do everything so that you do not get bored, so that the smiles do not leave your face. Do you want me to be the sun? It's not difficult for me... I have long noticed a place from where I will warm you... Do you want me to be a piece of heaven? And this is not difficult. Love helps me to be anything I want. Serve, beloved, do not forget about miracles. Do not forget about me.

Because I always dreamed of you! We will have a wonderful family, we will have excellent children... A year and a half is not a period or time. I can wait my whole life for your return. If you don't believe it, check it! You can give me a test. I will go through every single one of them. This will be proof of my serious feelings. I look forward to your trials, my love.

Sorry for them. I just see how you suffer, how sad you are when I leave. Honey, time flies by quickly. Nobody will cancel weekends. They are our days. We will conduct them well even in army conditions. If you are put on leave, I will prepare you a ton of goodies. Let me know if you manage to get away even for a day...

A few more hours... And we will be together. I count microseconds. Losing count, I start counting again. I'll start counting my steps soon. And I don’t care how many kilometers and hours I have to walk. I'll get to you. I'll come and stay close. Life is you...

I miss you madly and miss you, my dear... I bought a calendar to cross out days from it. It seems to me, to be honest, that time flies by much faster this way. I would turn over all the clocks in the world to quickly reach your demobilization. Time is a cruel thing. Sometimes I hate him. It does not want to take off, preferring to crawl. But time's wings are not broken. They are luxurious, like angels. I also have wings. Remember how you gave them to me when you told me you loved me? I still keep them. But I don’t fly either. When you come home, we'll fly together. I don't want to fly alone.

I don't part with her even for a minute. My clutch is overflowing with cosmetics, but your photo is more valuable than all things. I look at her, and I really want to come to you. I would come to you every day if you allowed frequent visits.

And I don’t even think about cheating! I do not need anyone but you. You are my present and future. My heart has long been given to you alone. And I won't take it back. It will live inside yours. It will become his shadow. I am confident that you will be able to save it.

Its aroma reminds us of our magical meetings. I haven't forgotten what a coffee lover you are. Basically, I’m the same. You and I are incredibly similar. And not only that we cannot live without a dose of coffee.

When things get hard, remember that you have me. And I always will. I know how carefully you treat me. I give you sincerity and reciprocity! Save them too. Not as evidence, but simply for the sake of making you believe me even more.

She really likes you. And I understand why. You can't help but like you. We talk about you often. We only say good things. There is no bad thing. What bad thing can you say about an ideal person?

I'm not taking it off. And I won’t take it off. I want it to become a wedding. The shine it gives off in the sun drives me crazy. I see your eyes shining... I miss them so much. I want to see them during the day, and in the morning, and at night, and in the evenings. And a million days won’t be enough for me! Even eternity is not enough for me... Let's come up with our own infinity. One in which we will feel good and pleasant. And we, in our infinity, will not let anyone in.

And I really want to hear your call. He breaks the silence so tenderly. I played the most beautiful melody for you. I want it to sound around the clock. Will you arrange it? I understand that it is impossible. But dreaming is not prohibited. My dreams are what is connected with you. And they will never change their content.

All feelings for you are the strongest and unusually passionate. I've never felt this way about anyone. Thanks to you, I was able to understand a lot. I am happy that I understood everything connected with you... For me you are the world. And remain so for the rest of your life.

We are all waiting for you. Especially me. Come home so the army doesn't kidnap you for good. Kiss…. Yours.

Your boyfriend was drafted into the army? Don’t you know how to behave in such a situation? This is not surprising, this situation is not standard, and it is quite normal that a girl is confused and does not know what to do if her boyfriend is in the army. We will try to help you understand your feelings and actions, and make the right decisions.

Probably the most common question that torments girls is the question: “How to wait for a guy from the army?” The answer is complex and simple at the same time: just wait and remember that soon his service will end and your loved one will return. There is no need to turn the expectation of a guy from the army into imprisoning yourself within four walls. Continue to lead a normal life, go to the movies, meet friends, take walks. After all, if your boyfriend went to the army, then your life should not stop. You lived somehow before meeting him, right? Just accept his absence as something necessary and wait for everything to return to normal.

Should I wait for a guy from the army?

You should start with the fact that if such a question appeared in your head, it means that somewhere deep down in your soul, you accept this scenario. It could be uncertainty about your feelings, that is, you doubt that you will want to continue the relationship with this guy after he returns. In this case, we can advise you to forget for a while that you have a boyfriend and do as you want. During this time, you will be able to figure out for yourself what you really need: wait for a guy from the army or look for a new one.

What should I write to a guy in the army?

Yes, anything. Starting from the latest events that happened in your city, and ending with a description of personal feelings. And it’s not so important what you write to the guy in the army, but how often you do it. With the advent mobile phones everything has become much simpler. Letters can easily be replaced with calls and SMS. You can safely send 1 SMS a day – that’s not a lot. You can have one message every two days. If you write and call less often, the guy may have doubts that you are still waiting for him. But try not to forget about paper letters, write at least 2-3 letters a month - it won’t be tiring for you, and the guy will be pleased.

What should a guy bring to the army?

The most the right decision will find out personally from the guy what he is missing. This can be both food and household items. Of course, there is no need to bring perishable foods (cakes, sausages, etc.). It is better to bring nuts, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins), pies, gingerbread cookies, and sweets. Ask if the guy needs shaving or hygiene supplies; in the army there are often shortages of such household items.

How to support a guy in the army?

You can support a guy in the army by charging him with optimism and confidence that he is loved and welcomed at home. What should I do for this? Don’t forget to write letters to the guy (as an option – SMS), take an interest in his affairs, and, if possible, visit him more often. But the main thing is that you need to continue your normal life. If a guy thinks that because of him you sit at home all the time and shed tears, then it will only be harder for him. Moreover, this way you can instill in him a feeling of guilt.

This is probably the only case when it is better to give some trinket, but one that will remind you of you even after a few years. But don’t rush to buy figurines and keychains. Better think about options such as a guitar, a painting, a flask, chess, etc. That is, the gift should not just be stored on a shelf, but at least used periodically.

The soldier's lot is hard. However, so that the guys in the unit don’t get bored, their girls just good friends write letters to soldiers.

If you don’t know how to write to a guy in the army, you can fix this by reading a sample letter to the army.

Remind me of your feelings

So that your friend or beloved guy does not get bored in the army, try to write in a letter not only and not so much about your feelings. Of course, you can also write about them, especially if you are writing to your soldier love letter. First you should say hello, remind the guy that you are his love you very much, What miss you and look forward to meeting you, after all it is most important. This concludes the welcome part.

Write to your boyfriend about everything

Next comes the main part, which contains some narration. Let this be a story about what new happened in your family during the guy’s absence, what his friends tell him, how your yard or neighborhood has changed. Or maybe a new one opened in the city while your loved one is in the service? shopping mall? Write about it, hint that you definitely want to go there together. If a new PK&O was put into operation during this time, be sure to say that you will need to take a walk there together as soon as possible. And so on.

Are you finishing your letter? Write about your feelings again

So, the letter ends, everything new has already been told, including your plans. It remains to finish the message correctly. If you are writing to your boyfriend, again, write about how much you love him and how much you miss him. Just don't copy the welcome part of the letter, better dream up. Be sure to assure the guy that you will write to him again very soon. And try to write more often. You can place at the end of the letter a love poem invented by you personally or by your acquaintances/friends. If this option is not suitable for you, then take a couple of lines about love from a poem some famous poet, for example, Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov and others. Unforgettable classics are always in fashion, especially if we're talking about about expressing love.

If the addressee is just yours good friend, you can put on paper the memories of your joint tricks, about how interesting it was for you together. Let your friend also remember the brightest moments of your friendship. And then you can say goodbye - not for long, of course, until the moment when you again want to write to the guy in the army.

Another important nuance is the formatting of the letter.

Writing a letter is not everything. If you want your boyfriend to get not just great, but great pleasure from reading your letter, you can perfume the piece of paper with the message with your perfume, which he is crazy about. You can leave a kiss on the paper, putting on your lips with lipstick, the color of which he likes so much. Another option is to put a swan, dove or some other figure folded using the origami technique in the envelope along with the letter. In general, everything is limited here solely by your imagination.

Many guys, coming from the army, become completely different people. And some change very much, sometimes so much that they begin new life. If you are left “overboard”, do not torment yourself under any circumstances - you are not to blame for anything. In this case, register on the dating site This will give you the opportunity to find a person who truly loves you, about whom you will already know a lot, even before you have seen it with your own eyes.

Often the army becomes the first serious test of feelings for young people. Not everyone can handle separation. But, according to the French writer Simone de Beauvoir, if love is strong enough, then waiting becomes happiness. This, first of all, concerns the soldier’s girlfriend, who lives for the future meeting.

Are you overcome by the feeling that a separation of 1.5 - 2 years will drag on forever and never end? Believe me, you won't be so lonely if you start sending letters to your young soldier. But this needs to be done correctly, so that, having read your news, he knows: he has somewhere and someone to return to, and does not think that his stay in the service makes someone unhappy. No matter how sad you are, try to write the lines in such a way that they will cheer up your boyfriend, and he will look forward to your meeting, and not curse his days of service.

To write a wonderful love letter,
you just need to start writing without knowing what you want to say,
and finish without knowing what they wrote about...
J.-J. Rousseau

Have you never written a letter before? Believe me, it's not scary. Pay attention to the words of the famous French writer and philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Just pick up a pen, put a blank sheet of paper in front of you and try to put on paper everything that you are experiencing at this moment. The hardest thing is to start. And, let the first letters be decorated with droplets of your tears and, after re-reading it, it will seem to you that this is not at all the same, but your boyfriend will definitely understand you. After all, the feeling of resentment from the forced separation overwhelms not only you, but also him. Over time, it will not be so difficult for you to find words to tell how you are looking forward to the time of your meeting. Don't look samples and templates online ready-made letters. A loving heart will tell you the right words. What can you write about?

  • The first thing a guy who is in the army should experience is that his girlfriend is not only waiting, but proud and admires what it serves. Write that it’s very difficult for you, but at the same time it’s nice to feel like the one who is waiting for your loved one from the army. Tell us how jealous your friends are that you are so brave and have not shied away from your duty, as many do now.
  • There is no need to tell you that some friend of yours, whose boyfriend is also in the army, goes to discos and parties, but you don’t do this, because you are waiting for him faithfully and devotedly at home. Just say that you don’t want this now, that you’re not interested in going somewhere without him. But time will pass, you will come and we will... (then start talking about how you imagine the meeting and the first walk)
  • Be sure to try to keep in touch with his family. Call, and if you know his mother well, drop by for a cup of tea. Believe me young man it will be very nice to hear from you.
  • Don't know what else to write about? Tell us about the weather. Yes Yes. Just when describing the autumn rain, do not forget to drop a couple of lines about how it reminds you that you have a similar state in your soul. And when talking about the first snow, remember how fun you played in the winter, or how it warmed you with its warmth on winter evenings.
  • Are you wondering how your boyfriend lives? Ask him what a military unit, company, barracks is. How are the beds there? Is it true that all soldiers manage to get dressed in 40 seconds? That is, let him tell you about his life.

Between the lines - the meaning,
Well, there are a lot of good words in the lines

Do not write in letters to the army some intimate details your meetings. In many military units, messages from relatives are read. Also, you should not reproach him for the fact that he communicates little with you and does not answer letters. The main thing is that you keep in touch with him. Let it be his rare messages or 10-minute phone conversation, but you know that he loves you.

A guy will be very pleased to pick up a letter that will show at first glance that it was sent by his beloved girl. Take a few extra minutes and decorate the message once drawn with hearts, and next time let it be funny stickers. Perhaps these will be funny pictures of guys in uniform, and under them write funny captions that can be taken from the Internet. We also recommend spray the letter with your perfume. Believe me, the light aroma will remain. And definitely kiss in the form of traces of your lips.

Military service is a challenging step that will test the strength of your relationship. You must support each other and wait. And he will find out that you are always ready to be with him when he receives the long-awaited envelope in which a piece of your love is hidden. After all, according to Liz Carpenter, people have lost so much by stopping writing letters. After all, a telephone conversation cannot be re-read over and over again.

Yulia Spiridonova especially for
