We make a ceiling in a wooden house with our own hands. How to cover the ceiling - classic and modern in modern renovation Ceiling in a wooden house photos

Relevance of the issue: what to make the ceiling from wooden house, last years only increases. Wood is the most accessible, rewarding material to work with and does not emit harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Ceiling finishing with natural materials

A person who has built a house from natural materials with his own hands or with the help of professionals, in most cases also chooses to decorate the ceiling with wood. There are several options:

  • rail;
  • lining (similar in nature to the first material, but has grooves and tongue and groove for installation);

For dwellings made of timber, laminate or false timber is chosen.

Wooden slats – environmentally friendly material. The following types of wood are suitable for the production of slatted ceilings: elm, poplar, aspen, pine, oak. The finished product is finalized before installation: each element is sanded, burrs are removed, and uneven areas are filled with putty.

Upon completion, the ceiling is tinted with varnish to increase the wear resistance of the wood.
The rack structure is attached according to certain algorithms:

  • Making a life-size template on paper.
  • Tinting the rail, drying it before fixing it in place.
  • Installation using hidden nails without heads.

To emphasize country style, designers resort to imitation of beams on the ceiling or refine existing ones, adding false elements.

If necessary, a frame is mounted according to the preliminary design, then decorative beams are installed on it. Sometimes, to facilitate the construction, the beam is not turned from solid wood, but is made up of several thin parts. The hollow version removes the load from the load-bearing structures, leaving the engineer’s visual design unchanged.

An unedged board is made by cutting a log into pieces 25 mm thick, leaving the edges natural and uneven. In finishing the ceiling, products with the bark removed are used. In pallets the material seems unsightly. Designers know how to skillfully insert it into an interior design, adding additional country-style charm to a country building.

To preserve their natural appearance, the boards are not varnished, but each one is impregnated before installation with compounds that slow down the spread of fire in the event of a fire and prevent swelling.

The cost of an unedged board varies depending on the type of wood. Coniferous wood is soft, its price is lower than hard, deciduous wood. But the latter will last much longer and is less susceptible to changes in temperature and humidity.

Refers to natural cladding. They are based on wood dust pressed under vacuum. No glue, resin or other binding substance is used in the production of the board.

By appearance they distinguish:

  1. Veneered MDF. A thin layer of natural wood is glued to the surface of the slab. The product is practically indistinguishable from a full-fledged solid wood and completely imitates the structure and color of wood.
  2. Laminated board. A synthetic film is glued to the base. The decor of the coating is varied: wooden patterns, stone, solid colors, fantasy ornament.
  3. Painted MDF. At the factory, multi-layer paint is applied with a spray gun. The matte velvety surface adds sophistication to the interior of the room.
  4. MDF with paper film. Externally, the variety is indistinguishable from a laminated board, but is significantly inferior in properties. Paper is not as strong as polymer, cannot withstand high humidity and is easily damaged.

The length of the MDF panel is 2.6 m, the width is available in 25, 23.8 and 56 cm.

The lining is a board with a groove and tongue on the other side. The cheapness and availability of the method make lining a popular material. She shares:

  • standard;
  • euro-lining.

The boards differ in the quality of processing, groove depth and environmental class. It is important that there are small grooves on the reverse side that serve for proper air exchange.

Positive aspects of wood finishing

  1. Preserving the integrity of nature.
  2. Lack of release of essential resins that have a detrimental effect on the human body.
  3. Naturalness and aesthetic warmth of the interior. Depending on the direction of laying the planks, the type of wood, and tinting varnishes, a unique picture of each ceiling is created.
  4. Moisture resistance. Impregnation special compounds allows the material to breathe and at the same time reduces the risk of swelling from high humidity and temperature changes.
  5. Easy to care for. Lacquered natural surfaces, unlike synthetic materials, do not attract dust; to keep the house clean, just walk over them with a slightly dampened cloth without chemicals.

The finishing with clapboard or slats looks especially organic in a house with beams. They are not hidden under the cladding, but are organically integrated into the overall decor concept.

Photo of a ceiling covered with plywood

The second most popular natural material for cladding in a wooden house is plywood. It does not need varnishing and exudes a subtle forest aroma in the room. The product is made from thin layers of wood pressed into one sheet. In this regard, the ceiling does not move, like lining or lath, when the house shrinks and sudden climate changes.

It has two undeniable advantages:

  • quick installation;
  • cheapness.

After covering the plywood ceiling:

  • decorated with polystyrene slabs;
  • or seal the seams and leave them natural;
  • There are videos on Internet channels that tell how to apply patterns and drawings, smoothing out the impression of the external simplicity of plywood sheets.

Covering with PVC panels is cheap, economical and fast. The product does not require painting and is sold in a wide range of colors. On the picture construction companies You can consider a variety of panels and simple DIY installation lifehacks. The range ranges from classic monochromatic options to imitation wood, textiles, and fantasy designs.

PVC division:

  1. by type of top layer (glossy, matte);
  2. by texture (relief, smooth, dim volume);
  3. edge shape (straight, wave).

Plates with a wave edge are called seamless ceilings. Thanks to the ornate line and relief, the joints are visually concealed.

The material is light in weight and easy to use. PVC panels are recommended by professionals to novice builders, since their installation does not require high experience and skill in manufacturing. As noted above, the product must have a solid base; it is decorative, not load-bearing in nature.

Stretch ceiling is universal and is used in living rooms, baths, kitchen, on the terrace. Neutral color suits style decision from classic to urban.

The fastening goes to an aluminum frame, which is mounted after the repair is completed. Depending on the manufacturer, the quality of the canvas differs. Before concluding a contract, read in detail about the substances released from the ceiling, the presence of odors after installation, and the warranty period for the work.

By type, ceilings are divided into:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • satin.

Based on the type of base, they are distinguished:

  • film;
  • fabric.

The latter are spectacular and more environmentally friendly.

Among the disadvantages of fabric stretch ceilings, high cost is noted.

Films are installed using a heat gun. Fabric ones are fixed to the edges with wedges, cutting off the excess after installation. Seamless materials are impregnated with vinyl to resist external factors, which affects the cost.

Positive aspects of a stretch ceiling:

  • aesthetics;
  • surface smoothness;
  • simplicity and speed of installation;
  • neutral color palette.

But there are also negative aspects. For serious leaks, not all stretch ceiling can withstand large amounts of water. The latter accumulates in the ceilings and forms a kind of bag on the ceiling.

A ceiling mounted using a gun is allowed to be 0.2 mm thick. At the same time, it is capable of holding about 100 liters of water per 1 square meter. m. Valves are built inside to drain liquid, and in case of leaks, the appearance of the ceiling does not change.

Aluminum slats into the grooves of which are inserted decorative panels, in demand in suburban construction. The rack and pinion system is equipped with adjustable hangers and corners. Such suspended ceilings are divided into 2 types:

Drywall belongs to a series of false ceilings. The name itself speaks volumes about the structure. The material does not carry a functional load, but represents only an aesthetic part of the design.

  • construction of a preliminary slatted frame;
  • strengthening building sheets;
  • gluing seams with reinforcing tape;
  • joint putty;
  • surface painting.

Important: the frame is constructed from wooden slats, and from the profile.

It is considered a stronger option. They design from plasterboard multi-level ceilings. The latter are used in design with a ceiling height of 2.5-2.6 meters.

This type of ceiling is ideal for uneven ceilings with a large slope. Among the shortcomings, the fragility of the material is noted. Builders recommend updating drywall elements once every 7-10 years.

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How can you compare the ceiling design in a house that is made entirely of wood? Most likely, with “pie”. There are two layers of sheathing that are fixed to the beams - insulation is laid between them. This is the most common scheme. The article below will look at some other designs. Study each of them carefully - and you can easily install good ceilings in a wooden house without the help of professional craftsmen.

Experts suggest considering the main types of materials that have proven themselves in finishing. Wood is considered to be a true classic of construction, and there are numerous options vintage interiors- direct confirmation of this. you can use quality wood to make the doors, floor, furniture and finally the ceiling.

In addition to boards or lining, plywood can be used in a house made of wood, PVC film and even a block house. Some people even take laminate and cover the ceiling surface with it, while others leave the beams completely uncovered. However, the choice of materials is not unlimited. When you are completely surrounded by a tree, apply some design techniques will not work.

  1. Wood is a classic pure form. Suitable for both new and old houses.
  2. MDF panels. Improved design option. True, he is very afraid of water and needs good waterproofing.
  3. Plastic panels. Be sure to purchase high-quality and expensive products. It is advisable not to take White color, and the one that imitates natural wood. The interior will be attractive and harmonious.
  4. Installation of tensioner (film). This material especially good for the bathroom, where humidity is constantly high and there is a high probability of bacteria and mold accumulation on the wood.

As for plasterboards, most craftsmen are against their use. The fact is that during the shrinkage process the material begins to deform and lose its attractive appearance.

Below, each of the materials listed above will be discussed in more detail. We will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of each type, and we will try to tell you exactly what subtleties you need to pay attention to.

Wood finishing

And here it is, the simplest answer to the question of how to make the ceiling in a wooden house environmentally friendly. Indeed, why reinvent the wheel again if you can take solid wood and create a favorable climate in the house.

Cladding can look different: from budget lining to more expensive oak or beech. By the way, no one forces you to limit yourself to one material - combine them to create a unique interior design.

The main factor when choosing suitable lumber is moisture content. It should not exceed 16%.

We set course for the clapboard

In essence, this is the tree mentioned above, but processed in a special way. His characteristic feature is the presence of grooves and tongues for ease of installation. Using lining, even a beginner can make a ceiling in a wooden house with his own hands.

Lining has such useful properties as durability and strength. In addition, it perfectly isolates sound. To provide additional thermal insulation, insulation is laid between the crossbars above the cladding. Since the material is 100% natural and environmentally friendly, the ceiling in a wooden house “breathes” perfectly.

When it comes to design, there are several generally accepted options:

  • If the room is small, it is better to do the cladding in one direction.
  • Have you decided to lay material between the beams? Experiment with the material, change its direction. This will help divide the room into zones.
  • The ceiling, made in the form of a continuous surface, goes perfectly with the lining, decorated with hand-painted and carved designs. This type of design looks very modern.

5 parameters of plywood for the ceiling

Many users are skeptical about plywood. However, “The Ceiling Expert” declares with all confidence that the material was simply underestimated. With it you can create impressive design interior design, decorate a wooden house without worries and hassle.

Plywood can vary in the following parameters:

  • Moisture resistance. Pay special attention to it if the house is poorly heated.
  • Variety
  • Type of wood: birch, maple and alder.
  • Processing method. To decorate a country house, untreated plywood is quite enough. In wooden houses and country cottages It’s better to make the ceiling from plywood, treated on at least one side.
  • The decorative layer is often covered with plastic, asbestos paper, and decorated with patterns.

Just plaster - that's it.

Plastering – good method finishing that was popular several decades ago. However, today it is still becoming a thing of the past.

  • Firstly, building such an overlap is not so easy - the procedure is quite labor-intensive.
  • Secondly, it is impossible to avoid thermal insulation of walls. The useful area of ​​the room is also hidden.

Tensile structures in a wooden house

Installing a ceiling in a wooden house is also possible using tension fabric. There is one small nuance. Mount tensile structures better 2-3 years after the construction of the cottage. During this time, the house may shrink. The ceiling material is stretched under the beams, not between them.

General principles of ceiling installation

There are more and more wooden houses lately. When the need arises to replace the ceiling, it is better to think through some nuances in advance.

First of all, you will need to stock up necessary tool. This is a hammer and tape measure, a drill (preferably electric), a level for leveling the ceiling, a tape measure and a hacksaw, and a spatula.

First, you dismantle the old coating and inspect wooden frame. If there is such a need, it needs to be raised, lowered or replaced. When using materials such as plastic panels and lining, it is better to lay them in a diagonal direction. Straight lines are excluded. You can hide the nails and your DIY ceiling will look much better.

For specialists who are planning to replace or strengthen ceiling covering in a wooden house, you need to take care of the wiring in advance. A plan for its installation is drawn up before the start construction work. Think about what kind of chandeliers and lamps you would like to see in the house, how they should look.

Special attention should be paid to finishing if the renovation is carried out in a house with stove heating.

Never start it from the ceiling. First, the entire building is reconstructed, including the foundation. Next, the walls are leveled and strengthened.

If the height of the house is small, it is recommended to do thermal insulation from the attic side, and finishing inside the house. The space between the beams is filled with expanded clay. Next you make a screed and install the covering.


Today the owners wooden houses and cottages there are no particular problems with the selection and subsequent purchase of materials for the ceiling. The choice is huge, prices range from ultra-budget to exorbitantly high. How exactly to sheathe the vault, everyone decides for themselves, based on their financial situation and personal preferences. Listen to your tastes and desires - and the final result will bring you complete pleasure.

Covering the ceiling surface in a wooden house is not an easy task, because you not only need to level the base, but also get a practical, beautiful and durable coating. Before sheathing the ceiling in a wooden house, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and features of using suitable finishing materials. We will not only tell you how to cover a wooden ceiling in a private house, but also describe in detail the technology for manufacturing a ceiling surface with imitation timber.

To know exactly what is better to hem the ceiling in a private house, you need to decide on the purpose of the room and the requirements for its finishing. It is also worth taking into account the peculiarities of the processes occurring in the room, temperature and humidity conditions, the seasonality of living in the house, the characteristics of its heating, as well as the base material.

Important! Since the ceilings in private houses are most often wooden, natural air circulation behind the ceiling lining is important. It will become reliable protection from the accumulation of condensation and the appearance of mold, which causes damage to the finish and load-bearing structures ceilings

Sheathing the ceiling surface with a batten

The slatted ceiling finish indoors can be very different depending on the dimensions of the product and the type of wood from which the slatted is made. The cheapest elements will be from coniferous species. The most expensive, beautiful and high-quality planks are made from expensive wood. The width of the slats ranges from 12 to 30 cm.

The choice of wood type, thickness and density of slats is directly related to the purpose of the room. If you decide to hem the ceiling in a room with wet processes, then it is better to choose products from larch and other species that are resistant to high humidity. To arrange the ceiling in a steam room, sauna or bathhouse, coniferous lamellas are not used, because when they are heated, resin appears on the surface.

Advice! Slat ceiling in a residential area it is better to make it from slats made from elm, poplar or aspen wood. Such products are distinguished by their beauty, durability and reasonable price. You can also use a combination of slats from different breeds.

Block-house type slats are most often used. The outer surface accurately imitates a rounded beam, and thanks to the interlocking connection, a monolithic surface without seams or cracks is obtained. Such products undergo special processing in the factory. They are impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants, after which the wood is reliably protected from fire and damage by microorganisms.

Important! The slats are mounted on load-bearing frame made of wooden beams, so the height of the room will decrease slightly.


When deciding what is best to cover the ceiling in a wooden house, many owners give preference to lining.

This finish has many advantages:

  1. Wooden lining reduces heat loss in the room and protects from external noise.
  2. Different methods of clapboard finishing are ideal for a wooden house and harmoniously combine with the wall material.
  3. If frame installation technology is used, then base defects can be hidden behind the filing, and thermal insulation materials And engineering Communication, install built-in lighting.
  4. To install this finish, you do not need to prepare or level the base.
  5. The lining can be treated with impregnations to increase service life, tinted, painted and varnished to improve its appearance.

The disadvantages of using this material include the following:

  • the product easily ignites and supports combustion, but this drawback can be mitigated by the use of fire retardants;
  • boards need additional treatment with antiseptics to protect against rot and mold;
  • Due to changes in humidity and temperature, the product is deformed.

Advice! Covering the ceiling with clapboard looks much more interesting if areas finished with this material are alternated with ceiling beams. You can also decorate the surface with painting or artificially age the boards.

Alfrey finish

To decorate the ceiling surface, you can use not only finishing materials for the ceiling in a wooden house, but also other methods of decoration, for example, painting. This decor is also called alfrey finishing. For work you will need only high-quality paints and brushes. Even if you do not have drawing skills, the ceiling surface can be decorated with ornaments or patterns using pre-prepared stencils.

It is not necessary to paint the entire ceiling. You can decorate individual sections of the ceiling surface or protruding beams with a pattern. The main condition is that the base must be smooth and even. Suitable for painting chipboard finishing, plywood and wood panels.

Finishing with plasterboard sheets

Drywall is very popular. It is used for leveling wall and ceiling surfaces in houses made of different materials. Moreover, using gypsum boards, you can create not only single-level ceilings, but also complex multi-level structures with lighting, built-in lamps and curved surfaces.

The advantages of using drywall include the following:

  1. GCRs do not interfere with natural air circulation. Due to the good vapor permeability of the material, the base under the finish is reliably protected from the accumulation of condensation and mold formation.
  2. Since gypsum boards are installed according to frame technology, such finishing has all the advantages of suspended ceilings (it hides defects in the base and does not require careful preparation, communications are laid behind the filing, insulation is laid, and recessed lamps are installed in the ceiling).
  3. The material is easy to install with your own hands.
  4. Moisture-resistant gypsum board is suitable for installation in rooms with high humidity.

Important! Gluing sheets of plasterboard directly onto a wooden ceiling will not work; you will have to build a supporting frame from timber or steel profiles.

But it is worth remembering that if the gypsum board installation technology is violated ceiling surface may become deformed. In addition, plasterboard filing needs finishing. Before facing, the surface is carefully prepared (puttyed, sanded and primed).

Timber ceiling

A ceiling surface made of real wooden blocks is very rare, because the material is quite expensive and heavy, so the ceiling will significantly load the ceiling and walls of the house. The most commonly used finish is imitation timber.

To imitate a timber surface, the following materials are used:

  • wooden panels with tongue-and-groove fixation system and chamfer;
  • PVC panels imitating a wooden surface;
  • foam beams.

Types of timber ceilings

The ceiling in a wooden house made of timber can be of the following types:

  1. Flooring made from traditional timber timber. Usually a light-colored material is used and the surface is made dull. Such a covering can be made from panels or boards that accurately imitate profiled timber. You can also use untreated boards with a width of 150 mm or more.
  2. The roof is made of timber with visible ceiling beams. In this case, the space between the beams is sewn up with bars or boards slightly above their lower edge. IN color design contrasting combinations are usually used - dark beams against the background of a light timber surface. This finish suits different interior styles.
  3. Ceiling lathing made of timber allows you to accurately imitate a coffered ceiling. Instead of traditional timber, you can use imitation beams coated with wood. To decorate a coffered ceiling, ceiling fillets, moldings and stucco are used. Both plain and contrasting colors are acceptable. color scheme ceiling surface.

You can make any timber ceiling with your own hands. We will consider the assembly sequence of such a structure using the example of manufacturing a surface with visible floor beams.

Tools and necessary materials

To work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • tongue and groove boards;
  • wooden blocks with a cross section of 50x50 mm;
  • wood screws or clamps;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • saw or other tool for cutting boards and bars;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • chisel for chamfering a board;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • ladder.

Installation sequence

We carry out the work in this order:

  1. Treat all wooden elements with fire retardants to protect against fire and antiseptics to prevent the appearance of rot and mold.
  2. We need to attach cranial bars to the floor beams, to which we will attach our ceiling, which imitates timber. To do this, determine the distance by which the beams will protrude above the common ceiling surface.
  3. After this, draw longitudinal lines along the side edges of the beams at the required distance, departing from the bottom edge.
  4. Screw the cranial bars along this line with self-tapping screws.
  5. Next, cut the boards to the width of the beams. Bevel the top ends of each board using a chisel.
  6. Screw the boards with self-tapping screws to the skull blocks, placing them with their ends between the beams. Instead of self-tapping screws, you can use clamps for hidden fastening of boards. Each board is mounted with a tenon facing away from itself. We insert the clamping tooth into its groove, after which we screw the fasteners with a self-tapping screw to the cranial block. Another option for hidden fastening is driving a nail into the bottom flange of the groove. This method is bad because it increases the likelihood of cracking of the material.
  7. After this, the next element is mounted in the same way. Moreover, its tenon fits into the groove of the previous board.
  8. In this way, the entire space between the beams is sewn up.

After installing the boards, finishing begins. The surface can be painted in contrasting colors - the beams are dark and the boards are light. You can also simply varnish the entire surface or saturate it with a tinting composition.

Ceiling installation in a private log house

A wooden house has many advantages over a building with brick or block walls. And arranging the ceiling doesn’t take the most last place, since it does not happen reinforced concrete floors. Well, the design of beam-type floors has its own characteristics, which will be discussed further.

Ceiling arrangement

Attention: If desired, you can even fill the shingles and plaster the ceiling. But think about the fact that wood breathes and is a natural material, and it is impossible would be better suited for this work. There is one more nuance that should be taken into account when choosing. If under construction new house, it will shrink. And wood reacts well to movement and does not deteriorate, whereas, for example, drywall can warp.

And here are some great ideas for installing a wooden ceiling:

And this is only a small part of what can be done on the ceiling using wood.

Vapor barrier

Repair of the ceiling in a wooden house, if it leaks, is carried out with vapor and waterproofing.

There are several materials you can choose for this job:

  • Standard vapor barrier film which prevents the formation of condensation on roofing materials and insulation;
  • Film using foil, which also performs a reflective function and has increased insulating properties. The advantage of this material is that it also reflects heat and does not allow you to leave the room. This product is recommended for use in rooms with high humidity: bathrooms, steam room, sauna, swimming pool;
  • A membrane film that allows you to control the entry and exit of excess moisture from the room. IN In this option, the amount of output is set using a membrane;
  • Membrane film, only having variable vapor permeability for wet and dry conditions. As the humidity in such a structure increases, its throughput capacity increases.

Attention: Before installing a vapor barrier, it is necessary to determine the most critical areas. These are points of contact with warm and moist air. This is, first of all, the area of ​​the draft ceiling. Therefore, vapor barrier here should be done especially well.

This work is performed in the following sequence:

  • First, the material is laid out on the surface;
  • After this, the edges are wrapped and secured;

Attention: The vapor barrier material is attached to the ceiling on the side that allows moisture to pass through, and not vice versa.

  • The joints of the material are overlapped. When focusing on structural elements, do not cut, but bend the film and only then secure it.

Thermal insulation

Cannot be made without good thermal insulation. It will protect the room from cold penetration and save heating costs. Moreover, this work can be done with your own hands, thereby saving costs.


Nowadays, there are many materials that can be used to insulate the ceiling in a wooden house:

  • Mineral wool, is a thermal insulating fibrous insulation material that is made from mineral raw materials. Used for thermal insulation of ceilings;
  • Cellulose insulation ecowool, which contains harmless non-volatile substances. Resists open fire, does not rot, and has good heat and sound insulation. Used for insulating wooden ceilings;
  • Styrofoam, this is probably the most used material. It is not expensive and lightweight. Easy and quick to install. It has great durability. Has good heat and sound insulation. True, it has one significant drawback: mice can infest it, so it is better not to use it for floor insulation in a private house.
  • Expanded clay, this is a natural porous material that is made from clay rocks. Resistant to low temperatures, therefore it is used as insulation in places with harsh climatic conditions. It also has high sound insulation;
  • Granular insulation, which consists of sawdust, glue and antiseptic. This item has high thermal insulation and average sound insulation.

Installation of thermal insulation

Thermal insulation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • A vapor barrier is laid on the ceiling surface. During installation, the elements should not be cut to size, but more than 5 cm from the final size. This is necessary in order to overlap the material to the floor beams. This can be done using a construction stapler;
  • After this, the installation of thermal insulation begins. If it is slab or roll material, its width must correspond to the step ceiling beams. When the width is not enough, you have to insert the missing pieces, which is not very convenient. The most important thing is that the interblock space is tightly filled.

Attention: If you carry out insulation using mineral wool, you lay it in the joint. If foam plastic sheets are used, then you need to leave a small gap between them, which after installation is filled with polyurethane foam.

  • If you lay insulation in several layers, then the next layer is laid in such a way that it overlaps the joints of the previous row;
  • AND the last stage, this will be the fastening of the top boards, with which we will cover the layer of thermal insulation - you can replace them with thick plywood.
  • If we talk about the practicality of foam plastic and mineral wool, then preference should be given to the second material. Mineral wool does not burn and retains heat better.

It also better insulates sound and allows wooden elements to breathe. Polystyrene foam, in the event of a fire, supports combustion and at the same time emits rather acrid smoke.

Ceiling systems

The final feature in finishing the ceiling wooden house, the front surface will be created. There are many materials available for this work. retail sales. The prices for them are quite different - it all depends on the quality and your desire.

Videos and photos on this topic can be found on our website and select the desired design.

Wood materials

Wood is environmentally friendly pure material, which promotes air exchange and creates the desired indoor climate. Only before installation should such an element be treated with a special impregnation, which increases its fire resistance and prevents the formation of mold and rot. After this, you can process it using stain and varnish.

In this case, the following materials are used for finishing the ceiling:

  • Wood siding;
  • Lining (see);
  • Beam;
  • False ceiling;
  • The ceiling is embossed.

As a rule, three types of wooden ceilings are made:

  • The ceiling is sheathed, in which the beams below are sheathed with boards. A vapor barrier is placed between the attic lining and the ceiling boards. In such cases, roofing material or glassine is used as a vapor barrier. The flooring is made of boards, on which you can move freely and without fear of damaging the vapor and waterproofing;
  • The ceiling is flat, which is made on floor beams or without them. In this design, the boards are placed directly on the top of the wall framing. After this, a vapor barrier is laid on their surface, on top of which thermal insulation is applied. Most often, ecowool is used in this design.

Attention: This ceiling design is only used for small buildings. The width of which does not exceed 2.5 meters. For a large building, such a design is extremely dangerous and ineffective.

  • Panel wooden ceiling, which can also be installed in a bathhouse. In this design, factory-made blind-type panels are used. First, support bars are nailed to which the panels are attached.
  • Thermal insulation and waterproofing in this design are made with the same materials as mentioned earlier. But there is also a peculiarity of installing such a ceiling: before attaching the panels, a layer of tow is laid on the walls, and the external seams are sewn up with boards.

There are some features of such ceilings:

  • The structure must be perfectly even and smooth, without any differences.
    This quality is most easily achieved using sheets of plywood and tongue and groove boards. Their fastening is carried out using hidden or visible installation.
    After this, finishing is carried out, which includes polishing the surface, coating with an antiseptic, putty and painting;
  • If you have communications in the room that need to be hidden, then the fastening should be done directly to the beams. Fastening in this case is quite simple;
  • If the decision is made to install a suspension system, then it is attached to the beams using special devices;

For installation wooden lining, calculate the material and method correctly. When placed along the length of the room, you will visually lengthen it; when installed perpendicularly, you will reduce it.

Suspended structures

Such ceilings have long been in fashion. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. But there are some installation features in a wooden house. A variety of lamps can be built into them, including illuminated stained glass windows.

To do this, you will need to do wiring, and you should not forget that wood is a flammable material. Do not twist the wire.

Make connections using special terminal blocks that will prevent short circuits at the joint. By the way, false beams, which are often used in the design of wooden and plasterboard ceilings, are hollow inside. Therefore, it is very convenient to lay wiring in them.

However, suspension systems are a separate topic, which you can read about in detail on the pages of our website. The most important thing is to choose the right material for making the ceiling. And we described in detail how the installation of a ceiling in a wooden house looks in detail enough to try to do it yourself.

Wooden private houses are now popular. Wood is a pleasant material that allows you to feel like a part of nature outside the city. In such houses, special attention has to be paid to insulation, including the ceiling. In addition, often the walls in a wooden house are decorated with beams or boards, so the ceiling should be harmoniously combined with such eco-friendly finishing according to your style.

If you are finishing a wooden ceiling country house or cottage, it is worth considering a number of nuances for practical convenience and creating an aesthetically pleasing appearance of the ceiling covering.


In order to wisely choose the option of ceiling covering in a wooden house, you should take into account many features of such finishing. When choosing a ceiling covering for your home, consider the following nuances:

  • A wooden ceiling will look most organic in a wooden house. It can be finished with timber, boards, clapboard or OSB panels. Similar options will look organic in wood country house and will allow you to create the necessary atmosphere of comfort, tranquility and closeness to nature in the room.

Finishing with timber will be the most expensive, but you can lay out the ceiling with pressed wood panels even on a limited budget. If you choose boards, the price will depend on the specific types of wood.

  • A wooden ceiling leaves many possibilities for a variety of decor. For example, boards or lining can be painted, decorated with carved ornaments, or artificially aged using special dyes. Finally, in country-style interiors in private homes, decorative beams are very popular - these are lightweight structures made of wood and plastic that can be installed throughout the ceiling or in specific places. Beams allow you to place accents and visually delimit space.

  • Sometimes synthetic coating options are chosen for the ceiling in a wooden house.– for example, plastic panels or suspended ceilings. Moreover, if the walls are decorated with wood, at least small wooden decorative elements should also be placed on such a ceiling - for example, beams. Also suitable wooden chandeliers and lamps to match the color of the walls.

If you want to save as much money, time and effort as possible on the ceiling covering, a painted ceiling with textured coating will look very natural in a private wooden house.

  • The ceiling in a wooden house often needs to be additionally insulated. This is usually done with ecowool, felt, expanded clay or polystyrene foam. You should take care of insulation in advance and choose the material before choosing suitable option finishing. Some insulation methods are suitable for doing them yourself, but in other cases it is better to entrust the device to professionals. If you have already purchased a wooden house with an insulated roof and finished rough finishing, all you have to worry about is the design of the coating.


There are many suitable materials for covering the ceiling in a wooden house. You can choose finishing materials to suit any budget. Mostly, owners of wooden houses prefer wood finishing, but other methods should not be excluded. The easiest option is to cover the ceiling with plaster and paint. You can choose a white color that will go well with the dark wood in your home, or warm pastel colors that will the best way suitable for light wood species.

To prevent the coloring from being boring, you can use special sprayers to create an interesting texture, or combine several colors.

Another inexpensive way to decorate the ceiling is to trim it plastic panels. It is reliable, practical and cheap material, and it is quite possible to carry out such repairs on your own. Besides, modern design There is a wide variety of such panels. You can choose white or colored options, glossy or matte panels, and even products that imitate wood.

If you have a house with low ceilings that you want to visually raise, tension and suspended structures will not suit you. If there is enough space, then it is worth considering this option. Stretch ceilings will allow you to hide all the flaws of the rough finish, apply any designs to the ceiling, and also create unusual lighting in the room - for example, you can build lamps under such a ceiling or even create images from colored LEDs.

Finally, it is quite possible to decorate such ceilings wooden beams or make a coating that imitates wood.

If you decide to decorate the surface with wood, this can be done using timber - such a finish will create an authentic atmosphere village house. In addition, ceilings are often finished with clapboard - it is easy to install it yourself, since it has joints with recesses for your convenience.

If you are looking for a budget option, the ceilings can be sheathed with plywood or OSB boards: Often this type of finish can look just as good as solid wood. The surface can be decorated with carved patterns and beams of different heights.


The design of the ceiling in a wooden house can be almost anything - it all depends on what materials you choose and what effect you want to achieve.

A white ceiling is a fairly common option - it is a neutral solution that will look appropriate anywhere. At the same time, you can combine white with other colors. Painting in several colors is especially suitable if you have a spacious room without partitions.

Plastic ceiling coverings refer to modern style. Indeed, even in a wooden house you can create a completely modern fashionable interior thanks to interesting combinations of wood, plastic and metal. To make the ceiling fit harmoniously, find something to combine it with the furniture and the rest of the decoration: perhaps it will be the same color or a repeating pattern.

Among other things, it is worth trying dark shades, which in combination with wood look very stylish. Finally, it is worth setting accents in such an unusual interior with the help of lighting - in spacious rooms it is better to use several sources.

Designs with imitation beams are very often chosen for the attic, but such options are suitable for both the first and second floors. The design with beams looks unusual, and most importantly, the designs are extremely diverse. The beams can be placed parallel, crosswise, or even used to lay out frames that will serve to visually divide the space in the room.

Carved decorative elements on wood will give the interior originality and originality. You can make traditional carved patterns or abstract ones modern designs– all these options will look very interesting in combination with wood wall decoration.

Very unusual design can be created if you correctly combine wood of different species. For example, to decorate the ceiling in such an unusual version, you can combine dark wenge wood, red and light woods. They can be alternated like a mosaic, or you can divide the room into several separate zones using similar color highlighting.

At the same time, it is not recommended to combine more than three shades - make sure that the furniture and decoration of the floor or walls do not differ too much from the main two or three colors of your designer ceiling.

The design of antique boards is easy to organize with the help of modern impregnations and coatings that allow you to achieve a decorative effect. Despite the fact that such solutions look quite unexpected, in reality they turn out to be almost universal: aged wood will look equally appropriate within traditional style, and can also interestingly complement a modern interior.

Painted wood can also look extremely unusual. Most often for this design they use white paint or pastel shades. This solution will allow you to create a light and sophisticated, but at the same time simple interior.

If you want to add elements of romanticism to your home, wood painted in light colors will suit you best.


The choice of ceiling covering will depend on the style in which you decorate your entire home. Any ideas must fit into unified concept and create a harmonious atmosphere in the living space.

It is important to decide on a style already at the initial stages of renovation, since the style sets the framework within which you can show imagination and boldly experiment.

For wooden houses, the classic or baroque style is rarely chosen. However, neoclassical elements are found quite often in wooden cottages. For this style, you can choose suspended ceilings or options covered with plastic panels. The ceiling may look good brown tones with white molding. In addition, such a ceiling can be perfectly complemented with wooden beams made of dark varnished wood.

Usually beams in neoclassical style arranged crosswise. This ceiling, divided into squares, can look great in a large open room.

If you prefer a modern, laconic design, you will be able to realize any unexpected ideas in a wooden house. The combination of dark and light wood, aged boards, the combination of wood with bright plastic or metal structures looks very interesting. Beams can be a universal solution for such an interior, and the specifics of the design can be emphasized with the help of lighting.

If you want the ceiling to look as original as possible, choose tension structures with built-in LEDs.

To decorate a room in a Provencal style, painted wood is best suited - most often these are whitish shades, although other pastel colors can also be considered: for example, beige, soft pink or blue can look great. Sometimes the entire ceiling is finished with similar wood - lining is perfect for this. In addition, you can limit yourself to only decorative beams if you decorate with them an ordinary white painted ceiling or a tension structure.

If you prefer the Art Nouveau style, stretch ceilings with all kinds of patterns and patterns may attract your attention. Small, monotonous patterns are popular, as are large images of flowers, the sky, or details of famous paintings.

Often designs can look great with wood - to maintain the style, you can attach several beams to the ceiling.

To design a room in a country style, you should limit yourself to finishing with timber or boards. The chalet style, traditional for Alpine villages, is characterized by sloping ceilings with beams. If you want a Russian-style interior, you should think about carved jewelry on the ceiling. You can combine timber with regular lining, leave some boards in natural color and paint others - all this will only add variety to your interior.

It is important to note that the smaller your room, the simpler the design you should choose - a variety of textures and colors look good only in spacious open spaces.

If you want to create a bright and unusual interior in an eclectic style, when decorating the ceiling you can try combining colored plastic with wood. Plastic panels with a glossy texture or suspended ceilings, suggesting a structure in several tiers. In this case, part of the ceiling can be laid out wooden planks or add decorative beams.

This solution is perfect for a living room, kitchen or nursery. Eclecticism in interior design allows you to preserve traditional elements, but make them relevant and stylish.


Lighting in ceiling design is often given little attention, but it should not be underestimated. First of all, it is important that the room is well lit, so the location of the lamps should be considered from a practical point of view. In addition, it is with the help of light that you can place accents, make ceilings visually higher, delimit space in the house or highlight individual elements decor.

Finally, modern technologies allow you to use colored LEDs to create a special atmosphere in your home, as well as create complex images from lamps.

If you have painted the ceiling, lined it with clapboard or plastic panels, you should use chandeliers for lighting - now you can find a wide variety of wooden, plastic, stained glass and metal models, so you're sure to find an option to suit your taste.

If you are decorating small room, to illuminate it, you will most likely need one chandelier with several bright lamps aimed at different sides. At the same time, a large room may require several chandeliers - you can choose different models, thereby contributing to the division of space into zones.

Very often, decorative beams are chosen to decorate wooden houses - they inner surface empty, so they can perfectly accommodate any lamps and provide uniform illumination of a spacious room around the perimeter or throughout the entire area. Lamps will help to further highlight the beams in the interior and make the design even more interesting.

You can install lamps in different directions - from below and from the sides of the beams. This way you can highlight individual areas with lighting.

If you have suspended ceilings, lamps can be built into the structure almost anywhere - this will create uniform lighting and not distract attention from the interesting design ceiling with flashy chandeliers. This solution is perfect for modern interiors in the style of minimalism. In addition, ceilings with built-in LEDs are now gaining popularity: you can make a luminous frame around the perimeter, create pictures from LEDs, or make a ceiling with a print and complement the printed pictures with backlighting.

You can choose multi-colored LEDs that are perfect for a child’s room, bedroom or living room - unusual lighting will give modern look even traditional house from timber.

Some ceiling covering options can be installed independently, and for installation complex structures It is better to seek the help of a specialist. If you have already chosen a coating option for your interior and thought through the design project in detail, all that remains is to decide what you can do with your own hands and what you will need professional help for. If you decide to do the bulk of the work yourself, it is important to take into account the many nuances of repairing a wooden house.

First of all, it is important that the house is warm, so the issue of thermal insulation will be a priority. It's good if you bought a house with ready-made insulation. If not, with basic skills repair work It is quite possible to insulate the roof yourself with ecowool, polystyrene foam or membrane fabric. To do this, a metal or wooden frame is made, inside of which the insulation will be located.

At self-installation beams, you should clearly measure your ceiling and take into account possible unevenness or flaws made during the rough finishing. The beams must be aligned so that they are strictly parallel. Due to the fact that the decorative false beams are empty inside and quite light, this will not be difficult: you can independently place the beams on both a regular ceiling and a sloping attic ceiling. Floors are usually masked with transverse beams or tight joints are made followed by sanding. But if you are going to do built-in lighting, it is better to contact an electrician for this.

You can also decorate the ceiling yourself with plastic panels, pressed wood slabs or clapboard - all this is not at all difficult if you take accurate measurements and put in a little effort. Even a visually complex design that combines wood and plastic can be brought to life on your own.

However, if you want a tension or suspended ceiling structure, for installation of such options it is better to contact specialists.

To learn how to finish the ceiling, see the following video.

Beautiful examples in the interior

The design of the ceiling covering in a private home can be extremely varied. If you can't decide which option is right for you, consider real examples ceiling decor in wooden houses.

A suspended ceiling with an interesting design and built-in lamps that are almost invisible can be successfully combined with wooden decorative elements. For example, several decorative beams that match the color of the furniture can become a discreet final design element and will highlight the semantic center in a spacious room with several zones.

Decor with dark wood is quite rare, so it looks stylish and unusual. To further highlight the noble dark shade, you can choose light furniture and wall decoration. This way you can create a design in Scandinavian style- these are simple, concise and practical solutions, which look modern, but not vulgar.

By highlighting dark wood, decorated in antique style, in contrast, you will visually emphasize natural materials - this will allow you to create a unique atmosphere in your home and feel like a part of nature.

Even the simplest ceiling design with light wood clapboard can look very stylish. This universal solution, which will fit equally organically into both modern and traditional types interior If a ceiling painted white seems too boring to you, but you don’t want to focus on the design of the ceiling covering, lining will be the most suitable for you. a good option decor.
