Decorative deciduous shrubs for borders and low hedges. Decorative shrubs will give you a constant feeling of celebration in your summer cottage

Ornamental shrubs are a decoration for any modern garden. They are used to create hedges and group plantings. A garden in which ornamental shrubs bloom is always amazingly beautiful.

Experienced gardeners prefer to grow several on their plot at the same time. various types ornamental shrubs that bloom at different times to create a garden of continuous flowering.

In the photo on the left: weigela profusely blooming ( Weigela floribunda(Siebold & Zucc.) K. Koch).

One of the first to bloom, immediately after the snow melts. forsythia or forsythia (Forsythia Vahl). It blooms profusely with beautiful bright yellow bell-shaped flowers. The forsythia bush is completely covered with flowers.

Plant height is 1-3 meters, width up to 2 meters.
Forsythia is frost-resistant, undemanding to soil, and shade-tolerant. Propagated by cuttings.

Forsythia is a primrose shrub. Bright yellow flowers appear on the bare branches of forsythia long before leaves appear on other trees and shrubs. The leaves on this shrub bloom after flowering.
Immediately after flowering, forsythia must be pruned, otherwise it will grow very quickly.

Forsythia got its name in honor of the Scottish gardener William Forsyth ( William Forsyth) (1737-1804), who brought this plant from China to Europe. William Forsyth was the head gardener at Kensington Palace and one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society ( Royal Horticultural Society).

Blooms in spring bean or laburnum (Laburnum Fabr.). This plant is also popularly called Golden Rain.

Laburnum is a small tree up to 5-6 meters high.
The flowers are very beautiful, bright yellow, collected in racemes 10-30 cm long. In their shape, laburnum flowers resemble butterflies. It blooms profusely and for a long time, from April to June.

Bobovnik is unpretentious, undemanding to soil and frost-resistant.

It should be remembered that all parts of laburnum, especially its seeds, very poisonous, therefore this plant must be handled with extreme caution.

Photo: Anneli Salo, Pöllö, Jeffdelonge.

Golden arch of laburnum in bloom at Bodnant Garden, Wales, UK.
Photo: GerritR.

Chaenomeles or japonica (Chaenomeles japonica(Thunb.) Lindl. ex Spach) blooms in April-May.

A shrub 80-120 cm high, often used to create a hedge. Has thorns.

The flowers are large, 3-5 cm in diameter, usually bright red, less often pink or white.
In order for chaenomeles to bloom better, it must be periodically pruned.

Japanese quince fruits ripen in September-October. They are edible, but very sour, and quite aromatic. The fruits can be used to make preserves, jams, compotes, etc.

Chaenomeles prefers rich, well-fertilized soils. The best time for planting is April or early October.

Blooms in late May - early June weigela (Weigela Thunb.).
This is a very beautiful bush, 70-80 cm high, about 1 meter wide. It blooms with pink or purple-red bell-shaped flowers. It is distinguished by abundant and very beautiful flowering. During flowering, the weigela bush looks like a pink cloud.

Weigela is shade-tolerant and is used for single or group plantings in the garden, rock gardens, and also for creating hedges.

Weigela was named after the famous German botanist Christian Ehrenfried von Weigel ( Christian Ehrenfried von Weige), (1748-1831).

Weigela blooming (Weigela florida(Bunge) A.D.C.)

Weigela profusely blooming or weigela floribunda (Weigela floribunda(Siebold & Zucc.) K. Koch)
Japan, Saitama Prefecture, Musashi Kyuryou National Government Park.

Blooms from late spring - early summer action (Deutzia Thunb.). This is a low shrub with a height of 50 cm to 1.5 meters. It has abundant and long-lasting flowering. Deutia flowers are white, pink, lilac, purple, and are often collected in inflorescences. There are varieties of deutia with double flowers. Unfortunately, deutia flowers have virtually no scent.

Deytsia is shade-tolerant and grows well in urban conditions. Used to decorate borders, in group and single plantings.

A deutia bush in one place can live up to 25 years.

Most common in gardening deytsia rough, or stellate (Deutzia scabra Thunb.), imported from Japan and China.

Blooms at the end of spring kerria japonica (Kerria japonica DC.). Flowering time is from April to June.
Kerria reaches a height of 1-2 meters. It blooms with golden yellow flowers with 5 petals, shaped like a rose. Kerry flowers reach 5-6 cm in diameter.
Because of the beauty of its flowers, kerria is sometimes called the "Easter Rose".

Kerria is not demanding on soils and is resistant to exhaust gases. Therefore, it is often planted on the side of roads, near the garden fence. Kerria can also be used for vertical gardening. Its stems often climb other plants, house walls, fences, and rocks.

Kerry got its name in honor of the Scottish horticulturist, plant collector and first gardener of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Ceylon, William Kerr ( William Kerr).

William Kerr developed a special variety of Kerria japonica "Pleniflora". Its flowers are very beautiful, double. Therefore, this variety of kerria is also called Japanese yellow rose(Japanese Yellow Rose).

Photo: Reggaeman, Jeffdelonge, Ignis and others.

Blooms in July - August hydrangea (Hydrangea L.), with ornamental gardening most common hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens L.). This is a shrub 1-3 meters high with white flowers collected in large inflorescences in the form of balls up to 15 cm in diameter.

Tree hydrangea is unpretentious, frost-resistant, prefers fertile acidic soils. It does not tolerate drought well, so it requires regular watering.

Hydrangea must be pruned systematically: in late autumn after flowering and in early spring, before the leaves appear.

Hydrangea is propagated by cuttings. The best time for planting is early April.

All parts of hydrangea are poisonous, so this plant must be handled with extreme caution. It cannot be eaten.

One of the most popular varieties of tree hydrangea "Annabelle" has very large inflorescences, white with a slightly greenish tint.

Blooms from June to October bush cinquefoil or shrubby cinquefoil or Kuril tea (Pentaphylloides fruticosa(L.) O.Schwarz). Bush up to 1.5 meters high. One plant can bloom for up to 2 months.
Kurl tea - medicinal plant, widely used in folk medicine.

Kuril Chas is a popular ornamental shrub, used to decorate rock gardens, borders, and groups. More than 130 varieties of Kuril tea are known in gardening. Most varieties have yellow flowers, just like the wild species of the shrub. In addition, there are varieties of cinquefoil with white, pink, orange and red flowers.

Shrub cinquefoil is unpretentious, frost-resistant, and undemanding to soil. It can be trimmed once every 3 years.

Kuril tea variety "Mckay's White".

Kuril tea variety "Red Ace".

Snowberry, snowfield, snow berry or wolfberry (Symphoricarpos Dill. ex Juss.) blooms all summer, from May to September. Depending on the type, its flowers can be white, pink, red. But the snowberry is famous not for its flowers, but for its snow-white fruits in the form of berries with a diameter of about 1 cm, which stay on the bush all autumn and winter, giving it great decorative value.

Snowberry blooms profusely and for a long time. The flowers are small, bell-shaped, 5 mm in diameter, collected in dense racemes. Snowberry is a unique shrub; you can see both flowers and fruits on it at the same time.

The height of the bush is 1-2 meters. Used to create hedges and in group plantings. Tolerates haircuts well. Unpretentious, winter-hardy, not picky about soil.

Snowberry is poisonous and its berries cannot be eaten.

Caring for these ornamental shrubs is not difficult. They are all frost-resistant; they do not need to be covered for the winter (perhaps only young shoots).
Ornamental shrubs propagate by cuttings and are not picky about soil.
The only care is that they need to be periodically trimmed to give them a beautiful, regular shape.

These beautiful, abundantly flowering shrubs will decorate your garden all season - from early spring to late autumn.

Decorate garden plot- a difficult task that every plant lover can do. For these purposes, hardworking gardeners grow seedlings of seasonal annuals, flowering and ground-cover perennials, ornamental shrubs, trees, and fruit crops. Each representative of garden flora is unique, has certain qualities, characteristics, and cultivation requirements. In this article we will look at the most popular frost-resistant ornamental shrubs for gardening, photos and names, characteristics, classification, care requirements. The material will tell you about the possibilities garden design, creating hedges, useful tips for planting crops.

Ornamental shrubs: purpose, description, photo

Ornamental plants are plants that are specially cultivated by humans to decorate park areas, gardens, recreation areas, public gardens, and various urban and rural areas. Even a dacha with a small area can be transformed. Most of these garden inhabitants are grown for the sake of lush flowering, but there are other advantages - beautiful foliage of decorative deciduous crops, delicate fragrant needles, neat fruits that fit into the overall design of the territory. There are even plants whose bark is valued, for example, green-barked maple or turf, which have green and coral-red bark, respectively.

On a note! Even bare shoots of dogwood in winter create a bright contrast with the snow, giving the site a zest.

The shrubby habit of a plant assumes the presence of a certain number of shoots that replace each other throughout its life. Typically, the height of such individuals ranges from 80 cm to 5-6 meters. Lower specimens are classified as shrubs.

The main difference between tree and shrub habitus is the absence of a trunk. But some types of shrubs, with the help of pruning, can also be grown in a standard form, reminiscent of a compact tree. This is often how roses and fruit crops are formed. In addition to harvesting, the latter also perform a decorative function, because compact bushes dotted with fruits look incredibly beautiful while bringing benefits.

The main function of ornamental shrubs is to please the eye and bring aesthetic pleasure. There are species that bloom in early spring, when the garden is just throwing off the shackles of winter sleep. For example, forsythia, which in many European countries is considered the harbinger of spring. But there is also a practical side to growing:

  1. Protection from dust, noise, prying eyes. Hedges perform this role perfectly.
  2. Design of borders, various types of flower beds, garden paths. Low-growing specimens are suitable for this function.
  3. Territory zoning. Almost all representatives of the group can cope with this task, because by pruning they can be given any shape.
  4. Masking unsightly areas. Any lush shrub will cope with this task, and an old fence or building facade will hide the climbing forms. They will also successfully cope with vertical gardening.

Know! Ornamental gardening, landscape design, phytodesign, and landscaping would be incomplete without the use of shrub forms.

Types of ornamental shrubs

The classification of crops is very complex; it takes into account many factors. Therefore, even within one type of classification there can be several. For gardening and park construction, the main parameters are considered to be habitus (appearance), growth, life form, growing conditions, resistance to cold.

Based on these criteria, shrubs are divided as follows:

  1. Fruit - bearing fruit, including inedible ones, which complement the design of the territory.
  2. Decorative foliage - this includes species and varieties of various crops, the main advantage of which is their luxurious leaves. Not only variegation is taken into account (the presence of spots, stripes, borders of a contrasting shade), but also the change of colors in the autumn.
  3. Blooming - the main advantage of this group is bright flowers, lush inflorescences, long-lasting abundant flowering, and the presence of repeated flowering.
  4. Conifers - this group includes crops that form leaves in the form of needles and scales; fruits are also varied - cones, berries.
  5. Evergreens - this group of garden inhabitants is distinguished by its year-round decorative effect. The change of deciduous mass occurs imperceptibly, so the crops are pleasing to the eye immediately after emerging from hibernation.

Advice! To properly design your territory, choose several varieties, taking into account the characteristics of each culture. This way you can admire beautiful landscape in any season.

There are also unpretentious and demanding species, frost-resistant and cold-resistant, tall and short, fast and slow growing. These parameters will definitely be noted in the description of each culture that this article will talk about.

Ornamental fruit bushes for the garden

Fruit crops can not only bring a rich harvest, but also delight the eye. They are ideal for decorating a garden. With the right approach, such bushes can be used to create a neat hedge that will protect from external factors. Majority fruit crops They are not only good when the harvest appears, they bloom luxuriously, filling the garden with aroma, and attract pollinators. Some varieties change their appearance in the fall, turning into bright patches of yellow, red, orange, burgundy and purple.

Let's look at the most popular fruit bushes, which are often grown to decorate the area:

  • elder;
  • hawthorn;

Know! You can also grow lingonberries and blueberries in your dacha. These subshrubs are very beautiful, bear healthy berries, and are undemanding to growing conditions.

Irga roundifolia

It is a slender bush 1-3 m high with erect shoots covered with greenish or brown bark. Young growths are pubescent, the leaves on the underside are also covered with a pubescence, which disappears over time. There are serrations along the edges of the leaves.

The flowering period falls in the last month of spring, at which time the irga becomes a real decoration of the site. The graceful thin petals of white flowers spread widely to the sides when they bloom. This makes the few-flowered corymbose racemes look very lush.

Irga is a valuable honey plant, provides bees with a lot of nectar, and helps attract pollinators. Winter hardiness is at the highest level, this type tolerates harsh winters, due to which it is used even in landscaping in northern regions. Even snow-white or pinkish flowers tolerate severe frosts down to minus 5-7⁰C. In mid-summer, the berries, covered with a waxy coating, gradually begin to ripen. At first they become pinkish, and then acquire a purple-black hue. Fruiting begins in the fifth year of life. If the crop is not harvested, birds will happily eat it.

Know! Irga is used as a frost-resistant, hardy rootstock for dwarf varieties of apple and pear trees.

The autumn outfit of the serviceberry shines with particular splendor - it displays a riot of colors, combining shades of red, orange, yellow and purple. Irga produces many root suckers, which are often used for propagation. In addition, it propagates by seeds, cuttings, and grafting. Irga is absolutely not picky about the soil, and is not afraid of stagnant moisture and drying out of the soil, wind, or frost. Choose a well-lit place for it, plant it in spring or autumn in prepared holes with fertilized soil. The root collar is buried 5-7 cm and immediately cut off at the level of 4-5 buds.

Maintenance is very simple: annual removal of part of the root shoots, pruning of shoots for sanitation and shaping in early spring. In the spring they are fed with nitrogen compounds, and after harvesting with phosphorus-potassium compounds. To rejuvenate the bush, the branches are completely removed. Irga is beautiful in any type of planting - tapeworm, group, hedge.

Golden currant

This berry crop comes from North America and has been known in Russia since the 18th century. At first it was used only for decoration and gooseberry rootstock, but over time high-yielding varieties appeared.

Tall bushes reach 1.5-2.5 m. They have a neat rounded crown, made up of three-lobed leaves about 5 cm long. Shoots with a reddish tint are not prone to strong branching. In late spring, golden corollas, collected in brushes, open. During flowering, a strong pleasant fragrance spreads. Golden currant blooms for 2-3 weeks. By July, shiny berries of different colors ripen. There are yellow, orange, violet-brown, black fruits. Fruits from 5-6 years of age. The glossy leaves become yellowish-orange already in August, and bright scarlet in September, lasting almost until the snow. Particularly attractive in standard form.

Attention! The buds and young leaves are poisonous. All parts of golden currants are devoid of their characteristic aroma.

The attractive appearance of golden currant is highly valued; it can be classified as a beautifully flowering, fruitful, decorative deciduous variety. The disadvantage is low self-fertility, so other varieties are planted nearby. The most popular varieties are “Venus”, “Laysan”, “Krandal Seedling”. It is undemanding to the soil, develops well in a sunny place, is highly drought-resistant, tolerates unfavorable agricultural conditions, and is easily propagated by seeds, cuttings, and layering.

Plant in a hole half a meter deep and half a meter in diameter, deepening the root collar by 5-7 cm. The substrate consists of a mixture of garden soil, humus or compost, a glass of superphosphate and the same amount of ash. After planting, the shoots are cut off at a height of 5 cm. Annual application of slurry in the spring and compost with ash in the fall will have a beneficial effect on fruiting and decorativeness. Irrigate only when there is no rainfall for a long time. Pruning is carried out for the purpose of sanitation. Golden currants have strong immunity to pests and diseases.


Beautiful and useful fruits Dogwood is a real decoration. Male dogwood is incredibly beautiful during the appearance of flowers and harvest. A large bush reaches a height of 3-5 m and has fissured bark from yellow to brown. Large leaf blades glitter temptingly on top and are pubescent below. The flowers, collected in umbels, have beautiful yellow bracts. In the wild it lives up to 250 years. The bush blooms early, but the berries ripen only in autumn. Their shape, color and weight depend on the crop variety.

On a note! Incredibly popular are variegated cultivars - Aurea, Elegantissima, Variegata. Their leaves have different shades, covered with specks or edging in a contrasting color.

When growing for the sake of harvest, it is important to take into account that dogwood needs a pollinating neighbor of a different variety. Male turf loves the sun, but will also tolerate light shading. It develops better on fertilized clay substrates and requires adding lime to the planting hole. Doesn't do well in proximity to tall trees. To maintain its appearance, it requires corrective pruning and regular irrigation. For the first 2-3 years, young growth is covered by mulching the tree trunk space high with humus and wrapping the branches with spruce branches. It quickly reproduces by cuttings, dividing the queen cell, layering, and with seed propagation it develops within 5-7 years.


Another stately representative, reaching a height of 5-6 m. Large feathery leaves 15-20 cm long are divided into 3-7 lobes. White or yellowish inflorescences in the form of corymbs 15-20 cm long appear by the beginning of summer, and after 3 months beautiful clusters of black-purple drupes with a diameter of 5-7 mm ripen. The berries are very tasty, aromatic, contain a large amount of biologically active substances, and are used in medicine.

Prefers shaded areas, fertile, moderately moist soil, and does not get sick. It is pruned short, recovers quickly after cutting, produces a lot of root shoots, and reproduces by suckers, layering, cuttings, and seeds. There are variegated cultivars, among which the most famous is elderberry " Black lace"with openwork speckled leaves and Aurea with yellow ones.

Attention! Only elderberry fruits and flowers do not contain the strongest poison, which, upon decay, turns into cyanide acid.


Chaenomeles is the name of a genus whose homeland is considered to be Asia. Japanese quince grows up to 3 m and has the same crown girth. The crown is densely leafy, bronze in spring, dark green in summer. Red buds with a diameter of 5 cm are collected in shields of 2-6 pieces. There are a lot of hybrids with different colors and degrees of terryness of the corollas. It blooms by the end of spring for 3-4 weeks, the first time in the 3-4th year of the growing season. The round fruits of Chaenomeles are edible, yellowish-green in color, and ripen by the end of September.

Japanese quince grows slowly, is light-loving, prefers a rich substrate, is drought-resistant, and flexible in terms of cutting. Since this beauty has average winter hardiness and flower buds often freeze, choose a place where a good layer of snow accumulates in winter.

The soil is fertilized with humus and a potassium-phosphorus complex. The preferred substrate is based on leaf soil and peat compost with the addition of half a portion of sand. For the winter, they bury the branches high and bend them down if possible. Irrigate once a month, trim once every 5-6 years after flowering. Propagated by seeds after stratification and green cuttings, cultivation on a trunk is possible.

Important! The root collar is placed flush with the surface of the hole.


Barberries have a shrubby habit and grow up to 3.5 m. Thunberg barberry is more decorative than its ordinary counterpart, but less winter-hardy. The branches of common barberry are covered with gray bark and dotted with triple spines. Round or elongated small leaves dark green the edges are covered with serrations and cilia. By the end of spring, clusters of fragrant yellow buds appear and bloom for 15-20 days. In autumn, the fruits ripen, and the crown begins to blaze with crimson hues. The color, shape and size depend on the variety, but most often they are burgundy and elongated.

Common barberry has variegated cultivars - low-growing Albo-variegata with white spots, Atropurpurea with purple foliage, Aureomarginata with yellow edging and specks. Thunberg barberry has many varieties, but the most valuable are the yellow-leaved hybrid Aurea and the Harlequin variety. Cultivars with different colored berries are also valued.

Barberries are unpretentious, light-loving, and not capricious in terms of soil, but are afraid of waterlogging. They grow on neutral substrates of sand and humus. Barberry is irrigated weekly, pruned in the spring, adjusting the crown and removing damaged branches. Feed once every 3-4 years with a complete mineral complex. Propagated by seeds and cuttings, root shoots.

Important! The berries of the Thunberg barberry are inedible, but they will serve as an excellent treat for birds.


The deciduous tall bush is equipped with double-edged thorns. The crown is dense, the shoots are purple in color. The flowers of different varieties are not only white, but also pink and even double, collected in dense shields. During flowering, an unpleasant smell of spoiled fish is felt. The graceful leaves turn red-orange with the arrival of autumn. The berries stay on the branches for almost 2 months, are large in size, orange, red or black, edible. It bears fruit irregularly from 8-9 years of age and is resistant to unfavorable agricultural conditions and drought. Prefers a sunny location and chalky soil with good drainage.

To stimulate the development of the bush type, immediately after planting it is trimmed to a stump, then trimmed every spring, giving the desired appearance. Irrigation once a month, fertilizing annually in the spring and during budding, the tree trunk circle must be dug up twice a year using a spade bayonet. Reproduction by seed, cuttings with heel, layering, grafting.

Rose hip

Everyone knows rose hips. Bushes up to 2.5 m high are covered with small thorns, bloom from early summer until August with bright five-petal flowers of pink, crimson, yellow or white. A lot of garden forms have been developed, which are usually called scrubs - park roses. The different colors of buds, degree of terry, and size make cultivated rose hips welcome guests in any territory. And how healthy red berries are, containing a lot of vitamin C!

Remember! The root system goes deep into the soil horizons, be sure to check the level groundwater. If necessary, equip the hole with drainage.

When arranging a planting hole, experienced gardeners recommend enclosing the walls with slate or plastic so that the roots do not spread too far. Rosehip loves the sun, can grow in partial shade, and is absolutely unpretentious. It is recommended to trim after 2-3 years from planting, water 3-4 times per season, and fertilize with organic matter three times. To obtain new specimens, seeds, root suckers, and cuttings are used.


A low deciduous bush up to one and a half meters high is very popular in ornamental gardening. His homeland is North America. The leaf blades are oval or rounded, 5-6 cm long, green above, bluish below. Dense flower clusters consisting of small pink flowers appear from mid-summer. It blooms for up to two months, very profusely. Gardeners are attracted to inedible snow-white fruits with a diameter of 5-10 mm. They stay on the branches almost until spring.

Fast growth rates, unpretentious nature, good regenerative ability, plasticity are the advantages of the snowberry. A lime substrate is suitable, partial shade, irrigation and fertilizing are optional. It can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering, or dividing the queen cell.

This is interesting! Even the birds do not eat the pulp of the snowberry, they only take out the seeds.

Frost-resistant shrubs for the garden: description, photos and names

The climate of different regions of Russia is very different. The sunny South with fertile lands and the temperate climate of the Central Strip are suitable for many plants. In the harsh Siberian and Ural winters, as well as other risky farming zones with a temperate continental climate, most luxurious sissies face imminent death.

Fortunately, there are also varieties that have a high or medium threshold of frost resistance. They are either completely unafraid of harsh winters, or will require minimal shelter during the dormant period. Currently, in the conditions of Central Russia, about 50 types of crops are used for gardening and park construction.

Know! A frost-resistant shrub with high decorative qualities is a welcome guest in every garden plot.

Decorative deciduous shrubs for the garden

Decorative deciduous varieties are highly valued in landscaping. Their foliage can be openwork, have a beautiful shape or color, and change their appearance throughout the growing season. The main advantage of this group is that it remains attractive throughout the entire season. They create bright spots and are often used to form flowery hedges, colorful pillows, and highlight the beauty of neighbors. Descriptions of plants with photos will help you choose a suitable garden resident. The most prominent representatives of this group include:

  • boxwood;
  • euonymus;
  • variegated turf;
  • vesicular carp;

Silver goof

Silver oleaster has a shrubby habit, a height of 1-3 m, a powerful rhizome that produces a mass of young shoots. The shoots are prickly reddish with silvery scales, the leaves are oval with a pointed apex up to 10 cm long. The silvery plates look beautiful against the background of bright branches. Even the bell-shaped flowers of the oleaster are silvery on the outside, yellowish on the inside, and are collected in 1-3 pieces in the axils. The oleaster blooms in mid-summer, sometimes forming a second wave of fragrant buds. The berries reach 1 cm in diameter; their color and taste resemble lingonberries, only sweeter.

Remember! Silver oleaster is unsuitable for creating hedges.

Elf is photophilous, resistant to dust, prefers loam and sandy loam, grows slowly, producing a mass of shoots from the rhizome, used for propagation along with seeds and cuttings. Looks great next to variegated cultivars and conifers. It does not require special care, but when planting it is better to install limiters in the hole.


The small-leaved, long-lived boxwood has been used for landscaping for a very long time. Its dense crown, consisting of sessile dark green foliage, is so plastic that it has found application in topiary art - sculpting green figures (pictured). Wild relatives have

woody habit and tall growth; cultivated varieties are represented by shrubs up to 3 m high. The unpretentious evergreen buxus is afraid of winter dry winds and spring burns, and overwinters only under snow. Young animals must be protected not so much from the cold as from the burning rays of spring.

Be carefull! The beautiful boxwood is poisonous and contains a lot of alkaloids.

Seed propagation is rarely used; summer or autumn cuttings are more often taken. Buxus is rightfully considered the king of the shade; even in full shade it feels great. The favorite soil should be loose, calcareous, fertile. Spring planting, regular irrigation and spraying, and mulching are preferable. In spring, the cover is removed gradually. Due to the slow development, the created green figure is adjusted every spring.


Euonymus is not so often found in dachas, but deserves attention. The euonymus genus includes deciduous and evergreen bushes with a height of 0.5 m to 10-12 m. The usual parameters are 2-2.5 m, there are creeping varieties and variegated ones.

The crown is dense, but at the same time openwork, densely branched. In summer, the small leaves are colored richly green, by autumn the crown “flashes up” with a bright fire, revealing a whole range of warm shades. After leaf fall, the garden is decorated with bright euonymus fruits; the seed material is poisonous. The bright red box with orange seedlings resembles a parachute, under which tiny parachutist seeds hang.

Know! Euonymus boxes are popularly called crow glasses.

Euonymus feels comfortable in partial shade and can withstand urban pollution. The substrate must be breathable, nutritious, and neutral. Euonymus does not tolerate stagnant moisture; after watering, the tree trunk circle is loosened and mulched. If the individual bushes well, severe shortening of the branches is acceptable. In the summer, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied, and fluff lime is applied for autumn digging. New individuals are obtained by dividing the queen cell, rooting cuttings or layering.


We will not return to the description of the dogwood, also known as dogwood. One has only to mention that the largest number of variegated cultivars is characteristic of white dogwood; the choice is truly enormous.

Caring for variegated turf has its own peculiarity. Experts recommend immediately cutting out the stems with regular leaf blades. Otherwise, desizing will occur and the crown will lose its decorative effect, becoming an ordinary bush.

Bladderwort viburnum

An incredibly beautiful representative of the flora has a bushy habit. Height 1.5-3 m, stems covered with flaking brown bark, gracefully drooping. The leaf blade, 3-4 cm long, is divided into 3-5 elliptical lobes with a serrated edge. Autumn outfit is golden. White or pink flowers are collected in fluffy inflorescences and bloom in summer. The viburnum leaf plant has a lot of variegated cultivars, for which it is highly valued by gardeners.

On a note! Big choice varieties of bladderwort allows you to create harmonious groups, bright hedges, lush spots on the lawn.

It is unpretentious to growing conditions, reproduces by cuttings, dividing the queen cell, and is resistant to gas contamination. Variegated hybrids need good lighting. The bladderwort does not like stagnant moisture and does not require special care.


Fieldfare has nothing to do with rowan, only the similarity of openwork foliage. In the fieldfare it is very large, imparipinnate, consisting of 9-12 pairs of leaves. The bush reaches a height of 3 meters, and in the fall it blazes with scarlet fire. The white corollas are collected in lush pyramidal panicles and last up to 30 days. Fieldfare grows very quickly, so young shoots should be removed in a timely manner, as well as withered panicles.

Requires moist, well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Grows well near artificial reservoirs and tolerates partial shade. Ideal for protecting land from erosion, a valuable honey plant. Fieldfare is propagated by cuttings. When caring for it, remember that you need to water regularly, as well as replenish the supply of nutrients.

In addition, the group of decorative deciduous plants includes variegated varieties and garden forms of some plants, i.e. the same crop can be classified into different groups. For example, barberry belongs to the fruit and decorative deciduous species; juniper, deutia and other representatives also have varieties with cream shades, which are considered to be decorative deciduous. Boxwood is included in the group of evergreen garden inhabitants.

Flowering shrubs for the garden

The largest group is considered to be beautiful flowering shrubs. Although most of them are distinguished by a gentle character, quite a lot of representatives can be selected for Central Russia; some will still require minimal protection in case of a snowless winter.

On a note! It also happens that the main species has a low threshold of frost resistance, and individual hybrids or varieties may well grow in more severe conditions. Forsythia is thermophilic, but its sister Forsythia oval winters well in the Moscow region.

Let's look at the main representatives of this group, used to decorate gardens, parks and cottages:

  • yellow acacia;
  • Forsythia ovata;
  • cinquefoil (cinquefoil, Kuril tea);
  • Viburnum Boule de neige.

Acacia yellow

Caragana, yellow acacia, pea - a shrub-type plant 2-3 m tall. The leaves are 5-8 cm long and compound, consisting of 6-8 pairs of small oval leaves, sitting on petioles of medium length. The flowers are large, yellow, collected in bunches of 2-5 pieces. The corolla is shaped like the perianth of a pea. Flowering occurs at the beginning of summer, lasts several weeks, is distinguished by its splendor and wonderful aroma. The buds attract bees, which collect early healing honey. After wilting, long beans are set.

Know! All parts of acacia are used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Wild relatives are common in the Urals, Altai, and Siberia. The harsh climate hardened the acacia and made it incredibly hardy. Therefore, caragana will not require special care from the gardener. Plant the acacia in the sun in sand-peat soil (3:1), deepening the root collar by 2-3 cm. If necessary, place drainage at the bottom of the hole. The amazing caragana tree in adulthood does not require fertilizing, because it intensively enriches the soil with nitrogen, like its relatives from the legume family. Water moderately but regularly, making sure to mulch the tree trunk circle.


Lilac is the most frequent guest of parks and squares. This large deciduous bush reaches a height of 2-8 m, and the trunks often thicken up to 15 cm. The trunk is covered with yellowish-brown fissured bark. The leaves are opposite, up to 10 cm long, oval with a pointed crown. They retain their shade until the leaves fall; in the South, the stems go under the snow with a green mass. Small fragrant flowers are collected in a lush pyramidal panicle. Flowering in May-June for up to three weeks. The color and shape of the corolla depend on the variety. There are lilac, violet and white petals. A two-nest box contains several winged seeds, which can be used to produce young shoots in addition to rhizome suckers and cuttings with a heel.

Know! Lilac is a long-living plant, very widespread, and partly poisonous. Fragrant essential oil is obtained from flowers.

Lilacs need a lighted area, protected from the icy wind. Young roots are sensitive to stagnant water, so planting in lowlands is excluded. A slightly acidic fertile substrate with moderate humidity is ideal for lilacs. It is usually planted in the summer on a cloudy day, which promotes better rooting. The pit is filled with a nutritious soil mixture of humus, ash, superphosphate, and garden soil. Moderate regular watering, a standard complex of fertilizers, loosening, mulching and shaping are the basis of care.


Spiraea is a gorgeous bush, the height of which depends on the variety and ranges from 5 cm to 2 m. Graceful stems droop under thick paniculate caps with a diameter of 3-7 cm. Corollas are white, pink, crimson. Spiraea can bloom for quite a long time, and with the right combination of spring-flowering and summer-flowering hybrids, continuity of this process can be achieved. In autumn, graceful leaves enhance the attractiveness of spirea, acquiring red, yellow, and orange shades.

Caring for spirea is not difficult. It is grown in the sun and propagated in any convenient way. The peculiarity lies only in pruning - those varieties that bloom in spring are pruned after the corollas wither, and summer-blooming ones only next spring.


Mock orange is the brother of hydrangeas. The bush, 2-3 meters high, is made up of densely leafy stems. The leaves are large, up to 10 cm long, ovate, pubescent below. In a flower brush there are 5-9 creamy goblet buds with a diameter of 2-3 cm. For the similarity of the aroma, the mock orange is nicknamed crown garden jasmine. The corollas fill the garden with fragrance from mid-summer for 15-20 days. There are variegated hybrids - Variegatus, Innocence, Aureus.

Know! The name was given to the plant because pipes and mouthpieces were previously made from it.

Bright sun, low groundwater, nutrient substrate. Planting without deepening the root collar, annual fertilization with slurry and minerals. Correct haircut- the key to lush flowering. The weaker the stem, the more it is shortened to stimulate development. Mock orange reproduces generatively and vegetatively.


Weigela is a beautiful Asian plant with large tubular-bell-shaped corollas 5 cm long, which are characterized by a red or pink color. Often blooms again. Height is 1.5-2.5 m; hybrids with different shades of foliage and buds are used in the culture. Winter hardiness is average; young animals must be covered with spruce branches. Cuttings take root easily.

An open, well-lit area, protected from the wind, is necessary for normal weigela vegetation. The Asian is demanding of the substrate; it needs loose, fresh soil based on leaf and turf soil. Does not tolerate waterlogging, but irrigation should be regular. Pruning after the buds have withered every 2-3 years. If a cold winter is forecast, take steps to keep your Asian guest warm.

Forsythia ovata

Forsythia, fosythia are a guest from warm Asia and Europe. An early flowering bush up to 2 m high. The branches are strewn with bright yellow bells long before the foliage - as soon as the snow melts. The herald of spring, forsythia is incredibly decorative. Buds with a diameter of up to 2 cm last for about three weeks. With the arrival of autumn, simple or trifoliate plates turn red, orange, and yellow.

On a note! Forsythia ovoid – the only kind a genus with high winter hardiness, valued for its early budding.

A bright, warm place in the country with well-fertilized calcareous soil and drainage in the hole is ideal for forsythia. Full mineral fertilizer is applied annually before flowering; additional watering is not needed. After flowering, cut off a third of each branch. For propagation, standard methods are used - cuttings, rooting of layering, sowing, dividing the queen cell.

Cinquefoil (cinquefoil, Kuril tea)

What can you say about the bush cinquefoil? Its main advantage is its incredible resistance to any conditions. Kuril tea grows even in permafrost conditions, but beautifully flowering hybrids are more delicate.

A deciduous bush with a height of 10 to 130 cm can grow upward or creep along the ground. The leaves are trifoliate or pinnately compound, consisting of 3-5 pairs of small oblong lobes. The bark is reddish, the branches and the underside of the blades are pubescent. Flowers with a simple five-petalled corolla sit singly at the top of the shoots or appear in bunches from June until the end of the season. The center is fluffy from a large number of stamens.

Cinquefoil needs an open, slightly shaded place with fertile soil and mandatory drainage. The land is fertilized annually, watering 3-4 times per season with mandatory mulching and loosening. Haircut every 3-4 years. It takes root easily and quickly by cuttings and layering. An excellent solution for growing as a ground cover or low border.

Remember! Kuril tea is good for health; preparing raw materials is not difficult.


Kolquitzia is a relative of weigela and looks very similar to it. The height is about two meters, the branches are drooping, the bark is reddish-brown, flaky. The leaves are opposite, pubescent, and glow with bright colors in autumn. The bells are bright pink in corymbs with a diameter of 7 cm. Blooms in summer for 3-4 weeks. The best varieties are Rosea and Pink Cloud. Does not propagate by seeds, cuttings do not root very well, layering - perfect option obtaining young colonies.

Early autumn frost can take immature wood by surprise. Openwork partial shade, light sandy loam without stagnant water, normal care - everything that the colquisia needs for development. She is as beautiful as a tapeworm near a pond.

Viburnum Boule de neige

Viburnum is a beautiful representative of the flora, decorative with fruits, leaves that turn purple in autumn, and even flowers. One of the varieties is “Boule de neige”, which translates from French as “snow globe”. This cultivar is very popular among gardeners because it forms spherical snow-white inflorescences consisting of sterile flowers. Flowering occurs in late spring and lasts 2-3 weeks.

Important! Viburnum will require chemical protection with systemic insecticides against the viburnum leaf beetle.

Place snow globe select well-lit, moisture-saturated soil with acidic soil - ideal for placement near artificial pond. Maintenance is simple and consists of annual fertilization, loosening, and abundant regular irrigation. Viburnum Boule de neige is propagated vegetatively, sometimes cultivated on a trunk, and every few years it is pruned into a stump for rejuvenation.

Beautifully flowering frost-resistant varieties include park rose- scrub In fact, it is a cultivated rose hip, so the description and requirements for cultivation are the same. Scrubs are the most winter-hardy roses, do not need shelter, and have a lot of varieties with different corolla colors and degrees of terry.

Deutzia is a wonderful representative of the flora, with a height of 50-250 cm. It blooms early and very profusely, the buds are white, pink, bell-shaped, drooping, and have no smell. An unpretentious, light-loving, drought-resistant plant deserves attention, but is extremely unstable to cold weather.

In the Moscow region it regularly freezes above snow cover, recovers quickly. For the same reason, hydrangea is not considered a frost-resistant species. Even tree-like and paniculata hydrangea in the middle zone it often freezes without shelter. Although fluffy white clouds look incredibly attractive, it is better to grow hydrangeas with the organization of a winter shelter.

Coniferous ornamental shrubs - photos and names

What gardener doesn’t want to add mystery to the site, remind of its closeness to nature, and preserve rich green tones in any season. Low-growing conifers of shrubby habit are ideal for this purpose. They will highlight decorative foliage and fruit cultivars and enhance the colors of flowering varieties. With proper care, conifers will decorate the area for a very long time. This subgroup includes:


The oldest plant in the form of a bush-like tree 1-2 meters tall. The needles are flat, curved without edges. Different representatives of the genus have needle lengths from 3 to 10 cm. The fruits look like berries. The stems are densely dotted with needles. Yew berries are blue, scarlet, and brownish-brown. Inside are elongated angular achenes. Yew is dioecious and monoecious. The Aurea variety has yellow needles.

Be carefull! Of all the parts of the yew, only the acetum does not contain toxic compounds.

I rightfully call yew the king of the shadow. It blooms in spring and grows vigorously in good light. Wet soils containing lime are made from peat, turf soil and sand. Drainage of the hole is required, the location of the root collar is flush with the surface of the hole. 10 liters of water are irrigated monthly; yew loves sprinkling. Showers are provided twice a month. Yew needs loosening, mulching, and crown shaping. Mineral nutrition is applied in the spring, and the young animals are wrapped in spruce branches. It is easy to propagate yew by seeds after stratification and cuttings.


Monoecious thuja bushes are made up of flat branches. The young are covered with needles; in adults they are replaced by flat, scaly needles. Growth depends on the species; shoots 30-80 cm high are most often used. The cones are elongated-oval, covered with imbricated scales, 8-15 mm long. The achenes are equipped with wings and germinate well after stratification. However, garden hybrids are propagated only vegetatively - by cuttings with a heel.

Thuja grows well provided a drainage layer is laid in the sun or partial shade. The place should be protected from blowing, the root collar should not be buried. Any type of soil is suitable, but minerals must be added when planting. They are cared for in the same way as yew, but irrigated weekly.

Important! Young shoots must be covered with lutrasil before changing needles to avoid spring burns.


In the genus of junipers there are specimens of large sizes, but cultivated forms are up to 2 m tall. The crown is ovoid or conical; when shaped, it can be given any appearance. The brownish-red branches have fissured, peeling bark. The needles are triangular, prickly, collected in whorls of 3, and are replaced every 4 years. It begins to bloom at 7-10 years of age and bears fruit with bluish cones. The cones mature in 2-3 years and contain 1-2 seeds.

Important! Juniper needs a sunny place so that the bush does not grow loose.

Undemanding to substrate fertility, drought-resistant. You need to water 3-4 times during the growing season, and spray weekly. The shelter is built only for the first wintering. Cultivars reproduce vegetatively - by cuttings with heels, layering. Slow growth and intolerance to smoke reduce its potential for use in landscaping.

Evergreen ornamental shrubs

There is not even any debate about the merits of evergreen garden inhabitants. They are welcome guests of any site, because they maintain their beauty all year round. In the spring, while their neighbors are intensively increasing their green mass and preparing to delight with lush flowering, evergreen representatives are already bringing aesthetic pleasure. As soon as the snow melts, just correct the appearance by cutting it, the bushes will immediately take on a beautiful appearance.

Such representatives often come from tropical countries, so they are not frost-resistant. The following will feel comfortable in the Middle Zone:

  • pachysandra apex;
  • boxwood


Heathers are very widespread in Europe; cultivated varieties of them are grown in Russia, differing in size, color of flowers and foliage. Heather is a low bush 20-70 cm tall. Forms a compact dense crown of small scale-like leaves. The plates are triangular, there are no petioles, the color is dark green, the bark is brown. The flowers are most often lilac or pink, rarely snow-white. They are collected in thick one-sided brushes 15-20 cm long. Heather begins to bloom in mid-summer for about two months, grows very slowly, is durable, and is a good honey plant. It is reproduced by seeds, cultivars are propagated by cuttings.

Know! Tart heather honey is very valuable, contains flavonoids, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Heathers are mycotrophs and obtain food through symbiosis with fungi. They easily tolerate partial shade and require good drainage of the planting hole. It develops well near tall neighbors, prefers acidic soils (pH 4.5-5.5) based on peat, sand, and pine litter. It is important to choose correctly planting material, it is better to buy plants in containers where the mycelium on the roots is already well formed. In hot weather, it is advisable to spray the heather every evening and ensure that the substrate does not dry out.

Pachysandra apex

Pachisandra is a guest from Asia. The bush is equipped with a long rhizome. Forms a low growth (30-35 cm) of three tiers of leaves. Each “floor” is an annual increase. The leaves are sessile, ovate with a carved edge. The surface of the plate is glossy, rich green. Variegated varieties with a white border are prized.

Pachysandra is the queen of shade; in the sun, greenery quickly fades, loses color, and suffers from spring burns. Asian soil needs loose soil, the composition is not particularly important. Diseases and pests avoid pachysandra; watering and fertilizing are not necessary. Reproduced by segments of rhizome. Valued for its thick cover and ability to grow in the shade.

Criteria for choosing a suitable variety, where to buy seedlings

How to choose the ideal crop to decorate your dacha or plant in your garden? It's not that easy! It is important to take into account a number of nuances and choose the right planting material. Some useful tips will help you cope with this difficult task:

  1. When choosing a variety, be sure to consider its relationship to cold weather. Some cultivars will overwinter well in the Moscow region, but will die in the Urals. Therefore, seedlings are purchased strictly according to the zoning rule.
  2. Be sure to think about the placement of the purchased “tenant”. Among the bushes described in the article there are slow-growing species that are not prone to proliferation, but there is also their opposite - real invaders that can quickly displace their neighbors.
  3. Growth rates are also important when located near buildings, because root system individual representatives of the flora can destroy the foundation, and the crown can create strong shading. There are ways to limit the violent nature - pruning and creating underground fences made of plastic and slate.
  4. Select plants to create a beautiful and practical composition. You can think about the placement yourself, contact a specialist (landscape designer) or use special programs for computer.
  5. It is recommended to purchase planting material only from nurseries located in your region. If you take seedlings from other regions or countries, they may not be adapted to the local climate and will take a long time to adapt.
  6. You should not buy seedlings with visible signs of injury and damage - broken branches, traces of pests, diseases.
  7. Pay close attention to the condition of the root system. Make sure that the roots are not overdried and that the earthen lump does not crumble.
  8. Do not take planting material older than 4 years, it takes root much worse. Avoid purchasing in markets, from hand, or at fairs.

Advice! Do not neglect the rules for pre-planting seedling treatment. Be sure to spray the planted plant with a fungicide. Quarantine - carefully monitor the development.

How to beautifully plant ornamental shrubs: basic placement rules

In order to admire the beauty of the garden year after year, you need to think through the design correctly. It is important not only to take into account the issue of color combination, correct selection flora, but also practical to organize the space of the existing plot. For proper placement, you can use special computer programs based on modeling a landscape project. They take into account the size and color scheme of each zone. Speaking about methods of placing various representatives of the flora, we distinguish single and group plantings, row plantings (alley, hedge), as well as vertical gardening.

To use the bush as a soloist in single plantings, select the most attractive specimens that have a beautiful habit, play with bright colors of the crown or have gorgeous flowering. A tapeworm is an individual located in an open space, away from neighbors and buildings. A majestic and lush appearance can be achieved due to the absence of struggle for territory, lighting and soil resources. As a tapeworm, tall specimens that are capable of developing a lush crown are usually selected. Spreading and drooping shoots look especially attractive.

Advice! A cozy clearing or green corner of the lawn will be decorated with classic garden figures, spherical bushes, and standard forms.

Group planting is already a composition. For it, you can select plants of the same species, but different varieties or different crops. In a group, 2-3 specimens are planted. The group can serve as a background or a bright spot, where the height gradually decreases from the center to the periphery. This technique is necessary to provide all parts with light. Groups can also be dense or sparse.

There are a lot of solutions for such a composition; every gardener can feel like an artist and creator when choosing the design of a plot. It is important to take into account the compatibility of the selected flora, growth rates, and organize planting in such a way as to ensure continuous decorativeness. If we are talking about decorative deciduous representatives, they are selected so that the colors are in harmony, and the autumn outfit glows with a bright fire of various colors. Beautifully flowering bushes are selected in such a way that flowering is continuous throughout the season.

It is not necessary to use only bushes in creating a group planting; a tree can serve as the center of the composition, and perennials can form the periphery. This technique is often used to create mixborders, design rockeries, and prefabricated flower beds. On an alpine hill, bushes can act either as a soloist in the center of the composition or serve as a background.

An alley is an excellent solution for decorating a large space. It creates an indescribable play of light and shadow, a mixture of colors and aromas. There are simple and complex alleys. The former consist of one row of homogeneous crops planted symmetrically. Complex alleys combine several rows of plants that differ in height and texture.

On a note! A spectacular alley is made from maples, holly, dogwood, viburnum, and rhododendron.

A hedge of ornamental shrubs

The hedge is a favorite tool garden design. It can hide from prying eyes, protect from dust, noise, zone space, and hide unsightly areas.

There are hedges consisting of one or several rows of specimens of different heights. There are also hedges that need to be given a strict shape by cutting and free-growing ones that require only sanitation. There are homogeneous and heterogeneous hedges, monochrome and colored, varying in height, color scheme, decorative qualities (flowering, evergreen, with beautiful foliage).

What type of crops should you prefer? It all depends on your taste and wishes, but there are still general requirements:

  • choose individuals with a high rate of green mass growth;
  • you need densely branching bushes;
  • small leaves are an advantage for forming a hedge;
  • The formation of a large number of root shoots is encouraged.

Be sure to take into account the growth rate, the need for formation, soil requirements, especially if we are talking about heterogeneous plantings. Try to choose flora with the same requirements for soil, watering, and lighting. A hedge can be used to protect an area - plant thorny bushes, for example, rosehip, hawthorn, barberry. Take the time and effort to shape your “green building”.

Remember! When planting a hedge, the standard distance between individuals is reduced by at least half. This technique will ensure the absence of “gaps”.

Beginning landscape designers should remember to follow the rules for planting various crops. In most climatic zones, planting is carried out in the fall, when the soil is warmed up and the humidity is at a optimal level. In the spring, they are planted only in regions with a harsh climate, so that the bushes have time to adapt to the new place and grow stronger. Planting dates are determined by climatic conditions and rooting ability. To calculate the optimal time, subtract from the date of expected frost the period required for a particular variety to take root.

Spring planting is carried out before the buds open, and the site, planting pit or trench should be prepared in the fall. When “filling” the pit with fertilizers, be sure to take into account the needs of the species and the initial state of the substrate.

Follow the planting pattern so that the flora does not suffer from lack of space. Short representatives will need 50-80 cm of free space, medium-sized ones will need about one and a half meters, and large and spreading ones will need as much as their crown occupies according to the description. Treat the seedlings before planting and do not forget to control the level of the root collar.

Important! Monitor the groundwater level, if necessary, construct drainage from broken bricks and crushed stone.

Remember that it is inadmissible to plant bulbous perennials near specimens with a superficial root system. The bulbs must be removed, divided, and planted annually, thereby injuring the roots of the neighbor. It is also important to take into account the height of neighboring individuals so as not to deprive them of the sun’s rays.


Decorative frost-resistant shrubs described in the article with photos and names - perfect solution for decorating a dacha in regions with harsh climates. Having selected seedlings according to taste and compatibility, you have a difficult path ahead in mastering landscape design. Ready composition at proper care It will please the eye for a very long time and will fully recoup the invested effort.

Video tips for choosing and planting winter-hardy shrubs

The article presents the 10 best winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer.
Also in the article you will find a description and care of flowering shrubs.

10 best winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer

(lat.Philadelphus) - a plant that most people know as “jasmine” - is
one of the most common and winter-hardy flowering shrubs for central Russia.
Mock orange has an incredible number of varieties, differing in different heights of the bush, size of flowers and shade of leaves.

Of the more compact varieties, the “Pearl” variety should be highlighted: the maximum height of the bush is about one and a half meters, the flowers are large, double.
Bushes of the "Snowstorm" variety reach two meters in height, and the flowers are smaller, but numerous,
it seems as if the bush is covered with snow. “Blizzard” can bloom for up to twenty days.

Flowering time: June—July (depending on the variety). Height: 1.5-2 meters.
Care: regular removal of old shoots (over two years); after flowering, removing damaged ones,
shoots directed inward; monthly feeding with humus or mineral fertilizer.

Lilac(lat.Syrínga) is an extremely common winter-hardy shrub in Russian gardens and without proper control and pruning it often grows to the size of trees.
To prevent this from happening and for the lilac to remain a profusely flowering and well-formed shrub, it requires regular pruning.
In early spring, when buds have appeared on the bush and future flowering branches are visible, identify a dozen strong shoots on the bush,
which will determine the shape of the bush, cut off all the rest.

In this case, it is better to shorten some external shoots to the border of the main branches.
Among the white-flowering varieties, the terry lilac variety "Alice Harding" is recommended,
from varieties with blue flowers The variety ‘Condorcet’ blooms most profusely and unpretentiously.

Of the classic purple varieties, the variety “Paul Thirion” (* “Paul Thirion”) blooms most luxuriantly.
All listed varieties are winter-hardy, flowering and decorative.

Flowering time: June. Height: 1.5-3 meters.
Care: after flowering, removal of damaged shoots directed inward; spring feeding three times with a solution of bird droppings at intervals of three weeks.

(lat.Chaenomeles japonica) is conditionally winter-hardy: this means that a harsh winter can damage the plant.
Those shoots that are above the snow level may freeze, and the plant will not bloom magnificently.
The decorative effect of the shrub is given not only by its beautiful flowering, but also by its flexibility to be pruned.

Every spring, sanitary pruning is required: all dry, lifeless shoots are cut off, including those damaged by frost.
The shaped formation of a bush can begin at the age of five, mercilessly removing shoots creeping along the ground and vertical or going deep into the bush.

But in no case should you cut off the horizontal shoots that form the “cap” of the bush.

After removing all unnecessary shoots, the remaining ones will be filled with more energy.
Upon reaching ten years of age, the Japanese quince bush is rejuvenated: the bush must be thinned out, reducing the number of branches to the ten strongest.

Flowering time: May, early June. Height: up to 1 meter.
Care: For more luxuriant flowering, the soil at the roots is loosened to a depth of 10 cm and the root area is mulched.

(lat. Spiraea) is a very attractive, profusely flowering shrub, extremely low maintenance.
There are two main varieties of spirea - spring-blooming and summer-blooming.
Spring-blooming spireas usually have numerous white flowers, under the weight of which the bush takes on a cascading shape.
All spring-blooming spirea undergo shoot pruning after flowering.

In May it blooms. Thunberg, in June - p. Arguta and s. Van Gutta.
Summer-blooming spirea have pink flowers, and their flowering usually begins in July.
Of the relatively miniature spireas, it is recommended to pay attention to varieties with. Japanese "Golden Princess" and "Shirobana" - their height is no more than 70 cm.
S. blooms for the longest time (from July to October). Billard, but such a shrub reaches a height of up to two and a half meters.

Flowering time: May-October (depending on the variety).
Height: 0.5 - 2.5 meters.
Care: the plant does well without fertilizers, only pruning is required; Spring-blooming spireas are pruned only for sanitary purposes after flowering.
Summer-blooming spireas are pruned from below in early spring from the fifth year of life.

(lat. Buddleja) deserves special attention during its flowering time alone.
There are not so many winter-hardy shrubs that bloom in autumn.
Although buddleia is heat-loving, it needs proper preparation for winter (hilling up, insulating roots, covering with spruce branches)
capable of surviving the average winter and pleasing to the eye next year with its flowering.

Flowering time: July—October. Height: 0.5 - 3 meters.
Care: sanitary pruning is necessary; reddened branches are removed; Curly haircut possible; for stimulation
growth - mineral fertilizers monthly; if the height of the bush has reached the desired level, it is enough to stop feeding; pay attention to preparing for winter.


Hydrangea(lat. Hydrangea) is more like a small tree, but it can also be formed into a shrub.
The easiest to care for and winter-hardy shrub is the Tree hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens), one of its popular varieties is “Annabelle”.
She also responds very positively to pruning.

In the fall, after flowering ends, all non-lignified branches and all thin shoots are cut off.

In the spring, with the beginning of spring work, fresh shoots are shortened to the outermost bud.
Other types of hydrangeas are no less popular - large-leaved, paniculate and petiolate.

Flowering time: Aug. Sept. Height: up to 2 meters.
Care: mandatory pruning; fertilizing with a special fertilizer for hydrangeas containing iron and magnesium.

(lat. Potentilla) is also known as " Kuril tea", this is a widespread plant.
All types of cinquefoil bush ( Potentilla fruticosa) are winter-hardy and not whimsical, so the choice depends entirely on color preferences.
For yellow-orange flowering, varieties “ Dakota sunrise», « Goldfinger», « Goldstar»,« Katherine Dykes» .
Of the white-flowering cinquefoils, one can note the varieties " Beani" And " Abbotswood", from pink - " Pink beauty».

Flowering time: May-August. Height: up to 1.5 meters.
Care: ensure good drainage in the soil; spring feeding mineral fertilizers;
in spring, shoots are shortened by about one-third of their length; In summer, regular pruning of weak shoots and faded inflorescences.

(lat. Rhododendron) - one of the most popular winter-hardy flowering shrubs,
but at the same time one of the most complex and so that rhododendron decorates the garden with its lush blooms as far as possible,
it is necessary to follow the secrets of its cultivation.

Rhododendrons have three varieties: evergreen, wintering (semi-evergreen) and deciduous.
When choosing a shrub for a garden in central Russia, you should focus on deciduous forms.
The most winter-hardy varieties are:

  1. "Lemon Lights"
  2. "Mandarin Lights"

If you still take a chance and try to grow evergreen rhododendrons in the garden, then choose better hybrid“Mikkei” (‘Mikkeli’)
Finnish selection, which has proven itself well recently.
Growing conditions vary depending on the variety, but the correct position is guaranteed.
there will be light partial shade during the hot part of the day (for example, shade from trees or gazebos) and protection from the wind (for example, a fence or wall of a house).

Flowering time: June July. Height: up to 3 meters.
Care: careful feeding after two years of age with slightly nitrogenous
fertilizers without calcium content; Organic acid can be added to the water for regular watering (1g/3l of water),
can be watered with rainwater heated in the sun; the ground around the bush must be mulched with peat and weeds must be removed manually;
removing dried inflorescences; It is better to cover it for the winter.

(lat.Calluna) is a low, creeping, winter-hardy shrub that usually blooms in late summer and early autumn.
The key to success in growing heather in the garden is the right soil.
Heather is a forest plant, which means it needs forest conditions: peat, sand, pine needles, sawdust.
Moreover, it is not enough to add a mixture of the above materials to regular garden soil,
The usual soil in the garden in the heather area must be completely replaced with one that suits it.
After replacing the soil, it must be moistened with a solution apple cider vinegar and water (100g/10l of water).
The most promising varieties are:

  1. "Allegro"
  2. "Mullion"
  3. "Alba Plena"

Flowering time: July—October. Height: half a meter.
Care: watering with oxidized water once a week; fertilizing in the spring with dry mineral fertilizers, scattering at the roots and mulching with bark.
Weeding out weeds as they appear.
Shrub pruning is carried out in early spring if it is necessary to give the future bush a special shape.
Although the heather itself spreads very decoratively; shelter for the winter with spruce paws.

Rose wrinkled (winter-hardy)

(lat.Rosa rugosa) is a wild winter-hardy flowering shrub, better known as “rose hips”.
This rose is unpretentious to soils, but prefers sunny places.
The two oldest varieties are popular:

  • snow-white terry "White Grootendorst"
  • burgundy-raspberry “Grootendorst Supreme”.

There are also hybrid varieties: yellow rose varieties:

  1. "Agnes"
  2. "Hansa" purple
  3. "Abelzieds" delicate pink flowers.

Flowering time: June July. Height: up to 2.5m.
Care: a young plant needs to be watered once a week, and after three years of age, watering is necessary only during the driest periods.
Feeding with organic matter and mineral fertilizers is extremely rare, no more than once a year in early autumn and only after two years of age.

To preserve decorativeness and abundant flowering Regular pruning is required from the third year after planting.

It is necessary to remove all weak branches, and pinch the tops of the remaining shoots to create a lushabout the bush; does not need shelter for the winter.

Frost-resistant flowering shrubs.Video

10 shade-loving flowering shrubs for the garden

A shady corner of the garden looks sad, overgrown with plants withering without sun.
But sometimes this is where you want to put a sun lounger and hide from the scorching rays of the sun.
These shade-tolerant shrubs will help you easily solve the problem:

Azalea is a beautiful flowering shrub that does not like bright sun.
It blooms in May, the abundance of flowers is impressive.
Quite demanding in care.

Privet is a beautiful, deciduous shrub.
Blooms in mid-summer.
The flower cluster is paniculate, white, with a rich aroma. Good haircut.
In the first years it grows very quickly.
Grows on any type of soil.
Requires shelter in winter with insufficient snow cover.

Barberry Thunberg is a very ornamental shrub, thanks to its leaves,
which change color throughout the summer.
In late autumn, the red-violet leaves fall.
Thorns grow on the trunk and branches.


Euonymus is a shrub with a beautiful openwork crown.
Blooms in spring, flowers are not impressive.
In September, the leaves change color, and in almost a week the bush blooms with all the colors of the rainbow.
Each leaf is painted in several colors.
And even after the leaves fall, until the very frost, euonymus delights the eye with the colorful fruits that look like earrings.

Mahonia holly is an evergreen shrub with glossy,
leathery, dark green leaves.
In spring it blooms with yellow flowers.
By autumn the leaves turn bronze.
Grows up to 1 meter.
Tolerates frosts well.

Rhododendron is one of the most beautiful deciduous flowering shrubs.
Low, about 60 cm.
Flowering begins in spring, along with the appearance of leaves.
Fragrant white star-shaped flowers with a barely noticeable pink tint are collected in brushes.
Beautiful green leaves turn sunny yellow in autumn.
Not afraid of frost.

Snowberry- unpretentious shrub with thin graceful branches. Blooms all summer.
Looks spectacular in the fall, strewn with large berries, most often white or pinkish in color.

Chubushnik - more often it is called garden jasmine for its white flowers, fragrant with an incredible aroma.
Most varieties and hybrids tolerate frost well and are unpretentious to the soil.

Having made a choice in favor shade-loving shrubs You can easily transform a shaded area of ​​the garden into a comfortable relaxation area.

Shade-tolerant trees and shrubs

Choosing perennial shrubs for your garden, you need to take into account their future dimensions, color, character and growth rate, texture and flowering time. Exactly flowering perennials give the garden a special decorative effect. And even after flowering, voluminous bushes create a backdrop for annual flowers or simply serve as a hedge.

Let's talk about the most popular flowering perennial shrubs, which, together with trees, will shape the image of your garden for many years.

In this article we reviewed the most interesting perennials from the point of view of landscape design. They can be planted alone or in groups. With their help you can decorate a house, fence or gazebo. Landscape designers often use them to create interesting compositions. So…

Blooming perennials

Perhaps the top three most popular plants in our gardens are lilac, jasmine and viburnum. These are large, colorful and luxurious perennial shrubs. They fill the garden with a wonderful aroma and create a saving shade.


Kalina- perennial unpretentious shrub. It is almost a symbol of the vast Russian expanses. Viburnum is mentioned in songs, poems, and films. Gardeners value it both for its decorative value and for its benefits. This perennial decorates the garden almost all season. In spring, viburnum blooms with large white caps, and in autumn it decorates the garden with bright red fruits. The benefits of all parts of this plant have been scientifically proven. They also love viburnum for its unpretentiousness. It easily tolerates shade and frost. Grows well in temperate climates of Europe and Asia. It is not surprising that this perennial shrub is so loved by many gardeners. They love it for its lush flowering, bright autumn foliage, and abundance of healthy berries.


Lilac is popular in almost every corner of the world. They love it for its unpretentiousness, aroma and lush beautiful flowering. A wide variety of species and varieties allow you to choose the lilac of the desired shade and flower shape for your garden.

However, not everyone knows about beneficial properties this perennial shrub. The buds, flowers, bark and leaves of the plant have medicinal properties. Infusions, decoctions, teas, compresses and ointments are made from lilac. The rejuvenating properties of a mask made from lilac flowers are known. Infusions help with colds, rheumatism and neuralgia.

In terms of use in landscape design lilacs will be at home in any garden. Mature lilac bushes look equally good in both solitary and group plantings. Also, lilac goes well with many other flowering shrubs, for example, mock orange (jasmine).


Syringa, which is so often found in our gardens, is not actually a true jasmine. Its correct name is mock orange. This perennial shrub, which we associate with jasmine, is rightfully considered a royal perennial. It is valued for the beauty of its flowering, aroma and unpretentiousness. Jasmine (mock orange) is considered one of the most beautifully flowering perennial shrubs. Indeed, a garden with blooming jasmine is an incredible sight. The height of these shrubs, depending on the region of our country, can reach from 1 to 4 meters. Several types of jasmine with different shades of flowers and different terms flowering.

For lovers of the unusual, you can take a closer look at the variety mexican jasmine, whose flowers smell like orange.


Hydrangea– magnificent blooming perennial shrub. Beloved by everyone, never going out of fashion for many years, luxurious - hydrangea really deserves all these epithets. During flowering it produces a truly spectacular sight. Gardeners value hydrangea for its variety of forms and wide palette of colors. Most types of hydrangea grow from 1 to 3 meters. Like many other perennials, hydrangea is good both in single planting and in a row. It is also valued for the fact that it blooms from spring to autumn. The amazingly beautiful inflorescences are also used in dry bouquets. This is a plant loved by florists. Despite its aristocratic appearance, hydrangea is not considered too capricious. This perennial shrub is quite easy to grow and care for and tolerates partial shade. You can read about growing methods.


Elder- a perennial shrub grown not only for decorative, but also for medicinal purposes. However, we must admit that elderberry is not as popular in our gardens as we would like. Possible reason- She's too tall. In the south it grows from 3 to 10 m. This deficiency can be controlled by proper pruning. As for decorativeness, elderberry has something to boast about. She has a lush, thick and curly crown. Elderberry blossoms are very spectacular. Blooms in May-June. Only black elderberry has edible fruits.

This perennial shrub is also famous for its aroma. The berries and inflorescences make excellent and healthy wines and jams. And black elderberry juice has tonic, antiviral, antipyretic, expectorant and antifungal properties.

There are, however, also unpleasant-smelling types of elderberry. They are used to repel pests, bedbugs and rodents.

Elderberry can be in the form of a bush or a tree. Tolerates shade well and is unpretentious. It is valued in landscape design as a fast-growing perennial with lacy foliage and expressive foliage.


Euonymus is very popular in ornamental gardening. This perennial shrub is equally good in both single and group plantings. It is valued for its attractive crown. The foliage is picturesque in both spring and autumn. There are varieties with spotted and edged leaves. The variety of ornaments makes the euonymus unsurpassed in decorating a site. It is widely used to decorate fences or outbuildings. And in autumn the garden literally glows with colors. Euonymus looks especially impressive against the backdrop of a green lawn at a time when other plants are dying off. For the same reason, landscape designers love to decorate with them. alpine coaster.

Today, many types of euonymus are known, among which there are tall and dwarf varieties. Creeping forms are interesting.

Euonymus comes in both shrub and tree form. This perennial is considered unpretentious. It tolerates pruning well and is resistant to adverse external conditions.


Budleya- a spectacular perennial shrub, reaching a height of 1.5-3 m. In landscape design, it is valued for its color palette, spreading shape and luxurious clusters of flowers. The color palette is very diverse, including rich orange and raspberry colors. Buddleia inflorescences, depending on the species, are in the form of a panicle or spherical. Because of its resemblance to lilac, buddleia is sometimes called autumn lilac. This perennial has earned another nickname - a magnet for butterflies, as beautiful large butterflies literally flock to the fragrant honey-bearing flowers. Among the variety of species, you can choose fairly winter-hardy buddleia varieties for your garden.

Budleya is widely used in landscape design. It blooms almost from spring to autumn, which undoubtedly expands the possibilities of garden decoration. Buddleia looks especially beautiful as a solo plant or against the background of green conifers.

This perennial also has one interesting feature - on the bush you can simultaneously see buds, open flowers, and fruits.


Spirea- an elegant perennial shrub with arching branches. Rarely exceeds 2 m in height. There are weeping, pyramidal, creeping, cascading and erect forms. Spiraea also differ in the shape and color of the leaves. There are many varieties that are valued for their original decorative foliage.

Spireas are divided into 2 types - spring-flowering and summer-flowering. Thanks to this diversity, these perennials widely used in landscape design. Experts advise using different types of spirea in creating compositions - with different colors and different flowering periods.

Weeping and creeping forms of spirea look good in single plantings. Low-growing species perfectly decorate alpine slides and borders.

Even in winter, spirea look beautiful against the background of snow. Spireas with decorative foliage are good for the winter garden.


Wisteria, or wisteria, is a charming tree-like vine native to East Asia. Unfortunately, it is not widespread throughout our country due to cold intolerance. However, we have already learned how to grow it in the south or in a greenhouse. It's luxurious perennial with cascades of hanging inflorescences has captivated many gardeners. In Japan, a walk through a garden with fragrant blooming wisteria is called heaven.

In landscape design, wisteria is used to decorate gazebos, terraces, trellises and other household buildings. Even the most inconspicuous old barn, entwined with beautiful wisteria, turns into a luxurious landscape object. This perennial vine deservedly called the queen among all garden vines. Abundant and long flowering, sweet aroma and clouds of delicate colors leave no one indifferent.

In its homeland, wisteria can reach 20 m. Therefore, reliable shelter for the winter in our latitudes is the most difficult task for gardeners. Also, wisteria (wisteria) is successfully grown in tubs and as a standard tree. But still in vertical gardening this perennial plant has no equal.


Rhododendron- a magnificent perennial flowering shrub, including about 800 species of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs. Translated from Greek, rhododendron means “rose tree.” In free plantings it is found mainly in south-east Asia, on mountain slopes and sea coasts.

The variety of species allows you to choose specimens with very small flowers and large ones up to 20 cm in diameter. There are creeping shrubs. Rhododendron is popular not only because of its amazingly beautiful flowers. It has beautiful colorful decorative foliage that changes shades in the autumn.

Rhododendron is also an excellent honey plant, although beekeepers have a special opinion on this matter. It is believed that the nectar collected from rhododendrons is “drunk”. The bees literally get drunk when collecting such honey. Therefore, many beekeepers do not like to locate their apiaries in the area where these plants grow. the most beautiful perennials. Although many argue that it all depends on the variety of rhododendron.

This flowering shrub has earned its fame as a royal flower over the centuries. Many experts compare its beauty with the queen of flowers herself - !

This is a true aristocrat among flowering perennials. And like all beauties, rhododendron has a rather capricious disposition. Growing it is quite troublesome. He has special preferences for soil composition, air humidity, planting location and amount of light.

However, more and more people want to plant rhododendron in their garden every year. In the end, he rewards the most persistent ones with lush and amazingly beautiful blooms, pleasing almost all summer.

Rhododendrons are good in both group and solitary plantings. Look great when creating hedges and on the lawn. Landscape designers recommend planting low-growing varieties of this perennial on rocky hills and as a border plant.


Honeysuckle represents perennial shrub, both upright and climbing. This is a very beautiful plant, widely used in landscape gardening and decorating alleys and gazebos. Climbing honeysuckle creates charming hedges and is perfect for terrace landscaping. The most common types of honeysuckle in our country bloom from late May to mid-June.

The variety of varieties of decorative honeysuckle allows you to choose a variety for your garden in the form of shrubs, trees and vines. Gardeners value this plant for the delicacy of its flowers and rich colors. It is believed that once you try to grow honeysuckle, you will never give it up.

IN last years Growing edible honeysuckle became popular. It is a shrub up to 2 m high. The berries are healthy and tasty, with a slight sourness. Some sources say that honeysuckle is even superior to blueberries and blackberries in terms of the content of useful substances.


Clematis (clematis) is a very popular flowering perennial. This is a fast-growing wintering and greenhouse plant. It can be in the form of vines or shrubs. In Russia, clematis appeared in the 19th century, and were first grown as greenhouse plants.

Over almost 2 centuries, breeders have created many varieties and species that differ in many respects. In some clematis, the flowers are collected in a semi-umbrella, in others in a panicle or shield. There are small-flowered clematis with a flower diameter of up to 5 cm. There are large-flowered ones with a diameter from 6 to 25 cm. The color of the flower is very diverse - pink, white, crimson, lilac, purple and even almost black.

Semi-shrub clematis have a lignified lower part that successfully winters and an upper part that dies off annually. This perennial has the ability to cling to the branches of bushes, trees and various supports, securely entwining them with its cuttings.

Clematis is rightfully considered one of the favorites in landscape design. These charming vines quickly and beautifully decorate walls, balconies, gazebos, arches, fences and roofs. They are loved for the unusual and bright colors, for their wonderful aroma and unpretentiousness. This perennial allows you to create complex garden compositions together with other plants, enriching the garden pattern.

The ideal combination is clematis with roses. If you want to truly enjoy the blooms of these magnificent flowers, choose varieties of roses and clematis that bloom at the same time. Other classic options combinations - clematis with hydrangea, budley, hops and barberry.


Shrub rose – perennial worthy of writing entire treatises. Within the framework of this article, we can only talk about it in passing. This is the favorite plant of all gardeners. There is probably no garden in which a rose would not grow.

The Queen of the Garden, beautiful and diverse, has captivated kings and ordinary gardeners all over the world since ancient times. Its fame as the most luxurious plant in the world has firmly established itself.

All types of roses are widely used in landscape design - climbing, standard, bush, hybrid tea, ground cover, polyanthus and miniature. All of them perfectly decorate small gardens, grandiose parks, small romantic corners and large garden compositions.

In terms of beauty and aroma, this perennial is one of the most perfect among ornamental flowering plants. Such a variety of bright and delicate shades of color and scent belongs only to roses.

No wonder this royal plant decorates gardens in many countries around the world. Roses are good both on the edge of the lawn and in the center of the lawn, against the background of coniferous plants and in combination with other shrubs, such as clematis. They look good against the background of stone, forged metal or wood.

Pyramids of roses, arches and even whole pink walls- all these are excellent options for using roses in garden design. And some experienced gardeners create entire streams of ground cover roses in their gardens!

Rose hip

Rose hip- probably the most common perennial shrub in our gardens. It is grown both as a source of healthy berries and as a hedge. The rose hip is a close relative of the rose and is a wild shrub. Forming extensive thorny thickets, it reliably protects the fence from uninvited guests. In spring, this perennial blooms with simple but very pretty flowers.

In the fall, it gifts its owners with healthy red berries, which are valued by their medicinal properties. The fruits left on the rose hips serve as excellent food in winter and enliven the winter garden.


Thorny hawthorn bushes allow you to create a real impenetrable fence. A mature bush sometimes reaches 5-6 m. Hawthorn bushes can become a real obstacle not only for uninvited guests, but also for neighboring pets. Hawthorn needs regular pruning. If not trimmed, it can turn into impassable thickets.

Hawthorn is also planted in the garden for its healthy berries. They have long been attributed to both medicinal and magical properties. They healed heart diseases and drove away evil spirits. Due to its rich unique composition, hawthorn fruits are also used in official medicine.

Mahonia holly

Mahonia holly– evergreen perennial shrub. Thanks to its greenery, mahonia decorates the garden all year round. The leaves are naturally spiny and glossy. Their rich color goes well with the yellow flowers that appear in the south of our country in late autumn. In colder latitudes, flowering begins in the spring. This is an incredibly decorative shrub that decorates the garden both in winter and summer. Mahonia berries and flowers look especially impressive against the backdrop of a blazing autumn garden. As green berries ripen, they acquire a dark purple color with a bluish tinge. Clusters of berries are similar to clusters of grapes and ripen towards the end of summer.

Mahonia holly is often used in landscape design. Thanks to his unusual looking, she alternately pleases her viewers with foliage, clusters of blue berries, and bright yellow inflorescences. This perennial looks great as a single plant, as a lawn plant, as an addition to a stone composition, or as a hedge.

Besides, Mahonia- a very useful plant. The berries contain a lot of vitamin C, the roots have antibacterial properties, which is why they are widely used in folk medicine.


Weigela– an ornamental perennial shrub from the honeysuckle family. This beautiful flowering plant It was very popular with both gardeners and landscape designers. Weigela is valued for its high decorative properties. The ability of weigela to bloom twice per season allows you to create diverse compositions. The first abundant flowering occurs in May-June, captivating all spectators with its grandeur. Flowering is long lasting, lasting almost a month. Second time this perennial blooms in early autumn, revitalizing an already tired garden. Some varieties of weigela have a wonderful smell. The specificity of this plant is large, tubular, drooping flowers with an unusual color. So one flower can have several shades of color at once.

This perennial is unusually good in both single and group plantings. It is often grown as a hedge. Due to the spreading crown with beautiful leaves weigela looks decorative even after flowering.

Weigela- perennial with different dimensions. Depending on the variety, it can reach a height of 30 cm to 3 m, and a diameter of up to 4 m. Therefore, these features should be taken into account when creating landscape compositions. By combining different varieties, you can create a real garden of continuous flowering.

Usually weigela blooms immediately after lilac. Surrounded by noble conifers, weigela looks even more beautiful. Low-growing varieties perfectly revitalize rocky areas. If you have weigela growing in groups, then experts recommend filling the space between the bushes with herbaceous perennials: astilbe, hosta, ferns.


Snow-white beauty - this is how this place is often called perennial shrub with whites or pink flowers. It belongs to the genus Hydrangeaceae and contains about 50 species. Deutzia is a deciduous perennial with a spreading or erect form. Some deutias are used as border plants, others for small group plantings. But there are varieties that are perfect for a solo role.

In landscape gardening, deutsias have deservedly acquired their loyal fans. Gardeners value them for their extraordinary decorativeness, abundant and very spectacular flowering. It is not without reason that many outstanding florists compare the beauty of deutsia with roses and hydrangea.

This perennial is native to East Asia. And this, of course, leaves some imprint in terms of care. Deytsia are demanding of the place where they grow and the soil; they do not like frequent watering. And yet, difficulties do not stop fans of this beautifully flowering perennial. Deytsia looks picturesque in different compositions. It is good next to, with weigela, with forsythia, and also against the background of a brick wall. If you want to give your garden some exoticism and mystery, pay attention to the eastern snow-white beauty Deutzia.

Evergreen shrubs for hedges

Gardeners valued green fences centuries ago and now. We all remember from films walking through palace parks, divided into sections by such hedges. This is truly a magnificent, luxurious spectacle where greenery in all its shades plays the main role.

In our climatic zones, to achieve year-round admiration of the garden, evergreen perennial shrubs are planted. If you plant deciduous plants as a green fence, you need to understand that in winter you will have to see bare trunks. The choice, as always, is yours.

When choosing evergreen shrubs, you need to take into account the fact that they all have their own maximum height level. There are low and medium borders, and there are really high green walls. Conifers grow very slowly. Therefore, here you need to either be patient or plant expensive mature plants.

Deciduous perennials also have their advantages. They grow faster, and some even bloom. Everyone tolerates a haircut just fine. As for the “winter” appearance, the winter color of the bark also has its own zest and looks interesting against the background of snow.

Thuja, juniper, dogwood, boxwood, cherry laurel, Japanese holly, holly and broadleaf kalmia are excellent choices for creating an evergreen wall. They all have their own characteristics of cultivation and formation.

But with the main goal of protecting the garden from dust, wind and prying eyes, as well as being an ideal backdrop for other plants, the hedge does an excellent job.

Photos of perennial shrubs

To decorate the garden, it is enough to grow several ornamental shrubs on the site. They can transform paths and open areas, as well as delight the eye with bright colors. Shrubs can be either flowering or non-flowering. Their varieties will be discussed further.

In order for a decorative flowering shrub to fit well into the garden landscape, it is necessary Consider several important criteria:

  • Decorativeness. This key moment, which must always be remembered. All shrubs differ in their height, crown shape, color of leaves and flowers.
  • Height. You must always pay attention to the compositional structure of the garden. So, in a small area it is better to plant compact varieties that do not have a spreading crown. If you want to make from shrubs hedge, then fast-growing tall crops are suitable. At the same time, you need to make sure that the crown will look beautiful at any time of the year.
  • Features of cultivation. Climatic conditions play an important role. So, some varieties feel good in semi-shaded areas, while others begin to bloom only in bright light.

It's best to choose unpretentious plant. It must be remembered that a flowering shrub for a garden should ideally bloom for at least 2 seasons.

Most gardeners advise purchasing seedlings with a closed root system. Such trees can be planted not only in late spring, but also in late autumn, as well as in winter.

Choosing ornamental shrubs depending on the season


The following shrubs are ideal for cold regions and the middle zone:

In regions with a mild climate, it is worth planting camellias, rhododendrons, magnolias, witch hazel and azaleas.


  • Weigela. Flowering is observed throughout the summer.
  • Barberry. In early June, bright yellow flowers appear on the plant. In their place, red berries are formed in the fall. Barberry foliage has a beautiful dark color burgundy shade.
  • Hydrangea. Blooms in mid-summer. The buds can have different shades: white, purple, pink and burgundy. The decorative appearance of the shrub lasts until October-November.
  • Mackerel leather. In summer, the plant is covered with a huge number of small flowers, which is why the shrub is often called smoky. On sale there is a variety called Royal Purple, the leaves of which change from burgundy to bright orange in the fall.


  • Paniculata hydrangea. It is distinguished by its durability and frost resistance. Its decorative properties last for 20-30 years.
  • Euonymus. In summer, crimson flowers appear on the bush, and with the onset of autumn, the foliage turns purple.
  • Rowan. This shrub is considered decorative throughout the year.


Not only evergreen conifers, but also shrubs with an original crown are ideal for winter. For example, it could be white derain, whose bark takes on a bright red hue with the onset of cold weather. Plants that have a lot of bright berries on their branches also look great in the winter garden. It's about about holly, rosehip and yew berry.

Landscape design and flowering shrubs

Similar crops in the garden can be plant with tapeworm, that is, one by one. However, they will not always look good, so most gardeners prefer to plant 3 shrubs side by side. They are positioned so that the most tall plant was at the back, and the lowest was at the front. You can revive the composition with the help of low-growing flowers, large stones or ornamental grasses. The ensembles look advantageous next to the terrace, pond or near the path. With their help you can hide a blank wall or part of a fence.

Decorative flowering shrubs for the garden


Before planting a flowering shrub, you must choose appropriate place in the garden. It should be remembered that plants with red and bicolor leaves need good lighting, because such interesting shades will be invisible in the shade. You should also take into account the requirements for soil, humidity and air temperature.

Before planting, it is necessary to mark the site where the plants will be located. Then you need to carefully remove upper layer soil and place it on film. Next we prepare planting pits, the size of which should be 2 times the size of the root system. A mixture of garden soil, peat and humus is laid out at the bottom of the hole. In some cases, adding a small amount of sand is recommended. You can also apply mineral or organic fertilizer. The holes are watered with water and wait until it is completely absorbed.

The seedlings are carefully placed in the hole, and then the resulting composition is evaluated. If everything suits you, then you just need to fill the hole with earth, compact it and make a small roller, which will help prevent water from spreading when watering. After this, the bushes are watered and the soil is mulched.

Spectacular flowering shrubs

  • Rose. This is a rather capricious plant that will require a lot of effort to care for. Beginning gardeners should give preference to park varieties, which are quite unpretentious. Their downside is that they bloom once per season. The most beautiful varieties include Shevchenko, Hansa and Ritausma.
  • Jasmine. Such shrubs show off in almost every garden. Flowering is observed already at the beginning of summer. So, many snow-white flowers appear on the branches. In landscape design, plants are used to decorate alleys and create hedges. The ornamental shrub is considered shade-tolerant, but the most abundant flowering is observed only on plants that are planted on sunny area. The most beautiful varieties are considered to have an architectural crown shape. These are pyramidal jasmine and the Virgin variety.
  • Bladderwort. A medium-sized shrub, whose height is 1.5-2 m, is ideal for creating hedges. The plant has burgundy and green leaves, red-brown bark and interestingly shaped inflorescences. The bush can be trimmed periodically, so its decorative appearance is maintained throughout the year. The fruits of the plant look especially beautiful, the color of which varies from green to rich red. The most popular varieties are Diabolo, Summer Vine and Coppertina.
  • Rhododendron. Such shrubs are often used to create various compositions in the garden. The most decorative varieties are Blue Peter, Alfred and Violetta.
  • Deren. This shrub is very popular among gardeners. Its height often reaches 3 m. The characteristics of the plant are considered to be coral-red branches and a bluish coating on the shoots. Flowering occurs at the end of May and lasts until the beginning of autumn. The inflorescences resemble panicles and umbrellas. In autumn, the shrub still remains decorative, as its foliage changes its shade to bronze-crimson. In winter, a plant with dark brown shoots looks impressive against the backdrop of evergreen conifers and white snow. Derain can be planted singly or in a composition. He tolerates haircuts well. The most decorative varieties were Gold Star, Rubra and Cherokee Princess.
  • Lilac. The plant needs regular pruning, otherwise it will grow excessively. So, at the beginning of spring, it is necessary to leave 10 powerful shoots that will set the shape, and the remaining branches should be cut off. After flowering has finished, all damaged shoots must be removed. In spring, fertilizing is required three times. A solution of bird droppings is ideal for this purpose. The best varieties are considered to be Alice Harding, Condorcet, Paul Thirion.
  • Japonica. Although this plant is considered conditionally frost-resistant, it can suffer from severe cold. So, shoots that are not hidden under the snow will freeze, which means there will be no abundant flowering. At the beginning of spring, sanitary pruning is carried out: all dry and damaged shoots are removed. At the age of 5, you can begin to form a curly bush. In this case, horizontal shoots cannot be trimmed. 10 years after planting, the bushes need to be rejuvenated. Only 7-10 strong branches are left on them. Japanese quince blooms in late spring.
  • Buddleya. This shrub blooms from mid-summer to October. Although the plant is considered heat-loving, it can survive the average winter if properly prepared for cold weather. Buddleia needs sanitary pruning. You can also have a curly haircut if desired.
  • Bloodroot. The shrub is considered unpretentious and winter-hardy. Flowering occurs from May to August. The plant needs good drainage, fertilizing in early spring and regular pruning of faded blossoms in summer. The best varieties are Goldstar, Abbotswood and Pink Beauty.
  • Heather. It is a creeping shrub that blooms in late summer and lasts until September. In order for the plant to develop well, it is necessary to prepare the right soil. It should be a mixture of sand, sawdust, peat and pine needles. You can water heather only with oxidized water. For the winter, the plant is covered with spruce paws. The most beautiful varieties are Million, Allegro and Alba Plena.

Ornamental shrubs are the best decoration for any garden. From them you can create group compositions, flower alleys and hedges. To create a garden of continuous flowering, it is necessary to plant several different species and varieties that bloom at different times of the year.
